meeting is called in conformance with the open public meetings act uh with adequate notice provided as follows notice sent to the burin county times in the times of Trenton on March 27th 2024 notice filed with the township Clerks of Chesterfield Mansfield North Hanover and Springfield townships on March 27th 2024 and notice of the annual advertised annual meetings advertised in the Burling County Times in the times of Trenton on January 7th 2024 I will now call Ro Mr figs president Mrs Bond Mr Arman here Mr bucks present Mrs gamble Mr narwood here Mrs Janice here Mr Spence Mr Zimmer here Mr Haynes here and Miss cardinas thank you board uh at this time I'd ask everyone to please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godible liberty and justice for has any Board of Education member received School Board related emails Andor correspondences that have not yet been shared with the superintendent all right uh with that the board has an executive session to start our meeting tonight uh can I get a motion to go into executive session motion executive session and a second okay got them all right uh all those in favor I all opposed extensions all right thank you uh board will recess to Executive session and we'll be back uh shortly she they have just e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e and I think I said to this this to we can give you extension this is your oh this is our okay I thought I thought that okay that makes me feel a little bit better no I just always need it because I let my my laptop always die oh good I'm sorry d Kevin Went to the rest room Kevin's in the rest room yep all right uh got I have a motion to return from executive session I'll make the motion and a second second right all those in favor I all opposed extensions right thank you right uh at this time Dr zaran if you please give your superintendence report absolutely um if it would be I know that we have another uh agenda item for the applied Tech and Engineering would it be appropriate just because the students have been here for so long if we kind of do that before my report yeah okay anyone have any objections board no okay thank you I apologize for everybody for keeping you waiting but I mean certainly uh recognize um as all of you know from from being here as the board certainly knows we have some phenomenal programs um in the district there are some that receive uh kind local recognition there's some that are just internal and nobody really knows about and there's others that that receive National recognition yeah I'm gonna bring up the um Mr con is going to kind of introduce uh from here but so yes so um our applied tech and and engineering program has recently received a national recognition for a program they have um this is a uh it's called a reach program and and it will be explained to you momentarily um I've been involved in this the past two years since I've been here where the students actually create projects that are going to help other students to me there there's not a better sense of community and also learning at the same time than than this program so I'm going to introduce uh Mr Matt conoz who is the the director of of the program as he wheels up here sorry I I had to that's all right it's it's a true story thank you very much appreciate some of your time tonight um so yeah technolog is all around us so I just like take advantage of it um I'm I'm very fortunate for the support from uh my fellow administrators obviously the Board of Ed the community but really the teachers the teachers and what they do in this department is tremendous some of you may remember it was just a couple years ago we did get some State recognition for our program and for some of the things our students have done um in fact the reach competition we got some recognition um to a degree in the past uh but this past year was a tremendous year that we got National recognition um so I'd like to introduce two of the teachers represent the whole department they were right behind me uh Dave Johnson and Kyle Shriner and then I'll let them go ahead through the slides thank you guys just let me at the end yeah okay all right hello everyone um so my name is Kyle shriner I'm uh as Matt said in the use Mic okay um a teacher in the apply tech department and I teach um engineering classes as well as graphic design so uh the reach challenge if if this is brand new to you um is a program that I heard about I guess four years or so ago now um and what it is is an as you see an impactful Adaptive and assistive technology design thinking project uh available to middle school high school and college stem programs um that showcases ITA which is the international Technology and Engineering Educators Association um their mission that Technology and Engineering brings stem to life so as a teacher when I got here um in 2019 and I looked at our coursework really what I wanted to do at the upper levels of engineering was to provide opportunities for our students to take the amazing skills that they've been learning and do something with it as doc Dr Zuckerman said through this project we are able to allow our students to work with other students in the school and develop uh prototypes that are meant to make their lives better and easier um so as you see there um I added this this project into the engineering 2 course uh during the 2020 2021 school year which you can uh you may remember uh was a challenging school year um so I had students that were here and at home and we tried to pull this off and you'll actually see in a minute um what we've been able to do since then um but I did it for that reason to allow our students the opportunity to uh showcase their skills um for a very real world application um and and see that they as as high school students with their abilities they currently have have the potential to make a huge difference um in this world cool so as Matt mentioned um in previous years we have received recognition so uh in our first year um well I should say also within the course um I I run it as kind of like an in-house competition so we have to pay to be a part of of this competition um and so am I doing that or is that okay thank you um so I run as an in-house competition and Dr Zuckerman has been one of our judges Mr conoz has been a judge and and I I pull in others as well um so in that way we're not able to not only help one student at Northern Burlington we actually try to work with as many as we possibly can so my students work in small teams and then they have to do everything from meeting with the students and and behind the scenes we have to figure out what students it is that that could use our help um so so yeah so we we kind of run as inous competition small teams uh meet with those students find out what their needs are what they struggle with what their interests are we we talk about interviewing um and go through that whole process of of trying to figure out well um yes I know how to run a 3D printer I know how to design things on a computer but how do I actually interact with somebody and find out what their problems are and how can I take my skills and make that into something that actually is a working um product so um in 20221 um my winning team at Northern um had developed a multi-use handle um for Sarah you see Sarah up there um and that was recognized as a national finalist that year the following year um our students worked with Nikki that's Nikki there um with his mask on and uh he's really into uh Ohio state is his favorite I guess college sports team um and they developed him a compression vest that was meant to help him relax and calm down um throughout the school day then last year um our team and this is all you know every idea that you're seeing here are are what my students had come up with you know working with the students that are here at Northern um it was an what they called assisted nails so it was meant to be a a nail clipper that anybody could utilize um so you can see it has kind of like a can of lever handle on it um and has a really nice looking laser engraved uh uh base to it uh but that was recognized as a national semi-finalist so in the three years prior to this one we had received as Matt had said recognition but what's really exciting about this year is that we were actually not or chosen as the winner of the entire competition throughout the entire country um yes thank you uh so um in just a minute I'll introduce um we have some of the the students uh that actually developed the product um here tonight as well as um the student that we worked with as well uh but the product that you see up there um was was their um prototype that they called the flexi brush okay and you'll learn more about that in a minute so uh the winning team um as I say your name um if you could to stand up and everybody could cheer and Hoot and Holler for you um our team lead uh is Dominic wood our design lead who wasn't able to be here tonight um was Caleb weeder Holt our lead Builder um as you can see they all had different roles on the team but of course work together our lead Builder um is Nolan got Tom our documentation lead who I also think was not able to make it tonight um is Christopher De Jesus a big part of our submission is actually to create a video um and up to up to this year we just kind of figured it out you know I asked my students like who can edit you know we kind of threw it together uh but this year we reached out to Northern TV with the help of Mr cono as well um and said hey do you have some really experienced video students that can help us because that would make our submission look so much better um so we had um senior right um a senior student who's very well versed uh in the video World um Lucas Fernandez help us out with that uh and then last but not least our user experts so the student at Northern that we um with the help of of his teachers and a lot of other people in the school you know said hey Shay would be a great candidate that you should work with um so he he you know answered questions he tried out the product of course um we got a lot of great feedback from his family as well they were a big help in the whole process U but sha oy you good stand so um as you can see up there what did what did my team do um they worked with Shay a 10th grade student um who was born of the clef pallet um in order to help him with issues regarding um his ability to brush his own teeth uh the team's flexi brush was made to help uh reach areas that sheay could not access with a standard toothbrush um as the family told us they've tried all kinds of toothbrushes um so the design they created utilizes four unique and separate parts um a special handle made for his specific grip um made to increase his ability to grip a flexible neck um and we have the Prototype as well um here that you can check out yourself before you leave um a flexible neck that would allow for the brush to basically go like 180° side decide um for him to to reach difficult difficult portions of his mouth excuse me um the head of the toothbrush that holds the bristles in place um which is kind of a very unique aspect as well um so you can change those bristles out and replace them as needed um and then finally a pin system that kind of holds everything together so again everything that you're going to see you're about to see a video of what they submitted um everything that you see is is what my students did so this is this is like a lot of the winning teams which four minutes only if you want to watch everything or just cut to hours or I think it's about a minute and a half or so that should be good yep perfect hi I'm Jackie this is my Shay and we're here today to talk about the toothbrush that the team made for him I was the main designer of the product forette I was the lead builder for this uh project I helped to research and design ways to make our toothbrush more accessible for our usual export I was the