##VIDEO ID:VS19aCSQskI## okay good evening everyone uh welcome to the Tuesday January 7th meeting of the north miy Planning Commission uh can we have a roll call please okay chairman erns is excused Vice chair mcdermaid here commissioner each here commissioner blir is excused commissioner seed here Commission Clark here commissioner Bob here and commissioner Besson here we have a quorum okay oh and uh we're beginning at 7:03 okay can we have the Pledge of Allegiance the flag is to our right I pledge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um are there any amendments to the agenda no sir okay all right can we have a motion to approve the November 14th special Planning Commission meeting so moved do I have a second second all right all in favor say I I I okay moving on so sorry who there were two voices for the second who second did it please um uh Mr each thank you okay and also we need approval for the December 12th Planning Commission meeting so moved second okay all in favor say I I okay our next Planning Commission meeting is going to be for on February the 4th 2024 um also Derek we'd like that update on current projects in the nro thank you Mr chair um if I um dealing with on the communication um item number one currently we do not anticipate a meeting for the February um agenda we have not had we have not received any poage for the um fourth meeting as for the update on projects within the nro for my investigation we have one project for sure which is one that y'all saw some months ago at 13030 Northeast 10th Avenue it came before you you were quite displeased with the architectural characterization of the project and you decided to um put this um item on hold so they can go back and redesign they recently submitted a red redesign on the um town homes on the 23rd of December and they will be distributed to the oct tech for review so you may anticipate that one coming before you probably with March at this date that's the one at 13 31st to the 10th right yes sir okay yes um and another one that we have this is the one that I spoke of in regards to the gentleman had come talked to us about doing a project this um project is at 695 Northeast 135th Street what had transpired there um showing that first correspondence an email was on June the 3rd of 2024 as you know that the comprehensive plan official update did not was not executed until August of 2024 um also we had um a meeting pre-application meeting they provided a comprehens um conceptual plans and I also followed up with an email on June the 7 advising the applicant based on your actions that it looks that you have met the criteria to be to be vested I will discuss that with legal and see if that is confirmed and if that's the case then this item will be coming before you and this is within the in and this is also for a town home development okay any questions from anyone okay all right so um there's no continued public hearings so let's move on to our first and only item tonight pc1 17-15 a resolution of the mayor and city council the city of North Miami Florida approving an application for a conditional use permit in substantially attached form to allow the installation of a 6t tall masonry wall on one parcel of land located at 13300 Memorial Highway specifically identified with Miami day County folio number 06223 0000 0331 in accordance with article 3 division 4 sections 3-42 through 3-47 Article 4 division 2 sections 4-22 and Article 4 division 3 section 4-34 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and for all other purposes okay yes sir my turn so I have an announcement regarding the summary of quadri judicial procedures this is one of the so these rules apply to applications on specific processes of land like zoning map amendments special exceptions variances and conditional use requests the commission will sit like a court hence the term qu judicial reviewing facts presented at the hearing applying the adopted rules as explained by staff and the staff report and verbally commission members can make site visits but must disclose the evidence upon which they intend to rely from that visit Comm commission members will disclose at the beginning of the hearing whether they've had Communications with individuals on behalf of the applicant or otherwise including who the communication was with and what the topic of discussion was all persons intending to speak to the commission will be sworn by the clerk staff will make a presentation commission may ask questions the applicant will make a presentation including expert Witnesses if any the commission may ask questions when the public hearing is open the public can make comments on the application limited to two minutes each C testimony must be fact- based not opinion commission may ask questions or the and the applicant's attorney if any may ask questions on cross-examination members of the public can decline to be cross-examined staff may present additional testimony to supplement or reut arguments made commission deliberates based upon the evidence presented commission's decision must be based on confidence potential evidence meaning based on the record staff presentations expert presentations and fact-based comments by citizens according to the standards for approval set forth in the city code the commission may approve deny or continue the item while step previously read into the record emailed or mailed comments since these are not competent substantial evidence for example not sworn testimony subject to cross examination board's decision cannot be based on what is contained in the emails or mailed comments but they can be used to identify issues and help identify sources of information that do contain competent substantial evidence upon which a decision can be based written comments submitted before the meeting part the record and available for review by the commission lastly we ask each of you to treat this proceeding with the respect and proper Quorum they calling out interrupting speakers or disrupting the proceeding please give this proceeding to save dignity and respect as if you are in court disruptions are prohibited and enforceable pursuant to the city code please also silence your cell phones thank you okay all right staff report thank