##VIDEO ID:0xycFTT7x_w## welcome everybody to the December 17th 2024 meeting of the Norton planning board just to get get everybody going here this is a hybrid public meeting so members of the public are will participate in person or remotely in person we are at the Norton Town Hall at 72 East Main Street the meeting is also available via zoom using the zoom link available in the meeting agenda or meeting ID 638 9291 060 there's also a phone number available should you need that the meeting will also be available on Norton cable access and the Norton Media Center you page after the conclusion of the meeting for future sessions please feel free to email questions for the board ahead of the meeting to town staff PA the jpp or town planner SE two seats to my right so with that out of the way I'll call this meeting to order and dive into uh our planning board business and policies um Paul I think you had passed around update from uh regarding recent State changes correct yes can you just give just an update of how that uh affects what we should be looking at and when we should uh focus in on so this is this I don't know okay um so there was a change to state made uh just recently that affects the expiration essentially of different types of permits including special permits site plans variances what it's essentially doing is it's granting an extension of of projects that were that were approved between January 1st of 23 through January 1st of 2025 so normally your special permits have expiration dates so any special permit that was fell within this time period now gets an automatic extension that they don't have to go in front of the planning board zba or anybody uh it it's it it's under the guise of Economic Development um so most of the permits that the town authorizes will be subject to these extension so I will be in the you know the coming weeks looking at the at the special permits and site plans that this board approved during this time frame to see which projects potentially are affected by it not really aware any that are lingering most of the projects that you approved had moved forward but we still want to capture there's some that haven't but I'm sure you know while I wasn't here uh that were approved that might not be but just so we know uh because sometimes as you know when a project doesn't initiate within two years for a special permit it expires this now says that that if it falls within this time period now they it gets um added time notify would we have to notify anybody if you that's a great question uh do we need to notify at this point I want to know who it is and what project it is and then figure it out from there but make sense to do so can you mute yourself okay sorry go ahead and Paul do you see is this you think this is a onetime thing or do you see this being additional things that the state's going to look at for the overall expiration like forever that I don't know no I don't know what they're I haven't heard anything else that's in the works at this point so okay but they've been proactive lately the last few years so okay just a reminder we'd ask anybody on the zoom call who's not speaking to please mute your line if you are not able to mute your line the host will mute you thank you what what were the dates again it was uh June 1st of 23 to I mean uh January 1st of 23 to to June uh January 1st of 25 so two-year period anything in the last two years basically my question on the notification is that just I'm not sure for and so the question on the notification you're basically you just got to find out what the impact is before you really speak to that right we just need to see if CU if they built it or start a construction then it's no longer applicable yep okay any questions for Paul about that okay um in terms of bills and warrants I do have three bills that I'll pass around here in case any would like to take a look we have they walking $88.99 for Staples $ 2950 for and then a Weston and Samson account again Nancy please mute your line when you're not speaking or we will have to meet you from the host end thank you and then a Weston and Samson bill which is out of a peer review account so again that doesn't come from the town of Norton budget that is an account that is funded by the applicant um and when there is no longer a need for the applicant to use it then we would see a motion to release anything left in that fund I would expect to see that related to this project maybe at our next session 99 is that from Staples or for Staples from from could be either okay so I don't think we have any minutes to approve at this session um so with that we'll move into the public hearing section of our agenda uh first item is special permanent approval and site plan modification to sp-15 for 233 West Main Street with the owner applicant Joe Taris they're seeking to reorient a 4unit multif family building um Paul and our shair if you know who is looking to present on this if they're here or joining us virtually I see Mr Hansen is here Daniel H oh okay okay Mr Campbell if you can uh un mute and uh go ahead and present please oh he's saying the room is muted again he's commenting in the chat if you can just take a peek at the did we mute I know we had issues with the cross talk is it is it this thank you okay see if you can unmute now I see you coming off mute do you want to just make sure we can hear you hey I can hear the board I just wanted to make sure that because we couldn't hear whether or not it's the the first public hearing up yes it is you and you're ready to go and we hear you fine I apologize um Daniel Campbell level Design Group on behalf of the applicant um so we're here this