##VIDEO ID:n5__g6hEPfo## e e Paul arts and culture commission regular meeting to order for October 2nd 2024 ma would you please take rooll certainly chair Tom Sonic here Vice chair Kier Netto here commissioner Amanda Amanda black here commissioner Sharon Clark Williams here commissioner Raquel stto here commissioner Laura string here commissioner Cen here council member Leon Lisa Wong here and our staff liazon maong we got a full house great all right uh I'll look for a motion to adopt the agenda as listed so moved second by carry second by Amanda all in favor say I I opposed agenda is adopted um did everyone get a chance to take a look at the minutes from our last meeting any thoughts or uh changes you'd like to recommend yeah I thought I just wanted to comment I thought first I thought I I would maybe recommend a change but I think it um I went back and read it again and I I thought it's okay but I just think you know I I liked what um what what is Ava's role uh she our Communications and community outreach coordinator came and made a nice presentation at the last meeting um but I thought there was there was good back and forth discussion between the commission and Ava about the events that we're looking to do um she had recommendations uh for doing some different things but I think there are people on the commission who push back and really felt strongly about some of the ideas that the commission itself had put forward and so I just wanted to uh recognize that I think that uh that's still open for discussion so we have uh any ideas and I think um I think that ended up being captured there my that you know we have uh uh our options are still open and that Ava is just going to try and um uh save some space for an event in there anybody have any other thoughts on that so basically no decisions made on an additional vent like the Asian Night Market but um uh we still have we have room to maneuver there okay um so I'm I don't not recommending any changes unless anybody else is uh look for a motion to approve the um minutes as they're listed is this the appropriate place to ask questions about sure yeah okay um just following up on the Noy trading card is there any updates or I don't know if that like the holographic part yep so um I spoke with the vendor and he had said that he had no experience working with the printer and he did apologize it took longer than he had anticipated but tomorrow is the expected arrival date oh M okay what time should I be here you know I'm not sure I told him once it arrives at his office I'll go straight there to pick it up great and are these just the regular cards or also the potential metallic yep the uh the all of them okay mhm they're all metallic no no um only one kind is just the Big Snowy is metallic they're all arriving tomorrow yeah oh oh yeah yeah so I'm I'm bummed that the uh parade was cancelled but it would have been another bummer if it happened and we didn't have the cards too so really for a reason yeah any other questions see no thank you anybody else motion to approve minutes so moved Carrie second second by C all those in favor say I I minutes approved okay meeting is open to the public so you're on [Laughter] folks classic hear you all come at once yeah head down love it all right uh so last chance any of you hey Nora interested she she did say that she might say something but I don't think she's paying attention now all it's okay no nothing don't think so okay uh we have no public hearing so commission business action items and recommendations Autumn Arts Festival recap uh mighty you want to take the lead on that one sure so I provided some of the feedback um from volunteers staff members and Commissioners who participated in taking the survey that Ava had emailed out and then she also posted a survey for you know the you know public to make comments too and um overall you know um there's always room for improvement but I think everything went really well um even when we were there a lot of people gave us great reviews they mention about how um how awesome the whole thing was despite of the rain and so um yeah it went really well good so I mean sounds like we're having a good run and I think the big thing it seems to be how do we how do we draw more people definitely how do we draw more vendors also definitely and then um you know we are open to the Public's feedback we didn't receive many but we're always you know open and we took down a list of things that we could work on for next year great any other thoughts or feedback about the festival yeah I just I would like to give a huge thanks to Ma and Sarah and Ava for all of their work um you guys put on an amazing event and it was great to just show up and help people load in and do whatever else you needed done so really appreciate all that thank you Amanda for all the work in advance making the map and oh my gosh yeah and thank you to all the Commissioners here um give yourself a Pat in the back and I'll Applause especially Carrie Carrie spent like the whole day there I got really tired yeah but I really appreciate it I wish I could have stayed longer but you know yeah things don't always go as planned yeah but I I also wanted to shout out about the um giant for where people could sit that was and watch the performance yep cuz if it rained and people had to sit out there and watch it would not have worked and they had a changing tent so performers could get ready in advance which I think really was nice and that's great that Ava was able to pull that off CU when we were planning early on it looked like there wasn't the the enough budget to do that so and just to let you know City staff is listening to your recommendations too and so if there's any way that we can make improvements feel free to let us know we'll make note of it we want this to work out for everyone great the bouncy house I think there could be adjustments to the bounc yes definitely so what happened with the bouncy house was that it was too large it was already reserved in advanc way far in advance and there was nothing that we could do and that was the only location that we could place it um Unfortunately they didn't have a smaller one and so we were out there you know measuring trying and configure on how to make it all work out but sorry the the ice skating rink or the hockey area was the best place to put it but it was great because you had the story walk that went all the way around it so it you know it all kind of flowed together you know yes it it would be better next year but my kids go and they loved the bouncy house oh good they were the only ones there for a while apparently but uh yeah they really enjoyed how big it was but yeah we might want a smaller one next year yeah definitely we