##VIDEO ID:iqQxhHsela0## special meeting um Wednesday September 18th it's approximately 4:30 we're going to go ahead and call the rooll on Madame secretary followed by the royal pledge of allegiance and then we'll get to the action thank you Mr chairman it's 4:41 p.m. chairman Del here Vice chair estimate Ur pres board member Calvin here board member Timothy board member Charles pres chairman you have a COR to proceed thank you so much the pledge pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay Madam executive director item one you need to read sorry a resolution of the chair and board members of the north Miami community community redevelopment agency authorizing the executive director and nmc attorney to negotiate and finalize an interlocal agreement with the city of North Miami for the funding of the purchase of the Scott Galvin Center by the city of North Miami in the amount of $5 million authorizing the executive director to execute the interlocal agreement with the city of North Miami authorizing the executive director to take all actions necessary to implement the terms of the interlocal agreement and providing an effective date good afternoon this item is just to um facilitate the transfer of funds from the nor Miami CR over to the city of North Miami to facilitate the purchase of the Scott galin Center in this fiscal year so we wanted to make sure it was on this agenda that way if it is approved then the is reflected in the budgetary items that follow so move second I have a motion made by board member Charles seconded by board member Galvin all in favor I all oppose motion carries 40 thank you ma'am um item two okay item number two a resolution of the chair and board members of the north Miami community redevelopment agency approving the fiscal year 2023-2024 amended budget authorizing the executive director to dra transmit the fiscal year 2023 through 2024 amended budget to the city of North Miami and Miami day County authorizing the executive director to take all actions necessary to complete the approval process for the fiscal year 2023 2024 amended budget with the city of North Miami and Miami day County and providing an effective date um thank you so much Mr attorney can we item two in in three can can she read them both or they separate no they're separate they're separate items they're separate resolutions so you should you should consider them separately so the the the item two is is the current Year's amended budget okay so that that's the part that I didn't Yeah so basically maybe I should say it's like it's like last year's budget amended to reflect the actual the ACT okay that was and the executive director will go over that with you got it got it got it okay there is a presentation thank you and so this presentation this evening is going to mirror very closely the presentation that was presented at the workshop last week however based on the uh direction of the board there were certain Financial changes that were made that will be shown this evening um as we mentioned this was a very pivotal year for the CRA this was the year that we secured our debt financing of 52.2 $4 million and we received our a rating by S&P local um Global we were able to complete 24 residential projects and currently have 22 more projects in progress and also completed 10 sprinkler projects commercially we were able to fund seven small businesses through the the commercial grant program and we also completed our funding of two large scale developments which added 408 units of housing to the nmc boundaries additionally we did begin our capital projects by including the installation of two Gateway signs and the rehabilitation of the I95 sign we funded Library top lot improvements and began Renovations at Liberty Park and we are also in the conclusion of the design phase for pioner Boulevard which is an ongoing Capital project for the CRA we also funded different programs that are um annual programs which are the mocha arts on the Plaza and education programs the women's empowerment luncheon government week and the teach to fish business Summit we also did our community in and policing Innovation by funding the Flop program through the police department for our priority corridors West XC Highway being one of them we did a streetscape analysis and funded seven businesses through the West Dixie small business Tech Grant and also with Northwest 7th Avenue which is another priority Corridor which has its own dedicated um funding source we were able to begin a lot of planning strategically for long-term and short-term needs for the long-term needs we did a Redevelopment strategy for the corridor along with an action plan for to attract National retailers to um beond the corridor and to meet the needs of the small businesses that are on that Corridor we launched the bis boost program which funded 25 businesses okay um thank you not much have changed from the um budget Workshop in terms of numbers the amended uh the proposed amendment for this fiscal year is to include the Redevelopment revenue bonds of 52,2 36769 that we included which increase our total revenues from the approved budget which was as at 26,45 3,666 to 8,761 336 um of course we have a high carryover this year due to the Redevelopment Bond um and as you can see our carryover is going to be 55 million $288 31 um the Redevelopment Bond represents 86% of that carryover and that will conclude the presentation for the amended budget item okay um any questions um but let's open it for public hearing um see none public hearing is closed um on the Das I just had one question it came up at our town hall um in terms of flock well the town hall that I held yesterday in terms of the flock cameras is it only 30 cameras that you guys are funding yes it is spread throughout the um C wide and also on Northwest 7th Avenue but C wide the flat the cameras are distributed okay that was just something that came up I'll probably discuss it on the city Side for areas that are not within the C boundaries to see what we can do there um for some of the the residents that brought that up that we said thank you um yeah I I have a question please yes are the all of the employee positions here are filled currently yes okay so the sweet sweeper the front desk all of the yes okay perfect thank you okay councilman no question move for approval second so I have a motion on the floor by board member Charles uh I heard two seconds C okay I'm sorry give it to board member Timothy oh board member Timothy is seconded all in favor I I all oppos motion carries 5 Z and for the record uh we board member Timothy joined us at 4:45 p.m. item number three a resolution of the chair and board members of the north Miami Community re Redevelopment agency approving the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget authorizing the exe executive director to transmit