##VIDEO ID:WKoQEcKNfiw## all right this is the opening of our regular regularly scheduled uh meeting of the Norton Conservation Commission for Monday September 20 U yes September 23d it's now 6:30 um p.m. uh and as it is um required we will Begin by reading the Preamble related to the fact that this is a remotely conducted meeting give me one second uh okay uh pursuant to Governor Healey's um I haven't got the thing up yet sorry I was so intent on getting a new background uh come on I can do it if You' like all right all right I've got it I'll just do it from the side here pursuant to Governor Healey's March 29th 2023 Bill extending several Co era policies and programs by allowing virtual meetings to continue from March 31st 2023 to March 31st 2025 this meeting of the Norton Conservation Commission will be conducted via remote participation to the greatest extent possible specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation by members of the public Andor parties with a right Andor requirement to attend this meeting can be found at the end of this agenda members of the public attending this public hearing SL virtually will be allowed to make comments if they wish to do so during the portion of the hearing designated for public comment by raising their hand virtually or pressing star9 if participating by phone no in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted but every effort will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time via technological means in the event that we are unable to do so despite best efforts we will post on the Norton Cable website www. Norton media center.org an audio or video recording transcript or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting uh thank you Dan so participating tonight uh commission members uh myself Julian Cades chair uh we have Lisa coroa Vice chair Dan Pearson is uh commission clerk uh Mark Fernandez Paxton hell Tama vest and our only uh currently our only member absent is uh Joe carallo and we also have um John Thomas our director and Megan harup our assistant uh in the meeting um and so John do you mind if I if I introduce the the changes in our procedure or do you want to go ahead and do that or um sure you can go ahead all right so we we've had discussions uh about trying to make um our presentations and and the the way the public meetings are conducted uh more efficient and also uh potentially easier on members of the public who are we waiting for a specific continued uh public hearing to come up and then only to be frustrated [Music] to find out that um it's been continued so uh to address that we are going to have the continued public hearings up front um before the the new public hearings uh just to inform people of which of those continue hearings have been continued which of those U ongoing hearings have been continued so that members of the public who are waiting for a specific hearing um can hear about that upfront and either decide to leave the meeting or or you know stick around for other business um we also are going to request that uh everyone participating in the meeting be focused in their questions relating to business of the Wetland protection act uh and um limit discussions in a a very focused uh maybe even item bulleted manner so that they can be addressed quickly and concisely and that also includes um the uh presenters for the applicants that with that we we like to have things focused and particularly when there are items that are going to be resolved with uh with peerreview and a technical consultation uh we certainly don't mind a a quick summary but the details uh really are going to be hashed out with between detailed discussions between our director uh the applicant and the peer review so we're just trying to keep things moving quickly and on that note uh our first item of business is discussion items uh we've kind of come uh I covered uh the the project continuous requests and we can go forward to draft minutes unless you'd like to do something else first John uh well I just want to let know that let the commission know that we received a email request and a form request for uh one of the projects that was continued 171 West Main Street the an RED project they requested a continuance for two months out so um they said they were going to take a month to do all the work but it seems like they have a lot more work to do um so I'm just G to actually take them off the agenda um until they have something of substance that they can provide us and that will be probably the I think it's the November mber before Thanksgiving meeting so yeah November 25th so does that mean they'll be read advertised to get back on the agenda I would prefer that they do because it's such a long time frame I'm gonna request that they do the read vertising okay all right uh and so we can go for go ahead with draft minutes then yes uh so first is a August 26 and I was not at that meeting um but so I will be abstaining but on page two there's one note which might have gotten through that a contradiction um where it says motion to continue public hearing until September 23rd um and then we have the eyes there are uh five eyes and one uh no and then it says carries unanimously so I think the unanimous unanimous unanimously got uh cut and pasted and just needs to be edited okay I can do that uh any other comments on that um on that set of minutes if not no so I'll I'll make a motion to approve the meeting minutes for 826 2024 uh with the edit as discussed a motion by a second seconded by Dan uh and we're now going to do roll call vote three at a time so anybody uh yeah Dan seconded that uh so Mark Lisa and T how do you vote how do you vote I hi at least it was at about an i in there somewhere um I'm not hearing anything at the moment but yes I okay uh and Dan and Paxton hi and I'll throw in an exstension our next item is uh our last meeting September 9th um