##VIDEO ID:HSxs-AJaHr8## okay welcome everybody to the Norton planning board's meeting of Tuesday October the 15th this is again a hybrid public meeting so members of the public are welcome to participate in person or remotely uh in person we are at the new Norton Town Hall at 72 East Main Street uh to join online via the zoom via the zoom link it's available in the meeting agenda or the zoom ID 638 9291 060 there's also phone number posting for those wishing to join that way after the meeting will also be available for replay of n cable access and nort media center uh as we get going here this is we are still getting used to all our AB setups here in town hall uh so if anybody in the zoom meeting would please like to confirm that we are coming through loud and clear that would be great uh either with a thumbs up or a note in the chat there that will uh help us out and if we do not come through loud and clear for people joining us remotely please speak up and let us know and we will do our best so with that out of the way I'll go into our um our agenda here in terms of planning board business and policies just so every on the board is aware um the select board and finance committee did both meet recently uh to discuss the War articles we submitted for town meeting related to the MBA community's bylaw both the votes of both boards were split uh but ultimately neither board voted to recommend the article for town meeting um I have been in Comm I have uh sent Paul a recommendation for each of those boards that um we would let if we go through this again we would like to have input from them as part of the site selection process uh in the form of uh potentially having a what did I call a Consulting member join our meetings when we discuss it um regardless of that um I have shared with both of those boards that I am planning on potentially bringing the article to the floor at town meeting um through the moderator um to make sure that town meeting has the opportunity to see it hear it and if they choose to vote against it that is their choice um but as we are working with the state I want to make sure the state sees we gave Tom meeting a chance to vote on it and continue to move forward from that bills anybody any questions comments on that or well done I think the ramifications of us not having something in front it's going to be should I disagree I think we should be moving to and getting that done as soon as possible so not we're not waiting and standing still for that either yes okay uh terms of bills and warrants we do have one bill here which I'll pass around again this is funded from a grant for the zoning recodification project there are two copies of the same bill um if you'd like to take a look please feel free uh and we do not have any minutes to approve of this meeting so we'll continue onward um posted on the agenda was an anr endorsement for zero Crane Street um PA receed word this afternoon that is looking to continue to our next session correct yes okay um so excuse me Tim no further discussion says Robin Stein K off could you just introduce the board members that are present so okay thank you Steve and Jim there any further discussion okay as all the members argu in person we can go back to doing a voice vote so I'll say all in favor please say I I all opposed exensions okay 6 excuse continue our session Rob done with can you hear me in the public hearing section of our agenda first item up is a remand of special permit sp-1 and site plan 20881 this is 237 Main Street application for a special permit and site plan approval for a 278 squ for warehouse uh this was remanded to the planning board by land Court 24 MC 0076 the owner Pine Capital Partners um this was originally on our agenda for September the 24th and we're continuing to here um thank you very much Mr O'Neal for being here um just by way of introduction we do have some new members who joined the board since you were last here um and we do have Town Council on the zoom call as well just to provide additional context um but if you'd like to go ahead and just give this overview of the project and what you're looking to do with this application uh we'll go forward good thank you appreciate it so uh we're in discussion of the lot one of the blar business park so this is the lot that's located um right at the corner of the intersection where the traffic signal is originally when we did the master plan that section of the real estate was z uh was plan for retail use of two uh actually three buildings which was then reduced to two buildings and now in front of us we're proposing industrial use based on the retail speed value we had so um we're here as a joint motion by the court Forman vote of what was previously done so in that we had a site plan approval which was approved based on a 4 to2 vote by the board special permit was denied even though we had four votes in favor two against because we did not have super majority that the reason for the denial and just it's not socially or economically desirable when the board voted and does not F fill an existing need so again as the original development started we had about 887 315,000 s fet total for both phase one and phase two boar business part that has been modified down to 789,6 7,000 industrial and 12000 including the biggest proponent the biggest part of that is our traffic analysis so when we first submitted our traffic report to you folks about a year ago we had ESC group to a study and we were approved by mea for 6,994 trips per day that has been reduced for the reduction and the changes of years to about 2100 trips per day