##VIDEO ID:Oukcvtu8ePE## e here Mrs Janice here Mr Spence Mr Zimmer here Mr Haynes Miss Pierre all right thank you very much at this time I'd like to please ask everyone to stand for the pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence has any Board of Education member received Schoolboard related emails Andor correspondences that have not yet been shared with the superintendent all right uh Dr Zuckerman if you have any updates or more information regarding your superintendence report please absolutely um Miss Pierre uh for a student Representatives report good evening everyone my report tonight consists of information on our biggest time of the year homecoming as well as feedback from students all the classes have been working hard on their hallway decor ations which just took place tonight student council put out many flyers and posts for the students and families to be aware of Community Day followed by the game on October 19th at 11:00 a.m. and the homecoming dance Saturday night we have over 30 vendors and First Responders attending we have a report from the junior class we successfully organized and carried out a road cleanup initiative which resulted in raising $500 as part of our fundraising efforts in addition to this our ongoing efforts reflect our commitment to both community service and success of our fundraising activities and then a report from The Freshman we have been preparing our hallway decorations we have 10 to 15 people coming regularly to every meeting we are having a table at Community Day we will let people buy a plate of whipped cream to pie people in the face um over the last month and a half oh that's over for the freshman and then over the last month and a half with BL BL scheduling as well as a new Full Lunch Period many things have taken some getting used to for teachers as well as students I've gathered information and feedback from the students many are adjusting really well to block scheduling and feel as though after the first couple of weeks pass the time felt almost normal some students did relay that teachers are structuring classes with lots of lectures and work sessions students suggest suggested more breaks to help them remain focused uh next many students have expressed concerns about pass limits I understand why Administration limits the number of passes of times we are out of class however passes to counseling or the office are and such are used against your daily limit leaving sometimes no passes to use to get to the restroom or to get water maybe Administration can consider limits on categories of passes so many to the restroom and water so many to other locations within the school so like three for the bathroom and then like two for other places around the school um recently Administration changed the dismissal of students from the buses from 7 a to 7: a.m. the change has bought about many concerns specifically the breakfast line now being too long because everyone is released at once to keep Lines Moving and allow more students to get breakfast I hope that we can revert back to getting off the bus as soon as arrival and then my last topic is to address the overall safety in our school Northern burington is overall a secure School our SRO are and new security guards add to the protection to ensure student safety I frequently see all of them roaming and monitoring halls and bathrooms however this year our SRO have one office attached to the main office unlike last year where there was one station in the back near the trainers office and fitness center and as a athlete and being involved in many late night activities having an SRO located near the back of the building where students are mainly congregated in the afternoons and during winter sports gave me an other students the security of knowing that they were close are close after normal school hours also by having two offices the SRO can be located in different parts of the building throughout the day should an emergency arise one of them would be closer also I feel that students would be reluctant to meet with the SRO and have a confidential conversation with the proximity to the main office and the amount of students who are regularly present I suggest that if there is a way to make this happen we try so that our entire school campus is safe and they are not concentrated in the front of the school especially considering the fact that the security officers have an office in the same area of the front of the school and that concludes my report for tonight and I'm willing to answer any questions or concerns thank you very much first of all I great report um and one thing that or a couple things came to mind from what you said obviously we we can have some follow-up conversations about them um and Dr mccan and directors did just speak with the The Faculty um this week at their at their faculty meeting about adding in more brain breaks and they were actually modeling for that so I think that that we're on the same page with with that as well but thank you very much Amman um one other thing one other reminder that I wanted to make that that um I don't remember if you said it or not was that Thursday we also have the High School open house um and that will take place starting at at 6:30 p.m. on this evening's agenda you have the non-consent item to approve the24 District performance review which is the district self assessment from the for the upcoming qac visit the qac is qac is a process that is currently that when the state comes into to review our schools it is expected that we revise the process let me change that the 20242 qac process will follow the old um review process that has been in place for a number of years the qac evaluation process is currently being reviewed by the department of educ ucation and it is expected to be revised for the 2025 26 school year even though there is the expectation and the need for revisions we are still going to be evaluated under the old model for the districts that went through the qac Rev review process within the past year in Burlington County only one or two of those schools actually received passing scores in all of the categories the instruction and program section which has been the impetus of the upcoming revisions was a problem area for for the majority of the the districts um in Burlington County and across the state when Northern Burlington went through the review process in 2022 and 2122 school year we did pass the instruction in instru instruction and program section with a score of 84 on this evening's agenda you see the score of 80 we tried to be as realistic as