##VIDEO ID:VvoNvR34jI4## e e so is um e e e our first e dealing the 25 new with Street trans e e e e e e e e e e from the improve off e e e e e e e so and e the e e e e e e e e vegetation and some communities have gone as far as to meter the parking spaces um others have adopted a residential permit program where they provide a discount to Residents that parked there and visitors would actually pay a fee but communities have found that through parking revenues they can actually use that to help address some of the maintenance issues for the swes for the vegetation for the pavement markings itself and so it's it's a really it's a lowcost way um you know Trails sidewalks can cost upwards to2 or3 million a mile now depending if you have your own Paving machine or you got to hire an engineering firm and a contractor to do it you can PVE $ 10,000 to $50,000 a mile using striping so you can actually get a pretty big bang for your buck just for using the asphalt that's already out there today so this sort of sets the process and there's a lot more detail in the plan itself for how these would work um but this is something that many communities have started to embrace and this is envisioned as a pilot project around the downtown area around the Tod area if it works if it's successful and you resident Buy in it could then then be expanded elsewhere into the city um the city has also an ongoing traffic calming program there's a separate consultant that's done a traffic calming study for the city and they've identified a number of um different types of treatments the difference between a Green Street and a traffic calming is traffic calming tends to be spot specific you know it's either a mini roundabout it's a chicane it's a neck down it's a a speed bump a raised intersection whereas the green streets happen to focus the entire Corridor itself and looking at ways to reduce the pavement width to uh slow down traffic they're both effective um traffic calming sometimes is tended to be a little bit more controversial and depending if you need right away or utilities also more expensive um Endeavor as well but we have recognized the plan there is um funding that is identified in the mobility fee and in the Mobility plan calculations so the city could actually use portions of the mobility fee to redo both the roadway and Implement traffic calming measures we looked at when we developed the plan and the fee the the study area which is principally the the major roads within the city we also look at some of the connectivity and the corridors that go through North Miami Beach and through unincorporated areas as well because the city does have several enclaves um and we didn't just necessarily stop at city limits when we identified improvements or looked at traffic we went to a logical Terminus um we've identified um as part of the previous study the executive summary that was about 20 pages of text and graphics and then a bunch of maps the technical report itself is over 200 pages and it gets into all the statutory requirements legal requirements the the data the analysis um it's principally for for these two Folks up here the the legal council for um others that want to look at the study and make sure that it meets both case law and statutory requirements so that is all detailed it is also available on the the city's website and it really forms and lays out the basis for the mobility fee calculation um if you have any questions you want me to go into other components of it or calculations are done I'd be happy to do so um but in general it's something I've been doing for a number of years now and it's just part of the process um and if you have trouble sleeping at night it's a good document to read because it'll probably put you to sleep unless you really uh are involved in Impact fees and Mobility fees okay Mr good all right oh I just had a few more here real quick y sorry um we're almost wrapped up so the last one of the last components is the assessment area so this basically says where the mobility fees are assessed so this is a city fee it's imposed on new development within the city um so this really just maps that out and then what we've also identified is if there are areas in unincorporated County that Annex into the city we've identified these so if the city does that they wouldn't need to amend this map the mobility fee would automatically be assessed on any new development M that gets annexed into the city there's one other component of this is called a benefit District so the assessment areas is where the money is assessed and where it's collected by the city the benefit District illustrates where it can be spent so you know it's sort of you know similar but two different components of it and you've got to identify a benefit District because we looked at the water taxi service because we've identified improvements in the enclaves within the city we've both included the city itself and identified other areas outside of it that would be eligible if the city council wanted to spend some of the money on improvements so say there's a Improvement along US1 or there's a proposed roadway coming out of solomia or some connectivity which goes both within the city and then maybe the um the city of North Palm Beach or unincorporated area the city council could use portions of that funds to complete that project and you know that's one of the primary ways that we've seen Mobility fees used is they are in conjunction with either development other projects that are resurfacing or a gas tax project or some other type of Rehabilitation or widening the city having funds can go to the county or the the state and say instead of just putting back a 5ft sidewalk or a 4ft bike B Lane can you put in a shared use pathway 8ft wide can you put in some crosswalks some Landscaping can you make this a buffer bike lane versus a regular bike lane so it's really an opportunity to be a little bit more proactive and also should the the water taxi or other types of improvements be out there the city commission would have some or Council would have some ability to uh allocate funds towards that this fee is somewhat unique and is a little bit different than the city's other impact fees and that assesses residential development per square foot so it's the same rate but it's assessed per square footage so if you build a 600 squ foot Studio you pay for 600 square ft not per dwelling unit if you build a 4,000 foot house you pay for 4,000 square ft so you pay the same dollar amount but the larger homes would pay more because they have a potentially a greater impact and we've done analysis to show that there's a correlation between the size of a home the number of bedrooms and the number of vehicles that are present um it's going to really start impacting the city as you start to see more tear downs and Redevelopment within the city itself um as the land around you gets more expensive and as communities start to look in here and I know and talking to your your development director do one street that already has six homes that were previously tore down and now they're building um you know six 3,000 square foot Plus Homes along those areas so this fee would actually capture the difference between what the home is today and what the new home is so if you tear down 1,000 ft house and you build a 4,000 squ foot house on top of it or on that parcel of land you would pay for the additional 3,000 squ ft and this is something that in a lot of communities here you're either going to have apartments or town homes or condos and and newer developments and they're going to have their own square footage per dwelling unit or you're going to have tear downs and larger homes built so this is a way to capture both parts of those um multif family they don't pay for common lobbies they don't pay for hallways or or open areas they would pay per square foot for the dwelling unit itself likewise a residential unit would pay per the square footage of the development uh the one exception is for garages or porches that aren't habitable they would not pay for that square footage and this is just part of the analysis we went into we actually pulled the property appraisers data and looked at every single family multif family town home condo in the city the number of bedrooms the square footage of it actually did an analys is and basically what we found and what we find in many communities is as homes get larger there are more bedrooms per home more bedrooms equals more vehicles and then using National travel data there's a direct correlation towards more Vehicles more trips more impact so this is a different approach it's something that I've actually been using for for 20 years now in many of the communities I've worked in um and it's something almost every feed that I do now going forward migrates towards because it also addresses affordability if you build a smaller home or you build a studio or you build some Workforce housing you know from a technical basis you'd still pay less because the unit itself smaller if you build a larger home you have more impact there's other types of ancillary trips that come to it you pay progressively more and I'm not going to go into a whole lot of this detail but there's all other types of land uses um places of worship Offices Medical Offices they're all assessed uh fees per square footage or per unit of measure um the one unique one I will point out is um for retail in addition to say a fast food restaurant the fee charges per drive-thru Lane as well what we've noticed is there's a trend towards reducing the footprint of buildings but adding more drive-thru lanes and it's it's really the drive-thru lanes that have the impact to the transportation system so this fee charges per drive-through Lane so if a Chick-fil-A came in with two drive-throughs they'd pay per both McDonald's comes in to add a drive-thru they'd pay for the additional drive-thru Lane um likewise Bank branches are getting smaller but they're either going to freestanding drive up ATMs or separated ATMs um they all generate traffic as well so they would pay likewise for those type of freestanding ATM uses um the last component is uh vehicle fueling so whether it's a you know charge your vehicle or to put gas in it most people think of a WWA or a Circle K there other types of uses as well such as the Costco the Walmarts um some parts of Florida even the Dollar Generals are getting into the the gas station game um but if you have a gas pump and you fuel a vehicle or you have a charging station and you charge for it not if you have a residential development and you have a garage and you provide charging for your residence or you have a use such as City Hall that provides charging you know if it's not a commercial activity like a gas station or a charging station charging for it um you don't pay a fee but if you have it and it's a