documentor for the scene the reason why this toothbrush is so meaningful to us is that our son was born with a series of midline defects which means that he had a rear cleff p so when he was about I 8 months old that that pallette had to be repaired and when they repaired that and and closed the hole they moved around a lot of his jaw and the muscles in his face as a result several years later we noticed that he had a really hard time brushing his teeth effectively so we've tried a lot of different tools and a lot of different techniques to find a good way that he could keep his teeth clean and keep his gum line healthy for a proc we first met with Shay who was a user expert and then we had to bounce off some different ideas of what to do and we settled on a toothbrush to help and brush his teeth better we had to meet with him again to get a hand imprint for with a mold and we used that to help create um the handle and different parts of of the toothbrush and then we went and designed everything including the handle the just the toothbrush in general and after a couple different iterations we had we had all the parts that worked and we just put it together we overall settled on a flexible TPU material at the end to use for so we made the holes deeper while also having that flexibility with it so with that flexibility we're able to slide in a lot better and also the cramps would mold over it better the first prototype we thought was oh my gosh this is so awesome and when we worked through the videos and did the still pictures we could really see a difference in the ways Shay was brushing and how his technique was improving and now the project has progressed now we see that this new toothbrush with its flexibility the extension in the brushing element and the thickness in the base handle really I think is going to help him with his control and help him to get a much cleaner dental experience so congrat congratulations again nice nice job um you want to pass that yeah you can do that yeah so I have certificates for all of our so so equally bashful is the majority of the applied technology engineering uh Department um if you go to the next slide Mr Lee yep that's us one more thank you um so the whole program a combination of our materials program our design and engineering program and our communication program um a combination of all of that did get recognized and these two gentlemen were nice enough to go out to pick up the plaque and pick up the uh the award to be recognized at the International Conference last month um so it's it's worth me pointing out Kevin wit Dave pots and Daniel andula the other three applied Tech teachers that are awesome and if you go to the next slide you'll see a couple pictures of some of what they do um in our phenomenal Labs so a combination of our facilities a combination of grants that we've been lucky to get uh and a combination of the awesome teachers and the awesome students we have in our community we've been able to pull off what is now known across the state and now beyond the state as a model program um we do things uh to help students become technologically literate no matter what they want to do uh in their future as well as prepare students that do want to dive deeper and pursue engineering uh as a as a a career so again special thanks to the Department thank you appreciate your time can I ask a quick question like uh is there a way can you get a patent on that or anything like that that's an option yep they they can pursue are you are they pursuing it I'm not aware if they're pursuing it yet uh we have not at this at this time um I will say the conference when we when we received the award I did have a number of people come up to me and say just that um but but we have not yet at this time so their design even goes in patent attorney their design even goes into the detail if I'm not mistaken I think that the bristles can be removed and and replaced so the same design just can be used over and over again with with the necessary replacement parts I mean they really did a phenomenal job and and as was stated at the next opportunity you have this evening there is a table set up with some of these items on display for you to take a look at and and touch right thank you so thank you to the students thank you to uh to both uh Mr Johnson and and Mr Shriner um and also Mr conwit as well and Mr Shriner I believe also a big congratulations is in order uh for the volleyball team today it was a big win so uh good job it ended a little bit quicker I wasn't able to get back for the remainder of it but I guess that's that's a good thing yes I agree I agree so certainly congratulations and congratulations to all the students as well so continuing on with uh with with my report uh Miss cardinus uh to for the student representative report hello yes so right now what we've been having on our agenda for Northern Burlington is mostly the Rel life for life that we have been focusing on so Northern Burlington has raised overall 27,825 so we're that's very extraordinary how much we have made and on May 2nd from noon to close we're going to have a Chesterfield restaurant in nights um the proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society so um if any of you would like to attend it's going to be at the Chesterfield restaurant Inn and the month of April um the team that raises the most amount of money will receive a $300 donation in the team's name for Relay For Life and Northern Burlington's Step Challenge is from April 19th to May 17th which is a weekly weekly winner gets a prize um for the person that has done the most steps in walking or running and then our next Rel for Life meeting is going to be April 29th at 6:00 p.m. and the it's going to be in room 10 room 107 I believe or 111 107 and we hope to also have a yard sale um for our fundraiser we're not sure still where it will be in room 107 but we're not sure still um the exact details of that and uh so Relay for Life does remain on May 18th and it's going to be at 6 p.m. so $15 to register guys start registering all right thank you thank you Hannah um for on this evening's agenda I I'm very thrilled to be able to present to you um Dr Caitlyn mccan to fill the high school principal position Dr mccan brings a wealth of experience and knowledge that will help Propel our high school into the future Dr mccan earned her Bachelor of Science from the College of New Jersey in elementary education and English in and her Masters in urban education and administration from the new Jersey City University after completing her undergraduate degree Dr mccan applied for teach for Teach for America and was placed in camon New Jersey teaching middle school math after teaching math for five years she moved into leadership and became the principal of Freedom Prep Middle School four years ago Dr mccan became the assistant principal at cinamon high school a position that she currently holds today while working at camenson she completed her Phil her PhD from St John's University and and completed a study about how how to support teachers in bringing Multicultural literature into their classrooms outside of school she works as an EMT and a CPR instructor she enjoys reading and hiking and Dr mccan lives in with lives with her family in Mercer County in the coming weeks and months Dr MCM will spend time at the high school to get to know the students and the staff and the administrators we will also set up opportunities for her to meet the high school families and the community uh Mr Lee if I can ask you to kind of click on that next presentation or the same presentation just the next slide down perfect or I can just tell you to click to the next slide so if you can so we are in the process as as we talked about uh last year um but uh we are in the process of transitioning to um two new schedules a schedule for the high school and a schedule for the middle school this has been an ongoing discussion in this district for many many years um ultimately when you begin when I begin looking at any type of schedule revision the first question I want to answer is what's the purpose of this change what are we looking to accomplish with this schedule and ultimately we want to make this a Better Learning opportunities for our students Dr zuckman yes I'm sorry before we get too deep into this I know we still have so many students here do we want to take five minutes and let them get pictures I think that's a great idea okay I I didn't want to interrupt you but I don't want to have them yeah I think that's a I think that's a great idea and then it also gives the board an opportunity for to to look at those projects as well okay yep motion for five minute recess sure can I get a second all those in favor I I all opposed extensions all right now quick five minute resar recess thank you e power it goes down a lot but we got to generate yeah and when that taks back up knowes yeah sell to your customers anywhere with Shopify the Commerce platform designed for entrepreneurs online on social in person and on the go get the tools you need to sell the way you want powered by Shopify e e e e e e e e e e e e e what yeah all right uh we're ready to conclude the the resar recess at this time uh Dr Zuckerman if you'd like to continue with the schedule overview please absolutely so as as I was saying the when we move forward to any When I Look to go into any new schedule the first thing I ask is why are we doing this so we're looking to move forward into into the new schedule to be able to further enhance the learning opportunities for our students one of the main concerns that we heard last year after doing the the pilot days of of the the potential schedule change is that why does the middle school have to have the same schedule as the high school and then so we we look I asked Dr Karns and his administrative team to look further into their needs I asked Dr Lopez and her team to be able to affirm their their needs as well um and so it was proposed to have two different schedules One schedule for the Middle School that that's based on their needs and one schedule for the for the high school so we currently have an 8 period day in both buildings it says 17 periods it's really eight periods in lunch they're just kind of one and two is for period one when you get into lunches then then you get into different uh iterations of that students take all of the the core subjects language arts Math Science Social Studies physical education um word language an elective at the high school um the word language actually an elective at at the middle school the middle school also has two semester courses one for composition one for geometry and probability and then also then then the next elective things that are in the elective programs the music band Orchestra chorus some of our uh the applied Tech that that you just uh saw the presentation about each the average class period is approximately 45 minutes in the proposed schedule for the Middle School the middle school will still be using an eight period day instead they will be eliminating the composition and geometry and probability classes and instead they'll be having a period and a half of math and a period and a half of language arts every day increasing the the language arts and math time with that language arts and math teacher by 50% over the course of the year it's the same con it's the same amount of time for all of the classes but by having the same teacher teach that material they're going to be able to go into more depth by having the 65 minutes um I'm sorry 68 minutes for those classes it will allow that teacher to go into further depth into the content and not just Breeze through it in 45 minutes as as everybody I will never make a schedule based on test scores but the test scores are a result of what is currently being done so if if we remember back to the assessment presentation that we saw in the fall we can certainly do