this I've repeated the uh meeting opening for 20 years so I think I might have it some familiarity with it the regular meeting of the northern brinon County Regional School District is hereby called to order uh this meeting is called in conformance with the open public meeting act uh with adequate notice provided as follows uh we have a notice sent to the Berlin County Times in the times of Trenton on January 5th 202 four we also have the notice filed with the township Clerks of Chesterfield Mansfield North Hanover and Springfield Township on January 5th 2024 and notice of the annual meeting scheduled in the burlingon county times in the times of Trenton uh on January 7th 2024 I will now call Ro and I will start by Mr figs here B Presidente here try and go I'm not going to go on Alpha Order Jerry Spence Jerry you here there I know you're waiting for the do a roll call you here back Mrs gamble Mrs Janice here Mr narwood here Mr Zimmer here Mr bucks pres probably a first time and we have uh Miss cardinus and Mr Haynes which is not here but okay very good at this time I'd ask everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence has any Board of Education member received correspondence that they have not yet shared with the superintendent all right thank you uh Dr zerman if you could do your superintendence report now absolutely I'm going to start by uh turning it over to miss cardinas for a student representative report hello currently we are doing Relay for Life and we're going to have our kickoff next Thursday and that's basically what we're focusing on right now just getting everything tied up for the kickoff thank you so much um last week we held two committee meetings uh this is really out of what we have done before but with the number of uh number of things that have been going on around the district we held two virtual meetings that I think were were pretty packed um and you'll hear about those uh today following tonight's meeting sometime tomorrow I will send out a copy of the minutes obviously if anybody has any questions then they can contact me and the the chair for the committee and we're happy to address those questions earlier this month we had uh we had two uh several significant um uh events happening uh at the South Jersey uh chorus um during the week during I'm sorry on January 22nd Northern Burlington students from the high school and the Middle School uh participated in the all South Jersey chorus these students were selected for this prestigious honor um through a rigorous selection process northern's own Maddie Wills um while I apologize was awarded the scholarship from the sjcda this scholarship was given annually via an audition and an application process to a senior in the course who is going to pursue a musical education degree in college congratulations Madison we also had the change of command on January 25th we held the northern Burlington Air Force Junior Reserve officer training Corps change of command this marked a formal end for Cadet Lieutenant Colonel trit TR Trinity wescott's tenure as the corpse Commander which ran from this past summer until January this January 2024 the ceremony also marked the formal start for Cadet liutenant Colonel Amelia zang's tenure as the corpse Commander congratulations to both of these these very accomplished young ladies we are very proud of you and the entire unit for a job well done Dr Shan Hogs presided over the ceremony and also I just wanted to thank um the two vocal music teachers Katie Kershaw and Lauren Allen and for all of their hard work and the district appreciates their efforts in preparing the students and also overseeing that program on this evening's agenda you will see an updated 2023 24 school calendar with the updates being this coming Friday Friday February 16th will now be an in session day for students and the last day of school for the students will be on Monday June 17th I understand there is a snow forecast out there this is barring any updates or any any uh changes to the school calendar for tomorrow or for any day moving forward as of right now the last day for staff will be on Tuesday June 18th as of right now again barring any further snow days we will keep graduation on Friday June 14th should we have any additional inclement weather days we'll look to move graduation to the following week as far as some sporting news I want to congratulate the wrestling team last week they won the njsa AA South Jersey group four sectional wrestling championship for the first time in school history we are so happy for all the boys um and the first year head coach Wayne Stinson Unfortunately they lost last Friday but we're still looking forward to all the individuals that will be happening happening in the coming weeks the swim team last week also defeated Colts Neck in the njsa group b quarterfinals and they Advanced to the semi-finals which are taking place right now I have not gotten an update and I'm hoping to give the the the board some great news should we hear some uh that they that they were successful in this evening's um uh competition that concludes my report thank you very much uh Mr Cass if you could provide us with your business administrator's report certainly thank you uh yeah well this month we we went out to bid uh for um two building projects one to uh construct a middle school security vesu for the front entrance and also the other one was to renovate the kitchen and cafeterias uh for the West and East kitchen so we'll be addressing that tonight um we are going to accept the middle school security vest uh bid uh and award a contract we're going to reject the one for the cafeteria and kitchens um because it was over budget so uh we'll be able to negotiate with contractors and and hopefully have some good news uh for you at the March meeting for that we also uh went out to bid for technology equipment uh firewalls have outlived their useful life as well as our core switches and so we'll be awarding that contract tonight uh I'm also pleased to tell you that um you have an interlocal agreement with North Hanover uh Township Public Schools for technology services for the next three years as some of you may know uh we share we Outsource our technology department to uh not only North Hanover but Mansfield Chesterfield and Springfield Elementary Schools as well as hesport elementary school so uh we do shared services with those so uh the contract with North Handover is on the agenda tonight also uh some board business um you should have received an email today uh telling you it's that time of year to fill out your ethics uh Financial uh information statement and that information's in my board report and if you need any help with that you can call Jill uh Markley by administrative assistant or myself that concludes my report thank you very much um Mr pigs I do have a question question yes um on that interlocal agreement Mr Cass uh does that have any impact to the existing interlocal agreements with the other districts does it trip any sort of review or it's a good question uh we share cost so if one District were to leave um through an interlocal agreement uh it would shift the cost around okay thank you any other questions for Dr Z Mr Cass thank you item 2.03 is content agenda item approval of the superintendent reports um at this time I believe we have uh two committee reports uh Paul if you wouldn't mind giving us the Personnel committee update sure the Personnel committee met last week um and we discussed outstanding contracts that are still being negotiated um the high school principal vacancy in the process of filling that position um as well as the high school assistant principal vacancy um we found out uh talked about open um staff vacancies for certificated staff trying to come up with new ways to come up with uh World language teachers since that seems to be a problem everywhere um and Dr Kars and Dr Lopez discussed their staff and uh how things are going so far during the year and we brief discussion on the um Extended Learning for next year other than that that was pretty much it anyone have any questions right um Miss Bond if you could update us for the curriculum committee meeting yeah we also met last uh Thursday February 8th at 6:45 online um the first thing that we discussed was the proposed middle school program of studies changes um so thank you Dr scell for that um the next thing we also looked at was um and discussed uh the curricular imp impact of a change in a potential Bell change or schedule um and then the third item we discussed was the senior late arrival all right so how that would benefit students um like our seniors and our athletes so they can come late to school um the fourth item we discussed was the financial um Aid student assistant for federal aid um the FASA as you know it for the class of 2025 being a graduation requirement um there hasn't been any Direction by the department of Ed um so that's kind of something that was brought to our attention um and then lastly we uh Dr Zuckerman walked us through some of the exciting technology updates on our website for um our public and Community that's it thank you very much uh any have any questions on the curriculum right uh Dr zman at this time if you could just provide the board a little update on the the schedule potential block schedule for next year I think we'd all like to hear that absolutely um well I I'm not going to go into details about the schedule we are act we're actively looking into um options to be able to revise both the bell schedule at the middle school and the high school for next year we have both Dr Kars and Dr Lopez along with their teams have developed great plans we're currently in conversations with the um teachers union uh in regards to the contractual implications that we have for these changes I am hopeful to