welcome everybody to the Norton planning board's meeting of Tuesday May the 7th 2024 again this is a hybrid public meeting so members of the public and members of the board I all participate in person or remotely in person tonight we are at the Norton Media Center 184 West Main Street the meeting is also available via the Zoom app me meeting ID 638 9291 060 there's also a phone number to dial in directly available on the meeting agenda meeting will also be streamed live and available after the fact on Norton cable access and the Norton media Center's YouTube channel for future sessions please feel free to email questions for the board ahead of the meeting to Brian carmichel Town staff so they can be read into the record or submitted to members if you are not able to attend so we're going to dive right into our revised agenda here I'll start off and I'll welcome Rob Welch back to join the planning board for his first session here um so Rob thank you for for running and you've toyed with it a couple of times over the past few years so uh we' finally got you in and got you hooked so uh I have no plan no clue help that's why the planning board is here yes yeah was told I could find one here sometimes sometimes and Alan thank you again for uh joining the board as a right in candidate and uh to keep an eye on him so he didn't mess anything off that we did while it was gone that works no pressure no pressure we got to get some people there watching yeah pretty much okay so we're off to a very sarcastic start to our meeting apologies if I encourage that to start um so uh in terms of planning board business and policies um I know Rob we Paul and Brian will share you over some new member materials to go through obviously there's a lot of it uh there is not a quiz um just from highlight perspective we are under open meeting law so anything we want to talk about regards to any application or process should be in the meeting that's understood um and if there's more than three of us then open meeting law kicks in and should be a noticed meeting um if you and I think there's an open meeting law rule book and guideline and obviously if uh three of us end up at C City at the same point as long as we're not talking about a project it's not a problem so um I just got to watch what I do with this I can't receive any text or anything on it um from what do you anyone in terms of I mean you can receive messages but in general in terms of generally the recommendation from as a best practice is if we have comments that we want to share with the rest of the board they go through T correct so I mean this just so I look at documents yeah no um but that makes sense um and obviously Rob your uh the admin of one of the local Facebook groups um so I mean let's make that separate business yeah yeah I mean I I would say everybody can operate their own social media as their own but comments on social media aren't part of the record so if somebody wants to say something on social media and come and say it again in the meeting great but however we want to I am all for sharing agendas getting people here to talk about the projects that we have yeah that's it so on social media I think in order to not violate uh open meeting law I don't think you can run a poll where probably not so no polls keep that in mind yeah no polls about projects that we have in motion than thank you that's pretty it's a pretty limited scope right it also applies to any discussion so for people discussion discussing in a particular post violates open we want and I would just ask that anybody who is posting on social media not report to be representing the opinion of the entire yeah I generally dip into it when I see somebody saying something wrong or they're going when can I talk about it and I say planning board meeting on Tuesday yeah that's usually uh well I think I told you my policy for my professional life and I just app here yeah that's fine um so just to so you go through that or any questions about any of those intro materials or anything please just we we have all been there and going this is so much stuff so uh question then if I did have qu you know when I was reviewing these materials and I had questions on the um the decision um if I email you guys questions and we start talking about that's a deliberation right if you have questions they should go through Paul myself PA so if I send them directly Paul I'm not deliberating correct correct what I would do is forward it back to the you'll notice every email we send out you're blind copied so that way you don't hit a reply all and start a deliberation so yeah any comments you have to the board just go through me and or Brian and we'll distribute it as needed and and we're a resource to any of you too if you have questions on something you know feel free to reach out and we'll be happy to help out forget this question which one's Brian you oh down there okay I can't read the but so call is made of paper we couldn't find you anymore that's it's okay it's okay we'll focus on the things we have budget issues we're not paying for my name plate right now yeah that's fine uh speaking of paying things uh we do have bills to go to I'll share around um the board has maintained over the past I'm going say four years the policy that the chair can sign the bills and then share them around as to bring them up