better in language arts and math and then this schedule is purposely designed to further enhance our students ability and language arts and math which are the core skills that they will need to be able to have them go further in into not only the higher level classes at the high school but also in and to do a a better job in in their other classes as well or more comprehensive job I I should say the remaining the all of the other the the remaining schedule at the middle school will stay exactly as it is this year so only the language arts and the math classes are are really changing the other classes will be 44 minutes in length the one other difference in in the middle school is it will be a separate home room um still allowing the Middle School to stay to to stay true to its teams by Through The Home Room activities the high school will be going to what was proposed last year they will be going to a a 4x4 block schedule I like to call it an Extended Learning schedule instead I just think it sounds better than a block schedule same exact thing so they'll be having four classes on one day and another four classes on on the following day and that will be alternating through throughout the school year the the reason why it says 1357 2468 it just works out better on things such as the um delayed start early release and and and those things that's the only reason why why the numbers are are set as such however that schedule may may may be subject to change based on things when things are finalized by the high school they will have a separate Home Room special home the the separate Home Room will allow for um advisory periods it will allow for special home rooms so certain clubs and activities can be able to meet to be able to set up that day they will also have a a lunch SL opportunity period it will be a one Peri one lunch for the entire School however during that lunch we will have two separate sessions for activities so the first half of the Lunch Period students will be able to sign up for an activity and then they can go have lunch the second half or they can go have lunch the first half and sign up for an activity the second half it will naturally create two separate lunch periods within one given time during that opportunity period students can get extra help they can have they can go to the fitness center they can go to the gym they can go walk on a track if it's nice out they can go eat lunch in the bleachers if it's nice out again all these possibilities in addition to some some student in I'm sorry some staff-driven interest groups that can be forming we'll also have the if they have questions and need help in math they can go get that if they need help in language arts creating a project a writing assignment they they can get assistance in that as well so it will allow that opportunity for the students to get help during the school day which is something that we also needed the longer class periods will allow the teachers to go more in depth into the content so to make sure that the students have a deeper understanding of that content these schedules as I said the first question that we ask is why are we doing this and what's the benefit to to the instruction both schedules are specifically designed to enhance the learning opportunities at their given School and we look forward to to seeing what this is going to uh bring as we move forward couple things to consider one we wanted to make sure that that both schedules even though they're different they still supported middle school students coming over to the high school and they do we want to make sure that it's still supported the opportunity to be able to have shared staff between both buildings and this does and it also supports not only the current needs but also the future needs as well as we know the the education is is changing by the minute technology is changing by the second and we have to be able to have our our the structures in place that will allow our students to be able to um grow and to allow our schedule to grow based on the needs of our students ideally I'd love the opportunity to be able to work in um job shadowing to be able to work in um outside learning to be able to work on on internships to be able to all those things and this schedule is designed specifically to be able to help us build that once we work with the legislators to be able to kind of catch up with what we feel our needs are and lastly um next steps we will be sharing out written communication um on on the details of the schedules with the with the um families and with the community we will also be creating a community presentation discussion time in both the middle school and the high school that will allow us to answer questions to be able to make sure the parents are are comfortable and and well informed about this prior to the start in September we also work with the staff to be able to continue preparing for the new schedules as well as we we're going to create an FAQ page that we're going to put on the website so people can kind of go to that as well I know I've talked about this at several qu at several of the committee meetings does any of the board members have any questions on this all right should you have any questions obviously please you know where to find me I do have one quick question for you in terms of uh success criteria like how how are we going to measure the effectiveness of this say I don't know Midway through at the end of next year um and I guess how do we potential what's a plan question around that yeah great question and the the best a couple different ways one is through our observations through our administrators going in and formally and informally observing the classrooms to be able to see the engagement levels to be able to see the um the the instructional methods that are being used nobody wants to to be lectured to for 80 minutes and that is 100% not the purpose of of going to this schedule we've already worked with the staff on strategies and how to structure their classes so it's to be able to make sure that those that those intended strategies are being carried out two I think surveys is a great way surveys the students surveys in staff to be able to see what has to be changed that while we have the best plan in place what we feel for that extended or for that opportunity period changes are going to have to be made we're we're no plan is perfect the first time so we're going to have to be flexible to be able to see what needs to be done um so I think all of those are are just a very my off the top of my head ways that we can kind of assess it to be able to see if it's meeting our needs in both buildings all right couple other things from uh just from my report to be able to finish up um on Thursday April 11th um I attended the the Burlington County principal and supervisor um Association awards dinner I I was joined by um Laura Bond um who who also attended me to represent the board in addition uh Sally Lopez Amy Stella and uh Dan Zaki were uh also in attendance um this is their annual Awards dinner where they recognize students in both 10th 11th and 12th grade from each High School in in the county this year the following students were honored from northern Burlington in 10th Grade heram sha in 11th grade Noah Taylor in 12th grade Miss Jenna Peron at the same award ceremony we had several staff members also recognized as well uh will Billy jobes was recognized as a shining star uh Dr Amy Stella was recognized as a BC PA Visionary assistant assistant superintendent and I happen to be recognized as the bcpa uh Visionary superintendent so thank you very much for to them for for their their recognition of our our students and also our staff as well on Saturday April 13th I attended the 2024 Northern Burlington Hall of Fame induction ceremony I was joined once again by Laura Bond and also Tina Janice and Jerry Spence um also attended that uh and Dr Amy Stella was also in attendance this was a great event where we had the opportunity to celebrate some of the very very accomplished Northern Burlington graduates they were it's not only impressive what their athletic accomplishments were o over the while they spent time here in Northern but also their professional accomplishments now as well congratulations to all the inductees and their families on this momentous occasion and I also want to spend a few minutes just providing the the board in addition to the the written course respondence that I that I provided you just with an update on on the parking lot um uh comments that were made during the march Board of Education meeting as I begin this update I first want to remind the board that the district provides an opportunity for all students to receive busing to and from school through our District transportation Northern Burlington does permit High School seniors to apply for parking permits so they can drive to school during their senior year the district has 296 parking spaces that are designated for student parking 272 parking spaces in the west lot that's adjacent to the high school and another 24 that are over in the middle school we currently have as of the time when I wrote this report I believe it's actually higher now we currently have 280 of the 296 spaces assigned to students the district currently has 371 seniors enrolled in the high school at this time we do not have enough student parking spaces for all seniors to receive their parking passes should more than 296 students request parking parking passes we would have to allow some of them to park in the main lot which is in front of the high school where the staff Park on a daily basis on average we have around a 100 parking spaces open in that main lot these spots are used for visitors for uh special event parking that that's hosted high school for example if we have when we have election day we have to open up spots from the from the senior lot so then the seniors do park in that main lot while that does not happen on a daily basis it certainly happens happens periodically throughout the school year if we had all of the seniors in the class of 2024 371 of them request parking permits we would have 79 of the 100 open spots in the main lot used this would leave 21 open spots to visitors for parking and special programs while it is not likely that we have all of the seniors request parking spaces we do have we do have to plan as if that this is going to happen as a result we will continue to permit only seniors to park on campus that concludes my report right uh thank you Dr thank you Dr Zuckerman um any questions for any of the board members right uh Mr Cass if you please give your business administrator report certainly thank you um my report uh speaks of most of the business items uh on the agenda uh first up is the Food Service management uh proposals uh by law every five years you have to solicit our request for proposals from Food Service management companies I'm pleased to inform the board that neutr serve who's been here for um over 23 years uh submitted a successful uh bid where their management fee is Frozen um from last year and they guaranteed uh the Food Service program a net profit of $27,000 so uh they were the only one uh that submitted a bid uh but considering that the food uh service management fee uh remained stable and the guaranteed was increased um I feel confident um with r making that recommendation to the full board uh also you know our program uh offers a wide variety of uh lunch programs um you know salad uh bar uh Deli made the order the Burrito Bar uh and is operating at a surplus so um where else can student get a delicious meal for the low price of three and a quarter so uh I'm proud of that and and again um pleased to make that recommend ation uh other parts my board report uh mentions uh items up for approval uh the spending plan is is a plan where we take unencumbered funds uh that have yet to be spent this year and allocate them