we could by using this the models that were currently in place obviously for the majority of the schools in the county it did not bode well for them to receive a passing score I would rather be honest with you to so we can know what to expect rather than just give you a score so it makes us look good as we talked about last week um during the uh as we talked about last week not only the curriculum committee meeting which you'll hear about in a few minutes but also during the the the assessment results we have a number of things that we already put in place if by chance we did not receive a passing score in instruction and program or in any section that for that matter we're going to be asked to create an action plan I believe that the things that we already have in place the new schedules the curriculum revisions the uh support for uh the struggling students the higher level academic classes um and a variety of the things that were also shared in addition to that last week I believe all of those would would Encompass our action plan and it would suffice as that action plan we already realized that that there the concerns that we have which is why we made the changes I didn't feel I don't feel that I will ever wait for somebody to come in and tell us what's wrong before we already identify those changes if anybody has any questions on that or when we get to the the DPR I'm happy to um to answer them last month I attended the the fall naph conference uh with Mr figs and Mr Cass um as Mr uh Cass already explained last week and some others shared Mr figs did a great job as this presentation and it I we found I felt that it was a very very productive trip you may have noticed on social media recently some posts about the T-Mobile um 5G Friday Night Lights program this program um will select one school in the country to receive a multi-million doll upgrade to their their football and athletic fields Northern Burlington has received a $1,000 check for being one of the 300 remaining schools in this this competition we are hopeful to be named to one of the the last 16 remaining schools which will will be identified later this week should we be identified as one of those 16 schools we will certainly let you know and we will also inform the community and then also that means that we're in running for the multi-million dollar prize so that's obviously our goal um but either way we're certainly very proud and and we we look forward to to the uh the additional funding recently Dr Robin mle has been identified she's one of our agroscience teachers at Northern Burlington middle school has been named a Global Learning fellow by the National Education Association she is one of 48 Educators from more than 35 States along with uh with Japan who have been given this amazing honor over the next year she will participate in professional learning and collaboration with some of these other colleagues we're certainly very impressed and very proud of Dr McLean and her achievement and we know that she will continue to represent Northern Burlington and as she collaborates with her colleagues from around the world congratulations to Robin um there was the also the request to update the bathroom situation we talked about that at this evening's Community Relations Committee which uh Miss Bond will get to in those minutes are there any questions for anything uh I don't have a question but I just wanted to publicly uh compliment Mr figs for going to the naph I told him you know at the beginning of the meeting last week but uh I know it's a thankless job and I know you take time out of your work schedule to do that and I just wanted to express my gratitude on you know behalf of just me anyway uh for you uh for you going there and doing that thank you I appreciate that uh yeah this time I was uh able to run a session with another Bo member from uh Montana um and we discussed policies amongst the military boards and the native land boards and try to uh have kind of a Roundtable discussion amongst all the board members there um just to try to share ideas and and such amongst us since you know it's always great to bring back new Knowledge from from other districts so it was very productive uh any other questions or comments regarding the superintendent report all right uh Mr Cass do you have any updates to your business administrator's report I don't have any updates but I I'll I'll repeat um that we're presenting the compreh maintenance plan uh on the agenda this evening uh the department of AD requires New Jersey school districts to submit an annual maintenance plan documenting required maintenance activities for each of our public facilities so um we have that on the agenda tonight also uh we would the bid open for the auditorium on Wednesday October 10th again I'll remind the board that uh we receive the bids on November 20th and we anticipate an award at the December 9th meeting that ends this meeting's update thank you thank you Mr Cass does anyone have any questions or comments REM regarding the business administrator report all right uh items 2.03 is the content agenda item for the approval of the Hib reports and 2.04 is content agenda item approval of superintendent reports um at this time uh Mrs Bond if you would please give the curriculum meeting committee meeting agenda or minutes thank you Mr figs um before we get started I just want to um publicly thank Mrs Dro Mrs uh Dr pente Irvin and Mrs Peters for making time last week to meet with the curriculum committee and also uh attend the board presentation uh to give that um State assessment data results presentation so I'd like to thank them for their time um that's always appreciated so about nine items to cover in the curriculum um committee um last week and good bless you uh the first item we reviewed was the state assessment data presentation um and the good news is that we're doing better than the state average and with a lot of the curricular changes um with the new schedule and uh especially with math they expect to see increases in the data moving forward so that's very exciting to hear next uh Dr Zuckerman and uh Dr Stella shared a little bit about the governor teacher of the year program and timeline this is new for Northern Burlington so we're excited to bring that program here to our teachers because it does bring a lot of opportunity to expose the wonderful things our teachers are doing um Dr mccan and Dr Karns also presented um the new schedule implementation feedback from teachers and students so uh overwhelmingly the the um feedback has been positive and I think uh Dr Zuckerman spoke