may we have roll call please yes sir 75 chairman erns uh present Vice chair MC deerma present commissioner each is present and will be joining us soon yes um commissioner blir present commissioner CED present commissioner Clark is currently absent um commissioner Bob and commissioner Besson present we have a quorum thank you very much now I'd like like to ask everyone to please stand for the pledge allegiance to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you everyone staff do we have any amendments to the agenda and good evening Mr C good evening Mr chair Derek cook um assistant director with the development services department Mr chair we would like for item number four I believe it is um which is the 1401 Northeast 123rd Street to be deferred to the June 4th meeting can you use the PC number CU there not sure thank you is is that PC 1788 his PT 1788 yes sir and what is the reason for the deferral a PR the request of the applicant all right the applicant has a right to a continuance all right anything else Mr C no thank you okay very good U thank you sir and uh no other amendments being heard no other amendments sir thank you very much Mr chair U Move for approval of two sets of uh minutes first uh Mr chair we should do that by motion and identify a date certain really okay sorry counselor did not know that that took a motion to defer to the Mr mcdermaid moves that item uh 17 let me get it correctly here 7 1788 U be deferred until the June 4th meeting I believe that's the date yes that's second thank you second by Mr cyre all in favor say I I I opposed hearing none motion moves I move for approval on the April 2nd Planning Commission meeting minutes okay now we have a motion has been made to approve the meetings of the April 2nd Planning Commission meeting um have a second second second by Mr mcdermid all in favor say I I I I move we approve the April 11th special Planning Commission meeting appr meeting minutes thank you Mr Zed Mr moves for approval of the April 11 special Planning Commission meeting seconded by m BL all in favor say I I Mr chair sir just for the record on both sets of minutes I advise staff that they should modify the minutes slightly to indicate that the alternate did not vote on the item it turned out that we had eight members present and the code only permits seven members to run the business of the Planning Commission uh so I in uh I had instructed the alternate not to vote that that reflect that explains the discrepancy between eight Commissioners in attendance and seven people voting okay thank you very much so not it all right so now we have established that the next Planning Commission meeting will be June 2nd 2024 June 4th June 4th what I say January a little ahead of myself or behind myself all right um um I need a continued public hearing staff thank you Mr chair we're ready to proceed forward with the agenda as he thank you Mr grook so now we 're going to go ahead with the public hearing the first item uh on tonight's agenda is PC 17-85 a resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of North Miami Florida approving fiscal year 2024 through 2025 annual action plan under the Community Development block grant better known as cdbg and home investment Partnerships program that are known as home programs providing for an effective dat and all other purposes may we have a um I don't believe this must require commission disclosure on this item sir correct Mr chair there are no disclosures required it's a it's a legislative item thank you I'll Pro that off has not it may we have staff report please good evening board good evening chairman my name is Albert Bazil housing and Social Services um director here tonight is the presentation of the fiscal year 2024 2025 annual action plan as required by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development um tonight uh we're going to go to the to a brief presentation of uh the annual action plan but before we get to the actual uh to this year annual action plan let me uh give you a brief uh reminder of where we come from um back in 2020 2024 we voted on the consolidate plan which is a a h requirement as a hard recipient and entitlement we are in a grantee under the cdb and a participative uh jurisdiction on home it is required that every 5 years we tell hold what is our fiveyear plan for the upcoming uh five years which we did back in 202024 actually this is the last annual action plan under this uh consoled plan so it was the 2020 2024 uh during that cons during that process uh staff needed to get in touch with all the stakeholders to get uh to determine the priorities and the needs of the city what we had uh what comes out during the this consed plan through surveys through interviews with stakeholders residents we have different priorities the top priorities are on the screen we have uh uh Economic Development on occupi beautification rental those were the be uh the priority rils that shows during the 5year consolate plan that we did back in 2020 one of the Mandate of the of hard is that our annual action plan is uh reflect what our five years consoled plan uh determined as priorities and needs so throughout the years 2021 2022 2023 and this year 2024 2025 all our our action plan or our allocation will mirror the priorities that we have identified during the 5year consolidate plan uh what is the why is the need for the annual action plan as a grantee we receive money under the Community Development blood Grant under the home investment partnership program through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and each year of this consed plan 2020 to 2024 we are requ re ired to prepare an annual action plan and this annual action plan uh identify strategic projects and output for the use of the annual H allocation that we are going to receive project included in the annual action plan are implemented in line with the needs priorities that we identify in the Consolidated plan and as always H required that the CD leverage the funding usually uh our funded are leveraged by the ship uh which is the State funding and to some capacity from uh with the c and if the city got some money that they can uh allocated for some project we will manage that but mostly for the last past 5 years we've been matching those funding with the ship that we receive from the state and the CR project uh currently run by the CR uh in order for us to do that not only we are required to have two public hearings this one is considered as one we are required also uh to hear what the citizens have to say uh on M on April 20 on April 24th we have a citizen Workshop here in the city that was um advertised uh advertised uh and then it was available throughout all City social media platform for residents to know it was advertised as well in the radio and now now uh we are having this first public meeting it is required to have first public hearing not the workshop public hearing this one is considered as the first one where you're going to review the annual action plan and make recommendation to council and be prior to get to the final approval from Council we will have to open this annual action plan for a 30-day commenting period for Resident stakeholder to voice their opinion uh this year let me let me State on the record uh the the amount that you have here those are the amount from last year we are set to receive our allocation on May 8th basically tomorrow but hard usually allow um participating jurisdiction to rec conduct prior year a month in order to meet those deadline because we are required to submit the annual action plan by August 15 and giv that council is going on recess in July so we we have to do this um Planning Commission have our 30 days commenting period take it to counil at the end of June to in order for us to meet the August 15 deadline of submittal to hard so basically the amount that you see here uh we expect to receive from hard uh approximately 352,000 plus uh on the home uh 89 plus on the cdbg and you I can tell you those amount are not going to vary a lot because uh Congress just approved approximately the same amount that they approved last year we didn't have any increase on the cdbg need the home so they they are they're supposed to be the same and those numbers will be reflected uh in the 30 days commenting period as hard prise to get us those numbers by tomorrow May 8th so again what you're asking is identical to last last year yes basically so the only CH did you have to massage the numbers anywhere take take away from programs no we did we did uh there is a slide changes from what you got last year last year we didn't have uh any allocation for the Emergency elderly because we have prior year funding that we reprogram for this program we are done using uh those funding so this year there is an allocation of 72,000 to emergency repair for the elderly and this was taken out from the housing Rehabilitation which is the uh the area where we have the most uh allocation we still have it set aside for to improve our public facilities we just completed the elen Enchanted Forest we we did the roofing uh complete uh do we did the upgrade at the library also last year so we we keep uh putting a set aside for public facilities on the home um nothing has changed really uh it's to Rehabilitation we have to set aside uh for the Sho it's mandatory we have to put at least 15% on the side to allow nonprofit developers to come into the City and build affordable housing and this year we had an increase in the tenant based rental assistance I remember prior to 20 2019 prior covid we used to have money sitting at this uh line item for tenant base rental assistance right now uh the phone doesn't stop ringing people sometimes can come up with their monthly but are unable to come up with the first month the security deposit and this allocation really assess people with the moving assistant to get the first the security deposit in the first month now um they can only use funding from one or the other program correct nobody can double dip say if they're an elderly person and they have home repairs they have they would either have the choice of using the elderly home repair program or like if they have a single family home they could use that no with one exception with one exception I have a case this year uh there is a resident we had a AC change out for this resident last year it turns out that he is one of the winner for this fiscal year we he is eligible the only thing is we're not going to touch this this item that we already repair and this portion will be subtracted from the allocation okay so they still can apply all right uh once we done with this presentation tonight um um based on your recommendation if there is any amendment to be done we will gladly do that we will go for a 30 days commenting period started May 20th to June 20th uh The Next Step the second public hearing will be on June 25th for final approval and we expect to submit by hard by August 15 this conclude my presentation and I'm here if any question no any any additional questions from the staff before I open up to public hearing from the I have a question so the 7 2,000 elderly emergency repairs can you just give a few details of what that will specifically go to so what we realize I think back in 2014 uh Council made the decision uh besides the H the big housing Rehabilitation the owner occupy to assist elderly some of them uh during summer for instance someone call you the AC goes out mhm so does money can be used to for an AC change out a water eater a bathroom retrofit not to exceed $9,000 because we it's a grant it's it comes in the form of a grant there is no lean on the under the elderly property it's C at 9,000 and it's really for specific item we use in the past to do small roof small windows but with the increase in the construction price we cannot do anymore so it's reduced to really AC change out um bath bathroom retrofit ADA compliance uh we hurricane shers things really that that can St within the cap of $9,000 it comes in the form of a gr anything that would be would present a risk or or a problem within the household that could could endanger the the resident I would imagine mold mold reduction we do but usually uh hard funding mold be need to be part of the bigger project I cannot go just for the mold treatment right okay if I'm doing a repair in a home there is an issue with ter might with mold we address that but to go specifically for that we haven't done that yeah so there are specifics yes okay and then the house hous in rehab program with the $42,000 can you give us a few specifics on that this one and what the maximum is per household 60,000 per household 60,000 per household this one um we used to have in the past like waiting lease again Cil make the decision I think sometimes on the same time 2015 16 we have a lottery every every October so from October 1st to O October 31st application is open residents Citywide can apply there is no restriction the only thing you have to be eligible what does that mean to be eligible on the cdbg on the home you need to be under 80% Ami or if we are using ship you can be 140% all the way to 120 to 140% but it's open to all Resident Citywide you don't have to be elderly and if you have an issue you you just need to apply and hopefully you get selected and 60,000 is the max 60,000 is the maximum thank you so very much you're welcome thank you commissioner M any other questions I'll go ahead and open up the public hearing public hearing is now open anyone wishing to address Planning Commission on this item please step forward you will be given two minutes for a comment good evening Brown good evening good evening Mr Brown good to see you again it's been a long time uh Judy Brown 1100 Northwest 128 terrorist uh I need the clarification on that last did you say that anybody could get $60,000 anybody as long as you are qualified oh okay as long as you are qualified all right cuz I have some people that are in need thank you thank you Judy thank you for coming any other members of the audience wishing to speak come forward good evening sir state your name and address please yes uh Troy Fields I um a property owner at duplex 1415 1417 op Locka Boulevard so I'm here to hear more information and facts about the the uh proposition of the 18 story build is going up in Pepper part okay well we're not at that point yet sir we'll address that but this is just a discuss this particular item at this time okay you're free to come up at that time thank you to discuss all right thank you sir any other persons wishing to address this issue seeing none I'll go ahead and close the public hearing public hearing is now closed any further comments from the commission or I'll entertain a motion uh Mr mcder moves to approve the item 17 85 second and by second yes second and by um M Mr BL jumped in first she second it all in favor say I I I all oppose say nay motion approves thank you thank you very much next item up at this point um on this item I believe uh we need to um go ahead and um ask [Music] for counselor to read into record uh and swear that anyone that would wishes to discuss or or to address this item uh and uh make testimony U must be sworn in so I'll turn the meeting over to counselor Mr H sir you have the floor thank you so this is a summary of quas judicial procedures which apply to the conditional use applications uh the commission AB board the commission will sit like a court hence the term quasi judicial reviewing the facts presented at the hearing applying the adopted rules as explained by staff in the staff report and verbally Commission members to make site visits but must disclose the evidence upon which they intend to rely from that visit commission members will disclose at the beginning of the hearing whether they have had Communications with individuals on behalf of the applicant or otherwise including who the communication was with and what the topic of the discussion was all persons intending to speak to the commission will be sworn by the clerk staff will make a presentation the commission may ask questions the applicant will make a presentation including expert Witnesses if any and the commission may ask questions when the public hearing is open and the public can make comments on the application limited to 2 minutes each citizen testimony must be fact based not opinion commission may ask questions and the applicant's attorney if any may ask questions in cross-examination members of the public can decline to be cross-exam staff may present additional testimony to supplement or rebut arguments made the commission then deliberates based on the evidence presented commission's decision must be based on competent substantial evidence meaning based on the record staff presentations expert presentations and fact-based comments by citizens according to the standards for approval set forth in the city code commission may then approve deny or continue the item so uh at one point staff read into the record letters uh submitted by citizens who are not present however since these letter letters are not competent substantial evidence for example not forign testimony subject to cross- examination the board's decision cannot be based on what is contained in the letters but they can be used to identify issues and help identify sources of information that do contain competent substantial evidence upon which a decision can be based uh we ask each of you to treat this proceeding with respect and proper decorum no calling out interrupting speakers or disrupting the proceeding please give this proceeding the same dignity and respect as if you were in court disruptions are prohibited and enforced pursuant to the city codee also please silence your cell phones thank you thank you Mr H Madam Secretary may you administer the oath all those wishing to speak on this item please stand raise your right hand and be sworn in so that uh and we will make note okay do you swear or affirm that the testimony and evidence you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you you may be seated thank you very much okay I will now read the item okay um M uh Mr held Mr yes sir um um I do need to do a disclosure uh before I read let's read the title and then we can do disclos okay all right pc7 uh pc1 17- 86 resolution of the mayor and the city council the city of North Miami Florida approving an application for a conditional use permit and substantially the attached form for proposed mixed use development consisting of eight 18 story mixed juuse buildings containing 2,193 units 12,500 square ft² of commercial space and 3,821 parking spaces on two Parcels of real properties located at 1255 Northwest 135th Street in 1525 Northwest 135th Street totaling 27.6 7 Acres and identified with Miami D County folio numbers 06- 2123 0000-18 and 06- 21 23- 0000 and- 0050 in accordance with the article 3 division 4 sections 3-42 through 3- 407s Article 4 division 3 3 sections 4-34 and section 4306 parentheses D and parentheses 6 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and for all other purposes so now that the item has been read in I will now ask for disclosure among the Commissioners um Mr mcder U you're up for sir yeah Council I'm going to have to recuse myself from this particular item okay okay all right can you state is the nature of the conflict is my relationship with the with the applicant okay thank you okay thank you Mr mcdermaid so record Mr mcdermaid has left a [Music] name a point of order Mr chair when you were reading the uh the resolution you indicated 3,114 parking spaces but in point of fact the resolution title says 4,114 parking spaces okay I'm reading off of the agenda right so I think that's just something staff will need to clarify in their pres yeah was thousand parking spaces is a lot to lose yes okay so um now I guess at that point we'll discuss as to why that was changed sir from what we have on my agenda and what uh you're looking at let me look at my U we'll address that in a minute Mr bmer do you have any conflict with this item no I have none I have not had a chance to make up the uh or take a look at the parties involved in the group that's putting this together um in the past I stated that U um I um Mr James Tate is he a part of this group at all none okay good because I um I work for a company that's entailed in a legal matter with that gentleman so I have to make sure U that that Jim is not present all right thank you very much okay so just to go back on track we're doing disclosures yes of contact right okay I just wanted to clarify why I asked that question because I didn't get a chance to see who the group was made up of all right Chief Mr Bob Mr Bob Mr Besson and again I have not all right so I'll go ahead Mr cook you have the floor sir and um presentation um thank you Mr chair and Commissioners um just for the point of clarification um there was a scripal error as it relates to the um parking the correct number is 1,000 excuse me 4,114 parking spaces 4,000 what again 114 114 this is on site par this on site parking not including the street just this not the street okay thank you thank you sure so it's stated um by Mr chair it is a item before you is a conditional use permit process to a lot 2,193 units as some of you may be aware this went through a process in August 31st in 2022 when the city issued a request for proposal under RFP number 71222 and that proposal was was to redevelop and develop CLA Pepper Park as you are aware the prop property is approximately 27 thou 20 27. 