towards uh Furniture equipment uniforms and and capital projects that uh we weren't able to fit in last year's budget or or the current Year's budget so uh on the agenda you'll see uh uh the purchase and installation of LED lighting in the Middle School uh this will uh conclude virtually all the lighting in the Middle School uh we did it in phases I think we this would be like phase five um the only remaining uh facilities in the middle school that uh need LED lights would be the cafetorium um and the media center so we'll work on that too uh also as part of the referendum you know a lot of the new uh hallways and classrooms all have LED lighting um so uh you'll find a resolution uh on the AG today tonight's agenda uh to provide LED lighting in the hallways and the classrooms of the 400 Corridor um so that we can update those lightings uh other purchases uh John Deere zeros are turn L lawnmower um as a replacement of one that's over 10 years old uh purchase of a ridein floor scrubber again aged out and the purchase of a John Deere tractor um so uh again those are uh some of the items that you'll be uh looking to approve tonight um and then as part of next year's budget uh for uh increasing the middle school security systems uh we present to you uh the approval uh for Professional Services uh to do uh window film security film over at the Middle School uh that was afforded here at the high school suit through a county Grant about four years ago so uh again the part of next year's budget uh we're looking at uh doing similar upgrades to the middle school and uh this happens to fall on uh this month's agenda for the approval um outside of that uh you know the uh the May 6 work session meeting uh we will present uh the budget it's been approved by the state and now uh we will do a public budget hearing on the May at the May 6th work session meeting and then you'll have the opportunity to to uh approve that budget and we can create uh the 2425 fiscal year um I updated the employment status of the district mechanics uh all three are vacant uh all three mechanic positions are currently vacant um to to help us through uh these times uh We've contracted with Northeast Fleet Services right down the road here on 68 uh Fleet Maintenance services and uh we're looking at uh eded Fleet Maintenance in hesport uh so they've been coming out they do remote services and they've been helping us get through uh our state inspections of our vehicles um also on the board agenda is our annual uh school bus school bus replacement um we have two school buses 54 passenger school buses retiring after 15 years of service and so uh last month we we approved approved the uh lease Finance purchasing of these and this month we're approving uh the purchase uh through a state Cooperative uh Mr mcke provides further details on um Capital Improvements and uh the um more details on on the spending plan purchases related to uh building some grounds we have a policy committee uh meeting coming up on on May 2nd the policy agenda is available uh through a hyperlink in my board report as far as programs go uh it's that time of year for the board of had to do a self- evaluation as well as the uh Chief um what's his official name sup well it's a superintendent evaluation Chief School administrator that's what I wanted to say uh so I have uh hyperlinks uh to those evalu ations um I I have a hyperlink that gives you uh uh all the items uh so you can prepare yourself uh when you log into the uh school board's website everything is done online uh last but not uh certainly least um as we prepare for graduation um all uh board members are uh invited to attend and participate so uh for those board members that have participated in the past uh we know uh what gown um is to order uh for you uh we address formally so if any new board members wish to attend I ask that you email me um information uh College University name uh location degree school colors uh as well as um your height so that uh we can order uh all the appropriate uh gown and Garb for uh our graduation on June 14th 2024 any questions um how does the uh no mechanics affect our agreement with mansvi PD it just kind of get it get put on hold for the time being is there a I I hope so I did I did speak to the chief uh when when I knew um our our last mechanic was moving on to the state police job uh that he got and so I told him that we would you know we would have to temporarily cease working and uh he informed me that they had a couple uh garages that they've worked with that they were going to use so yeah we're no longer uh right now during this transition um maintaining the Mansfield police cars and so that concludes my report thank you I had a couple of questions and related to the um to the mechanics so we have a shared services agreement with Mansfield Police Department yes is that okay is that something U is it agreement that I could take a look at certainly okay great it's probably on the agenda somewhere okay some agenda okay I wasn't aware that we had that agreement um also in your report and your report was great um there was um in there regarding the our uh Food Service it was listed as uh 3164 cents per % per meal per so is it 31 cents per meal is the management fee yeah if you want to round it to yes okay yeah I just wasn't sure because it was it's had a dollar and then percent I wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a percentage or if it was a a dollar figure yeah got 31 64% as so is it 31 cents or is it 31 like you know what I mean is it 31% that's a very good question question I and you get back to me on that I don't need an answer now but it was um it was curiosity and then um it's it's 3164 uh cents per student meal meal okay okay it it says it in the resolution so I apologize for any um and then the um so the budget hearing on May 6th I know we have um certain dates that we can have that budget hearing do we have an opportunity to have that during the regular meeting meeting which is a week later it just to me to take it's outside the date yeah I mean typically we have the public budget heod in April right but April today is two days earlier than the deadline the window yeah so and the deadline ends I think May 8th or something so okay all right so that's our only opportunity they have it on the 16th be okay yeah I just I I know someone's going to ask why are we doing it during a work session where we normally don't take action or we traditionally don't necessarily take action so that's why I had asked that um that's it thank you sessions are public meetings they are but but we tend to kind of there I think there's a a perspective of the public generally that a work session isn't necessarily where we take action right we prepare not that we can't not that we can't last couple years we've we've done we've done the public budget heing at the work work session only because of uh the window that the state provides us all right thank you uh thank you Mr Cass I just want to reiterate uh please take the time to do that superintendent evaluation um we are required to have that done so um I know last year I had to make a lot of phone calls and text messages to get people to finish it so please take the time to do that as soon as you have availability right uh at this time I call Dr Lopez for the high school principal report as Dr Lopez is coming up um all of the the links that are in the superintendent evaluation do lead back to to Google Documents everybody should have access if by chance you don't get access to something please just let me know and then I'll obviously make that adjustment everything should be set properly though good evening um it's been a while since my last board report several months actually and so I kind of if you take a look at the report there's a lot in there because it encompasses February March and April um and some upcoming dates February I'll just give you a few highlights we celebrated Black History Month FFA week and our afjrotc program was inspected as you know um by the Air Force Regional director and we received exceeded standards which frankly I think we expected um we started the month of March with our annual blue and gry night which was a blast and yet again the gray team won three years in a row um um I had nothing to do with that but three years in a row um at the end of March members of the afjrotc and Northern guests enjoyed themselves we went to the German American Club for the military ball um and that was a lot of fun uh it's it's a fun event and that there's honoring some historical military Traditions no place for hate also sponsored in March our annual Multicultural Day event that's we have that host that on a half day day right before the Spring Break um so that was a lot of fun and April that we are in now is the month of the military child Miss Pagano and Miss crit are military liaison they planned a lot of activities some scavenger hunts um so that's been a lot of fun I have been working on the master schedule I've met with Dr Stella the directors of instruction and Miss Fitzgerald and we've been working together so the goal is to get that done sooner rather than later to be able to work out any Kinks that we may have um we are I'm also working with members of the climate committee teachers the assistant principles for the opportunity period um for different activities that'll take place then on April 11th the guidance Department hosted a college fair we had 46 colleges three Tech schools and military branches that were in attendance with about 250 guests so that was a very good turnout um so we were very pleased with that uh Greyhound was last week and that affords staff members the ability to nominate a student not necessarily um based on their academic success but someone that the teacher really has a connection with um and it it's a great it's a great night the students receive medals that they can then wear when they graduate um and they just get recognition for being who they are so it's it's a great night um this week we had have on the 24th um which I'll talk about that later when Dr Kars and I do the other report but in the evening um Matt Bellis PhD will be coming to present to parents here uh at 6:30 p.m on the topic of supporting teens in reducing their stress so that's on the 24th he's a clinical psychologist author and standup comedian um he will also be presenting to some of our students that day and as Miss cardus mentioned we have our life for Life event um and it's 6:00 p.m. on Saturday the 18th to 6:00 a.m. on Sunday the 19th and it would be great to have many of you come out um Greyhounds for a cure is sort of like a catchall team members of Northern um you can sign up for that team donate walk um we're hoping that the event will be outside this year but again it would be great for for you folks to participate so that's all have until we do our next presentation any questions okay thanks see you in a bit if any board members interested in signing up for Relay For Life and you don't have the link please just contact me and or Dr Lopez and we're happy to share it with you uh thank you Dr Lopez uh item 3.04 is the content agenda item for the approval of the superintendent reports um for committee reports um in Dr Zuckerman uh student prend report he had the minutes for the March buildings grounds Finance Transportation um as as many of those things have been discussed um by Mr Cass including the budget and some of the um uh projects that have been awarded um I was wondering if anyone had any specific questions regarding the buildings grounds finan Transportation committee agenda no uh we also had community relations um meeting in March those minutes are up there as well um I did have one question question um I was curious if the of the surveys that were done the survey regarding the cheating was that um proposed by the the class that is using that or did it come from somewhere else and that class is