I have no comments on this no uh I didn't either they look good uh so I will make a motion to approve the uh draft meeting minutes of 99 2024 as written second so we have a motion by Lisa seconded by Tama and Mark Lisa and Tom hi hi hi and uh Dan and baxton hi hi and I'll throw in an eye motion carries uh enforcement order on 92 East Main Street so just to give the commission an update uh the applicant and owner of the property is going to be doing a lot of the restoration work this week and they're going to be laying out the um sediment controls so I'm going to head out there this week and make sure everything looks like it's in order but uh my anticipation is next spring they should be coming in for certificate of approval um for releasing the enforcement order so I'll probably be taking this off the agenda item where they moving forward so John did they Mark out where they going to cut in clear okay and they they stake it with something more it's it's staked okay and they give us a plan to that effect yes they have a plan and Brad Holmes is working on it okay thank you and the 258 plane Street the YC YMCA billboard area yes so the well 258 Plain Street that's the um Stone dog in they've cont the owners have contacted um Brad Holmes similar to this project and he's going to be putting together a restoration plan in that effort with the help of uh Craig sinowski from R engineering um and the YMC billboard I'm going to be meeting the surveyor out there this week to work with them and take a look to see where the markers are and if not um find out where they can be put uh based on what was previously approved with the order conditions so everything's working in the I guess positive direction for a lot of these enforcements and violations so I'm very pleased with the uh willingness of a lot of these uh land owners and applicants for getting uh these items try to resolve these in a quick manner so I'll probably be taking these off once I'm confident that they're in a position where uh they're moving in the right direction all right and then the last item so the last item is any sort of public inquiries from the the public if anyone has any questions um they can raise their hand or speak their piece now um but for Department updates uh just to let everybody know the new town hall uh we're moving in we've actually kind of transferred over everything to the new facility and uh we should be opening that up Wednesday uh to the public so if anybody wants to stop on by Wednesday would be the potential day to see the new conservation office uh as we unbox everything all the plans that are from the archives and everything if anybody wants to help putli them away that'd be awesome and then the um the ibwf um or no e i well EF well let's see ibw that's the that's the moniker that facility over on mans Avenue what's what's up that is a new project that's coming in um that one will be on our next agenda so just to kind of give everybody an update I've kind of put that into your um your log that I give you uh for new upcoming project so you're aware of what to anticipate for the next meeting so all right that's going to be a new uh extension of their training facility all right that they have in Mansfield all right uh okay so technically that's well anyway we'll wait and see what comes down the pike um and so our next item is continued public hearings um and this is a continuation with regard to file number 250- 11163 over at the golf course 400 uh Arnold Palmer uh Boulevard notice of intent they're requesting a continuance until October 28th Mr chairman I'll make a motion to Second excellent so made by Lisa seconded by Dan and Mark Lisa and Tom how do you vote I hi and Dan and Paxton I hi and I'll throw in an ey the motion carries uh then we have um we already had so we don't get a um uh we don't need to to vote on this um no we do we need to make a motion for to continue yeah you need to make a motion yeah so I'll make a motion to continue the public hearing for file 250-1 one61 was November what was it eight8 8 the8 no 25th the 25th 25th second all right motion made by Lisa seconded by Dan Mark Lisa and T how do you wrote Hi hi hi and Dan and Paxton I I and I'll throw in an I uh and the last of the continued public hearings file number 250-1 11620 Hill Street um at kind of looks like they're in continuing discussions with the peer reviewer um is there discussion we should open up or did they request a continuance Andrew Platt's here tonight from bowler um I think kind of what you said Julian is kind of where we stand with this project isn't that right Andrew well I guess I wasn't planning on that exactly I was hoping to get a decision if the commission's in a position for that I understand there's no response to our our responses to the peerie comments but I'd be happy to go over those with you tonight just in an effort to to get this wrapped up if we could they're pretty light there's really not not much there to go over all right uh do you have a information you can share on a screen yeah I do um so essentially there's no changes to the plans as a change as a result of the um comment responses so if you want to go over these one by one I'd be happy to there's only eight I think half of them were didn't require a response okay okay so first one consistent with our requests just um slim it down and we'll we'll drill down on those that seem to need more discussion okay so very briefly then the first one was just adding a detail for RI wrap pad which we did second one is about some rainfall depths which were off by a couple hundreds of an inch from what we provided in our original calculations so really there was no impact there actually I'm just going to skip to our response letter here because this this covers everything including our responses that we um stated last time at the last meeting about the gravel lay down area um store the fuel tanks