67 Acres um you have a vacant lot which is approximately a little more than 11 acres and what that proposal was is to design a development Finance the of improvements of cloud Pepper Park renovation of the Joe stellin um Center and re and development of the vacant lot with a mixed use project with housing Workforce housing and Senior retail and other commercial uses so with that in mind Redwood CP velopment LLC submitted a response to the RFP and in doing so at the November 18 2022 meeting they were selected by Council to for their proposal and they at that point we went forward with the proposal and items need to change on the site to allow for the development to take place the property is zoned pu which is public use which doesn't allow for residential or commercial uses it's principally for public use as the zoning States so what happened is to allow for this development to take place staff was directed by the city manager to do a zoning change at the property which Encompass a comprehensive plan change and a Land Development Tech Amendment and map Amendment and what this did is we created an overlay called Joe stellin Global PCD planned Corridor development and that allotted a maximum height of 200 ft and density of 150 units per acre and it also allows for commercial use so the property is located at 1255 Northwest 135th Street and and 1525 Northwest 135th Street the size is approximately 1,25 305 Square ft which is approximately 27.6 7 Acres the current use is a park and a vacant lot as stated the zoning is PU Community facility is the future land use map designation and as stated we have the Joe stelline PCD overlay District The Proposal before you is to allow for eight Towers 19 stories in height mixed use development containing 2,193 units and the Redevelopment of the claw Pepper Park Mr cook um again um is there a scribers Area here um I'm listing 8 18 story mixed use building copy so um we had a lot of changing site plans during this devel doing this review the original site plan did have it at 18 Stories the um most recent site plan showed as in the package at 19 stories that is the maximum the applicant would go into more detail as to where they would have all um buildings at that height um mind understanding that is not necessarily the case but just to be clear the zoning District allows for a maximum height of 200 feet which is 20 stories also included in this is 121,00 Ft of commercial area which would contain on the ground floor it would have 227 surface parking areas and 300 3,930 parking areas that are parking spaces that are integrated within the development the new park would Encompass an Amphitheater a community pool with Splash area a multi-purpose field a banquet hall Joe stellin Center will be expanded to include classrooms laboratory and an outside event area it also will have a walking Park area which have with athletic elements that would perverse for about a mile around the whole lot the property also would contain 100% Florida native plants public art and enhanced storm water requirements which would mean at least 10% more than what the require M is for um the ldrs the economic impact it's anticipated to have 7,780 fulltime positions which is inclusive of 4,724 construction jobs during the construction period it's estimated to bring in 49 9 million during that time with ior taxes of 4.59 million annually partial of that will be going to the north Miami community redevelopment agency the impact fees are anticipated to be 9.62 million so the conditional use requires also for a development Review Committee review which is to review the site plan of the project and bring in the specifics of the site plan dealing with Landscaping infrastructure such as Public Works area the full design of the building and all those elements and that site plan also will come before you for review and ultimately to city council and involved in that you would have 10t wide sidewalks on North Northwest 135th Street and on Northwest 17th Avenue and Northwest 12th Avenue the side walks would be 6 feet and on opaka Boulevard the sidewalks would be 6 feet wide a minimum all utilities would be underground they would need to seek a certificate of use and business tax receipt they would provide for lead certified or equivalent certification prior to a certificate of occupancy sustainable commitments low impact development activities will be a part of this development and a stated art public art will be a part of this development as well which needs to be installed prior to the certificate of occupancy so next step would be city council for review of this conditional use permit and tentatively set for May the 28th of this year as stated we need development Review Committee which is to be determined and as stated you would need site plan approval so when we review this item for conditional use there are several criteria that we go over for consideration and our analysis once we look for compliance to the Land Development regulation General standards as it relates to the condition use permit and these items consist of the applicant is consistent with the comprehensive land use which they are such as the future land use element includes development proposals with through the conditional use permit application consistent with objectives 1.1 of the comprehensive plan that is the expanding of house choices within our city and this achieves that it also talks about development taking place on major thoroughfares which opaka and Northwest 135th are you talking about the economic element goals objectives and policy the applicant will further the economic element of the city's comprehensive plan which aims to improve economic Vitality of the city through provisions of balance employment and housing opportunities attractions and retention of businesses and promotion of physical strength and stability in the community we believe that this project will fulfill that element housing element goals objectives and policies according to the city's 2020 and 2025 Consolidated plan prepared by the United States House Housing and Urban Development HUD the city has an aging housing Supply which means that many of the units are likely to need improvements the Consolidated plan also suggests that these older houses units may not be suitable for to serve persons of disability as part of this development they are allotting senior housing which would be at 40% of those would be affordable housing is it they looking at allotting 918 units for one for um towards one bedroom age restricted senior housing independent living and some of those units will be two bedrooms the remaining units at 1,275 units will be market rate or family affordable rates in tenants vouchers are used with 35% of those units being single 41% being two bedroom and 24% being three bedrooms climate change elements the propos proposed project provides for both green and vertical development thereby creating a more sustainable development pattern the furtherance of our policy 1222 of the of the comprehensive plan additionally it activates policy 12811 by increasing greater connectivity and multimodal uses by proximately to the Miami day park and ride St transit station and located on a major Transit Corridor to encourage reduction in motor vehicle use you have water and sewer capacity it has been determined by our public works department that we have capacity for that they will need to implement certain development standards on the lot to meet that capacity they will meet the water disposal and they will meet the storm water management which requires that they maintain all storm water on their site the application is in compliance with the district's regulations applicable to proposed developments including bonus Provisions in section 4306 as stated earlier this was a part of an RFP that was approved by city council the applicant achieved this um RFP with their proposal and we went through the zoning change to allow for this development so it's in standard with that the applicant is consistent with the applicable development standards of these ldrs which it is the conceptual plan shows a development proposal that will comply with all applicable development standards outlined in the ldrs in this scenario the property is zoned public use which allows government or Community facilities Parks Schools and Government facilities stated as a pu zone property the ldr's Mandate that the new development and the Redevelopment of the property go through the conditional use permit process the ldr's Alo also mandate that any developments proposal seeking bonus units comply with Article 5 division 8 section 5 5- 802 and section 5- 803 which is Divi which is design guidelines and sustainability guidelines through the conditional use process and through the development review committee staff would ensure that they meet all those criterias by the time that their site plan come back before you the site for this proposal uses related Street and highways adequate and width and payment carrying the capacity of the traffic that is anticipated for it as we both know that opaka Boulevard and Northwest 135th a very wide road that can contain a Capa a large capacity of vehicles the proposed use is compatible with the nature condition and development adjacent to the buildings and structures so this one right here is a concern of the community what you have here as you know you have midside we consider midside buildings going up in an area that is principally dealing with single family and maybe some duplex and some small scale multif family uses in our city the maximum height for a single family home is 35 ft so you're looking at items that could be immediately adjacent to them with a wide buffer considering the street separation and the setbacks they will have on the site itself that you will have an impact on the area that said staff believes that the proposal development will enhance the surrounding area when considering the commercial elements that it would introduce the excellent design and Architectural elements as well as enhanced amenities to the park the proposed parcel for development is adequate in size and shape to accommodate to the development the nature of the proposed development is not deal to the public health safety and general welfare of the community design of the use creates Form and Function which enhances the community character of the immediate vicinity of Apostles proposed for de development and flexibility in regards to the development standards to justifi by benefits to the community character and immediate vicinity of Apostles proposed for the development so it stated we do have an introduction of midsize um units going there but in comp in in concert with that you also have God so if you see for the site plan here you have as elements you have as a stated Community Field um um community pool you'll have two baseball fields coupled with a multi-purpose field you'll have the amphitheater you have the banquet hall there they will have a bow okay they have a bowling alley they have a movie theater we located there so we would have many amenities provided to the area coupled with retail coupled with also restaurant uses in that area they would have more than enough parking as was discussed earlier you're looking at 4,114 parking spaces which would be integrated in the proel itself and you have surface parking EST stated of 227 parking spaces on Surface which you have enhanced which you have those existing parking spaces that you know that run along 1 135th and okaka Boulevard and you have parking that is on the far East Side that runs on Northeast excuse me Northwest 12th Avenue that will be enhanced based on that staff is recommending that the commission consider this item for recommendation or approval to the city council thank you thank you Mr cook uh this point we're going to open up the public hearing but the first U you have the staff is here to make their presentation we' like to hear that first please have them come forward whoever wishes to speak please give your name and address for the record give me a moment to get yourself together here well we've got a lot of eil so I can start speaking then before Kobe starts go ahead and um good evening Mr chair members of the board Mickey morero 200 South pascan Boulevard attorney with burky Rell Fernand Lan tapinis with me today are a lot of folks that I won't introduce individually because we'll be here too long but um I will do a brief presentation and Kobe carp the lead architect for the project will follow me we also have other members of our team uh should you have questions on traffic landscaping or or other elements certainly uh as Mr Cooks so eloquently uh presented this all started in 2022 when the city council proposed an RFP to redevelop significantly improved crot Pepper Park and with it develop the private the vacant land uh immediately adjacent to it we our team Redwood responded to that RFP and as as Mr cook said in November of 2022 it was awarded uh that RFP with essentially you know some version of this plan that was presented as the RFP we've all been before you when we discussed the legislation on this project which is ultimately approved by the council in December of 2023 and at that point we were already working on refining uh the plan that was part of our RFP response we are have obviously further refined it and we're here today requested conditional use approval and the recommendation um from you all just to clarify a couple things before I start it's 18 it's 18 stories so the the title is correct but the actual height when you include the roof is 190 ft so I think that was some of the confusion the zoning District allows up to 200 feet and we are below that right you're calculating 10 fet per story yeah I think just the way staff looked at it it's 18 stories but it's a few extra feet so that's but there's not a discrepancy it's just the way you calculate it certainly um so we're obviously very excited to be here um we we responded to the to this RP the Redwood team um we put together we believe a fantastic team of of designers and Consultants to make this a reality it's nothing short of a transformative project I think this is different than anything that that you all have seen and really unique project for the city um the vision of the council was we'd like to see CLA Pepper Park transformed into a state-of-the-art first class park with that it's being done with entirely uh private funding $18 million no less than $ million is being spent on the park alone to improve the park and make it really the jewel uh the jewel Park in this area and we're thrilled about that um a lot of time a lot of you all asked when we were here last time when this project would get started is it really going to happen since then I can tell you that we've gotten uh already $200 million in construction financing approved and it's ready to go um Kobe's anxious to get the construction drawings moving and we hope to have a shovel in the ground things go well by quarter four of this year um as was stated this project will have it's proposing to have uh eight buildings of those eight we're proposing three of them to be senior housing for for significant amount of units uh added to the city to address that need we believe that the city's aging population is growing and this is going to provide state-of-the-art housing for the City seniors in addition uh for the for the for the families that are going to live here this park is going to be you know an amenity like no other uh state-of-the-art facilities for just for virtually every sport you can have an Amphitheater classrooms meeting rooms uh really everything you can ask for in a park we've also been listening to we uh to to the community and one of the things that we've actually and and Mr cook said there have been a lot of changes there have been changes because there's been a constant dialogue uh We've we had no less than three Community meetings this year alone we met with the parks committee at the beginning of the year we had a specific uh community meeting at The Celestine Center talking about the park improvements that was on January 17th we had another community meeting at The Celestine Center on February 12th the focus of that meeting was was the other side of the development both were well attended a lot of questions asked a lot of questions answered and some of the changes that you see were the result of those discussions so we're here today for a cup we think this project responds uh well and responds bravely to the rfp's request our team is is excited to move forward uh we we hope to get Council approval at the end of this month and move quickly into the site plan finalization and I know Kobe last time we spoke he's very anxious to get the construction drawings finalized and uh with the construction financing already a significantly portion of it approved we hope to begin shovels in the ground by the end of this year uh with that I think Mr cook stole a lot of my Thunder by going to significant detail in the project but as you can see staff looks at a lot of things when reviewing these projects and we you know we meet the criteria of the comprehensive plan our project meets the criteria of of the zoning code and and addresses a lot of the needs that the RFP has to be addressed so we're excited to be here we're here to answer any questions with that I'd like to pass it on to my colleague Kobe karp who's going to go over the architecture and of course we'll Reserve time to answer any questions you may have yes Mr held I believe our our commission councel has a a question he needs to okay so first a a clarification I think Mr cook may want to confirm after DEC a review and approval it does not come back to Planning Commission it goes to city council so Mr cook you want to confirm thank you Mr Hill that is correct that was a misstatement on my end I I was a little enthusiastic about the review because I know it's important to the public that they have opportunity to look at this item but they