##VIDEO ID:TMm5HWYEzjI## oh okay let's call our meeting to order yay welcome to the city of North St Paul arts and culture commission uh Jordan could we please have a roll callic here here here here and our staff member Jordan is here welcome Jordan we're so happy you're here tell us a little bit about yourself I know where that is sorry no way yay all right perfect path we like to clap a [Laughter] lot um uh we have an agenda in our packet I'm assuming put together by Sarah and Jordan I think it looks great any changes or or other things we should um do we have Riley coming this evening or should that be out okay so is it noral virus I hope okay so under commission business we should eliminate we'll take that off all right good catch Amanda uh could we get a motion we a motion for that right uh motion to adopt I move to adopt is it I move yeah I move to adopt the agenda awesome second great all those in favor I I opposed we did it approval of minutes this is Jordan's first minutes that she did for our group and I read through these I think they look great I had no edits any other edits or comments about the minutes was here the rest of you weren't oh yeah that's true I think they're great I watched them too I I noticed we need to work really hard at talking in our mics because at some points everyone was very quiet and I was like oh I wish I had subtitles so that was my one note from watching what did you think I agree and I noticed that watching through different committees and that we all need to work talking into the mic yes it's a prevalent problem I I never want it too close to my face but I guess it has to be I know now you can pee your peas it doesn't come through on YouTube yeah okay um wonderful motion to approve the minutes I'm looking for um motion to approve okay second second all those in favor I any opposed all right we passed the minutes great job Jordan you did it your first minutes are adopted you can leave now just kidding uh no one is here from the public so I think we're down to our commission business action items and recommendations oh shoot I forgot we have to do this election of chair and vice chair I didn't ask Tom if he wanted to be chair again does anyone want to be chair do you want to be chair no okay I make a motion that would be make Tom chair okay sounds good who anyone want to do that anyone want to do Vice chair I'm happy to keep doing it because I can do this part but I don't want to do it every single time is that okay I'd love to have you as Vice chair do you want to do it no are you sure I am sure okay all right so we'll do same as usual with that we don't need to vote do we need to vote do we not need to vote let let's vote let's vote I think we have to vote Yes all right let's vote on that so again I will make a motion to make Tom Sonic chair of the Arts and Cultural commission for nor St Paul okay do we need to do a all in favor say all in favor say I I opposed okay good good oh you're letting someone else do it okay why I would like I'm gonna say this wrong that's fine okay so I would like to make a motion to make Carrie NAD Vice chair perfect couldn't couldn't do it better myself all those in favor say I I excellent any posed great oh my God look at us just blowing through this agenda we'll be home in no time no Riley okay so approve Tom 2025 Ava presentation I'm excited for this because I've been trying to coers a Eva into planning with me and she's like no we got to wait till I mean we don't say that but I'm like I love your ideas a yes you're always so positive AA hi guys hi it's good to be back so I am coordinating all of City events for 2025 um and so I'm here to talk about the upcoming events list how um your my expectations for you asiss and how I'm do you need something is there a grou a green light nope there we go is that better great okay good okay sweet you want to capture what you have to say Ava because it's important okay okay thank you um yes so uh the upcoming events list and my expectations for the way that we're going to work together um I'm sorry is that's what also what Riley was going to talk about or is that something different oh okay perfect um basically yeah he was this is how commissions work with City staff oh okay great yeah does he have to come back then or can we just talk to you uh I haven't talked to Riley about that great okay sure I guess we'll find out yep we'll see cool yes sir who's Riley good question he is the community development director okay so he's Jordan's boss oh okay I'll good I'm fairly new um I don't think we've actually ever met Riley have you met yeah we I think we met him when he was first tired oh gotcha okay um so I would love to hear a little bit more about you where you're currently working or where you went to school and then also why you're passionate about this commission I'd like to hear like your heart behind arts and culture so that I can kind of align our events a little bit better hopefully going like right now yeah that's okay who wants to go I can start since I'm down on the end sweet um so um who I am uh my name is Troy Woods I was born in Iowa moved up here um I work at security and financial downtown St Paul I do cyber security uh it security work for them um I've been doing that for well in one way shape or form about 28 years that I've been there and uh so why I'm on this committee I was