##VIDEO ID:dCjEREtRyK4## 637 if we can stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible andice thank you very much I'm sorry Sor um roll call please council member Cole here council member schwe here council member Wong here council member nordby here mayor mongi here thank you very much can I get a motion to adopt the agenda please so moved so move council member Norby second second council member schweer all those in favor say I I I thank you very much presentations present no present that's right because there's nothing underneath it so we'll work our way from that one thank you consent agenda uh thank you mayor uh item a is July 16th 2024 Workshop minutes Item B July 16th 2024 city council minutes item C July 30th 2024 special city council minutes item D General claims of 1,741 164 item e h claims of $24,199 61 item F approve ordinance number 832 amending the fee schedule for special event permit fees item G approve acceptance of a donation of the memorial picnic table and plaque at Casey Lake Park item H resolution accepting donations for July of 2024 item I applications for a special event permit for the North St Paul Business Association on September 19th 2024 item J application for a special event permit and temporary Li liquor license extension of premises for American Legion Club 39 on August 24th 2024 item K arts and culture commission app point for Raquel SoDo item l July building permit report International and that's it thank you very much would anybody like to pull anything at this time if not can I get a motion to accept the agenda please so moved so moved council member swe second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I did I say it wrong again yeah mark it you're not coal anymore though that's a yeah now you're Norby you can upgrade it we got to have this piece of paper we're going to need more paper I think for all my mistakes so sorry about that scroll scroll yeah oh thank you all right we'll move on to open to the minutes open or open to the public at 640 so I do have a comment to put on record public comment uh I'm sorry did I miss some yeah we'll uh wait for that's the public hearing for the oh I'm Sor public easement open to the public yep please yes so far so good right gang all right John schwall please John SCH 750 Chisum Avenue uh good evening good evening the I just wrote down change and if you were aware of what uh is happening in the election area we finally have the last two people who were part of the process of this journey to have a multicultural whatever and the uh last two people who were in the uh area of uh making the decision to start us off on this are no longer which in the game after the first of the year because they're not running so we ended up where don't have a mayor that uh was involved in it anymore we don't have a uh city manager who is involved in it anymore and uh we don't have uh a PhD a PhD a Mr Craig Waldren who was involved in this process originally anymore and now we have two council members who are involved in that decision-making process that start us off on this journey they won't be involved in this anymore so uh the U idea that uh I seem to get is that everyone thinks that the light of the end of the tunnel is not the bright shining building but the headlight on a train so that's comments all right Dave Nelson hey you're without your cane look at you I was jogging up here that boy that was jogging good for you job anyway Dave Nelson 2574 East Force Avenue I handed a hand out I won't go over word for word but um the community center as a senior and I speaking for other seniors I can't see a tax increase right now the tax my taxes real estate taxes that went up we got medical we got insurance we got uh uh doctors we got food we got the fuel and all that when you're on a fixed income it's hard to meet some of that stuff and that that's why I would like to see you take a vote and turn down the community center let's take and make VI ter to let's do a nice library with two meeting rooms for the people to use that would be my preference if anything and the next uh thing I want to talk about the student Built Homes everybody wants to build a $500,000 home let's do a $300,000 home which is more for a young family trying to get in and at least get in and get started but let's go a little bit farther let's do something for the city put solar on there which will benefit them and the and the solar will give the city C uh the carbon footprint Brian Fran we were the first ones to put sold on he was very helpful and uh right now uh last was it two years ago I think there were 17 other people that put solar in but they got North St Paul got the carbon footprint and that's something we're doing for the younger generation and so I'd rather to see a $300,000 home but solar on it benefits the city benefits the people that are going to be moving there and that all around uh and the snow prediction with my arthritis we're going to double the snow load Ron see you got that salt down Ron good for you thanks Dave thank you Dave appreciate it if it's double last year David we're still doing okay yeah that's true thank you very much that's all for comments all right now can I say what I was supposed to say please nice I knew it'd come around we had a public comment that was received via phone on uh what announc the public meeting the time for this is where we need that jeez I get so excited 6:45 we're opening all right thanks with for the help needed public heing opening the public hearing at 6:45 public comment was received via phone on August 15th 2024 and