be able to share an update with the board in the in the coming weeks um and obviously the communication plan would be obviously communicate with the board the negotiation team um the full board also the the teachers and then obviously then the community as well so I'm hopeful that we're able to share some of that in in the in the very near future uh thank you very much um item 3.03 is the delegate reports I'd like to let the board know uh that Mr armenti and Mr Bucks have graciously uh taken the Burlington County SBA position and the njba position and I will be filling the legislative representative so all of our delegate spots are now full uh we're just waiting for some of those meetings to come up um now yes if I I actually have an item there related to New Jersey School Board Association oh great March 14th 5: PM is the cut off for resolutions so if the board has anything that we want to take a policy position on and get in front of the de the delegate assembly for consideration we would need to take some sort of action uh with a resolution in order to uh to get that to to the DA uh March 14th and then that would be considered by the uh the resolution subcommittee at Schoolboard Association on April 9th and then the delegate assembly is going to be on May 18th and any board member can go they just can't vote unless they are the delegate so thank you very much for the update joh I appreciate it you're welcome uh now this sorry two two updates for from burlingon County so um thank you for getting me access to everything um on March 7th there's a buron county eighth grade dialogue that's going to take place at Maple Shade High School um you you can go that you can actually get tickets and and be able to go to that um so I'm going to sign up to to be able to attend um and and see how that works I saw a couple emails go through around the specifics I haven't looked at them yet and then on May 2nd is the um what looks to be one of the first BL uh County uh hybrid meetings so I signed up to attend that um I'm not sure if I'm going to go live but we'll see um so those are two things that are coming up um on the docket for them thank you very much all right and then with that um it's time to go for the middle and high school students of the month that we're all always excited to have can you hear me at first you don't succeed all right good evening everyone members of the board thank you for the opportunity to present our our students of the month we'll be doing our students of the month for December January and February as the board knows we have a a nomination system in our our school where in both schools the middle school and the high school teachers have an opportunity to nominate students that they think would um represent some of the the qualities of our our students of the month and and bring them forward for recognition we have a a committee that then reviews the nominations and the students that are with us here tonight were those selected by the committee we're also going to share with you tonight um the videos that they made through Northern TV that's uh the video that we'll see tonight will ultimately be posted on their YouTube channel so you'll be an opportunity to you know share that that same video with friends and family no matter where they live so we we're grateful to be able to offer that service so the for the students when I call you call your name please come on up here to the to the podium I'm going to ask you to introduce your you your entourage who's here with you tonight and then um you know pause for a moment for pictures or whatever that we need to to to do and then after that after we've gone through all the students we watch the videos for the middle school so with that I'd like to first introduce Miss Addison verby who is our student of the month for December for seventh grade Face camera mom um here my grandparents my mom my dad and my brother congratulations thank you so much for coming out here tonight well done our next our eighth grade student the month for December Nicholas Monon Nick congratulations thank you so much for coming out our Elks student of the month for December is Miss Kira Dyson moving on to to January I have Mr Charlie Sol up here well said well said very good our eighth grade student of the month for January Miss gwenneth Morgan from gradul and our January Elks student of the month Mason delos last year thank you so much for coming congratulations into of the month of February our 7th grade student of the month Mr Drew Rogers drew our eighth grade student in the month for February Mr Nathan pulet and our Elks student of the month for February shyam kandala kandala you join us Mr leave the video please I'm currently doing winter cheer I would like to be a teacher my name's Addison bernabe and I was nominated as seventh grade student of the month for December so I'm currently doing winter cheer I would like to be a teacher my name is Nicholas monleon I was nominated for student of the month in eighth grade in December at Northern I do Hound uh chess club and F in my future I would like to work in business somewhere my name is k Dyson and I was nominated for December student of the month 8th grade I do year International Club no place for hate and battle the books something related to Stem I'm Charlie c i was nominated for seventh grade January student of the month I'm not currently involved with anything but I want to try out for baseball I want to either be a professional baseball player or professional football player my name is Gwen Morgan and I was nominated for eighth grade student of the month for January I did field hockey in the fall and I'm going to do the musical I want to go to college and get a good job my name is Mason delos and I was nominated for e8th grade student of the month in January I'll would be involved with soccer and basketball I want to be a professional soccer player um my name is Drew Rogers and I was nominated for seventh grade student of the month I played Middle School soccer in the fall and I'm trying out for the spring baseball team I want to be a professional athlete my name is Nathan Pand and I was nominated for eighth grade student of the month I was part of the Middle School soccer team as well as an active member of FFA I want to become a neurosurgeon future hi I'm sh kandala and I'm elk student of the month for February I'm in FL Robotics and I'm also in gerot TC I really don't know what I want to do in my future but it's probably going to be something with engineering good evening now we would like to start with the high school students of the month and our December n9th grade student of the month is Milana Boychuk thank you for coming our 10th grade student of the month is Sophia hogus and perhaps she can tell us how the swim team made out because she came from the Croc center to get here on time it was great that they were there so that's and next our 11th grade student of the month is viot ginali come on down congratulations and who came here tonight with you very good thank you so much and our December student of the month for 12th grade is Anika Chapala with you good thank you for coming oops and finally our December elk student of the month is Jenna Peron thank you we are going to move on to January oops and our January 9th grade student of the month is Angeline and Maran thank you our 10th grade January student of the month is tasi thank you for coming our 11th grade student of the month for January is seik Sha congratulations thank you January 12th grade student of the month McKenzie molar brother very good support brother thank you for coming and our 12th grade elk student of the month for January is Madison cry very good thank you for coming Okie does we're on February now and our ninth grade student of the month is Michael Hansen thank you congratulations 10th grade February student of the month is Parker Paris thank you unfortunately our 11th grade um student of the month and our 12th grade student of the month for February could not be here tonight unless I'm wrong lyanna Cochran and Omar nunz I was told that they wouldn't be able to make it so they will get this tomorrow and our February elk student of the month and our senior class president Frankie Luna give you the extra plug and who did you bring tonight my parents very good okay Mr Lee hi my name is Nana Bo I was nominated for freshman student of the month for December at Northern I was on a tennis team in the fall I would like to go to college in New York to study something in a medical field or be a speech pathologist for children I'm Sophia hogus I'm a sophomore and I was chosen for student at I'm a swimmer I'm an officer in health science club and I I am in ban I hope to be a doctor in the future my name is VI yach gju and I was nominated for student of the month of December I'm part of multiple clubs like the robotics team Deca and TSA I would like to go to college and pursue a career in computer science hi my name is nied Tropico I'm a senior here at Northern burington and I was nominated for December student of the month here at Northern I'm involved in a lot of our visual performing arts clubs I'm heavily involved in our theater department so I'm senior captain of the New Jersey drama and forensics League here at Northern as well as the student director for spring musical in the future I'd like to attend a foure school for a biological sciences degree and then hopefully match into a good med school my name is Jenna Peron and I was M for December elk student month here at Northern I'm involved with health science club interact club and Relay for Life in the future I want to go to college and study Physics and history and then go into medical research my name is Angeline Marino I'm in ninth grade and I was chosen for student of the month um I play soccer