##VIDEO ID:Z## good evening the work session of the northern Berlin County Regional School District is hereby called to order the meeting is called in conformance with the open public meetings act with adequate notice provided as follows notice sent to the Berlin County Times and the times of Trenton on June 19th 2024 notice filed with the township Clerks of Chesterfield Mansfield North Hanover and Springfield townships on June 19th 2024 and notice of the annual meetings advertised in the Berlin County Times and the times of Trenton on January 7th 2024 I will now call Ro Mr figs present Mrs Bond present Mr aente Mr bucks Mrs gamble Mr narwood here Mrs Janice Mr Spence Mr Zimmer uh Mr Haynes all right and our student uh representative will start in September so at this time I'd ask you all to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence United States of to The Republic stand under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all has any Board of Education member received Schoolboard related emails Andor correspondences that have not yet been shared with the superintendent all right um this time we I believe we can wait for the superintendent report and business administrator report for next week um Frank I know you're not going to be here right do you have any a chance to review any questions specifically since you won't be here next week oh everything seemed pretty straightforward um no real questions okay I didn't want I just skip save them for next week and then forgot to ask you I you won't be here if anything any come up I'll send you an an email okay sounds good thank you if I if I may just go over one thing that is on the on the agenda for this evening um first of all good evening everybody I hope everybody's having a great summer um as you know for the past uh several weeks um after the school after the school year finish we were interviewing for the um assistant principal um position at the high school I'm very very happy on this evening's agenda that you will see Miss uh Sandy cin um Sandy has been in a a northern employee for for quite a number of years um working as a special education teacher she served on numerous committees helping support our students and our staff um and we certainly look forward to having Miss Cullen um join the high school administrative team we feel that she's going to be a great um addition and to be able to fit right in so I will defer the rest of my report for next month or I'm sorry next week all right thank you Dr Zuckerman uh Mr Cass any comments from your ba report oh I just wanted everyone to uh be aware that uh we made a couple appointments uh recommendations um for Van Clee who's our civil engineer record he's going to work on the auditorium separate from the uh architect so we save you know the the 10% markup fee that the architect uses and also uh a recommendation to appoint new road construction as our construction manager uh we've had a lot of success with them with the referendum so as opposed to going out for you know an RFP and going through that whole process again I just wanted the board to to know that we're making that recommendation uh to appoint them uh for the auditorium project as a construction manager um also the uh Transportation routes um we they weren't available on Friday but they're available now for the board to look at uh next Monday you'll be asked to to approve the proposed Transportation routes um they've grown uh We've added one to the high school and two to the middle school and and six special ed routes so we're we're trying to make it work but um that concludes and I I'll have more details next week's report thank you thank you Dr zerman Mr Cass um we had a curriculum committee meeting tonight uh the report I believe will be given next week uh regarding that um then we have buildings and grounds Finance Transportation before next week's meeting um delegate reports uh Mr bucks isn't present tonight uh Mr AR do you have anything on your end okay no we didn't have any meetings yeah I saw they just published the post summer year schedule that just came out so um legis legislation wise um the only real movement there is they've made an approval for electric buses um with longer lease lease uh options but there no changes to the fossil fuel buses um next week we'll have the New Jersey graduate proficiency assessment data presentation for the regular meeting um I don't believe we have any comments from the public at this time um I will uh uh see so so I will go through the items on the consent agenda um by the group header if anyone has any specific questions regarding any items within the consent agenda um we can discuss them so section five is routine matters reports to the board any questions section six is approval of bills any questions uh section seven is business and Financial that's any questions on Section oh I'm sorry seven I think I said five all right section8 is students any questions on section8 all right uh section nine is Personnel appointments item 9.02 is non-consent agenda item for the approval of certificated appointment um can I get a motion for item 9.02 motion and can I get a second uh any discussion at this time for 9.02 all right Mr Gass if you could do a roll call vote certainly yay May orain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yay Mr arm manente yes Mr bucks Mrs gamble Mr narwin