in the meeting and individually motion them and then and then the chair assigns them um that is a that is a piece that the board can choose to revisit if it wants but until that point I'm going to sh pass around stacks and everything is duplicate because it is so we have a Verizon bill which is monthly because why not uh we have a WB Mason Bill and then we have another bill which is for a peer revieww account related to zero Manfield Avenue um so just from a introdu perspective so the peer review accounts for every project they are funded by the applicant but all of the engineers and everybody who does the peerreview on the part of the town is hired by the town so they they front the money but we hire them and we're they who they report to so I'll pass those around um if you would like to take a look at them and go from there um at our last session we had shared a couple of sets of minutes and we decided not to approve those at this time uh do we feel like we're ready to look at those or did we forget about them for two weeks and we want to look at them again next meeting forgot we Ted them I already reviewed them so I'm good you're good to move forward sure okay I'm okay I got to remember what minute it takes though I would yes I that was going to be my next point is that obviously you would uh yeah you would potentially abstain from that so let me find it here so two sets of minutes we had no that is not yeah I can't find the agenda now I had it all set up and then I lost it there we go I think [Music] [Music] I okay there we go so the two sets of minutes one was and these are going backways um because over the past period of time um Brian has been encouraged by I think every everybody in town staff to manage his workload um we have one from November of 2022 and then another one from January of 2023 so I will take the oldest one first for November 29th of 2022 minutes so did anybody have any addition obviously if we have U if anybody's shared edits or corrections to Brian um that's fine are there any additional questions comments concerns that we have about those minutes a motion to approve the minutes of November 29th 2022 second okay we have a motion and a second is there any further discussion on the motion to approve okay and as we're the board is hybrid I will go through the role for the vote so I'll just go down the line and Jim I'll hit you at the end uh Eric yes Steve yes I'm stain okay Laura yes Alan yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes okay and the next set of minutes was January the 17th of 2023 motion to approve second thank you alen and Laura any further discussion on the motion to approve approve those minutes heing none Eric yes Steve yes Laura yes Alan yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes so taking care of minutes and moving right along uh as this is our first uh session with the new constitution of the board J we do go through uh nominations and elections of the off the different positions on the board which include chair Vice chair Clerk and we also have a representative for seret correct Paul yes um so I believe Steve you've been filling the role for sered over the past period I have um did you want to just give a quick introduction of what that entails generally it just involves a once a month meeting and they do have a couple meetings throughout the year that people can go in person they have a couple events but essentially it's it's just a once a month meeting to listen to what each body of surf is working on throughout the community southeastern regional planning yes Association Economic Development District knew I was going to mess up was close um but yes so uh and chair obviously runs the meeting deals with all the paperwork Vice chair is the fill in for the chair if they are not able to fulfill those duties and the clerk um it's kind of third in line but Laura the clerk is also Laura has been serving as Clerk and is also the signer for official signer for decisions and different items so anything else that you feel is important to add in terms of describing that role the clerk that want to keep track of the conditions on the larger projects or is that just something I'm doing I think that was is that the clerk's role as well I think that was shoved into the clerk's role it was when I had it yes and I think Julie had it before me I think she was yeah I mean I mean that whole process has only been started in the past five years since Scott Bish was on the board cuz he came up with it so I may be wrong in the years but he didn't join the board until after next son the first time so put a specific time frame on but that that tracking sheet is is critical and that helped me you know not having been here for zero Mansfield that was a that saved hours and it was great to hear few were the comments that confirmed it with Brian's notes but that was a that was really important yes it works well on the larger m projects right it's a overkill for small stuff yeah so uh obviously I probably shouldn't be running the election process for the chair so I will stop doing that and Paul has volunteered to kind of moderate that process um but start the chair and work our way down and I'll stop talking motion to nominate Timothy Griffin as chair plan for it okay we have a motion in a second do we is it appropriate to ask is there another motion