uh that signage where it is because I ancient as I am can remember doing bouncy houses and they were always more fun when they were big so I thought the size was great is is just maybe a little more direction to for kids that's not too far to run for a bouncy house definitely I do agree with that we um made notes to like invest in those sign holders the large ones that we have out there because we had a couple of people from the public that had came out and said hey you know those are awesome because the years before we didn't have it and they were kind of yeah confused on where things were so definitely following the weather um that we weren't quite expecting that day um if we had extra money in our budget this year it would be great to get a popup tent or two for the art cart because that was a struggle was getting all the supplies back into the cart itself and back out M there is enough in the art cart budget for a tent right that would be my recommendation let's do it all right I I agree with the extra signage if we did want to keep the size and then maybe like even if there are other activities leading up to the bouny house just to attract people towards that direction or just more in that area yeah yep um and I think overall I would say I know there was better signage this year I think there could always be a little bit more signage I feel like I agree yeah especially with the schedule it sounds like there was a lot of confusion about that and leading up to the event making sure that people know that some of the items are not going to be all day availability face painting yeah the face the Bing the balloons Bingo yeah I think um this year everyone loved the balloons and um you know espec the face painting too but then again the face painting was located inside and I felt that it could have been more visible to the public so we got that down as well well it's so funny because La the year before Bingo was such a huge draw and then this year it was like me and three people and I'm like really what the heck where did everybody go so it just it goes to show the Crowds Are Freckle every year and you know in the community craft project I think it was phenomenal people loved it I had a resident that came and stopped by the city hall and inquired about where it's displayed at so I need to get to that yes where are those little mini canvases right now should be in the art cart so let me know whenever you want to come by I will have Public Works take it out and we can go Ahad okay yeah people are enjoying that very much definitely a little disappointed when I see that uh it says somebody says slightly shorter hour the majority of events I've participated in are 10 to three I really just don't think that's enough time to get the community out there and get the crowd going I feel like the long even though we had rain the longer it went the stronger the crowd the more fun people were having and so I can't say I'm quite in support of that particular suggestion yeah don't you think like Amanda what are the typical hours that you would experience I it is very typical to be uh like 10 to 6 yeah 11 to six or something like that it that's very common uh smaller events that are maybe just like just a craft Market that might be the 10 to three but for an event like we're doing where there's more stuff included then the longer hours make sense yeah so would you recommend for the craft vendors to leave early then if that's the case Okay nope no nope I had to buy stuff from people shutting down on was like I was just running from vendor to vendor pack up early for yeah I read that I left around 4:30 and there was a few vendors complaining about if they could go early cuz it was raining and I mean it rained for all but 5 10 minutes it wasn't that long there there are some things that we can maybe add even in those contracts I know we say rain or shine and that's very true too MH I know we maybe struggle getting enough vendors but every single event that I do also includes in the contracts that if you tear down early you won't be invited the next time very good because if vendors start tearing it's a huge pet peeve of mine also at events if someone else starts tearing down early people will think that you're closing and they'll they might leave it's a domino effect it is and then so if if your customers are leaving because one person tore down early that's going to affect everybody y good point I agree and that's how the state fair does it that if you leave early or you don't man your booth the entire time have somebody there you will not be invited back then next year so I think that's pretty State Fair does it that's good enough for us also some of the uh craft vendors had mentioned that we it would have been nice to have people to help watch while they get bathroom breaks um um you know we were having we were struggling to find like a good amount of Volunteers in advance so we didn't you know we didn't really plan or prepare for that but to me my thing was like well that's a liability issue too so if anything goes missing then I don't want that volunteer to be put into a situation where they're being accused of something that you know they not do it is common also to have volunteers to do bathroom breaks and last year I took that on and I gave everybody my phone number so there were a few people who took advantage of that of me watching their booth just while they took a quick break okay um it's nice to have and I'm willing to do that next year as long as you know I don't book myself somewhere else double book myself again um we'll we'll make note of your name next I mean they're only requesting that we stand at their Booth not not make sales or anything like that so uh we're not providing a security service or anything like that and I think that can be clarified so that we're just standing there making sure somebody doesn't haul off with all of their wees we can't guarantee that you know somebody may sneak behind us and steal something we don't know uh I do want to say that you know like although I do agree I think we should keep the hours as is I did notice that you know like like for the last performer there was a smaller crowd or a smaller attendance cuz like a lot of people had left by that time so I am I I guess like I do feel concerned about like you know giving them enough yeah a of an audience something where we could supplement with and I don't know whose speakers we had behind like the information booth but is that something where we can just supplement with regular like music like not so much get a whole DJ but you know someone be in charge of this music playlist and speakers and just project it out that would have get licensing for any music that we played okay so that