to kind of like um some of the the areas that we have to focus on like provid brain breaks in class and movement breaks because 80 minutes you know is a long time but the good news is it is uh providing teachers uh and students the opportunity for additional practice in the classroom and really that um active engagement which is wonderful to hear for our students uh next um the director has provided an update on new courses that are being implemented this school year on gamer math veterinary science um and unified Health M PE so um I believe Dr mccan had been to she shared that she had went to one of the unified PE classes and said how amazing it is to see the students collaborating um with each other and the students engaging in those activities so that's a great program um and we hope to hear more about that moving forward along with the veterinary science in gamer math uh in addition to the new course updates um the fifth a agenda item was about the course planning for the next school year and the curriculum committee meeting will be on December 2nd to discuss new possible additions for AP course offerings so again we're expanding our um our programming here and that's always great to see uh and hear and discuss with the team um another item on the agenda was the attendance and credit recovery options so the committee is working and the directors are working on coming up with uh developing a plan for credit recovery options uh due to attendance so we look forward to hearing about that moving forward as that will provide students opportunities um to continue uh receiving the supports they need here at Northern Burlington uh next we discussed special education monitoring report um the Mrs Peters provided an update on that uh that was all positive in terms of the feedback we got and we just got some some minor recommendations to all right make some uh Minor Adjustments to our programming there uh Dr cat um Dr Zuckerman rather spoke about the qac um the upcoming qac uh assessment that we're going to be voting on for this evening so I hope you all had an opportunity to look at that um the next meeting date and topics will include high school program of studies review and artificial intelligence so that gives you a sweeping overview of the curriculum committee and then um tonight uh the community relations committee also met and again another robust agenda so just bear with me everybody um Dr Zuckerman kicked off the meeting with endof year feedback from our parent community Community um we had about 40 parents over 40 parents 45 parents that completed the survey he shared the qualitative data that we received um from parents there was feedback about prom there was also feedback about the bathrooms um and then also positive feedback about you know some of the wonderful things our teachers are doing here and um so we had an opportunity to look at that um the second item was about feedback on the new bell schedules um Dr Kern shared that teachers adjusting well at the middle level all right and the students seem to be settling in the seventh graders are still adjusting but they seem to be doing fairly well um in addition to uh that uh Dr um mccan presented on the high school and it was kind of a repeat of what we heard in the curriculum committee meeting that the students are really enjoying the opportunity period the moment to kind of time to Exhale and relax and be social all and take advantage of that time to engage in activities and get a lot of um you know opportunity to get some school work done especially if it's just an opportunity to uh take a study hall but they are making use of the opportunity period in settling in uh and uh she also talked about being in the classrooms and popping in to see how all right that's adjusting uh the instruction and she spoke about the additional practice time for students we were happy to hear about that um Dr Zuckerman provided an update on the bathrooms we're having major Market improvements with the new protocols that are being implemented on a consistent basis bis so we were happy to hear about that we still have some challenges moving forward and the group discussed um what we could do next and suggest in next steps um ex exciting news uh last week we heard the presentation uh by the architect to review the auditorium project so Dr Zuckerman and the team shared out their communication plan for communicating that project out to the public and involving them and allowing them to kind of see the progress so we're excited about what that's going to look like for the community and also to share with the community the wonderful um you know uh features of this uh beautiful building and campus uh which uh interestingly enough I I didn't know the longer story but the auditorium project was originally part of the uh initial referendum so it's exciting to see that work continue um and more on that to come for sure uh next um Dr U Mr Cass spoke about the feedback about field conditions all right and um he shared a little B about like the information and uh Communications he's gotten on families from families on that um and then we also spoke about the teacher Vier process and timeline again and then um we got some feedback from the public about um the audio recordings for the Board of Ed and this is one thing that I think we might want to think about as a board because it's a nice suggestion there was a suggestion from a Community member that we before we speak as board members that we just identify ourselves like I would identify before I spoke Lura Bond um so that might be good to do as a board and we can discuss that certainly um we also discussed um uh accessing and uh gaining student phone numbers with parent consent for emergency use purposes only um uh just Dr Zuckerman wanted to get a gauge on on how we felt about that and then uh Dr Zuckerman end of the meeting with um District newsletter statistics so um that was all positive it's it's really kind of neat to see that data how many times you know parents are accessing the newsletter where they're accessing it from in terms of platforms but also there's a geographical world map where we could see where our parents are accessing the newsletters from overseas so um it's really eye openening and it's great to see the level of Engagement that our parents have um in terms of keeping informed of what's going here at here at the high school and the middle school I just wanted to just ex you did a great job but just wanted to expand on a couple things with the with the bathroom just for for an update um that we still do have the same