all right well let me open up um the meeting it is uh Monday June 24th 2024 it is U 6:30 pm this is the regularly scheduled uh public meeting for Norton Conservation Commission um and as is required because this is a meeting conducted over Zoom uh we will read the preamble um that allows this to be consistent with the open meeting law so Dan go ahead okay pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29th 2023 Bill extending several Co ER policies and programs by allowing virtual meetings to continue from March 31st 2023 to March 31st 2025 this meeting of the Norton Conservation Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public Andor parties with a right and or requirement to attend this meeting can be found at the end of this agenda members of the public attending this public hearing SL meeting virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment by raising their hand virtually or pressing star n if participating by phone no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means in the event that we are unable to do so despite best efforts we will post on the Norton Cable website www. Norton Medi an audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting thank you Dan um so attending the meeting tonight uh uh is are myself Julian CAD chair Lisa Cora Vice chair Dan Pearson Joe carello Paxton pel uh and Mark Fernandez uh and we have absent Tom bestest Tom best that's it um although she may sign on later uh and we also have uh present our uh director Don Thomas and our assistant uh Megan har um so we have as our first new public hearing tonight um file number 250- 11158 concerning 129 King Philip Road a notice of intent for construction of a 6x9 addition to a single family home do we have a representative of the applicant for whatever reason if it's if it's Ken Thompson your audio isn't coming through quite yet it it is Ken Thompson yeah it's so all right there's this it says connecting to audio right right M all right now you got to mute there can see if you can get it off mute can you hear me now we can hear you now we can hear you now open the phone that need to be used all right my name's Ken Thompson I'm the Wetland scientist um I'd like to share the screen John yeah I think you got it all right can you see that uh we can okay let me zoom out a little bit here um there's an existing structure on the pond here here the proposal is to remove this portion of the deck and this portion of the deck and replace it with a 16 by1 19 addition which is going to be set on 6x6 post sitting on uh concrete pairs uh the area is completely in the flood plane with an elevation of 73 732 something like that and I mean that's really project I've got mean high water marked here and on the west of this house I think it's West this side of this house there Wetlands extending to the pond it's a large part of the main Wetland associated with the pond so basically we want to replace a portion of that deck this like 70 ft 70 ft going to be removed from the existing deck rebuild this section of deck and then build the 16 by1 19 addition on three Piers going down here and I did a little calculation because we're in the flood plane going from a 4x4 to a 6x6 we're going to impact less than a half a gallon of water I'm I'm calling the flood offset the Minimus I can dig a hole underneath the addition if you'd like well have a gallon is is I me that would potentially evaporate in a short time with enough surface so uh so um but it's not in the flood waters now so it's all going to be done in the dry y assume and um an appropriate uh well I'll ask I'll let Lisa ask that question about the sedimentation control all right so are you ready for questions yes I am any questions from anybody on the commission or John so I do have a you so the um the exits to be removed is that a full full Foundation or is it just is that on piles as well it's on piles okay so you're removing so did you calculate the square footage of removal of those piles that you're taken out well that's really that's really the Delta right the Delta is the number of piles diameter and area of piles coming out versus the new and that's your flood displacement total right you want to take credit for what you taken out so what I'd like to see articulated somewhere on the plan or even in the finding section um is how much is coming out and what is proposed and what is the elevation of the proposed Edition it'll be about 7236 the first floor elevation flood elevation 73.4 so it'll be about a foot of water in the house during a 100e event my understanding that the building permit will be tied to um the first floor elevation has to be a foot above flood zone do you know if that's true John Thomas I think it was last time I checked yeah so the the flood elevation for this property is 73.4 yeah so that means 1 foot above that so 74.4 would be what the building and flood plane administrator would need to sign off on um I've asked for the the uh building plans and everything of that nature I don't know if they're ready yet but I'm sure that this will get ironed out with the uh building department okay but we'll want to see a first floor elevation there or an elevation of what it's proposed and then you have a detail because this all is in a resource area do you have a detail on the I assume they're going to be sonar tubes or files yes I do um let me unshare this Stu to share here can you see that no I didn't I got to share [Music] sorry there you go so is this part of the plan plans is this detail on the plans yes the contractor has a about a 40 page documentation of what he's building all the materials and things of that nature that has been submitted so so this is part of the plan set that we're approving or looking at reviewing okay reviewing okay okay so um I don't know how much we're going to deal with sediment control how far away is the um is the wet one your screen y hold on uh okay so yeah it looks like you will be um removing some uh material to put those posts in so you probably should have sediment control barrier um oh absolutely whatever the commission requests right to be shown the plan so it's something that you would propose and we would look at to approve so it's definitely in this situation so if you could add something to the plan and show us a detail I don't really need think it needs to go on the on the left there you not really protecting anything well there's a w there's Wetlands over here off to the left I'm just wrapping the area that's going to be under construction so I mean I can cut it off here but basically I would recommend an8 8 in Mal sock wrap the area you give the contractor enough room to work in there so they don't degrade the the sediment yep that's fine I can move it