will have it at city council again okay uh then I have a question for Mr Mor uh the and and maybe the chief Deputy knows this um the commitment to spend uh $18 million or so on the park is that in a document or will that be in an agreement with the city how is that uh being provided for or confirmed so that that's an estimate of the cost that's what we've looked at budgeting wise but we we've committed to and we've done so in the lease that was approved by the council for this project uh the we will begin the improvements of the park at the first phase of the project obviously it's an ambitious project they'll have multiple phases the details of the phases are still being worked out one thing we know for absolutely sure the commitment these improvements to the park as proposed are going to be in Phase One and will be done first that's in the in the in the long-term lease that was approved and executed between our team and the council that is all in there all the all the commitments on the park expenditures the phasing is all in the lease and I think miss Warren to that so prior to issuance of any Co oh yeah correct absolutely correct it's all spelled out in the lead I mean some the park will be done before some of the buildings are even started okay thank you Mr karp have your name and again a name and address please thank you very much um my name is Kobe karp um the address is 571 Northwest 28th Street Miami Florida and it's an honor to be here with you um I'll try to be as brief as possible um specifically we've had a great pleasure of working with your staff um Derek and his staff have been phenomenal to work with um we've had multiple meetings with the community which is what shows you in front of you and specifically um Mr held is we have boards that also reflect the improvements that we do to the park the pool the paddle the Vita park that is um circulating the whole park all of that was implemented into the project and I don't know if I'm doing this right Derek am I doing this right it is great and to so to move it forward I just go like this oh wow look at that move it with my finger forgive me sir uh so thank you very much and I just want to show you the amount of work that we have here we have met with um let's going slow with dererk and his staff and specifically is there a handheld I can walk around so the boards in front of you show the park and the improvements that we are doing to the park I don't want to go off the Record but what we have is that's okay that's okay what we are holding up are the plans of the park and if you look closely you will see that we have them defined in terminology and we have them blown up so besides the so the neighbors were very specific they said show me where the classrooms are show me where the meeting rooms are show me where the new banquet is show me where it is that the new Amphitheater is show me the renovation to The JCC show me the pickle so we did that and we had it shown in each and every board go to the next board please and what we also did is we blew it up in detail can you get closer over there so the the let the board members see it because we spent um hours reviewing it with the community who was very specific on what it is that they desired so we met with them they gave it to us and we've implemented it into the into this package um this is a phenomenal project it's a great Improvement of the park bringing it back to life and as was mentioned by your staff the circulation the opportunity to provide parking on site for this to be a destination not only for this proposed elderly housing not only for the proposed Apartments but also for the neighboring community that they can come here as you can see also I have uh with me from kimly horn George Puig he as we designed the whole site as the sun rises in the East and sets in the west along a southern axis you will see that we have beautiful landscaping into the site into this 26 27 Acre Site with beautiful improvements Health Wellness all the way around I would like to say that this is working and if it is I would love to show you some images which are in your package but I brought the boards up just because I'm old school in case the technology does not carry me through I have an opportunity to show it to you there um and the reason I wanted to bring this is because the improvements that we have agreed to do are not only a benefit to the community yes they're great for the community but really what it does is it starts to create a dialogue of improvements to the city that nobody else has um we have great Amphitheater development here we have food and beverage both indoor and outdoor and what has really occurred for us here I'll show you this is just one sheet of one blow up hopefully it'll come on the screen oh uh thank you sir of just Amphitheater and how you sit and how it's defined thank you so much and we went through that in detail they really created an idea of how the for example this sheet is how the indoor and how do we have the bathrooms and where is the kitchen and where's the pref function it is really well defined and for me I've just recently started to do this since 1988 here in Florida but really this developer Redwood took it upon themsel not only to listen to community but really it creates a benefit for the development itself so as people come on 135th or they come on opaka we have an opportunity to create a destination that is second to none it is really you know my offices are in windw you're more than welcome to come by but this is like Midtown Miami on steroids what we are proposing to do here is really a Town Square for the community with this is just the splash wet area for the kids next to the pool and you can see and how it is that we have designed it so that you have food beverage you have bathrooms and you can see all of these areas have been um implemented and has been looked at very carefully I'm just showing you one rendering of the improvements to The JCC with the outdoor seating and the parking and the handicap accessibility that we have all the way around this is the banquet with the sitting inside uh ice cream stand we have um here in the background you can see the amphitheater sunken in um all of those areas are not only in rendering but you can see also the view that they're being taken the angle and the whole location so it's very sight specific um and it really gave us an opportunity to study it and work it very well here you can see if you want to a closeup of the seating area for the amphitheater and this is not only for the community or for a church group or for kids to come and sing um but it it's really going to be a unique destination second to9 that nobody else has on the east side we have our town square and this will be our town square on the west side and again I don't want to take up too much of your time I just wanted to show you this is part of the public record this is the the walk all the way around the property these are the classrooms for the computer on the right these are the tractor we have um all the way around the property without outdo seating because what happens many people said you know we'd love to come here and walk around and and enjoy it and be a garden space and that's what we took seriously about and I'm here to answer any questions or any any suggestions what your total buildout date time time frame total buildout it right now if you Greenlight us we are scheduled to submit for permit within 6 months we are supposed to have shovels in the ground within 9 months to a year we are looking to do as was mentioned the park in our first phase um but the first phase should be done in 36 months and the second phase another 24 months thereafter um so it is an opportunity for us to mobilize and not only improve the park and do the things that you see here but also the ground level pedestrian movement with the residential and the entries um it's a phased nice development that would really um be pushed forward um by this um group it's it's you can see this is the main street that bifurcates the site and it goes parallel to 135 cuz what we said is wouldn't it be nice to walk along the side and be shaded and have seating area where the bowling alley is and where the other activities are and so what we did is we created spaces for outdoor seating shaded um within the buildings um and then you also have the two-way drive there you you mentioned that you wanted to kind of replicate the woodwood feeling of town center the way that they have that laid out that's pretty much open to the area around it you is that in the plans also that those that the neighboring homes and that residents in that area have free access in and out of that particular part of the park absolutely sir not the park but where your housing ABS plans to be yeah we want to open up to the north side we have a cemetery and we have a church on 17 um and we have um the single family residential to the southide uh and and so what we did is we created this you know this Main Street in the middle that allows for the residences of the whole community in the neighborhood to come about our site and uh just essentially walk it and enjoy it that's the purpose um of the project very anything else anyone else from the group uh address us tell you really your staff has been very professional your engineering what I'm going to do is uh I'm going to ask the commission to hold off on their questions and their comments until I finish the public hearing I want to go ahead and open the public hearing because these folks have been here a long time I want to go ahead and open this up for for the uh pry hear him again everybody has been sworn in that wishes to address this issue correct okay counselor two people that wish to speak have not been sworn in uh those have not been sworn in that wish to speak please stand up so that we can you could please rise if you're going to speak um okay um do you swear or affirmed that the testimony and evidence you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes yes yes okay thank you please be seated thank you Madam Secretary okay uh so I'm going to go ahead and open up the public hearing public hearing is now open please try to keep your comments to two minutes thank you so much because we do have a lot of people that wish to address this issue our name good evening Judy yes please Judy Brown uh 11 100 Northwest 128 terrorist okay I have a um observation because of the traffic on 135th is very very like um they turn on 500 what about a Skyway for the children to CU to walk over you know how will the because I've seen children trying to get to um Ben Franklin and they Dash across that traffic you're goingon to put 2,000 people but in this particular area and we need some way for those children to get uh across this traffic to to get to Ben Franklin um uh K througha Center another thing is that we just heard about the water I I I wrote down what he said about the water and sewage I was under an impression at the last meeting that it was going to be going through North Miami Beach I didn't know that North Miami was be um you know saddled with that uh water and sewage because our water plant we all know it's just hanging there to put 2,000 3,000 with all the businesses and stuff there again it's just not going to it's the water pressure is already low over there you can barely take a shower okay the sewage um waste treatment plant they was trying to get that back on track it has had four or five those um auxiliary pumps in the street for at least five to 10 almost five to six years so I I don't know where this is coming from uh and now that we don't have a manager I know this I'm just up here talking okay but I do want to I want it in the record I um i' these are observations that I made um also with the elderly he talked about the units for the elderly I wanted to know if that's going to be um market value for the elderly or will they have a sliding scale for the rent or how is that going to be because it's going to be a 918 units for the elderly and I don't know how would they be priced would it be market value was going to be Section 8 or or what would that be done uh and I heard something about tenant V vouchers I didn't get any he just said it in passing okay so and also this is my last point cuz I know talking real fast yep 30 minute I mean 30 we are down 30 police officers already in the city 30 down we don't have them you're going to put all these people in there what's going to happen who's going to manage this place we are down 30 police officers we have two that just roll the streets this is going to be a disaster it's beautiful it's nice but you know all of these uh the logistics need to be worked out protection police water and sewage these are things that needs to be addressed thank you Judy thank you anybody else who would like to anybody else wish address by the way there are two podiums just to keep this moving please come if you wish to address you go ahead and take your place at the next as the next speaker we'll try to yeah so we don't slow it down thank you Madam Secretary good evening sirve name and address please Troy Fields duplex at 1415 opaka Boulevard 1417 um this presentation sound nice and sweet and sexy and smooth with the kind words if it's you know eight story uh eight buildings 18 stories each am I correct that's the plan sir um eight it's nothing wrong with progress and and becoming modern but there's no way in the heck we're going to lay down and allow this to happen I bought my place in um July of 2024 years ago this is too big too fast so they better get ready for a fight from a retired law enforcement officer that's a multi-millionaire that just gave me something to do and I I love to fight okay thank you thank you sir good evening ma'am Barbara Anders 1491 Northwest 137th Street um this site can't possibly be the site that I've seen for the last 20 32 years because there's no way this can fit on that lot there's no possible way that what you have outlined is beautiful and and I I appreciate they are I could buy one of these pictures but anyway we cannot sustain this uh you can't possibly put that on that line you need to take a view of that line you need to see where they're putting that they've been filling in this Lake for years they have been trying to make this Lake it's going to sink not in our lifetime you got to put eight buildings 18 stories high whatever on a filled in lot you can only appreciate this if you see the physical space how can this proposal fit on that physical space gentlemen you're all intelligent you know this not in my neighborhood I'm not coming from that not in my neighborhood please address the council and not the audience thank you and folks I know it's a money thing I know what this is about and we all do but to destroy a neighborhood that is residential and has good people in it and has potential for for for When We're Gone our kids can enjoy it this is not the place nor the space for this project thank you very much good evening please hold your applause thank you very much good evening your name and address please my name is Belinda caranel I live at 15 30 Northwest 135th Street right across from Pepper Park but I want to know is the unit these eight units are these parking they're going to built we saying there going to be 2,195 units how many parking are there going to be for these apartments because that as you lady explain it is not big I could walk around that Park my grandmother could walk around that park right now we already have basketball court we have tennis court we have a community center we have basketball field we have baseball field we have playground for the kids so what are they going to do make it prettier because that already exists and where are these people going to park because as you know when you go to the community center there's already not enough parking for people when they go there so is the parking for these eight apartment eight buildings going to be in the top Incorporated underneath the buildings so is it going to be 18 story or 20 story to a compl compliment the parkings H because if the parkings are on the side it's not going to be enough for 2,195 units and then some of them being three bedroomroom apartment so that's maybe more than two people for cars you know Apartments more than so ow ow it you got to go to the park you need to see there is not enough I mean it's beautiful but the plans in the beginning of this was from 16th Avenue to 17th Avenue now and then they were smaller now they're taller and they're deeper in right thank you very much thank you good evening name and address please Alina Medina 127 Northeast 1243 I wanted to ask about are these rental or are these will be these be owned by I'm not sure about that if it's rental or it'll be um for sale these apartments and also um there was a mention of affordable units uh I hope if they do the affordable units that they have a mix of one two three bedrooms available as affordable and um I just have also concern about the our infrastructure um and uh the the amount of people that will live in these units and also the we don't have any a school to you know for for children to to to to go to school and it kind of concerns me um pretty much it that's what I wanted to say thank you very much and the designs are very Prett pretty very thank you very much thank you good evening ma'am may I have your name and address please for the record good evening blondel Wimberly 1510 Northwest 135th Street I'm a resident there for over 40 plus years my husband and I we have two sons they all grown and gone but still related with us we we co- habitate with one another my sons come to visit me I don't go to visit them because they live in the cold I cannot fa the cold however they know where mommy's is you know so they come to see mommy CU Daddy's Gone now so it's Mommy and my Grands and great grands they know to come home to Grandma however to address this here uh uh uh proposal that has comes across my my mailbox I totally disagree with it I disagree I can uh uh appreciate to uh the further this moving forward making things beautiful I can appreciate Beauty I I love that but the thing that I struggled my husband and I with me moved in that Community 46 years to be exact we came there with hope to raise our family raise our kids up you know and able to uh uh accomplish buying that house in that Community because it was a wonderful Community still is a wonderful Community however we have a lot of flaws that's coming through just like you want to make this building I can see I can appreciate that building cuz I hadn't been downtown I hadn't been in car Gables and seen all these beautiful sites and things of Miami Beach how they re develop these Pro projects and everything I know how that is I know how it looks I can appreciate the site the pictures that y'all showed toight however I didn't got an age there and we struggled for us to get grown and and and worked hard to accomplish what we have accomplished now my household that's the homestead that all the kids Grands the sons know that that's always a place for them to come home but you're taking it away from us by making this here exclusive in glamorous site you know it's not a community it's not going to be a community anymore when I moved up there it was a community of families raising their family to grow up to this site it was a struggle for us to accomplish this household and it and I'm addressing I wrote this down because I didn't want to take a long time yeah I know I want to get to the point but right now I'mma I'mma make a couple of uh points that really uh uh affects me personally we have the park right across the street from me I live right in front of the building that was there I knew when that first structed