commercial activity you would actually pay the fee uh per position and with that there's just a number of other implementation steps um that the city consider can consider identifying in the plan um this establishes the basis if it wanted to move away from traffic and currency and Road level of service there are other standards that could be adopted by the city and those are identified in the the plan anything further than this would require an amendment to the comprehensive plan and additional discussion by the city council there are also a number of other programs that we've identified you know this is the first step and a multi-step process for each one of these types of projects to be implemented and looked at further um the next step is we're here this evening um for the workshop there is a first reading scheduled on October 22nd the city council gives us direction to make any changes we'll make those changes make updates um and then the adoption hearing is scheduled for November 26th Florida statute requires a 90-day period from the date of notice um the city's elected to go from the date of adoption so 90 days after the date of adoption the fee would go into effect it's proposed for some time in the last part of February most likely the the the 1st of March 2025 would be the date that these would go into an effect and with that I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have okay before we do that um like to open a public hearing if anybody would like to come up and make some comments we do have the two dates for the U uh public workshops we have two dates uh but if you'd like to inquire now please come up Sarah hi Sarah mcdevit 14490 Northeast 10th Avenue um yeah it's dense he's right I did look through some of it today um I'm hopeful just because the fee schedule was kind of Bast and you know we're relying on a single person for the information on what other um municipalities are charging on that fee schedule I would hope that there's some in-depth review by City staff and other informed people to just kind of look at how we might drive an agenda with the fee schedule you know he mentioned the charging stations in some cases it seems really high if we're trying to incentivize more people to use electric vehicles you know just to have a better understanding and hopefully there's some people taking a look at that um I was also just curious about the reasoning Behind The Pedestrian priority um spaces on some of the main corridors and um maybe when we get into the public here um workshops there'll be more information on that but it just seemed like you know we already have a really heavily taxed main corridors and if those become pedestrian priority seats at least is the way I read it it would reduce the um the number of vehicles that can travel on some of those and so I I wanted to understand that a little bit better um and then the final thing that I was just kind of well two things first I I love the green streets idea and I really love the idea of one ways my area floods a lot and it's something that I've brought up many times can we reduce the number of um Vehicles we have have traveling two directions when we get flooding you know to bring it down to a single Lane and if we permanently brought it down to a oneway um it would really help us when we have flooding events or you know just to increase the swes but also you know having people going two directions when your street is flooded makes a terrible mess in your home um and then the final thing is how do we guarantee the funds from this go to implementation you know we're going to be collecting a lot of money and it would be nice to see if in the plan there's a really clear outline to make sure that that money doesn't go into the general fund that it actually goes to implementing the traffic that um the traffic calming and other um traffic improvements we need in our community so yeah that's what I'd like to know okay thank you Sirah anyone else like to come up going once going twice public hearing is closed uh we'll start to my right Mr each I have U several questions first of all whether do we come up with the uh the pay the the fee schedule I I it's I'm looking at some of those fees you want to go to a doctor's office you have a small doctor's office and you want to build a new facility you're getting hit pretty hard uh and then I I started looking at all the the fees that we charge when we build a building and I'm give you an example the next project that we're looking at they're going to be paying $5,900 th000 just in Impact fee so forth and so on so you add in another 3 400,000 to the project the final person that's going to pay that isn't going to be the developer it's going to be the person that moves in there or the uh the person that uses that store or the doctor's facility and those are question question that I I wanted to ask you like uh you know right now we have the impact feed the building permits um the community give back when you a development going well we need $300,000 for this project or that project uh it starts to add up and my my other question to you well my first question is what other cities around us does North Miami Beach have this does opaka have it the Miami Shores bisc Park what I don't want to see happen is that we make these schedules so high these fees so high that the developers say the hell with this I don't want to come to North Miami and and I'm afraid some of these fees in here I I thought now I'm not a contractor but I I thought they were really way out there now I know we need to improve our sidewalks and everything but that that was one of the questions that I have for you um let me see I had a I wrote down when we look at our traffic pattern in this County the city has limited ability we don't have any authority over the traffic signals we don't have any authority over the signs if we want no parking signs put up on our streets we have to beg the county I I just went through this with our traffic people over there they get no parking signs up they have to have a certain sticker on it before they become enforceable you have to have an engineering study a traffic engineering study years ago and I'm going back when I was young guy used to be the traffic Sergeant in the city so just bringing that up well we really don't have authority over lights uh signs so forth and so on now you have State Road uh 120 F Street 130 F Street that's under the uh the state us ones under the state uh we can't even get street lights fixed for God's sakes on on on these streets and and it's uh you know so our ability to do a lot of these things is limited other than what we can do with some of the infrastructure on the city streets you mentioned something that I I thought was interesting also the bicycle pass I think it's absolute lunacy to put a bicycle path on biscane Boulevard when you got cars traveling at 60 M an hour you know people are just going to get creamed out there uh one of the things that I suggested and I didn't get to it I try to start reading this in depth is you talked about Alleyways and I think Alleyways would be a great idea to fix them up and to utilize them was as bike pads I I mean I I I want to get into this a heck of a lot more I I I just got the packet yesterday I must have read about a 100 pages today in my mind is like like you said it's a good thing to fall sleep with but those are some of the uh questions that I have for you and the other one is U you mentioned something that the developer will get credit for something outside of his immediate area or her immediate area what was that about I didn't quite follow that so a lot of great questions that you had um we'll start with that one first and then kind of work backwards on IW them out in terms of the what we found is developers have site related obligations so they their footprint of their development they've got certain things things they have to do often times what happens not all developments say use a full block okay they'll use maybe half a block and you may have another project another parcel over or two Parcels over that they make an improvement so now you've got a real nice sidewalk here a real nice sidewalk here and then you've got something in between that may or may not ever get built or redeveloped there are ways through the mobility Fe working with the developer to say the assumption is right of way is available and they have the room to do it because they don't have the you know they don't have eminent domain Authority but if there is the opportunity in this right way they could make an improvement that extends say a 5 foot sidewalk they widen it to 10 foot okay they could then widen that 10 foot all the way to the next intersection okay that's an offsite Improvement okay that would be you know considered an exaction if you just said Mr developer go go widen That Sidewalk for us just because you're developing I got here you can say please widen That Sidewalk for us and instead of you paying all your credit I got it thank you get that um in terms of going back I agree with you on the green Alleyways um in terms of the the bicycle facility on biscane Boulevard there's only portions of it where they could add the additional buffer we've really focused on parallel to the state road because you can't do any really much of anything on the state Road system so we do think that your city streets which you can put bike Lanes on your Alleyways that you can make some improvements on those are the real opportunities um for that the issue of whether or not the fees are too high or not too high I mean that that is a legitimate concern any times you add additional fees um either with a Mobility fee an impact fee or any other type of fee you know it does generate cost of development and that's a policy decision that the city council is going to have to weigh in terms of how much do you assess versus how much do you need to to fund the infrastructure so I mean it's a legitimate concern uh We've looked at what the needs are looked at what the costs are and establish the fee the fee represents the maximum it could be city council could adopt a lower rate if it so chose to but um you know really it it does come down to a policy issue of what do you need to fund and what do you need to where did these fees come from who what they is that state or who put these fees out there well I actually documented how we calculated them in the technical report itself so it's based on the impacts the trips generated by development the length of the trip how much capacity they need to accommodate those trips and types of capacity that we providing the city can't necessarily widen roads but it can make sidewalk improvements that can make bicycle improvements and those are really the the driver to what the costs are okay I that that part I I I I understand the amount of traffic on the roadway and the formulas