drastic reduction in this divided the industrial approach that we've had uh we've received all the conservation approvals we've gone through third party theuk um Brandon will describe the site plan and the actual building at the first get into the details of that but meets all the setbacks site coverage parking and all of our buildings are occupied up and Par so everything that's occupi build the benefits that be provide by going to Industrial is that one we're going to increase taxes which we've already done uh new permanent construction job growth as well and permanent jobs we obviously pay for building perms and Sewer fees pretty extensive less traffic and the ability to track new companies down uh today we've generated a little bit over a million in annual real estate taxes up at the park uh 1.3 million in building permits to the town of Norton $400,000 in utility connection fees and 9.9 million of infrastructure dra into the whole project which benefits one so that's where we stand today we've also updated the fire department communication system down here at the major station that's here all the way up to the buildings and we created probably in excess of we 500 to 600 700 jobs at the park today currently last we're going to industrialist work trying to track there's about 84 tenants 50,000 feet or under the Southeastern Mass Market that are trying to get a location from anywhere from middleb all the way up to Frank that's what we're targeting and basically with the lease up that we had on the first parts of buildings for phase one and phase two that's where we see the market of momentum right now today I mean uh included in that the economic impact would be roughly 70,000 of real estate taxes based on one bilding and 80,000 in builds and 35,000 in SE connections so those is just some of the Fe structures that would be added to uh boar project in our Master numbers um we do have a list of industrial tenants that are looking in the market and why we Chang in addition to that is it's not as we have not been doing retail and marketing we started the project in 2018 we've extended uh a huge amount of marketing effort with CBR which is a losing team they've issued a notice letter that says the site lacks density of traffic although they like the location cl to 495 we haven't been able to land the retail tenant since 2018 start so we wouldn't be making the switch unless we thought there's a viable need and a reason why based on the years in the work done in the department um so lastly I'd like to say that there's already quite a bit of retail vacancy that's down here um so we'd like to um take a look at the a of right industrial use because that's SED Z industrial and the site plan and special permit as well and as far as the denials when we say that socially and economical opportunities one the project brings new taxes new jobs permit fees connection fees indust in zoning industrial by right and then also the types of companies that we're bringing do a lot for the community whether it's El we brought into North Commerce Center Horizon beverage you have Wayfair Pitney bow uh Yale Appliance I was just understanding that food pantry and Norton that appliances were just donated but yet so that's what we're bringing we're bringing great companies that want to get back to the town and the community that are here and as far as does not fulfill an existing need we're tracking Navy tenants in the park and financially the impact that we bring I think is important to try to know things are getting tight in all the towns are at so we want to generate taxes and generate permit fees and bring great companies so I let Brandon describe a little bit more on site plan so you have the layout the bilding propos good evening Brandon car with freed I just wanted to um correct one thing one thing Jeff said said it went down to 2100s they reduced by so BC had submitted a letter last year with the original application but the overall mea permanent build condition from 2017 Total 6944 trips per day um with this new change and the other changes that have been made with the and the other Chang part um it's decreased by 22 it's gone down to 4654 so it's about a think 30% um decrease um so youve already seen this most of this presentation I want to go through it for the new numers but um you have this on your screen you can see the section of the site Jeff alluded to that we're here this was H formerly actually two lots that have been combined into the area red just next to corner of 11 Street up top and E on the left you can see the r on the5 in the bottom left um je went over the project history but this is the site plan that we alluded to so uh there were actually three commercial buildings up front here the bottom right one was changed to parking for the large building the the two buildings that you see the 14,000 foot and the 11,000 foot commercial those are the ones we going combine into the industrial building that we're here for tonight um so just to rehash the project history we filed in 2023 to combine Lots one and two change to a flex Ed industrial building uh Flex industrial is allowed by right as Jeff said um overall it's three buildings combined into one in that area one area like I said is already been change through a parking lot but in that whole area buildings um those three buildings are are getting Consolidated this one building it's about a 10,000 actually this is old since we Ed more but it's about a 15,000 foot production building fo grip so the use is different um and the buildings have got smaller there's less parking there's less inferious coverage