that building where to come and have the uh Banquets and everything that was going to be a problem because the people come and park and they disregard the families that live across 135th Street the lights shine in my house all the time you know it it it's disturbing it all time of night went to the park the park don't have a a time that they close two and 3 o'clock in the morning they over there with this Boom the boom that's not music you know I'm an old lady I'm 79 years old you know and I thank God for these years but this is not this is no good you have to take consideration for the people that was there when you coming now you know you can't disrespect us you like pushing us in a hole you know and just take oh no we're going to do this you know forget about y'all you know you can't do that you know you can't take you cannot do that it's not fair to people I I understand I understand your point it's a lot of things that that they Lo 135th Street like the aaban in Germany you know the PE they speed up and down I mean this is all the time if you live there you would run I can't afford to run we struggled too long to to accomplish what we have now I can't go anywhere I can't go out and get an apartment say well I'm G move from here and get an apartment I can't afford that I don't have that kind of money you know and it's just too much it's too much I'm going to I'm going to cut you off so we can let this I know I know you're going to cut me I know you but please please Hear My Cry please Hear My Cry you we all hear you consider us thank you very much thank you thank you byebye good evening my name is uh Joyce herrian that's my neighbor I live 1500 Northwest 135th Street in the essence of time I'm just going to go ahead and read my letter um as a resident of this community for over 30 years I'm very concerned and strongly opposed this proposal for redevelopment of the cloth pepper I believe this proposal would be a negative impact on my community these are my concerns the proposed development is too large the numbers are overwhelming eight buildings with 18 to 19 stories two 2,193 units and a 121,000 square ft of commercial space 4,114 parking spaces it's difficult to believe that that is even possible possible in that space traffic will be negatively impact you just don't have an idea what we did with traffic people going down the one way street and with that many parking spaces I can't even imagine the traffic I have no idea where the entrance or exit is located but I surely hope it's not on 30 135th Street where I live the impact of the bus stop I live directly in front of a bus stop directly right in front of my house okay people waiting at the bus lean on my fence I need a new fence repaired right now and they throw their trash there on the ground and I have to pick it up with 200 2,193 apartment Apartments it definitely will make my situation worse I fear for the increase the decrease of my property value I'm very concerned I'm concerned about the increase in homeowners taxes and insurance I feel the increase in the utility water sewage garbage trash pickup an electrical in addition I'm concerned about the increased aggravation from some of the people at the park who play loud music all times at night as it was already mentioned cars lights shining all times at night in our Windows Gatherings of teenagers congregating in cars with video fights they get out there and they fight and they video call the police and whatever increased crime and home break-ins as you are aware there have been shootings at the park okay we're going to have to start wrapping you up there manam thank you so much thank you good evening sir name and address for the record my name is John Barber my address is 1351 Northwest 12th Avenue Miami Florida I live right across from Peppa Park and the traffic now is bad and I disagree with it that I know progress going to go on but bringing all this in that going to make more more traffic it's oneway Street open like a Boulevard 13 fth street is one way those streets be crowded where I live the police be there every week cuz accident and pieces of cars be in my yard every week if you think of line just call the police department and find out and if you got to bring all this traffic now that's just going to what what are you trying to do Force us out trying to force us out I've been living there for a long time if I get forced out of there then go find another place then another development we want to come and build it what do keep forcing us away and away and away when we bought the house we was intent to live there until we die we was intent to live there and our children live there and we thank God that our children live with us and till he got grown but if we have to move out get four start cuz like you talking about the the the runoff we paid so much for runoff they had uh put the drains in a few years ago on one side of the street and on the other side of the street and now they if they're going to put more in that going to we going to have to pay for that our taxes going to go up our property are going to be lose its value because of the construction and the traffic and everything that's all I got to say thank you thank you sir good evening ma'am name and address for the record good evening my name is Gypsy Jasmine address is 770 Northwest 134 Street my concern like everybody who spoke before me cuz my parents live at the house and they're on fixed income their elderly and the issue is what's going to happen to their property tax because again they're on fixed income and they're not able to move you know they can just pick up and move you know if the property taxes go up if utilities go up they don't have that flexibility therefore I would really love to know how that will impact them financially and you know I love the designs I am a millennial know I love amenities you know and it's a it's great but like everybody said the extra 2,000 residents is a concern because we already have issues I've had to call the police for different things like cars driving too fast on our road um you know just it bring attracts certain groups of people that are causing issues in our neighborhood and I've called the police over that and so that's a fear of safety so the financial aspect of it is a concern and safety is another concern that I have if we could I love the idea of improving the park I I like the idea of you having the bowling alley and theater and and the park itself because I enjoy walking at the park and if there's a way that they could improve the park without actually bringing those extra 2,000 residents that will be I believe that that will would be great thank you very much thank you good evening sir name address please 1420 Northwest 137th Street my name is Reginald Sims been in the neighborhood for over 40 years I'd like to know who should we contact for those of us that are in opposition to the project who should we contact so we can send them correspondence maybe start a petition whom should we contact uh I believe staff can address that uh you can contact um um the staff after the meeting and they'll be glad to give you the contact information Mr cook can can answer or Cincy or Raymond they with the developers they're with the no they're with the Planning Commission the city of North Miami Planning Commission their City staff and feel free to CL call Planning Commission office with your concern and they'll be glad to address any of any concerns you have thank you all right you're welcome that goes for anyone else too if they if they get a desire to reach out to the city um now just let you know the public hearing is still open I'll give you time for your rebuttal okay um anyone else wishing to address this issue before I close the public hearing and then the petitioner will have a chance to uh make his rebuttal to what he's heard from the um from the those that are opposed to it okay I see Mickey can I clarify were you and Kobe sworn before you were okay yeah I believe they were okay I'm going Toad go ahead and close public hearing public hearing is now closed you have you have your chance for your B now sir yeah and again thank you Mr chair again we have our team here so if youall have any specific questions there will be plenty sure so just I took some notes I'm just going to address some of the concerns that were raised um I'll go kind of in order so questions were asked about the elderly housing if it's going to be Market affordable be a sliding scale the idea is that will be a sliding scale to allow for affordability and different types of units and different different uh different income levels but there you know it's going to be open to hopefully everybody that that would like to take advantage of it uh there was a talk about um how are we going to fund you know there's a lack of there's a deficiency the police department how are we going to fund the extra Services needed by this development and frankly what what we all know is that development is what brings Revenue to the city it increased Ador taxes I mean you saw the numbers in the report we're talking in just over 9 million in permitting and impact fees alone to the city um the schools how the schools be impacted when you pay those Ador taxes which will be significant because of this development a third of that goes to the schools so to the extent that there's a need for improvements or chairs in those schools this development will fund a lot of that Improvement um there's a talk of uh how could we improve the park without the development I I think this the idea this is a response to to the council to the city's request the idea was we want to see these Park improvements and we think this park needs a massive upgrade but we don't have the funding for it we don't you know have a budgeted the funding can we do something where a private money comes in so really this is a joint partnership with the city that was how it was addressed to us that's how we responded um but but that the park will benefit significantly from the private money coming in I heard concerns by multiple people about some bad behavior that might be going on late at night in the park what we think what we've seen in many places when you have places that are sort of run down haven't been kept up it it sort of attracts certain behavior when there's improvements to this park things are new there's going to be more security more eyes on the park people that live there you know it's our belief that the investment going in you're going to see a lot less bad behavior and a lot more eyes on keeping the park looking at absolute best keeping the area that's developed looking at absolute best um questions about affordability of existing residents for those residents that are there um My Hope Is that they're homesteaded I mean yes we believe property values will go up we believe a development like this bringing all this incredible Improvement to the park new development commercial uh services that aren't there before retail you know we heard and you know frankly we're a little surprised at some of the concerns just because we've had so much Community meetings going back to the RFP itself and up to just a few months ago at the park itself but there's going to be a significant Medical Center there's going to be significant retail bowling alley uh child services and stuff at this facility at this at the at the development so we think all of that's going to improve quality obviously you didn't hear from every everyone everybody some of the folks some of the folks we listen there was food we advertised but we tried I understand but uh you indicated earlier that there was generally wide support for the welled we're hearing questions now being raised so understood um another thing I wanted that hasn't really been mentioned the lot the the vacant lot is contaminated we've done that research part of our funding is to clean that up and and you know it's going to make this you know obviously more expensive but worth it because right now nothing can really go there without significant money spent to clean that up that's that's the first step of this process is cleaning up that Park in is durh overseeing that absolutely yes yes where do you stand with that so far and they've hired uh brownfields expert that's not that's not my job but anything you want to say about the Brownfield or the contamination because you you know we we've been we've been through this dance before with Sola and it took a long time for that to get cleaned up and it was quite a quite a problem David buron yes sir good evening good evening how are you U the site is going to be designated to brownsfield um we've already been in discussions with Engineers that are going to and firms to clean up uh we're doing phase twos so we can put this use in place and we this is going to happen starting the fourth quarter of this year all right thank you a couple of other things I probably haven't hit everything but we you know we'll be here for a minute uh it was raised that where's the parking going to go the park parking is part of the 18 stories it is the ground level and the units will be above the parking the parking is is there to accommodate all of the proposed units uh a question was comment was made that we increased the size of the buildings it's actually slightly less we came original uh project showed 20 stories slightly smaller than the original proposal the zoning District allows 200 feet 20 stories we're obviously not too far under but we are a little bit under that and the original proposal like I said was 20 story building bus um I think I touched on most of my notes but again I'm sure there'll be a nice dialogue and we're here to answer any questions certainly I'll um if the panel doesn't man mind I'd like to begin the questioning may I begin um my my observations sir since I did approve this um um I believe that when we approve this uh I know I I I have to take the blame for not realizing the the massive amount of space that you wish to take up on this piece of property to put huge 18 story buildings on I I had assumed you were coming into this project with mediumsized buildings these aren't 18 stories is not medium siiz those please please reserve your comments please thank you very much and we'll allow one speaker at a time and right now that is me um I I have great problem with the 18 stories um on this property in in this area um I I don't think we any of us imagine that we'd get eight 18 story buildings maybe one we could we could deal with but to have 18 on that property and most of that from the drawings and the and the illustrations we see is nothing but a mass of of buildings and parking lots very little green space even though you show you do show some pretty architectural renderings of of and drawings of of some Greenery um but uh I find that hard to believe when you look at some of the other drawings and all you see are are masses amounts of of space being taken up by by eight buildings and and uh paved over parking spaces so uh um this sticks out in a residential area like a sore thumb and I think that's what u a lot of people were taken back by I don't think they had imagin that they would come in with such an aggressive approach as to wanting to maximize the amount of space be tanken up on the that piece of property um and again um I think it can be downsized I think there's room for um for for um some adjustment to it and I would hope that that the architect and and the developers would kind of rethink a little bit of about this before they proceed um and and uh you know I it's out I I understand that even if we approve or disapprove goes to the city council and I'm sure the city council was very much in in favor of this but but I I I would be dishonest if I didn't bring up concerns about the height issues and the fact that it's going to be uh pretty overwhelming in what is now a residential area and uh you know it's pretty pictures um or ni nice selling point but sometimes the reality is is a little bit more um um to realize uh your traffic studies are very thorough I understand that but that just addresses that that one development traffic studies don't address other businesses that are are are springing up or other developments that come along that uh within that proximity of that property that adds to the the to the to the numbers that are going to increase also so you know I I I never do put much uh uh much Merit into when we get these traffic studies so we all have to understand that traffic increases in day County there's nothing we can do that we haven't found a cure for that in South Florida so um you know I I beg to differ for you trying to shine those up for us uh um uh again um I would like to address how we can lower the height of these buildings and yet have your your project be successful and and and not lose money on what you have to do to to make it fit within that that neighborhood so I'm I'm I'm just kind of laying this out here and and see how my other Commissioners feel about that um as as we hear from each one of them um I'll start with miss plur you have the floor good evening everyone thank you Mr cook for your presentation thank you to the developer and so I too have a problem with the height uh second I would like some clarification on age res restricted Independent Living how many will will there be specifically and you mentioned affordable housing market rate housing and Workforce housing and right now in the city we spent several years selling affordable housing which is really not the truth and so I want to be very specific on what it is going to be and I would like the explanation of it from the from the developer so that we are all on the same page so is it affordable housing is it market rate or is it Workforce what is what exactly is it going to be two of the buildings are going to have deed restrictions with uh low Amis an average of 60% the housing and Finance Authority voted with unanimous vote to give $100 million per building because there's a crisis going on in day County and um the third building would be a market rate building okay so just to clarify there's 2,1 93 units you have eight buildings how many units is is per building anywhere from 250 for a family building and approximately 300 for a senior building as of right now there's in in the first phase we have one building which is about 300 units that would be affordable for seniors the second building would be family oriented which is also going to be hold on one second when you say affordable the 300 units affordable for seniors you said there would be three buildings so that's about 900 plus no the the first buildings that we have planned right now okay that we have uh Bond financing uh T tentatively approved from the Housing Finance Authority the first building is a senior building of 300 units and it has um low Ami uh for senior citizens so there's a deed restriction in place what age group for senior citizens it would uh I believe it's 62 62 and up I believe okay so 62 and up they're literally three years shy of being senior citizen living on a fixed social security income so determent age is 62 I think that's why they believe off a year 62 it is the definition of what HUD would say as a senior building is what is what that would be that's for all units okay apologize but whatever HUD would Define as a senior building oh no apologies needed that's perfectly fine if it's 62 that's fine but when you say that it's going to be affordable for seniors is it going to be on their fixed income which is more than likely their social security benefit so on average the tenant would pay approximately 30% of the rent um which would also be I believe identified as 30% of the income excellent thank you the next question I have um is for the affordable