someone would like to make I I'll first say I would accept the nomination if oh okay and Tim will accept the nomination is there another motion no no so we have a motion in a second let's take uh roll call vote uh I'm going to start I your he's not technically the chairing no no but can you vote he can vote for I can vote for myself I'll start with you then I'll votee yes yes yes yes yes yes Jim yes congratulations is it congratulations I don't know and it's back to you okay so for the role of Vice chair Allan I think you've been filling that role uh did it once what I only did it once would you like to do it again no I'm saying I only you only missed one meeting the whole time I got so as long as you keep doing it that's keep only missing no well not that you're used to at time so anybody like you can nominate yourself anybody like to make nomination nominated second motion to nominate Alan boly for vice chair and second sorry I didn't say it I I am not one for following the literal letter of yes U Alan do you accept the nomination or would you okay are there any additional nominations for the RO of Vice chair okay I guess I will go through the role and Eric I'll start with you yes Steve yes yes Alan yes Jim I'm sorry that broke up a little bit so I'm going to ask you to say it one more time one yes thank you and I will vote Yes and for the role of clerk I'll nominate lower apartment for clerk you like the job I'm just going ask you better I don't mind it okay second yeah just want I will accept but um if somebody else felt strongly about wanting to take a turn I have no problems by handing it over any additional nominations I'm happy to nominate anybody who would like to okay we'll go through this one more time well no two more times I left Eric yes Steve yes yes Laura yes Alan yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes as well okay in terms of the representative to sered um again looking for anybody who would like to take on that role Steve you'd like to continue and happy be happy to nominate you if you'd like to do something else and some know you're involved with other boards and a steward for conservation at the same time no I I more than happy to keep doing it it's it's a interesting thing I'll probably keep watching it anyways motion to nominate Steve Wall as the representative to sured for planning board second okay I think be there that was Lou he F Steve do you accept the nomination yeah I do okay anybody else like to participate as the representative for surit for the planning board okay uh one more timeat Eric yes Steve yes Alan yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes okay so we've now maintained the entire slate of people on the board going against uh I forget what the saying is is it Mark Twain I forget politicians are like diapers they should be changed frequently for the same reason um yeah that was it's a great say that might wind up on N neigh yeah yes okay um I believe there are two Ms the signer and the alternate signer oh okay um we forgot that one years we had to do it again okay thank you bran um so there Brian's reminders we uh as I mentioned at the beginning um over the past period the board has had the chair serve as the signer and what was the other one the alternate sign and the alternate sign you said the chair and the vice chair is the signers for things we can choose to put that responsibility with anybody it doesn't necessarily need to be the chair um so we would need to but we would need a motions either way I know we just keep it the same second although I don't know am I the altimate I think I'm theate I think she was the ultimate so I was wrong in my inter I'm sorry are you okay with being the still yeah then I motion that's so motion to retain yeah the chair as the primary signer and the clerk as the alternate signer okay any further discussion okay Eric yes Steve yes yes Laura yes Alan yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes as well at some point we should get docy signed for things but that's a whole other oh I would love that some of these are just required for wet signature still but we can by the state I don't know but certainly by the town my I was going to say the state actually doesn't mind OCC you sign so probably count thing but yeah it happens it's okay so uh we gone through the election roles and move forward with that I will just say well I'm happy to serve as the chair for the point at some point they do want an offre here so not continuous perpetuity so um the other only other item on our agenda this evening it's a short meeting probably won't be the I'll probably won't be short for a while um is just a re review of our execution conditions for the zero Mansfield Avenue project uh before we go there are we going to do more meeting dates um I think we only have may are we going to wait till know we should do that yes yeah you have to meetings we have applications queuing up I've got a couple things that's the only reason I asked yes we should do it we should do it tonight yes would you like to do it now sure okay could I ask if we could entertain a possible change to our start time it would if it would relase the board we can anything we would want yeah I'm not looking for anything dramatic but maybe a 6:45 start with public hearings to start at 7 if everybody could make that I'm good for that