just asking to to see the results so the class is actually working to create it we have not implemented the the cheating survey yet we're we're first um implementing The Vaping survey I want to see them kind of get those results work with them and then what did they learn from it what do so we use it as a learning opportunity if they want to change wording if they want to kind of so while yes we are looking to gather that feedback ultimately it is going to be used um for their class research project I am partnering with them or we are partnering with them on the vaping survey just because as as we we've talked about as a board before we can also benefit from that from that information they were first looking to only survey the seniors I I asked them on vaping survey to survey all the students in the entire School uh does any of another board member have any questions regarding the community relations uh minutes no um at this time I'd like to ask if any board member has any old business um regarding the superintendent the business administrator or any of the Committees that have met that you'd like to to follow up on or question on all right uh does any board member have any new business they'd like to refer to a to a committee um to possibly review this time all right uh thank you uh for delegate reports Mr bucks Mr Armanti do you have any updates on either of your not presently anything Mr bucks no there there is a delegate assembly that's coming up I don't have the date committed to memory yet okay and we have not received our package yet either yep okay thank you um the general assembly uh recently U met on April 15th um passed some resolutions um that are now going to the Senate um many of them don't affect us directly uh several of them deal with the schools that have received uh heavy budget cuts due to the realignment of the state aid um I was telling Dr zman and Mr Cass that those districts are allowed to tax levy a 9.9% cap um which would be just unimaginable um there is a couple regarding funding um they did pass through the house the uh one of their methods for addressing the bus driver shortage um um uh which is to allow the type S School Bus certificate um which would be the smaller smaller vehicles to allow more people to have the proper licenses um but I said at this time all of those are through the house they still have to go through the Jersey senate but that did happen on April 15th from a legislative update all right um at this time I believe we have the ssds presentation so again Dr Kars and I come before you in April and in October um this is the first half of this year all right so just a couple things here about about school CL in in the Middle School you our goal every day is to promote a welcoming School climate for our students and and a big part of that is of course education and and prevention we want to you know avoid the problems if we can um so we have material as part of our formal curriculum for example digital citizenship you know Tik Tock is in the news right now I think Congress is actually considering a build a bandit you just because of some of the stuff that goes on online um one of the the pieces that we have in our um computer class that our seventh graders uh take is is pieces about digital citizenship about what you're posting up there and you know giving that some thought and hopefully that that again avoids some of the issues that go with that decision-making healthy relationships is part of our our um health class curriculum you know again important information and again we're actively teaching as opposed to just assuming the kids will figure it out for themselves we have special programs in place pbsis um that we've had I guess we're going into our our second year with that that program in partnership with rers University uh looks to work with the students and then the faculty to identify the positive behaviors we want reinforce heck out of them and and again explicitly teach them to the students and then work with them to again make good choices no place for hate which we've been doing for for several years now and we also have a stop it app that is a um online um Anonymous way for students to report incidents to uh the administration in in the middle school and the high school has it as well and sometimes there really minor stuff you know such and such took my seat on the bus you we can just work on that but sometimes they're they're more significant things and it's just it they can relay them to us anonymously um sometimes we ultimately find out who the student is by the back and forth and then they they want to come forward but it also allows them to bring concerns they have to us without the concern of concerns they have without um revealing their identity and and you know the the I guess anxiety they have that that might cause them um and then we also we want to recognize when students do the right thing I'd say 100% of our students do the right thing 99% of the time we have our mb3 tickets we we recognize students for being ready being respectful being respons ible events every week for that smart cookie Awards we come in and acknowledge students in classes again for for positive behavior and students of the month that we come to you several times during the year to recognize outstanding students with that turn it over to Dr Lopez so these are just some new updates um you can see Dr um zachman and I met with the student leaders uh a couple times to discuss student concerns and ideas related to smart pass which is our um electronic pass system uh bathroom situation um prom and Senior activities was was mostly the the older students um in addition th that same group of students the student leaders were also able to meet with members of Andy Kim's staff um there was like a a zoom meeting because they wanted to learn about what kinds of things our students are experiencing today um so that you know we've really leaned on them a lot this year it's been very helpful um some of our upcoming programs that we're going to be having the same gentleman who's going to be speaking to the parents on the 24th will also be speaking to the students and the topic it you know it's to get their attention right how to get high naturally so it's you know how to um deal with things in an appropriate manner so he's speaking with the 11th and 10th graders on the 24th um the seniors we will be on the senior trip I am leaving Wednesday morning at 3:00 a.m. and we will be back at midnight on Saturday um after the fire the survivors of the seatan hall fire from years ago they come every year and address our senior class and we are very fortunate because the local fire department pays for this um they pay for this presentation so they will be coming and speaking to the seniors and then this year we tried and then it got canceled because of covid the arrival live tour it's a driving simulator they're going to come and um the seniors are going to go to this attend this during their their PE classes um right before prom so um we you know are hoping to be able to expand that in the future to the Juniors as well but they will be on campus and and again those are some new things these are things that we are continuing to do we have student recognition with Renaissance Smart Cookie obviously students of the month we'll be here next month with our students teacher recognition we have Golden Apple um so that's during a faculty meeting one teacher nominates a colleague for just being a great teacher a great person um at Northern Burlington they can't nominate somebody in their own Department um we have GSA we did our Day of Silence last week I guess guess it was um no place for hate thus far has we've done Hispanic Heritage Month uh Black History Month women's History Month Multicultural day and they're doing the pledge the end of this month beginning of next month um and then we've had I've had climate committee meetings with our staff um where they share different different things and how they're feeling about um you want to do this one all right the the report that we're going to give to you is is for the months of September through December there's several broad areas violence uh you know fights that sort of thing harassment intimidation and bullying HIV reports which are part of your your monthly um reports that you receive from us U vandalism weapons and substance abuse these are the the numbers that we have um we put several years worth of of data up there so you can sort of see it it fluctuates it comes and goes um but again the viol in the top and the the one on the far right is mid year that's where we are right now and the column just to the left of that is the the full year from the 2223 so you can sort of see where we're at you know some of them we might end up in that same number area others we you know we're significantly further behind that we were last year which is a good thing this is a good area to be behind it so this is the summary of um when it's broken down in by by school with the violence vandalism the weapons and the substance abuse so it's it's broken down there where you can see and again this is up through December so I I'm not going to read it to you but um that's what we have thus far and then here we have the summary of our confirmed HIV statistics so midy year in the high school we had one Middle School three um and this is confirmed as of the end of December this just breaks out the the um Hib reports um when we received the report and then whether or not it was confirmed so the high school eight investigated one was confirmed in the middle school three were investigated three were confirmed and you may see a like okay how come there's eight investigated but only one was confirmed often times it may just be a peer conflict but we receive the Hib claim so we we actually you know it's investigated um with Fidelity and and we work with those students they work with their counselors sometimes they work with each other um to be able to make things better any qu any questions I have a question first of all I just want to say thank you so much for providing some historical looks at the data going back to 2012 2013 um and I I just want to give a shout out for for the special programs my son jack still remembers the after the fire assembly and it really speaks to the power of you know assemblies and awareness um and the memories that live with students beyond their High School experience um I had a question about um that program so it's only for 11th and 10th graders and not for the 12th and the nth graders can you share your thinking about you the one with Matt Bellis coming yeah okay the 12th graders the majority are many of them are on senior trip um so we decided that that would be a good time in working with this gentleman's schedule trying to do it um hopefully we can have him back and then you know we'll be able to he'll be able to do something different and definitely include the ninth graders the F it's just timing and how it worked out we could only hit two grade levels gotcha and it's a free program for the parents absolutely thank you yeah any other questions I have a question um you'd mentioned doing climate climate uh control or climate discussion climate meetings any observations or anything that stood out in those conversations with the staff yeah it's um they share their ideas and thoughts about the scheduling next year about smart passs about bathrooms about working with the kids and we make adjustments um similar to how when we met with the students they were you know we had given them six minutes to you you know to get back and forth to the bathroom and then the students indicated that's not that's not working for us it went to eight then it went back to six the eight was a fluke so anyhow long story short we went to eight you know so we're trying to just listen to feedback from everyone and then just make those subtle adjustments um teachers