number of bathrooms open um and and I I certainly um Echo what what Miss Bon said about that the there is a a drastic difference this year in comparison to last year as far as the we don't have crowds in the bathrooms it's the accessibility to the bathroom the teachers are doing a much better job making sure the students are going to the the closest bathroom to them to be able to get back in a in a timely manner our goal is still to open up more bathrooms right now we we have the same number of bathrooms because honestly the The Vape detectors continuing to go off and and we are we are trying our best and we continue to try different strategies to be able to Curel that from a students but we want to be able to make sure that we can manage bathrooms and keep them as a safe place not just open up more to open up more and then then have bigger problems then have have less left control over that so again our our goal is to that and we we hope to do that soon um as Miss Bond also spoke about we talked about a number of different strategies that we're looking into to hopefully um uh further ctel the the behaviors that that have been have already been reduced all right thank you um does anyone have any questions regarding the curriculum or the community relations meetings that took place all right um with that we'll move on to the delegate reports uh Mr Amin do you have any updates for Burling to County I know you said the meeting was coming up I couldn't recall tomorrow tomorrow yeah I'll be there so next meeting I'll give you perfect um on the legislative side uh the there's a lot of bills on both the floors of the houses at this point um Governor Murphy did sign in a bill for all alleviating bus driver shortages um the bill was originally proposed um to allow uh School personnel with non CDL licenses to transport students to school activities um the governor actually vetoed it to expand it to also transporting to and from school um so at this point it allows uh School Personnel without CDL licenses to transport students with uh of eight vehicles that or eight passengers or less excluding the driver so um just further expansion due to the the difficulties in transportation throughout the state um otherwise like I said there's many bills C ly on the Senate and House floor so um until they move further along it's not worth giving full present or full information on all of those um all right at this time I believe we are ready for the presentation on the ssds and hi self assessment go back okay thank you thank you Mr figs members of the board for the opportunity to present the ssds report for um the 2023 2024 school year we're presenting his information from person all some information about what we're going to be doing this year and then also all of the statistics from last year so we we were in front of the board back in April we gave half a year report this is the full year report from last year's um statistics in the ssds category there's four excuse me five different categories we're looking at violence you know fights things of that nature harassment intimidation and bullying HIV which you approve every month vandalism weapons and substance abuse and I just I still have the microphone let me just talk about the Middle School obviously the goal is to reduce those incidents we don't want them to happen to begin with so we don't have to report to you about them at all so a couple of different things that we're we're doing first of all a week of respect that just concluded these different um activities Etc related to that in our home rooms um that reinforce the the ideas of how we treat one another treating each other obviously with respect consideration courtesy and that's something we talk about all year long but the week of respect gives us an opportunity to really focus on that some other things that we have our faculty and staff are trained in school safety procedures we do Safety and Security drills are conducted monthly we have a climate Committee in the Middle School to address student recognition programs we do for example students the month we do Smart Cookie awards are some things that I post up on our our Instagram page for uh for the middle school again we're looking for kids that are doing good things and we want to acknowledge that and recognize it we have that no place for hate designation from the Anti-Defamation League we've done that for this this uh this past school year and we continue to to do those programs it's an opportunity for students to identify issues that we see in school and create programs that are designed to address again the things that the students identify as issues and also we're using Concepts from the pbsis uh schoolwide expectations and positive reinforcement we're going to explain to the kids what it is we expect them to do and then we're going to you know reinforce it they do good good things we want to want to recognize it acknowledge it reward them and obviously want to address it when they don't meet those expectations and that's been going on in the middle school for this is the third year and it's been very helpful way to again to acknowledge the positive behavior we see most of the time and and a good good way to just address the misbehavior when we see it from time to time Dr again so at the high school you'll see a lot of similar activities to what we just saw for Middle School we also work through week of respect activities and we use those home rooms each morning to have projects that they could now do and spend chunks of time each morning to work towards um we focus on the acronym think so each morning there was a short video and then the students were reflecting on the video and how they could apply it to things that are happening at school um when we met with them on the very first day and had our class meetings we talked about be ready be respectful be responsible and continuing to enforce those pieces to make sure the students can be successful um our Renaissance program here runs a Smart Cookie um program and so the first uh nomination that we're taking is for students who are ready for the new schedule so students who really like dove into these 80-minute classes and we're positive and excited and um are doing a nice job and those nominations are coming in and they'll choose them in the next about week or so um we have a climate committee um both for staff that's meeting this week as well as having meetings with student groups to be able to get feed feedback from them about how things are going and ways to um improve the school um we have our smart pass system which is