evening for 233 Main Street uh West Main Street it is a um continuation so to speak of a a public hearing we had a site plan review um which was issued last year 2023 at this point um and we had a variance which was issued for the property at uh um 233 West Main Street so the approved site plan looks like this uh essentially it's four units uh directly next to each other uh shared driveway bio retention Basin septic system in the rear with the associated grading um the application before you is a modification of that site plan and it was deter deted by Mr B jeppi and Town Council um that at the time we also should have um received a special permit we didn't um we had followed guidance um but we're we're back this evening to also obtain that the project in front of you um quite simply is they want to separate the four units into two units and two units with a a shared common space between essentially they'll be connected by a porch the uh driveway entrance is in the same location the driveway exit is in the same location the driveways themselves are slightly spread out and these two spaces are moved slightly to the north septic system in the same location all of the Landscaping is proposed to be the same as the approved plan um the approved Landscaping plan uh as I said in my narrative we're going to use the Landscaping plan because it's planted islands for the most part we're just going to move the Landscaping in accordance with the new plan um so that's our request for this evening as I said we we were granted site plan approval and uh variance associated with the project um when a building permit was applied for it turned out that uh we also should have um uh got a special permit for the project so we're back forward uh in front of you tonight so I'm happy to answer any questions about the project as a whole uh I'm sure many of you remember it from when we were working on it through 2023 yes and just to confirm this is the for those thinking about where to sits this would essentially be on the property where the old stand is sorry I think you just said we again correct one techical issue says offers and just can you hear us again I can I'm sorry about that and just to restate uh this is the property where the old abandoned Fruit Stand is right on West name okay CH sorry correct can we get a minute for uh for Ben to straighten that out he knows the problem why it's it's Auto it's Auto muting we're getting comments that it's everybody would you say you know I think it's s say every talk the cor right was you what did you say I chti I tried to find what but I did it's okay hope back okay I think we should be good now I'm just going to wait for a thumbs up here before I do anything else um I'm going to get thumbs up from you Mr Campbell so thank you um and just to restate this is the property right at the corner of West Main and Oak where the abandoned Fruit Stand at one point was and if you wanted to pull up I think the exist either any of the site plans your choice um I know that in the initial site plan review for anybody who wasn't on the board at the time or has forgotten I mean all the other applications that we had is that the preference from an engineering and design perspective was to stay away from the back part of the lot because as you described it there's a SE septic system back there somewhere and you don't want to touch it I was the idea correct okay so I'll turn it over to um board members if they have any additional questions again this was was something that we um there was site plan approval for but they're asking for a modification to that as well as a special permit Mr chairman you said you they did get site plan approval before there was a previous site plan approval for the um the old plan which had everything in a row not with the v in yeah fair enough cool there was um site plan approval and there was also a variance issued for the number of units on the lot um to match or mimic um the existing plus one well the variance isn't from us so that's uh oh no I'm I'm just the permitting that's that's in place that's all yes Steve yeah before the meeting I looked up the the dimensional requirements and I just got note that they did get the zba approval for the undersiz law so that that's part fine but in our dimensional code it says in a residential Zone you can only have one building per lot and the proposal now is to split it into two buildings I don't know if that goes against our design byw I can show it to you I sent it the call already okay I I think I know which which reference you're speaking to it says only one building par lot basically it's fairly plain language s section of the bylaw yes yes um would this be viewed as two separate buildings if there was a connector of a porch so I I can answer that um the intention of the project we do have uh a separation in the buildings um from the angle standpoint um but it it has been confirmed that as long as there is a porch of physical structure which you see in this location uh connecting those two sides um that it is still considered one building thank you for the clarification there Mr chairman Please Mr Campell I was just wondering is the main Genesis of making this change just so you don't have to do sprinkler systems was my guess when I saw sorry is there the the question was whether the change is driven to try to um avoid avoid sprinkler requirements completely curious the the change is is purely to make the units um one a little bit more salable um but two a little bit more conducive for the neighborhood um having a little bit of relief which was a conversation during the initial planning board hearings which is why we staggered the buildings