and all that but what I don't understand is okay I think it's 247 $247 for a residential home per square foot not including the garage and um patio so forth and so on one of the things I seen in your logo was equity now we start looking at affordable housing that starts to get to be a lot of money and I and it's there's got to be a a happy Point here and I don't think 247 is a square you know that's just kind of kicking the can down the house it's okay well I live in Keystone Point so I'm going to put up a $3 million home at 3,000 ft house and but that that adds to it that's what happen about the poor house on the West Side the Northwest 7th Avenue or 8th Avenue that's a uh moderate income or lower moderate income how does that person afford it it it starts to get to be a sticky Wiki I I that standard 247 Nationwide or no it's specific to to North Miami I mean that's actually low to be quite honest with you that's actually you know so for th000 square foot house it $2,400 for 2,000 sare F be about $5,000 you know it's not the highest is not the lowest but I mean there are many fees that are out there that are significantly higher than that in terms of the affordability there is a statutory provision that the city council can wave impact fees and Mobility fees for affordable housing so if the city council chose so chose in development met affordability criteria they can't actually wave those fees uh if they elect to do so one of the things I we're I think in the last census I think we're 60% of our population is before below the poverty line am I correct on that Mike yep okay and so you know you want to give people home ownership and you know maybe 2,000 bucks isn't a heck of a lot to me or some multi-million dollar developable but to some person that's struggling buying 45 $50,000 a year that's a heck of a a lot of money you know we're kind of I just got this packet yesterday and I don't know when you guys got it but I think there's a heck of a lot of stuff in here that I really would like to read on before I offer a really a sound opinion on it I I think it's a good plan overall but I think these fees can be kind of exorbitant you know you looking at the gas tax and when then we certificate of occupancy business tax uh you you you have Derm fee Fe Mobility fees now uh to community give backs the building permits the uh impact fees storm water runoff I mean we start to run it up does North Miami Beach have this this would be a city that we're not necessarily in competition with but do they have this would the developers say well you know what geez North Miami you're getting very expensive here but I'd rather go up to North Miami Beach or i' rather go over to aventur or i' rather go over to on the Isles you know I I I wonder about that and you know I know oh okay development is going now people are moving to Florida and we're going to build build build well what I'm seeing now with the amount of building coming up the rents are starting to go down go down pretty fast so is there a state of equilibrium here where we can do both things but at a reasonable cost that's that's my my my big concern uh I was had a homeowners meeting the other night and we're talking about the infrastructure which obviously we have to me we do have an infrastructure uh uh plan out there right now I have to get back to the homeowners on that there is a plan out there the public works department has that there are impact fees that's a special fund this so I believe one of the people brought it up this this would be in a special fund this would not be co-mixed with the general fund this is in the as I was reading separate audited separate there is a separ F that has to be paid into and um you know go on to somethingone else I had a couple more questions here Mike and I I'll get back to it yes uh enjoyed your presentation have a couple of questions when you uh by the way Kenny talked about so many of the things that I was thinking about that he already addressed so we'll limit it to other things um what is the concept of slowing down the traffic and how would you implement that in essence the concept of slowing down traffic is one of the primary ways to make the road safer for people to walk bicycle and access Transit um there's been a number of studies that show as speed increases the chance of a fatality involving either the people driving or people crossing the street or walking goes up exponentially um some of the data we have is based on when most Vehicles were primary cars there's new data and studies showing that it's even worse now because of SUVs trucks and larger vehicles and one of the most effective ways that you can help alleviate that uh or minimize fatalities and sever severity of crashes is slowing down cars um the city has ability to do it on its streets and on working with the County on County Roads the State of Florida has the authority on the state road system to establish speed limits a um but in terms of you know when you look at the say pedestrian priority streets the question came up we aren't talking about doing things to the roadway itself on state roads because that's really beyond the authority of the city what the city can do is work with developers to improve sidewalks work with do to improve the sidewalks and make improvements walking along the corridor and sometimes even crossing the corridors not necessarily narrowing the travel Lanes um a lot of your previous plans recommended removing on street parking on the state road you know narrowing travel Lanes adding in bike lanes and those all became infeasible um but there are a number of ways and the primary way is as the width of the travel Lanes decreases it's been shown that people drive slower as you introduce on Street bicycle Lanes as you introduce on street parking using the roadways itself people tend to drive slower right now what happens on most of your city streets people don't park on the street sidewalks are offset a little bit and there's 24t wide of asphalt most of the time with no center lane marking either and that's basically providing 24t of width for somebody to speed down so some of these Concepts would be stripe that roadway so it goes from say 24 ft to 16 ft either has a bike lane on both sides are on street parking on both sides and you know we've done analyses and and tests with fire departments throughout the state on what width of streets can they you know easily navigate the can't navigate 8 foot 9 foot's really really tough in terms of you know total width 10 foot a good driver can go down in a fire Tru at a decent speed 11 12 ft so what we found is kind of a 12T to 16 ft total width is ideal to still allow emergency vehicles to get through so that still gives you 8 ft upwards to 10 ft to work with either putting an 8ot on street parking and then providing a twoot buffer between the um roadway and when you open your your car door um provides you you know still 16 ft for the vehicles 8T for the the on street parking if you go down to a one-way pair connection you can provide a bike lane on the street 12T to 14t width for the oneway and then an additional 8T to 10t for the on street parking and you can do this at a relatively low cost compared to some of the other projects that we're talking about all those factors help to slow down traffic and then you integrate traffic calming at your intersections narrowing some of those putting in more stop signs or speed tables that's really a way to help slow down traffic which primarily ends up being cut through traffic because they're tired of being stuck on US1 or 12 125th or 135th so they end up going through the neighborhoods speeding through the neighborhoods to see if they can get around some of the congestion well if you don't make it as friendly and it's pretty friendly right now um to cut through the neighborhoods and driveth through uh that that's really what the the the plan can focus on and the fee can help fund and you are correct I mean there's some there's only the state's probably a little bit easier they've gotten a little bit more Progressive in terms of how they've been doing things but Department of Transportation still focused on moving cars um you know Miami Dade still has a mission to provide Mobility through multiple jurisdictions with their roadways so the city has the greatest ability to impact its roads and then work with the city and county to help make improvements to theirs and unfortunately all these improvements cost money um there are other ways to be efficient and effective like using your Alleyways like using your existing roads and reconfiguring them to to be cost effective um but when you start talking about a big sidewalk or a big trail along a state road or a county road then your costs do tend to go up uh for those projects all right thank you very much sir okay Mr Bob um come back to me um I have number of questions okay oh yeah turn your mic on yeah I have a number of questions but they'll come back to me just want to make sure it's not covered already and when you get the chance the resident raise some questions before if you'll I will address those yes okay Mr cyre thank you you've already addressed issues of of fees and I understand some of them could could be considered prohibitive but we really can't see the future we do know that we're inundated in cars we built a car Centric Society for the last 100 years and we've absolutely got to make changes I would support this plan as presented recognizing that 3 years down the road 5 years down the road the plan will be massaged and they'll be changes it's it's a living document this is not cut in stone but it clearly provides room for improvement in the city over a 20year period I would hope I would live 20 years to see this plan fully implemented of course it is my intention to make my centennial and I've only 7 3 so what's another 27 years we get it finished and I have 7 years to actually utilize it so based on that I I would go ahead and support this as presented knowing that in a few years this will be mized and changed as long as we don't lose our sense of direction fees will go up fees will go down clearly anytime you want to improve a roadway you're going to have to spend money and you've got to get it from somewhere uh and since most of the city is built out there really are very few vacant Lots left in this town and developers are buying up every square inch that they can possibly get their hands on uh the time is going to come in a few more years where there's not going to be any vacant land left so uh I think the sooner we implement this the better we're going to be for the long term clearly the future of this city is to build up since we can't very well build out and when you build up you get an increase in population and an increase in the need for better transportation greater Mobility I like to see more electric bicycles and more