the electronic pass system that we started with a while back now um but really looking at data to figure out what are hight trffic times or how do we make sure um that the student flow in the hallways is not uh too many and also is not so limiting that students can't uh move about the building but just thinking in terms of safety um a component there same as Middle School we have that no place for hate designation that we're proud of and our no place for hate a group of students is working on different events and activities and things that uh the population at large can do to help interact with each other in positive ways um currently the two things that they have put forward are we just finished a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration you actually see posters on that home rooms created right out in this hallway uh to help celebrate some of our Hispanic um individuals who have made great achievements um we also have the pledge signing coming up so the paw prints on the wall each year we talk about our no place for hate pledge and then students are able to sign that during opportunity period And so we'll be painting over the old names to allow them to resign in the upcoming weeks um we have those Safety and Security drills that are taking place we're making sure that we train during those drills and we're also looking at what are other opportunities to help train um so the next drill is going to happen during like a transition between classes right times that are not as cut and dry and easy to um run through but also are super important because that's an important part of our day to make sure that we have uh safety plans for all times um and then we have our new security team that's helps us support in the bathrooms and the hallways um and really make sure that we have a safe place and that we're addressing any sort of student behaviors or concerns right Away Great so on this slide you'll see kind of the year-over-year summary for both high school and middle school of those uh categories that Dr kar's mentioned already um so where did we fall in terms of incidence of violence vandalism weapons and substance abuse um so you'll see in 23 24 it looks like those numbers um for for high school violence were down a little bit to six incidents middle school with um vandalism for both schools was at two incidents weapons zero for both schools and substance abuse I can't see those numbers behind your black box 27 and zero ah right perfect 27 last year was 27 for the high school zero for the Middle School the prior year was 64 for the high school and two for the middle school you're good yeah so just kind of an opportunity to see year-over-year um where we're at this next is breaks the statistics down a little bit better so you can understand where those numbers are coming from there we go is a bottom fits okay and this breaks it down we talked about there were six violence incidents and they're they're from fights um vandalism two different incidents in both the middle school and the high school and describing sort of what they where they came from weapons both at zero and then the substance of use the 27 it's broken down there a little bit and then the middle school is at zero great so then this is our confirmed uh Hib statistics and so you get those reports um so you'll see um there's a a slide that is going to come after this that talks about the number reported versus once we've then gone through the whole reporting process how many have actually been confirmed these are just the number of confirmed so far the high school there were three confirmed last year for middle school that were five and this this slide describes how many reports were made people were able to make reports through our our website they can make them um they give their name they can make them anonymously this triggers an investigation process and we also as a the Professionals in the building we will also file them sometime s if we believe something meets that U the criteria so in high school 12 were investigated three were confirmed in the Middle School eight were investigated and then five were confirmed yep so here's just kind of the month-to-month breakdown as you see in September so the first number being the number of Investigations and the second one those that were actually confirmed so you see that it adds up to those numbers you just heard from Dr Karns in high school there were 12 reported three confirmed Middle School eight reported five confirmed think part of the um agenda tonight is to approve the the self assessment this is something we we do over the summer we look at there's criteria the state lays out for us we're supposed to score ourselves based on some of the different categories um both scores excuse me both schools scored to 72 out of out of 78 and a lot of it's you know do we follow this process do we have these forms do we have these records Etc I think that was it terms of there we go are there questions that we can answer for you all this is uh Kevin Zimmer uh real quick why would someone make an anonymous hi report are they like reporting it on behalf of someone else yes they could do it I received there was Anonymous one this is for the current school year I received an anonymous one that they didn't give their their name well obviously we we investigate it we don't just take you know what's what's relayed in the anonymous report has to be confirmed through other other methods but it might be they're concerned about you know someone else that's that's uh being injured and they don't want to get involved I would also say most recently we've had a few things that have been reported on the stop it app so it's an app that students can like scan the QR code or they can log into and they can report an incident if they're concerned about saying it out loud in front of a group but they can anonymously report it that system is nice because it also lets you ask questions back anonymously to the reporter if you need to gather more data but so we've gotten some things not necessarily all of them have turned into hibs sometimes they're just things that we're looking into depending on what they're reporting but it's another way that students can report that doesn't always have a name attached to it so because we allow the anonymous do you find a higher frequency of reporting or interaction not necessarily at least my experience and obviously could change year to year the the anonymous that anonymous HIV report was was an anomaly usually there there's somebody that's connected to them the stop it so those tend to be