will be add added to the official records you notice how a little change and things really screw me up thank you all right if I could just add this and what we're discussing is the vacate of the public uh easements at 2329 17th Avenue East up there on Delaware and [Music] 17th okay is there anybody else doing for this is for the Delaware anyone public y we're good we can close it close it at 6:46 one minute not bad thank you all right City business and action items there is stuff under that role we do have that one all right thank you item a is authorized the issuance 7 RFP for a community Multicultural Outreach Center feasibility study do we miss point of order I I believe there is a um resolution men are uh vacating public easements that we will need a City Council [Music] vote apologize less was it just a public hearing or do we need a vote on it there's resolution pardon me I can open it back up at 6 47 if you're like well no we don't need to reopen the public hearing we would just need a sarcasm yeah get us so the notice is here by ging that the nurse St Paul city council will meet on August 20th 2024 is that the same part uh at 6:30 p.m. on North St Paul City Hall 2400 margar Street uh to conduct a public hearing pursuant to Minnesota statute no just need to the resolution yeah it's just to consider the vacation certain public grounds within the city's legal description so the big question do I have to do anything yeah you're voting to the resolution to vacate the easements so we have that resolution on the table is there any discussion if not can we can I get a move what do you call that some moved thank you some moved council member swe council member Norby second all those in favor say i i i n there's none thank you well we got something for our bloopers all right so next up uh authorized issuance of an RFP for the community Multicultural Outreach Center feasibility study um so last couple meetings we've taken in uh information from city council and directions on constructing that and putting that together we have that back in the packet as a but um I would have Dan come up and discuss the there is a concern about the timeline of it uh it's really tight at this point um but I will let uh Dan discuss further mayor council members um the RFP that is before you um tonight incorporates all of the changes that were brought up um at our last city council meeting I watched the whole entire thing a couple of times so I can make sure I got everything in there um so all of those changes were in there it was also suggested um a more expedient um schedule um we brought it up today in our department head meeting um and there were a number of department heads that had a lot of concern because it's like it one hard to attain the quickness that we're trying to go through especially up in front um and there was a a sense and feeling that we won't get a lot of responses because we're asking for things way too quick um and if we do get responses we're going to pay a sizable premium to it so what I did based upon that and it's just for your consideration um you know unless there's no other changes um and and everybody did get an A a trct document um and I did not receive anything I think everybody had about two weeks to to give anything I received no additional um comments or any um other suggestions onto it but what it would do is it so what I did is I built a schedule that was um comparable to the one that was original in the document just using the new dates cuz that was first given back in like July um so it would be that we would issue August 23rd which is this Friday questions would be due on September 16th submittals would be due on September 20th interviews would be the week of September 30th the selection um for city council would be on October 15th at the city council meeting and then the final report um and again I don't really know how long it's going to take and it could be you know when we get the proposals they may give a shorter time frame but um from doing some re research I see it can take anywhere between 60 to 90 days for a feasibility study so I'm kind of putting it that it would be somewhere like about the January 15th you know even as far as February 15 or February 15th for the final report to get back to to city council but again you have to remember when the proposals come back um we can negotiate you know that schedule and there may be firms that can do it much quicker than that I I that I don't know um so that is kind of um you know a suggestion um again we can leave what is stands inside um you know the rfps written before you or we can keep everything in there um and then just make this modification again we'd have to modify the resolution slightly to incorporate the this schedule change we'd make those changes and and get it out um this Friday Dan submissions can you go over the dates again um your submission of proposal date is September 20th okay give me one that's a lot that's allowing them from the original was allowing them four weeks to get their submittal so Norm normally we're going to want to we probably want to have this posted for 3 weeks allowing them to to give questions on that fourth week staff will have to turn around responses you know within a day um to anybody who's who's um you know interested you know we'll post the the responses and then the submittals are due on the 20th okay can you run continue to run through that again so you have the submission the 20th Yep and then um then there would have to be some sort of committee that would be established to um rate the proposals um I