for the school team and I'm in the interact Club I want to do something with business or sports management hi my name is tagis and I'm in 10th grade student of the month I'm the robotics Club TSA math team Deca and I play volleyball I would like to go to either MIT or Princeton to take a computer science course and become a software engineer in the future my name is samik sha I'm grade 11 and I was chosen as the January student of the month for sports I do Northern Soccer and for clubs I am the mat team and TSA going into college I would like to do something in either engineering or computer science so one of those two Fields hi I'm Mackenzie mner and I was chosen for a senior student of the month in January here at Northern I'm involved with uh several theatrical clubs including the fesbian society um I'm a part of njdfl and I have taken place in every fall play and spring musical uh since I came here my freshman year once I leave High School I uh want to go to college um but I want to uh major in Psychology and possibly double major in graphic design and technological education hi my name is Maddie and um I was nominated for student of the month I'm involved in a lot in Northern I do um Health and Science Club I've been a member for four years right for so far I help with um like CPR training we're doing something with triage today it's a lot of fun um I've also been involved in set crew which is where we help build stuff and um props for the actors and stuff to work on we paint things other than that I also volunteer outside of school hours broadly speaking I want to go into the medical field I'm I'm not entirely sure on what where I want to go from for there but I think PA is the route I want to go down my name is Michael Hansen I'm in ninth grade and I was nominated for student of the month here in orther I'm involved in soccer wrestling in Lacrosse in the future I want to go to college for computer engineering hi my name is Park I'm in 10th Grade and I got nominated for a student month for February here at Northern I'm part of the East Sports Club the chess club and right now the musical stage crew in the future I want to go into college to do some engineering like mechanical or Aerospace my name is lyanna Cochran I'm in 11th grade and I was chosen for the the February student of the month I'm a part of the RTC I just was recently inducted into the National Honor Society and I'm also a part of the swim and track team my dream is to go to NYU and major in finance um hi I'm a Nunes I got nominated as student of the month for the month of February right now I'm involved in the Spanish ar Society I'm also involved in the J ratzi program in the program I'm involved in in the Color Guard team and the Gad orange Society in the future I would like to become nurse I really like helping people and yeah that's it my name is Frankie Luna I'm a senior and I was selected for the February El student of the month at Northern uh I'm class president I've been class president for the past four years for my class um I'm also on the debate team volleyball team I'm involved with interact which is our um Community Service uh Club here at Northern I'm also in National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society and much more this upcoming fall I'll be attending Columbia University where I'll be studying political science and I plan to go to law school to study immigration law and hopefully someday run for president Dr cerns and I would like to thank the board for the opportunity to showcase these amazing kids um we are definitely lucky every day to be working with them um and just a plug for our um Relay For Life kickoff I know that Hannah mentioned it but it is this Thursday in this location at 6: pm and it's free so there will be entertainment and food and you'll get to learn all about our Relay for Life and the American Cancer Society I had you know I had to do it okay thank you so much behalf of the board thank you all for coming out uh this really is one of the highlights of being on the board just getting to see all children show up and see the the great things you're doing in the school so thank you for coming out we appreciate it very much so before I talk about the picture Frankie on your campaign tour make sure you kind of like let us know and we can have a have a spot for you here not politicalization from it but just a as a uh Northern graduate um so we're going also like to take group pictures uh so we're going to take the first picture over by the brick wall right behind us with all the middle school students and then after that then we're going to take a picture with all of the high school students so we'll take a Mr you want say you want a 10-minute recess I'll move that okay thank you a second on the recess all all in favor I I all opposed extensions all right 10- minute recess thank you than [Music] tur NOP my mind so my hair is wear my this is all right rise up all right uh ready to return to the regular board meeting if I can have a motion to return to the board meeting all moved second please second all those in favor I I all opposed extensions thank you um Mr Lee do we have any Public public comment on consent agenda items ladies and gentlemen this meeting will now be open to the public referencing agenda items only please note that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to be a discussion accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and questions this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process and research issues of need B we will however respond to your questions concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students Personnel or negotiations we would would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and it is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board U boarding Community can deal with controversial issues in a simple Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's views in that Spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather than to the audience and all speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period of 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment sign in sheets will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so uh Miss Christina drum hi Christina drum Springfield Township I'm a Springfield Township Board of Ed member the following comments are made in my capacity as a private citizen and not in the capacity as a board member these comments are not representative of the board or its members and solely represent my own personal opinions um I wanted to um I'm just curious in regards to um agenda item 7.04 about the middle school security vestibule um with seeing this on the agenda um the first thing that comes to my mind is you know do we actually have the funding available in our budget for this or is this something that was is going to be part of a referendum um you know where are the funds coming from this is this going to be um you know are we getting any state funds um or is this going to be something that you know is going to be impacted um by the you know Community as far as the taxpayers um secondly uh 14.05 the revised calendar um the suggested revision shows uh the ex school is going to be extended for that Monday and Tuesday in June [Music] um you know uh first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that you know are we really going to have the focus of the students for those two days I understand that we need to have the 180 days um I you know just wondering if the board you know would consider more of taking those days away from the spring calendar versus at the end of the year and then let alone how that change is going to affect graduation that's all I had to thank you all right thank you that uh concludes our public comment uh portion um Mr drum I in my report I actually um address that that's those are the days as it was listed on there as of today I know there's weather coming in potential for tomorrow as of today graduation is still on that Friday I mean we're trying our best to to keep it that way um the last day for the students would be that Monday and we actually took away the professional development day from this Friday and that's an in in session day for students so I mean again this weather could change tonight and change that but as of as of right now that's what it is um the middle school security Festival um the money from that will be discussed further as the budget comes out uh in the next meeting meetings all right the consent agenda items on the consent agenda are believed to be items of routine nature requiring no discussion in whicher to be voted upon a single roll call vote to the board any single member of the board may have any of the items on the consent agenda removed and placed on the other part of the agenda for discussion merely by so indicating prior to the vote to be taken on the consent agenda items removed from the consent agenda are identified by an asterisk and will be subject to discussion by the full board uh section five is reports to the board uh 5.02 is the reorg re minutes for the reorganization meeting of January 2nd 5.03 is the regular me meeting minutes for January 2nd 5.04 is executive session meeting minutes of January 2nd uh 5.05 is the minutes for the special meeting on January 23rd 5.06 is the financial reports of the board secretary month of October 2023 5.07 is financial reports for November 2023 5.08 is financial reports sorry about that uh for December 2023 5.09 is approval of the treasurers report for October 2023 5.10 is approval of the treasures report for November 2023 5.11 is approval of the Treasures report for December 2023 5.12 is approval of budget transfers for October 2023 5.13 is approval of budget transfers in November 2023 5.14 is approval of cafeteria report for November 