out to the property boundaries so if you could add that to the plan and with a detail that would be great okay that' be fine I mean your your space is tight it looks like most of this will just have to be dug by hand with po hold well when we talked about displacement and things like that it's a series of posts out here they're going to be replaced in here so that's equal the only increase is going to be these three in the center and down in here so that's the increase right so we'll need Del a 4x4 to a 6x6 so we'll need the total for that in the for the findings that'd be fine I'll get them and the site looks fairly flat that uh it is fairly flat would you like to see a picture of it um I I'm okay with your drawing so we're 33 ft off the high water mark just somebody was asking a question I just couldn't type fast enough okay thank you mhm so I think we need to show the elevation of that found of the um addition finish floor elevation add the sent control line add a detail uh and give us the uh impact numbers and then the removal numbers for those post ma'am [Music] Le are you all set okay any any other questions from commission members or John or for that matter uh anyone in the meeting uh you can either raise your hand by going to the reactions button or just speaking up so this is a um a notice uh so John do we have everything we need to oh no we have so we will need to continue just so we can get those numbers but potentially uh we can close next meeting and consider a uh an order of conditions at that time is that your thought John yeah I'd say that seems reasonable uh Mr Thompson is that acceptable to you yes sir I mean it won't delay your project at all if we close next time so okay make a motion to continue second we have a motion by Joe um second by Lisa and the roll call vote having a little difficulty with the sunlight here so we're going to go with Dan and Joe how do you vote I I and Paxton and Lisa hi hi and Mark hi and I'll throw in an eye I think I got everybody um so the motion carries um I don't know if you even have to sign on next time it's not I as long as you get the material to John in a timely fashion when is the next meeting uh the next meeting is July 8th okay well thank you for your time everybody you're back thank you for coming in uh that completes our new public hearings but our next item is a continued public hearing uh concerning file number 250- 1052 waiting River States this was a request for an amendment um and a Amendment relates to A reduced footprint of the project um I don't know if we can whoever is presenting it is you Mr dun who's going to present um uh if we can share a plan um if you have a plan and this was a u an item that we went on a site walk for and at the right time we can comment on our site walk I think Joe and I were there of course I just closed out the one I wanted okay can everybody see this plan now yeah that um and then this is the front this is the front end of the site can everybody see this plan here yeah and one of the things I was impressed with is the size of it so maybe if you have the figure What's the total acreage of this sry let's see here roughly around the total acreage is about 47.3 Acres which a majority of it is wetland 17 Acres of it 30 acres is Upland however um as you remember Mr chairman during the S sidewalk uh the majority of this site work that were proposing is to the front of the site and not even in uh not even close to the waiting River um and the reduction of this plan even takes us further out of the riverfront area than we were previously when we uh originally got approved by this board and the planning board so when we did our sidewalk we we uh parked here uh in the driveway and then uh walked uh walked down uh through this way along this path uh we cut through the turtle nesting area into this area here and then got out to the a little bit out to the back let me go to the next page and then we got well that's the wrong way sorry and then I got out into uh this area here and we could see uh where this is where the paths were that we were on and we could see these Wetland areas the flags in the distance when we were standing in and around this area remember this this big Mound that we were next to yeah so um so this is where this is about approximately how far we got through the sidewalk so all of this area here at the back of the site is uh land to remain we can go to that plan so you can actually see you can actually see the overall plan and how much of the limit of work has come in and uh where where we had work in this area before uh with the other houses and the driveways going around and so on and so forth so all of this area here stays undisturbed so that that mound that rather large Mound yeah uh it looks like it's in the uh undisturbed area is that your your sense let me just double check that okay hold on yeah so this is that mound we were looking at right here so all of that that mound is to stay is to remain we're not going to be disturbing it so I will just comment that um the area designated Turtle nesting area in fact has Turtles has turtle eggs and turtle nest so that is going to be preserved and that is correct and that if you may remember Mr chairman remember of the commission we've actually increased that area in this revised plan so I did take pictures of the parts of the the shells that were remaining I did talk take pictures of the painted turtle uh that uh we saw that was you know walking around the area um so uh going along with your agent at the Times comments and concerns uh are even uh even confirmed again with what we did during the S sidewalk as well as um increasing that Turtle nesting area and uh also remember we are not in a natural heritage area and uh you know we're not required to do um the all these sweeps and things like that because it's not a indent species or anything like that type of a habitat however we are making effort to protect the species habitat and as you as you remember walking the site very very Sandy conditions out there ideal uh for the turtles even even in this area here part of this this Basin the bottom of this basin is to be is to be sand uh based on your uh previous peer review Engineers comments so that's going to continue to uh provide area for these Turtles and other animals to come and do what they need to do all right Joe uh you were on the sidewalk I don't know if you have any any comments you want to make uh about this at all uh absolutely not the site was properly Stak properly flagged um the surveyors answered all in any questions that I that I had and uh I think I think it was pretty straightforward when they out there thank you very much Joe thank you uh John do you have any comments before we open it up