mopeds and electric scooters and all that sort of thing and uh it's a bit discouraging when you drive down the neighborhoods and find five cars in front of half the houses on the Block um I I think we've done what we can do with the automobile yes we'll get them electrified in the next 20 years and lower some costs and improve the air quality and that's all wonderful but the fact is right now we're we're drowning in cars we need to do something different and so I will support this as presented in in the full faith and belief that it will be massaged and modified as long as we don't water it down so that's what I've got to say gentlemen ask your questions but we're not going to get all the answers tonight this has to be implemented and see what happens Mr Bob um yeah my question was really just more so about uh Landscaping so during these projects where the sidewalks are being expanded there's going to be accommodations adjustments to the roads obviously there's going to be a loss of greenery right so trees will be need to cut down that sort of thing uh what is the plan as far as replacing those taking inventory of those like where they'd be replaced is it going to be in the same spot well the intent is you know because we're not primarily focusing on a lot of roadways would be hopefully to use the existing tree canopy and and work around it and add multimodal improvements that work with the existing tree canopy so I don't know that's the intent of any of this stuff to remove canopy if anything it's to add more as um projects are built now with that said I mean certain corridors certain development comes in you know there's only so many opportunities they have sometimes to do that largely because of utilities uh more so than anything but you know this plan envisions how do you provide more space and how do you integrate landscape aping in with these overall types of improvements as opposed to reducing it um and one of the big things with the the green streets or the traffic Hing is how do you get cars parked off of the swes which they're parked on now get them parked on the roadway so you can actually reintroduce vegetation onto your city streets and the good and bad is you know most of your city streets have pretty wide rights of away um so there is a lot of opportunities to reentry reduce Landscaping as you make improvements to the extent you're not giving that to the the vehicles and that you you know reuse your asphalt that's already out there you've got a number of Roads right around your downtown here we've identified several as curless shared streets they're 150 160t right away I you could land a plane on some of the corridors that you're talking about because you know maybe at one point it was envisioned as a big four-lane roadway but you know you could tear up half of that roadway and green it literally I mean several of your city streets right around where you're at today take out that asphalt put in some green infrastructure and you can still have a functioning two-way road with on street parking with bike Lanes or a curbed Street um so there's a lot of opportunities to reintroduce Landscaping as part of this um and one other component you I didn't get into a whole lot of detail on uh it's it's a a recommendation it's something they'd have to to work on further um and I've just been successful in two communities Altimont Springs in Central Florida and Okaloosa County up in the Panhandle AES area um replacing Road level of service standards with Street quality of service standards so right now your comp plan still says 135th 125th you want to maintain a d well it's impossible to maintain a d those roads are already over capacity they're failed in order to maintain a d you'd have to six laye or eight laye them well they're still in your comp plan saying that you're going to maintain that so what a lot of communities said is we're not in the road widening business anymore we're not in the road tracking business anymore let's eliminate it and let's look at something we can control I.E posted speed limits so we've been successful in getting rid of level of service and adopting a simple policy with a simple premise the posted speed limit if that's going to be your standard you design your roads how you want cars to drive not how they're driving today so the way speed limits are set on most roadways is how faster the car is already driving today and should it be higher than what it's posted at or should we design our roadway 5 miles an hour 10 miles an hour faster than the actual posted speed limit so if you've ever found yourself driving on some of your residential streets and you look down at your speedometer really quick and you're going 30 m an hour 35 and not even thinking about it a 24t wide residential street is designed for cars to move at 35 miles an hour that that's how it's designed is 12T Wide Travel Lanes there's no impediments no restrictions on Flow so people will drive faster on them this policy is saying if you want somebody to drive 25 mes an hour on your street design it for 25 miles an hour that's not how it works today it's design it 25 + 5 25 + 10 it says design it for the speed you want to go and now you no longer have to worry about Counting Cars on 12 125th Counting Cars on US1 you're saying our priority is slower speeds in our community we're going to set these standards and you know what that really does the ability for you to place a tree within the right of way is dictated based on the speed of the roadway the faster the speed the further those trees need to be separated from the travel Lanes the slower the speed the closer those trees can actually be to the roadway itself so all these things kind of work in conjunction by lowering your speed limits lowering your standards provides opportunities to actually add more streetcape into your overall infrastructure plan um and that's you know this is when when I say this is the first step this is the first step of multi process you know Altimont they adopted this thing 10 years ago you know they I've already gone through I'm going actually through the third update right now now they're fully getting away from roadway capacity roadway level service and fully embracing multimodal Miami Beach already did it a number of years ago other communities are doing as well so this really sets the stage to do that um and the the city has the flexibility to be as Innovative as they want to be with the exception is you can't force the state to change the speed limit the state has authority over the state roads so is that it yes you finished yes oh okay oh I forget you you have one more commissioner oh yeah Edward do you have any comment um I I mean I like the presentation um I think you did a great job presenting it um f aside I mean I think enough people have touched on that as an avid cyclist I like the biking Lings um and so I'm I'm happy at the first step I think I think it need it opens up the conversation as my fellow Kevin said it'll probably be massaged a little bit so I'm I'm a big component for it thank you right yeah um my only comment is and thank you very much for the presentation was very good um you know there's a lot of practical matters that you don't have any control over obviously um we just recently had fdot do some work here um they were told that it would drive traffic into the neighborhoods um they did it anyway uh and indeed we have now substantially increased traffic uh throughout the neighborhoods thanks to FD um the Practical thing is we need um traffic calming devices we need that has to be a priority um in the neighborhoods to you know because these neighborhoods are full of children and um the second thing is unless there's law enforcement I mean I drive these streets every day and I could probably give a 100 tickets a day you have bike Lanes nobody uses the bike Lanes anymore all the electric bicycles are in the travel Lanes of cars like with the electric skateboards and they run routinely run through red lights I mean I I see it every single day they they pretend like there is ABS they don't use the bike Lanes they don't use the sidewalks they use regular vehicle uh travel lanes and they just disregard every traffic law there is how are you going to deal with those that's that's all of a sudden a change now that you have these people that are now getting electric bikes they feel they can disregard the bike Lanes Let's Travel Let's Travel with the cars I've seen two accidents when the last month with electric bikes well one electric bike and one uh skateboard luckily they weren't fatal but that's how things are changing so I'm to to me it's more back to practical of how this money is going to be used well and you you raised a really good point and that really gets into part of the implement ation of this is you can't necessarily design it one street at a time I mean in terms of one reason I like to use the pavement markings as an approaches it can be something that can be done relatively quickly relatively fast you combine it with traffic calming in an area that you have problems and you can help to address some of those issues you're talking about and sometimes you know they do end up riding in the streets because the bike Lanes have either cars parked in them litter debris broken glass whatnot so so there are a lot of design things and I I spent quite a bit of time riding around in this community there are a lot of things that can be done to improve overall design and functionality to change behaviors as well um and and I will say if a Street's properly designed you don't have a Law Enforcement issue in some communities have even gone down to the step of removing asphalt and making travel Lanes narrower not suggesting doing that in the community but some communities have done that and so if you design your streets right looking at oneway pairs chicanes diverters traffic calming plus narrowing travel Lane whs you can actually help to affect and influence travel behavior um and I see you know it's not just a St Augustine or a Gainesville I mean there have been other communities that have been successful doing this um but it takes a different mindset and you know DOD doesn't always help you know pushing traffic out into you so that's really an opportunity to say well you know you're not going to ever get anybody complying when you've got a whole bunch of asphalt for people to ride in or ride a bicycle in drive a car in um but finding ways to maybe reducing some of that is a way to help change Behavior absolutely okay anybody any other comments let's uh say for example we have a structure going up it's going to be a medical office and I forget what the fee is 30 bucks uh what what it how much it's $8 $8 a square foot and a couple years go by and it's not working out now we change the use and either we go to a let's say a fast food restaurant or a convenience store I