2023 5.15 is approval of the cafeteria report for December 2023 and 5.16 is resolution of the board regarding the major account fund status um like to have item 5.04 uh removed from the consent agenda um there are some discrepancies on that executive session within the file so we like to remove that for a future meeting I have any other questions on Section Five Mr figs yes um I did have a a a general question on 506 through 514 um it looks like we're approving some uh some of the financials from October November um is that normal for us to be that far behind I mean it seem to me you know two months behind would see like December would be appropriate I think in February because of the timing of our meetings I didn't know if there was something that um precipitated this or is this kind of a normal operating sorry Mr Cass I guess probably towards you um no it's not normal okay we got caught up um we're still training someone in payroll okay so the accountant is you know helping that person out and and getting along okay and then U the the other question is um in the I guess it's the the budget by fund report within your um your portion of the report is it possible to get and that's the um the report that has the Appropriations expenditures incumbrances and available balance for line items can we start to produce those um in either Excel or CSV for a little bit more analysis and consumption is that doable no the software uh is available in PDF okay but it doesn't produce um CVS file okay maybe we'll discuss afterwards here are some options thanks all right thank you uh section six is approval of bills and the approval of the bills list for February 12th 2024 uh any questions for Section six section seven business and financial uh 7.02 approval of board and staff travel 7.03 approval of bid award for computer network equipment 7.04 approval of the award of the bid for the middle school security VES 7.05 is authoriz authorizing the rejection of the bids received the high school cafeteria Renovations 7.06 is authorization of financing school buses through the lease purchase agreement 7.07 is approval of Professional Services Legal Services 7.08 is a approval of Professional Services contract 7.09 is approval of the uh interlocal Services agreement uh for technology with North Hanover 7.10 was acceptance of the additional American Rescue plan homeless children and youth subgrant funds uh 7.11 is acceptance of donations and 7.12 is approval of the high school charitable organizations do I have any questions for section S I have a couple Frank um so with 7.02 I noticed in there that it we're we're paying for people to go to conferences and um stiens for like access to a special event in like New Jersey or whatnot what's the what's the Rhyme or Reason on what we pay for or what we don't meaning do we set aside professional development for those type of things as a as as a regular amount or is it more like if a person wants to be able to go to a to a special conference it's related to their job and we make sure that that's taken care of based on based on when they ask or is there a more set way of doing it forgive my navate if understood this there we do have an allocated amount for professional development um sometimes the professional development is taken out of local funds sometimes the professional development is paid for out of federal funds um Title One title two tit TI 3 depending upon obviously what they're going for um it is directly connected to their to their um uh responsibilities in the district if they're looking to gain some Professional Knowledge outside of their their content area then that is that is most likely we may give them a professional development day but then that is paid for from from the individual if there's other things like certifications then that is often times for the tuition reimbursement so they're they're all separate entities and is it equal opportunity meaning meaning anyone can ask for an opportunity if it comes up and it's going to go toward their professional development um meaning like if if there I'm making this up if there was a if there was a a history convention for all history teachers everyone would have a chance to be able to do that not just one or two people right that is correct we may only send one or two for that year then following year then we're going to send two others and then following year we may send two others and then they're the intent is they're going to bring that information back and share that with their with their colleagues during either a department meeting during professional development day or something along those sorts got it thank you um my second question and I think Mr Lee um answered it was around the firewall and switches um I as was asking like what do we do with the old equipment he explained it well I know also um in the world that we live in right now technology can um really hamper us if it's not as adequate as we need um and I asked him I said well is that enough does that take care of the the the type of um um infastructure that we need and it sounds like he probably could use a little bit more so maybe for the finance committee as you guys go into talking about things in the future of where we're funding our technology that becomes ubiquitous with every single thing we're doing in the school so if we have a way to be able to find additional funds for redundancy and Safety and Security of uh which is more important than anything these days it would be great to to hear if if uh anything comes out uh regarding technology and where we put our investment there um something maybe for that team to talk about and then my last question was around um the cafeteria Renovations I I read through it it it's hard to follow in the document but what are we renovating um what exactly are we updating or or or potentially paying for um you don't need to give the details but just the general it wasn't clear what what we're upgrading the East and West cafeterias um were not in the referendum so to make the kitchens more functionable uh we're expanding them out several feet uh and then we're going to update them with uh so they uh aesthetically so they look like um this one thank you uh do I have any other questions for Section seven Mr figs yes um first I'll piggy back on Mr Roman an's uh point about sending the uh technology over into the finance committee I think that's certainly something that we should we should take in um obviously in conjunction with Mr Cass and and Mr Zuck Mr Zuckerman to really make sure that we are planning properly around those bits of core technology um and I think as Mr Lee knows specifically firewall and network gears is within my realm of expertise um so so I think that's probably well well said that we we take a look there uh I have a concern on 707 um and I guess Mr figs you said the proper way for me to do this is to ask for it to be removed from the consent agenda and held for another meeting is that correct y all right do you need a motion for that uh no okay all right just say the board member can asked to have it removed from theed into further discussion right so it become a non-consent yeah so yeah okay on this one so 5.04 is the same thing that they both non conerns yeah we asking to have it pulled from the agenda correct and to be further investigated in committee so this is I guess my um my inexperience with consent agenda so I would like it either um pulled to be discussed uh and potentially then I guess motioned or motion to postpone for a second meeting depending upon that discussion so you tell me how I need to do this discuss now do you like to discuss it now amongst the board if that's appropriate yes yeah okay that's perfectly fine so um yes so you so should we discuss it then under the non-consent okay all right well then uh continuing along do we have any other questions for Section seven or comments right uh Section 8 students 8.02 and 8.03 8.04 are approval of out of District placements 8.05 is the approval of ear early graduation uh 8.06 is approval of option two for the 2324 school year 8.07 is approval of the New Jersey commission for the blind visually impaired 8.08 is approval of the overnight student trip 8.09 is approval of the overnight student trip to Deca uh 8.10 is approval of home instruction services are there any questions for Section 8 all right section nine is Personnel appointments uh 9. 