call it short listing um so whoever scores the highest um um there may be only one there may be two there may be three committee inside uh inside the city hall employees um that's up to be determined by the city manager Andor um councel um is that a recommendation you're giving what that creating this committee there has to be some sort of rating of the of the proposals based upon the ratings that are inside the RFP yes okay um and so normally how it's done and I've done many of these is that usually you get a committee um because of the nature of this feasibility study I would suggest that you would get somebody from the outside um you would get um somebody from you know the inside you want to have it an odd number either three or five members um that rate or um rate all of the proposals um you have a meeting of those 3 to five you you discuss you go through the rating and you come to a short list based upon that short list you invite them back in on the week of the 30th um for an interview September 30th I'm sorry yep September 30th for an interview usually the cream Rises to the top I'm playing a lot of Cl cliches today I got to stop that um but uh you know usually there there's somebody who a firm that usually comes out that um you know comes out a little bit um ahead of others um and then that would be where the recommendation would come to uh City Council on the 15th um in um in on October 15th yeah I'm sorry but that's okayy oober 15th I going tell you something because I was looking at this timeline earlier and I as we're look as I was looking in the beginning of it the proposals and the consultant approve it's too I don't believe that it's um it gives enough time that's why I'm asking date date date I want to know so October 15th that you want to bring it to council right approval yeah and at that point in time um you know um we could the information that would be provided normally would be that you would give um how many respon how many proposals were received um how many firms were interviewed and you would give the top selection dollar amount proposal of that normally normally and again this is up to up to you uh there's been variations of this it it's it's changed considerably through the years especially in my last place that I was at once upon a time you'd give all the proposals to um you know the the authority then it's gotten down to you just give a summary part of the reason for that is that on a proposal it's not based upon just cost it's other criteria with there's points on to it which means that there is some subjectivity based upon that subjectivity they can be challenged so to give names and and other information um is not in the the best interests um however if anybody who did give a proposal if they challenged they would meet with staff and they would end up getting uh um U an open book to find out how it was rated comments da da da on to it usually not brought and forth in front of a public forum um and then on the October 15th y October 15 October 15th then um city council would would approve um the selection um or hopefully they would approve the selection of the of the firm to move forward um and then um hopefully um you know we can already have a a pretty we'd have to work with our attorneys but hopefully we can have a boiler plate contract we've already got terms and conditions that are in the um that are already included in the RFP so we could have something that's available so we could have the contract ready so whoever got selected would be able to start sure pretty pretty soon there after and then the next date you have you've proposed a line of dates oh yeah and then the next is in and just doing some research because I've never done a feasibility study um that um it says out there you know usually and I can see council member W I think she knows to um it's seen is usually about 60 to 90 days for a feasibility study to do I don't know if the scope that we're asking is more or less of is it more that's what I thought tends to be a bit more yeah yeah and that's what I kind of Might thought so that's where I was thinking at a minimum it would be 90 days to maybe 120 so it' be January 15th to February 15th um and I you know would look for your direction on that if you're okay with all the rest of the dates okay with all the other changes that you would help me with either January 15th or February 15th to be put into the RFP and that would be the only change that would be done to it so we can get it out so I ask this because the proposal timeline is the submission of of proposals September 9th consultant approved by city council September 17th final report and completion December 3rd yep I just made up dates and squeeze them together to satisfy what was brought onto the thing that's that's why we're that's why this is being brought up separately because it was like yeah reality is it I didn't disagree with the September 9th 17th it was let's put this out and you get with the holiday you get what was I think I came up with six days yeah so it's not it's not feasible for that we'll see the manager can work all that time and get it done right no it is a very tight tight time frame um to be able to get things done and and so this schedule that I've you know have have just uh recited is based upon the original one that I came up with in the original but we were trying to get it back so I think it had the final report coming was what what came out of city council last meeting was that they wanted to brought back the end of November or early December so they brought it to the early December date