housing versus market rate versus Workforce housing now Workforce housing determined by Miami day County would put individuals within the income of 42,000 to 9,400 is that what you're talking about the definition of Workforce housing is up 120 to even 140% in some cases 60 to 140 so well actually uh low Ami of Workforce housing would be up to 120 and in some cases 140 correct um affordable housing would be typically 80% and to get tax credits they want to see an average of 60% of Ami right so in some cases we'll have 30 40% Ami in some cases you may be 80 but the average would be 60 so my question to you is are you going to have affordable housing or you going to have Workforce housing or mix of the two so in the in the senior building it would be all affordable 100% of the units would be affordable the second building would be a uh mix with family uh families um that when you say mix with families is that affordable market rate or Workforce that is Affordable also Okay the third building would be a market rate building that would be attainable to the to the workforce 120 to 140% of Ami okay okay F if you could uh please refrain from my side conversations I apologize sir no problem thank you so here's the concern here it's a beautiful presentation a beautiful design however it is currently zon as pu public use that means that the public has a right to say what they want to see there and what they don't want there and right now even based on what you have ready to provide the public specifically housing which like you said there's a huge crisis in Miami day County I just don't see how it is in their benefit especially with the height so I think in my opinion I think that it should be reconsidered the height first and foremost and second with the first building if you have 300 units that is going to be allocated to senior citizens it should be based on fixed income well I think I think we're saying I apologize I think we're saying the same thing it's no you said a mix no the first building is senior citizen 100% of the units will be affordable okay and there will be a deed restriction restriction in place to enforce that okay great so moving along also retail would be in the project of about 120,000 feet creating job growth in the area and economic impact okay so one um something that the tenants the residents and the homeowners mention is the current situation with our water plant that has been in existence since 1962 and that we are all on the same page that we will not be able to bring on 2,000 additional units you as a developer how what is your response to that if Joe Benton in the room if right with the monies that will be coming in from the project with permit impact fees and also the real estate taxes as Kobe said lift stations but I'll pass the mic to Joe he can tell you how this is going to be Jo re identify yourself of course Joe Penton Redwood development uh we have uh kimy horn working on our impact on utilities they've analyzed it and they will uh guide us through the design process and make sure that uh we can be serviced there's not a moratorium in place so you know so is is it my understanding that knowing that the water plant has been in existence since 1962 and we currently have issues with it you are comfortable currently continuing your development as is with the current water plant I'm comfortable moving forward with the engineers that we have yes absolutely thank you next question someone mentioned something about um the filled in lot can staff give us a a little bit more detail about that I believe that's the L the lake portion that used to be a lake on that property basically it was a rock pit it was used for construction and they called it a they called it a lake but it's it was a rock chiry was a big lake yeah and so it's been filled in and I I guess they just wanted our to make the observation that there was some concern about that was landfill staff could probably elaborate a little bit more with that Mr cook through the chair um as the applicant stated that it is a brown field and they are going to implement mitigation to be able to um develop the site as you asked um Mr chair would Durham be involved in that process of course they will so they would do it necessary to make the flight um buildable and liable for their tenants thank you sir if I may note something um in the community meetings that we've had the real only the main complaints were that the uh dirt from the from the site is being blown into the houses on 135th Street so these are these are some of the things that we are addressing by site capping the site so no of none of this uh potentially contaminated sand would be blown over um some of the you know we had as uh Mickey said three or four Community meetings we've addressed all the concerns we did reduce the height from 20 stories to 18 and also in some cases um the senior buildings would be as low as 16 stories um so but we are lower than what we're required to be I just want you to understand I've attended some of the community meetings and I was on the Planning Commission when you first presented it and I just want to be honest with you that is not what I personally expected and so I understand that you've had these Community meetings but once you present the design and people actually see what is going to be placed on the site there is going to be possibly a shift in their their choice because that's not what they were expecting so I think that at this point for my position I cannot approve this project tonight because I truly believe that what you're presenting is not what we in my opinion thought that it would be and so if staff can work with you to go back and to rework this I think that would possibly be in your best benefit anything else on Naomi no that would be all Mr chair recognizes Mr cied thank you Mr chair uh a number of thoughts come to mind first I attended virtually all of the public hearings that were at the sellenin center regarding this development and I believe that the recreational components are very much in line with What the residents had requested from Landscaping to additional uh ball fields and different types of recreational Outlets when we look at the the building height Building height doesn't bother me in the slightest density overall is the overriding issue but the fact that they're building over 4,000 parking spaces tells me that they're going to be able to accommodate the parking needs of the project also we have to look at the fact that the city needs senior housing uh there's a terrible shortage of quality housing for seniors and a terrible shortage of Workforce housing what we're looking at here is a mixed use project that's going to help the city a great deal in terms of housing opportunities for seniors Workforce housing affordable housing and market rate housing this will be a mixed use project in every way shape and form the building height again is to me irrelevant by itself as long as the designs are thoughtfully crafted and at the last uh Workshop that uh Kobe karp attended he indicated how the buildings would be stepped back which takes away the impression of the height and how the interior Main Street would be have a covered walkway on each side for pedestrians to stay out of the Sun and to stay out of the rain there's a tremendous amount of thought that's g into the design and Engineering of these buildings and there's been tremendous effort made to accommodate the request of everybody that attended those public he ings to accommodate each person's perspectives on recreational needs I also understand there are some things that no developer can take responsibility for North Miami is a pass through City we know that as additional projects are built not just in North Miami but throughout day County traffic on 135th in opaka Boulevard will increase and at some point the the county and the state are going to have to widen those roads but that may be 20 years down the road but it's inevitable when we look at the condition of the water treatment plant yes we're all very concerned that that treatment plant is maybe on its last legs and I think the actions of the city council were absolutely horrendous tonight clearly personal interest not professional but nonetheless there is funding coming down the pipe to rebuild the wi water treatment plant and if you look at the fine print of this project they're not only going to be providing water and sewer services on site they're responsible for the connections off site that will facilitate the project so that brings about some new piping I understand Judy's concern about children having to cross the street it's bad now and it will only get worse regardless of whether this project is built or not again that's something the developer by themselves cannot take responsibility for but there is an opportunity for some foresight on the part of our city council to apply for some additional grants and other projects to mitigate and make crossing the streets more safe whether that be by some means of overhead walkway or other traffic caling devices and flashing lights to slow people down down I agree it traffic moves way too fast along there but that takes money it takes time there is no single solution to that one but again there is a window of opportunity this project is at least a six-year buildout no matter how optimistic one wants to be if they break ground at the end of 20124 this won't be finished until 2030 there's a lot to be done it's going to take anywhere from they project 3 years to just to rebuild the athletic fields and the parks not to mention what it's going to take to build the other buildings I I don't I don't fear the project challenges yes is it going to require some leadership from the city council to mitigate some issues yes but this plan is as good as it gets for this particular site and having a all the workshops and listened to everybody's concerns uh I am absolutely in favor of this project I think it's going to make a huge difference but it's going to take at least six years to get it done maybe longer thank God the state road department isn't responsible for it or it might take 60 years so uh as it stands in a public private partnership I think this project has as many merits as one could possibly hope for and I am quite supportive of it living in District 4 it is my neighborhood and it's my neighborhood park I voted for the $12 million bond issue needed for it long long time ago when I was a much younger person and uh I think this is a needed makeover and long past overdue so I'm I'm very supportive of this thank you Mr IED Mr Bon you have the floor uh couple of questions on parking sounds like you have a lot of parking spaces for the buildings themselves uh where would you accommodate the parking for people coming into the area to use the uh commercial facilities to use the park as you generate more and more people coming into that area where are they going to park well right now there are 227 spaces on the park itself those will remain we're not removing any spaces uh I don't remember the count of spaces on the internal streets but we have on street parking inside on the uh on the retail streets and we also have two structured parking garages at the end of the build we'll start with one and as we move into phase two build a second one that's where we get the almost 4,000 spaces but those parking spaces would be for the uh residents of the apartments we programmed uh to cover all the uses of the site and every time we permit a small component we'll make sure that we comply with the parking requirements but at this time we're not even looking to uh to use some of the shortcuts to minimize parking right now we've done a blanket calculation I just think to be very clear the 4,000 plus bases is not just for the residences that's addresses the parking requirement of the commercial all the retail everything proposed that was not just in parking structures so there'll be some mix but we haven't requested any parking reductions or parking VAR yeah right as Kobe said the three parking is open to the public the parks the parking in the park will remain as it is um so we think there's plenty of parking uh at the main intersections to enter the facility um what is the traffic controls going to be basically Ingress egress and so on D deeski I'm here with kimy horn um so are you asking about the main intersections on 135th are you asking about the project driveway specifically the main intersections on 135th Street so um before we submitted a traffic impact analysis to the city of North um Miami before doing that we got together with thead traffic reviewer and we um submitted a methodology where we selected uh study intersections and long story short based on the analysis the study intersections will be operating at an acceptable level of service um level of service D or better I'm not sure if that means anything you know much means nothing to me I'm a doctor to explain that to me there are thresholds and um we're basically meeting the the minimum thresholds yeah not only that we also take the comments that um were given to Us by the community here we're going to have the same as you would have in Surf Side right you have the flashing lights that let you cross over Miami Beach is same thing same standards um so that when people are there they touch stops the traffic and then you can pedestrian on over um on both streets 135 And1 in opaka and we'll have it a multiple locations we'll have it on 17 Avenue we'll have it mid um and then we'll have it on the East side as well on both sides the North and the South M and just for the height discussion you know I was there before at 200 ft 20 stories we're working at it um you know our our interest our interests are aligned meaning the developer is not would like to build it shorter shorter is arguably less money a little bit taller is a little bit more money but you have to understand that if you're taller and skinnier you have more open Green Space you have more natural light and ventilation and that's where we are we have more green space now than we had in my original submission we have more pedestrian space we have more circulation we have more ground level street parking and and because it is uh a public property we're giving all the uses back to the public not only the park but also on our property where the program will be whether it's the workforce housing or the affordable housing or the elderly housing the ground level is all for the public use for the public parking for the public circulation um for the whole Community thank you thank you questions you had a question I follow up with the traffic traffic engineer so two questions first um can you explain how the projected traffic from other developments are taken into account when you do your projections and whether those projections actually showed that the existing roadway system or with improvements can handle the proposed project sure so yeah that is a bit of a process we coordinate with um the traffic engineer at city of North Miami and um we do our own research and then we request um for any approved committed developments um in the area and they provide those to us specifically and um you know in short committed developments were included I think there was one have the name in the report I can look for it if you'd like and I can get that to you at the end of the the meeting but yeah those were accounted for and the traffic was added and so that is accounted for in our um analysis yeah and and to keep it simple stupid Gary the the numbers and the data that the municipality has and that kimley has and that fdot has right because it's fdot roads and the projections they're all the same data so they all have to be aligned and that's what is part the public record that we submitted um and not only that what we did here is if you look at the site plan we made connection streets we made connection streets that connect North and South through the property and we introduced another Street in the middle of our property open to the public okay and the result uh resulting impact on the neighborhood of the proposed project for traffic lives the results are that the study sections that we looked at you know are operating acceptably and um yeah the results are are good basically yeah they're positive thank you yeah and Mr hell I I think on the just a point of clarification um um my earlier questioning on on the traffic study is U maybe you can bear a little bit of light um the impact of other developments around the area and other growth that would use 13 F Street were those a part of your of your study also because there's no way to factor in what would happen to the east of it or to the west of it should there be an increase in development or or housing in those areas that will have pass through traffic and I think that's what when I was asking that question ear is what I was looking for a clarification on right with that and I think that's a very good point and and like I mentioned in the beginning of the presentation and to the East and to the West the traffic circulation connects the Avenues 7th Avenue 17th Avenue that's where the report ties itself to fdot which is a public record and it's uh State and also city and county right and so we're in good shape on that and furthermore just on this specific site um because there will no there will be no growth potential there will be no growth potential because we have a ceter on the North side right right and and and to a substantial amount so that's our immediate neighborhood and the single family residential God willing will remain single family residential to the South um and that's where we are going with this direction so it's a very positive a traffic report we've introduced additional streets north south most multiple north south connections on the S plan as well as a new Main Street um running East and West with street level parking open to the public in perpetuity that means that the the idea is to take the public land and give it back to the public use whether it's the park whether it's the JCC whether it's the walking around the whole site that's what it's about the program to your residence I would hope you have some assigned parking for folks that that would be able to use that you are correct and we will have both assigned parking and ovalet parking but as you know elderly folks don't want to necessarily Park their cars up there and and and and many people today would rather uh just go up into the garage and park it on the floors above the retail and we have how many 4,114 spaces and arguably if I was to do this under Miami 21 code and or any other Transportation let alone rtz I would be at at least 30% less I'm not going to the 50% but I would be at 30% less which would be about 3,000 spaces and I'm talking to you guys openly so that we don't lose the the the macro picture through certain things you know that people have you know there's the vocal minority with the data and there's the the silent majority with the information that I've been had the pleasure of presenting to multiple times that that you guys were there thank you thank you um Mr Mr re had a quiet evening sir now it's your turn to give us your give us your thoughts on this issue sir I'm sorry it's now your turn sir okay well I have to agree with Kevin first of all the height doesn't worry me whether 12 stories or what are I'm 18 stories I I walk I walk through the city I live on the east side and I see 12 story buildings 16 story buildings it I don't walk around with my head up in the air like that it's it's there and they it's the fact of life it's to me they're beautiful looking buildings I I have a couple of questions for the architect there a if I may Kobe you have a what what I what I find annoying