front to back we're looking to add a little bit more Relief by by changing that front so that it's not sort of one massive front the building additional questions from the board yeah to to go along with what Alan is saying if it is connected there is a sprinkler requirement if it is disconnected there is no sprinkler requirement I think because the dwelling units AR attached to each other it's not but if they go with the argument that the fores the connection it's it's one or the other so I think what you're saying Steve is if it's one building then it's four units and it would need to be sprinkler if it's two buildings with two units then it would be below the three unit threshold for sprinkling current sprinkling is that yes okay I guess that would be a question about whether our rules would be different than the fire department or building code rules and I'm not sure um Mr C if you can speak to that if you're prepared to at this point but sure so the um sprinkler as a whole uh in a 4unit building per your regulations a a sprinkler is required unless the building is is separated so to speak um so from a fire code standpoint there can be a firewall between each one of the units and and never require a sprinkler though your requirements do require um uh sprinkler over three three or more excuse me okay and Paul I forgot to look check with this is this something that fire has waited on from that side they have we've had meetings okay fire department was there but I'm struggling to recollect what the outcome of that was but we did we had our our pre-application meeting okay I think understood I know that in other projects even when structures have been detached there has been questions about whether spring fairing is required so this is that was why I was one one one party didn't proceed in the way that I would have expected if things are laid out how they're being described I guess at some point in the last five years but um Rob sorry yes forgive the AUD question our sprink planed anyhow we don't know because we haven't gotten that far necessarily um it is being reviewed by a fire protection engineer which was the question of the fire department at the time that the pre-application hearing took place um the fire protection engineer has has weighed in on different methods of fire protection throughout the building um and because we're not through this public hearing process I don't believe that the owner has gone further in that understood thank you um Paul in open it does show that the fire department approval is in process um so if we can just check that box and if we proceed we can potentially Pro received with fire department approval does that make sense for everybody okay we have additional questions from the board for Mr Campbell or anyone else otherwise I'd go to public comment or any other comments yeah the the connecting porch area is this going to be like a concrete pth laid out closed in type of area or is this just like a wooden deck place next to the building um good question I appreciate it uh it is not just a concrete pad they do in intend to have a uh roof area um so essentially it's a Breezeway between the two buildings um as I said making that more of a courtyard between the two buildings rather than um in unusable space it's not intended for um trash or or anybody else it's intended for for a pass through um true porch area who has access to the porch area how it access between the the buildings is there a Lobby on the bottom floor of each building or so it's um it's wide open it's wide open to um the air from the front so if you were on the site as you see we've got a grass area in front of the porch and it's wide open front to back but there would would there is there plan for to be doors into those interior two units for lack of a better term there is not okay it's a shared space okay additional comments to the board otherwise I'll go to public comment okay um again if there's anybody here who'd like to come up and speak I ask you to come up to the podium here to my right if there's anybody on the zoom meeting who'd like to ask a question ask you direct those question questions to the board and we can either answer them or refer to the applicant if this clarification is needed um I ask that anybody joining virtually if you'd like to speak please use the react function in the zoom meeting and quote unquote raise your virtual hand uh so that way we know you're waiting to speak and I will call on you so with that I'll stop talking and see if any you wants to raise their physical or virtual hand and come up and speak here okay not seeing anybody this time but anybody needs to find the new button please again just use the react function um Mr Campbell are there other reviews in process with any other Town boards conservation or anybody else no sir um as I said it's it's hopefully a minor modification and then the issuance of the uh special permit as we discussed okay and is there anything further that you would want to add prior to us moving toward a motion to close the public hearing um no not unless there's additional questions but I appreciate it okay additional questions comments a motion to close the public heing for sp5 to the associated like modification seconded okay we have a motion and a second motion from Allen and the second I think it was Eric by no okay is there any further discussion on the motion to close the public hearing again when we close the public hearing we will not accept further comments or questions from the applicant from members of the public or from anybody else okay so on the motion to close the public hearing I'll ask that all in favor please say I I I all