02 9.03 and 9.04 are approval of non-certificated appointments 9.05 is approval of high school extracurricular advisers 9.06 is approval of coaches 9.07 is approval of additional work assignments 9.08 is approval of administrative internship and 9.09 is approval of administrative internship uh any questions for Section n all right section 10 change of assignment uh 10.02 is approval for change of assignment any questions section 11 is leaves of absence approval of leaves of absence 11.02 any questions section 12 a separation of employment 12.02 and 12.03 your approval of resignations uh any questions section 13 is miscellanous Personnel uh 13.02 is approval of the supplemental stiens 13.03 is approval of the school safety specialist stien any questions for section section 14 programs 14.02 is approval of the assembly program 14.03 is approval of the 2425 middle school program of studies 14.04 is approval of the additional field trip destination 14.05 is approval of the revised 2324 school calendar 14.06 is approval of the supplement to the uniform memorandum of agreement uh any questions for section 14 right we have nothing uh in policy section tonight and nothing in transportation section section 17 is use of facilities uh approval of the use of facilities for the football parents 17.02 uh 17.03.2012 [Music] motion U Mr Cass if you could please do a roll call vote yay nay or abstain for the consent agenda items Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr aente yay Mr bucks yay Mrs Gamble i v two and what number Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yes all right thank you board motion passes uh thank you now I believe we can uh discuss item 7.07 on the non-consent agenda uh Mr bucks if you'd like to for non-c consent I don't believe yeah just for the vote to to discuss it or to vote on it be oh motion and then can I have a motion for discussion on nonconsent agenda item 7.07 or to vote for 7.07 if I move am I allowed to vote no yes yes good well Robert's Rules may say a little different um that's fine I'll move it so I'll move um the non-consent agenda item I'll second for purpose of discussion all right uh it is now open for discussion Mr bucks if you'd like to please start so I'll tell you honestly you know putting this into the non-consent agenda is probably um at least the an opportunity to discuss it uh the more I sat here and thought about it and since it's actually regarding a contract um and it's contracted services and it also involves an attorney um and due to my concerns this is probably something we should probably take into executive is my thought and I don't know if that's something that you would have an opinion on um I'm afraid I don't want to discuss necessarily the items that I have concerns about or potential liability so I think maybe we need attorney to kind of advise us on that I don't know why it would be session item it could be something that that you want a committee to discuss but I don't think it goes to Executive um we cannot purp cont we cannot talk about specific cases that the attorney is involved in because not that could get um but I mean conceptually about the approval of of the additional attorney is more conceptual than than specific to individual cases so I have contractual and per performance concerns so someone needs to advise me on what I can say and what I can't say and that's why I would say to go into exec so we can move to go to exe well we have executive session and conduct we can conduct business after we can move this non-consent agenda item to after executive if it doesn't have we can get advice from the attorney in executive session if we are advised that it's okay we can come back and discuss that item further after executive session so BAS yeah what you're saying I mean if you have questions about the specific contract that can be discussed in executive session if that's an actual contract that you might need a legal opinion on but in general like the how do we stop oh sorry sorry in general though like the approval of the contract itself um that's something you can discuss here but if you have questions about the contract um or you're concerned about something that you might say I think we can discuss that in executive session if it's appropriate then we can bring it back if it's not I would certainly since we already have ex scheduled or do we have to vote we voted down no and then you have V vote on it now okay so I could move to to set aside okay if you're gonna vote later tonight possibly yeah I move to postpone it to after executive can I get a second on that motion right uh I guess we need a roll call vote for that suspension Mr G Mr figs yes to suspension yes sorry yes we're voting on postponing um the vote until after on 707 Mr figs Mrs Bond yes Mr Arman ente yes Mr bucks yes Mrs Campbell Mr narwood yes Mrs Janice yes Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yes all right motion passes thank you Mr Cass uh Mr Lee do public comment it's a good reason no well we suspended we suspended it that that motion covered closing it suspended it till after exective session thank you Mr Le ladies and gentlemen this meeting will now be open to the public comments please note that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to be a discussion accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and questions this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process and research issues if need be we will however respond to your questions and concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students Personnel or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and it is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board and Community can deal with controversial issues in a civil Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's views in that Spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather than to the audience and all speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residents and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period to 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment signin sheets will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so uh Miss cind malii Mansfield you canar me I'm sorry um did you know that there students at Northern who would rather become dehydrated and sick during the school day than step foot into the bathrooms because of students vaping this is my seventh year in this high school and students vaping or smoking in the bathrooms was an issue when I got here and has continued to be a problem each and every year it's such a big issue that every year bathrooms are closed leaving you usually two bathrooms open for the entire student body to use students are given six minutes to do their business not nearly enough time for certain situations this is such a big issue that each bathroom has one staff monitor sitting outside as well as VAP vaping alarms installed that were a great idea until the kids outsmarted them by blowing The Vape smoke in their shirts I know this issue is of great concern to all Northern staff and administration I've spoken to them and heard of the ideas they have implemented and would like to implement to combat this issue but unfortunately nothing is working this is not only an issue for our vaping students Health but very unfair to the hundreds of student students who are given an unrealistic time limit to use the bathroom and unfair to those who feel uncomfortable entering the bathroom I suggest we go old school to fix this massive vaping issue I grew up in a New Jersey high school in the early 90s with around the same number of students at Northern where smoking cigarettes was rampant in my four years in high school I cannot remember one time when I walked into a bathroom and someone was smoking you know why because at any moment of any day without warning a teacher or administrator could and would come busting through that bathroom door just to surprise anyone doing anything they weren't supposed to be doing and would be disciplined to the fullest kids were scared of getting caught the students at Northern have no fear why would they students know that there are many times when a bathroom is unmonitored or monitored by an opposite sex which means that monitor will not be entering the bathroom they quickly learned how to at wit technology I think technology and monitors are great background ideas but not nearly as great as a random stale St member coming into the bathroom catching everyone red-handed I understand and appreciate the efforts and ideas put in place but wouldn't it make more sense to employ a handful of monitors not teacher staff they should be available to our students in an academic capacity we need bathroom security staff to police these bathrooms have two at each bathroom one to monitor the line and one to constantly enter the bathroom you may be thinking GE that will be very expensive what I say to that is so what our kids are worth whatever amount of money it takes to keep our kids physically healthy and feeling comfortable using any bathroom for the real a realistic amount of time let's go back to the old old days when school staff didn't take our kids crap and they were given the power and authority to keep our kids in check our teachers have enough to worry about it's not fair they have to worry every time they let a student use the bathroom wondering if they are vaping or peeing nowadays teachers have to worry instead if a student is vaping right in their own classroom if done right this vaping issue should be wiped out very quickly once our students have the fear of getting caught with a discipline to match the crime they will think twice about their decisions please make this top priority thank you thank you Andrea Melton good evening my name is Andrea Melton I um am a member member of the Mansfield school um Mansfield Elementary School Board of Ed um this is my own independent thoughts and nothing related to my position on the Mansfield Board of Education um in front of you you will see um that you have a document and it is all related to the concerns regarding the lack of availability of bathroom use um to at the high school level on your first page um um and I forgive you I'm going to flip through this um quickly because of the amount of um time that I have available to speak but I am um available to answer any questions um I will include my contact UM with in my findings um of this document so on page one you have a map of the school in blue you have highlighted potential bathrooms that we have in our uh in our high school facility um circled in red you have um the actual bathrooms that our our students are being allowed to use um on a daily basis um so I took it upon myself to create a Google um form survey and sent this out um within 48 hours I had over a hundred responses and um it was basically um addressing asking students to fill this out so on and it it details um the grade levels the gender um if it's a parent responding if it's a student responding what have you so wanted to give a very clear description of where this information is coming from you'll see on page four that um 49% of our students reported that they're reducing their beverage intake um in order