the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget to the city of North Miami and Miami dat County authorizing the executive director to take all actions necessary to complete the approval process for the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget with the city of North Miami and Miami day County and a providing for an effective date thank you so very much any presentation Madame executive director a very short one sure it's not showing nothing is on okay thank you okay there we go okay so for our proposed budget the nmc is excited about fiscal year 25 as it looks forward to supporting new projects and initiatives with its increased funding having secur the debt financing in fiscal year 24 and standing ready to receive increased Tiff revenues from its taxing authorities the nmc will continue the elimination of Slum and blight in its boundaries as it executes its development plan Redevelopment plan there is a 16% increase in our revenues this year year um from 2023 2024 19,7 181,182 22883 284 this fiscal year and there's the uh in total revenues you can see uh the CD tax increment Revenue compared to the county tax increment Revenue with a carryover of 55 million and that's the number that changed from our Workshop because of the transfer we're doing for the Scott Galvin Center um it is now reflected in the this carryover and our total revenues for this fiscal year is 78,000 78,3 180,000 I was going to say thousands 78 m387 now to look at our proposed expenditures for this fiscal year not much has um changed from the workshop we are still looking at the admin expenditures at $883,000 566 to 18 million and that is due to the fact that this year that we are starting with the debt um service of4 million um dollar compared to last fiscal year which was 631 and the and the debt Reserve is also included so the 8 million is included there for the debt reserve and um Debt Service and the capital project um Grant and initiatives uh the two numbers that we change um they they are commercial intensive programs which increase from 900,000 to 1.5 million and the Housing Initiative which was uh we had it at 510,000 last at the workshop and now we have it is at 750,000 for the a proposed for the Redevelopment Revenue Bond uh we have rug spark at 17 million the multif family rehab program at 10 million the mixu development at 10 million and the land acquisition at 5. 7 million which gives us a total of 42 million um and for the summary we have a total expenditures of 7 78 m380 7,75 and we do have a balanced budget for this fiscal year for 2425 fiscal year we do have some proposed initiatives CRA wide we would like to propose land acquisition launching the multif family rehab program piloting a single family home builder program piloting a tenant owner commercial program implementing a construction workers training program and implementing the West Dixie Corridor improvements we will continue our regular programs and projects which will be our residential rehabilitation program the commercial grants and infrastructure Grant programs continuing with our capital projects of pioneer boulevards renovation and Liberty Garden project and also the funding to upgrade the Erp system to Tyler munis and funding the Nomi um trolleys on Northwest 7th Avenue we do intend to start implementing the streetcape and facade improvements doing land acquisition and implementing a small business Workshop this will conclude the presentation for the proposed budget thank you so very much Madame um Vice chair go ahead thank you thank you um I on page five I'd like to add or amend could we have a foreclosure prevention program so we have explored that in the past I believe there was a legal opinion um is there a as you as you may recall we had a program in the past um that we had helped one um homeowner all right and the way that we did that because the the program itself I think think and we've been talking about how we can do this legally um for example I don't think we can legally just pay somebody's mortgage we can help people with um educating them how to um you know address their finances and things of this nature and shop for better mortgages help them with um you know credit um you know education and things like this the way that we approached it in the past is we asked local law firms to to help represent folks who were in foreclosure I don't know if you remember this but my La was the only one who stepped up and represented a homeowner um Helen St a and um remarkably enough she just contacted me the other day to um you know let let us know everything was still going well with her um so we we can look at something and if we come up with something we can amend the budget and put some money I mean into it I mean how much were you thinking that we would put into something like that you know we can I guess we could talk about the amount I just want to make sure that there's a program or we can start with a pilot program and and obviously I want it to be legal and in in what way that in a creative way that we can deal it because I've been approached by a couple of residents that have had issues and um you know and and and I'm very sensitive about making sure that people that are from here and that have homes here can still stay here and right of course and so we're we're looking at and I'm looking at other C to see if they have programs that what is what is legally preventing us from doing that maybe that's what I to understand so as you know just to get back to the the statute itself of course which was amended you know it took out those five words it said including but not limited to so in Section 163 370 where we have the powers that are granted to the CRA it used to be here's like a a list that includes but it's not limited to so we had more flexibility to do things so obviously it needs to be something in the plan um you know we have always uh fostered home ownership um in the CRA area so but the list is that's the list now so we're constrained right so so so I I want this so is it possible that can that language still be in the plan and you can figure out all the details so for example like the same way with the quote we don't like to use the word marketing anymore that we use information dissemination there's a a line in the statute that says we can spend money on information dissemination so if we're helping homeowners and we're providing them with information and um you know basically mentoring them or fostering them or or somehow um Consulting with them with information that helps them prevent from getting into foreclosure CU preventing preventing them getting into foreclosure is the key mhm once they're in foreclosure it becomes tougher I mean I don't think so maybe it's the word that I'm using foreclosure prevention so what if so let me take out prevention what if they're in foreclosure and um they're coming to us you know and they