will have idea if they're on bathroom Duty you know okay maybe we need to do the passes this way um and that's what we do you know we we work with it and then we try it um the teachers had a suggestion that the kids at lunch need to make a a pass to use the bathroom for lunch and we we thought okay we tried it feedback from the kids this is horrific it's not working and they told us why so we got R we changed it you know and then the teachers understood from the student standpoint why it wasn't working it's really just about everybody talking and making little adjustments where we can and making things better really now there's not any like Earth shattering type of thing got it thank you sure thank you very much thank you thank you uh Mr Lee do we have any public comment for agenda items ladies and gentlemen the meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only please note that that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to be a discuss discussion accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and questions this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process and research issues if need be we will however respond to your questions and concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students Personnel or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and it is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board and Community can deal with controversial issues in a civil Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's views in that spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather than to the audience and all speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period to 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment signin sheets will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so uh Judy deaker Judy deer Springfield Township um my question is uh regarding the procedure um for the hiring of um in this case a new principal um I'm curious it it was said um I think by um miss spond about the um who was involved with in the hiring process and it was said to be there were students involved there was parents teachers um and I'm I'm curious how how do you get to be a parent that is involved in this I mean I try to stay well informed I've been coming to Board of Ed meetings Faithfully since 2020 um and I knew nothing about it and so then I hear about it and I you know I just where where is the information on this so I I don't understand understand that um and as far as the candidates and the decisions that were made and I mean no disrespect to anyone in this room I um I don't know I didn't know any of the candidates I know you started with a bunch and ended up with two um and neither one I knew um and my understanding is that the superintendent would basically make the decision and then the board would agree or disagree I don't know if that's right but that's my understanding um so my point is that Northern has had a lot of change in the past few years um we have a new superintendent um after having a superintendent for you know 30 plus years um so our superintendent was new um we just lost a vice principal that we just replaced with someone new um and I just I'm trying to figure out the the way that this all came to be because um with all this change I think we need stability in the school and the kids need stability and the community needs stability and Northern is a special kind of school because it's an a school we service the military um there's there's a lot that goes into it and from my understanding it's the board's job to make sure that our students and our you know are getting the absolute best candidate to fit the needs of this particular school and while I'm sure Dr mccan was very qualified and I mean no disrespect by saying any of this but I need to voice my opinion on it I wonder if did anybody think about what was in the best interest of the school in this moment at this point in time and for our students with all the upheaval that we've had in the past couple years um you know and I I know you know do mccan has a lot of credentials you know her background is in urban education and you know the principal of a a charter school in Camden I understand that but you know we also had someone here who knows and loves these kids and would have been a great fit and a smooth transition um so I'm you know I just don't understand and i' I'd like to know how to get on these committees um and my other comment was B buatti and bua legal services for immigration issues for employment I'm just wondering who who does that refer to as far as like working in the district um I was confused on that and then the last thing was the toar electric um when I read through the agenda when you look at the front page of it it says like for it was middle school and then high school and it said that you know I guess for maybe the Middle School it wasn't to exceed say $113,000 and then there was a um a rebate of what I don't know the exact amount say 20 some on Thousand so I'm thinking oh okay so it's $80,000 but then when I click on the link then I realized the actual numbers the number was almost 100 it was $130 something, and then the rebate so it ended up being 113,000 I just think it's a little bit misleading the way it was put for both the middle school and the high school and that maybe if we could put those numbers the actual numbers in without having to to hit the link because sometimes there's not even you know we don't get the the exhibits or the links so it would be nice when we look at the page to know that those are the numbers without having you know to look on it and and see that those numbers are actually different thank you thank you Mrs Deer uh Christina drum Christina drums Springfield Township I'm also a board of member of the Springfield Township Elementary School these opinions are opinions of my own and not of my board I have been a parent here at the northern Burlington High School with three children two who have already previously graduated and currently have a junior in our school um I'm pretty much going to mimic what Judy had just said um I'm a bit I guess taken back by the approval um of Dr Caitlyn McAn for the principal of the high school it just comes as a disappointment and both a surprise I mean no disrespect um but you've definitely painted a you know like a good credential picture of her uh with her experience however I have reservations on the level experience needed for our high school um Elementary uh School experience is quite different than our large High School District and I feel that the stability and continuity of our district I would have expected the principal hired to have been in more internal or somebody you know from experience of our magnitude with the high school um and similarly you know we just Dr Zuckerman our new um superintendent and then just going through new hire of a um vice principal so um definitely some big shoes to fill and additionally back at the uh March 18th meeting it was mentioned that staff students and parents were to be a part of this process how did that where did that happen um my husband and I have been coming to these meetings I I myself have been coming to these meetings you know since 2020 every one but maybe like a handful um and I never it it just never happened I would have thought that if anything um you know it would have been nice considering you know I come here to Advocate not only for you know my own kids as I have done in the past forther education but for the other students within the district I I don't come to these meetings just for my own children I come for all the students of the district so um it just it just comes as a disappointment and I you know would have expected more um from the board that's all thank you thank you uh that closes the public comment section um there was one item that that was previously discussed on on one of the committee reports which was for the immigration attorneys as the the district is trying to do everything they can to be able to hire qualified World language teachers um so that was something that was discussed um at the previous meetings and also reported out in previous minutes um as we talked about at tonight's um Personnel committee meeting we it is really the the next steps in moving forward with that process thank you Dr zuckman um consent agenda uh items on the consent agenda are believed to be items of routine nature requiring no discussion in which are to be voted upon a single roll call vote to the board any single member of the board May ha may have any of the items on the consent agenda removed and placed on the other part of the agenda agenda for discussion merely by so indicating prior to the vote to be taken on the consent agenda items removed from the consent agenda are identified by an asterisk and will be subject to discussion by the full board all right uh section six is reports to the board uh 6.02 is approval of the minutes for the March 18th work section work session uh 6.03 is approval of the minutes for the March 18th executive session 6.04 is approval of the minutes for the March 25th regular meeting 6.05 approval of the financial report February 24 6.06 is approval of the treasures report for February 24 6.07 is approval of the budget transfers for the month of February 2024 6.08 is a resolution of the board regarding the budgetary major account fund status 6.09 is approval of the cafeteria report for February 2024 um do I have any questions on Section six uh section 7 is approval of bills 7.01 is approval of the bill list for April 22nd 2024 any questions for Section 7 all right uh Section 8 is business and financial uh 8.02 is approval of ESU non-public Services 8.03 approval of board and staff travel 8.04 is approval of food service management contract 8.05 through 8.08 are approval of Professional Services uh for for Legal Services the LED lighting uh the LED lighting middle school and then the high school and the window films uh 8.09 is approval of the contract award for the John Deere zero turn mower 8.10 is approval of the contract award for the IC Autos scrubber uh 8.11 is approval of the contract award for the John Deere tractor 8.12 is approval of the purchase of school buses 8.13 is approval of donation from the riveron Country Club 8.14 is acceptance of donation for wrestling uh 8.15 is approval of the high school media center book order 8.16 is approval of the middle school media center book order uh any questions for Section 8 yeah 8.06 and seven were the ones I was talking about with the lights it they really I think I did my math right it's a it's a little it's a little confusing because the real cost is higher than what we put on there right real cost for 8.06 is but it does the only reason it doesn't is because we take into consideration the rebates right guys your bikes and here down this end what's that that thank you couldn't hear you yeah sorry no I was just like I don't know I some things just jump out at me and this one was it was just because it was so so high priced but when I read it it was very misleading because I'm like wait it's not really 113 it's 113 plus the rebate amount but then when you reduce the rebate amount it brings it down so it just got confusing and I agree with the public that shared that it was confusing so maybe in the future we put what the total price is and then the rebate so we know we're really spending more money but it's only because of a rebate that it brings it down kind of a technicality but the same thing with 8.07 um because it leads into the bigger com commentary around like the cost of that and what we can be proactively thinking about for the future when we look at total cost for things like that that's all toly noted cool thanks I had a few questions Mr figs on on 805 um Can somebody kind of walk me through how that is going to work or what our our thinking is here this is around the the Professional