anonymous and they they run the Gambit sometimes it's something serious other times it's you know these kids on the bus that use curse words a lot we're happy to look into that absolutely we're going to address that but at the same time it's not end of the world you know major major major issue that we need to get involved with police or something like that other questions but as both Dr Kerns and Dr mcen um shared is that all any Anonymous report has to be confirmed it has to be substantiated you can't we don't just um classify some something as a as a as a confirmed hi based on an anonymous report absolutely other questions we can answer for you all right well thank you very much we appreciate the the time this evening appreciate the the color coordinating between the two thank you very much um this time Mr Lee could you please check for public comment on agenda items nothing all right thank you all right this time we will move to the consent agenda items on the consent agenda are believed to be items of routine nature requiring no discussion and whicher to be voted upon a single roll call vote to the board any single member of the board may have any of the items on the consent agenda removed and placed on the other parts of the agenda for discussion merely by so indicating prior to the vote to be taken on the consent agenda items removed from the consent agenda are identified by an asterisk and will be subject to discussion by the full board uh 5.02 is approval of the regular meeting minutes from September 2024 5.03 is approval of the financial report for July 2024 5.04 is approval of the budget transfers for July 2024 5.05 is approval of the treasurers report for July 2024 and 5.06 is the resolution of the board regarding the budgetary major account fund status um any questions on section 5 all right section six is approval of bills 6.01 is approval of the bill list for October 15th 2025 any questions for Section six all right section s is business and financial uh 7.02 is approval of board and staff travel 7.03 is approval of Professional Services agreement 7.04 is approval of contract addendum for ESS 7.05 is authorization for submission of the comprehensive maintenance plan 7.06 is authorizing the naming of brand name products in specifications uh any questions for Section seven uh this is Frank Caron I have a question for 7.06 why do we have to approve naming of brand name products so this is to match the existing products in the school with the new Auditorium um it keeps the fire systems and the security systems and the door systems and the IT systems all more um linked that way when we put the Auditorium and everything can be linked into the same systems is that correct Mr Cass yeah makes makes sense I I just was curious why that we have to do that yeah it's primarily for continuity of all the systems functioning together it's no problem any other questions for Section seven all right section 8 uh 8.02 and 8.03 are approval of out out of District placements 8.04 is appr approval of the New Jersey commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired 8.05 is approval of the New Jersey commission for the Blind and Visually appared 8.06 is approval of home instruction Services 8.07 is approval of option2 for the 2425 school year an 8.08 is approval of senior late arrival early releases for the 2425 school year uh any questions on Section 8 all right section nine uh 9.02 is approval of the non-certificated appointment uh 9.03 is approval of additional class assignments and 9.04 is approval of additional work assignments any questions for Section n all right section 10 is change of assignment uh 10.02 is approval for change of assignment any questions for Section 10 section 11 is leaves of absence 11.02 is approval of Le leaves of absence any questions section 12 is separation of employment 12.02 is acceptance of retirement 12.03 is approval of resignation uh any questions on section 12 section 13 is Personnel miscellaneous uh 13.02 is approval of supplemental sens 13.03 is approval of summer camp director coaching athletic Training Services 13.04 is approval of administrative internship 13.05 is approval of classro observations 13.06 is approval of classroom observations uh any questions for Section 13 all right section 14 is programs uh 14.02 is the approval of the submission of the Hib self- evaluation report for 2324 14.03 is approval of the changes to Safety and Security plan and statements of assurance 14.04 is approval of the nursing Services plan 14.05 is approval of the college accelerated program agreement with Rowan College at Burlington County 14.06 is approval of guest speaker uh do we have any questions on the consent agenda items in section 14 all right uh 14.07 is nonconsent agenda for the approval of the New Jersey qac 2425 District performance review and declaration page can I get a motion for 14.07 please motion and a second does anyone have any uh further questions regarding item 14.07 all right uh Mr Cass if you could please do a roll call vote just be it can be all right all right so 14.07 uh all those in favor I I all opposed abstentions all right thank you uh 14.07 passes right uh section 15 is policy uh [Music] 15.02% section 16 section 17 is use of facilities uh 17.02 is approval of the use facilities for the northern burlingon youth wrestling any questions for Section 17 all right um can I get a motion for the consent agenda I'll make a motion and second second right Mr Cass if you could please do roll call vote consent agenda yay nay or abstain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr arm manente yay Mr bucks Mrs gamble Mr narwood uh yay and abstained from 5.02 Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yes all right thank you board motion passes right um Mr Lee at this time thank you ladies and gentlemen this meeting will now be open to the public for comments please note that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to be a discussion accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and questions this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process and research issues if need be we will however respond to your question and concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students personel or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and it is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board and Community can deal with controversial issues in a civil Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's views in that Spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather than the audience and ALS speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period to 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment signin sheets will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so Christina drum Christina drums Springfield Township um and I am a Springfield Township Elementary School Board of Ed member these opinions are of my own and not of my board um I'm curious as to what's happening here in our school and the board of Ed's business within our school district I apparently missed a work session last um last week there was a meeting held on Monday I do take partial um credit for that oversight on my behalf as there's been always a pattern between work sessions and regular meetings however I'm not sure at what point that actual meeting date was posted on the Northern Burlington website every school year at the beginning of the year I compare calendars to update my schedule uh and that's to manage my work home and school calendars at the start of the school year um in order to time manage things and I verify all the dates well currently the last posted work session in fact was last Monday's meeting with no dates posted for November or December you do have regular um board meetings posted but there are no work sessions which goes back to how I was not here last week um and then I find it disturbing considering that there was a presentation on the new proposed High School auditorium that was given by The Architects um and I only learned of that you know after hearing from another parent that there was this presentation and I would have liked to have been present for that um so I'm just a bit dismayed at the idea that you know we're moving forward also on such a project that was voted down by the public during prior year referendums going back to 2015 2017 um so basically you know a couple things if I may I would like to have a copy of the presentation given last week that was presented to the public um and is there the other things that with going to the fact that when I went on the website you know there's this work session wasn't posted you go on the website there's other things that I was curious about and then you find that not only are the meeting dates not up to date um on your board of ed site but if you go to like board meeting highlights it shows fiscal years from 2017 to 2022 and then there's nothing after that so if if I missed a meeting and I wanted to look at the board of ed highlights of what happened at the meeting that's not even up to date um and I further looked onto the site where there's Board of Education state reports well if you look at that it has equal opportunity compliance report and another report well those are back from like 2017 2018 so that that's not up to date either so it just to me just kind of speaks volumes in regards to like what are we doing here um and then you know okay we have state aid to build a referendum that apparently I don't really know if we truly need being that we already have an auditorium why are we using that you know money for something that we already have versus something that we don't have like such as a pool um you know my daughter was in swimming and had to get up at you know to crack it on what was it like 5:00 or whatever to be able to go to practices elsewhere because we didn't have a pool here you know within the school so I don't understand why we're putting you know that state funding towards something that we already have and yet our scores for testing and assessment testing reflect that there needs to be a better focus on our students education versus something that's materialistic you know if you were to hand me two different types of phones and one was like the new bells and whistles of the upcoming year just as it would be like if you were to buy a new car well sure the one that has all the bells and whistles is the one that I would want but is that really what we need Mrs drum you have reached Sur pass the three minutes so if you can please wrap up your comments absolutely for the what three people four people that are here you know that's actually another issue you know you have that as a rule and I get it but when you don't have an audience here to shut down a member of the public for 3 minutes when who's here so but I will be respectful and um let me just briefly look over my notes to see if there's I would say that actually the one thing if I was to spend money here it would be for other safety other things such as safety concerns so that when you have parents coming to the school to watch their children play a sport you leave from the the parking lot at the bus lot to go down to whether it's field hockey soccer lacrosse Fields you have a very Steep Hill there's no steps why don't we have stairs over there with a railing and a ramp you know there's other things that we could be putting this money towards that we're not putting towards there's holes over by the pole barn and other other parents from other schools have stepped over in that area and they're like and even the kids are like watch out for that hole that's that's a you know you can break your ankle there I my thing is we're we're not really looking and putting our funding where it really should be and I think our students deserve better thank you so M drum while while I'm happy to speak to you about some of the the things um that that you spoke about offline um I I would also appreciate if you can share with not right now like when when we speak um as far as where the information um that you were not able to find on the website our board meetings are posted on the website they're also published in our reorganization meeting in in January I mean those all of all of those are are shared much upfront the board did make a a conscious effort to reduce the number of work sessions last year um and those those dates are reflected on on that information but I am happy to get in contact with you about some of the other things right uh Judy deer Judy deer Springfield Township um well not be n nitpicky but the um the electronic billboard out front of the school um had the wrong date for the meeting it had um Monday October 15th so just FYI um as far as what we saw before about the uh the hi reports and everything on The Vaping um it said there were 17 confirmed incidents I believe um last school year in the high school um but yet you just said like right now in schools The Vape detectors are constantly going off are any of those false alarms are they from actual vaping because I know other schools because I have family that are teachers who have had a lot of problems with the