to anybody who wants to comment or ask a question about this project uh the only thing that I will say is that we did receive a peer review Memo from Pat Brennan and uh I guess he had some comments majorly minor but some plan changes and revisions obviously that I think Brian's going to uh talk about this evening as well all right so Brian you want to do that and then we'll open it up to any questions from the audience sure so here's here's the peerreview comment uh letter or memo that Mr Brenan had prepared um as you as you can see uh his comments are very very minor in nature um because it does call for a reduction in the area of pavement and his peer review was con uh really really focused on the storm water system the water quality and and um Aros and control so very very minor comments um we need to number one we need to provide him with our detailed DSS removal calculations which we have no problem doing uh number two is really about the trench drain and we need to add out a add a catch Basin uh with a with a sump on it so that we get a little bit more TSS removal uh number three he wants our a binder detail to be a monolithic Cape Cod burm so that uh when the uh binder is placed down there will be uh half of the uh Cape c b installed as a Monolithic Pore of the roadway um specifications on the settlement uh settlement for Bay um he wanted us to provide that we don't have a problem with that um to uh limit infiltration through the 4B s in 4B he wants us to change our 4 in of loom to 6 to 12 we don't have an issue with that he wants us to call out number six the mass do specifications for stone rip wrap uh pipe ends which is really the the size of the stone that are in the plunge pool and the spillway not a big deal very very minor again uh number seven is erosion control and dewatering notes he wants to to remove the hay bale section of that and uh put in um uh the uh the Waddles because the hay bales are are sometimes have invasive species in them number eight the location of proposed inspection ports and the subsurface infiltration system are just a little bit different on the plan to the detail not an issue we can uh make that change uh here is his attention to detail uh as you can see the all the control structure uh plan that we have on sheet C10 is has 500s of a foot difference we will uh correct that that's why I'm saying attention to detail and then again here um another 10 number 10 attention to detail on the differences on the other other elevation which is also the Minimus change to what we've uh uh prepared uh he did double check the volume of the basins uh he does concur with that and um since we're redu we have a reduction in the impervious area of the site he um he shows that the site is in conformance uh with the storm water operation and maintenance plan so uh very very uh minor minor comments from Mr Brennan and we appreciate his attention to detail uh we can make those minor changes and uh we would we would respectfully uh you know ask that you uh close the public hearing after after uh you do have um uh commentary or anybody that is in the public who wants to comment uh so that we can move on to the planning board uh with these minor changes in hand Mr chairman okay Julian before we open it up I have a couple of questions sure go ahead um so if we go back to the plans that shows the area that's going to remain uh undisturbed what's going to happen to that property is it going into any type of easement or restriction or no it's just a property to remain um it is my understanding that the developer or the owners have no intent of uh you know going any further if if you notice also you know we're up against uh Riverfront buffers and let's go to that plan so if you look at this plan here when which was the anrad part of the anrad you approved um and the original subdivision that was here if you remember was called Strawberry Fields and it it was a 40b affordable housing project and it actually had a roadway came and came down here and there was houses down in this area here but if you look at all of our buffer zones you know we're in the 100 foot buffer zone we're in the you're in the riverfront area and uh when you get when you start bringing and putting houses down in that area we're up against the limitation of 10% of the land area uh to be altered and so on and so forth so it makes it more difficult to meet the performance standards in the regulations of the well and protection act right okay I understand all that where where I'm going with this is I understand what's in front of us now is what we're looking at and voting on and that you scaled it back I understand that how um so if that's going to remain is it going to be like a condo association or a homeowners association there's going to be a homeowners association associated with this project yes and there is an affordable component uh through article 16 uh through the planning board uh which is I think four of the units are affordable but there is there's no uh if you remember this this commission issued an order of conditions and I don't think there was any restrictions placed on on on this land other than no further alteration past the limit of the work I'm not looking for a restriction so John Thomas we need to think kind of big picture um how do we like any other homeowner how we prevent people from cutting any vegetation past the limits that are approved in this order um you know there existing um Pathways right now to the river we don't want people cutting in their own so I think we need to think about um raining this in a bit in terms of um access and do we put some up some type of barrier um somewhere um i' have to read through what the original order conditions had in there because this is a request for Amendment so I need to take a look to see if it's not to say we can't add another condition no and I know that's correct so let me just let me just double check to see if there was anything in there originally okay um and because there are some uh there are what 11 outstanding comments made by the peer reviewer I would suggest that we um continue this until the plans um reflect addressing those comments that's all IE yeah Mr Mr D you you mentioned you want to proceed with planning board but that that simple housekeeping shouldn't really delay your planning board uh appearance should it no I mean it's well our planning board appearan is tomorrow night Mr chairman oh okay so it really it it shouldn't matter I mean you mentioned that you I I think your peer reviewer you said the comments are minor so I don't think it's if you can just get the corrected set to us and then we potentially will close next meeting and then even act on the uh the revised Amendment at that time so