opposed extensions okay the public hearing is now closed and now we would I'd ask if anybody is ready to move forward with a vote on the application itself or whether we feel we'd like to continue that to a to a future session if there's anything that we wanted to review would you like the first motion to be uh Define this as a minor modification um I'm not sure if that's is that necessary since it wasn't a special permit well you would need to approve a special permit since there wasn't one you could technically do the site plan as a minor modification but that is very relevant since it already was noticed as a public hearing and the point of a minor modification is you don't have to notice since they already noted because of a special permit then move Point still two motions though site plan and special permit correct a motion to approve the special permit for 15 233 West Main Street second okay we have a motion from Allen and a second from Laura Is there further discussion on the motion to approve the special permit okay on of approving the special permit please say I I all opposed abstentions okay Mr chairman I don't know if you want to revote that I forgot to make it with the condition of fire dep Department approval with fire department approval I believe that's what we said okay seconded okay you have a motion and a second to do a revote on that to include fire department approval as a condition and would you also want to include standard conditions please okay have a motion and a second any further discussion on the motion all in favor please say I I opposed extensions okay that approve thank you very much we appreciate your time we're not done yet um Alan did you want to make a motion on the site plan seconded and is that with I would recommend that we do that with standard conditions and any other conditions that were included in the original site plan so move okay is your second still stand yes okay any further discussion on the motion to approve the site plan with sener conditions and any other conditions which were present on the additional application okay all in favor please say I I all opposed extensions okay we are approved now we're all set this time thank you very much have a good evening thank you very much Mr Campbell okay next item on our agenda is special permit sp-14 going down in numbers this is for 68 PL Street the owner is Gale Dominico uh the applicant is looking to have horses on the property here um Paul if you don't mind just to give a quick overview of uh the project and why they're here looking for a special permit relief so the applicant who's looking to I believe purchase the property um is interested in having horses there but horses have been on this site for apparently many years we've never issued a special permit for it so when they contacted me about being able to do so we said well just need to come forward uh apply for a special permit because this is is under 5 acres in residential 60 so that triggered us the for special permit so the uh applicants here okay not sure if you want to come up if you want to say anything else or if there's anybody else you'd like to speak on your behalf but it's up to you if you'd like i' ask you to come to the microphone please so other people can hear you okay the uh the zoom meeting is only is getting fed from the microphone so if you're don't in the microphone they can't hear you okay yeah I closed on the property on Friday from a close yeah just tell us who you are okay um my name is Cynthia Marie and I just purchased the property at um 68 Clean Street in Norton and uh it's lovely place it has been a horse farm for about 20 years and we just want to make sure that we can bring horses back to the farm so we're just going to be living there too so it would be in our best interest for it to smell nice thank you smalles okay Paul anything specific relating to the bylaws or anything else that you think we need to consider as part of this application I don't think we've had a horse special permit in my time on the board I think we've had chickens but we haven't had horses U probably before your time but nothing specific to horses and I do want to call out that let's see when a neighbor is there who had issues not issues but raised a point point about location of manure which they're working that out that was from a previous the previous owner so just trying to make sure everybody is is happy and working together okay but now this is a straight special permit it's the the general conditions okay any questions for members of the board no questions uh comment is like I really couldn't picture a better use for the property I've been there many times before or it's a beautiful site so it it seems like a reasonable ask I just like hes yeah okay additional comments questions otherwise I'll turn to public comment and see if anybody else would like to speak say you lowered your microphone is there anything specific or just just stretching your arm okay getting ready to vote okay sources too okay any additional public comments either virtually you're in the room again virtually ask if you can raise your virtual hand using the react function if you so choose okay and I do see one the name in the zoom meeting is William I'll just ask you to unmute and just state your name and address for the record please sir sorry Mr Francis we can't hear you very well it's very soft is your microphone I'm speaking through a heads any better a little bit okay William Francis should U much better street is that better that's better thank you thank you so uh I look the courses too but I have some concerns and so uh I take it's Mrs Marie Miss Marie is going to own the property