but I believe it's way too tight of a schedule to be able to flip things around and I think you're going to um you're going to lose a lot of interested um firms from even proposing because it's such a tight time schedule um and and you have to remember anytime somebody um gives a proposal there's a cost associated with that for them to be able to put the information together for for a proposal thank you for your clarification with the dates that you gave I think I got them right I got them written down though I think they're right one them written down I just didn't say the correct ones but thanks for catching those m other comments and questions as far as the RFP itself and the changes because there's a track um redlined version and then I just cleaned it took accepted all the changes is there any changes I think I captured everything um are we is are we is there a consensus that we're good with that component to it with and with the added dates new dates yeah and then are and then and the second is would we be okay with changing these new dates that I just recited into it is everybody okay with that I I am my preference is to change whatever dates you need to change in the middle but keep the end date you have a brand new Council coming on board that isn't going to know anything or limited have limited knowledge as to the this whole process um it's going to be a lot of catchup for them to to be able to make a decision so you leaning towards that February one you're saying no I'm leaning towards December I don't care what you do in the middle I want the report by December the first meeting of December are thoughts and views on that I mean it it's totally up to you it's not up you know could could you push it out to the second meeting in December um that gives it two months from the selection process date if there's any action that needs to be place be made it would have to be made in that spot true so that was that was why I was the the way it came out first was the uh move my glasses yeah was the um projected completion and to be have the reports back to you on December 3rd well December 3rd is the first Tuesday Tuesday of January so you wouldn't have that information because we try to get that posted to the public the week before so it would have to be the 17th or the last council meeting December look at it in a workshop on the 3 we would have to post that um if we didn't have it in hand we would just be the dice that we would get it that's time that's a big meeting night anyway yeah Dan will be busy that night yes that's right just correction you said January I apologize it's December December so I'm 104 so that was that's my opinion um I think that the um be between the new mayor and the the two new council members that stepped in two years ago a lot of big eyes and a lot of not knowing what's going on um it's an awful long conversation um to throw two people in unless there's um the opportunity to give a whole lot of back information on how we got where we are and what we're doing and and certainly not um my comment is not argumentative or anything but isn't it's a kind of more of a question back isn't part of the purpose of the feasibility study to really flush out the likelihood of how this would move in forward so I guess the way I'm the way I look at at this is that in certain ways doesn't this wipe out whatever historical pieces that are there and you got what's on the table today so you have these potential of these two grants you're going to find out what the feasibility of it doing and and it may be that site it may be a suggestion out the feasibility a different site they're going to come up out of out of what how the RFP is written they're going to come up with what services are needed within the city because they're going to do a geographical look um so I I guess I I look at it is I think I thought the purpose of the feasibility study was to give solid concrete information for virtually anybody to make a decision off of that's that's my only thought for me you're asking someone who has very limited scope to make a decision based off of the history that went into it and I think we learned earlier tonight there's a lot about history in the city um the way things are done feasibility may study may come back that it's not worth moving forward on let's if that's the case it it may be done by the end of the year um but for me I I I think that I've got four years vested in it uh the U Council Mar Wong has four years the other have two um to bring somebody in with days and weeks of you know of time invested into it to make to make a big decision might that's my opinion okay I'm one of four I guess that's kind of where like so from like a practical standpoint I really don't think an RFP can be done in that short amount of time we're asking for unless we cut down the scope of services we're asking for a ton um and it's during the holidays so if we're asking to do more robust Community engagement then that's going to be particularly difficult um so the timeline is a little um tight even new ones I think are are a little bit tight um I definitely hear you from the historical standpoint there's a lot of baggage I guess you could say there um and um I guess to um Finance director winck point I think that you know if if we are able to get a really great product whatever it is one way or the other that that is actually a quality product that everyone up here can believe in and decide on or whatever um so that's kind of how I see it a little bit um I can understand your point as well um it's been a long road MH um yeah I