that's better no problem again it's it's open to discussion seriously it doesn't work just no it's good no no I I I for the foreseeable future I'm working from home on Tuesday so it shouldn't be a big deal I like getting out of here earlier the better I'm early to bed early to rise that works perfect for me Jim is that a problem for you during the fall it could be spring not so much but definitely in the fall it could be okay um can we just revisit in the fall we can revisit in the summer if we wanted to yeah so you're saying the meeting the start time will be 6:45 and then public hearings we had public hearing they would start at 7 which just gets us one kind a little bit earlier some nights yeah I think we've generally been diving into things pretty quickly so we haven't been posting specific times for this for the hearings on the agendas but um yeah so I don't have any objections I don't want I start on the board I was commuting in on the commuter rail and that was fun yeah was more people working from home I I was hoping it would work but I understand if it doesn't so it was just a suggestion so I don't think we need to necessarily take a motion on that I think we've kind of gone around and nobody has any specific conflicts so um we can I don't think have we posted anything for the next meeting relating to a time in terms of advertisements or anything yes we've uh the 1st we have said 7:15 but that doesn't mean going forward into June now we can't do 6:45 so so the next meeting same time after that we can do a little bit earlier wait June 4th is it is that that's the joint meeting on the 4th six I remember cuz I asked I asked Brian when I was in the office that's the joint um the bylaws bylaws okay yeah so that's a whole separate discussion okay so we have a meeting scheduled for the 21st while we're talking about meetings let's just keep going um so in two weeks we're meeting on May the 21st and then we have we will be scheduling in June and the 4th is already our joint meeting but that's reserved basically for that so that wouldn't count that wouldn't be something where we hear other the projects that's not the plan correct correct unless we think we'd be able to finish in an hour I I don't think so he's he's showing the full draft so I'm going to say yeah I wouldn't yeah okay um so that would put us uh if we wanted to give some separation in the month that would be June 11th and 25th that's fine that works we have conflicts okay and for those mons we're planning 645 correct okay and in July um let me pull this up because I know I have a conflict in July CU July is when everybody starts to travel July 4th is on the thirsday so if we were just on the 25th in theory how do we feel about the 9th and the 30th and I suggest this I have a conflict on the 23rd so I just proactively didn't include it but if we think that the 23rd works better for everybody else then that's a choice as well just thinking maybe be 16th and 30 we could do that as well work for me so it sounds like the 30th and then preference on the 16th of the 9th 16th and 30 16 and obviously if we go home and realize oh wait I forgot about X then we can revisit them um we should try to come up with those if we have those conflicts come up with them sooner rather than later or we're posting advertisements for special permits or anything okay um and if we get into August if we going every other those suggestions would be the those would be the 13th and the 27th of August 27th myad that might be doing something did you say the 50s the 13th and the 13th sorry Steve you have a conflict on the 27th the 13th you said we could do the 13th and the 20th back to back if we wanted to do do that or the 6th and 20th away one I think of it I just thought one might be away for 13 objection to 6 and 20 no okay I just on the 20th it might just want to revisit the time on that meeting in terms of as if Jim Jim football will definitely be starting at that point probably yeah yeah that'll be August is always tough just to be honest with everybody understood okay so that gives us 6 and 20 that we yes that gives us 3 months um we can continue or we can hold hold for there I know at times we've done 6 months at a time um if we want to hold off and do a few more in a couple in a few weeks we can do that as well I can keep going it helps me plan for work trips but it's too far out for folks then I think if you have I'm going with September I can go through that okay after that it gets easy okay so for September if we're already on the around the 20th I'm going to suggest maybe the 10th and the 24th and avoid Labor Day weekend mhm Way Labor Day weeks that works that works are we going to got the 7:15 at that time uh we'll review okay uh but I would pencil in yes uh the 10th and the 24th now that should keep us busy for a while okay so now moving along and where I said we were going to get to a minute ago uh to review and execution of conditions for zero Mansfield Avenue um based on our vote at our last here session which was on the 23rd of April is somebody you're already share perfect yes um so I'll just say has everybody had a chance to review or did we send it out to everybody we did yes had a chance to review have any question questions comments things that we would like to address Laur I think you had one comment that you had mentioned Paul he did he