and the swep those are all in this one letter so as I said the rip wrap's been addressed the rainfall has been addressed um there was some questions about the manifolds on the Storm Tech the underground Chambers so we addressed that there's really no no issue there um nothing changed with the infiltration basins there's been no change to the volumes no changes to the recharge volumes uh the really only the only changes you would notice on the plans are to pipe sizes so we upgraded some pipe sizes based on hydraulic analysis um I'll I'll show you the one change we made which was a voluntary change on our part had nothing to do with the comments but we re reoriented the the chambers in this one Basin this underground Basin in this this corner of the site just to make it more constructible and get the pipes in from either end so that like I said it was not a comment but just something we did voluntarily basically and then maybe the big biggest thing is just we added a Swip um that was requested um I think at the last meeting so we have this 356 page document well including the general permit at the end uh we we provided a detailed um Swip plan so I'm just gonna flip to that we're actually not seeing anything on screen I'm so sorry Ed well but but you know the the the description I think serves the purpose okay the bottom line is that the peer reviewer has not signed off on your responses correct nor have they had a chance or an opportunity to review the Swip comment on the Swip correct yeah which was not part of their comments I mean the Swip wasn't requested by by the peer review or that was one of your your comments which we addressed by providing that so I don't know if that could be you know something that's reviewed you know as a technical matter later um as a condition of approval or something like that but I guess the point I'm trying to make is that really there were no changes to the plans as a as a result of those peer review comments and I'm fairly confident you know if we were to wait two weeks you'd hear from the peer reviewer that there were no changes and that everything has been addressed to their satisfaction so Andy I guess my question to you is do you anticipate closing with planning board on this project um probably not tomorrow um we're hoping to but most likely two weeks from tomorrow okay so did they request any changes or modifications to the plans or anything no no changes everything there is related to Traffic pretty much so no impacts on the site layout and it's possible we get our approval tomorrow night I just don't want to guarantee that so um we're right on you know right on the verge I think with with both hopefully with you and with the planning board on getting approvals yeah it's it's sounds like this is you know dotting an ey and and crossing a t and but at the same time we don't have a uh an order of conditions to review and that will occur at the next meaning uh so there will be no nothing lost if we continue this uh and during the two weeks the the response from the peer reviewer can be reviewed and uh John can go over uh which he probably already has the these changes that you have noted uh and then we can vote on the order conditions and and it's 6 one half dozen the other so so I think we're going to be continuing this and but it won't change your timetable at all yeah because we're going to end up closing this and issuing an order of conditions at the next meeting because I haven't had any time to because we've been moving over to the new town hall we've been actually down for a couple days so I haven't had any time to generate anything as a draft um and in anticipation this in anticipation of this meeting this evening so um I apologize for that but I just don't have anything uh to kind of give the commission understood can can I just ask sorry go ahead sure go ahead please I just want to make sure there's no outstanding issues that we haven't addressed so I just wanted to ask the question if there's anything we need to address going forward in the next two weeks but I think we've covered everything but I just want to make sure and the only thing that I remember of being concerned was the laydown area um the storage area that you guys I think called out last meeting and then the I guess the fueling station those are the areas the two areas that the commission called out uh as it pertains to storm water and whatnot I believe that was covered by uh West Samson and all their comments so from what I read from their review letter it seemed pretty light in the comments um but obviously you know we just want to make sure they're comfortable with the responses that you gave okay yeah we've we've put the responses to the lay down area and the the fuel station um issues in this letter and you know as it was discussed at the meeting last time so it's all it's all writing documented uh all right and I think we need to open it up to both the commission and anyone else in the meeting who has who may have any questions uh about this before we consider a motion to continue and so far no questions so I think we can continue we can consider uh the motion to continue and our next next meeting is uh October 7th I believe so moved second motion by Dan seconded by Lisa so Mark Lisa and T how do you vote i i i and Dan and um Paxton I I and I'll throw in an i the motion carry so uh Andrew I'm not even sure you'll have to attend the next meeting assuming everything gets dealt with because we just routinely close and then review uh the orders uh at the appropriate time in the meeting okay um most likely be there anyway but thank you another another thing Andy that I'll do is I'll probably um put together a draft order and send it over to you so you can review it and make sure you don't any other kind of concerns with the order as it's written okay y thank you all right thank you very much fre time tonight very good um