placed on this committee by the mayor but it would be would have been my first choice anyway um because I'm one of my passions for for joining the city council was to I guess for lack of a better term uh continue to make Downtown North St Paul vibrant continue to bring Life Style bring Community bring arts and culture to nor uh Downtown North St Paul that's okay now let me see the list of questions where do you currently work currently I am retired but prior to that I was an attorney I um I'm from North St Paul graduated from North High go poers and um but before I was an attorney I was a classically trained artist I love art I have been a part of the Arts my entire life in a variety of forms I was a ballet dancer I did a whole lot of eclectic stuff before the pushing pencil days and I am passionate about this Commission because this is my hometown I would like to see it be a beautiful place that I know it can be and I like to see keep the community Spirit going here that I know growing up here and where people were really proud to say yeah I'm from North St Paul you know that's great and and have great things to point out and say yeah you know that's where we've got this giant snowman so let's add on to it and do more sweet yes absolutely I love it God everyone is so cool in this group I'm so happy to be here um hi I'm Carrie I work at hennipen Healthcare Research Institute as director of operations um I went to school at Hamlin University for English and piano performance I do not currently perform um but my entire career has been in nonprofits my first um decade of work was at American composers Forum where we supported composers uh with commissioning projects so we went to funders like Nea um other Grant making organizations and secured money to commission composers and one of our projects we did was Continental Harmony where we commissioned 50 pieces of music Across the entire country um so I got to go on a couple of those uh World premieres which was very fun um and then you know the Arts took a downturn and I looked for a job in healthcare U because that is steady and that's where I am now um but I try to in Infuse art into what I what I do every day and I love it um my son is a a drummer he plays drum set for the northern light show choir at North my husband and I have lived in North St Paul for over 20 years and it's so great that in just a few short years we have made amazing strides in the art that's available here I mean I had lunch with a friend over break and we were driving to Newman's I'm like here's our new mural here's one of the snowy you know it's just it's so cool to be able to say I had a little tiny part in making that happen so um I just love I think everyone should have access to public art I think there should be more of it way more not just in North St Paul but everywhere but I have the power to help make it happen in North St Paul so that's why I'm here um let's see where do I work what did I go to so I work for myself I I run black loon Studio it's my print making art business business I mainly do a lot of art fairs around um the Twin Cities area and then work holiday shows as well um I actually went to school for photography but still within the Arts and it's clearly just a part of my life to be in the art world and I love to bring that to North St Paul and want to see things out in public well I work as executive director at gable Pines Senior Living in vness Heights um that is not what I went to school for I went to school for jazz singing um so it's quite a departure but I found my way into senior living because music speaks to people with dementia and they might forget what they had for lunch that day but they remember every word to their favorite song so um it's always spoken to me and um I'm passionate about arts and culture because I have a seven-year-old and she's the brightest light that there is and I want to give her all of these wonderful experiences and I think there's so much Beauty in the cultures that are around us um and we owe it to the kids to share that and um let them you know experience handson listen to dance um I just want her to have everything she could possibly have and help with city beautification as we do it um in California it was freeway beautification where they would just do neat things like on the sides of freeways when you sit in 405 traffic um so this is very different and much more rewarding to me to you know see those murals that you guys have been working hard on and see our snowies and um it's just such a cool thing so amazing thank you all for sharing um I I think I I really see how um you're all like in the art scene um and a part of it passionate about it it's really cool um um so uh purpose of this presentation is that I need your help um to run effective events and this commission has been awesome you guys are right there with me in the trenches doing what needs to get done so um yeah I'm just basically coming to you for 2025 and asking for the same amount of help um as you gave me last year and so um especially since during events I'm juggling two hats both Communications and the event coordinator piece so um having a team that I can trust who knows what's happening who can kind of be Point people during the event where I can go oh okay I need to go take a picture over here but it's okay they got they're holding down the fort over