was going to go back to Camp Council I don't know whether she can wait in or not she uh emailed me today that she hasn't had a chance but she would respond tomorrow and I just my thought is because of the complexity of this and the potential for an appeal I would like for her to review this whole she hasn't reviewed the this draft that you see here my thought was after you all review it we would get it to her I did agree with the edits that you had suggested I think Thee the core we're talking about the reasons for denial did you want to scroll to that so we just to I apologize what was the point you ra you said you had a point you wanted to question uh the the reasons that were put in for the denial of the permit were not in line with they were not the standards that we are asked to consider okay when approving a special permit um one of which was outside of our perview entirely um and I felt it might just open us up at very good chance they're going to appeal and that just gets them more FL fair enough all right so Town council's been made aware of all of the reasons and we just asked her to help weighing in advice yeah again they for the special permit a super majority of five votes was needed and they got four so it was denied um I will say that if they do appeal I think Robbie probably haven't been through this but you may get like certified mail with like legal documents like this thick so tell you to appear ignore okay Town Council circular file I do actually file I keep them actually we have all the records I'm I'm preparing for an accordion file and we have that one ready to go yeah the town gets a record of it and Town Council is how's that work da will they actually have somebody come to your house and serve you that has happened it depends on the it depends on the applicant sometimes you get nothing sometimes you get nothing um you have no idea it was appealed until you see it on an agenda I know um I know Amy has said that she worked with one town where the applicant their style was to actually have a process server show up that's an intimidation yes that has never happened in the time that I've been on the board but that first like what I'm being sued moment is uh yeah interesting it wouldn't be my first been f with it that's okay but I think uh I think I managed to warn everybody before the first one came on but it was close I have a Sciences experiment going on my property the sensors cameras all kinds of Stu to hand Intruders it'll be fun okay so um so we have the conditions up on the screen here um the basis being as scrolling away on um I'm cheating off your screen the project would not be socially and economically desirable and the advantage of the project do not outweigh by far any detrimental effects that such effects on the neighborhood and environment shall be significant greater than could be expected development if the special perment approved so um that speaks to kind of the F five core aspects of our special permit granting criteria so are there any additional uh understanding that Town Council is going to weigh on that a little bit U did anyone else have any questions comments things that they wanted highlighted in the the findings of the decision that they thought were important to include yeah just real quick it says motion fails up here and this is where I this is my experience and then down here it was saying motion passes and show the same vote so um the applicant applied for a special permit and a site plan approval okay so the site plan approval is a majority vote but the special permit is a super major that's why okay thanks so we have different criteria for site plan and special permit um if a project has just a site plan approval required it is generally we can require conditions in terms of hours of operation or set layouts of property or landscaping or any number of things liting but um it is incredibly difficult to clear the bar of actually denying a site plan approval um in fact the conditions that we set can't be written in a way as to essentially prohibit the project we can't like you can't write something imposs right exactly okay um got it so that is uh yes so um General if a special a site plan approval were not to be approved we would potentially try and figure out what we could do to get it to that state or do something else so but the the special permit is the higher level relief that they needed and they did not achieve what was needed to get that so there's anything else we wanted to add if there's nothing else then we would close it and time Council weighs in it can be signed and filed and then if the applicant chooses to appeal they can do that if the applicant chooses to throw this plan in the trash can and come back to the project they can do that too if there's nothing else we'll leave it alone for now I don't think we need to make a motion on not making any additions so is there anything else anybody wanted to before I move on anything else anybody wanted to bring up for this okay and that is the rest of the items that were posted on our meeting agenda um Paul or Brian is there anything else that you wanted to just raise with the board in terms of housekeeping or anything else or well we do have um a few uh items that are coming forward uh we have three applications that we had um as we were switching uh our online permitting system