you know with the higher Rises now we go down to Gables we go to Miami I see a twostory residentials on one side and I see beautiful condos and Towers on the other side of the street the type of glass that you're going to use in these highrises there's it diminish the glare and the light coming out or it's not a bright thing in the middle of the night uh can you how how much can you reduce the glare and and the light from the building so that's very good because our intent here is three-fold we have um glass that is insulated and the reflection is minimal to give you an idea what this glass would be like is like if you go to Surf Side and you look at the Four Seasons that we built there at the Surf Club which is that that's what it's going to be like in reflection which is very it's not going to be intrusive on the uh on the no and it will no okay and that's a very good question cuz you know we have the North faad and then we have the South facade and that's why we also you know we have a certain amount of tinting that we have to and also saves energy on the inside of the building the parking garages now they're going to be sheltered they're going to be also closed off where they don't have the glare coming from inside to the residential no we agreed with your staff that you won't be able to see the the lights that are inside the garage okay and and or the cars that drive wood lights inside the garage yes okay my my other question is on the roofs of these buildings are you planning to put any type of a rooftop garden up there so on top of the 18 stories or whatever is there going to be any kind of amenities on top of the roofer that's just going to be strictly utilitarian for the air conditioning systems and the right now it's purely utilitarian we don't we're not looking to increase the height of the buildings in any stretch of the imagination no I I I kind of lean the other way i' rather see the tops of these buildings uh with Greenery ergonomics what have you reducing the heat load on it and so forth and so on it's going to be much better and that's what we did with the pool and amenity areas right on top of the garages um if you allow me and and you're considerate and you I would love to introduce Green Space and and solariums on the rooftops it's a place where people like to go especially elderly folks and give them a place of peace and quiet and and and and you know some of the workforce housing I've done just you know where we rooster is in Overtown you come out the lyric Plaza across the street with the whole connectivity of that poo passage that we did that's all us that's what we did and it looks like market rate rentals if not condos you know that's what we have we have the same kind of design here and it's possible to do this on top of the yes sir if you allow me yes it is with pleasure okay all right right um well the bus stop um thank you Kobe with regards to the bus stop one of the uh ladies in I brought up the fact that the bus stop stops in front of the residential area and I I don't know if we can get with the MTA but move it to the other side of the street we get it away from the residential side over there uh the second thing Judy Brown brought it up and I I I thought it was a pretty good idea I'm pretty familiar with 130 fish Street opal Northwest 17th Avenue uh I I do like the idea of the pedestrian bridge for the children uh you did mention and I I know we have one on biscane Boulevard in the 10 22nd Street where we push The Pedestrian Crossway where we push the yellow button then the lights flicker and you go across the street but I'd be very honest with you I walk that sometimes I'm taking my life in my hands now when we're talking about children using the park I I I I think it would behoove us and uh if we could find a location to put that pedestrian bridge especially with the little ones because that's 135th Street going eastbound and opaka going westbound that that's a drag strip over there so I I think if we could somehow incorporate a couple of pedestrian bridges for the kids going over 130 f stre I think that would really en enhance the safety for the children okay that's uh would you not have to have one on South on the south side and also on the North the north side is predominantly the cemetery if I'm not mistaken correct So you you're saying most of the foot traffic would come from from the from the yeah from the residential area going over I think that's I mean you know it's an added expense but I tell I tell you what that goes a long way for Community spirit and bonding with the community and and the safety of the children I hate to see kids in my 33 years in law enfor forcement out there and as the gentleman sitting in the room we've seen too many kids get hurt out there on the street and and it's uh you know if it's something that could be done we could let me let me just put on the record we're definitely going to study that that's a good point thank you very much thank you yes uh with regards to the property tax and the U the impact that it's going to have first of all we do have impact fees that it's going to come out of this project you said to the school so forth and so on but with the property tax um you know Judy said that we were I think 20 officers down and one of the reasons how many 30 30 is that we we we need to generate income from property tax so forth and so on but there's there's other issues that a plan here but I do think that uh that area developing like that should probably end up with a maybe a substation if you want to look at putting a substation in there or or field office of something of that nature and and possibly station an officer within that 20 24 hours a day or 18 hours a day or something like that when I was up in Illinois we did that in several communities and uh the developer would put that facility in there we would every time you have a good idea we got to jump up but absolutely we you know if if the police department and the City Works with us we would accommodate that space and we would very open to that you know I think you should run it by the chief she she's a pretty sharp lady and uh she's she come she worked in Miami uh for a lot of years and she's dealt with a lot of your big projects here and she knows the impact of of traffic and pedestrian traffic and as we develop an area I I I think that you should really look at it with that uh the the other thing we were talking about was the property the property tax issue and and um for the residential area one of the things that I I I I see in various studies you is that when you you develop an area you have theorum tax the X rate the the the better the quality the tax rate will go down you look at I believe over there in Sunny Isles I think the millage rate is like what 1.2 something like that this is not going to have a negative effect on those houses to to the south of you if anything it's going to have a benefit now I that's they predominantly live in unincorporated day County that section to the south of year but I do believe that this project you go up in the air we can actually reduce our millage rate if we have great quality projects around the city and and um one of one of the things that our former city manager just did and I I got to give her a great deal of credit she got a what a 200 was it $200 million from the federal government to improve that water plant over there and you know sometimes I feel like I'm on a threadmill because years ago I brought up to the city C Council the fact that we should have an osmosis plant here in the city of North Miami we have saltwater intrusion coming in and sooner or later it's going to hit those well Fields out there we closed one down many years ago on 8th Avenue in 125th Street and I gave them an article from the uh military engineer magazine about reverse osmosis in San Diego you guys are familiar with the San Diego built the reverse osmosis where they're supplying a great deal of their water from from the uh from the ocean and the same thing with all of our cruise ships it's not a big mystery it's not that expensive but those who control the water control the future and we got to get on the ball on that but right now for my understanding is we have enough capacity right now to support this is that correct that that that is correct okay well I think you answered most of my questions um uh the the the other thing that I was looking at was the surface parking and I'm trying to make it out from the uh how much is what are we doing with that do we're going to have a lot of landscaping around that for we have a great deal of percolation you know we cover everything up with a so so all of the parking will be um paer parking so it absorbs the water okay um and then the tree canopy that we're putting into which is the native trees okay to give us the shaded areas not only into the park but also all the way around the park where people walk so they can walk within shaded that's code requirement Miami 21 it's code requirement based on Florida so that's what you'll have here I think one of the things that you know I was looking at also in this project and I I I've driven by there several times is is the amount of traffic that comes down 130 Fifth Street and I don't know what other traffic coming devices that we can put out there like we did on the uh east of 7th Avenue the I don't know if it's the count I think it's the county they put out the green belts in the middle I see it on 119 Street and I don't know if that's going to be feasible over there or not because you are having 10- foot sidewalks if I'm not mistaken yeah we're having 10 foot sidewalks so we're going and we shall introduce also the the parallel parking on the side which will slow traffic down no different than it does when you drive north or south on Collins Avenue by the Publix's in North Beach or you drive in Surfside um where you have the parking on the sides and you have the sidewalks in the restaurants south of Bell Harbor shops we are talking to the traffic we're talking to kimley to introduce um those yellow lights in the middle that will stop so as soon as a pedestrian is there if even if I'm just coming across with my dog I'm going to be able to stop the traffic on that street okay all right um my one concerns I have with on street parking on the residential side you know you have Affair over there are they're going to be parking in front of the homes of the residents over there that's something that I I I don't want to see happening you are correct our the parking I want to see that impact on those people sir the the the street parking is only on our side of the okay so there's it's not going to be and if need be we could landscape or do something over there wouldn't happen wouldn't impact those people that is correct I find that that that I find um that is correct all right well well thank you very much much you answered my my questions thank you sir thank you Mr re and finally Mr Bob um thanks for hanging in there you drew you drew the short STW the last person to speak uh you have the floor sir uh I don't have much to say just a few comments uh one uh thank you for the presentation very informative I think the concern that I have is just you know I'm familiar with that area and 135th already has a lot of traffic as it is so it's just you know I know you guys did your traffic analysis it's just for me hard to believe a project of this size is not going to negatively affect the traffic I mean right now it's already a mess um but again you guys said you you did the analysis um overall I do like the senior housing I I think that is extremely important I I don't think that there's enough the concern that I have overall is just that this is a very very large project for the land that is allotted so I don't know logistically how it'll all pan out um I know either way you know this this proposal is going to go on to the council and all that I'm aware of that um but it just seems like a really large project for the size of the land that's there um it just seems uh very ambitious but um and I do think that there is going to be a strain on the residents that are already there um you're talking about buildings that are you know that high with that many units and the retail space and all that you know you have residents that are there that already have issues getting in and out of their property because of the onflow traffic so then you know project like this it's going to be a mess um but and then the drainage issue is a concern as well um but and as my uh fellow Commissioners have already mentioned they've addressed that already and um that that that's really just about it um the traffic is the biggest issue for me drainage issues um and that strain on the residents I do think that the project itself could be potentially scaled down um I know again it's going to move on to council but I I do think it's a bit ambitious for for the area itself just based on the size of the park and the potential impact to the residents I mean the the the traffic already is a mess on that side so so just a couple of uh side notes right because we do have 26 or 27 acres and so we have 150 units an acre density and we're placing it all on one side meaning all the way to the West because the East Side Up To The JCC takes up about 14 acres and then what we did is is and and that's really where most of the single family residential is on the south side it's on the east that's where you have about three blocks on the North side you have the cemetery so what's interesting here is that the 150 units an acre density which is the lowest density that we have for example in Miami 21 when you look at Urban it's 500 it's a th000 units an acre here we have 150 so what's good about the 150 we're stacking it all on one side yet at the same time the program as was just discussed by the commissioner she said what's give me the program right give me how many Workforce you got and how many affordable you got and and how many elderly you have right in Overtown is 150 units an acre based on the t68 zoning but we are putting it all into half the site all the way all the way to the West so what's interesting here is and again our interests are aligned if I can find a way to shave the height a foot or a floor this developer is ready willing and able to push me into that direction right um but we're here in front of you and uh we we're going to take your words to heart as we have in the past you know that we don't just say no we we listen it's a dialogue and at the end of the at the end of the day um hopefully we'll have uh more of what you like um and that's it thank you can I uh ask I like to ask our planning director can I can I ask you a question please with with regards to rooftop gardens okay Landscaping on that is that includ I I'm trying to remember the land use ordinances and is that is that inclusive in the height or is that uh how how does that work if we wanted to put up a rooftop garden there on these buildings it would be something that they would integrate into the project it really shouldn't um bring any height to the building at all and it's something that we encourage as part of our state sustainability I remember that yeah so that you know I think that's your answer Kobe right right height height is is is structural material and and fo would not be considered any I mean you you guys want to you know put that in there I think that would be absolutely great I I really and and I think we shall because you know I'm just looking on what it is cu the streets and we the park goes 12th Avenue right and it goes all the way to 13 Avenue and then it goes all the way to 15 Avenue that's where the JCC starts and where the and we have a little Park between the JCC the Joe Celestine Center and our buildings so we are starting really our our development goes from 17 to 16 and half of of of the block to 15 right so the effect if you will on those folks which of course we know we're we have to landscape the other side and things like that that's what we're going to be looking into yeah but certainly the Green Landscape on the roofs will be a great asset I believe to this development absolutely now it goes back um County was one of the original on their government building city county building I did that what 25 years 30 years ago before it was popular and by the way your comments about reverse Moses cuz I happened to be born in Israel that's all we do we don't we take the salt water and that's what we're going to have to do here my first degree is not architecture it's environmental design and that's where we're going Kobe um I want to theoretically if you were to because of their mention of height he concerns with this how much an effect would would there be if you would be willing to lower a couple of floors off of that 18 feet that you have the effect would be beneficial to the developer from a cost standpoint right because the buildings will be shorter but that's why I said let me study it I've studied it so far I was able to take it from the 20 down to the 18 and as you her some flows are going to be 16 and less our interests are not to be bolster about it in the contrary the shorter the buildings uh the more financially the less it cost to build so that's where we're at and that's why I said I'll study it and I went on the record and I said thank you for your comments I will study it absolutely well of course you know nothing's binding um your word or our word u because we're we only recommend going forward yes sir um regardless of how we vote on this however if we have a situation where we could possibly have a we only have we have six people we may have three NOS we have may have three yeses explain to me counselor what that would do to moving this forward it fails I think when you have a three to three well it could fail and still move forward correct it goes forward so it'll it'll go forward with a split recommendation all right uh can I ask you one he regardless of what we say here they legally they can go 20 stories under the uh correct yeah well I don't believe they're asking for any variances and so so I mean they could just go 20 stories and end the story correct yeah I mean correct and they could also go ler they can go 12 they can go 15 and it depends Charlie when I walk in the water it depends on how far I stretch my neck but but but Mr chairman our interests are aligned if I can find a way to bring it you know a couple of flows like you said I'll be happy to do that I just can't answer you on the record right now and give you a confirmation I understand but you know me understand in that right there there's concern about the mass amount on that property yes of course and I think lowering the floors would be so much more benef beneficial to having that project go forward and not be and and be more pleasing aesthetically to the people that have to see that every day and live there and be living there around that that area our interest ourl and you know and and more Greenery more ways to disguise that you mentioned that you would step back and and and I and maybe you need to look a little bit more of that to see how much you could actually push back off the street a little bit uh not rec of course recognize the fact if you're going to have commercial use you want that to be close to the street as possible uh I certainly would want to and I recognize that but yes so Kobe you haven't really discussed setbacks and whether you're loading things on the North side as opposed to the south side or um would that help the commission understand the effect of the building height on the residence or you know I don't correct yeah so in other words all your all your visibility the most visible part of it I think is you know we would be lucky hopefully that it would be more