Vape detectors um you know going off when there really is no vaping going on and also um from what I've heard the punishment for getting caught vaping is to have to watch some sort of two-hour video or something um that doesn't seem like a very big deterrent to me and maybe if the punishment was a little bit more severe um kids would be a little bit more hesitant to break the rules all the time um as far as the auditorium project um please let me say I'm not for or against the project um I'm just I'm a firm believer in meeting the needs of our students in our community um and I was here for the the presentation last week and it seems to me that the AUD Auditorium will neither fit the entire student body or will it fit more than graduates and and two guests each which is currently the same as we have in the middle school and I know I recall seeing um last spring on social media when we had bad weather for graduation and a lot of parents were making comments that oh don't worry they're passing a a you know a thing to have the a new Auditorium build we won't have this problem anymore and I thought well that's odd because people seem to be under the impression that maybe this is going to be bigger than it is um and even if you put as you said a couple hundred kids on stage like for graduation you can't take up the whole stage with kids you have you know you have Board of Ed members you have Administration you have a chorus you need a Podium you know there's plenty of things that have to go on that stage other than filling it with students so that that would concern me because if you're going to Sock away all this money and then kind of spring it on everybody that you're building this building because I've been coming to these meetings faithfully and had no idea that all this money was being put away I you know I know that four sending towns voted against it on a referendum and I didn't know that that wasn't accepted clearly it wasn't accepted because the board or or the administration or who whomever decided to you know we're going to do this anyway right and subvert the will of the people um and I know it's being paid with for Capital reserves and federal impact Aid and my I I do have one question which is as parents we are told that we must complete the federal impact Aid survey and if we don't complete it that we are going to lose access to our children's grades via Power School is that even is that even legal are you allowed to do that if I don't fill out an impact aid form I can't see my CH my child's grades I don't what does one have to do with the other and so so you need me as a parent to fill this out so that you can get this impact aid but then you get the impact Aid and you don't want parents to know what you're doing with it you don't want parents to have any say you don't want to put it out to a vote if if it's going to be paid for with funds that aren't going to raise taxes aren't you certain that parents would be like sure absolutely do it so just put it out for a vote let parents know about it don't you you know the first I heard about it was oh we we're hiring an architect I was like what like this got shot down years ago um so I don't understand that so I feel like as a parent I feel like I'm being used you you want me to fill something out so that you guys can get the school can get money but then I have no say where that money goes and to me that isn't right and that is total totally against any kind of transparency that this board talks about um and and not how the process should work and also the the presenters last week said that the the bid was pretty much identical to the one on the referendum with a few tweaks and that was their word um and they talked about possibly doing acoustical shell large digital screens on either side of the stage and they those would all be alternate bid I'm curious as to you know if if we're going to add things to it how how is that going to be paid for um and the most disturbing thing is is that right after that whole presentation we followed up with the assessment um presentation which was very informative you know but when I see a you know 18 19% proficiency rate in science and numbers in math that aren't much better and the board is asking the presenters saying what can we do for you what can we do to help you to make this better what can we give you there's a limited budget but what can we do for you why is there a limited budget because we're taking $20 million and instead of putting some of that money where it belongs for our children's education you know choices are being made for us please wrap up when you have a chance Mrs deer absolutely um and I just don't you know what we can make smaller class sizes you can bring in more teachers you can bring in AIDS in classes and help these kids along because clearly they're struggling based on the numbers we saw in um in science and math so that's it thank you right thank you very much for your comments at this time public comment is over if I can just um just and Miss deer I'm also happy to to reach out to you to talk about the majority of those just one uh point of clarification students identified for in possession of a vape is different than a a positive screening for for our narcotic um there's there's various levels the the the biggest thing that that as an education institution that that that I want to make sure that we're doing is preventing students from from obviously engaging in those behaviors those that video is a portion of that in in connection with our our substance abuse counselor in addition to other consequences and and so on that's that's certainly not the not the only consequence that's but they have to watch that video is that for Narcotics and it it depends on the level there are some students that may be caught with a baap but not using it and then and maybe some that were positive for THC and then so there there's various it's unfortunately it's not just a yes or no answer but again again I'm happy to get into that when some of that more in more detail when we speak all right uh the next regular board meeting is November 18th um at this time is there any old business that uh the board would like to request more information regarding for our next meeting right uh any new business that the board would like to refer to a committee or request from Mr C or Dr zman for next meeting all right uh we do not have executive session tonight if I can get a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn and that's it all those in favor I opposed extensions all right have a great evening everyone thank you