and as we just spoke there's less traffic thisis as opposed to that square footage or retail commercial we have you notice of T that approved by the commission before them a couple months ago as well with this amendment um they blessed as a minor modification so um once planning hopefully um issues an approval then that would get recorded as a plan modification with commission did sign off on this change um Jeff said we were here last year and the site plan was approved special permits were denied um since we've been in the appeal process so this is the revised proposal so this is a little different than what you saw last year um it's the same in general kind of parking in the front up towards Leonard Street in the building and then the loading in the back same type of building same use of building same layout of building the parkings the same the loading the same what we did is we shortened it um from left to right so brought it additional 10 ft off of East Main Street and we brought it approximately 15 ft off Leonard Street so it reduced by about 5300 square feet think it was um 32,000 sare ft and we're 32,400 sare ft and we're at 27,1 100 square ft or so now um we left like I said the parking in the front the circulation we're accessing that access Drive between us in the py B building and that existing curve cut on to Leonard um that all stay the same from what you saw last year the stone water stayed the same utility stayed the same other than some minor tweets on the service location with the water department but in general other than the actual footprint of the building it's the exact same prod we saw last year um we did uh get the storm water utilities in a minute but site wise we are closing there's an existing if you go down Main Street kind of heading north off the highway there's a right into the site now that would be remate get that REM and we're connecting the sidewalks into the main sidewalk system along the line that goes up East Main with the new signals on East Main Street so the three special permits that are part of this application is request for a special permit for building over 10,000 square feet um kind of hand inand with that a building of that size um the states more than 25 parking spaces so that's really um those special permits were granted for the free for the 2007 would have been required for the 2017 because that was 11,000 14,000 the back one was a 13,000 so those have already been issued it's just consolidating with buildings and this type of indust need build over market research and then the Third special permit is um because of our location within a Water Resource Protection District that was a focus of the Conservation Commission knowing this area so um provided a storm water um storm water plan storm water design that was reviewed both by D the conservation agent commission and they had a third party part of that process and all those bodies signed off on that so just a little more detail on the parking I said it's accessed um between on that drive out between bus and lock four which is building um per zoning a building of the size requires 34 spaces we have 45 that includes SP and three SPAC um and then in the rear we have seven now we used to have eight but um kind of Squish the building down we lost the loading space so we have seven loading spaces in the back two of those would probably be occupied by trash andard P if we see some of the other buildings um the loading area we look at it in the back just um as to work with the creative and also provides a kind of natural screening from the roadway so um between the building and the proposed landscaping and the existing Landscaping one really be able to see that loading area too much as we go by Street um we review the access and circulation that's been reviewed by the fire department and sign up by the fire department um like I said we're providing that sidewalk linkage from the front of our building to the network that Services the rest of the part go storm water we have three storm water practices on the site um kind of working north to south we have a infiltration Basin s INF filter um that treats the front parking area um rectangular you see into the parking area that's an underground infiltration system that the root system and then in the back in the loading area we have again sandil infiltration Bas um all are sized for the Norton regulations they need requirements for water quality infiltration stor M detection um everything's located out of confoms jurisdiction the only reason we want for them is actually a disturbed area that's within their jurisdiction that we're ricated uh but all the proposed improvements all the permanent Landscaping all the pavement everything in the future be located outside of the jurisdiction um under this plan there is a small decrease in impervious area we compared this to the retail design that was up here U again this was approved by conservation in the third party per um last year uh utilities are fairly simple um there's existing sewer and water studs to this property that are on the the right side under that axis drive to pity bow so we're planning on tying into those we've talked to the Sewer and Water Commission and we'd have to do some hydrant testing and everything to verify before we um but the water pressure capacity and capacity is landscape so this is fairly similar to what you saw last year a mixture of kind of ornamental lower plantings around the front parking area at the corner of Leonard Street some kind of decorative uh plantings around the sign there Street trees along Leonard Street and then