to not have to go to the bathroom while they are here at school this can lead to dehydration this leads to headaches um we've had students pass out um you know also um you know a number of other things um I did my Master's thesis on brain based learning and um one of the things that was the topic uh main topic was that if our brains are not properly hydrated then we're not learning effectively So This falls into that um with the limited um access I'm now on page five um with the limited access um uh of bathroom location um we have changed our bathroom pass I believe it was eight minutes before and now it has been moved to six um students are saying you know so if you're not familiar we have a bathroom pass for students that they um create um a pass in order to be able to go to the bathroom um so that has now been changed to six minutes um 98% of students are saying that that's just not enough time on pages 5 through n um uh the question was asked what problems are you seeing or negative behaviors if any um are are you noticing in the bathroom vaping was reported to be the largest behavioral issue in the bathrooms um even with a monitor um also I would like to um report that vaping's not going on only in the bathroom it's also going on students um I guess are you know vaping in their lockers they'll stick their head in the lockers and vape they are doing it while the CL uh classroom teacher is introducing the students or welcoming the students into the classroom and then they're vaping down their shirts try to wrap it up soon Mrs Melton you've reached past three minutes so far I'm past three minutes yeah Mr pigs I'd make a motion to suspend the rules and give her an additional three minutes someone would second that also second thank you um on page nine I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry a roll call for that one Sue or just a you do voice voice all those in favor I I all opposed extensions right uh you have another three minutes Mrs M all right thank you um so on page nine um 84% of students um said that the bathroom pass is unreliable and through pages 9 to13 um students um share some of their thoughts and ideas of how this problem could be solved but I want to take you to um page 14 in the back and the question was asked is there any add additional information you wish to share on this subject that was not covered in the survey and I think that there's some very valid um points that are brought up that are really critical that for the board to be evaluating and um for instance um they're saying there's not enough time sometimes it takes three minutes to get from one side of the building to get to the building then they have to wait in line to get there so you know realistically they can't even use the bathroom their time is up another student um reported that um he's an athlete and during his Sports season his coach actually um recommended to them and warned them that um you better not be going to the bathroom because if you're in there and you get caught um vaping and you're accused of vaping you're off the team um and I've heard this from other uh students in multiple Sports as well um and um I wanted to bring up another student said um uh you know if if their parent limited them at home for bathroom access that they would um that would be considered child abuse um but we're allowing this to happen at school another child talked about how um a female talked about her starting her period she goes onto the app there's like 25 students ahead of her she's on a waight list she can't go to the bathroom so she's sitting in that classroom thinking oh my goodness I started my period and she's concerned now that she's going to walk out of this classroom bleeding um and be humiliate humiliated in front of her peers that is a serious serious concern um so can I ask excuse me I hate to interrupt but I mean we can obviously read it and I'm sure we all will yes what was your affiliation with bringing this up I think it's good yeah absolutely so I have um four children um from 7 to 12 um uh so you hear it all the time I hear it all the time my uh girls I always have extra kids in my house they're always talking about this um always talking about it like it's a serious serious issue thank you um so our school is supposed to be a safe haven for our children um you know we have amazing teachers and um staff in our district we are teaching our children to speak up and stand up for themselves so they are um can be an active uh member of the school and community in the future we are trying to teach them to have a voice however they are um voicing their concerns and they are not getting heard so they are feeling devalued um I think that this is a issue that's been going on for the um throughout the school um for many many years as we heard from Somali and I um ask you to take this seriously and um think of different ways that we can address this situation and the last two pages one is um uh from the Mayo Clinic potential um um conditions that take place with uh withholding withholding urine and then the last page is um a screenshot of some of the um students sent me their uh screenshots of the app um and it's stating of how many students are in the bathroom and that the West bathroom is closed almost always so thank you very much for your time thank you m mton after public comment wait yep it's oh hello oh can I make a comment yes so this is very true um I myself since I can give you the student perspective have actually limited my beverage usage just so that I don't go to the restroom also a lot of my peers have actually um had situations such as the one that she has mentioned and we sometimes don't even feel um like comfortable using the bathroom because we have to literally run to the bathroom because it's on the other side and then when we get back our teachers um are mad at us because we were um late for 6 minutes but the thing is that it's so far that there are sometimes issues with going to the bathroom like um there's a line or things of that nature with the past and so um I also feel that a lot of the peers have spoken out about this issue however um we feel that the faculty does not hear us and it is kind of a severe issue not only for our health but um just so we feel a little bit more heard I feel like it would be good that you guys take this into consideration as well thank you uh Christina drum hi Christina drum Springfield Township I'm a Springfield Township Board of Ed member I'm not speaking on behalf of my board and I have not been authorized to speak on their behalf all these comments are of my own personal opinions um I just want to first uh applaud both Cindy Andrea and Hannah in regards to the comments that were just made about the bathrooms I can actually um I also share their concerns um my daughter who's here uh currently just recently actually told me a story where she went to go sign up for a bathroom pass and um I guess she inadvertently put in for the wrong bathroom or didn't realize of the one that she signed up for was not in the Hall that she was and when she ended up going to the closest bathroom she was told by um I guess a proctor that you're at the wrong bathroom and was told to go to the other side of the building which was nowhere's near where her classroom was there for her time limit on that pass was going to expire by the time she made it back to the classroom so I definitely would um you know urge the school to look further into that um one one of the other things that I wanted to bring up tonight was that on our agenda it never seems that we have um listed any old business uh in the past prior meetings um I have spoken out in regards to uh the parking lot privileges in regards to allowing um a lottery for any of our Junior student drivers to have privileges um I know we had Mr Zuckerman conversation you know through emails and then it just kind of fell silent um so you know I'd be curious to know as far as you know it seems like you know are are we moving forward with this at all is this something that we're waiting till next year and if so like why can't we try to implement it this year and put out a you know as like a trial basis to see how things go and obviously from year to year the number of spots are you know will differ based on the number of seniors but um I don't understand why we're not you know um moving forward with this and then um there was a question regarding the $30 parking fee there's a parking fee for our seniors to park in the parking lot which um you know would assume that if the juniors are ever allowed to do the same that that would apply to them as well and I'd like to you know have input on you know what that fee you know applies to um my daughter currently is not um a driver but she does take the you know privileges of you know being driven to school with a junior who does have a driver's license and that is you know partially to help with the the busing um and she is more on time to school with you know taking advantage of that versus waiting for the bus or possibly missing the bus so it's again something that I would urge um the school to look forward and look into um other than that I am curious to know what that um schedule for next year is going to look like if we're going to go forward with you know AB schedule or uh semesters I've heard a lot of good uh input regarding semester scheduling uh as far as holding you know four classes at the beginning of the year and then the other for at the other end of the year so that there's no confusion between uh you know switching back and forth between the ab scheduling days you're going to cut me off aren't you about to say reach three minutes yes um I'm gonna to wrap it up really quick with my very last comment that I have um I'm very disheartened to hear that the school is uh doing away with the