so we now have a new public hearing concerning 225 South Worcester Street it's a u um an anrad uh request for verification of um the resource areas of the site fairly big site does not have a number as of yet at least in our agenda do we have a um a representative of the African uh yes my name is Peter Lavoy I work with DNL Design Group uh we located in Milford Mass um we did submit the inrad for two for 225 South W the street um aec uh was the environmental service company that flagged the wetlands uh and they also went back out and flagged um some two veral pool locations that we recently added um to the plans uh so the so the the four part it's made up the Project's made up of four Parcels let me just stop you right there we we need a plan displayed I if you can share that with us and I don't know if it's your your camera is just uh yeah it's kind of fuzzy I apologize I don't know why just as long as you're aware of it and it may not be something you can correct um oh it's it's it's really immaterial but uh do you have sharing uh uh not used to doing this all right John is there a way that you could could share the drawings that I sent you I for some reason I it's going to take me a couple minutes so I apologize I I'm not used to yeah this is a fairly large site do you have a rough idea of how big it is um so basically it is um 24 acres in size um so all those Parcels put together is it only 24 Acres that is correct yes so we have um South Worcester Street runs along Ong the East um the NBTA runs along uh the north um there is a small there is a wetland located close to south wester Street which was um the Aeries uh and that Aeries is um A1 through a23 um it's basically close close to south wester Street um and then we have another series that's to the west of South Worster Street which is the B series which is uh B1 through B44 that's on sheet two if you go to the next sheet so that so that right there is um uh the B series which is B1 through b B44 so that was flagged in um in August August 16th of 24 um but recently uh the Wetland scientist had gone out with John and uh went over the Wetland line and they added two vernal pools uh that you can see if you look at the two dots the two dock dots um so the first one was uh vp1 through vp9 and that is in the area where you have um B15 B16 uh B9 uh and B10 in that location there that is the veral pool that that they flagged and then the other Vernal pool was a new off coming off of B44 which is adjacent to the MBTA at the top of the the north right there y so right there they added B44 to b50 which is another veral pool that we added to the the uh the plans those those were the only two changes there that shows it right there so you can see the two vernal pools and that's the only difference that I know of um from the original plans that we submitted um to the new plans that I emailed John this morning so these these are the most revised plans that the board has um we received them this morning and the what I did was I cross referenced the old anrad that was filed for this property probably I don't know 10 15 years ago and had some concerns because uh the delineation didn't look accurate so um you know those areas I wanted to look at specifically uh with their Wetland consultant and I informed them that they are currently as of right now uh certified vernal pools uh they were potential back then um but now they are certified vernal pools so therefore it would be in their best interest U moving forward with any sort of potential land use development on this site to map them as part of this anrad because that would potentially give them an idea as what they can and cannot do in accordance with the storm water handbook and also any sort of Board of Health regulations as it pertains to certified Vernal pool setbacks so can you just is the rest of that lot to the right that it looks like a dog legs to the is that a separate parcel yes yeah it comes it's it's a pinch point right there that parel um so the the so the the when we develop this this property um this section right here in the center is where the there was an original plan that was done um and that's what we're going to concentrate on our development is going to be concentrated in the center between the two Wetlands so where those veral pools are we're not proposing to do anything in that area that is going to stay undeveloped but we are going to the development is going to be concentrated in the center uh right in the middle of the of of the four Pils are they two separate Lots there's four four four Parcels yes y I'm only so the majority of the develop will be on 185 and 191 you point out those four sorry I'm not seeing those at all here so I see one it looks like you have two accesses from south wester I see that one and then a dog legs up to the other yeah so you're looking yeah so you're looking at lot um 311 is one posel lot 191 it AB buts 311 so that kind of gives you a a bigger opening off of Southwest Street and then uh the other pel is 180 185 which is in the center that's a 3.3 acre and then the last pel is uh 182 which is [Music] 13.81% dog leg piece on 191 and then the development will be in the center um 185 which is the 3.3 and then the 5.02 which is those two are going to be the two poles where we're going to concentrate the development okay I'm seeing Bounty mortgage map 27 lot 191 correct is is that part of the locus is that one of the Lo yes yes okay okay I got it and there were no Wetlands on that one there were no Wetlands yeah that's where the up that's where the majority of the Upland is consistent okay yeah yeah and you can see it a little better on your your uh Locust uh yeah okay that that just the the right hand portion is where you're proposing the activity well correct we're getting ahead of ourselves but U where you are suggesting that the activity could be done correct so was any portion of this