you Mr chair um as stated by the chair the item before you is a conditional use permit specific to allow for the installation of a missionary wall at the address generally located at 1333 excuse me 13300 Memorial Highway the location is lasa elementary school and as it is this property is located in our pu public use and as public use is um stated in our code any activity that takes place at this location requires a conditional use U that means if you want to build a building you want to put an ouse whatever it may be you need to have go through the conditional use permit to it thus why this item before you um some discrepancy here that I want to bring to your attention the applicant um wall that you show demonstrated in the UN plan right here is shown 6 ft within the actual leather of intent he indicates 8 ft in our advertisement I also advertised it at 8 ft um as it relates to the impact 6 feet or 8 ft are both allowed in this area it is not a residential area so in non-residential areas you can have a you can have a wall fence hedge as high as 8 ft so if they're the applicant can clarify whether it's going to be eight or six so if you choose to um approve this item that it be specific to your approval and their request um so with it not being close to a residential adjacent to a residential the um property is looking to have if you look at the um site plan the ex's demonstrate where the wall will be going it will be going along the east property line which is adjacent above buing Memorial Highway and a portion of the north property line which is adjacent to the gas station that is on the corner of 135th in Memorial and that is on the southwest corner of Memorial in um 135th Street that's what they intend to do um that is simple as that is what the applicant is seeking to do here you have pictures that they are planning to put at this pictures um show where the wall would go right now they currently have um construction um um cover over the fence I guess as a as a as a means to give at least a sense of more security to the to the school and the purpose of them installating this wall is to provide more security for the campus and protection for those who work and are educated at the location going forward this picture right here shows where it would be on the north side of the property about equivalent to this this picture is probably the length of what the wall will be from 13 from Memorial Highway so what are the um conditions that we have we have a condition they would be required to have um a building permit are there any impacts we see no economic impact for this wall being installated at the location and the next steps are that it will require city council approval for the conditional use permit and they will need a stated AB building permit to be able to install the wall um staff is recommending the approval of this item and with that that ends my presentation okay thank you um sir would you like to come and introduce yourselves either one um before you do let me just swear you in um do you swear or affirm that the testimony and evidence you are about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I swear thank you your name and address sir your presentation is here if you want to go okay great okay uh my name is Adam kodin I am the director of operations here at Yeshiva Elementary uh so quick little bit about our school uh we have over 700 students uh faculty and staff on campus and we serve the local and greater Jewish community and we have a commitment to to not only safety but you know the Excellence of the school as Mr cook mentioned we want an 8ft high concrete wall along Memorial Highway and that runs parallel with the gas station uh you know we want it to be a proper representation of not only our school but the city of North Miami so we are going to you know use the materials and the design that aligns with the city we really want to you know make the wall presentable and and make our school presentable make the city presentable uh and the goal is to enhance safety and provide peace of mind for students parents staff and truly everybody we really believe we need this wall um with the rise of anti-Semitic incidents Nationwide threats and vandalism targeting Jewish institutions are a real real threat uh our school is you know very visible and very accessible it runs along a large Street uh two large streets the gas station uh has some interesting characters and the gas station is running parallel to our playground uh and our kids are very curious their kids um and with that being said we are unique in a way that we shelter our kids uh our kids sign contracts for example to not have things like social media um so that shows you the level of you know shelter and care we have for these kids we really don't want to expose them to things that we don't have the most control over um and the wall serves as a physical deterrent and a symbolic measure of resilience um and like I said anti-Semitism is a real growing concern for us uh Florida ranks among the top states for anti-semitic incidents uh targeting schools and synagogues our school does have a Sho in it a synagogue so you know that's for for some people that can be a very Ling Target and is is destructive that it sounds that is a truth that we have to face and um we really want to have the wall uh Balan security with the community Aesthetics and we want to maintain neighborhood Harmony uh we want to collaborate with the city officials to ensure we comply with everything we need all safety regulations are met uh and we want all commitment to everything we present to be as transparent the whole project to be transparent we want to be as helpful as we can along this process um and see that's essentially it so I want to thank you for your time and support and uh like I said my name is Adam clock and I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about the wall the school why we need the wall anything okay is that it sir yes okay okay first off let us uh open public hearing is there anybody here uh to for or against none seen public hearing is closed um we'll go from right to left Mr each any questions um I'm in favor of the wall I just want to ask you what are you doing on the canal side you putting anything