here um and so that if we have you know hopefully a growing number of Volunteers in our city um that you guys can kind of give directions and be that those voices to help with um really coordinating and making those events run really smoothly um so my ask is that um I want you to you to be proactive with me on work on generate generating event ideas plans and any ways that you can get involved um that means engaging in meetings and responding to emails and reaching out with new ideas saying yes when I'm trying to delegate uh tasks um I want you to be aware engaged and involved in the planning um which I I really appreciated during our Autumn Arts leadup you know that that kind of constant communication is really good and I'm looking forward to pre-working on the Autumn Arts Festival so that we can really get that at just a spot on event um and most of all to be present on the day of you know helping with the setting up and tearing down of the events um willing to volunteer and uh coordinate volunteers that sort of thing um and then an important piece is the feedback the after the event seeing what went well what didn't go well I'd like to continue kind of having this dialogue with you guys so that we can continue to build on what we already have um so my overall expectations I'm going to be um giving this exact same presentation to the parks department um so this is you know half of this piece this ask um but basically um responding being proactive before the event physically present during the event um and improving continuously um so I'm going to be sending out a Google poll tomorrow basically with um your kind of big events um that are coming up to kind of get an idea of when you can be available for those um as well as the types of events you'd like to work for like be involved with um so that we can kind of start to delegate some people out um yes so that's kind of a a Next Step that I'll get to in a sec but um this is your 2025 uh main event lineup and then I'm going to hand out this is the the full event list it will change this is some of these dates are sensitive obviously I haven't them completely but um this is like a good of kind of the direction we're going for thank you welcome so hopefully um this kind of schedule will be a good kind of in the back of your mind oh that might be happening that day and obviously I'll be sending out um follow-ups with the exact dates and times um when they get booked um but and the Google poll will kind of give me a good understanding of when you're going to be available and a away and that sort of thing um so so this example is not really um pertaining to you because it's more Parks but essentially um I was uh running the movie night in the park and I was monitoring the bathrooms and uh the child had his hand on the plug that was going to get he was going to yank it out and it had the the power and sound and everything so I ran over to help but when I turned my back on the bathroom somebody started taking chairs out of housy park so one person can't do it all and you guys have been so good um being there for me and so uh yeah I just want to continue that in 2025 um and I'm only one person so any help you're willing to give I would love to have it um and as we work together I'm sure I'm going to like figure out your um strengths and the ways that you can really like shine in this role um so I guess just to reiterate I'm not asking for uh you guys to you know take over and have this huge load on you um I'm really asking for to be present answering emails being proactive saying yes to being the kind of Point people during events and then also um being present at the events um so hopefully not too much more on your plates I know you're all very busy so um yeah I'm I'm really excited for this and we'll get to questions in a sec but the next steps is um I'd love if you guys created a subcommittee for the placeholder event that's going to be the next up for you guys so figuring out what that is when that is and where that is um and I'm willing to help with that um so if you guys create a subcommittee then we can talk over email and have different meetings outside of these uh larger meetings um and then also for the art Autumn Arts Festival I'd like to start moving on that planning really getting um the performance and different things um booked um I know that the longer we wait the more you know talented artists get booked up and taken off the market so um yeah i' would love to really start moving on that quickly and then filling out the Google form tomorrow um or the next week I'll just be sending it out tomorrow and then looking forward to the next event which will be the TBD uh event which um the budget got approved so we have $2,000 to work with for that EV event so um I'm excited to see what we come up with but um do you guys have any questions concerns things that um are maybe unclear for this ask is this ask um specifically for the parks events or just any event that's on these these two sheets so your specific events so I'm asking for like uh you guys to be physically present at at least two events in these four events so so specific to the arts and culture commission um so uh you guys kind of do the guided art classes and the music in the park you guys kind of figure out who has the art cart but um the placeholder event and the Autumn Arts Festival hopefully