tradition of the senior quotes um and removing the um expression of our students to um have a quote in their yearbook which we pay for which is quite expensive all just because of viewpoint discrimination and to uh move forward with trying to put out you know different things such as like who our favorite teacher is um you know I don't want to disparage any you know the teachers in the school but there has not been like a great track record you know with teachers and there's many stories that can go behind that and I would really urge the school to consider uh not you know putting that in some in basically you know to replace the senior quote for our students with favorite teacher thank you thank you Mr drum I have uh Leah Davis Lola Davis no no longer present that will uh close public comment right uh future dates we have our uh some committee meetings coming up uh March 18th uh work session um and March 25th regular meeting um at this time can I have a motion to go to Executive session motion second uh all those in favor I I all opposed abstentions uh we will be conducting business to discuss the non-content agenda item when we return um not quite sure how long that will be though right yeah you so as but people feuture part Union they areus themselves we don't want to okay back some people wanted I was we do it says in there is after everyone saiden everyone has in our think it that's one of the other things Yeah we actually actually five so hard so no that's not I'm than [Music] feeling some what you she's I think she's she she was and and really like oops by theying yeah part of that group [Music] yeah if we go by must I'm near the um [Music] on the ground I know it that was there ratings for legal servic I'm sure they did one CH oh here's the [Music] web well I didn't this is this a speci special education attorney right first 30 back letter letter Ser provided but I I'm interested I think I remember I do want know the arguments so like I want you know f what they provideed there's no teeth to it yeah the update yet so he said that minutes sign right so there probably has something in there sub and that's probably done internal coverage well I'm sure talk about that want to ask you about that like other one section there's like some cont get said in there it's like education said on if there's enough teachers that that's yeah there's more psych have an English teacher who has a psych certificate so he's doing psychology this year too but um it's honestly yeah um but we just have per section and next year I'm yeah what that but does it switch then yeah so like I have a new group of students oh so like February 1 we got our next stud okay so that's like different though because is that the same then you have six classes yeah I guess so yeah but not all at once grade all those Pap I'm on the schedule that they're thinking about a yeah yeah which I I like I mean I don't know maybe I'd like the semester but I did that but I really like the a schedule [Music] be um [Music] yeah letters we were supposed never heard everywhere we can't see person well I'll be honest is but I have aocc but the bathrooms are in central location so like I don't know about these B the bathrooms chosen on in the central location that e it's not that I hear from St so I don't know why I don't know what's different but we have a big high school just like this gradua they back in the the town bu oh there we go like Hills was like that school down second we just keep putting additions on to the already larg SCH although population numbers are going to start to be our big our big boom our big boom was in early 200 [Music] yeah some part are difficult yeah I try to move my for always but that's fting I just stay outside by my did you get any calls C more school I mean yeah only rain I would be surprised but they did say the snow would be and know I [Music] don't start bre is that the oh that's not good we already had built in the snow around theal so our next one it's going come Easter because we get the before Easter and then Monday after Easter I know that's what I don't understand I hate it too um and at I was going to have like the Friday and Monday but Monday all right well let's hope you know what are they saying was I need it for my AP the AP exam no they don't they don't care so many or the wrong pants take it into my belly how's your dog doing any new updates um he's doing really good he's just skinny he lost weight um we have them on a Whata call it it is a peanut butter based vonique anal gland health Co a so he has definitely has colitis though because his couple of his stools have been very mucousy and they say that's emblematic of colitis so um you we're GNA reach out to specialist instead an appointment we had an appointment um we were going to get an ultrasound done um but he seems to have gotten better but we definitely need to bring them a stool sample at our next session when we go even when we go soon I don't he seems to be fine now I think I think he really just is a sensitive dog because H's had issues with his anal glands they obsess and they get they drain so it's just on the one side so they say we can get it removed but it's um you know an expensive surgery it's like $2,000 um and he doesn't seem to mind that what about the release when you get it released so expressed so yes but the issue is is that they seems to be some sort of blockage to the where it should be coming out naturally express it it doesn't yeah so we haven't had it expressed because it's usually in between the couple months of it in getting inflame so um so he's got that but other than that he's doing fine he's a happy dog but he's just sensitive sensitive stomach and then he's got these issues my son said I told you he was defective like oh really did your yeah well my son his do his sister's dog so we've got to find any excuse to get rid of or put the dog down so good not job I'm looking up soer work tag Z we hav't I just I would just be careful so problematic to look someone up to find information about that I don't know I wouldn't do it I wouldn't that's not your job job yeah but unfortunately he's bringing it up so we have to talk about it then I guess you can ask the lawyer in there there I just want to try to understand if there was a problem problem more well I'm sure he'll let it sound he want all us all of us yes well by you watch the did you watch Super Bowl with I did I love you know what my favorite commercial was the body positive do oh yeah I liked Sarah that was cute too and then I also liked the um science but there wasn't enough nonwestern scientists know that would be my right I thought the Duncan one was cute but it was a little too kitchy like they should had some women in there um other than JLo I also liked the one um the one with Ted lasso in it because I love him I major crush on him I'm like honey I would leave you um he's so cute yeah and apparently I don't know if you know this but like Jason S totally changed the character of SNL when he was that he was like n but when you pitched it yeah but when he pitched it he decided I guess it there was just so much negativity in the world well he's the transformational servant leader on that program you know so you just decided to change the whole character great call that's an amazing you know and it shows his weakness I don't think there's enough weakness of being projected in a male character there's all this toxic Back le that's my impression but but yeah that I thought was good and I I enjoyed the game I didn't stay up for the overtime though I had to go to bed that's funny I that's when I went I'm almost FY and I need my no I didn't hear those about yeah I thought that had skin in the game yeah like I was happy for p PCO had to get game from Ruckers yeah that part was awesome too I do that's the one football team follow yeah follow I go to all their dreams but I love season tickets go to all the games yeah my great un used to be the coach 10 years yeah I grew up on all the games name Dr John baitman only undefeated season and he was on the um Ed solvent show this was a l this was a l i would bu TV that's black and white okay that's cool yeah connection so yep my grandmother dropped out she was told to drop out of Middle School to pay for her brother to go to St Benedict's prep in nework play football and she did she we felt like he was part of her success like his success was her success because she supported him so we went to all the games we tailgated and a red the Scarlet Art Club um yeah it was magical my dad and my mother met there got married there while my uncle was the football coach great uncle so his uncle was the football coach and you was pretty my mom was Swept Away by all of it and my dad stopped drinking my mom's like who did I marry oh yeah was the was need to grow up I love you know I just love college football I you know you know Susan's a big college football person oh yeah she is bananas nuts about football yes if you ever want to talk smack with her I don't know that like I only followers care less about all the around yeah yeah so yeah I mean it's crazy like I I am I'm like in my starting over career over teaching this year so I'm like I'm asking my husband all these questions like what should I do what should I do because like I've go to but you were in Ministry I was I was so why don't you that there's I'm sure be open oh yeah there is I'm just not ready to do that just keep my daughter stable in a transition I mean if something pops up and they're like hey there is a position open at my school right now but I don't meet the criteria like I haven't taught in a career in technical school for more than three years and um you know I am they need a mail on the team I don't have pis so um but yeah something pops up but it's a lot of like I would have to be