think that's even a higher fee you recapture that fee I don't even call reading in the uh in the ordinance itself what it was say is say you're a medical use and you go to a retail you would calculate your fee based on the the medical use that's your existing then you calculate it on whatever your proposed use is if it's higher they would just pay the difference they wouldn't they wouldn't pay the whole thing they would pay the difference and likewise if somebody's revitalizing an existing use that's out there they would get credit for that use that's already existing and that would reduce their amount for whatever it is that they're proposing all right okay that that was all right um okay um do I hear a motion to Mike I I want to go ahead yeah I would make a motion but what really concerns me is the fee schedule and I would like to we do have some upcoming workshops would you give us the date of the workshops again actually I would say we we've actually I was going to mention this we've actually just had the two workshops this week um I think had one person show up yeah we had one person the first one and then we had a few more of the second Workshop so um you know the workshops have been held on this I was going to answer some of the the questions that were raised um earlier if you want me to to do so um but yeah the workshop there have been workshops held and but you know some of your Commissioners also spoke this is really the first step and part of the reason why it's called an action plan is because there are a lot there's a lot more that needs to be done in terms of detail detail on these projects so there's going to be opportunities to revisit these projects revisit these plans uh to further Define them as you go through it so this is not going to be the first this sets the stage this is certainly not going to be the first opportunity to comment on any of the projects well what I what I was going have a comment I'm so sorry we have wait you cannot speak from back there Sarah not not yet Community Workshop where publish let's Che find that out no that I know heard about those anyway anyway Gary so commissioner before you make your motion I'd like to ask Mr Paul a question and maybe that will help I wasn't going to make I was okay okay councel um can you explain a little bit how the um how the fees themselves were derived is it based upon uh a set of projects and then based upon a distribution of the kinds of us You're Expecting allocating the fees to the various uses that you're expecting so the basis for the project is the Mobility plan so the projects we identified the projects that we've identified in the Mobility plan cost a certain dollar amount okay they also provide a certain amount of capacity so you basically say how much it costs versus the capacity provides provides a rate per unit of capacity I think it's $200 $300 per unit of capacity so then a single family home for instance because we looked at the square of footage it generates roughly a demand of five person trips per thousand square ft so you take the five times the the number and that gets you the $246 so the projects Drive the overall rate that's then applied to each individual land use and the reason why you see difference in the rates an office use generates about 10 trips to 11 trips per thousand square ft a medical use generates 33 trips per th000 square ft a grocery store generates 100 trips per th000 square ft a gas station 350 upwards to 400 um a fast food could be as 500 in terms of 500 trips per th000 ft so so it really each one of these uses has an impact associated with it and these rates that we use the rates that are used throughout the country we use the it trip generation we use trip links that are published for the the State of Florida we use those factors to calculate what is the impact of an individual use then what is their share of the overall cost of the Mobility plan and then that's how we end up getting the individual Mobility fees and the effect of reducing any of the rates that a particular use would be charged would affect the budget available to produce projects it would I mean any types of you know any reduction in this um would lower the money available to fund it what's been found and what the the courts of stated is your fee can't be higher than what your technical support uh your technical fee technical fee calculates it could be lower or phased in if you so chose to um but this is the maximum rate that could be charged defensively to implement your plan so right then at 247 a square foot for residential is that the same price that Miami Beach would be paying I believe Miami Beach is actually upwards to to $6 okay per square foot okay so they're paying Sly more I don't know about North Miami Beach I do know that aventur has a higher Fe sure pretty sure ball Harbor has one um North Miami Beach so I'm not sure about they they they have a Mobility plan nor May well they have a road impact fee they up a roadway impact fee they're still charging for Road capacity okay you know the only thing I would do is I I I I don't mind passing this but I would put a caveat in there I would request that the city council review these fees because uh when we have 60% of our population here below the poverty line and um you know I know we're hitting the developers and the business people for it but I don't know I looked at it I don't know how everybody else feel I just thought it was kind of steep in some air went dead I like the idea that we're paying for the infrastructure so forth and so on but uh or rather the roadway but uh I would put that caveat in there Mike okay hold on one second please we're having some technical problems um there a question was raised in the audience in ref ref to the workshops um you know how they were published Etc because it had such a I guess such a bad turnout is part of the process um going before the subsequent to the city council is there part of the process to have workshops following that or how does that work or is it will it go directly um to a second reading and then approval or where there be a opportunity for other um workshops for the uh citizens to be involved so it's a great question there was a workshop held um this past Tuesday evening and then another one on Wednesday morning it was advertised through the various um City social media Outlets they post it on their Instagram on on their website they sent out a flyer to certain I'm not sure to what extent they sent it out um in terms of what's required typically there's not a workshop required for a fee it's basically the Planning Commission and then the city council um so I will say that these projects while they form the basis of the fee they still would have to be prioritized budgeted for in the Capital Improvements program they would still have to be designed they still have to be engineered so there's a lot of steps that go forward um that have to be done after this this sort of just says these are the projects that are identified each one of them is going to require a lot more vetting a lot more of analysis and that's something that they would likely start having workshops on when these projects go from the basis for fee to actually moving forward with design moving forward towards implementation um so that's really you know the workshops were held and noticed as a courtesy um are they're not technically required and part of it is because a lot of the stuff will be follow on um after it it is adopted okay okay Mr E you want to make a motion I make a motion we approve it with the caveat of asking the city council uh to review the the fees okay do we have a second to that second motion is second can we have a roll call please motion was made by Mr E seconded by Mr Besson Dr Besson Vice chair Michael mcer Yes commissioner Kenny each yes yes commissioner Kevin seed yes commissioner Edwards Clark yes commissioner Mark Bob yes and commissioner Robert Besson yes the item carries okay thank you so very much we really appreciate it thank you okay okay um this is a the second is a CI judicial item and can can we have everybody stand to be sworn in if you're going to be speaking on this particular project okay councel do you swear them in yeah do you swear or affirm that the testimony and evidence you about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do okay the item that come before us is PC 1799 a resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving an application for a conditional use permit in substantially the attached form for a proposed mixed use development consisting of a 17 story 348 unit residential building with approximately 40,000 square ft of ground level commercial space and 600 and and 36 parking spaces on five Parcels of real property located at 1175 Northeast 125th Street 1195 Northeast 125th Street 1174 Northeast 128th Street and 1140 Northeast 126th Street and four adjacent vacant Lots said Parcels are specifically identified with Miami day folio numbers 06 2229 034 0640 06 2229 054 0680 06 2229 034 0010 06 2229 034 0020 06 2229 03430 0622 2934 4570 0622 2934 80 and 06229 034 0580 and total approximately 2.3 Acres 10,300 Square ft in accordance with article 3 division 4 section 3042 through 347 Article 4 division 2 section 4202 section 42 4203 a and section 425 and Article 4 division 3 section 4301 310 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulation providing for an effective date and for all other purposes staff thank you Mr chair Derek can you go ahead and do disclosures Pard disclosures yes and disclosures can you no I I had we had a brief convers not even a conversation uh I was at a homeowners meeting and uh one of the people there showed me the agenda and I said I don't discuss anything other than on the uh on the Das okay all right uh I've received calls for and against Mr Bob Mr cyre I had one phone call just asking if I looked over the packet yet and I hadn't received the packet so that really didn't go anywhere okay we have to wait for Dr Besson Dr Besson any disclosures no sir okay all right Mike forget yeah I have no disclosure we have another commission yeah edwi no no disclosures okay all right staff thank you Mr chair Derek cook with the city of North Miami's development services department has stated the item before you is a conditional use permit for the property generally located at 1175 Northeast 125th Street as a clarification there are actually eight Parcels that are been um utilized for the development um three of them are um vacant Lots four of them actually five of them have addresses that were read out in the um statement by Mr chair so what you have before you is again a conditional use permit and they seeking allot uh to have allotted 348 floating bonus units as was stated by the chairperson you have these addresses 117 5 noreast 125th 1195 Northeast 125th 1174 Northeast 126 Street 1140 Northeast 126 