it shouldn't slow slow you down at all okay um uh any other questions or comments from commission members uh and if not uh anyone in the meeting want to make a a comment or or ask a question about this uh revision of the project so we can I think at this point consider a motion to to continue our next meeting is the 8th of July and assuming you can get all of the uh those minor design changes on the plans fairly quickly we can close the meeting at on the on the 8th and then consider the order of conditions okay so July so the meeting is on July 8th which means I to get the plans done by well this week right because I don't know what P I don't know what Mr Brennan his schedule is he's pretty good he usually gets back if they if they're minor like this he'll get back within two to three days okay all right I think we're all set for a motion to continue until July 8th so moved second second uh clarify was that Mark who made the [Music] motion I think was Joe making the motion and then seconding yeah okay motion by Joe second is by Mark roll call vote Joe and Lisa how vot I I Dan and Mark I hi Paxton hi and I'll throw in an eye and motion Carri so Mr dun I don't know if you have to participate in the meeting of the eth if everything is all set we would uh go over it and then propose I I'll plan on being on the meeting on the 8th just to make sure Mr chairman you're back okay okay thank you very much everybody for your time appreciate it thank you yes you're welcome bye now guys ladies that that completes our public hearings um we now um have a whole collection of ERS of conditions can I make a a request before we do that so we we received um well I I think it would be best if we could take a couple things there's uh 14 guys Street he's here tonight for new business along with the 92 East Main Street project I don't think they want to sit uh for an hour as we discuss these orders so if we could just bump them up that would be great take them now it's going to take us an hour to do those orders you think I don't know we I don't think we've ever done six orders before so I'm just saying there could be some challenges somehow I don't have that uh that portion of I don't remember all right well fine so um Julian the enforcement is the top you can't really see it it's the first bullet on the second page oh 9 9 oh yes I found okay um so uh who who's going to talk about that so there's there's 14 Guy Street I think they should probably go first it should be pretty quick David David are you ready ready to talk yes um I want to thank everybody um for um fitting me in tonight uh this is just a uh um really a determination on a direction for 14 Guy Street my client would like to do u a uh an addition to the existing order conditions he would like to put up a 18 by 30 foot um storage um garage and a um a stone or gravel driveway out to the street um now this will include working outside the existing limit of work area on the original order conditions and I was unaware of this I think that might trigger um so I'm I'm here tonight to see if this would trigger a a request for Amendment to the order or uh should we file a new noi I can show you the plan really quickly if you'd like and yeah that that will be help could show us the plan that that would be yeah I'll show it I the screen and I going to bring up the plan that's a very impressive uh blue uh piece of land so uh can everybody see the plan uh yeah maybe if you could bring yes that looks good so what's in red is going to be the amendment or actually new noi uh you can see this gray line here this is on the original order conditions for the erosion control so we're going to be outside in pred Disturbed lawn area here and here um I did talk to the building inspector he has no problem with accessing a stone drive out to Edward Street uh and putting in uh this this um this new proposed uh 18 by3 uh this existing shed here would be moved over here so everything in red is basically what we'd like to do um and it will involve working uh outside the existing uh limited work area on the order condition on the order and you're you're getting much closer to the 25 foot yes with PR project so I guess it comes down to um a direction in which we should file this a new noi or an amendment to the existing order What's the timing on the work is the other the other part of this already been performed or uh they're still constructing the house uh this in the septic system this was approved uh I think less than a month to go so are you going to do it following the septic system work or you know it right on the heels of it or is it this if we did the amendment uh we would do it congruently with the rest of the construction of the site I mean typically the ep's position is they only want to see one file number per site if you can help it um and to me the litus test is do we need to add any conditions um to the existing order to cover the section extra work and if the answer to that is yes then it's screaming for an amended order um and the one thing that strikes me here is you going to have a gravel driveway um and what's to prevent continuous fines from washing from me right at the property line there so one thing I would just ask you to consider when you do come in y yeah okay but I mean I think I mean you're chewing up the whole rest of the site there's nothing left to it after that in the buffer zone you're basically occupying every inch of the buffer with something so I do think it warrants an amended order I mean in of another another filing especially if you're going to do it in timely manner your opinion would be that this would file under an amendment or a new an A Way an amended an amended that's just I'm only one person though I I I I I I was confused on which way well yeah let let me ask John a question I mean you you're you're monitoring the fieldwork uh and you know the paperwork as far as I'm concerned doesn't matter as long as the project is monitor monitor uh as it's under construction so what is your thought John I mean is certainly I I can't see a new filing but uh do you prefer an amendment versus uh um an administrative note in the in in the record or how would you want it done I mean for me on a project like this I mean they already have a notice of intent I mean they could file an RDA um for the other work it's just you know cuz we can't have two multiple orders for the same project site like Lisa indicated so you know you could do an amendment or you can do an RDA to me it doesn't matter um it's all going to get permitted anyway it's just they're they're increasing a little bit of work on this project but if the commission's okay with it because they're actively working on this site it's not like this has been constructed