yes Mrs Janice yes Mr Spence Mr Zimmer yes all right thank you board motion passes unanimous all right thank you uh the remainder of section nine on the content agenda any questions on section nine all right section 10 is change of assignment we have nothing for that section 11 is Le of absence any question on Section [Music] 11 section 12 a separation of employment any questions for section 12 section 13 is Personnel miscellaneous any questions for Section 13 yeah I I I don't know if you saw the article um in the New Jersey school board's leader magazine but uh it's interesting to think about in terms of widening the pipeline for teachers you know with the teacher shortage some districts are looking to pay their student teachers um um and I I don't know do do the student teachers currently get paid that we have through their universities or so but the teacher gets a stien correct the teacher teacher does get a a stien however the student teachers do not get paid okay so not that I'm aware of it's like a practicon right I mean it's yeah yes there are and I I read a I don't know same article or similar articles they're trying to incentivize people to be able to go into the education field so instead of having somebody who maybe working their way through college maybe instead of taking off trying to give them some sort of incentive however my understanding is that that fee would be passed on to the district yeah it would right yeah are we experiencing like from a northern perspective are you finding that you're not that you're not getting uh any interest in open roles or is it is like are we different or are we the same as everybody else not good and I hesitate to anything I mean we're we're we're very fortunate for where we are we still do have a few leave replacement openings because people would rather take full-time positions rather than a leave replacement sure but there are many districts that that are really struggling right now much more so than we are and that's anecdotally I mean just from talking to my colleagues all right thank you uh section 14 programs uh any questions on the section 14 all right section 15 is policy any questions on section 15 um real quick the I guess the update to the meeting way the meetings go are we gon to get that anytime soon because I didn't see it on the the agenda it said it was being worked on three separate policies that are in there related to meeting I let me find it sorry yeah yeah I I'll find it in a second sorry about that it's actually in the body the resolution it's not listed in the policies I think there were three of them dealing with conduct at meetings and stuff like that um and when you go down and look in the notes it says still working on getting the links for that I don't believe that any of those are time sensitive if I if we can't get you the links by tomorrow then we will pull those for the next month okay cont it's it's in the it's up higher it's in the body of the yes so I don't think 0164 0167 and 2200 I don't think has a link in there either and if you scroll down under administrative content says have to finish attaching the links Solutions attached here under recommended action and uh public content two different resolutions So based that it's on second reading uh let me go check last month's meeting I'm sorry I didn't pick up on that uh last week it it reads the same so I I'll I'll look into that tomorrow we'll be back thank you thank you Paul uh section 16 is transportation hey um sorry I just have one question why are we abolishing policy 5755 is it being replaced by 5750 there is one in there that the when it came out from stra has an abolishment of this policy and it's been superseded by a new policy yeah so it was yeah I think so yeah so the abolishment now second reading goes in the new one takes effect and therefore it becomes abolished because it's too appative so to speak okay we're not just getting rid of it it's being yeah it's being superseded by a new policy or taken care of in another policy basically enass yeah encompassed in another policy thank you all right so section 16 transport Transportation any questions I just have a real quick one I was looking um you know where the bus picks up on my street and I noticed that they get picked up at 20 after 6 and they arrive here at 7 o'clock when they come home are they like the first ones dropped off or does it like I don't recall ever seeing a list that says okay when they're coming home here's when the times will be but did the people that have wait 40 minutes to get to school get dropped off sooner at night traditionally yes yes okay they'd be the first ones to get dropped off well they'd be dropped off sooner than yeah right I thought Tina would actually ask that question hey that's fortunate when I was a kid I was the first one on the bus and the last one off for years yeah no I get it yeah right any other questions for section 16 all right uh section 17 use of facilities any questions for Section 17 all right I we'll have no comment for public comment um next week as I mentioned there's the buildings grounds Finance transportation meeting followed by the regular board meeting um we have no executive session this evening so uh with that if I can have a motion for adjournment second all those in favor I all oppose exensions all right thank you have a good night everyone great