guess to to that standpoint of of getting updated and and whatnot so as uh I think some and my memory is not great but correct me if I am speak misspeaking but around the time when um this project got transitioned was not too far off from when before you all started is that correct like we started or when um I'm sorry when um Brian started new city manager so just something to keep in mind as we um have more transitions is that maybe a project manager a point person or what have you who can you know put together this committee whoever that is drive it have you know a lot of capacity to do the work and you know uh check in on our our contractor and you know be that uh working partner because there's just a lot here um on top of all the other responsibilities so just something for us to really consider as well um so we can have an engine to move it one more aspect of that that we had discussions earlier today on was if if we don't give the appropriate amount of time for them to do their due diligence then you may have some people that you want on the project just say no we there's just the time that you're giv us isn't reasonable I would be even open to a six-month um for the final report or and then re-evaluate even at that point with the contractor or whoever that City staff partner is because um if they're saying well at least from my standpoint if they need more time doing a financial analysis or something like that like please do it yeah um so as long as we can try to get all the components going but I think our project manager will help move it along from my standpoint this RFP is something that's going to give the city council and all the residents a a hopefully a good Viewpoint of what is capable I'd rather see it take longer and be more thorough than be rushed or not not have the people we want doing it so for me I'm I I understand Tim's point and I can applaud him wanting to take ownership I I lean towards thorough great product not in a hurry anything like that no I just I don't want to like I said well I mean I'm looking at the proposed timeline in the document and that September 9th 17th was smashed like it just not enough time um as for Dan's and again I haven't been through a feasible study so I don't know what that entails I don't know what that looks like um I just by the timeline that was in the um in the packet I just felt it was too rushed and that I was going to propose other dates Dan's timeline um with the September 20th September 30th um I mean I see there given the fact that the study itself is 60 90 days I can also see council member Wong's um point with the holidays coming up um and again if obviously we are moving forward with this feasible study so um and we are investing in this it's important that it is done uh time in a timely manner uh but also properly that the entire Community um can review it I I want to put it out there that it's important that it was advocated before the new Council and when I say new it's U mayor mangi uh council member Nord M and myself that that we need to be educated on this if we choose and I not specifically just us but if we when the new Council comes on they need to be brought up to date as to where this is and we all need to keep in mind too that we were granted this funding and it's important to always to write now through this whole process is to keep in mind I'm in around the dollar amount because I don't I mean I I know it's around the 5 million that this has been granted to us both state and federally and um even though we're not we haven't declined the dollars we haven't accepted the dollars we all need to keep in mind that um this that we had a previous Council that um was strong um passionate about this and that we really need to do this right to to um see much to council member Cole I don't want to mess up names here I always call them something else um but much to uh forget myself I lost my try of that council member Cole um he they both are very passionate about this because they started this um so to move forward with it again I I respect the December 3rd I get I mean on both ends um where these both stand is that you want to see this through and see everything come to fruition um but listening here with a feasible study to have it accurately we're not throwing in the holidays but with that period of time throwing in the holidays um I want to respect the fact of your your recommendation and also not rush this but have timelines and deadlines to this um because if we don't stick with it it's just going to be I'm going to quote Cil member Co um a couple uh meetings back we don't want to continue to Kick the Can down the road a decision will eventually need to be made I'm I I said my piece but I'm completely amenable with moving it I I liked um council member Wong's comment and kind of seconded by uh c m Norby as far as give them more time let's let's get it done that gives the new group the opportunity to on board I just looked at that January date and went oh my gosh I remember I remember my second meeting just say yes okay yes it's overwhelming so I I I I truly do love the recommendations that were put forth that if it's not going to be done by the end of the year year let's stretch it out to make sure that it gets done right because the outcome still very well may be it's not worth moving forward on um but we owe that to to everyone involved and not just everyone involved at this table and our past Council are community members too those that aren't for it those that are for it this will and I speak on the community end those individuals that are