want us to pay their mortgage so how could could we there's nothing really in the statutes that gives us the legal right to pay somebody's mortgage so if we're could we be could we could we could we give them a mortgage and give them an opportunity we could we could we could be we can be a lender we have been a lender in the past so if we wanted to we could have a program where we pay off their first mortgage um or provide them a second mortgage maybe where the funds from that mortgage are used to pay the deficiency in the First Mortgage I mean I understand we need to flesh it out but I I just would want it you know as a matter of fact I would like a a a a a foreclosure prevent a foreclosure and a foreclosure prevention program so obviously the goal is to let not them go into foreclosure and give information that's fine but if they're in a situation you know to because I just want to make sure that our you know we we are so the the second what you were describing and and I'm thinking about this as we we're going it's sort of almost like a home equity line of credit where it's a second mortgage on the property and we allow them to use it to get themselves back current with the the first mortgage e but you know there has to be some sort of underwriting process where we feel comfortable that um they're going to be able to sustain payments then to the first mortgage how did they get into forclosure in the first place I think staff would like the opportunity to kind of develop something and then bring it back to the board once we've develop both the legal and practical aspects of our program so maybe we can bring that back in October or something and then at that time there will be an amendment so you what you're we can list it as a proposed initiative correct right now I just that because it's part of the plan right I I'm not trying to be too much of a wet blanket but October is really soon can you legit come up with something well you said October so that was my first thing was like that's we only have one meeting in October as far as I know the E yes but it would just to be able to describe what the program is we wouldn't be doing much more than that but I mean if the board is amenable to November then that is also fine does does theoretically not only do you have to decide how much of a budget but there's to me there's a lot of questions about how you put that into to place um right and what are the guidelines what are the standards one has to meet you know we've got folks that have multi-million dollar homes that might be in foreclosure and should we really be bailing those folks oh no I I would imagine the qualifications would be our normal qualifications of family homes yes absolutely or certain Ami restrictions and things of that nature there are right there there are single family homes that are worth I mean I had I had a one on my street alone a one-bedroom home one-bedroom one bath recently sold for $700,000 one bedroom one bath now and I live west of biscan I don't live I'm not talking about Keystone in the neighborhoods that are outside of the CRA and then you got to talk about do solomia residents qualify for said bailout because no so so first of all I'm I'm you know I'm not trying to do take half of our budget to do something like this no but I've been approached enough that I think it's something that we can have and when the money runs thought the money runs out or I think what also happened cuz I was approaching even last night at the Town Hall was that during covid people were you know we had this assistant funds that you know we were paying mortgages we were paying um rents and now people are behind and they're coming you know back and back again it's not just homeowners but it's also people who are renting right so now you have this rental assistance that you know that we used to do that everybody think that that pot of money is there so I think it's you know you look at both options if there is an option if you're if you're able to come you know I think in a couple of months or we might be in another recession just because you know it's expected right because the the market is on a curve and you know this bubble's getting ready to pop soon so I guess we are being I guess proactive in a sense if this does happen we'll be ready to roll out so I think maybe coming back in November with a full detail whether it's mortgage whether it's I would like to see rental um where we can um see where we can offer some assistance there and so as I mentioned we can have it as a proposed initiative today and then give details in the future fine I'm okay with that um you fine yes yeah go ahead sir yeah yeah um no I just wanted want to add um um to that point I think will be um very important for us to uh take a look at this and see what we can do because um I know uh Vice didn't say it but the struggle is really out there and a lot of people are getting kicked out and uh um and also I understand where um cman Galvin is heading because we need to do it in a way that we don't have to how we going how you going to um set up the guidelines so that we don't have to bail out someone that we can even bail out and they will be into the right to um apply for for the for the relief if we have uh set program so I do believe would not hurt to uh look into it but you know I would like you guys to take some good amount of time not like U wash into it but look at it deep and see if we can have a very good analysis on how we can we can um basically proceed understood yeah public hearing is open public hearing is closed so move do we have to do with the amendment Mr attorney to add that no we do not need to do the amendment to add the program so so move second I have a motion on the floor by Vice chair estimate Irving seconded by chair board member Timothy all in favor I I any opposed motion carries with the five Z vote all righty then we have um Mr attorney you have a report uh no report but I would just like to say in and the 20 years 20 years that I've been here this is like the most amazing budget and the most amazing programs that I've seen the CRA become involved and I'd like to applaud the executive director and her staff and congratulate them on doing a great job thank you thank you awesome thank you Madame executive director any report thank you so much for passing our both our our budgets and no further report thank you Cass Stephanie you anything you want to put on right no report sir yes remember that the deadline to register the vote is October 7th and V uh to request a vote by mail is October 24th is was yesterday National voter registration yes it was yesterday it was yesterday okay happy voting day yes everyone um may I get a thing to to ajour yeah second I have a motion made by chairman to adjourn at 507 seconded by uh board member Charles all in favor I all oppose motion carries 5 thank you it is 507 p.m.