we had a couple of glitches but there will be three uh special permit site plan uh applications coming to you in two weeks and then also um there is going to be a remand which is uh one that had been appealed and and had uh the attorneys were working on it for um 280 2 yeah for uh 280 TAF that was the U re yes so that's one that we yeah we did go through that in the executive session a court order remand correct y it's a it's a we agreed to remand right right so we needed to get your meeting scheduled tonight so I'll work back with Town Council on those I'll give her the dates for June so things are going to get a bit busy we've got a few more that are uh you will some new ones that'll be coming in in June as well so I'm doing the nice creams expanding um one of them that yes yes but they have asked us to hold off on that they actually had a meeting tonight with the Board of Health uh I'll talk to the uh the health agent tomorrow to see what came of that and you we're ready to sub you know get it to the newspaper and the the abutters but they want it to work through the Board of Health at this point so um as you know that's been a long issue with noise so I don't you know we'll see what comes out but we will Doland ice cream has had a noise issue with a with UHA the trailer I well I knew of the whole Market Foods one but I had not heard of any ISS with yeah it's been so anyway they're what I understand is they're trying to rectify that as part of this expansion but we can't really go into any of that right now and uh we'll notice we'll notify you when that starts to okay to shift toward you I have just two quick things tapping on to that could we try as much as possible not to have any of the killer meetings we've had a couple recently of you know it's 11:00 and we're still going I get up early I at some point one of those last long was I can't even vote on anything I can't those 4H hour ones are no good for me now that we have the meeting dates I we can try space them out I know it happens sometimes if we could you know if it's asking hey could we we have four things already can we push off to the next one do you guys mind right it'd be appreciated we didn't want to overload it and I know it's hard sometimes but right it can't be avoided sometimes but if we can do it it's appreciated they were Cooperative so the only other thing that's been really sorry no you don't um I really get annoyed when an applicant says you know the fire department didn't respond or so and so didn't respond and they're here asking for special perment they're asking for us to sign off um it's happened multiple times lately I think it just has to be communicated more to them that even though they the email the notification might have went out to all the Departments it's kind of their job to bring it to us and of course it's been getting multiple times yeah I don't like to hear yes the fire department approved it I want to see that the fire department approved it or a sign off on you know what I'm saying and that's a product now switching to open gov yeah where everybody sees it which again it's very transparent but there are times when departments don't sign off on it yeah um as we go forward with you all if if the issue is there I'll reach out to them and make sure uh that they do it uh that's on us too to make sure we should be using the capabilities of this you know we switch to the system at the beest of you know the folks in town using it and we should be using this capabilities yeah well oh that's saying it's more up to the applicant than anything if they oh you know we reached out to him never heard back well you never Conta you never sent them another email you never went back it's their job to also get it push well the permitting system is supposed to facilitate all it literally is supposed to facilitate it through all of the the processes and all they have to do is check a box and say yes I reviewed it and it looks good it's it's both I agree it's both we just have to monitor it but you know unless you feel that there's a specific issue that a that there hasn't been a check then hold it but if you feel like it's you know it's not an issue for them move forward and you know that's on me too as a reviewer to make sure what to reach out to them and it's not difficult because most of them are on my floor so yeah I think part of it is just we've done a a lot of conditional approvals especially for like a turning radius or something like that where it's like we're not unless somebody's got the we did the turning radius you can see it right here it's kind of did the fire department say that they looked at it with their trucks or they give you your truck model or that kind of check helps with that process just saves time too right um the the other thing is we kind of move through a fresh also a fresh batch of applicants I know that at multiple times we've tried to enforce the please getting the applicants to submit all the stuff yes please like a week ahead of the meeting right um I admittedly did not push that hard uh especially while Brian's doing three jobs at once um but I think it's we're starting with a new board let's try and uh the Friday before try to try to be bad cop first if we can have it before the weekend we had said prior to AO yeah THS with Friday at this point just give it to me before the weekend