also some kind of Street more screening type trees along East B um those are both required by your landscape ordinates um so that that buffer is what I was I was alluding to before there's some existing vegetation along the west side of this slot there's also the the proposed trees and some other screening that we're adding over there to kind of um screen the side of the building soften that side of the building Facing East M and also screen that loading area and the shade requirements tree requirements and everything need your local bylaw and then to end I have a just couple images of architectural rendering so this is actually showing the proposed Landscaping in the building so this would be kind of off of East Main um you can see the left side is the B building but this is kind of similar to what you would see from East M and then this is know continuing on East Main as kind of taking that turn in the letter you can see the the blue star sign in the front there and then looking out of the building the building set back offer letter the paring in the Front Street trees around the front of the that's the two images um so that's kind of a summary of the site design if you have any questions for JE here thank you um before we get to that I was just GNA see because this is something that has done through field we do have time CS here um ra if you want to unmute and a make sure we can hear you and B um just provide any additional context that you would like to give based on uh the project it is now can everyone hear me and we are not hearing you right now if you're speaking I can hear you so we're just gonna do a quick AB troubleshoot here so just give me one minute here Robin can you you can speak again you hear me now yes can okay all right EX excellent good evening everyone good evening um can before I get started and I don't have a lot of comments just for the folks that are participating remotely can you introduce the board members and then it would just be helpful when individual board members speak if they just identify themselves in case everyone can't see everyone sure so I'll just uh I'll let everybody introduce themselves going down the line here I'm Tim Griffin I'm the chair Steve Jims thank you everybody so that let's see it's one two three four five six or seven tonight we have six this evening we have one member who is at okay and the applicants aware of that something I was going to bring up when we went back and forth with them and they've already stated that they will um plan to submit a mo form to continue to participate okay excellent um just wanted to make so who's missing Laura Parker okay I know there have been some changes on the board so just wanted to make sure we had our notes right um I I don't have a lot to comment on this the one thing I wanted to confirm with the applicant with the board so I have that the original approvals needed for the board were site plan um a special permit because the development is over 10,000 square feet of floor area um and because there's more than 25 parking spaces and a special permit because of the amount of impervious space that's the relief I have I just wanted to confirm everyone saw on the same page and that the change in the project hasn't for any additional reliefs or taking any of those away but I believe those are all still needed those those three correct okay I'm here if you have questions for me but I think it's um more on the board's purview at this point Thank you since you were here since this is something has gone through appeal I want to make sure that we uh we don't not take advantage of you being with us this evening so thank you well no absolutely I I appreciate it I wanted a chance to confirm that okay so to the members here we have specific questions uh for the applicant about the project they're proposing here this evening I like the changes you guys have done a good job taking whatever concerns people questions obviously has gone through comcom so we don't have that game of chicken that we sometimes have with every time board um has gone through peer review any additional layout questions or anything like that that we wanted to raise otherwise I would go to public comment section our discussion here if anybody in the zoom meeting would like to speak I'd ask that you please raise your virtual hand here in the meeting and I will uh try and calling everybody in order as well as any in person who like to speak um I don't see anybody running up to the podium here in person uh Mr seal I expected to see your hand raised so uh if you'd like to go ahead and start us off please do um thank you can everybody hear me yes okay um I I first I'd like to apologize I I have sent a supplemental you have the letter I sent in on the 24th I've sent in a supplemental letter I sent in in as of October t uh it had a good deal of basically pictures attached to it and due to its size it never popped back to me but apparently neither Tim nor Paul has received it I sent it out again today because Paul mentioned he hadn't received it and again they appear to not have received it I apologize it's always been my practice to provide the board and the participants with information that I was presenting and questions I raised in advance of the meeting to give them an opportunity to address and I apologize for not doing so in absence of not having received it with your patience I'd like to read the letter that I sent out to the board it basically does supplement what has previously been provided and while I'm doing it I'll add my comments uh this is to supplement my previous letter dated September 