you can be at one of those um and any other help that you're willing to give but my expectation is that arts and culture like is focused on arts and culture and Parks is focused on Parks however ever any and all help is appreciated um but I don't think it's fair to ask you to say like two events and then you know some parks people are doing arts and some Arts are doing Parks so um does that make sense yeah I just thought that was the standard yeah I thought so too yeah we're gonna be in arts and culture stuff yeah okay yeah but I thought it was a good um for you guys to have the full overview just so you have kind of an understanding of what's happening I think we do more than that though because I feel like we also do we have the art cart at the um big truck night car show oh yeah second week June 13th and isn't there one other time we have the car show somewhere uh well at the Arts Festival and Arts Festival which is on the sheet um and the parade do we have it at the par no because we walk the parade we walk the parade though I count that as an event I have to be at though don't you yes if they have it um are we not fulfilling your expectations for participation or is this just to set boundaries moving forward so it's not just you doing all the work because no other City staff can do it because if City staff do it then the city staff have to be paid and that's overtime and that's a drain on the budget so we're just clarifying expectations I think it's specifically directed at you I I am sure I take everything personally Troy as you know as K worked 12 events last year I was all day at that Earth Festival I see a date on here for the autumns Arts Festival has that been selected or is that a TBD date placeholder it's a placeholder um we wanted to with the booking of Casey we wanted to have a date set so anything that has a Casey Lake associated with it or housy we've booked the building okay um so at that date we'll still kind of look at St Peter to make sure we're not overlapping with their Festival that's what we've done the last couple years yes I should reach out that's a good note okay um yeah we just wanted to book a building so we had something just Y in case perfect it all happens so quickly yes um it sounds like then the two asks that we can provide tonight are if we're ready to uh she's going to send a Google form tomorrow yes thank you um I think also we could we set our subcommittee for arts festival or do we want to make wait we're missing just Tom and Raquel I mean we can make subcommittees if we want but and then see if they want to join what's our limit on subcommittees how many people with what we have less than a quorum so I think three okay right three plus the three plus the liaison so Troy can come yeah if you want [Laughter] Troy um I'd say we can talk about it but I would be hesitant to come uh but we have a whole month I do feel um I don't know I feel like we should wait for Tom and recel okay yeah that's fair I'll say this if you want to get started on the Autumn Arts Festival I know Tom and I would be happy to if not us being the subcommittee again we can help in the meantime until we get that subcommittee solidified great beautiful excent yeah I have a personal goal of trying to book everything by the end of February okay um but that's ambitious yeah so um yeah I will be communicating with you guys okay and then next month we can solidify our subcommittees that you're looking for for the event the special event and that that's right Tom will be busy the next month I am not as busy January is my like quiet nothing happens oh that's so nice I'm glad you get that good I might I might be emailing you yeah please yeah let's keep that keep that momentum going s what else can we do Ava amazing that is all I'm asking right now but I'll be communicating with you guys over email cool sweet good great all good any other questions concerns I think last meeting uh someone was added to the art night or whatever we're calling it Me Oh yay okay I'll send you my spreadsheet and then we will coordinate scheduling okay perfect sweet excellent thank you so much thank you guys have a good rest of your night enjoy thank you what's on this spreadsheet or will we talk about it when we talk about subcommittee updates oh no I just um last year I just had a whole brainstorm about all these other things we could do we've just been doing you know 2D art and so I found a whole bunch of other ideas but I'll run it past you I do have the personal no in with a couple of artists who could help out one of them is a watercolor artist oh would be fun and the other one does similar to me she's like print making but she I don't teach classes because I don't want to smart but she does and so that'd be great might be someone to reach out to I just don't know their rates and stuff bye Ava excellent okay subcommittee updates yeah let's get into it oh I need to know what the subcommittees are yeah I don't and we need to give Jordan and Troy because they're both new we need to give them an update on what all of our subcommittee is about so um Troy as you learn in your time on city council it's so much fun but it's hard to get a lot done in one meeting with a a bunch of people so we break out into different subcommittees so we can keep progress moving and that's why you see lots of great art around um North St Paul so