Services contract for H1B Visa support so we we're currently obviously word language teachers are are very hard to come by and again just providing a little background uh for for that so in trying to think outside the box we have been um we have interviewed uh a number of candidates who are kind of close but don't currently have the certification one happens to be working in the city of Philadelphia however a Visa is expiring and they are not renewing uh going to they're not willing to take the next steps to be able to continue with that Visa so we inquired about it it is a I'm ballparking this I may be off a couple hundred dollars it's approximately a $2,000 cost to be able to work with an immigration attorney to be able to sponsor this person to be able to get the cert the the qualifications needed to be able to teach um the word language in the state of New Jersey so it it does not mean that we are definitely going with this candidate it doesn't mean that we're definitely using Services it gives us the ability to if we're not able to if under every other rock that we turn over we're not able to find a qualified candidate okay so I guess so that I understand in my head so we talked about Visa support but then we also talked about certifications and those are two separate things right but without the Visa then she won't be able to to to work in state of New Jersey or in the United States so she needs the Visa first in order to get a New Jersey certification so she would still she or he would still require that certification but we would have to sponsor them around that Visa I'm giving the thumbs up that yes you have it correct okay oh just for the mic it said that she she has a certification but she can't work in this in the state without the Visa okay and would there be any sort of contractual obligations around that sort of sponsorship well as similar to our tuition reimbursement should the district sponsor I I would want to enter in an agreement where requiring her to work x amount of years and and so on assuming that it's favorable observations and and and so on and so forth and then this Council that we're proposing for this um individual service is that something that they specialize in and went that route because our existing Council doesn't do that or re recommended by other colleagues I mean that they that they've done this quite successfully for many times cation is definitely a specialty and we do not do okay all right thank you yes and then on um 806 and 807 um you know we we had discussed this in committee but I think tonight during the executive session um my thinking kind of changed on a a little bit based on on what we discussed there um I don't want to get into too much detail because of the fact that we were in EXA uh around that those kind of contractual items but is there is there an opportunity here or is there a good reason for us to consider rather than doing um 806 and 807 now because these are unexpended funds correct Mr Cass for this year um based on the strategy around the contract is this and opportunity for us to maybe postpone that work put it in the capital reserve account for with the idea that the strategy around the contract may actually fulfill what we were actually trying to do and save us significantly there it is certainly hear your line of thinking we currently do not have anybody in the pipeline to be able to to fulfill that that contractual connection okay um it is it is for future possibilities that that we had that that that the language is proposed okay is there immediate need to do that work or is that something that we could postpone and and I heard had a sidebar and I the middle school has been postponed I mean I think once we got into the referendum we we stopped uh doing the phases in the Middle School okay so you know now that the referendum work stopped uh will mcke our facilities director is recommending that we continue um finishing off the middle school and then obviously with the referendum and um all the areas that were worked on being converted uh he recommended that the 400 hallway would be a nice area to focus on um we have light harvesting that was installed back in 2003 and and that system is Antiquated and and not working so so we it classrooms really do need attention Okay in the 400 Corridor okay thank you thank you Mr bucks uh do I have any other questions for Section 8 all right uh section nine is students 9.02 is approval of the additional extraordinary services for the out of District placement 9.03 is approval of out of District placement 9.04 is approval of senior late arrival early release for 2425 school year 9.05 is approval of home instruction Services any questions for Section n right section 10 is Personnel appointments 10.02 is approval of administrator appointment for 2425 10.03 is approval of teacher appointments for 2425 10.04 is approval of the child study team appointments for 24-25 10.05 is approval of the secretary appointments for 425 10.06 is approval of driver appointments for 2425 10.07 is approval of certificated appointment 10.08 is approval of additional class coverage 10.09 is approval of additional work assignments 10.10 is approval of adjustment to additional work assignments 10.11 is approval of Middle School extracurricular advisor do I have any questions on Section 10 we have uh a quick question yes on um on 107 can we just um talk about that process briefly and I and I say that I know it's not within the birds the board's purview to get involved with uh with that hiring but I imagine there would be some sort of rubric that was established and some sort of an approach and that sort of thing can we kind of talk to that that that process was explained in detail in the in with the Personnel committee earlier today it was also explained in detail in in my written Communications right um that that we went into I I have my detailed notes I have the the um I have the notes from every participant I have their uh qualitative and quantitative um feedback from from each of those processes as well okay I I asked that just again for the benefit of the public right when there's there's commentary that you know I guess some some fixtures weren't aware that maybe we need to take a look at at how how we do this or maybe be maybe change I W to say change approach but at least consider approach um in in doing that so thank you right uh we have no items for Section 11 uh section 12 is ladies of absence 12.02 is the approval of leave leaves of absence any questions for section 12 section 13 is separation of employment uh 13.02 through 13.06 are approval of resignations any questions for Section 13 uh section 14 is Personnel miscellaneous 14.02 is the ratification of the negotiated agreement with the custodians Association 14.03 is the ratification of the negotiated agreement with the Teachers Association 14.04 is approval of the change to substitute pay rate for 2324 uh do I have any questions on section 14 section 15 is programs 15.02% instruction and continuity of service plan 15.03 approval of anchored for Life student Club 15.04 is approval of affiliation agreement with Rowan University and 15.05 is approval of revised 2324 school calendar um so I know from Dr zman's report that the 15.02% people always ask why that's still being done um I know it's very important to note that as long as receiving State funding that are the SR funds um we are required to keep continually doing this this safe return plan um it hasn't changed if you want to elaborate Dr Zuckerman absolutely um if anything we've reduced that um the CDC guidance has recently come out to say that the um Corona virus should just be considered as any other respiratory um illness and honestly if you have symptoms then then to stay home and that's very much in in a very quick nutshell um that's essentially what what our our plan um says that if if you would like to wear a mask upon your return you are welcome to it is re it it is not mandatory yeah I just thought it was important to note that that is continually done because it's required as long as the the funding is still coming in um does anyone have any other questions for section 15 just to follow up to that 1502 so then how much exra funds do we have at this point I I can get you the exact it it has to be spent by September 1st of of this coming year so it's really the remaining funds but we're still expending the the remaining it is 100% I believe I know it's under $100,000 I think it's probably under $50,000 if I'm if I'm just thinking off the top of my head I can get you those exact figures though okay thank you thank you do I have any other questions for section 15 all right uh we have no items for section 16 policy tonight uh section 17 Transportation uh 17.02 is certification of the bus evacuation drill for the high school 17.03.2012 18 is use of facilities uh 18.02 is approval of the use of facilities for the northern Burlington band boosters and 18.03 is approval of the use facilities for the North Hanover ues P PTL any questions for Section 18 all right um can I get a motion for the consent agenda motion and a second second right Mr Cass if you Mr figs if we wanted to separate you need a motion for that what was that if you need to separate several items you need a motion for that uh no you mean for the ones that were asked questions regarding 86 yeah 806 807 um and 107 consent for just is that what you're or yeah or do I don't need to discuss I guess the question is or can I separate those on the vote I guess I'm them out for like he said non-consent and they'll be voted on individually one all right can we pull those yeah so they'll be those three will be V not and uh 10:7 all right uh consent to agenda uh I will call Ro y nay or abstain as revised Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr Arman ente yay Mr bucks yay Mrs gamble Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yes all right thank you board nope not yet Cher all right um we have three more votes to go so uh can I get a motion for 8.06 you want separate well yes so we do we'll do each one individually we'll do the motion the second then open for discussion I'll move 806 all right can I get a second for 806 second all right uh now any discussions anyone wants to have on 8.06 before we do the roll call vote it doesn't require a roll call vote okay I just want to clarify that the LED lighting is cost efficient and it's going to save us you know on our energy bills yes that's part of the reasoning but also to improve Lighting in the building yes it it increases the uh illuminance as well as uh significant cost reduction and again you're talking about lights that are on a good long period of during the day and and sometimes night with the custodial cleanup absolutely yeah do you have a payback estimate on that in years I do not okay is that the last meaning once we do that we're we're good throughout the school or is there still further uh updates that we need to do in the Middle School you still have the cafetorium and the media center that's right sorry about that and then there are other sections uh of the school um so and I can get that list from from will for next meeting we could put it in our board report thanks but we're getting there out of curiosity Mrs cardinus um would you would you have any opinion would you I don't know if you've had any classes that would have been in the old lighting just out of curiosity you may not have you may not have any just you're in the school yeah for like the the new LED lights versus maybe the old lights in the rooms and if it's if you've had any classes in those old rooms okay all right just thought I'd check your here obviously every day as well so um all right uh Mr Buck would you prefer a roll Co vote are you okay with the full board vote roll call be fine by me okay okay 806 uh yay nay or abstain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr amete yay Mr bucks nay Mrs