23rd regarding the above as you're aware the Court's freemand order provides the board shall remand the hearing denova and base its decision on all documents and information that the plaintiffs or other previously submitted and any additional documents or information that the plaintiffs or others may present at the amended hearing it's my understanding and Council can confirm it that that does not include any previous findings or any previously decisions so basically it's before you are new to look at basically what's been presented before and what's presented now to make a decision the schedule at 175 C2 of the zoning bylaws provides zon and District dimensions for industrial zones including minimum setbacks and maximum building Heights in feet and in stories it must be noted that these are minimums and maximums and do not control what the board may require in exercising its function in evaluating special permits and site plan review according to 15.1 purpose the purpose of article F 15 site plan approval is to ensure the impact of the proposed development whether allowed or as a matter of right or by special permit in according to purposes of the zoning bylaw that the proposed development adequately provides in its design and layout for the transportation needs of the occupants and the proposed development is in harmony with the existing neighborhood character and protects against adverse impact impacts to Joint um land owners in evaluating and rendering decision on the proposed development plan which requires site plan approval and or special permit it's both the planning board shall shall consider the degree to which the proposed development achieves the following objectives and may require additional modification to the proposed site plan to ensure the objectives are fulfilled a transportation needs of the occupant as part of the final environmental impact report under coordination with the public Transit Agency the proponent was will coordinate with G to provide a shuttle service from the site to the center of the town to two existing Gat bus routes providing services to Taunton adbor and Mansfield one bus route runs two and from Mansfield and provides connection with Boston and and Providence that was it at the final e page 88 the proposed mitigation that was proved with with their with their mitigation included reference to a bus stop at the project following the results of a j taxability study which bus stop was reflected as previously submitted on plans that appeared to be in the common driveway I'm not sure what what what was what um what still been required I know the plans I've seen it always showed a bus stop there it's not there now I don't know if other plans have been made or or required I'm just calling that out as I'm aware of it the other question I rais is the access driveway appears to be outside the project parcel's lot line query as a private driveway providing vehicle as access to at least two building Lots has a special permit been issued for a common driveway as defined and required under uh 175 2.2 terms defined I'm not aware of that I just noted that basically it appears to be using it as a common driveway I don't know what Arrangements were previously done they may have been uh submitted but I raised that question to the board setbacks and building Heights design objective this is under the objectives under 15 design the proposed development should be designed to enhance the natural and aesthetic qualities of the Town conserve the value of the land and buildings and protect and preserve the historic and cultural heritage of the town to accomplish these goals the following design guidelines sh now be observed designed along a main thoroughfare note this project is on East Main Street development on the town's main thoroughfare should be should maintain the following standards which were possible and appropriate buildings the height and scale of buildings should be compatible with the architectural type and character of the surrounding buildings architectural details including signs material colors and textures should enhance and preserve the character of the building area roof line the the design and pitch of the roof should we where practicable will practial be compatible with the characters of New England style architect I attached to to this letter um a schedule which basically a schedule reflecting the distance of the commercial and industrial buildings along the common thorough thoroughfare that's East Main Street the principal buildings to the street line based upon estimates from Google Earth uh in addition I attached exhibit B pictures depicting the setbacks height architectural Styles roof design and and pitch of the buildings basically if you guys drive down there I mean I'm happy to submit it and I'd like to if this res retains open remains open the opportunity to submit those if they have not already been uh received I think it may have been a problem with downloading the size of the the properties um it appears that any of the buildings let me just go through the um that schedule provides from what I could tell um 146 East Main Street that's the dunin Don shopping center is uh basically 93 ft from the street line uh the convenience store is 49 ft from the street line 274 East Main Street that's the 40b project that's 59 ft from the from the sideline uh 278 to 294 that's the red milk red milk crossing that's 70 ft from from the from the street line um beran fils is 83 feet that's an industrial building CFS is approximately 158 ft um the the gym um and that that complex is 156 feet from the from the street