property in the flood zone there was Zone X but so it's not okay five 500 year flood y okay thanks so John where do we stand with the verification of these lines what's the so I I I I went out there and I verified the location of all the flags the only concern were those areas those two areas that I kind of saw as being vernal pools and they were I saw that they sent something and submitted something with the dots with the certified vernal pools so that's why I went to go through the files and see if you know what historically was approved for that because we want to make sure that whatever was previously approved gets continued for approval moving forward and then you know I told them let's go out there and take a look at it before the meeting so we did that last week and they turned this around and got all the flag information to us so I I'd say that as of right now you know we could close this potentially and issue an oad for this because I'm comfortable with because I was actually out there physically with the um the Wetland scientist and was right next to them while they were doing a lot of this work so but we don't have a file number correct we don't have we don't have a file number yeah and I don't know what the status is on that one um Peter did you submit this to uh DP yes I did yes yeah the check went in a little late so maybe that there was some confusion on the check so that might be the reason why we can't close so we can't close so then for instance um I'll work on the oad for the next meeting okay and then okay and I'll work on getting the number okay okay okay yeah and we'll we'll just close at the next meeting and issue of the o or unless there's some issue that emerges okay so any any questions from anyone in the meeting and if not I think we can consider a motion to continue and the next meeting is uh October 7th okay is it the 7th or is it the 14th wait a minute is it the seventh did didn't you say the seventh did did wasn't the seventh men well I'm I think Megan you want to double check that one October s our next meeting oh okay sorry it does it is out of but um technically it is the first but but what what was the do we have a a town I think we have a special town meeting in there somewhere that yeah um it's out of order because of Columbus Day and town meeting they' both be on the Monday um so we had to switch it up this for October so it's the is it the 14th and 21st that are both the days that we can't have a meeting yes okay okay all right but there's nothing in the law saying it has to be the second and fourth no Mondays no that's just how we've had it so we we won't be able to close anything at the next meeting uh just keep keep that in mind well no the next meeting it's two weeks oh no it is three weeks yeah you're right it's going to be I think it's going to be 21 days so we won't be able to close anything at the next meeting okay so I I'll make a motion to continue the public hearing for uh 225 southwester Street and red to the second October 7th hearing motion made by Lisa seconded by Dan Lisa Tama and Pon how do you vote hi hi and Dan and Mark how do you vote hi I and I'll throw in an i the motion carries so um uh Peter it's not clear you'll have to be at the next meeting assuming there a number we would just close and then consider the okay no I'll talk to John once I get the number yeah when D sends you the notice just send that to me as Pro okay I will thank you very much thank Youk you next item on the agenda is file number 250-1 11620 Hill Street oh no I'm I'm I'm in the wrong spot let's erase that determination number 1141 21 fairly Lane um request for determine of determination of applicability proposed word for tree triming do we have a representative good evening Mr chairman Andrew Gorman from bills and Thomas here on behalf of the applicant we are seeking a negative determination of applicability for as you mentioned some canopy clearing um within partially within the 100 foot buffer zone and the intent of this work is to alleviate some shading on a downg gradient solar field and if I may I'm going to share my screen to introduce the project all right uh so we had the fortune of meeting on site with uh John last Wednesday and the commission was subsequently provided with this revised exhibit as a result of that site walk um this is the Fairly Lane solar project fairly Lane is offscreen to the South here and the area where we're proposing our selective canopy cutting is this blue translucent polygon here the 100 foot buffer zone to the bvw the bordering vegetated Wildland is series here the 100 foot buffer zone is this dashed yellow line and the 25t no disturb zone is shown in this orange dashed line approximately um 28,100 square feet of uh impact area is what we're proposing and it's only the canopy species that are within that area so the under story is going to be relatively untouched uh save for equipment access um so species that are over 15 feet in height will be trimmed and we're going to leave all of the stumps in place and in addition to that we're going to selectively leave slash material throughout the site the rest of it will be taken off site we're proposing to include some orange construction fencing to be installed prior to any uh tree removal activities that will be um on the southwest side facing BBW to make sure that there's no uh further encroachment and we're certainly open to any conditions that the commission may wish to have that be vetted in the field prior to any cutting activities being undertaken um we are proposing a constru a staging area for any logging equipment outside of the 100 foot buffer zone here so this is downg gradient there's about a a 10 foot rise conservatively 10 foot rise between the solar field here and this area here and there's a an incline here so equipment will essentially um climb up this slope and access this area here we've also uh based