that's how we operate and Tom has a whole Master tracking spreadsheet for all of our projects um that we rely on him to update and yeah do you know all the sub I've got I've got um okay yep okay so subcommittee update utility boxes okay okay oh do you want to okay right um I'll start with the heart hands so I had sent the um images to Ava from what we had worked before but it wasn't a high enough quality so I'm going to send her a link through the collaboration link on canva so that she can have access to the individual photos that have already been doctored to remove the backgrounds so we have that plan and hopefully can move forward with a finished art piece very soon excellent and the utility boxes are wrapped utility boxes I'm sure you've seen a couple there's one at North that one's peeling we're mad about it where is the one at North okay when you're at North if you're going if you're walking towards the football field like in between the hockey place and the high school so my problem is I'm not walking yep or you walk across the I'm just trying to drive by and I'm like no sorry it's not no you have to like walk across the bridge over 36 and then it's right there in the corner yep it's really cute would I be able to see it from Margaret then you got to get out of your car sorry man you got to go bipolar Arena it's a it's a high maintenance box we love it have to wait for spring I don't get out of my car in Winter you made it here I'm proud of you okay excellent that all sounds great anything we can do to help with that support that a plan okay great and veterans veterans has been on hold and I will pick it up again oh so um I do have in artist veteran I was going to recommend to reach out to I can give you her name later oh yay thank you yeah thank you so I don't I think you were at the car show night we did we had everyone like make hearts with their hands no okay so we had everyone make hearts with their hands and Sharon took photos of them and so they're gonna um these are sorry guys these are the images and so we're going to take all of those and make those into a wrap that goes around the boxes so it's really cute because you get so many different shapes and H couples and the one with the little kid or baby it's it's just a really beautiful project so I'm excited for that to come through fruition and then we had talked about rodes outside of rodes is that just still back burnard yeah I thought that was okay perfect gotcha all right excellent anything else on utility boxes no okay murals I don't think we have anything to report on murals do we but it looks fantastic doesn't it look so good every time I go by I see something new I think she's adding more stuff I bet she was thrilled to get the call for it honestly I'm I haven't talked to her but I can just imagine her being so excited to come back I ran into her and I got some pictures with her while she was painting and she had her little dog there and a friend and the lady from flyby coffee was bringing her free coffee it was the cutest thing you know because it was November it wasn't too cold yet but it was great so um Jordan is going to pull a list of city-owned structures for us so we can look at other mural places Sharon okay one thing I was going to ask about with that I know you looked into the Big Wall by Rotary Park yep and it's owned by berwald or whatever but isn't there a small part of that wall that is Public Works not it's not that big expensive law not a part that they will allow to be painted okay okay that's the bomber but then I was driving down 36 and I was like maybe this giant whatever the tunnel thing maybe that could be but I don't know it sounds like that's not a good art idea from your 405 days oh no I can't go for it okay that's all they had that's all we had have utility box wraps um or could you do look into temporary merts can you do some temporary merals I I love one thing I was thinking about and I know this is not supposed to be a brainstorming session but just really quick um if there would be somewhere where we could put up like a frame so to speak and we could do trip ticks in there and so a variety of artists could H do it it's a temporary presentation and have it removed and then give another artist an opportunity because artists are always looking for opportunities to put their work on display especially for our fee it's great I had this idea of it probably isn't but it's like murales okay but you build this structure it's like a big spiral that you can walk into yeah and all the walls are mural so you can just walk the spiral and then you walk back out that'd be cool I love that that reminds me of like isn't there something like that in Denver the Denver airport I don't know I don't recall okay but we should we should make that happen that sounds great and what about the wall um on loves did they say no no that was a no yeah I'll change that name yeah so more to come with that but I'm still over the moon with our last mural that was that really worked out okay art cart I think that's Raquel right yes it's Raquel and I we haven't met for this year but we got time okay and the art cart for Jordan and Troy is um oh Troy you volunteered in the art cart it's just an orange trailer trailer um that has a bunch of art supplies in it um and we bring it out for different events and we invite kids or whomever to come