the right move in so many ways because I feel like I've gone to two different trips where it was like had I known what I knew about these are going in I would have never taken a job to know way and then Ro blew itself up like six years ago um superintendent was pushed out by the board everybody be hired was pushed out I was like the last person standing along with the three other girls that was they all ditched before me like or you might want to start and I'm like no I'm going to stick around I'd like to hear at the work was so good it was all Equity was working withs was really pushing that by like just at whole but maybe I was zooming into things too much and then what happened in the superintendent lefted she left she's at Princeton now and um she retired the board went he for and the mayor so he destroy the culture of that district is and Steve May ucation so they just never support the referendum public the public there not what the taxes going up because the TA look so high the Mayer Prides himself they gotes last year administ they [Music] gotted y're down so um are they done did they need us to come back in Jerry Starbucks coffee tomorrow morning that's for certain I'll need that wake up how's your how's your puppy and your cut out your dogos for babies Miss but I don't I feel like I'm way too maybe I'm compaining with somebody else or I'm sorry I'm so sorry don't don't take your time getting a dog it's it's a lot yeah it's not it's not the right time and I know that my girls miss having a dog and I do too but I just don't I just like I'm a sh when them I do activities and I got my own stuff I'm it's just and it kind of really like now husband's brother who lives in New York City you asked us was coming my birthday and know we have the dog be like well we got to leave you know got to get home for the dog but you know now we're gon to go and just enjoy ourselves and not have to worry um Upper East Side 80th 8 first or second Street some nice we're actually going to be going this weekend you like to Billy with his girlfriend um they got place so nice I don't know B about that b is not my city like I grew up as a teenager one in to S into Manhattan and go to New York City that's what we did yeah so my sister-in-law lives Battery Park City she's three streets over from the um Liberty Tower or whatever they call now the museum I don't know if it's open anymore what yeah somebody said the 911 museum in New York City like the museum portion closed but not the plaza where the towers yeah I'm sure I saw something about that I have not been so snow day no K ktie yeah okay going be like oh this is your daughter SCH I be wrong no I think there I have a pretty good Sni for that up though no really yeah but I love the work I love that I liked being Mr super but a supervisor but if I was a social study supervisor that would be a whole really we got some C so technically supervisor I don't know so our supervisor retired last year and they put in womaned Jun I love J J is awesome but she's she's retired she just took the job fromer right yeah and she was the one de she's like no I just think this to make a little extra money not which only comes in it's like she she does like what her yeah so she only works like money through Thursday and me that's why I love her because she's just so like yeah it's fine you're great you know not caught up in all the POS yeah yeah so um but it's been know to have like like everything he's cares she like really genuinely cares um because our L supervisor she it was a supervisor position for both which so she bridged like the and she clearly she made it very clear English was her priority because it's St tested well and and she and she oh psychology why like that's the one of the first things she said to me when she now we had a great relationship and we ended up being fine and whenever she observed me she loved what I did but still I'm like what and and she look like she teut but why are you teaching the New Deal um well it is in the state standard standers but like yeah but but why we really shouldn't be teaching this anymore and like she just didn't not so um so that was frustrating that's my my dream position but you know the stars have not aligned come up yeah when the time's right now your dog is a Chun right or so we hope she graduates well we're like at 16 asking for 17 15 then not paying for that she can P for it P for it because she did it to herself so um but she's getting her wisdom team taken out the doctor just called it that and bump it up to was early my mom's like she needs to come to chair have I will write a personal a former educator time of family is more important done spring break does our school have a spring break yeah they get three days off they don't get a full yeah they graduate earlier they accommodate a lot of the Pennsylvania schools should we go sing by the door and like do drive I'm gonna do driveby all right I'll do driveby let me know how it's going wave me over if I need to come start my gosh I like my husband will be asleep already he must be well everyone's tired after last night right that's true we're ready oh we can leave our this St here yeah I think so than de yet yeah it's the number of number of l br what [Music] don't good this [Music] than one I get good he for do you come back yeah look the h Paul are you with the Personnel committee have a question for you and I'm happy to do anything we can to get rid of it and right and and I'm I'm open to but I me well then what Happ we need to talk I that we should think we should consider would that come up through the Personnel committee then you know yeah I think that has to come Up's the chair the chair course whatever right there I don't know that's an online thing course ra uh can I please have a motion to return from executive session motion second all those in favor I I all opposed extenstions right um can I have a motion to vote on nonconsent agenda item 7.07 appointment of the attorney motion I have a second second you do a roll call vote Please Mr Cass I think it's probably for the best if you don't mind all right we'll do a roll call vote uh for the um Award of professional Services legal contract do a roll call yay nay abstain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr aente yay Mr bucks no Mrs gamble Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice yay Mr Zimmer yes um for the audience um Mr Spence left at 9:48 so at this time we're going to add a non-consent agenda item to uh section 13 Personnel miscellaneous and it has to do with the board's position um to deny the grievance by by the uh Northern burlingon County Regional Teachers Association and uphold the decision of the administration so can I have a motion second second I will do a roll call vote yay nay or abstain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond abstain Mr aente yeah um so does she have to is recuse she has to say recuse right as opposed to abstain or is it not a variation okay it's the same okay Mr bucks yeah Mrs gamble Mr narwood y Mrs Janice is not here Mr Zimmer yay passes thank you motion toour what was that yes motion toour right can I have a second second oh oh I'm sorry sorry I have a request um I just want to to make the request if we can bring to the Personnel committee um a possibility of bathroom monitors and we can talk about The Vaping issue you know Mr Campell I was actually going to ask what was the appropriate committee to put that into because I didn't know from our committee list mentioned that you were going to what was what was right fin right I say Finance buildings and grounds as well so so the in March we have a um in addition to finance we also have a community relations meeting and then I was going to actually bring a summary of this to the the community relations committee and obviously share through the through that report to the board just as far as what has been done and what what the the plans are that's in addition to the request to look into bathroom monitors but we can also um we can also add that to that agenda if then then the community relations committee could recommend to another committee to be have it looked into and and so on as part of that discussion if if that's the request of the committee yeah I would like to talk about you know like person to be able to sorry to be able to add bath and monitors and Personnel oh sorry when you say monitors you're talking about actual Personnel to be the monitor yes okay that's correct is that what you were thinking Paul or no I I also be budget because we have to look see you have money in the budget for it so it's got to go that's where fin both I guess personel to recommend it budget would then have to review it is that a duty period I mean does that become a duty period I don't know or is this or is this new hires these new F I would think it needs to be a separate position so Dr Zarin if you could put some for thought into it and whatever committees you think that need to hear about it and discuss some items we'd appreciate it you know we know it's a very difficult issue and it's not a issue alone to our school we know it's an issue out there everywhere and whatever you could keep us up dat we'd appreciate very much Michael um could we make sure that like in future meetings if we do have any updates to that that we let the public know just because they've asked is there I don't know whether that's appropriate or if we can or can't we can that' be great I'm sure the kids will let them know when there is a bathroom monitor or something like that happen but also then the the intent is then community relations minutes would be able to reflect that conversation as well yeah thank you motion to adour can I have a second second all the all in favor I all opposed extensions right thank you have a good night everyone