and have her own horses or she going to have Commercial Business as it was before okay I can ask the applicant that question is there anything else that you'd like to ask of the board at this time uh yes well the uh the question of uh of cleaning up the property within a reasonable amount of time because our property it abuts uh the the 68 plan Street in the back and if uh you know if manure is left there and it it uh it it stinks and as much as ID acrosses no one likes to smell Manu and also previously uh when they had someone was Bing the Farm the uh we had some issues with some of the say teenagers or children uh would come to ride their horses and then also have their boom boxes uh down the bond turn up so loudly that we could actually you know hear it in our backyard at a very loud volume that causes me some concern also so this being contained so that it just be hes it won't be will be a riding school there will be just boarding horses the indoor riding Corral is that going to be you utilized for the for riding uh or they storage these are some of the concerns I definitely have I certainly would like to address okay thank you enjoy see when you know we we don't want to we we want the peaceful enjoyment of our property which every proper open so we don't want that to be destroyed yeah thank you thank you Mr Francis I would say just to to one point that um Norton does not have a noise bylaw so anything that uh from a noise relations standpoint that generally goes through U the Board of Health for the Norton uh division of responsibilities here um Steve you were going to make a comment yeah uh so what we're going to approve if we approve it farming or agriculture this is Mass General Law's definition shall include farming in all of its branches and the cultivation and tillage of the soil during the production cultivation growing and harvesting of any agricultural aquacultural floricultural or Horticultural Commodities the growing and harvesting of Forest Products upon Forest land the raising of livestock including horses the keeping of horses as a commercial Enterprise the keeping and raising of poultry swine cattle and other domesticated animals used for food purposes beads fur bearing animals and any forestry or lumbering operations performed by a farmer who is hereby defined as one engaged in agriculture or farming as here in defined or on a farm as instant to or in conjunction with such farming operations including preparations for Market delivery to storage or to Market or to carriers for transportation to Market so this special permit would qualify all of that so the point being that the special permit would cover whether she wanted to use the horses recreational or commercially regardless of the purpose she heard yeah absolutely okay thank you um and Miss Marie if you'd like to speak and say whether you plan to do any commercial or not you're free to otherwise you can um just otherwise it's up to you whether you'd like to speak further or or not so if you'd like to come to the podium does it matter either way you're saying we're just asking you can say I'm not sure if you'd like to do that too if I just ask you come to the podium so that we can hear you in the I got to make sure you get your steps in come out to the podium that's all okay yeah let me just so I'm I'm a very honest person I can honestly say that um Rebecca I'm just meeting tonight who knows about horses and Kathy who's a neighbor who has three horses and these ladies are really going to educate me and school me and as far as the plan for the property um it's definitely to board other people's horses and to give lessons and as far as you know uh noise and manure and all of those things I will definitely be managing it I think as a business owner there's liability and safety concerns especially with young people so I I think you'll find us to be extremely responsible um but I will be working with people that have worked with horses for years cuz I know nothing about them so but uh it's a it's a it's a property that um is commercial and we would definitely be using it as a commercial property but also living there so it'll be a peaceful Farm I promise thank you appreciate it is there anybody else in the room would like to speak I do see Mr Francis hand raised again but I'm just making sure that other people have a chance as well okay please if you can just come up to the thank you Mr chair Al CR 42 South Washington I just want to speak to uh character reference for some people that I'm involved in this that I that I know uh this property uh was built 20 some odd years ago specifically for this purpose it's operated there without incident that I'm aware of uh for the past 20 years um and um the people that I know that I see are involved now um I don't have any problem with their capability or ability this is what they do they've been engaged in this type of stuff since I've known them and they're very upstanding uh straightforward responsible people that's all just wanted to speak to that thank you Mr chair Paul were you looking to okay you looked at me so I want sh so is a big step okay and Mr Francis I see your hand raised again is any further comment that you wanted to ask for the board to check on yes once again I'm sorry you're breaking up again I'm not sure if it's um think this is done clear it is yes it's still soft we can hear you make it out pretty well any we want we want to be good neighbors and we want be I'm sorry it's cutting out again a little bit sorry technology betrays us all on Tuesdays raise the microphone don't if I can speak louder that's good is this okay maybe that's just too far away from computer but as I was