toward the north correct and and less to the South right now the 18 is on the North and I shall study to take the 16 on the south yes sir right but again you would be willing to lower that 18 I would be my my yeah on the record I would be willing nothing would make me happier than to find a way to do so and I will probably find a way okay Mr held has known me for a couple of decades and we've we've you know we have a lot of your projects and you know we we know your and I'm familiar with your project downtown they're remarkable I'm I'm very much Pro development I'm uh this is not a anti-development attitude that I'm taking here but I I think you need to look at the concerns that this is very unique to that area it's not an urban area where you would be more inclined to find a project like this this is a hybrid project for that type of type of neighborhood this is a know I I I guess I'm kind of looking to see how we could uh lessen the impact and the jar of that all of a sudden being dropped in on a on a residential right section of the of the city if I can make a suggestion make a motion to approve with the condition of the 16 on the south side and let me work on that Mr Murray do you have any comments but again let me let me just so that condition so that I need to study it I I can't because I haven't laid it out I need to lay it out and make sure that it works right yeah so if you give me that opportunity you you have to understand we want this to work we want it to work likewise and and and but we want it to be um we wanted to be more attune to that residential area and and right now my feeling is is is I think some of us on the the panel feel the same way so you know I'm looking to see if we can make that fit make make it work Mr uh thank you so very much um with the shore of hands for those that came in tonight uh against the project if the developer was willing to shave it down can't you can't ask no I won't allow that we have to make a they had their they had their time okay so go ahead Mr carp yes can you please step back thank you so well first and foremost I appreciate your willingness to listen and to be flexible with our suggestion understanding that we are just not just but we're an Advisory board and the council is the one who who's going to make the last decision um I want you to understand that I love the the senior citizen housing I think it is phenomenal I think it's about time that we've had senior citizen housing in the city and of course affordable true affordable housing is desperately needed and so if you're willing to shave it down a bit then I'm willing to support it but understanding that the final product has to be truly what you're saying tonight and not back to what the design is the mix is what uh David buron said and I believe that uh you'll have that and I will go back and I will study to shave a floor or two off the building May not not a floor two you said or you're going from 18 to 16 correct is that what you so you would go from 18 to 16 I think just what he's saying is we're going to look at it obviously there's benefits on both sides because construction costs increase exponentially as you go up but a lot of economics has got into this and as since we're doing so much affordable workforce senior housing that is you know subsidized you know sometimes by by credits but also by the development as well and and all the improvements of the park we just got to make sure that everything works so we can commit to you to study it and and like I said I mean some of the suggestions that were made that are also a big cost the Skyway the pedestrian bridge that's something we would love to do we can't we don't control the rideway we don't control The Landings I've been involved in some of those projects and it's been willingness on the developer side willingness financially but you end up with an issue with fdot or but but we're going to study it and if we can make it happen we'll do do it the substation for the police is something that would be a cost burden for us but we think we can absolutely do that um I I just don't want to commit to We Can't at this point commit to shaving specific number but we hear the concerns and we're going to look at it you know we we say 18 as a ceiling knowing that as a project develops it may make sense to reduce some of the buildings but it's just not something we can commit to now not knowing the impact that it has we some of the other stuff we can absolutely commit to doing can you cannot commit to lowering the Hy tonight again to explore it it may end up being that way but I don't want to tell you that we're absolutely doing it without some further analysis thank you so very much may may Kobe can I run something by you a second here I don't need to beat this down here I think the concern was the the vertical height now I've seen it where I think I've seen it over in Sunny Isles and I know we had a couple older buildings here in North Miami where we talked about a rooftop garden but now if you need more residence you have the top floor and you have maybe a smaller residence there you plateau it and you go down you can Plateau it again and that that might be an option also absolutely to to give it a different silhouette and a different view from the the residence I think absolutely if I'm not mistaken I'm going back the 70600 130 fish stre they have a big one in the middle like that that's just an idea I'm going to throw it that's why I said I'll be happy to study it and I will study it and that's why I got from 20 to 18 but that's where I'm at right now thank you Mr chair if if I may I've got a couple of questions maybe these are procedural but I I kind of want to get a sense of how this would play out um they UND outed would be a motion and a vote relative to the to the proposal is presented Planning Commission has the flexib ability of making recommendations beyond that and the question in in my mind right now is after the the core vote is taken assuming it's at least 50/50 and goes forward uh at what point would we address additional recommendations okay Mr C I would I would think you would make it all part of one motion right you would have a a motion to approve if that's the preference um with the following recommendations that they study uh lowering the height that they add the police uh whatever you want to call it substation or rooftop Gard whatever list you want to compile put it together in one recommendation and that's what we go as a part of the motion okay so let's let's is about six things we going to add through it yeah I mean we've done this before sir if if if I can then I'll I'll give us something to play with I'll put out a motion to approve with the following okay before you get further she did Nam had a question to staff real quick if I could defer to her please I just wanted to know or if you can confirm how much CRA dollars they're going to be receiving for this project I don't know they would have to tell you if they receiv receiving CRA monies I I'm not involved with that um component you don't know of someone from the team what was the question I didn't hear I'm sorry if they're if they're going to be receiving any CRA funding oh CRA funding yeah as of right now we don't have any formal commitments from the CRA but we are requesting dollars how much are you requesting um there's different variations some of some of which would be rental assistance for the actual residences um over a period of time but it's at this point it's more of a discussion at this point but you are putting you would be putting in an application yes thank you all right okay so Mr everything else I am willing to listen thank you Mr Cy if you could I would make a motion to approve the recommendation is as presented by staff and add to that recommendations that Mr karpy encouraged to study possibly lowering height that might include adding residences on top of the parking garage if that were feasible and to study rooftop gardens because I think that's an important issue uh I think rooftops that are totally utilitarian are kind of a waste is my own personal op opinion and uh as to the issue of a bridge overpass that largely gets into areas that are outside the ability of a developer to control but I would welcome them studying what elements might be brought into play to make something like that feasible uh but I I don't want to tie the developer hand into a commitment because they can't control F Dot and the other funding sources that would be out there for those bridges those things do require they're a different animal and then we would also add the police substation sub the substation is certainly should be included in that so we're adding a lot of addendums here that's that's all right it's all a matter of study doesn't mean anything will happen it but it's a matter of study I I I procedurally I I we need to figure out how we can word this counselor if he assist us with that as far he's making a list making a list check it twice please the list we ask those are specific elements that can be studied doesn't mean they're going to get done but they can them to determine feasibility no moving the bus stop over to the on the 130 FIS s moving the bus stop over to the park side again these are recommendations they're not condition yeah because we can could go onto the park site somewhere mhm no on 130 fishery but just putting the north yeah getting away from the one the residence so traffic controls traffic controls the flashing lights well that's do I think determines that yeah they've already indicated that they're going to be proposing that yeah that's already in you know that's in their game plan okay this is a laundry list so well it's all right so if I may Mr chair my apologies as it relates to the bus stop you know they load on the right side so moving it to the North they can't Lo unless they unless they make a little B bus depot that that bus could pull into you have to discuss it maybe it could be you know they can integrate it into I think that's why it was added to the discussion yeah yeah yeah okay yeah that's all right so we have a motion on the floor with some recommendations uh how shall we how shall we incorporate this so that it goes into the record sir so everybody knows that it was brought up well sure it would be a motion to approve uh with the following recommendations that the applicant study lowering Building height from uh 18 to 16t on least one side of the property South Southside to study rooftop gardens to study a bridge over 13 pedestrian bridge pedestrian over 135th Street it's a study police substation incorporated into the project and study moving the bus stop to the park side of 135th Street at Fe you and and housing on top of the parking garage if that would compensate there to decide how they want real okay Mr zrey can you Doctor you mentioned something about traffic well they've already indicated in their presentation about traffing cing devices and flashing lights for for uh crossing the street so I mean they've already anticipated that but that still requires fot to approve I don't think that needs to be a part of the motion but now do you have enough so that you could word this sir for us go ahead the miss Mr hell just went with it the motion is to approve staff's report and recommend that they be encouraged to study lowering the building height uh adding rooftop gardens adding a police substation of some type within the complex and study the feasibility of a pedestrian bridge even though we acknowledge that they can't control F doot on those issues and moving the best stop and uh perhaps doing something with the bus stop I I don't really know about the bus stop cut out next to the overhead so that's that's the basic there's been there's been a a motion put forth gentl okay a motion has been moved forth uh put forth go ahead and U move this to the commission who's the second second Mr the second has been made by Mr E I will do a Voice vote on this um okay everybody's clear so I'll go ahead and U have mam secretary do a roll call for V chairman Ernst uh yes commissioner blir yes commissioner each yes commissioner C freed yes commissioner Bob yes and commissioner Besson yes motion motion passes unanimous right those voting very good thank you thank you for your patience and thank you for working with us and and we we encourage you to to hopefully work work forward with with our recommendation thank you and we will thank you byebye you're welcome okay U now is there another part to this no we have another uh no we have another okay um if we can I'd like to take a brief recess I think we all need to to get up for a second um older men let the record show we're taking a a 10-minute uh recess and then we'll uh pick up with the last item of the evening we are recessed for 10 minutes spe for for I want to work know e spe you got that tell man tell put something in here you want to swap sorry we had to take the app I that's right oh a crashing burn recycle even though it is pretty much probably a little more let see what we got here yeah this is a it was a big project big you did a really nice thank you I'm telling you I used to do the same thing and then I until I became a city manth from Wow enely years ago so I I hir G from Canada I did but now he laugh Hollywood he's from Toronto he was from toron he Aid I'm telling you 20 years ago wow he was a city manager I I then I was City Manor in D okay and I was wearing two hats the director wow and the city monor so when I hire him I e e okay um okay officially yeah she's good oh she's she's ready okay all right we are back from our recess of Mr Besson will join us shortly but we'll go ahead and start we do have a enough here to con reconvene so we're going to go ahead and move on to the final item of the night and uh sure I don't read the last item on the list because that was the one that was moved is that correct sir yes 1788 was the one that was uh scheduled to be U on June the 4th okay Mr Besson we are ready to go here next item up um is PC 1-87 resolu tion of the mayor and the city council of the city of North Miami Florida approving an application for a conditional use permit and substantially the attached form for the development of a four-story 25 unit apartment building with 41 ground level parking spaces on one parcel of real property generally located on Northeast 136th Street and Northeast 4th Avenue and specifically identified with Miami day County folio number 06- 2219 - 1772 and totaling approximately 0.60 acres in accordance with article 3 division 4 section 3-42 through 3-47 Article 4 division 2 sections 4202 section 4-23 parentheses a close parenthesis and section 4-25 and Article 4 division 3 section 4-35 of the city of North miam code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and for all their purposes we this is also is a quas additional so we'll do a saring in M Mr held I don't think you have to read back through the uh rounds Madam Secretary may you please um this wear in our so sorry our speakers okay is there anybody else besides no I believe this is it yeah go ahead and just in case okay um do you swear or affirm that the testimony and evidence you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you very much you may be seated and now I'll go ahead and U call for commission disclosure on this item since it's now being read in anyone had any contact with uh any of the petitioners or anyone opposed to this um please state if you have or not I hear none see none we'll go ahead and move forward with the staff report Mr cook sir you have the floor thank you Mr chair as stated this item before you is a conditional use permit to allow for development for four stories with 25 units the property is generally located and stated at north um Northeast 4th Avenue and Northeast 136 Street it's approximately 6 Acres which is 2,740 square ft the property is vacant it has a zoning of R5 medium dis residential on The Flume future land use map not within the nro area it has a maximum height of 75 ft and has a density of 16 units3 per acre so the applicant is seeking bonus units for 25 units of those 25 units 17 are from a bon bonus floa in pool as stated by the chairperson it will have 41 ground level parking spaces it would have seated amenities for the first floor of the property it' be 100% native Florida planning it'll be certified Green Building or equivalent and would have enhanced storm water requirements to maintain all storm water on the site the economic impact is anticipated to employ 255 direct indirect jobs during the construction period of approximately two years with salaries around $4.1 million the aing taxes is $21,700 even um annually and the anticipated impact fees is approximately 84,000 950 the conditional use permit requires that it goes through the development Review Committee for site plan approval construction and maintaining of a 6 foot wide sidewalk along Northeast 136 Street that says fifth but that's just should be 136 Street underground all utilities a certificate of use and a business tax receipt will be required prior to the um certificate of occupancy provide lead certified or equivalent certification prior to the certificate of occupancy and they will be required to have sustainable commitments for low impact development such as what we talked about roof Gardens um um the storm water element and other sustainable elements that they would need to fulfill as part of their Rie review The Next Step will be city council review anticipated for the June the 11th meeting you would have the development Review Committee review to be anticipated and city council review for the site plan as with the other item before you we have several criterias that we go over with this um as our part of our review one of them being the applicant is consistent application is consistent with the comprehensive plan yes it is the property is zoned R5 the land use is medium density and they are building a property that is commensurate to that density future land use element is development proposed through the cup application is consistent with the policy 122 in that the supports the existing zoning District includes corresponding intensity density use and urban form standards the economic element is that their property will bring in new balance of employment opportunity and housing to the city the housing element as stated in earlier we have stated that we have here a aging housing product in our city this application would bring in new housing to our community climate change elements the project will provide both green and vertical development thereby creating more sustainable development patterns to furance our policy 12.22 doing the review for concurrency the water and soore was reviewed by our Public Works office and it was determined that they will have capacity meeting the Public Works requirements during building permitting process the same hold true for water supply and Wastewater disposal the application is in compliance with the district regulations applicable to the proposed development as it relates to section 4-23 the subject property is zoned R5 which provides for a density of 16.3 dwelling units per acre allowing the property owner to construct 16 dwelling units as a right through the conditional use permit they are seeking bonus units to increase that to 25 units the application is consistent with the applicable development standards of these ldrs the conceptual plan submitted with this application shows that the proposed development will comply with the applicable development standards set forth in the ldrs the first further the requirements such as in article 3 division 4 section 3-48 of the a within one year the cu cup approval must have a precise plan that is approved by the city council through