not for it those individuals that are for it everything's laid out then I mean the documents will speak so in order to move forward do you need a friendly amendment to yeah and TW tweak the dates and do we want to and I've got suggested language for it but I I would like us to agree on a final report date I I think we need to have one in there y AG um will it can it be negotiated or changed yes so based upon this conversation and I'm going to kind of lean more heavily on council member Wong's um would we be in agreement to have it as March 1st which is 4 and a half months um I would say that with the you know caveat that yeah if if need and if it yeah it could be but but I think part of it is is is they look at the time frame for their for for their staff their Staffing their pricing and and model into it it could could could change it's not set on a workshop or city council date um that allows um in light that there will be two new council members it'll probably be a much better strategy to go forth and have it at a workshop and answer a lot of other questions before you're just going to throw it in for a vote um where it could have happened and a vote here if it was done in yeah yep so if we're agreement with that um my suggestion would be the resolve would be changed that the city council hear authorizes the issuance um of an RFP for a community Multicultural Outreach Center feasibility study was scheduled changes as follows issue date August 23rd and these are 24 unless I say 25 because Brian was giving me a hard time earlier today uh qu uh questions do um September 16th uh submittals due September 20th interviews the week of September 30th um selection October 15th final report due March 1st of 2025 Dan um I I'm not familiar enough with the public world but I would never have a report due on a non- business day that's a Saturday March 1st okay is that okay in the public world I just threw the end of a month the calendar wizard yeah that's cool so what what's the following Monday third third or do we want to back it is that a Saturday yep no March 1st is a Saturday February 28th it's not leap year is it no but February March always match there always match on days it's weird I don't know February 28th 2025 I just remember remember January February March count your knuckles that's all I remember for the 31 days yes so March 3rd you want to do March 3rd or February can't be I'd like the Friday I don't have a preference I just would I see what you're saying February 28th Saturday do on a Saturday that we're not open for no you're I'm I'm glad you got that February I'm in favor of those States going going on February 28th mayor's got the gble yeah where is it right here okay you haven't used that 2 I haven't used it yeah all right that would be the motion motion for so moved with those uh proposed new proposed dates second the second first council member Wong second council member Cole all those in favor say I I all right thank you thank you very much thank you Dan all right next up is the approve the conditional use permit uh for special INF infill housing at 20076 Street North which will be the place of the new student build house um so we are looking at uh the city has received uh conditional use permit application from the North St Paul housing Redevelopment Authority uh the owner of the parcel requests the conditional use permit to allow special infill housing to be located at the at that parcel um Pro proposed use is permitted by the conditional use and thus compliant with the city code for the R2 zoning um the proposed use is for the property is a single family home um the application provided uh whereas the applicant provided the application project description certificate of survey and aerial map and th complies with the city code um this is also uh compliant with uh city code section 154 uh is consistent with the comprehensive plan for the city um public no uh public notice for the proposal was published in the newspaper in July of July 23rd 2024 and the property owners within 350 ft of the site um as required by the city ordinance the North St Paul Planning Commission held the public hearing on August 1st 2024 and considered the to receive the public input and it was unanimously suggested to move forward um so we are looking for approval of that resolution okay I have a motion any discussion first let's do that sometimes I forget discussion discussion if none I ask for a motion please so moved so mooved council members second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I I hi thank you and next up is for the same property approval of the lot setback variance request at 2007 6 Street um this also has been through the Planning Commission and was supported uh unanimously this fits with the comprehensive plan uh the property next to it was actually a student build um restructuring of a existing home made into a single family home it was a duplex uh they also were given a variance for the setbacks on that property as well um so we are looking for approval of a resolution for that variance thank you any discussion if not I ask for a motion please so moved so mooved council member swe second second council member Wong all those in favor say I I I thank you and next up is the approval of the updated fence ordinance this was started quite a while back um so just to give a overview of what was gone over since this started the most recent update was in 2015 to comply um with the comp plan Redevelopment master plan and living streets plan and downtown design manual 2024 updates uh not intended to change those