Campbell Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yay all right thank you very much all right uh can I get a motion for 8.07 motion second all right uh any discussion anyone like to have for [Music] 8.07 just a repeat of what we said earlier right the the idea here is that you know based on the strategy that we had around the contract um and and what we are trying accomplish with the contract this seems to kind of fly opposite of of what that goal was so that's why I'm looking to push these off thank you okay roll call vote for 807 Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr amete yay Mr bucks no Mrs gamble Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr yes motion passes thank you board thank you uh can I have a motion for 10.07 the approval of certificated appointment motion second all right um open the floor for discussion on 10.07 so we heard public comment right that we we have some some members of the public that have been here quite often um that were were not even aware of of what was going on nor the ability to potentially participate in that process um I think I as a board member and again knowing that it's not within the board's per perview to to be part of that process um I think there could have at least been a conversation about maybe what board members are hearing from their constituents um I don't think that we I don't think that process happened um I think it's an opportunity for us to improve going forward um especially is you know as kind of the public comment was made that you know this is a a significant hire and and again this doesn't this doesn't reflect on on the hire this reflects on on the process and making sure that we bring our stakeholders to the table so um I I'd like to see that we actually we improve this uh going forward I want to just um build on something you had said I I did Express um some concerns that uh not concern but interest that my community uh brought forward to me and I did relay that to Dr Zuckerman so I felt like you know that due diligence uh did occur um I don't know that occurred across the board or not but um he was very open and receptive to hearing um you know the interest of Chesterfield residance and that and if I if I can't as as I put no most every one of my my updates if anybody has any questions if anybody would like to discuss any of this further i i w welcome people to to call me and in each of the updates that that I provided about the um the the the process and where we were in the principal interviews I I provided that that same um opportunity and I certainly welcome uh any board member to contact me about that um I do not disagree that that I could have been more overt in sharing information with with the with the families um however that I I still firmly believe that our process was was extremely thorough and I and I think we have the the best candidate for for Northern Burlington High School and again not questioning your decision in in that way understood it just I think we could we could help we could build Bridges here right and especially I wasn't here last month for the um for the community relations committee meeting um you know this would have certainly been something that that could have been brought up there as well but again I I think we're we're in a position that we could build Bridges to the community and have their involvement and I'd like to see that do that especially when we have members of the public that are out pretty frequently and consistently understood okay a roll call vote for 107 yay nay obain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr Arman mtag yay Mr bucks no Mrs gamble Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yay all right thank you board motion passes thank you um Mr Lee public comment for that you ladies and gentlemen this meeting will now be open to the public for comments please note that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to a discussion accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and questions this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process process and research issues if need be we will however respond to your questions and concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students Personnel or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board and Community can deal with controversial issues in a civil Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's use in that Spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather rather than the audience and all speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period to 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment sign-in sheet will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so uh Judy deaker Judy deer Springfield Township um today at 1:55 p.m I got a last text message from the school saying the high school has completed an evacuation drill um which I appreciate hearing about these things but five days ago the high school had two shelter in places on the same day um I don't know why I got text messages from my daughter while she was at school she didn't know why um I Heard afterwards through through the grape vine again I don't know if it's true or not there was fight you know multiple fights I heard police were called I heard an arrest was made I don't know what was true and what wasn't true but if I get the message today that you completed an evacuation drill what is the parameter for notifying parents when something goes on in the school so something actually it wasn't today was a drill but last week there was two incidents and and nothing was said so I'm just curious as to what what would make you reach out to to the community with a blast text or email to say this happened but all is good and you know no worries um and secondly um as far as the the bathrooms go um I I maybe I'm not following this very well but I was here when when two parents came and made the presentation and about the bathrooms and then it was said that it was going to a committee meeting and I believe that committee meeting happened like a week after last month's meeting but and so I thought I would see something on the agenda for this meeting that would discuss that because back then it was it was it was being talked about hiring people like just for bathroom Duty like that was what people on the board were saying and and now there's been nothing I know do um Dr Lopez mentioned you know speaking with students and this and that but like is there anything firm that's actually like happening to like make this any better because there's still multiple bathrooms closed in the school I mean my daughter told me today she um I don't know what class she was in but she was in one class she had to go I guess use this bathroom over here she said by the lunchroom but it was during a lunch period so now they got rid of the passes for kids during the Lunch Period but then there's so many kids in line at the lunch period if you're coming from a different class and you have no choice but to use say this bathroom what are you supposed to do because then you're just standing there waiting in line so you know I know it's a difficult situation but I'm just wondering if there's any actual any anything happening as far as the hiring or you know bathroom coverage and the other thing is I know that um when you get a when you do the electronic pass to go to one bathroom like one particular bathroom I've heard stories about um students going to a different bathroom because say the line was too long or there's you know 20 people in front of them and they go to that other bathroom and then there's a monitor there at the bathroom who says you can't use this bathroom because this pass is not for that bathroom so I've heard that happen that but then my daughter said that she's gone to another bathroom and not everybody has always has always checked it like they'll let her use it so the policies and procedure are great but if we don't enforce them then what's the use so thank you thank you all right uh Christina drum Christina drum Springfield Township again um Board of AD member of Springfield Township these opinions are of my own and not of my board um I pretty much want to just um I don't want to repeat what Mrs deer said but I pretty much was going to speak on the same levels in regards to um both the bathrooms and the shelter in place um I was definitely surprised to hear that we you know were not notified um of the shelter in place seems like things were definitely like the ball was dropped um and there was no follow through where there should have been follow through um as far as you know the bathrooms like at what point are we going to open up other bathrooms and make it easier for our students to use the facilities and use them safely with having appropriate monitors that are going to check passes um other than that I moving forward for next year's schedule the one thing that I guess I have a little you know definitely some apprehension um given the outline of the schedule is the lunch opportunity period of it being one period but as it was um described that it essentially can turn into two lunch periods based on where the students go um I can give you the feedback of my own daughter who had basically stated that when they did that pilot program I'm going to say that was like what last year that it was absolute organized it was chaos it was just chaotic and every time she went to a classroom where she was going to have an opportunity period oh sorry we were maxed out we you know no more students allowed so then she went to the next classroom and it was the same thing over and over and over again so therefore to me it was more loss of learning wasted time whether it was for the learning period part of it let alone like trying to find a seat for lunch so I'm like really that part I you know I hope that there's some structure to that schedule as opposed to it being like a free-for-all that oh I'm just going to go here today you know and so on and so forth so um I hope that there's really good you know wellth thought out process of how that's going to be implemented for our students other than that I I feel inclined to say this and again I I mean no disrespect but when our board is um discussing um agenda items that are going to be voted on I do expect to hear every single board memb vote so when you turn on your mic that we can hear it I went back in past uh meetings and listen to them and there's maybe a handful of you that you can actually hear because you're actually turn on your mic or speak into your mic and there are members of this board you can't hear at all maybe the person sitting next to them can hear that you know board member's voice and it's not just one there are others but um it's nice to hear everybody's um votes and apparently Springfield Township is just a we have a small voice again just to reiterate the Springfield Township members that come to these meetings to advocate for our children are just unrecognized at least that's how we feel thank you uh thank you Mrs and the public comments period Mr Duckman thank you so much for for doing that first just in regards to next year's schedule with the lunch and opportunity period I agree with you last year it needed to be more structured this year with the smart pass um and next year with the smart pass we will have the students sign up ahead of time so we know which students are going to what room and then one for accountability we know who's where and two that that there is no um rushing there is no kind of clamoring to be there first it's everything is structured ahead of time right uh thank you uh board we have the may or may 2nd policy meeting virtually uh May 6th work session May 13th regular meeting um other than that we don't have anything else tonight so if I can have a motion for adjournment motion second all those in favor I I I all opposed abstentions thank you have a good night everyone