and it's finished uh so we can't close this project out so you know it's it's kind of a if they can Loop it all into one project that would probably be the easiest way uh so it's all kind of buttoned into one permit and I would prefer for it for this unique case to put it into under an amendment if the commission's willing to acknowledge that yes the limit of work is increasing for this site but we find that you know it just it would go smoother this whole ire entire process because we would have conditions that we'd be able to put in there for the amendment so I think what Lisa said is correct and I think we should go with that if you want my opinion um but I think that's that's that's my vote if I was to choose one on [Music] this uh so is it Mr clinard yes how long would it take you to probally M next oh we have the certified list of abuts in the office now um I can fill out the paperwork and uh get the advertisements out um this week I have to I have to uh inform the ab Butters again and put an advertisement in the paper um and then fill out the affidavit and the uh the form 5A request for Amendment that's that's a pretty generic form we and it's pretty much all filled out as as we speak so easily by the end of this week I could have everything in motion all right so any other questions or comments from the commission so this is really more informational as I understand it it's not really a no there's no there's no vote there's this ision just open discussion yeah so it it it sounds like to me your answer is put together an amendment and as soon as it's going be acted on it seems fairly straightforward uh yeah that's that's all I was looking for is a direction uh to proceed with this um these changes all right well is there no further question question or comments I think we we can wrap it up and move on to the other issue I appreciate your input thank you and have a good night thanks David thanks for coming in thank you uh and 92 East Main Street um uh who's uh going to comment on that and describe what's going on there good evening members of the commission Brad Holmes from environmental consultant restoration here on behalf of Joe kenti who's here as well for 92 East Main Street we did submit a request for determination of applicability for a tight tank to uh handle floor drains at the property which you coming in front of you uh the next meeting or so um but this pertains to the placement of asphalt millings over the parking area the back of the lot I did get a chance to meet with John Thomas and our crew on Thurs and kind of go over uh the site conditions somewhat and the tasks that are at hand that need to be evaluated and brought them brought back to the commission so the the purpose of our discussion tonight is just to tell tell you that we're working towards it we're looking forward to to respond to the commission and um bring it back a proposal to the commission that's either alternative a or alternative B that submitted to the commission uh what we're looking to do is if we restore the area to what it was previously existing prior to the placement of the the asphalt millings we would look to to handle that under an uh an enforcement order with the commission hopefully a friendly enforcement order if we were to modify or keep or revise uh the the Milling area to something different than what existed previously we wouldn't be able to do that under an enforcement order we'd have to prepare and submit a notice of intent so that that is what we would do but in order to proceed down those a Avenues we need to figure out the limits of the uh parking area to what existed previously we have to compare it against the riverfront Redevelopment standards uh to calculate deg graded areas and um how it would work if we were to propose and submit a notice of intent so um what we're doing is working towards that we haven't been able to get further into research since we met with John on site last week but the intent of our meeting was to come to the commission and let you know that we are working on it and we'll be coming back to the commission with what our thoughts are I did put a timeline in there because I know your next meeting is July 9th and sure you'd like to have some information of what our plans are by then and if we and if we were to uh come up with a solution we'd have a application or a restoration proposal in for the following meeting by the 23rd uh or other timelines that that you seek but uh that's what we proposed that so this this site is the the former Midway garage site or just trying to figure out where it is yes it's uh buildings in the front right park storage in the back it's it's historically altered prior to the regulations and that search comes to degraded versus not degraded all right I just have to be sure that what you said is correct you you said our next meeting is July 9th we have it listed as 8 so let me just make sure I took it it could be my mistake whatever your next meeting I thought I took it from yeah it is the eth and the uh and after that the 22nd of Ju all right I I'll correct that okay so um so this is uh basically about the there's going to be a filing with a remedial plan uh is that a fair statement yes either uh response to the enforcement order to work through the enforcement order as restoration or come back to the commission with a notice of intent so our intent here tonight is just to let you know that we're not ignoring the enforcement order we're working towards it and we'll be coming back with a proposal as soon as we can so so John presumably it'll will eventually result in a a notice of intent with regard to the work to be done is that correct or well that all depends on what they want to do at the site I mean if they want to potentially develop the area further in the rear then they will need to come in front with the notice of intent but if they're going to do an enforce work under an enforcement order which is um you know at the discretion of the commission I sent them a violation so this is in respons the violation they're here tonight as as reference just to kind of make that known to the commission um and that is so go these millings put in the river front is that is that what the the violation is that's correct so they came in front with a request for determination I did some due diligence research on the property took a look at the aerial photogrametry and saw that there were some significant changes which I informed them and we've had a conversation and I sent over a letter requesting that they come to the meeting to talk and discuss what they plan on doing with the property so that's why they're here tonight that's why Brad's here tonight uh is to say that they have two directions they could go