revisions but more focused on improving organization of the ordinance language adding Clarity and usability to the ordinance uh the substantive substantive changes for it include uh clar clarified that the fence permit is not required to maintain or repair an existing fence clarifies that fences may be placed in an easement provided that it is placed at the owner's risk and drainage is not interrupted established rules that fences are constructed with access to utility boxes and hydrants are taken into account update made to various zoning districts including Fen is allowed in mixed use districts where it wasn't previously allowed to comply with screening requirements in the same Zone increased height in residential front yards from 3 feet to 4 feet provided its uh 50% opaque and increased fence Heights in residential rear yards from 6 and 1 12 to 7 ft fence regulations related to residential swimming pools were updated to match state requirements so any discussion if not can I get a motion please so moved so moved council member swear second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I thank you thank you next up is uh reports from city manager and departments um so our 50-year-old snowman uh just got a facelift and repainted looks very nice uh they finished painting that today they probably do some finishing touch-ups but looks really good um we did receive an offer for the student buil house today so more information to come on that so yeah look looks good awesome yeah indeed um when you moving won't be long now uh so updates from departments uh they received uh their bucket truck today they went over it few things that need to be fixed on it but uh it looks good they're excited to have that new truck um they are doing a planned outage tonight along sea which is undergrounding some overhead U primier feeder line that goes along there um they've been in discussions with the businesses that it will affect they're coming in um about 2: am this evening and we should have that done within a few hours um so Ava's been busy with a movie night coming up uh 8:00 pm this Thursday August 22nd at housy Park um what's that movie hung Fu Panda Fu Panda thank you um also preparing for the the fourth one there's a lot well there's been three before huh not miss much sorry also prepping for the Autumn Arts Fest on September 14th which is from 11:00 a.m. to 600 p.m. at Casey Lake Park they're going to have art vendors entertainers uh face painting it's going to be a nice family event so nice please show up uh Community Development uh been busy with an RFP for across the street from City Hall that they're working on to get out um as as well we have so far two interested parties but it'll be nice to get out to the public see what else we can get uh unbelievably Public Works is actually losing some of their summer help we only got two left after this week um summer went fast uh First Street and Margaret Street the contractors had started work on that they started doing some cutting and removals uh but next week they'll be starting with the Mill And for those streets uh um also next week they will be doing Mill and overlay of the city hall lots and doing some um catch Basin repair work as well so we'll get that information out to the public um so that'll be blocked off we'll have uh employees park across the street so we still have customers and residents park in front of City Hall if they need anything um they've been busy with uh pool pothole patching and that's they're about 80 to 90% done with the city and they've gone through through about 80% through sanitary cleaning for the year as well uh fire department has brought in minfire which is part of a support for critical calls that some of the people have gone through this year we've had some difficult calls so it's a good time for people to come in and reflect on that uh the employees so was both uh Fire Department EMS and PD that that was open to tomorrow they will be doing water rescue out at the lake with Ramsey County for their training um and PD had three interviews today for three new officers so hopefully we'll have good luck with that and that's all I have thank you thank you very much if you plan on paddle boarding tomorrow may it be a good day there'll be a lot out there to help you yeah right oh good call not bad there you go I was a little concerned following yesterday this weekend yeah thank you very much so now we're to um what are we two Council commissions and committees council member Norby uh the Planning Commission met on August 1st unfortunately I missed that meeting um and the next one coming up is on September 5th thank you very much council member Wong uh as for the arts and culture commission um we met on August 7th um I believe uh with the um city manager that we may have identified a a site for a new mural perhaps um and then also which is very exciting because we've been looking um and so also the Autumn Arts Festival as um city manager manager frandel had alluded to is is going to be a big event it's a collaboration with Parks um as well um I think there will be probably more vendors this year and um we got some great feedback last year and com comments so I expect this to be um good as well um the utility box artwork um from that high school was installed so it's over there and it'll be ready for the new year so all the new students can see the new artwork over there um and then the arts and culture commission is uh looking to discuss with the Veterans Park about their utility boxes whether they want something there um and they're also discussing their