line and the storage facility is 84 feet from the street line note in each of those cases maybe with exception of one the parking is in front of those buildings and the entrances face East Main Street uh in approving the 40b project at 274 East Main Street the zoning board of appeals required red reducing the street facing buildings from free stories that were they were requiring to a two storage project the pictures that were submitted reflected the in the interior buildings being three stories three stories high and the buildings Facing East Main Street being two stories high I'm sure this board is aware the standard zones are a 40b project are a lot more lenient to a developer in that basically they can receive waivers for practically anything they're looking for in this case the board did not allow that and they pushed them back because of the the issue of being overbearing on the street as part of the Town council's 12 6 13 draft decision of the 40b case including the following at the board's request an applicant conducted a balloon test uh this is covered wagon stuff I mean Bo AI U to provide the physical uh value Aid to assist the board and the public in understanding the proposed height and massing and scale of the project the applicant also provided multiple other visual aids to assist the board to in the public in visualizing the height and massing of the project including cross-sections uh and a a a computer simulated renderings and videos of the post site along East Main Street to provide R Renditions as to the impact of the proposed massing and scale of the building in relation to East Main Street U this should likewise be requested by such a simulation to to reflect the proposed building and what it will look like in its proximity to the streetcap basically as I'm looking at it even with sitting back 40 ft there's portions of this project that may be 50 ft back from the from the property line they're showing basically a brick a brick veneer building which basically looks more can look more like a prison that's we have no idea what they're going to be looking for right now they're looking for it's a speck house and what the what the tenants going to look for God knows um the asking the asking for fa facing the the street gate facing the Main Street and the town service no this is servicing this area Services between a Spain Street between 495 and Newland Street there are over 400 residential units beyond that you have uh new uh newon Glenn and a series as I've mentioned of Industrial and Commercial properties um I would venture to say that that per the area on this side of 4 on 495 has the most dense population along East Main Street than any other area of the town and also probably brings in more Revenue than any other area per square per the same area in town so basically we're getting over 495 and we're looking at really a very important part of this town and a very important part for population and for value and what what is going to be there they're going to be putting over up against 495 up against East Main Street a a 40 by 200 foot edifice U but basically you don't know what it's going to look like they can give you Renditions now but they're building the SPEC Building um the question I had is they're complaining that they couldn't sell the retail over Co not much stuff was being sold and basically they're not even saying they have a new tenant now the only other building that I'm aware of that was built on spec for this project was the first maybe in the second building and and if you remember or maybe you don't because you're all new that was basically amended they they so you went through the process you gave them a s plan review based on spec and they came back and they ended up tearing down one building and adding a parking lot and so the fact now that they're saying well I can't I can't do retail because I don't have a tenant but I want to do industrial but I don't have a tenant either so we have no idea what that tenant's going to want we have a building unlike anything else along the strip it doesn't have parking facing it doesn't have an entrance Facing East Main Street it's closer to Main Street than anything else that we have along this property line and basically understand under the site plan approval that's your requirement you're were trying to look at these things to understand what it's going to do to the town yes there's value to the town you're going to get taxes everybody's going to talk about taxes but that property is going to be developed that's that's the developers problem and how and when it's going to be well consistent with what's applicable to the town and the town man manager proposed his project one of the main things he said to everybody was saying don't worry it's going to be subject to site plan approval and special permits and we're going to make sure that it's done right that's your that's your project that's your your responsibility raising revenue for the town is not your responsibility is the 40 the 400 residents along East Main Street and the value that that that we're providing in this this this area of town is providing to the town um uh just in ter just in terms of of parking I just want to make one of a comment um understand well I'm I'm looking at a a BSC group um memorandum of uh September 21st 2021 um toil to Jeffrey from Sam AO and Nos sford and then they gave the summary of basically the total square footage propos originally was the 887 31 315 and as of 2021 it was 7 89 335 it both cases it was basically they had the same parking one was 709 and one 721 I'm not sure where