would be an additional cost well I I did that last year where I just had there's no lawyers around here backgound music yeah I just had music playing classical yeah instead of having to like fill performers with the the whole time like maybe if we notice that the end is kind of you know dying down maybe we don't schedule a performer for the end and we find a different way to supplement with no matter what hours you put on an event the last hour or so will be uh slower than the rest of the time so it might make sense to either do what you're saying or have your most enticing oh performer right at the end yeah I thought that was a a very good performance we had it an end and it was I thought it was a great way to wind up and I think maybe people just didn't understand we were going to have such a fun musician at the end to wind it up and if we couldn't I this is a new event I mean this is not like something that's been happening like when I was a kid or anything this is all new and so people just have to understand what the pattern of events are and I think these first few years it's just going to be growing peens and feeling out what is the crowd willing to do and want to experience but I thought they were a great way to wind up they were nice and peppy and fun and did a really good job great good feedback okay uh let's move on so subcommittee updates mural project uh I don't have an update on that unless uh Sharon or Carrie you have anything I see we we confirmed what that the dumpster garage is yes and then I also wanted to make another announcement um I sort of Came Upon This information after I had already posted packet but I will say Sue uh from the parks and Planning Commission um you know how she works with the historic Society Museum she said that you know they are open to having a mural there oh at the Historical mum oh [Applause] yeah so um she has reached out and then we can talk about you know what they would like so the subcommittee maybe we can put a email thread going on and we can reach out and uh see what we can do yeah okay that's great news great and then the dumpster garage how would you like to proceed um what do you think about it is it I'll get so my here's my initial just throwing it out there thought is that we could find an artist and say here we got $5,000 paint something on it make it colorful and we could get some I'm sure they could come up with some proposals I mean either even if we had the same guy that painted the bathroom building down at Silver Lake right um but with those things I think like with the bathroom building it took it took some amount of prep which was we we required the public works department to take care of that um I don't think it's too late if we were to move quickly to get something done yet this year okay before it's too cold but we would have to move quickly and so that's where I think think about well it'd be hard to do a call for artists and then get a bunch of submissions and then vote on submissions and everything like that then that we probably wouldn't have time because you know voting would be November at best and then and even I mean we wouldn't I don't know with that we could get a call for artists and information back by that we don't have um some artists already that we have picked out in advance do we didn't we have sorry didn't we have several people app for the mural at the bathrooms and we could reach out to maybe our second or third choices from there yes and then um Brian also mentioned about working with you know the owner of article 7 because they have invested in that area putting in a lot of money um and he wants that to be kind of cohesive with the mural that we would be selecting and so working with them and um the city on this project and selecting a design would be wait what and for working with them for for this building yep for the garage for the dumpster garage the dumpster garage yes even though it's completely separate concerned that so no they're not concerned but we're saying the city is saying that because they have already you know invested in that area there and um we want that area to be cohesive so that it's not you know so that the design that is selected is not something that wouldn't go well together with that area over there okay they promised to not be offensive to article seven yep so they want um if I'm hearing you correctly they'd like a theme perhaps something related to Lily news that would work in with the article 7 building so would it wouldn't be a theme that is um pertaining to Lily news but maybe like a historical one or historical theme that you know would look nice I me because like the Snowman kind of has that theme of newspapers yeah it's got the tree of life kind of thing and then the newspapers are on the bottom yeah so some sort of you know uh Brian to that were you know he's willing to take a look at some of the designs that the artist designs and um we can talk to you know the owners of article 7 so something that's kind of aligned with the snowy that article 7 did well something that's aligned with the city's history and something that's aligned with you know the colors or the scheme would go well together or complement the article number seven building I wonder if you know that artist that did that snowy she does Ms too doesn't she Canon yeah yeah that's a great idea I think she would be ecstatic to do that really has she done murals before I can't remember no she's the tattoo artist that's right but I think she has done I I mean I remember talking to she's s of eclectic type of work all types yeah she's all kinds of stuff a wide body of work I could sorry sorry Rael um I'll I'll see if I can make this quick so uh I just want to make sure I'm understanding so the dumpster garage is a city property correct um but the city wants to make sure it aligns with the city's you know history and that it would complement article number seven building that's here because they've invested so much in that area um so that's what the city had asked okay nobody from article seven is asking anything no no the city yeah the city wants us to work together is and then I don't and I I don't know how it complement that building and it's not even really inside of that building but maybe the aesthetic right I mean to be a good partner to article 7 for what they've invested in building and investing in a snowy I think maybe they just want to see what the artist concepts are before they go up yeah I think that's a polite way of saying do not paint anything bizarre on here or overly graphy and bright yeah yes and serous about is how visible is this dumpster enclosure to the road and I understand the need to make it cohesive but is this mural going to be like a a you know a