they could either go through the enforcement route to do mitigation for the property or they can come in for an after action notice of intent um but that's going to require a lot more effort from their standpoint as Brad indicated so it's up to them on which direction they want to pursue they're just here tonight to let us know that they've got two options on the table and they're still working it out to see which ones they want to do all right so I guess it's fair to say we'll hear more from that's correct all right well thank you Brad thanks Brad thank thank you good night so we are now I believe at the U list of orders of conditions um so on Google Drive I I could not print these I I couldn't print most of the orders of conditions no option so we're going to see I had them up on the screen we're going to see if I can retrieve them yes I can all right so um first on the list is file number 250- 11152 Zer Crane Street Lot B um see B um so we have um I mean everything is pretty much standard text although we have one item in the findings which is highlighted proposed work for construction of new residential home is associated with driving driveway grading and utilities um any comments about this set of orders that is confined to Lot B uh I think you just want to adjust your page numbers well this might be the Google Drive problem you see there there six and what what is the adjustment six pages total right first one says one of two second one says two of two and then we get three of two then we get really crazy four of two five of two well I that's what I'm seeing but anyway just make sure it's right on the on the final yeah but Google Drive does some crazy okay some crazy the final so the discrepancy I have is in Google Drive it says one of six yeah m is saying six and then two of it's It's I don't I don't I don't trust Google drive with the uh formatting I'm going to tell you that right now that's one of my one of my complaints with them and I'm GNA say there's there's a bug I have no idea where it comes from but when I click on the link to Google Drive the uh the period after gole and before Comm gets removed so then says site can't be reached and I've got to put the period back and then I can get into it so where the hell that from I have no idea I've learned that trick um so if we're all set with this one I think uh any further questions or comments or we can uh accept the draft as presented I'll make a motion to issue the order conditions for file 250-15 to as as discussed a motion by Lisa second by second second by Paxton uh so Mark and Dan how do you vote all and looks like Dan got an eye in there Paxton and Joe hi abstention and Lisa hi and I'll thr in an I so I think it's five eyes and an extension the motion carries to approve the draft minutes as submitted our next one is Lot C Lot C is identical almost I didn't see this one listed in my Google Drives drive you you say almost what what's different I mean the header so it's a different it's all right it's C instead of B but the same uh thing away from the U uh standard text isos it's the same thing for the other house yes okay okay um then I'll make a motion to um issue the order of conditions for file 250-15 3 as written motion by Lisa second by second second um markk be Bunch so Mark and Dan how do you vote I yes hion and Lisa hi hi and Joe Joe stains yeah okay and I'll throw in uh an I so five eyes one exension and next item is uh bile number 250- 1154 lot D order of conditions this one just is a little different this one is different because we have River Front area associated with this lot so it's just me highlighting the the findings of how much uh River front area uh is basically allowable in the future so all right and nothing else is different from our standard um I'll make a issue the order conditions for file 250-1540 second um well I'm going to give it to Dan because he was moving moving your internet connection must be slow all right so motion by Lisa seconded by Dan so Mark and Dan hi hi Paxton and Lisa hi hi and Joe I'm assuming in an exstension obain okay I'll thr in I again five eyes and one exension um file number 250- 11156 61 Main Street I think that was the Honeydew Donuts lot and that has a lot of stuff in it um so we have in the findings the work is for interior parking and lot of improvements but then we have other storm water conditions on number 10 um so I tried to write this about the yeah I tried to write this and and I looked over the meeting minutes and had to watch some of the videotape again to kind of try to capture everybody's thoughts during the meeting so I tried to incorporate it into writing it down this this took about half an hour to do because this is very unique case but I I just wanted to see if the commission was amenable to uh the storm water conditions that I have in here along with some of the Perpetual conditions that I put in here as well so um just read it over and let me know if you have any suggestions or comments or feedback yeah I I think you captured it I mean you captured the this discussion so just um tabat it by saying in the event that the applicant does not file a new notice of intent just to clarify the first part of that sentence right so so for instance you're talking about the condition oh I'm sorry number 10 just to clarify yeah instead of just well you can leave that there the new site design but I I would say in in in the event that they don't file a new um uh notice of intent showing the storm water then you can continue with you know a new new new notice of intent including new site design and storm water management Improvement that's all got it so what's 39 about COC oh this is to close it out for the but this is the order though right oh maybe request the COC okay so in other words we'd be closing this out for them okay I got it yeah we're kind of putting the horse before the yeah or the cart before the horse on this one yeah well the there has to be a certain amount of trust and um that the uh all of this took place in good faith uh we certainly have had prior instances where we've been told things not in good faith but fortunately I think I think this sets us up for enough protection for having this in here as Lisa suggested being a Perpetual condition but also having it a condition as well I think that was that's going to give the commission a little bit more um I guess leverage when it comes to making sure that this this occurs or this happens um resolving these situations I guess that have occurred on the property yeah but but I think you know most people want to live normal lives of having a project in mind and going forward with the project they don't want to create self-defeating situations uh so my sense is um this is going