up on that nothing yet uh we have a vision one day to to actually lower most of the wall build a dock but that's for you know a future project but the canal side is going to stay as is you're not going to open one we we currently have a wall we it's a fence with it looks like the the picture that Mr cook showed it's just a fence with a construction tarp over it but right now there's there's no plan to change it and on the uh the north side uh the other side no no no wall we feel is is needed there what's on what's the north you apartment building the Southside it's it's just vacated a vacated la at that point we never that's why I come across any traffic thank you okay Mr Bob um I'm in favor of it um I'm sorry that the school's been subjected to those acts um and I hope that the wall is effective in serving as a deterrent so I'm in favor of it okay um Dr Besson just out of curiosity what is the age of the population of your students so our boys campus which is the campus we need the wall at is kindergarten through 8th grade but Yeshiva Elementary actually has Nursery all the way through 8th grade now our campus is split in North Miami and Miami beach but our Nursery has kids as as old as two months and our boy School runs all the way up to the point their bar mitzvot which is 13 years old MH okay um sorry that we have to do this in this modern of times in which people could be a little friendlier and get along as our time on Earth sometimes is short and uh we need to um improve humanity and the way we treat each other so I'm in favor of the uh wall okay Mr cley I have no problem with the wall it's I understand the times in which we live I'm curious how do you intend to landscape the uh Street side of the wall uh we have a a contractor that will that will handle all of it unfortunately I can't give you the specifics because I don't know that the the scope behind the work I just hire the contractor but as far as I our plan is to wait until the summer when you know it's more of a downtime when school is is is is out to really make the heavy the heavy hits to the wall and and just kind of start planning until then you know get making a timeline because we do have school um and we we do need to proceed on with the day and we also know that you know businesses the gas station does have you know a job to do as well we want to cooperate with everybody to make sure that you know everything goes smoothly want throw this out maybe since you're still in the preliminary stage you might look upon the wall as as an unfinished blank canvas for some type of work of art give it some consideration for public art yeah that something that sounds fantastic you know you're going to have a really really long blank wall mhm doesn't really you know aesthetically lend itself to too much it it makes it look more like an industrial site that belongs in medley so you you might want to add that as a at least on a wish list to turn the wall into a some type of community artwork that might benefit the area yeah that's a great idea I'll bring that I love that idea so uh aside from that I I support the project yeah Mr Clark uh yeah I actually live off of Griffin Boulevard so I'm very familiar with the school um and I do understand your your sediments about the gas station and the occupants there so I'm for it and yeah I have no other questions for it okay thank you sir yeah I think we're all all for it do you have any you don't have any designs of what the wall is going to look look like other than we just know it's a wall we're we're just we're evaluating M what materials what everything you know we we're very early in the process we just wanted to get approved before we do anything uh you know as we felt that was necessary but um just a wall and the only thing that staying from our original uh gate is is the gate the the gate does need to stay it's another form of security but the wall we we we really kind of it's kind of a blank canvas uh as you said but we I love the community aspect idea yeah that building has a great history it's the old Nights of Columbus Hall yeah yeah so anyways yeah sure does yeah so anyway so um all right uh do I hear a motion to approve I mve to approve with a recommendation that the school be encouraged to explore turning the wall into a a public canvas of some type for some work of art MH okay do I have a second second second all right roll call please okay um Vice chair mcar made yes commissioner each yes commissioner CED yes commissioner Clark yes commissioner Bob yes and commissioner Besson yes okay the motion passes unanimously okay thank you very much sir thank you everybody and if you guys ever want a tour of the school please let me know I think it's a very fascinating thing to see I'd love for any of you to come by and just take a tour yeah we'd love to do that actually thank you so much okay individually okay um any other reports M Mr cook um no just an announcement if I may um gentlemen um I have accepted a new opportunity at another location so this would be my last um meeting with you as um as a employee with the city of North Miami it's been my pleasure been with the city for more than six years so but it's been really um outside the city yes been really a growth working with this board uh for the last year plus and it will um serve me as serve me well as I continue to develop and grow in my career really in my latter days cuz I'm almost was close of retirement frankly yeah well congratulations congratulations congratulations proud of you for that do you want to tell us where you're going um City of Homestead yes City of Homestead oh wow congratulations it's a growth area yes yeah and thank you very much for your service here thank you we appreciate it okay um anything else from any board members in particular no okay that being said move to a Jour do I have a second all in favor say I I okay thank you all very much and we will not have a meeting in February correct Mr cook um right now no we don't except some something happened and we have to put something on there um at the direction of the city manager the deadline for um February has already passed yeah okay all right thank you sir yes sure it does m um Jennifer can I ask you a a non-planning board question um the