on something we noticed in the site visit the entrance over by fairly Lane does have a few areas that could use some dressing so we're including a condition where the contractor would be able to dress up the road with Crush Stone selectively to stop any track out from any um tree trimming equipment that may be necessary so altogether um it's about a little little over a half acre of disturbance within the buffer zone for tree removal um and again the stumps will remain in place the species that we're generally looking at it's Beach it's white and red oak the more mature species in this polygon are white pine um so generally that's what's effectively going to be removed from this canopy as it's thinned out and I would like to invite the commission to ask any questions and have a discussion yeah just for clarifications um you said anything that's over eight feet 15 feet y over over 15 feet okay yeah the stumps will be left at about 8 feet in height so as far as the trimming goes then those trees that are over 15 feet will be cut at the ground level Y is that correct they they'll be cut at 8 feet height so there'll be 8 feet of protruding above above the grade so it'll for some of the Oaks they'll they'll start to send those those suckers out from the the root system um and some other uh species that won't survive the cutting they'll become habitat for for other species as well but I have a couple questions um I noticed the presence of an ivw but I don't see that area closed out so is it to the North what's the shape of that IV W yep so it essentially follows the the fence line here it's a a Swale that has become vegetated with um largely common rush and um some other Meadow species like smartweed so it essentially hugs the fence line here I'm following around with my cursor so are you proposing to put up any sediment controls if you have any well you going to be you're not going to be doing any grubbing though right you're going to be just leaving the stump so that you really shouldn't theoretically need any sediment controls right correct we're not proposing any sediment controls if the commission would like us to have something on site in the lay down area um that that could be Deployable we're we're certainly open to a condition to that effect but um really this is uh if we're disturbing the substrate more than just for Access and then moving the equipment out then then that's another story but really the only disturbance to the substrate should be from access and I think there's a pretty robust Duff layer in the forest here so I don't think it's going to be too much of an issue so is the what's your plan on the construction the orange poly fence is it going to be is it going going to Encompass that entire polygon so what we're proposing is well so essentially starting at the edge of the buffer zone here sneak it around through the understory um all the way to North Northwest here um I mean if if the commission wants some of the the North Eastern side encompassed as well we can certainly do that but in terms of making sure that nothing gets any closer to the 25 foot than would be allowable um that's the intent of that well my concern is also the ivw that's there even though it's non-jurisdictional I don't want somebody getting a little um crazy and thinking that they can clear to the edge of the fence so I would ask you to put it between C9 and C1 on that side just to protect that ibw yeah we we can certainly do that yeah um and so just curious when when this I remember this project when it came in and did did did no one do a shadow study then to tell us because you know typically when you do the solar project you will include a clearance envelope in perpetuity that goes up to the fence line so do you know if that was ever done or so um unfortunately I do Nots and Thomas was not the engineer of record for the solar field so yeah we sort of inherited uh this this phase of it post construction um and and are coming up with with this on our own um so as as to whether or not a shading analysis was done I suspect that one was not as we're here before you now seeking permission to do the selective can removal yeah but that's just speculation on my part so is are you asking for this in perpetuity or just this one time I believe it's it's it's a it's a singular ask yep guess it's only it's only an rdb notice because we can't condition it right you could you could condition something but it would get very messy um I would say that you know if this was going to be a perpet ual kind of condition that they want to seek through for having a maintenance Corridor then I Noti of intent would have been the route to go but since they want to do this as a oneoff then the RDA this could be on our RDA as it's only for one time use okay so that's what we will assume um and then the last question I had is um I'm hoping we can at least uh condition this maybe to have somebody from Beals and Thomas there when the tree clearers there Cutters are there I've Just Seen many many many tree clearers get a little carried away so perhaps you could at least witness it or go over you know um do a kick off meeting and talking about uh what they can and can't remove would be helpful y so what I might ask in turn uh not that I want to refine your condition in any way um that the the consultant not be named um so much as the qualifications um in case the applicant wants to use a different party as much as as I you know love to have the work and would love to do the monitoring on this myself um I I think if if it's worded in such a way as of equal qualification that that would certainly be agreeable okay well John you would do a kickoff for this anyway right yeah I mean we definitely would have you know just before the work is done I want to make sure that the the uh Construction fencing's in so yeah right but I I I really think the tree clearer needs to physically be