to work out so John for 41 you might just want to write it the same way you did number 10 that's all 41's in perpetuity yeah okay so I mean I'll make a motion if we're ready I we're right okay to issue the order conditions for file hi hi Axton and Lisa hi hi Joe hi and I'll throw in an i the motion carries uh file number 250- 11144 [Music] res uh so we have the findings work is for number four the work is for construction of subdivision uh special conditions uh involving one d& and then uh special condition or administrative condition seven and then at storm water a boatload joh do we have the quantification of disturbance to the 25 you know I think Cameron's on the call Cameron camera you there yeah sorry uh I don't have off the top of my head right off uh I can get we calling it minor and I I really think we should quantify it for the record because I want to see it on the as built yeah yeah I know we're we're to have a arborist there or to take a tree inventory of the area to kind of figure out what we have to do to put those in all right so so maybe we just put that as a as a um deliverable yeah prior to construction condition it just based on the recommendations of the arborist whatever because you know we don't know what the result of that could be either right so yeah why we so why don't you as that as a deliverable but the um to report back to us on the recommendations of the arborist and the square footage of the disturbance within the 25 that would be great should we just call it a no disturbance um quantification plan arborist arborist and quantification plan or no no disturbance disturbance plan perhaps to say it's to be delivered um at the time of the preconstruction hearing the meeting yes that's what that's what I'm going to put in the recommendations yes okay uh John Thomas number 12 yes the applicant shall provide for in fund third party inspection a qualified technical consultant are we going to determine that should we just I think we should say a PE that's fine yeah okay qualified professional engineer yeah well one would hope that a PE is qualified it might be redundant but let's just say let's just say AES it's not H I don't want to go there that was language that was prepared by a qualified PE as a peer reviewer to another project that I was involved I took it from that I took that all this language from another order of condition okay but happy to have include you know the specific requirement oh yeah you had it in 13 urance by a licensed okay yeah yeah yeah okay so we are going to ask for the bond okay and who's going to come up with a figure on the bond I'm leaving it up to the planning board to figure that out okay good it's tied to the bond process with the planning board okay board is to DET is to establish the bond for the roadway this would be component of that work so I think it would it would um fit into that overall Bond U process and I've coordinated with the the town Planner on this matter as well so they're aware of the situation so because it's their bond we're not going to opine on so I'm looking at 14 so we're not going to have any St on it we're just going to accept it right we are going to work in collaboration with them so that is where I am going to with the boards um assistance is um work with the planning board to make sure that we're comfortable with it as well okay oh 16's a little too open-ended for my my uh my liking okay who determines what far enough away is I love that wiggle that's a little too Wiggly for me so do they have dedicated snow storage areas on the plan I don't I don't believe so okay I see another condition coming I see a condition that says they have to provide snow storage plan so we somebody needs to draw the line in the sand right you can't just say far enough away that's just way too Loosey Goosey all right so once that's done we're going to update um so so John we probably want to change 16 to say the o and m manuals should provide that snow be stored for that should reference the plan that they're going to prepare for us I'm putting a condition under prior to commencement of any soil disturbance activities they're going to provide us a snow storage plan so I'm going to actually add that to 16 and incorporate that into 16 so it's going to match the snow storage plan okay yeah just take the words far enough away it's just not tight enough okay I'm going to say as depicted on snow storage plan yep okay so 19 here any what's that I I set up my tractor for snowblowing this year and never used it 19 sorry go ahead 19 you want to put Julian and Lisa live right around the corner from this site and you better watch out because you know me I'll be on the phone every every Friday when I'm off Going John I'm cheing yeah Lisa leis Lisa does make the rounds just so you know and she does live police yeah she she's the one yeah so just uh no we can't have that as a condition but I I want to I me if I gave it to John to to include it I think it's appropriate we can we we can put that in there if you want Lisa because then I'll be obligated there's too much pressure it's supposed to be random yeah who knows you guys could find yourself on Tik Tok okay okay all right so we got those changes John MH we do okay is anybody ready for a motion I think we are I will make a motion to issue an order of conditions for excuse me file 50-144 as discussed second second that time Mark got it so motion by Lisa seconded by Mark Mark Dan I vote I I Paxton and Lisa I I and Joe I and I'll vote I as well motion curious um thank you guys thank you Mr chair if I if I may um just quickly one of the conditions I think we we presented to the commission before we started this hearing on the noi was that subdivision approval requires the uh Grant of a conservation restriction I've started working well I've been working a little bit with John but I started working with the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs as an new condition as part of that process is something called a baseline report which is supposed to be reviewed and accepted by the commission as part of the for formal filing that goes to eoea I think it's basically taking the existing conditions uh portion of the notice of intent narrative adding some uh information about it and I'll be working with John but I just wanted to alert the commission that that would be something we would have to be coming back to on probably within then within the next 30 to 60 days um but I appreciate appreciate all your good work on this and we look forward to following up thank you excellent all right thank you um next item is file number 250- 11157 39 and drive uh and this one there is not a single item in yellow yeah I apologize there are there are areas I did update that