Street and three adjacent Lots the total size is 13,000 excuse me 10,300 ft which is approximately 2325 Acres the current use of Office Buildings and parking lots and some vacant Lots the Zoning for the property is C3 commercial office on the future land use map that is Central business Commercial it also has overlays of the plan Corridor development the aux and um Design District and the north Miami transit station overlay District the transit station overlay District allows for maximum height of 200 ft and a maximum density of 150 units per acre The Proposal is a 17 story mixed use Residential Building EST stated with 348 units it also has approximately 39,2 55 ft of ground floor commercial space and they are offering 636 parking spaces there will be 100% Flor of natives vegetation to create um absorption of the landscape in water and it will be a certified Green Building public art will be a part of it and it will be enhanced storm water the economic impact is anticipated to have 1441 short-term direct and indirect construction jobs accumulating $44 million the have Lauren is anticipated to be $1.2 million annually portion of that will be going toward towards the north Miami Community resident community redevelopment agency CRA and you're looking at an impact fees of approximately $5.4 million conditions of this conditional use permit they will require development Review Committee construction of a minimum 10t wide on north um sidewalks on Northeast 125th Street a minimum of 6t wide side walks on Northeast 12th Avenue and Northeast 6 126 Street all utilities will be on the ground they would need to obtain a certificate of use in a business tax receipt prior to a certificate of occupancy they will provide as stated lead certified or equivalent certification Green Building certification prior to the certificate of occupancy they will have sustainable commitments to low impact development activities and public must be installed or completed prior to the certificate of occupancy the next step for this item will be going to city council for October the 22nd and development Review Committee Rie review is to be determined and the city site plan approval will be be to be be determined as well additionally we looked at several criterias associated with the approval of the cup and these criterias deal with one dealing with the application consistent with the comprehensive land use it is consistent with the comprehensive land use as a development proposed through this um conditional use permit for policy 1.29 that states say the city will encourage a range of housing options this suppos this proposed development will provide much needed modern apartment units in the most poverty stricken census area of our city so it would be an improvement also the housing element it supports according to the cities of North Miami's 2025 2015 through 2019 Consolidated plan that prepared by the United States Housing and Urban Development the city has an aging housing Supply which means that many of the units are likely to need Improvement and may contain lead based paint this construction will bring in new housing units within the city you had an economic impact that it would we have for goals and policies the development is contemplated through the request is consistent with the goals and objectives of this policy of economic elements the city comprehensive plan particularly article um go n and policy 981 and policy 969 excuse me 966 first it will help improve the economic vitality and physical strength of the city through a mix of incurring and non- incurring positive fysical impacts including but not limited to um to uh total construction fulltime um jobs being provided and ongoing direct annual post construction full-time jobs associated with this new development concurrency elements we talked about will it for water supply the subject property is within the city's water supply area and shall be required to connect with public water system waste water disposal the the subject property is within the City Sanitation Ur Services um storm water management the property is required to maintain all storm water Within its own property and they will Implement policies within their um civil engineering to ensure that two the application is in compliance with the district's regulations applicable to proposed development including bonus Provisions in section 4-25 this project as is stated is within the north Miami transit station overl District that overl District allows for bonus units up to 150 units per acre the applicant the application is consistent with the applicable devop standards of the lvrs it is consistent with the elements of the ldr the ldrs through this overlay District allows for um this unit to be developed through the conditional use permit also the underlying zoning is C3 which allows for commercial use which they are proposing as a parking element they are proposing 636 parking spaces the total parking spaces that were required was 680 they are seeking a slight reduction in the parking by providing for sustainable parking such as Van Pool car poool and hybrid parking spaces they also are adding additional bicycle parking spaces on the site to compensate for this reduction the site for this proposed use relates to streets and highways adequate with and payments to carry the quantity of the traffic that is um stated we believe that this is the case the applicant has brought with them their um traffic study that would go in more detail with this information that the proposed use is compatable with the nature conditions and development adjacent to use building structures and will not be adversely impacted so we know where this property is located this property is located at the corner of Northeast 12th Avenue and Northeast 125th is with relative walking distance from here immediately to the north of the property we have the new development which is residence um Gardens that is having 2359 units and it's a mixed use development so you know to the east of it you have a school to the west of it is commercial use across the street of it is commercial use this is compatible with that element the proposed use is compatible with the nature and conditions um for adjacent uses and building structure excuse me I said that the Apostle proposed for development is adequate in size and shape for to accommodate it as stated the Apostle is 200 is 2.3 Acres based on the zoning overlay district with 150 units per acre the 348 units is the maximum among the units that they will be allowed for this size of a lot the proposed use will not be adverse in Impact for liability and V and value and development of jent properties is stated immediately to the east of the school cross the street is commercial to the west of it commercial and to the north of it is a new multifam mixed use development the nature of this proposed development is not detrimental to the public health safety and general welfare of the community multif family residential development will provide for new safe and modering market rate multif family units auxilary onsite amenities for future residents in ference with Goal 3. 3 A.1 of the housing element of the city's comprehensive plan which aims to ensure that housing in the city is decent safe and sanitary to serve the needs of the city present and future residents this proposed development will be an access to access to the community and will not adversely impact the public health safety and general welfare of the residents the design of the the design of the use created a Form and Function which enhanced the community character and immediate vicinity Apostles propos for development as already stated you know to to the um west of it if you look at the site you have the scool you have office building if you see immediately to the north of it you have a ninstory new building that is proposed this is 17 stories this is right on the corner of our major cor thorell this is compatible with that element of our city looking at the site you can see that they have amenities that's going to be on the um um middle floor above the garage area this is another um visual of the building this is looking from the East looking Westward and this is a ground floor on the northeast 126 Street and you look just just to the north that's the new um Garden residents that they will be um abing on excuse me on the north side of the um property flexibility in regards to development standards is justified by the benefit to the Community Care and the immediate vicinity of the poles proposed for the development the applicant is not seeking for any deviations other than reduce in the um parking of it which is clearly require um clearly required um Allowed by our code they allowed in the code to reduce through resiliency as stated earlier they're seeking to do resiliency um uses van poool car poool and hybrid parking space in addition they are adding more parking spaces for bicycle no open violations exist at this site based on this staff has recommended the approval of this conditional use permit and we leave it in your hands for review and the applicant is here for the to take questions and provide a presentation this is my presentation thank you thank you dere thank you Mr cook um thank you board um for allowing us to come before you today my name is Arthur Sor with Sor Solutions it's been my pleasure to serve as a consultant for T capital in this mix project um 11 75 Northeast 125th Street throughout the completion of this conditional use permit our team worked diligently with the staff to ensure that this project aligns with the Community Vision and needs we're excited to present this Innovative development which promises to enhance with the blend of residential commercial and recreational uses this project will not only boost Local Economic growth but also Foster economic also Foster a Vibrant Community atmosphere thank you for your support and look forward to this project being a positive impact here in the city of North Miami uh one thing I do want to put on the record um if you pass by now it may look like construction is going on we did tear down the building on the northeast corner um on the Southeast Corner actually um but that is right now there's a lease agreement in place for 5 years for paddle ball courts to go there so that has nothing to do with the project that's before you now that's a temporary use that the city's already given us approval before so that's pball course don't think that we've already started doing construction for this this project is going to be down the line Mr Sor so this project is five years in the future yes that's what we anticipate 5 years in the future sir it's not something happening well not happen in January no okay so um that being said um we do have Mr Robert bear here from bear F and partners as well as Corey Dorman who's actually here as well that'll be