destination or I don't know how to word that but are people really going to see this mural on the dumpster garage well you you will so I mean it's it's if you look at page 31 in your packet rickel it's this it's this very tiny garage here and it's right at on seola um where that public parking uh lot is but also I could see it as being a part of the right now we have a map of how to see all the snowies but eventually I can see incorporating all these murals into that and just public art and then that would bring people over a block to go see this mural so I wonder if what if we were to reach out to Tiffany and say hey here's kind of what the city is thinking and we'd like to paint this thing and what do you think of this could you maybe throw us a couple of ideas because then we could even just run some things by Brian see what he thinks um I mean whatever we do is not going to be I I struggle to believe that it would be you know truly complimentary to the architecture of this new building it's going to be but I just you know I think it's it's also not going to be something that is Som how going to degrade right the the building right aesthetic or something like that I feel like just choosing that artist then being the artist that they had chosen is a gesture of Goodwill right should be enough yeah we've now chosen your artist to do a complimentary piece and then this commission should have the say Amanda did Tiffany have any interaction with the yes so she knows them uh what they even purchased some of the equipment that she ended up using oh wow okay uh they have apparently a maker's room as a part of this apartment complex and so they purchased like she had a spray a little airbrush huh gun thing they purchased that for her and then that is now living at their apartment complex wow really yeah she had a lot of interaction with them she sounds like the perfect person for this yeah do do you have her contact info um the city does I don't know well um we should have contact information yeah I mean I I'm sure she'd probably say like yes I but you know like how much because I think that would dictate like what the design would be have you yeah are you doing all four walls or you just pain the whole thing that's what I think mhm it'll um itty bitty do we know the squage um we don't have the square footage but I can go out there and measure or something painting that whole thing would be less than what Taylor did on the bathroom building okay what was that square footage to I don't know top not off the top of my head I have that somewhere but um yeah it's pretty small yeah but it'll only be that side of the screenshot that I had showed right yeah just that one one side so it just be the back side mhm what the other side's be solid then is what the anticipation is so the other side is just regular and then the side that I screenshot there would have the mural oh wait oh I'm thinking mural on the whole thing yeah yeah like the whole building abusive I thought it was going to be like the um bathrooms that's a good point well we could always bring it up to Brian as well yeah let's do that it would be not unlike what is done at Silver Lake right so that one in the end all four sides are painted but just the one side facing the street the houses across the street was purposefully left you know blank although it's a complimentary color to the the the mural itself on the other three sides but even painting the three sides I think is most likely more square footage than painting this entire garage but you know and the other thing is it doesn't have to be like a complex Des design right I mean splashes of color would be great she went very complex with her snowy and I know she's she's somewhat regretted it yes she was pretty stressed so um yeah I think if you encourage her to not go as complex yeah I think her snow is really cool though yes it is lots of compliments so could you try and find that number Ma and then if you want to send it to us we'll try and reach out ASAP and just see what we can get going but then we can also reach out to Sue springborn I don't I we'll see what happens there but I could foresee that maybe being a 2025 project it might take a little bit more time that one would be really cool to do something historical like a that makes sense very high relief black and white type of thing or something what complimentary complimentary just as long as it's complimentary to the new apartment building okay hey progress utility box rap group I do have an update about the one over in North High School so I had asked the vendor um to go out there and take a look he had said they'll take care of it good um but today he had said that it's been fixed because that's what he was told I you know I drove by it really quickly and from the side that is facing facing the parking lot if you take a look at it you'll see that it's you know been fixed but as I got out there to observe the whole thing there's still two sides of it that's still peeled um yeah I uh I don't know what to say pictures every visit that you go out here my yeah I took a picture okay it's not supposed to peel right let's make sure we document every time you go for new vendor theage yeah I was really excited earlier because when I drove by um you know right after lunch it looked like it was uh repaired but after work I went out there again just to take pictures and side two sides I'm sorry um it's the side the side that is facing the trail and the side that is facing the school is still it was still peeling when i y so sounds like the venders can fix that yes you should mhm yeah cuz like if it's an issue with the surface or whatever I don't know like tell us that you can't do it or something right or like it or add a seal it's because of this something right um you know see the thing is we've used that vendor before in our other utility boxes and we haven't had that issue before I don't know what's going on this time around um you know I you know I guess I will tell them to let us know when they actually go out there and then have maybe a staff member stand by to make sure that they are doing something about it or or were you just say we wanted to make sure that you saw the areas we were seeing yes I like that Sharon I think you need to lean into him a little bit my look we got we got a problem with this utility box are you going to take care of this or we going to have to do something else here we got to know yeah yeah I S very nurse St paulik to me does to me if you knew the neighborhood I grew up in in nor St Paul sh yeah I did went to the same school around the same time what are you talking about hey uh you know my end of Mohawk Road was kind of tough uh oh yeah thanks M for taking a look at that um I I