aren't in yellow right I I see that you have findings that are not standard but um but the actual conditions there there's nothing that departs from the are basic conditions is that a fair statement right so one of the findings um calculates or summarizes the extent of Riverfront that's still allowable on the property for any permits that the applicant's seeking in the future um and also for the project what it's just calculates it the other is the reason why the commission is amenable to allowing for this septic leeching field to be within the 100 foot 100 foot repairi in zone because it would have been um subject more detriment uh more disruption within that area vegetation removal ground disturbance things of that nature so in essence it's a good alternative because it's within the existing lawn which was previously Disturbed anyway so that's just us basically saying why we're selecting that as the alternative um but besides that it's pretty consistent with our typical single family residential um orders of conditions all right any questions comments motions uh I'll make a motion to issue the or of conditions for file Mark and Dan how you vote hi hi backton and Lisa I hi and Joe I and I'll vote I motion cues uh we are now up to trft minutes and I have no comments on the minutes they all seem to be exactly what happen hey did I miss anything or anybody want to make a comment no comments I have some font issues but that's besides the point I can fix those S Dan you didn't pick up on the font issues you're slipping Dan oh fu yeah I I think it's it's uh I'm not not going to worry about the the font as long as it isn't comic Sands or Papyrus uh I would never do Papyrus I know well yeah I mean the the uh formal and the the written form of hieroglyphics they there's still you know six and one half dozen the other so yeah I I think we should allow hieroglyphics I mean Megan if you want to you know write hieroglyphics want to learn another language that'd be fun I think the next meeting minuts are going to be in wingdings so better better watch out all right Megan let me tell you you only have to go 20 miles away to learn hieroglyphics because uh Brown has egyptology so you're all set wow I better start driving and we we won't tell you what language you're going to learn if you actually wind up in Congress but that's another issue all right I think we need a motion to accept the um minutes as drafted for 610 2024 so Move Motion and Dan I think that was a second second so motion by Lisa is second by Dan uh Mark and Dan hi hi Paxton and Lisa hi hi Joe hi and I'll n um old business new business so some some updates coming through um I won't be here on the 22nd of July it's my birthday and my wife's taking me away for my 40th birthday so I'll be out and about and then on the 12th I'll be coming back from Portugal so I won't be around so um that falls on a couple our meeting dates right [Music] Megan uh yeah 812 is u in then 20 seconds John I had emailed you I'm going to be away on the 8th okay July 8th okay so I guess you know as we move forward this is the summer time for everybody to take some time off um from all the hard work that everybody does so if you want to just let me know what meetings you may potentially miss moving forward I'll try to coordinate to see if we can you know arrange to have meetings swapped around or um just cancelled in general so if you could all just give me an itinerary of what meetings you might be missing over the next two two to three months that'd be great that way we can coordinate well I can tell you right now John my life is as boring as it gets and I should be here all the time well Dan if that's the case I have a lot of work for you to do you just signed yourself up I said I will I will be in Fiji for almost the entirety of the summer uh but uh have a good one everybody sounds good I will miss um August 26 um and I might I don't know what what it is that but uh yeah I might be missing a couple okay as time goes on yeah so if everybody could just give me an idea because I know this is the time when people take vacation and take time off so you just want to send me over a list of dates you might not be able to attend we'll try to coordinate from our end I'm sorry John what was the day that you were taking off again I'm G I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be here July 22nd and I'm not going to be here August 12th oh okay well that's not so bad well I'll be here but I'll be flying back so I'll be on my way here so Monday um so our meeting schedule is going to be um second and fourth routinely um for the rest of the year second and fourth Mondays that's my understanding right Megan yes okay is have to look forward get to schedule of see yeah what what I'll do what I'll do is I'll I'll recirculate the meeting agenda to everybody so that way everybody can see it and just see if you if you can't make those meetings just let me know yeah so Megan I'll send you a list of meetings I'm not going to be able to make okay so did did you attach the bot to the or did you add it to the Google Docs or no I updated it Megan did we upload it to the the BW there see Google Drive I might not have that might have been my it's okay well I'll I'll have it uploaded tomorrow um the most revised one I basically stripped it down I think maybe a year or two ago and um I haven't touched it since but I'll let everybody you know comment on it I was going to just you know if you want to download it or put it in the Google Drive make comments feel free to do so Dan I know you're I know you're you're aching to to get on that so I'll I'll let you uh work on that all right oh on the uh I well you know uh okay yeah right um well I I would like to get it done because uh but how are we going to uh go are we going to meet or something or am I just going to well I think it's probably best for you to take a look at it because I'm going to put I'm G to upload it uh tomorrow when I get back to the office and then um we can coordinate a time where youi and I think Paxton you are the other person that was going to get involved in this little subcommittee and uh we can talk about it and see kind of what you guys think and then we can pit it to the commission Dan I'll let you lead the discussions okay and uh we can kind of work things through sounds good I will look at it tomorrow awesome thanks Dan sure thing thank you John I have nothing else anything up all right my garden is growing it's liking all this [Music] rain all right well I don't want to keep everybody so uh motion to adjourn oh we don't have anything else to do really except deat dinner do we I gotta go water my plants all right good night everybody take care everybody good night good night everyone