saying we we want to be good neighbors and we certainly uh would like to have good news [Music] turny head not it's still cutting out again I'm sorry Mr Francis okay let me try one more it works for like the first sentence and a half and then it cuts out I'm not sure if uh uh apparently I I'm doing Stu that is my voice itself so no when you turn your head turn your head back turn your head back towards the mic please I think maybe that's the yeah leaded real close to the laptop Sometimes using address again okay been a very closeup picture of so is this any better it is right now right there yes 68 they're 68 66 he's 66 which I don't show is next door it doesn't matter he keeps it's cutting out again I'm sorry Mr Francis all right I'll I'll end there all right thank you very much okay thank you sir it was a great we're trying to designated okay other questions any further comments from members of the public here either in person or remotely okay yeah any further questions from members of the board for the applicant or for Paul in terms of statutes okay may you looking if there's nothing else the next action would be to close the public hearing public no idea and we have a motion from Steve and a second from Rob again closing public hearing means we won't accept further comment or testimonies any further comments on that motion or is everybody ready to proceed with closing the public hearing she said 5 Acres yeah maybe that is him and this is her Laur are you ready to proceed cuz he said the sorry all in favor of closing the public hearing please say I I I'll oppose extensions okay so the public hearing is now closed we have any additional motions motion to approve special permit sb14 for 68 things or Farms livestock excluding swine horses poultry and rabbits if confin in the cage over 50 on less than 5 Acres okay and is that with any applicable standard conditions all standard conditions okay second okay we have a second from R is any further discussion on the motion to approve okay all in favor please say I I all opposed extensions okay they are approved uh Miss Marie Paul will work on getting decision to you it'll go through the town CER can get stamped and the whole process after that so did I hear at the beginning of the meeting that a special dep is um you have to R it everyou so the the timing that we talked about at the beginning when a special permit is activated generally on like new construction it if you don't use it within 2 years then you lose it but clearly this is a permit that you will be using the minute a horse shows up on the farm so that's not going to be a concern I don't think so thank you you're going to have horses sooner than two years right yes so we're good thanks thank you good luck congratulations okay um so the final item on our agenda Paul is a just a summary of the December 4 MBTA Community open house event that we had here um so if you just want I think you have a presentation that you wanted to run through cor I do I have a short one uh just this is just to go over the um the results of that of the meeting we had uh a couple of weeks ago sorry let me here we go and so I I I just wanted to just again show the summary as you know we had a mapping exercise asking people where they would like to see that uh MBTA zoning district and put a dot wherever you'd like on the map we also had comment boards um we had probably about 30 people between board members and the public and uh I think we had a good uh mixture of folks here people uh there were people I've not met before and it's always nice to see new folks and it was great to see some old folks not old folks but people who who tend to be at Town Hall more um I just want to quickly go over you can see the Outreach we did for the event we we tried to um really boost the numbers up I I wish we had more people but um we had what we had which is pretty typical even when we did a lot of Outreach for the master plan four or five years ago but we we sent direct emails to people we sent direct Facebook um emails to people who are friends of the the planning Department's Facebook page we posted it on different uh Facebook groups and thank you rob for for posting it on Norton neighbors um we dropped off a flyer to about 40 different businesses and and Community groups around town uh and you can see the rest of it there I I didn't want to I don't really want to spend too much time on that but we had um three clear winners from the event um the three were Norton Glenn at number one Mansville Avenue North and then weaton College um you can see the on the screen there what some of the reasons were uh I took those directly from the board uh in some cases just edited it down but uh you can go online I took photos of everything as it was written so uh and this has all been sent out to the public as well so the public can see all of this information um so these will be uh these were the top three and then we have a number of other areas that received votes um they weren't uh you know they were pretty significantly fewer dots but we wanted to record everything for the record and be transparent and um so all of you know we have those there as you can see and then um and then there were some people who wrote uh if you didn't place a DOT why not um and you can see the responses there uh there were there were three um wish we had had more comments on the board but again it it is what it is it's it's it's good information that we receive from the public and I appreciate everyone coming out and and providing their thoughts and getting a chance to talk with people and I think we had good conversations and that's all I wanted to go over and January 7th your next