there during the kickoff so it's during during any sort of Maintenance vegetative maintenance work the tree clearer usually is there whether it's a notice of intent RDA administrative approval that's always how it happens with with with the Norton concom so so perhaps we don't need a the consultant there no I don't think that's necessary I think I you know me being there and also me being able to talk to the tree clear uh personnel there and just making sure that I'm comfortable with the project proceeding as such I think is is is quit okay thank you all right um John do you happen to know when this was initially um done and I assume this is the first tree trimming since it was installed is that uh that that's to my knowledge that's correct this project uh I think has changed hands quite a bit um with developers I'd have to go through the files and pull them um I did not do that as part of this exercise and Andrew offand you don't know when this was installed is that correct no I I remember I was toggling through historic aerial images just to get a sense of the kind of age of of the forest a bit um but I I don't know the actual date when the order of conditions was um was issued I want to say at least a decade or so but again I don't have the information in front of me yeah I I think it's been at least a decade because I I also recall when it was before us but uh I don't recall the date so um all right so um this is uh I'm assume John that this is something we can consider closure on and then even a vote Yes um based on the recommend or recommend changes to the plan I think this plan I'm comfortable with the plan as it's laid out and uh the fact that construction fening is going in I'm comfortable with closing it this evening if the commission chooses to do so okay so Andrew you're just gonna update the plan just to show that additional fencing yeah we'll subit that for the record for John yep okay thank you so I assume we need a motion correct I will make a motion to close the public hearing or file d11 14121 fairly Lane looking for a second um I think Mark you you got it in there is that right so motion by Lisa seconded by Mark for closing the public hearing for the termination 1141 Lisa tomama and Paxton How do you vote I I I and and Mark I I and I'll throw it an ie the motion carries we're back in our regular meeting we can consider a motion for a positive versus a negative determination I will make a motion to issue a negative determination second we have a motion by Lisa seconded by Dan that the determination be negative uh again roll call vote T Lisa and Paxton How do you vote hi hi and uh Dan and Mark all right I I'll throw in an I so um Andrew you obviously already know that that means that U assuming the car the project is carried out according to plan there is no need for notice attemp to be filed thank you so much for reviewing this with us we appreciate it so once our printers are online um Andrew I'll have Megan work on generating it should be online by Wednesday I'll have Megan generate um a permit and send it out okay excellent thank you all so much take care uh next item is um order of condition for file number 250-1 1164 concerning a septic system repair adjacent Wetland and I I didn't print this but let me see if I can bring it up on the computer so Megan did this one everyone so I hope everyone has some comments way to throw me under the bus well my comment is Megan it's an excellent job that you have the the highlighted uh unique items under findings and our standard special conditions are straight forward as they are normally U that's my comment more comments if not we can consider a motion to accept or reject the draft as submitted uh I will make a motion to accept the draft order condition for file 250-1648 11164 be approved as submitted uh roll call starting with t Dan and Mark hi hi hi Paxton and Lisa I I and I'll throw in an i motion carries and that's the end of my agenda I think 53 minutes is pretty good for a for a meeting this evening does everyone agree yeah sounds good to me anything under an hour also usually good go ahead of course the member who who initiated all of this um focus he's obviously busy tonight he's very busy this evening so he called me today and said he's he's he feels bad that he can't attend the meeting but um you know he has to take care of some other stuff at his house so we we understand real life yeah go ahead Dan I was just gonna say happy October Fest that's why I have my that's why the Bavarian flag is behind me well Dan you forgot about the Equinox as well though oh well anyway uh beer is uh hops are an important uh environmental thing and uh I was gonna say food group but yes they are but with with all seriousness though if anybody wants to stop by the town hall on Wednesday just just let me know give me a call um and I can give you guys a tour if you guys are interested so you're all officials of the town so um might be that might be interesting now does it have is there a sauna over there or uh we didn't get that package we didn't get that package either Dan so anytime Wednesday or specific uh I don't think there's any sort of specific time I know that the town hall is going to be open without appointment uh to to the public so if anyone wants to take a look at the new facility there's still a lot of uh things that need to get finished but it should be in 95% complete so just give just give us give the office a call and let us know you're coming down all right well I'm sure I'll be there many times for regular business and I might might choose to get my tour then um Megan will you need stuff signed um I have no bills yet but if Julian wants to come down on Wednesday and sign some minutes that'd be great all right I I have my inducement to go get a tour then all right any further business uh that is it this evening for me thank you all thank you all right a good night but