able to discuss any traffic needs or impact um on Utility Services okay okay thank you very much good evening thank you for the record Robert bear be funing partners uh I promise I'm not going to take as long as the Mobility plan presentation will be much quicker um this project is very exciting why because it is bringing 348 units to to the city new units to the city uh we are incorporating approximately 40,000 feet of commercial retail component which we anticipate we're looking to a future uh grocery store at that location um I'm going to go very quickly on some of the points and then I'm going do the the little presentation on the parking reduction we are required the 680 um we are looking a small reduction of 44 spaces to 636 why because keep in mind we have a commercial component that we're providing 134 space that at nighttime is not going to be used so our resident is going to be able to to utilize some spaces as well so 636 spaces for 348 units is a lot more much more than we need um we are not asking for anything else other than those spes and and something that I think is going to be even though we say it's going to be 5 years out we're going to be ready when the city is waiting for us because right now the infrastructure needs some work but it could be 5 years hopefully could be a little bit less than that so we're not going to commit to say I think 5 years until we're we know we're ready for it with that in mind I'm going start the presentation and you can see the ground floor which okay which cons consists of two component the residential component on your left and the commercial component on your on your right the way we've done it is that we have clearly separated both of them not to commingle the parking or the services other than the the load area which is Shar in the middle on the left side you have the the residential component which will bring in nice entrance you know on to 125th Street and you have the small commercial uh space there the lobby the elevators on the back side is where you have the separate entrance to the garage for the residential for the resident so we don't we don't mix them with a commercial on the right hand side you have you can see the blue area which is a large commercial um uh retail where the grocery store hopefully will go and in the back side you also have the entrance to the garage you're going to have um multiple levels of of parking but something that we're doing in on the residential floor 2nd through 5ifth we are putting some residential unit facing fronting 125th we want to create some some activities some habit of space residential unit overlooking 125th tree I think urbanistic that is really good thing to do because you're going to bring eyes to the streets versus just a garage on the on the as you go up the podium the on the fifth level is where you have the rec level you're going to have a large Recreation for the amenities for the residence the building is comprised of the u- shape so you have units looking into the into the um amenity decks and as Wells to the outside and that goes floor you know 6 through 16 I think that there may be a little 17 but in actually 16 stories so we have uh again it's 348 units con consists of approximately nine Studios 121 uh one bedroom 160 five two bedrooms 53 um three bedrooms this is really a family community which we're trying to do with a an asset to the to the community of bringing a a grocery store uh um that's basically it as far as the the project you saw some of the renderings if I get to it this is one from from 125th you could see the residential component uh and then on the F first five stories and then the building in the back uh you going to see that the the the idea of the right side where the uh uh the grocery store I'm leaving it a blank canvas because we anticipate be able to put artwork there so I don't want to commit to any artwor at this point that's something that we want to get the community involved later on and come you know and do that um that's basically it uh you saw the the the gardens which I'm involved I did the AR I was the architect and I'm involved as as a on the development side as well so I think this will be a great asset for us as well to have this project there uh um can I ask you a question sure yes since you're talking about it um is this going to be considered a Workforce project market rate project I I believe so I believe this is which which one this is this is and we have uh Mr Tate here could asset to that but I think this is going to be more of a Workforce you know market rate uh a combination of both combination okay commission how are you uh Jimmy T1 12855 viscan Bay Drive and the applicant what was the question I'm sorry Mike yes um is this going to be considered a market rate or a uh Workforce is there going to be any set asides for so right now it's a market rate deal if we uh we're going to do our analysis uh economic analysis of the project and if we decide to go for CRA money then obviously we' make a component of it uh uh Workforce hous similar to the Ure but right now at early stage we're just trying to get our cup we're going to start working on our DRC and have that application in within your one-year time frame and then uh once we see what the market conditions are uh we're going to pay close attention to what's going on with seb's project right next door to us and see what type of lease up and absorption he has in the market and understand what the demand is and then we'll make a a business decision on where the market's at so the Market's going to dictate uh it would be great if we could do this all market rate and if we have to go for CRA and do part portion of it with Workforce housing then we're happy to do that as well okay thank i' seen one of the rentals for the studios was estimated to be like 1,88 something in that neighborhood am I right on that you mean the pricing yeah I seen I thought I was reading it in here I thought I saw a we don't you have a few Studios going in yes yeah yeah and it was looked like it was about a thousand and change approximately you know unfortunately you know you do these studies in a vacuum based upon today and then by the time this gets developed and financed and you have to see where the market conditions at what the cost of construction is and and where that leads you obviously you want you want to be competitive because you want to lease up so you don't want to sit with an empty building so uh we're we're looking to do something that's really good and creative for the community and be a good partner with the development right behind us we already started talking about doing farmers markets and and art fairs and really doing some cool stuff on the street so we actually have like a little downtown Hub going on in that area so we're excited about this project and we're excited to bring it to uh North Miami how long is your current building been up a long a long time I I remember that when I when you before you enclosed the bottom back yeah that's a long time AG yeah it was you had a b yeah it was open it was a platform built yes yeah so that was done probably that was probably done in the 80s it was a pretty building in this right yeah it was ahead of his time okay thanks thank you sir yes thank you you okay okay that concludes my presentation if any question i' be more happy to answer them okay thank you um we're going to open public hearing is there anyone would like to come up and speak good evening Veronica Gusman 540 Northwest 127th Street um I appreciate the presentation I appreciate the um the I guess the want for for putting affordable well housing in North Miami I know there there is a huge discrepancy with it Mike I have several concerns one is definitely the infrastructure um we already have a 350 unit building behind it and we don't have a water plant a proper water plant in place to support new construction I'm also concerned with the elementary school next door with the traffic calming study they already stated that we cannot put calming devices because of the school buses so I'm concerned with the traffic I'm concerned with these are elementary kids these aren't high school children who are a little bit more aware and even then they're distracted with cell phones I'm concerned accidents um people getting injured electric scooters things of that nature so I think 17 stories for that specific area is a little extreme adding to that a commercial space of a grocery store with tractor trailers coming in again with the children um in the morning uh rush hour when the train is passing I can only imagine the traffic conest gestion that's going to happen um when we have 700 units now 5 years from now um fully operational so I'm not for it I wish something else could be done maybe something a little bit smaller scale but um we'll see what happens thank you okay Debbie hi Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127th Street first of all the developer has done no Outreach to our local community to ask for our input and discuss his plans with people in the neighborhood and we do have a neighborhood not just Sebastian's building so it is premature to rush it through the Planning Commission and cup hearing at the city council in 5 days um as as um the architect said this is a 17-story building 348 residential units 40,000 square foot Supermarket it's a supermarket not a grocery store okay think about that for a minute a supermarket on Northeast 125th Street with customers and cars coming and going at all hours right across from Northeast 12th Avenue from the school pickup and drop off area for WJ Brian traffic snaking through our small streets to avoid 125th Street and we are a single family community there I live on 127th Street and we have not yet worked through all the adverse impacts of the gardens with 358 Apartments where people are just starting to move in in and now you're considering an even more ambitious development on the next block the plans call for the supermarket to have huge semi-trailers backing down an alley into a loading dock from Northeast 126th Street how can that work um with climate change and flooding all these new developments are being built with their ground floors higher than our existing properties and homes which make our homes more prone to flooding our infrastructure cannot handle all these huge new developments in such such a small area we are already flooding more than ever from the gardens residents and I can attest to that we anticipate problems in the neighborhood with traffic and parking when the gardens residences get close to full occupancy so it would be prudent to wait for that before approving an even bigger development on the next block we need you to do your homework and ensure we have the infrastructure infrastructure to support this building before you approve this massive 17 store building ma'am you're