suppose like you know like we've been with this vendor and they did you know like they're very reasonable with cost um if we were to entertain a different vendor I think we would need to look at you know like how many wraps we are also doing year or something because it is going to be vastly different I I hope we can just just resolve this one because I hate changing people I have to work with maybe that's I'm just done that way but it you just never know what you're getting this we this one out of what five boxes isn't working and it's in a school area with kids just just tell them we we'd hate to get our lawyers involved we'll have Sharon meet him out there then they'll shape up oh yeah probably they started laughing at me um any other uh subcommittee updates that's all we had listed yeah I don't really have anything to add I mean I I did talk with Dan fiser again in regards to the Box yeah out there and we're still on the same page and it I think there's pretty much a consensus we should try to find a local veteran artist to do this and so I'm tapping my resources to get a list of people I have a military family so we know a lot of military [Music] people but that's all I have to add about that so and are we looking at that one that's going to be likely 2025 yeah okay and then the hand heart one that's 2024 yet so yes we're still hoping to get that done um we wanted to play around with more color backr options um so I did bring the files to pass along to Ma and Ava um and then if we need to get the vendor involved if we still trust them then maybe they can have their experts work some magic too so okay yeah where's that one going again I'm sorry I know you've told me 12 times across from thank you sorry on the South Side the big one yeah it's on the other side of the street right Sean's way and 17th M exactly right in front of the old Conan house the old Conan Place uh anything else then on that utility boxes okay uh reports from staff budget updates all right so at the last meeting we decided to up the quantity of cards for the snowy trading cards and add in the holographic ones as well so our quote for that became to be a bit over 1,500 that leads us to $524 for remaining for the projects Noy fund um we finally got the t-shirts invoice from the vendor um and it's placed under The Branding and Communications and our remaining budget is 1 two 3 4 that's about it for this month so can we purchase a pop-up tent for art cart since we still have funds there definitely we could I could send you um one that I recommend all right unless one enough do we need two one should be fine okay uh unless the C I know the city already has some is that what we used last time or did we rent them for this Festival oh we uh rented okay yeah I'll sorry wouldn't hurt though because even just for even if it's hot and sunny have that yep can it be orange to match our art card on it it's up to you my personal preference with colored tents is that everything inside of there wouldn't looks that color uh that's good good good catch the problem with that sorry um for the tent is that uh one person could set it up yes okay oh yeah they have these new ones now where you just kind of push up in the middle pretty good yeah I had one of these things that was a real old one that was so heavy it was all the steel it took it was impossible to set that thing up that's it for budget and then moving on to the next item the North Stars podcast from North High School would like to invite City staff or City commission members to go and be featured to talk about um some of the things that they have you know would like to plan out for the year so if you're interested let me know I'll get you hooked up um wow and I you know I I think it'd be a perfect opportunity for us to go and advertise our student commission position that is vacant let me know I'd be happy to idea be involved Tom you MH right the more the mirrior and there's several series or episodes that they would like to have City staff featured you know just talk about uh the Commission in general and um there's other roles that AA could fill in for the other parts but specifically for the commission you can talk about you know Civic engagement and all that stuff beautiful hey can we go back to budget for a second yeah definitely hey you know that really cool um project that you're making with all of the little blocks that Sharon and Raquel helped people make at the Arts Festival should we have like a reception for that like an unveiling that'd be cool maybe I mean we've got all this money left at the end of the year I mean is anyone else excited to spend that that day just me do do we know where those are going to be hung yet we do not know but we are open to suggestions yeah so we can see it okay I I know you guys were looking into where in the city it would fit but yeah if it goes right up on that wall I'm not sure about the commission or not commission but the council room here but um we were looking at the stairway so that when people walk up the first thing that they see would be what about people who can't walk stairs though huh oh for people that can't well we can place it by the elevator as well too we'll put one little canvas in elevator um we'll put a picture of the whole thing in the El so once you're done compiling them let me know the size of it and then we can go and measure yeah sounds good is the plan to oh I'm sorry it's okay um is the plan then after we display this for a certain period of time we'll like paint over those squares and we utilize those canvases I think this was a permanent yeah this is oh this is a permanent fixture yeah and then do we have enough then to do do the the full I don't have them yet so okay are we doing a a trip trip tick what do they call it trip we do I think we had two wooden canvases purchased I got to look I thought it was three okay was it three I don't remember last time somebody's G to get left wonder if squares I was wondering if there were enough of the little ones to fill the three pounds there there's enough there's okay um not sure so cuz like Sharon and I were there um maybe a few might have taken them home oh okay um and then I know like they we we put them into like the old boxes that we um air conditioners nope yeah that from I mean the air purifiers yeah so I'm not sure yet if they would fit all um if there is enough within the panel but I know like we were discussing like if you needed a paint party we could you know yeah yeah the commission could additional squares if necessary perfect but there was quite a few um I was able to convince most kids to leave them behind yes to which their parents said [Laughter] yay no it they're pretty awesome the one thing I'm I haven't seen them but some