because that's usually what I'm doing my work if we give the applicant if we tell the applicant we'd like it a week before you're spent to come with us that means we can come to the meeting with questions about the materials not come to the meeting look at materials for the first time and come for questions on the Fly that's the that's the difference can I go back to one point I just wasn't clear when they have reached out the fire things like that they come in say theyve never got back to me whose job is it to chase them is it the applicants or ours they're looking for the town to agree that the project should go forward so they should be motivated to get those boxes checked would be mind okay so it's their job to Chas it's it's not I tell I'm a private sector guys it's a little bit Mutual but yeah I I will do my part to reach out to the Departments but there are times when an applicant needs to directly coordinate you know if we're talking about turning radius they need to work with the deputy chief on that if if they don't then you know I'm not going to I'll do my part to connect them yeah so in other words we'll generally try and be as helpful as we can it's their job to chase exactly okay we we do we customer service is a lot I want to make sure I want to do the best I can do that when an application comes in front of you you have the best information possible MH you know doesn't always work that way but that's the intent is to get responses from you know make sure that the appropriate departments have given responses and you know we try to try to do that and a big part of that is coral you know coring people did you reach out to this person or that that's just part of the territory but if if they if we do our best connect them and they do not follow through on that then they shouldn't be surprised when we act ask them in public session and they don't have a good answer so and they didn't get back to me is not a reason for used them that uh in itself I would say generally not a lot of times what we can do is we say it's conditionally approved based on you need to get the fire dep departments approval writing before this is before you can do anything that's basically how that if it's a minor thing if it's more of a major thing where we want to make sure that they're involved a something where there's I'm making something up something about the storage of flammable chemicals or something like that like we probably want a written opinion from the fire chief before we say we're okay with this it just avoids another continuance and it just gets it gets it over quicker yeah rather than rather than then come to us say to CH the fire department well they back to us well we're going to mean that before we do anything tonight so see you in two weeks and that doesn't help anybody another important thing for everyone to know is that we always especially with lot more complicated projects we like to have preliminary meetings with staff and the applicant let them present and before it comes to you and that way they everyone has a chance to identify any issues again with the intent of we're trying to help everybody so if you know if we see something where we go well the turning radius doesn't look right that's we can cap they can capture that early so what we're trying to do is identify issues early um that'll also be a time when we can determine you know do we do we want to do we think a you know a peer review is necessary for to get an engineer to look at storm water Wetlands or traffic so that's an important meeting that um that we'll hold uh partic I mean for the for the more complicated ones I mean if it's a common driveway no if it's you know something like zero Mansfield I don't know if that meeting happened but it will going forward and that's that's a practice the town manager started years ago uh we were doing it during my first go around we're going to continue to do that there's a lot of benefits to having that meeting again the goal is to help that the applicant get to the their get their application in the best shape or it's a not that I've seen this but it's a wow this is in bad shape you really don't want to be presenting this yet but if we feel it then we should tell them that you know we don't want to send anyone out here going this doesn't have a chance it doesn't meet they cannot listen to you too they can they can that's they can so it's just trying to help everybody okay anything else you wanted to cover no and anything else might be else in the open session well last question you said Whole Foods um home Foods Markets the um the warehouse on south wester Street oh Food Services not whole food home Home Market Market F the the tenant in that big Warehouse on the back of southwester Street no I know I the street yeah but not Whole Foods the storage that I Wasing okay no that's there an application for Warehouse two Parcels down yes something it's coming yeah if I'm thinking that there is something 360 so yes so we'll uh that should be fun we'll get there when we get there and focus on the things that are in front of me and motion to adjourn second we have a motion in a second is there any further discussion no [Music] okay hearing nothing Eric yes Steve yes yes laa yes alen yes Jim yes and I will vote Yes we are adjourned thank you very much everybody Peter have everyone good the G