meeting we will start to dive into the the results so I'll have a little bit more information for you but you know I would say focus on some of these areas and you know we'll start so your your next meeting you will start to hone in on those specific Parcels that you would like to see uh we will also be emailing the public again we want to you know we'd like to have a big turnout for people to come in and help uh give us feedback on where they would like to see those Parcels specifically yeah it's additional continued data from members of the public we got feedback from our public hearing process the first time a little bit late we got feedback at town meeting and the process around that so this is continued feedback about if this happens where would people want to see it and there other feedback I mean the comment we don't want it at all does not surprise me whatsoever on the board and then it's a piece of it's a piece of how the public feels I was curious about earning earn theirs but they came all the way down to town hall to write down that they were going to put up BS oh that's they I just had to laugh at that well again we we wanted to make it clear when people came in that they didn't have to and if they didn't want to see this that they didn't have to put it on there but we really again it was important to hear what their reasons were I do I do see a message in the chat asking if people can if we can hear people I don't hear anybody in the zoom meeting right now so if you want to try muting or unmuting your mic or raising your hand virtually here um let us know um for members of the board anything further that we wanted to add in terms of chairman I have two points sure okay one I had as Lu with have it and I didn't coordinate this or no it until I read this actually not until today sorry um I have you know those ppts I was putting out the last one that I put out you know what it's up to is essentially this and um so what I'd like to do is just Why don't I for it you guys can send it out um I don't think it's by itself the solution to what you're looking for but it can be taken apart the artifacts in it effects I did a lot of research on those sites too so yeah if there's anything you want to share with Paul I know he's been looking at what what Parcels comprise the different areas that were dotted for lack of a better term and what how the math would work out in terms of meeting the state requirements and those pieces but umre with you sorry I'm we're having another Zoom issue here someone is trying to speak so my apologies I didn't hear the question I'm trying to I'm going to provide to you um the latest version you those p i was the latest version one because it is essentially this and so okay and then also you know I did a lot of research on those things before I put into okay presentation so why don't I give you what I have because you can leverage it I don't think my pp2 in itself is going to be your answer like you won't be able to say homework stuff you know but you can utilize you know okay you can pick it apart take artifacts out of it that's fine it's work all the way down a path that you to yeah okay and did you have an additional point there yeah one other one and I do just want to ask this because I Wheaten College got a good score which I was thrilled with um but the reason I gave is because and I'm the one that wrote that because that ain't going to happen that was actually my comment and I believe that but then I heard there was information um through the admissions office being given out that Wheaton's actually short on cash in in trouble and is there anything about there anybody in this room know anything to that effect I can't speak to anything to that effect I know I'm going to stop just ask does anybody here know anything to that effect any inside information from admissions anything if there's none there's none that' be our answer yeah excuse me my hand is raised and I have information perfect I'm glad we can hear you now um and then we got the zoom miss your result um can I know I think Debbie I know who you are but if you can just state your name and address for the record in the minutes please it it looks like you muted again you should be able to unmute hi Debbie on Elm Street how are you Hi how are you okay well Rob just asked a question and one of the planning board members told me not once but twice that weaton was struggling trying to persuade my vote so that was disconcerting to find out later that that was an unru number one number two I'm just concerned what the real agenda is that we keep going over this and over this and over this we made our voices loud and clear at town meeting we made it very clear again at the Gathering on the fourth and what do residents have to do to actually be heard by our planning board that's my question I and concern understood thank you I would like to say that I think that we have heard you and we've continued to hear you throughout the entire process and we the entire goal of this of this session and everything else that we've done is to continue to collect additional feedback as we go we are not discarding the feedback we got at town meeting we are not discounting it because it was a few months ago all of the pieces that we have gained throughout this process are part of our how we go will go about our decisions with this moving forward so thank you in terms of the specific note that you made I'm I'm not going to speak to that specifically if there's anybody on the board who wants to speak to that they certainly can um Mr chair it was Miss Laura gaka who said it to me not once but twice she's looking to speak so iation on that those