of them I'm guessing I'll have to just assume which ways up yes yes there are a lot of abstract Yes mine was when I just lines yeah I'm sorry I didn't count them when I put them in the box no that's fine put them in there if you told me a number right now I wouldn't know if it fits anyway okay okay anything else on that budget okay events calendar all right events calendar we have two more remaining events for the guided night the guided art night um so ia's class on the 24th and then her Mandela class on the 15th of November and I my son is actually in the play at school so if anyone can do yeah he's playing drums um if anyone can do the 15th instead of me that would be great if you can't I'll figure it out but just putting that out there are does that mean that you're taking the 24th y okay perfect all right let me know if anyone's interested on the 15th what it's a Friday night I should be able to do that oh thanks Laura awesome thank you you're gonna have so much fun oh my God I need to sign up for one of those yeah they're so nice the mandala is the one I wanted to paint so I might just show up yeah we'll see that's the one on the 24th no the 15th 15th oh the 24th just in case anybody else saw I had someone point out to me that that is also the same date and time of the city council um Legion thing of the new the new council members potential oh okay oh yeah yeah Ava said that she it won't be streamed live but she will record it and then it'll be displayed on the city's website oh thank so that you could watch it yeah great yeah we wouldn't want you to miss out cuz you know thank you for being over at Casey Lake on that day okay anything else for the events that's it couple more things and we'll be wrapping up another eventful year anything else ma that's it okay reports from Commissioners Raquel you have anything I doing awesome everything is awesome yes great Sharon oh this is my seventh meeting I think and it went by fact fast wow it yes yeah oh LS too we will always be in this together well this went fast the seven meeting the seven months went fast I was very surprised when I walked out of the house today and I realized that was seven months ago when I first did this moment of deju I was having nothing nothing um yeah I just want to say I I feel like we're coming looks like we're going to go hard charging to try and get you know a couple things more done yet this year we'll see if we can't get that uh dumpster garage seems odd that our first two mural projects might be a bathroom and a dumpster I can make an argument I think sometimes public art can beautify things that are typically like not seen as beautiful so you don't want to paint something that already looks great there you go yeah so it kind of boosts the the Aesthetics yeah so we'll we'll be uh hard charging to see if we can get that done and uh and we've got another utility box wrap and a couple of uh paint nights so it's good I I think this has just been a really another really solid year for this commission um and as we start to get into the winter months um I it seems like we're getting into this cycle now where the winter months are the times where we start to say okay let's reload here now what are we what are we thinking for the next year and uh start to shape those things up because it's going to come around really quickly where people are event staff especially they're going to want to know like Amanda I know at the beginning of last beginning of this year it was kind of like we need to have all these decisions now for the Arts Festival and we're like it's not for another nine months you know um but so those those some of those decisions will come up fast um so just to get everybody you know thinking ahead you know and think about uh what's 2025 going to look like and what do we want to try and get done then so just want to maybe and I think you know hopefully November December January we can revisit some of those idea um that list of ideas that we've had you know we've got a couple of those lists out there and say okay what do we really want to focus on in 2025 um other than that that I just uh Al also want to thank everybody from City staff especially for the uh Autumn Arts Festival work that you did I think that was just uh really great and I know you know Ma and Ava both of you being relatively new to come in and just jump in on everything it was really appreciate it um and want to thank uh everybody on this commission for everything that you're doing I mean you start to look around now and you just I love it every time I drive by a snowy or a utility box and it's like yeah you know we're we're changing it changing how things look around here and I think that's pretty cool we're meeting our mission uh so thanks to everybody for for what you're doing that's it see anything from you uh I I think I just have a question what was the next step regarding the events discussion from last month kind of a where was a little bit up in the air so the Asian Night Market was kind of decided to not fully go forward next year but possibly includes some aspects of it within the Autumn Arts Festival um and Eva did ask city council for basically an open event line in her budget so that we could plan one other event uh that she was hoping to have more winter Springtime so I think that one if she wants to have it then we have to get on pretty soon but yes how much how much of a budget was allocated I don't know what she asked for that 5,000 it was 5,000 um I don't think the budgets have been discussed yet so October is what is it the second meeting in October and then once it gets all approved Eva will update me more and then we can come back to the commission to really discuss about what you want so maybe at the next meeting come back with you know what you decided for what what what kind of event you'd like to have and um the events or the night classes that we'd like to provide and oh and we were sorry oh go ahead we were going to try and start planning Asian Night Market in 20 for 20126 in 2025 got it okay I just wanted to make sure there were next steps it seemed a little fuzzy here yeah I think uh 2025 I think we want to try and use as uh some experimentation with uh whether it's Asian Night Market or something else because one of the things that's it's in the um minutes there is we talked about the potential for having something in like off seon you know in some of the colder months and maybe something that's inside somewhere like imagine if we had a community center for example um where we could hold something like that um imagine we do have we used to but you know because I just for the city staff sake you know so you know we tend to a lot of things end up getting packed into the summer so there