and make art so that's simple but great it is fun and actually I think we probably have some budget for the art cart for this year but I was thinking about it earlier today we probably need zero with how much supplies are in there there so many supplies we could probably plan yeah we need to organize it oh yeah organizers was the goal for the art card this year that's probably it okay once we organize and figure out our inventory we could plan all of the events with what we have and probably s just having been in it probably some way to make sure stuff doesn't fall all over yeah that's one of our we were thinking um what are those things the bung the bunge cords yeah to keep like an RV how you keep your stuff up yeah that would be really nice Jordan you gotta figure out how to buy stuff for us because that's on your list okay great um that's awesome I love the art cart I only two music in the Parks this summer H uh Paint and Sip uh we again haven't done anything because we're waiting for the budget to be passed so um one of the things Ava had recommended last meeting or couple meetings ago was maybe a a swing dance night as kind of a way to get get out and do some kind of music making related art which would be fun um and then I've got just other ideas of we we've been um doing like a lot of mandala painting that's always very popular people love the mandalas did you go to the last one I didn't they look I would love to go they're so fun um over Kel went that's right and you were there yeah how was it it was so much fun oh good to delete it it was a bit cold um yeah but it was just so neat to watch them follow along and like everyone was so so focused they were doing and yeah that's cool music in the background and nice nice That's great um so we've got a couple ideas of ways we can mix it up this year but I think that'll it's just a matter of getting the schedule worked out and the availability with the Casey building so that should be good um and then Autumn Arts Festival no updates yeah t sound like a tentative date so that's great great awesome um do we have do we want to Noodle around on the additional event with our $2,000 what are we allowed to do I whatever we want is what Tom would say um it's not a huge budget I would like to do something with our culture end of our arts and culture though M I don't necessarily have the exact answer for what that is but that would be my hope okay so this leads me um I don't think it's on the agenda um but I had um we had all of us had an applicant a student applicant for our student commission and maybe I'll just talk about that now um Jordan and I met with him right before this meeting you guys we got to get this kid in here he is incredible um I went to North and I spoke at the career day and he was one of the students in there um in the AVID program and so he wrote a little application and it's not long so I'm going to read it and I'm sorry if you find that boring but this is what I'm doing um he says my name is ued which is correct right ued and I aim to be the city's student commission member of Art and cultures I believe believe we can engage the younger community Through art and cultural expression promoting inclusion and involvement in our city understanding different cultures helps offer open communication and comfort and I am convinced that by showcasing our diverse cultures through ART we can encourage more people to connect and feel valued in their Community I am personally interested in art such as paintings and sculptures and when I saw project snowy I immediately liked it for me it isn't just about the art it's about how it has a connection with the entire community and with creativity I also believe it engages people of all age groups and cultures and that we should be more we should be involved in more projects like this I also have some ideas that could be of interest we could start a campaign that can encourage people to get their own snowman similar to project snowy but this time they have it in their yard and decorate it with their cultural symbolism something that also caught my attention is the public service included I know if I get this it will be a big stepping stone toward the future career I want which is being a civil servant I also like the fact that I can contribute to my city in a good and inspiring way to express all of our cultures and creativity to summarize I like this position because I will be able to help connect the community and contribute to it as well as help people Express their culture comfortably so this is a young gentleman lives in North St PA has for the last 10 11 years he said um nth grader at North on the student council part of the latinx committee uh a a swimmer you know he's involved in all the things taking all the advanced classes and he wants to take some time out of his 9th grade life and spend it with us and I would like to rem recommend him um to be our student commissioner I think that would be great do we need to vote on that in this group I think that's an internal thing okay good so let's put it forward to council and he can come to our next meeting and I bring all of that up to say like not only he he the SN like oh my God what he said about getting individual snowies like I I was never on board for getting everybody's home a snowy of that size right right right uh and they're very expensive but