the DRC process the site plan for the proposed use relates to the streets and highways adequate in with imp payment type to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated for the proposed project the application is located on Northeast 12 Northeast 136 street according to the strip trip generation analysis conducted by Valor group a consultant firm contracted by the applicant the proposed development anticipates to generate approximately nine new trips for the property in the AM and six new trips in the PM the proposed use is compatible with the nature and conditions and and development adjacent to the building surrounding the property you're looking at midrise lowrise buildings around it and duplexes it is a multif family environment as stated is only four stories high the the maximum height in the area is 75 ft the proposed parcel is for development is adequate in size to accommodate the AC the accommodate the development as stated it is approxim 6 Acres the applicant is Seeking a development of 25 units with 41 parking spaces on the site the proposed use will not have an adverse impact on the uses liability value and development of the adjacent properties in that it is a similar use as in the area currently the nature of the proposed development is not detrimental to the public health safety and general welfare of the community as proposed the residential development will provide for low scale four-story residential departments and furnished with goal 3a1 of the housing element of the city comprehensive plan design of the use is created a Form and Function which enhances the community character of the immediate vicinity and Parcels propos for the development as stated a four-story department um um apartment complex that is in harmony with the surrounding area there are no open code violations with this item and as such staff is recommending approval to city council if you so choose to do so thank you thank you Mr cook may we hear from the petitioner please good evening sir and thank you for being patient and uh hanging in with us until this late hour go ahead and this is forward thank you good evening uh commission uh Planning Commission members um Mr chair members uh my name is Sergio Pinos uh my office is at 10441 Southwest 20th Street Miami Florida 33165 um first and foremost uh I appreciate uh I've been doing this for many many years and I appreciate the level of interest and and thoughtfulness that you put in into the this board it's it's good to see um our project is compared to what you just saw a walk in the park so to speak uh not as a as a as ambitious uh as the other one um and I and because staff which by the way has been amazing from day one and this project has uh has taken a very long time I think the first time that we approached you was back in 2017 so it's been it's been a long time and we have gone through several uh DRC reviews we've been through Miami day County Fire durm every agency that you can think of and to obtain their endorsement and we have um I'm not going to I'm going to try to I had a presentation but I wasn't aware that Mr cook was going to uh deliver such a a complete overview so I'm going to just stick to uh some of the areas that that I would like to emphasize in terms of the building what you what you have here um he already went through the re the request um uh as far as the density is concerned we are here via the conditional use permit just so that we can get the bonus uh additional density bump to 25 units from 16 um so this as he mentioned we comply with the all your zoning regulations and your city's comprehensive plans um goals subjectiv and policies um let me go to the next do I have to point in any direction no you're fine hold down okay was the other way thank you um the the property as he mentioned is 25 uh 1,740 uh Square fet in size this is Zone R R5 and we have established why we're here requesting the the the density bump up um and as I said it's been through every County agency etc etc so let's move on uh the the site is actually um let me if I may I have a here you enter the site through this this is actually um this is South as it's drawn it should we should have should have turned the the the the side plan around this is North so this is 136 you enter the site through 136 here on the first floor you have the your your parking area down here or 40 spaces uh eight or eight of them are EV spaces electrical for electrical Vehicles stations um here you enter the building this is a an amenity utility area and here you have offices for leasing Etc As you move up uh let me see um second third and fourth floor is all residential you're going to have a mixture of um um about is basically uh two bedrooms and three bedroom units uh about 15% of the units are going to be three bedrooms and 85% are going to be uh two bedrooms um the um we have Incorporated uh repeat that again I'm trying to I have a diagram of what you're talking about you said how many one bed one bedrooms um 15% of them of the total are going to be uh three bedroom units three bedroom how many we have over there 45 25 how many uh I would it's 15% of what whatever comes up to be um we went back and forward uh a number of times on that because really is what the market dictates and what what is what enti is more people four but the majority of them four departments Chief four uh two mhm yes these are the elevations in the drawings but I'm going to go straight to the uh renderings this is the front elevation as you can see AR from the architectural standpoint we have maximized the glass area as much as we can because it gives the the individual residence or apartment uh much bigger space sort of you know from the psychological standpoint uh the and then we have used uh a different um uh we have pushed in and brought forward different uh different levels the the entire facade to give to make it more interesting and to so that that you have a somewhat of a different product every time you enter into uh one of these units so and we also Incorporated a a railing system uh it's called AB abstract railing that adds a a nice touch to to the building architecturally speaking for the offset offset designs on both sides of the building yes it's the same basically the same design of on both facades yeah the only difference is that you enter the vehicles can enter into the building on the on the uh on the other side let me go let me go there you see yep on the one on the one corner of the building okay they can go through and that is basically it um we we look forward to your favorable recommendation from here we go to council and that would be the end of our our uh Trail and hopefully from there we go to uh construction drawings which are already more or less in in the works based on what you see chair recognizes Mr hel so I have a question about the number of units uh and by type so on page 468 of the agenda package there's a parking tabulation that says 21 units are two bedroom and four units are three bedroom that sound right so there would be no one-bedroom unit there are no one bedrooms that is the that was based on the information that I sent you today the that was based on the um the zoning table that we sent the last one that is that's the one that's correct so that table that states the number that Mr four yeah I apologize it's just that we went back and forth a number of times Bas you know trying to figure out which combination we wanted to go forward with okay thank you this would have been as yesterday because that's when the agenda came out no um he sent information in today um Mr Hill oh so is it different than that no no no no okay okay now I noticed the U um you have VAR sizes square footage for for some of your three-bedroom units um is that because are all of them two twos or are some of them just there is one there's twos and there's threes the different variations on the FL the following flow plans that you see in the presentation I'm looking at that now and the smallest four uh square footage if I'm not mistaken is 850 ftre approximately okay and the largest is 1100 and 1200 1,200 up to 12200 good okay that's yeah I I have one one here at 1,163 FT but that's okay um all right um as a procedural matter I need to open up the public hearing for the record public hearing is now open anyone wishing to address this issue please come forward either for it or against it seeing none I'll go ahead and close the public hearing the public hearing is now closed and we will continue with uh if you have any additional things you want to add before I start uh we we start asking you questions I wish you all a great night okay I I really yeah I don't have much to add I I'm kind of impressed with the fact that there's always been a trend to downsize the size of the units and I'm happy to see that you're sticking with some decent size unit with pretty decent Siz units from anywhere from the minimum being at 893 Square ft 1163 uh that's very impressive with the use of your space and the layouts that I see um and I do like your offset design on the outside I apologize the the the the Architects were supposed to be here tonight that's quite all right and they they had all engagement so I had to step in um I'll start with Mr Besson down in front there you have any questions or concerns sir no I like the idea that uh most most construction projects utilize a significant number of single bedroom uh apartments and it's like building motels so it's nice to hear two bedroom and three bedroom um any provision for some bike racks downstairs or yes all all that area I didn't want we decided not to add too much information on on the amenity side of of the building and on the bottom floor but yes with that that's the intention uh they're going to have a gym they're going to have the you know potentially a spa or different different amenities and uh not big enough bike racks very nice this this small you know number of units uh no bowling alleys that sounds very nice or concert Center or theater Amphitheater Amphitheater anything else doctor we're good Mr cyre I have no questions on this project I think this is very straightforward very simple I totally support it and I'm ready to make a motion to approve okay thank you sir M blammer uh just just one question your title you are representing the the property owners I'm a former city manager for 20 years uh D Homestead etc etc I've been on my own for the last uh 11 okay and I'm a I'm a line use consultant I do entitlement work mostly okay so you're just representing the owner representing the owner okay and the owner is with us tonight yes okay Aaron Herzel thank you very much Mr Herzel yes can you step forward please and jar does recognize he did that's quite all right that's right hi Hi how are you fine how are you great uh thank you so very much for choosing North Miami uh I would just like to know what is your current relationship with the city and why you chose the city I I develop in New York City in Brooklyn Parks SL downtown the last 20 years in the last seven years I start coming to Miami starting buy properties here and trying to change the zoning trying to get a little bit better you see we at 16 we try to get 25 and we do larger larger scale this is a small project we have different neighborhood in Miami we do a little bit larger and that's it I'm starting to spend money in Miami that's all okay great where do you currently have projects in Miami uh I can say all over the place the the Northeast uh [Music] um alone the US the US One Corridor mhm um I would say north of uh Miami Gardens oh okay a lot there a lot yeah okay along B about a block or two from biscan Boulevard okay thank you sir okay thank you thank you so very much sir Mr MC that's all my questions I'm Mr mcder do you have the floor sir um yes um I I think this is a good project thank um I like the bedroom size I I know several other people have mentioned it um but it's I like the bedroom size it gives it more of a Community neighborhood feel um to it rather than you know trying to crush J as much as you can exactly Kenny Kenny what kind of amenities do we have here you know you know I I I I see is another building going up and just Bare Bones in a way uh the washer and dryers are they going to be in the apartments in the apartments every apartment is going to have a washer and dryer yeah okay I mean I didn't see a swimming pool there what kind of activities you said you're going to have a gym gym a gym that's it a a gym and potentially SAA who what I didn't hear you I'm sure Jim and SAA uh you know SAA sa yeah radar there's not not enough space for Community you know for for a building pool unless we put it on the top well why don't you do that that's a pretty good idea with a rooftop garden I I I you know what I I'll tell you what I think now now you're cooking you want to put a rooftop pool and a garden up there now you're you know the thing I've been in this city since 1970 and I remember one of these buildings were going up on 6th Avenue and they would look nice at the time and now they're all rehabed and I I just want to hope we can break that cycle where you're putting a a nice looking building for the F you know in a in a residential area and and I would like to see the Glam I'd like to see it glamored up I would like to see up like to see a swimming pool you know you have to go another floor I don't know if you're permitted to but you know I would do that you know something that you're going to get a you want to get a good tenant you want somebody to move into that neighborhood that's going to stay here a while and and and feel like they got a piece of the action yeah and that's you know I mean it's it's uh it would add a considerable cost especially on the second on the on the top floor I have no problems and we're trying to keep the cost down keep them realistic based on the the the way the real estate market is going and and to his defense uh Chief insurance rates are SC I know I pay a lot of insurance I know with unfortunately of building some swimming pools it it's uh becomes a insurance nightmare I I I look at 20 years well hell I'll be Jesus I'll be 98 then 20 years down the line but uh I I just look at it and I just don't want to see these buildings deteriorate I want to see it you know something glamorous I've seen what happened on Sixth Avenue and Charlie you and I were young guys back then and you know I I don't want to see it you know it's like a repetition and and you know I'm glad to hear that you're putting in washer and dryers and then you got big siiz bedrooms and I mean that's a plus but I like to see more but you know it is what it is and maybe we better go look at the land use ordinance again and Derek start changing something let them go higher and let them put a rooftop garden in a pool up there and uh you know that is certainly the trend yes no I mean that's that's the way to go I Mr chair and the other thing too is the footprint you know we had a project go on 6th Avenue in 100 what was it 145th Street where they put that elevator in there for the cars and and they limited the amount of cars uh because you got more percolation and and we're talking about the environment talking about global warming blah blah blah and that that was that's a beautiful project and you know and I like to see a lot of glass mhm you know I made it you'll have it here yeah okay anyway I beat the dead horse let let's get going thank you Mr Bob sir I feel like could talk to Dr philes now thank you um forgive me if you already mentioned it what are the proposed prices your proposed price points market value market value we we initially thought that we were going to go do well it's still on the table I believe uh the thing is that we need to sit down with the county and and see what um what the real options are in terms of Workforce housing that's how this started we started the discussion uh but it was then then set aside and we said this's let's continue with this let's not complicate it that is so something that they definitely are interested in and if the cost uh in most cases with with the with um this investors is that they if they ever have sell in the future or something you have a commitment if you go with one of these programs and if you want to if you want out of that program then there is a fee in lie of that you have to pay and depending on the type of program that you're in that fee can be very steep so uh it's a conversation that we still want to have but as of now we are the way we're moving is Market but we want to keep the cost down and not we want to have a uh at the end of the day a building that is Affordable that is going to have perhaps an association or whatever that is it's not it doesn't break your your your pocket you know that's the intention okay that was my only question thank you um I have no questions U I just I am impressed by the size of the apartments and that you were able to U um it's a little tight on that land but um um you've indicated you're you're willing to that you you know you will uh um follow follow through with the making sure that you have enough green yes we comply with every every other uh section of the go the landscape uh Aran bulk every one of them we we're not seeking any variances your uh your air conditioning units are on on top of the roof or or the ground level on the on top of the roof on top and they have screening was screening yes you have swimming pool go the swimming pool overall though um you know I'm fine with the project Mr chairman yes is this project going to be fully funded by the owner yes thank you MH right very good and uh that fundings in place and you can anticipate moving on it rather quickly once we get that's the intention as soon as we get approval we we very good okay I'll chair entertains a motion I believe Mr CED had a motion and I I'll second his motion yes I I move approval is presented with the added request that the developer study the feasibility of a rooftop garden that's good very good so noted and do I have a second for that motion seconded by Mr mcmaid um we'll do a roll call on this if you don't mind mam secretary I know it's been a long day for you okay um I know I talked to you early this morning too so oh good for you go ahead all right chairman uh chairman Ernst yes and vice chair mcdeid yes commissioner blir yes uh commissioner each yes commissioner seed yes and commissioner Bob yes and commissioner Besson yes unanimous Thank You All Passes have a great evening you thank you thank you very much some more up there [Laughter] okay okay uh we uh still got a couple more things here to cover before we call for Ajman um committee reports staff do we have any committee reports um I only have one update uh commissioner CED had requested um an update on when the pedestrian bridge was going to reopen it's been reopened it has yes yeah I meant to tell you that too Mr CER I walk by there every day so um take care all right and that's in on the committee reports any old business that we need to address none any new business U new business if you can make a note since the uh U I still want to stay on top of the parks department to keep giving us uh updates updates on the on the situation with the tot lad and Kagney Park I know they're in a Kona silence right now but um with things that have taken place today especially I don't want to I would hope that those plans don't get sidetracked and that our parks are are moving forward with the plans to get those things up and running again so on the top lot and what was the other you said believe it's Kagney the big The Big Empty field Kagney Park yes okay sir well at least they mowed I will say that much appreciate that no problem all right um I see no other items to discuss uh we are adjourned so move so move