was some talk about you know is there a way to Stagg or something that we could have an event more in the winter or something like that but so I think let's so let's make that a main subject for conversation in November ma um to talk about the events for next year because that is one of the things that seems to uh sneak up on us really quickly um that planning uh whereas I think some of these other things we don't need as much lead time to plan um so let's try and focus on uh having more discussion around the the events so I don't we can't come back in November and say this is what it's going to be we want to just have some space to discuss we'll Workshop it a little bit um sound good and then we'll definitely get some next steps okay next next month great no other updates for me no other updates Amanda I've got nothing okay Laura well my kiddo asked me in the car on the way here um why we do what we do and I think this write up um about public art North St Paul you know featured is a great testiment on why we do what we do and we really are bringing that vibrancy and it's such an honor to be a part of it and to see um the hard work like the efforts just throughout the city sprinkled with color and fun and so yeah it was neat to get to point out all of those snowies on the way here and and then see this it's a beautiful thing hey that's our artist yeah and our mural artist made it on the on the Still Water part yeah it's [Music] awesome okay uh reports from Council liaison Lisa sure yeah and I just wanted to add a little bit more um to this um article I think it came out in the league of Minnesota cities so um pretty much every elected official in a municipality is part of the league of Minnesota cities most um so that's throughout the entire State they kind of do some advocacy for us so this is exposure to every other city in the state pretty much um saying hey we're next to Eden Prairie alongside Hopkins man you know Rochester Still Water these really uh notable places so I think it's a really special um special um thing that you've all accomplished seriously and um just really grateful for this team um and and City staff as well um okay so for updates um there's booya this Saturday um that Sunday this Sunday at 11 um get there early it tends to sell out um and let's see open there's a Parks um and wreck open house so they're going to continue engaging the community about um what the parks are going to look like um so there's two opportunities October 9th um 5: to 7:00 p.m. that'll be at KC um and there will be a Spanish um interpreter on site too so um we can engage some Spanish speakers um and then October 10th um 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at um Casey as well can I interrupt you for yes Tom Amanda they had this um funer or this uh consultant whatever uh they were at the festival and it was so great because they had you know what would you like to see in these three different parks and they let people vote with little dots on what they wanted I took photos and it was just like public art chalkboards you know hanging swings that people could hang you know it was great nature space more nature space yeah Splash Pad I mean you name it was popular really cool I'm glad they were there that was that was fun good sry no that was great thank you for adding um and then um there is uh there is the meet meet the candidates so you have three candidates for this upcoming uh Council um or running for the two Council seats um that's at the legion October 24th at 6: p.m. um those are typically pretty short um I would say uh in the the past it's been about like 5 minutes per candidate and they just kind of say their platform it's not really a whole lot of dialogue traditionally so um yeah it goes pretty quick um I just want to highlight the water efficiency rebate because it is a great opportunity to upgrade your like appliances or toilet um that's like $450 for a dishwasher or a washing machine um and this is part of uh some of the funding we get from the Met Council in um conserving water so definitely take advantage of that I think it's a huge benefit to um homeowners um sorry there wasn't a parade that so there was a lot of extra candy left over as you can imagine um so that will be um allocated for October 27th um Public Safety is doing a trunk retreat at North as they have in the past um that's 4: to 6:00 p.m. this Saturday wa October 6th is that Saturday or Sunday Sunday okay at the same okay same time um hangtime Board Shop is doing a ride to remember um it's just to honor folks who have lost their lives to suicide and they do a big route so you can join them in walking or rolling whether that be skateboarding which is primarily what they're doing um so they do a rout um so yeah it's just a way to bring awareness and they'll have some vendors on site as well and some um organizations so maybe I'll see you on some Wheels um yesterday at Council um the r uh we got news that the RFP closed on the 20th of September we had six applicants um provide a full a proposal and so the next step would be a team of Staff will be reviewing using a rubric um and then that will be presented at the next council meeting for approval um yeah for approval the RFP is for the community center yep and so the yeah have you seen all of the proposals no no that's that's what staff will be um looking at okay and these this RF you was just for somebody to do a feasibility study not for like an architect or something like that it's just there there is some ask of some architectural features for sureh so is there the potential then that these proposals would come in with redesigns of the space like the idea is that they would continue to engage the community which was a big request um and then from that the idea would be that they would um craft some sort of um uh Vision around it um and then uh one big part of it is is financing um and finding what Partners would be the operators so those are the different components um they'll be looking at um and I think they'll have till I think it was February or something to to complete complete it to to complete what their report including public comment or public uh engagement mhm okay who reviews it who reviews these to create a report to present to council um staff will be working with the um agent sorry staff will be uh reviewing those reports and then you uh you know um rating it based off on a score sheet and I well there's a couple meetings too with the smaller like Committee of community members I think they're doing there was some discussion that there would be kind of like a some sort of advisory or committee I'm not sure where where that is at but there has been um some talk about that so I attended one two weeks ago oh um