what if you know those little uh like garden flags what if we had a garden flag snowy and some sort of outdoor markers or something that we included with it so they could decorate their own snowy to put in their Garden right there beautiful I love it I love it I'd want one I want one all right so I think um engaging this young man maybe will help us yeah uh coming up with some ideas for another event plus we need Tom I mean Tom always has ideas um okay do we want any other subcommittee discussion I don't know why I'm looking at you Sharon Sharon's on the spot no thoughts I don't feel on the spot I good no I think it's everything has been covered uh then there's the thoughts though still in my mind of what is our unnamed event and we've a thought of being more of a cultural event but it can be both cultural and art m I have a thought um so last meeting we did talk about new subcommittees because I was basically on nothing at that point so that's why I am joining krie with the paint nights leading art nights whatever they're called now um but the rest of you were not there and we are adding these projects um not just this unnamed project but also the public arts project mhm and Raquel was interested in joining the public arts project as in the subcommittee and I just wonder if anyone here has a preference on any other subcommittees they would like to join um may I please have a refresher on what we were thinking for is it just it's a random public art project public art is just vague right now it's we have a budget line for public art okay and so the subcommittee would be deciding what to spend that money on oo that's really intriguing I'd be up for that too I know I feel like I should say no to something but I like the sound of that I mean I'm not going to sign people up for anything I'm just bringing it up and the Asian night is the placeholder for the unnamed one yeah that we were talking about that as the um did you make any other committees I know I watched the meeting but I don't I don't think we did okay cool cool oh yeah the parklet interactive musical sculpture Turtles that's a big one I still think we should need to do sidewalk art that was discussed last week too as part of the public art possibly excellent okay I'm happily willing you would like to be on that okay I I would T you're in you have utility box right now do you have another subcommittee it was just snowy okay yeah and that that was me like snowy disappeared and then suddenly my life opened up yep okay I tentatively put myself on that but if someone else wants if we get a new person maybe that could be a spot for them oh that's true too right we have a new person we don't have to then decide no nothing needs to be decided now I just like put it in your ears that thank you for bringing that a part of it there's a new subcommittee needed um Jordan I'm sorry to put you on the spot if you don't know it's okay do we have any applicants for the commission position that's open um I'm not sure but I haven't heard that there has been okay perfect thank you very much um so maybe tell your friends that live in North St Paul if they want to join the commission we've got a slot open uh and we actually can have two student Commissioners so if you know any other cool students they have a really hard act to follow but uh we can have two students so cool cool all right anything else on committees or updates on projects no great reports from staff Jordan staff has nothing to report oh my gosh Jordan amazing good job reports from Commissioners Laura I have nothing new okay okay Amanda nothing yeah me neither me neither okay report from Council liaison I've got nothing okay welcome welcome you GNA tell us all the Scuttle butt from the fancy City Council meetings yeah so yeah whenever uh basically we get an update on what did council do so that we don't have to watch the council meetings and I can get a just kidding energy rebate on my washing machine basically all we talked about was what the process is for what what the rules of engagement are basically for the new council members like how things are supposed to work and what we're supposed to be doing and cool pretty much the whole I have excited tentatively yeah yes yes I next four years of your life the next four four years of your life yep it'll be fun great um I'm sorry I have lost track of where we're at with the um Community Center do we know is there an update there is a uh uh Brian frandel is meeting with the uh Consultants who are doing the um feasibility study he's trying to coordinate to meet with them virtually in the next couple of weeks he and I think is Riley will be meeting with them understanding what they want to accomplish how it's going to roll things like that and then just get everything planned wow that's great and I can't remember what we budgeted what the estimate came in for that feasibility study but yeah so then feasibility stud will come in and then we will make a decision about next steps excellent thank you Troy yep um can I please have a motion to adjourn unless you want to hang out some more motion to adjourn okay second I will second that motion all in favor I any opposed thanks everybody bye good luck Tom break your leg I was expecting this to be a long one oh sorry we could we could rejourn start of the year yeah start of the Year well and I was expecting Riley and