at 2 minutes okay um okay well thank you very much okay any other uh public comment going once going twice public hearing is closed uh can we begin with Mr Clark Mr Clark any comments I actually had also a concern when looking at the project with the elementary school I don't know if uh staff can talk to the requirements for buffering within the area we do have a buffering um when we're talking about adjacent to residential single family but not to a school okay well yeah did do we have someone good is there a traffic expert from the applicant here yes can can he address the the uh proximity of the school and the relationship of the traffic from the project to the school name good evening everybody Corey Dorman traffic engineer on the project with kimley horn offices at 2 alhamra Plaza sweet 500 Coral Gables Florida 33134 um yes this same question uh came up uh when we submitted the traffic study to the city um the traffic data that was collected for the project and to conduct the traffic impact study uh analyzed 7: to 9: in the morning and 4:00 to 6:00 in the afternoon uh that's consistent with the typical commuter Rush Hour periods uh the reason I bring that up is because that's consistent in the morning peak hour with the school operation and the primary drop off pickup for for arrival um so the traffic study and the traffic data that was collected to conduct the analysis uh included all the school traffic any turning movements vehicles coming from each Direction at 125th Street and 12th Avenue um so those volumes were captured they were incorporated into the analysis um since the afternoon Peak period is 4: to 6 when traffic volumes are typically heaviest uh because of the rush hour period as folks are coming home from work um that is after uh school hours school has already dismissed um so the PM peak hour is more consistent with the commuter rush hour period but the morning does capture uh School arrival and the result uh and the results of the analysis um uh indicate that you know the the all the study area intersections around the project uh meet the uh City's adopted level of service standard now one last question was for the developer is there any plans to have community outreach yes absolutely so basically what we're trying to do right now is get our cup approved so we preserve and Reserve our our density and then when you do the DRC application for the site plan approval we plan to do fullscale community outreach meet with the communities meet meet with our neighbors get all their input and if there's tweaks that need to be made to the plans or something that they come up that we haven't thought up we're all we're about Community I live here my office is here my grandkids live here my kids live here so we're not going to do anything in our backyard that's going to hurt our name our reputation so we're trying to put a development that we think the area needs we need housing that's that's no secret uh we're trying to do something that's best in class and that will service the needs of the community and certainly we don't want to do anything that's going to hurt the children across the street but the reality is the the children across the street get dropped off in the morning we incorporated those those morning peak time hours into our analysis and in the afternoon when they're picked up they're picked up you know about 3:00 in the afternoon is pre prior to I work there I work at the building I see one peak time and after time it's and 5:00 those kids are long gone from that school so uh to answer your question yes we 100% absolutely plan to do all the community outreach and and host a couple Town Hall meetings and then my last question and more for staff remind me if if this is approved tonight they still have to come back to us no no sir um this is it for you the next step would be to city council and then when they go through the DRC reproval that goes to city council as well okay thank you that it okay all right let's begin down the other end cyre all right thank you Mr chair I have no real objections to this plan being adjacent to an elementary school is is going to be an asset for the families that want to move into it I recognize this is 5 years down the road and the plan for a grocery store could well be changed not one time but but several times between now and the time that they should actually break round on this this is a 5-year project because the city already has the land tied up for pickle ball courts so let the city do their Recreation we see where we are in 5 years this is all conceptual I understand what the developer wants to do they want to preserve their development rights but they can't address issues about unit costs or or or rental rates 5 years out this will be a very different economy and if a lot of the the plans the city has for better roadway improvements and better Transit development much could be changed in 5 years so uh at this point in time I have no objections and I'm prepared to see this go forward Mr Bob uh thank you for the presentation uh I think it's a really nice project looks good I think it uh encompasses where we should be as a city in the next 5 years um my only concern just to Echo commissioner Clark is just really the impact on traffic around the school right just because of the morning afternoon I don't see it being an issue it should be fine um but other than that it looks good as far as the pricing the price points I mean to say anything now would be somewhat disingenuous just simply because we don't know what shape the market will take in 5 years however if there is an intention to have Workforce housing uh Incorporated any point that's something that I think could be kind of having those intentions now as the pro project develops but other than that I think it's a great project good presentation thank you again Dr Bess I think the project is uh welld designed I grew up in a neighborhood in New York City and lived across the street in a 16 story building from uh my junior high school and down the street from my public uh Elementary School it was very convenient to walk across the street to school even though I was late all the time according to my mother um I I think it's very nice uh traffic flows probably will be a little more congested around 3 to 3:30 it's also convenient for people picking up their kids to run into uh and pick up their groceries so I think if that ever comes to fruition that would be very nice uh are there any plans for any exercise facilities other than I believe a pool that I saw uh in that uh on that deck yes there will be there will be amenities for the residents it'll be you know a fitness center and and many many more good because as a practicing internist and obesity specialist U we need to get people exercising yeah if if there's a there's a large area dedicated for amenities we again it's too premature to to start putting anything in place but there will be sufficient space for multiple activities good thank you very much uh very nice project thank you Mr um Derek we can go 20 stories there am I correct yes sir we we can you only you only going 17 stories I think it's a good-look project and uh the only thing is why why are we waiting six years out the heck I'll be 82 by that time no I be what the hell be 84 for cry now maybe Fried by God he's going to still be a young man Jesus I want to go swimming in the pool over there no I I think it's a good project and I think it's what we need in the city uh I I really do I good luck with it thank okay um yeah I think it's a I think it's a great project and I think it's well thought out Robert always has the best product thank you sir thank you um and uh look forward to the workshops and talk talk about infrastructure and Community benefits and all the good things so we look forward to those conversations and thanks for bringing it Forward sir thank you very much yes yes question uh so there are specific time frames set forth in the cup that's a test of the ordinance I just want to make sure you're comfortable with those considering the timing and you should use the microphone so Derek whispered in my ear uh that we need to submit the DRC within the first 12 months so what we'll do is we'll start working on the DRC package now we'll probably wait as long as we can 11 months and based upon the uh you know if we have to proceed earlier we will subject to market conditions but the goal is to probably wait see what the study works with the infrastructure um we're in no rush but if we had to move forward and the city want us to move forward we could move forward earlier we do have an out in the lease for the paddle ball courts but we'd like to give them five full years but we could start earlier I think there was some discussion about the possibility of extending those dates in the cup um but that discussion probably should happen before you go to city council okay all right I mean you know listen that time is our friend on this one but it just depends what the city would allow so those um dates are uh in the code oh so are they subject to any kind of modification no no they do have a onetime extension of 6 months once you get through the um um the DRC process so DRC then you go with the plan to the city council and then is there's condition 10 on building permits apply for building permits within 18 months of city council approval of the plan is that also in the code that is okay council is that it uh greater minds will have to consider this over the next few days yeah thank you okay again thanks thanks Gary okay I'd like to entertain a motion to approve the item so moveed second okay roll call please Vice chair Michael mcdeid yes commissioner Kenny e yes commissioner Kevin cied yes commissioner edwi Clark yes commissioner Mark Bob yes and commissioner Robert Besson yes okay Zer vote congratulations gentlemen thank you very much thank you one two three four I'm sorry six count I'm the GU missing a finger okay so anyway okay um any old business to come before us any new business staff anything Derek Mr chair no no new business just to re reiterate do we do have a special meeting for the November the November 5th meeting will not take place because that is election day and we have moved that to November the 14th which is the Thursday of the next week okay okay and it doesn't Jennifer um I was appointed I Believe by councilwoman galin so can will I was it till they get sworn in is that how it works I I believe we did make an amendment to the ldrs to provide that you guys stay secure in your seats until the your the success exactly there's a transition period and so during that transition period you guys get to keep your seats okay okay thank thank you okay all right um being none thank you Derek thank you thank you sir okay Jennifer and Gary and sopie thank you all thanks everybody for coming uh motion to adjourn second all in favor