##VIDEO ID:m7kfuqp91m8## says we're good now Christine you do the right is going to feed it to you does she's not here yeah she's not here she's not here no oh so I'm glad you are because for a while it look like nobody wanted to my that's kid that's our whale hising people no worries she says we're good to go though oh so I can start yeah good evening thank you for joining us uh for this special session uh January 14 2025 here for the isd622 um do do we have to do the pledge okay uh first thing up is to uh the pledge I aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right um sorry I don't have my notes so I have to call to order do I have to move okay sorry without my notes I'm I'm at a loss here uh so we have the oath of office which Caleb will be doing all right um and at this time if I could have our our new um board member rise and our reelected board member as well board members sorry okay thank you it is an honor that you were elected to guide the education of our community's children as you recite the oath of office you assume a tremendous responsibility as a director of our school district with the duties empowered by the Minnesota Legislature this power puts you and the other members of our school board in the position of being both morally and legally responsible for Equitable quality education of every student in The District in carrying out this responsibility you'll be asked to fulfill the roles of vision structure accountability and advocacy in providing Vision the board with extensive participation of the community envisions the community's educational future and then formulates the goals defines the outcomes and sets the course for the public schools to achieve the vision the board establishes a structure and creates an environment designed to ensure all students the opportunity to attain their maximal maximum potential through a sound organizational framework because as a board we must be accountable to the community we must ensure a continuous assessment of student achievement and all conditions affecting the education of our children as board members we serve as education's key Advocates on behalf of students and our community schools to advance the vision for our schools furthermore we must strive to work together and with the in with the superintendent and staff to lead the district forward toward fulfilling the vision we have created fostering Excellence for every student in the areas of academic skills and knowledge citizenship and personal development having signed the acceptance of office and oath of office will you please publicly affirm your commitment by repeating the oath of office after me um and should I read the entire let's see I'll should I break it up and okay all right I affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States iirm support the of the United States United States and of this state and of this state and that I will discharge Faithfully Faithfully I'll discharge Faithfully the duties of the office of Schoolboard member the duties of the office of Schoolboard member of Independent School District number 622 of Independence School District number 622 to the best of my judgment and ability to best of my judgment and ability thank you may be [Applause] seated Kati yes Katie come on just because we like to know who's here so as we're very excited to add our newest member to our school board um Katie swer she has some guests here this evening so I thought maybe you could introduce your guests to us and then we'll take a photo as as a whole group together um and then a separate one maybe with Katie and her family yes thank you I I appreciate this and uh today my husband Christian and my son Quenton are here and let's uh Quenton is the reason that I ran um and my dad and mom Dwight and Mary Lundquist and my aunt Marge blanish are all here and I'm so [Applause] happy thr to have Katie on our scho maybe let's do a photo of Katie and first standing right over here if you don't mind we'll put you next can stand right here and that and then come get do do we stand I don't know I so I think just them and then we'll do it as get a New Station oh I like it you got the name plate showing perfectly maybe pull Quenton closer to you Katie so we can see your name beautiful now can we bring the rest of the board to take a photo with Katie so we have our new school board photo on hand this is where all the magic happens and the good thing is even on the night when your M all right come on up guys yes okay scoot in a little closer [Music] skinin beautiful yay make the rest of us feel better did you hear that Charlotte what they going to que queenes you guys are G to go you guys are going to celebrate her without her that's literally what you guys are doing you gave them a reason to celebrate so that's enough all right uh so we're going to move on to our election of officers so as board policy the officers of our school board shall be chairperson Vice chairperson Clerk and Treasurer a handout is included in your packet oh don't ignore that part um let's see here during discussions at um oh at our work sessions in October November and December board members informally agreed that the following individuals will be nominated um so I'm going to say um do we have any nominations for yes do we have any nominations for chair uh yes I nominate uh ke Yang for chair are there any other nominations for chair I think you say that three times did I say it three times are there any other nominations for chair all right um so uh seeing that um K is K Yang is the only candidate nominated myself uh for the officer chair um I hear by hereby declare ke elected um see do we have to motion so moved all right um moved by nari second by Martins um all in favor say I I all oppose say nay all right uh let us move on to Vice chair um I Nom nominations for vice chair yes I nominate Caleb Anderson for vice chair all right are there any other nominations for vice chair any other nominations for vice chair all right seeing none the only candidate nominated for the office of Vice chair is Caleb Anderson um and I hereby declare him elected um could I get a motion and a second so moved second right moved by Livingston seconded by Martin um all in favor say I I all oppose say nay all right um and then if next up we have for clerk do we have any nominations for clerk I nominate Nancy Wiston for clerk um any other nominations for clerk any other nominations for clerk all right um seeing none I hearby um I gotta find my wording here see by um having only one person nominated for the office of chair I hereby declare Nancy Livingston elected could I get a motion and a second moved second right moved by rard second by Martins all in favor say I I I and all oppose say nay all right um and then the last position is for treasurer are there any nominations for treasurer I I would like to nominate Julia Martins for treasurer okay uh Julia Martins is there any other nominations for treasurer are there any other nominations for treasurer all right um seeing none um this Julia Martins is the only candidate nominated for the office of Treasurer and I hereby declare her elected um could I get a motion and a second so moved second right um moved by Anderson seconded by Livingston all in favor say I I and all oppos say nay all right um so Julia is nominated for treasurer um I think that's it for the officers yay congratulations everybody you very excited to be working with all of you again um and Katie welcome aboard um so next up we just have our organizational resolutions um the following resolutions are being recommended for adoption as routine organizational resolutions for 2025 uh should discussion on a specific resolution be requested a number has been assigned to each resolution um does does anybody want to pull anything out to discuss okay um the full resolution is listed out in board book so if any you know folks are interested they can take a look at that um seeing as there is no discussion um and read the resolution uh be resolved by the school board of Independent School District number 622 that the following organiz organizational resolutions numbered 1 through 19 be accepted as presented could I get a motion in a second so moved second all right move by Livingston second by Martins any discussion okay all in favor say I I and all oppose say nay all right those motions pass um that is the end of our special session so could I get a Motion in a second to adjourn so moved moved by Katie s and then second to by Nardi Charlotte other way around okay other way around moved by Nardi second by um all in favor say I I all po say may all right meeting adjourned thank you thank you you