budget for next year that's all I got thank you very much m sare our previous commission meeting was cancelled the next one is on the 28th here in council chambers at 6:30 um I am going to go off of council member Wong's uh Autumn Arts Festival as well I know that uh a it's a very good partnership but B I know that they're constantly looking for some volunteers so um I'll put that out there to the community and our commissions that anyone that can volunteer uh please contact uh myself council member Co finally someone else did it see it's not easy is it okay council member Wong or any of the uh arts and culture commission members our Parks and Recreation members thank you for taking one for the team back now it's to council member Cole yep that was brutal remember um Eda meeting originally scheduled for August the 13th was rerouted to this Thursday the 22nd here in council chambers at 4 o' all right awesome thank you very much we'll go to General business council member nby um there is a fun web page on our website we are 29 days 22 hours 29 minutes and 11 seconds away from the fall Roundup parade wow that is coming up you got a you got a Ticker on there wow I like it so thank you for doing that and just everyone remember that it's a great time I hope to see you all there you know the dates you know the times you're a calendar guy from now on thank you very we have a ride yeah well while you're on that topic are we still accepting applications no okay that's done no it's done okay looking forward to it nice um as for myself I attended the open house for the pickle ball Courts at howy it looks really good people are out there as well attended um and yeah it was a great event people stayed for a bit longer I think they played for like another couple hours really so awesome and then um I also attended the student built housing open house which um was also exciting and there were some minor changes from the other house that was built the year before but um ESS they're they they look the same but they both look really good um but really exciting to see all the school districts there and the students and their parents kind of you know shown them um what they've done so really wonderful program thank you that's it thank you I too was at the housy uh pickleball court opening and I want to thank the white bear pickleball club for coming out and teaching our residents how to play it was a nice turnout of people that were highly interested in playing so that was pretty cool um we have an election coming up so I am looking forward to hearing and from all of the new uh what do we say it candidates candidat thank you candidates I don't want to say electees because they're not elected came from me but I'm looking forward to meeting with the candidates and the um the forums coming up so it's going to be an exciting fall yep getting that do you have information about The Forum by chance I okay T have been determined dates yet okay good thank you I'm just getting the ball rolling got it thank you that's it uh unfortunately I was not able to make the the uh dedication of the pickle ball courts I have been by them they are beautiful um it's a it's a phenomenal asset to to howy park uh considering it was a half grass half paved over Tennis Court Prior to um hats off to everybody involved in in getting the grant money and the funding to be able to support such a such a great program um and I'm I'm truly looking forward to uh what park and wreck has his next coming as I had I believe five years of Park and wreck before I came on board for councel so I'm excited about that I too had the opportunity to attend the student Bill house uh again just another beautiful product that was that was put forth um the joy that I get is is talking to the students who I did this or I did that but not only the students it's the parents it's it's watching Mom and Dad is the is the kid takes pride in what they did and they they see that and that's huge um and I do know that that this program has a waiting list to get into a pretty healthy waiting list of people waiting to get into it so with that i' I've I pass thank you very much I appreciate the last week my wife and I were on vacation so we weren't able to make it so that's what I really love about this Council everybody steps up and and enjoys the new things that are happening and shows up so I want to thank you all I sorry I couldn't make it but we were out of town so I appreciate that thank you another thing I'm I've been getting a lot of uh voicemails and emails um lately and I just want to address one more thing is you know I most of them you're the mayor so they you know when it comes to that so what uh what I want to stress is if if I as a mayor one vote just like everybody else here if I can say yes or no I'll say yes or no if I can't say yes I won't say yes so I sometimes get Flack where you know what sometimes it's our city manager's decision that's theirs they need to go through that we need to go through legal on something and I'm not going to say yes to something that I don't have the ability to say yes to so I just want to stress that again when it comes to that and we have channels and it will get answered it might take a little bit longer but I will not say yes to something I can't so just wanted to stress that again so I appreciate that and with anything if nothing call for adjournment so move dear honor so move council member Wong second second council member Cole all those in favor say hi hi and September 3rd is our next meeting thank you all we have guests in the front you have to tell us