to Kel I think that's the one that's through the hga for the the parks oh yeah it's totally different oh yeah different thing never mind then but I was thinking the HDA and picture whatever sorry guys Lisa so you said that it's uh will be approved at the next Council you said yeah so staff will do their rubric make a decision on the best qualified and then they'll present it to council to um approve that contractor consultant um to do the study got it and so we'll approve the funding for it and and give a go so so in February then Council would approve to to go forward with more of a study not I I think it would be kind of maybe having a little bit more of a discussion um around what the report came out and what the analysis would be and then I would imagine that there would be a decision from there on out like a decision to go forward with with uh receiving the grant offer from the government and and going forward with resuscitating the community center in some way yeah the the the study is to kind of determine what direction that would be whether to go forward or or not so that's why we're asking for financing um component of it and then also what the um Partnerships would look like and whether uh because the city is not really um in a situation to operate it um and so the idea has been we'll continue managing the building or the the infrastructure itself um and then uh say a partner or two or however many um would be the ones that would operate um the facility like programming and things like that MH and how might those um potential contractors or vendors uh procure a uh operator like is would that be open to some public discussion or say for example uh Ashlin theater wants to be the operator how would they get involved in that yeah I would really imagine that this contractor would be seeking out those Partners um there have been discussions in the past and uh there have been businesses and different entities that have been engaged before um so I would imagine re engaging the existing ones um you know School District as well um obviously there have been a lot of partners that have come forth and you know made statements on their interest um reaching out to them and and really I would think like seeking out um who would be a viable operator um for for the city is a school district a potential operator they have shown interest in the preliminary yeah findings Yep they're they're very interested at that point yeah but so if somebody wanted to be an operator like Ashlin theater should should they try and connect with some of these people or would you would they yeah I would think that you know the consultant the contractor would have um an opportunity to reach out and have you know conversations I think that's the goal is to really um understand what is viable um is it a good fit um given you know the different circumstances sorry is this not something where we would engage Ramsey County then because it is a community center and I mean I know like they have programming through other you know community centers around St Paul and whatnot um is that are is North St Paul set on using like a separate entity then I I think the city has gone that direction I would say the Library will M maintain its um location there and that's a County Library so any programming that Ramy County Library does um you know just benefits the city out of the community center um I mean the county could choose any other location if they wanted to um and and that wouldn't be you know at that location anymore so I think it would be worthwhile for that consultant to really um understand what the next steps are but we've had the library show interest and continue to show interest in needs for space um particularly when it comes to um like technology and computers and um especially a teen space or like a youth space MH okay lot of interest in this so much yeah yeah mhm um all right right and um we're still in the budget talks uh yesterday we had discussions about the different Enterprise funds um I think at this point all the budgets seem really well balanced and um moving forward in 20125 there aren't any increases that are significant in that would make a huge difference um there are a couple things I can um anticipate maybe around 2028 um there will be a big need for say the water tower um and so that will come with more discussion when we have the um CIP or the capital Improvement plan which is a 10-year plan for each department um and how they would like to um utilize um certain funds and for what um assets um so that I there may be yeah um some ways in which we'll need to um the city will need to to um explore other avenues or additional Avenues of Revenue and there was some discussion about special assessments and what that might look like um see I think that's it thanks well done what's going on with our fiber utility um so yeah that's a great uh question that's what is going no um it's it's currently um we have I think is it 1 million or 2 million in debt still on it um there was conversation about what that could look like in terms of do we pull from other Enterprise funds so Enterprise funds kind of are a little bit different and there's more flexibility um and do we pay that that debt off and so the fiber op would just start to generate funds and what that would look like so exploring that um but there certainly um some interest on you know maybe even leasing or selling or yeah different fiber fibers is there ever any discussion again about extending it to residential there there hasn't been any conversation about that um and yeah I inquired about the existing um contracts um we have a few City being one of them the city of Oakdale or Oakdale and Maplewood um those contracts still have like nine years on them and those are a fixed uh rate and so um perhaps after that amount of time there can be a reevaluation of what that looks like does it go to Residents or however does it benefit um businesses Etc so it's generating some Revenue plus it's if you if you don't count the debt yeah right but it's also saving us we don't have to pay somebody else for the same service right yeah yeah okay anything else for council member Wong we get we get two more turns to ask council member Wong question actually just one one yeah next month really I'll be gone in December oh oh sorry well that's just [Laughter] great um okay well one more chance well miss you Lisa I'll miss you all too you can come and join the Arts commission oh a student commissioner yeah have to go back to school no yeah anyway okay um if nothing else we'll look for a motion to adjourn second Mel kind of made the motion she said the word motion and C seconded all in favor say I I opposed meeting adjourned at whatever time it is [Music]