remarks made to me that evening Miss Wiston I'd ask you just to Miss Parker is looking to speak I'd ask you just to mute your line and if you'd like to raise your hand to speak again please let me know but I think we've um I appreciated the conversation that we had at the event and I look forward to hearing from you again in the future thank you um so yes I did have a conversation with M Winston um she told me the reason she had chosen the parcels that she did we got into a disc discussion about all of the things that you need to take into account and I pointed out to her two Parcels that had previously been owned by weaton one of which is zero Mansfield AV the other is zero Reservoir Street both of which were sold to developers and have come before us for Planned housing so I asked her to think about it from a hypothetical if Wheaten were in trouble trouble and needed to sell property to whom do you think they would sell it and going into the Myriad reasons why you would choose or not choose a parcel okay thank you for the clarification on that sure okay that the question I asked actually wasn't who said what it was just whether or not if if there was any truth to the weaton then I um since I told a number of people besy ain't going to happen Choice yeah you I would want to be about it if I gave yeah I mean I think lots of small The Insider person who works at admissions that she told me Miss Winston we just had par this point we just had Miss Parker speak to this point I'm not going to Bel the point thank you I could also just offer that the financial statements of most colleges are available to the public to review okay um so Paul you mentioned that we'll have more detailed information on a parcel level is that basically what you're Hing for at the next session so because of the you know the fast nature of town meeting we're going to have to get sele to you know selection of the par pretty quickly sooner than later um cuz it's a Maytown meeting so Springtown meeting is a shorter time frame than the fall so um again just look at those again you saw the results you know uh take a look at those results and then start I would just suggest start looking at those areas to see where would you like to see it but then as we as we go forward again at starting on January 7th you know working with the public and we also have to work we uh we have two representatives of Select board who've agreed to help and I need to get a thcom member as we had talked about months ago to get get more cross I'm sorry I haven't had confirmation from anyone yet on fincom but we we'll get is an option for them to participate I need to closer and I needed to get clarification I think there's some communication we'll make sure I'll I'm going to reach out with them tomorrow so um anybody from from kcom or anybody else is obviously feel free to they can email you directly if they want to do that too there's nothing to stop them from doing that it's on my it's on my uh calendar tomorrow to reach out and get that going and I've got more I I I needed to give them some more clarification on meeting schedule so that's taking care of but we'll meet again and get and hopefully have a lot of people showing up and weighing in I know the past session you had like a town meeting is here Warren's close here did we have that schedule yet are you still F still working on it but I we we do have the only confirmed dates are its town meeting is May 19th and then I have to look back on my calendar to see when articles need to be submitted that's the placeholder language and it's February so I'm not surprised so um I was going to assume that we would need to have submissions by February or the latest early March without knowing anything so it's it's it'll be selection of parcels and we'll have to reexamine some language too yes that was discussed so definitely but I'm mapping out a time frame for that okay Steve yeah yeah uh well I was going to say if this is the the time to do it I guess not immediately but over the next before the next meeting I'll submit my Parcels selections for what what the selections were for the Glen greatwoods around whatever I know Paul's already been looking in some of that and doing the math on how much acreage each parcel has but doesn't hurt to to send it along are we going to be planning on revie that's going to be the big intent I believe that's the intent rev the the parcels specifically that you've pulled from the feedback is the next session right right again they pick the a area so it's up you know you all this body honing in on the on the parcels the specific Parcels Paul can we also be sure we know what schools are affected as far as sure Steve just for conversation with I can tell you that the stuff that I'm looking to provide GI to PA just to pass on to them it's awfully close to what you've been thinking talking about in planning so you might find what I've got on paper is pretty much what you had I'll for you a cop I'll for you your copy of it you can check it too okay okay anything further based on what we took as output of the community session or anything else for Paul what I will do is now I saw you come towards the mic is there anything else that you were going to add or you just stretching your back I got a motion on Deck I've got a second on Deck okay is there anything further anybody else wanted to bring up in the open session tojn seconded you have a motion to adjourn in a second second from Jim anything further on the motion to adjourn no hearing none all in favor please say I I all opposed extensions happy holidays everybody thank you have a good night thank you you again it was very nice you're very welcome enjoy