the parking lies now but understand we now have the introduction of last smile operations and those from what I understand are not reflected these numbers reflect parking spaces they don't reflect actual traffic going in and out of the property uh nor nor do they reflect the extent of tra truck traffic going in and out of the property I don't know what it is right now I couldn't tell you that I'm just saying for a reduction of 100,000 square fet and with it probably the value to the town of the 100,000 s fet of building uh we're getting a lot more parking and a lot more cars my understanding those less mile cars aren't even housed in mass in in in Norton um so we're not even getting the revenue of that again I may be wrong that might have been changed when I was listening to them initially that's what I understood to be the case my suggestion my request would be um that the board you know get some rendering and I was I'd like to see what the building physically would look like as close it is to 495 and again unless you're you're showing this as as a main entrance or or parking in front of it uh you're going to be seeing summer addition of a blank building and whatever they give you chances are you know they may want to they can make the whole thing GL but my guess is some tenant coming in there is not going to want a glass so it's going to be changed so for them for you to go through this exercise and give them a special permit and and a side plan review without seeing literally what the and they are going to end up proposing seems me putting the car before the horse I I just encourage you to to to look at the site plan your obligations on the site plan review and take a look if you need to I'm happy and if if this stays open I'd request to be able to submit the photographs I gave their photographs all along 4 49 uh East Main Street showing um the distance of all these different buildings and the heights of these different buildings to get a sense of really what what's consistent with what's there and I think that's your duty and that's your obligation under this site plan and and and special per U responsibility thank you thank you Mr SE um so one points I will say I do know that we did going back I forget when don't quote me on the year but that was permitted as a common driveway special permit so I know that that was done specifically because we were going through the permit process for everything else and then decided we needed a new permit in the middle of all the other permit that looking so um it's it is probably worth um follow Z the applicant uh just to confirm that we don't have references in that common driveway to Lots or buildings that aren't being proposed that we want um and if we need to just check if that's at the modification or the language that was with the original Pro driveway permit U should be reviewed in terms of U specific questions for um Mr car in terms of um but did mention kind of the bus and Transit opportunities that something that you have explored with with GATRA and discussion they've had I know they've had different changes different we started ini at the early stages department so we had those conversations but there was never a sensitive emergency by them to say hey we want a bus stop so we have the area we want to put a bus stop still there I always keep it there they want to take that happen and and this if there was a stop would be in this common driveway area or be there would still be circulation for whatever we needed any questions from the board at this point I'll continue with public comment Mr Rens if you want yes there's a there's a gap or go but that you can that you can that's first up it includes which includ the the use that go to the bo business park for many they can and I use that g go a good reliable service thank you Peter additional comments from anybody on the zoom meeting or in person not seeing a whole lot of hands in front of me so I'm going to ramble for 15 to 20 seconds and in case anybody on the zoom meeting would like to speak further but ABS that I'll go again to members of the board see anything there and then to call is there anything from a procedural standpoint that you feel that we're waiting for as reles to this application no I think we had everything about some of these items we would need to do a little bit of research such as on the driveway okay and uh Mr Mr car do you as we do have one member not here this evening um are you looking for the board to close the public hearing this evening or are you looking that would be your preference the board felt comfortable okay we have any additional comments questions concerns um I the applic said they're ready to close if we are that is if we are so if we would like to continue that is obviously our perview um to review anything or if we have but we do so i' say we could have reason to do so we have something want the applicant to research we come back to us with in terms of anything else the common driveway situation I think that I can remember early on in discussion that was talking about the way that they had set it up it was penty Bo that's the driveway that's being used and they had I think in your original rendering you switched it so that the common driveway came around because you eliminated that third building if I remember correctly I I would view it as buttoning up the language around the common driveway special permit if we needed to go at it um the only thing I'm saying is if the common driveway referenced this common driveway serving buildings one two and three and four in the language uh but I know we had a common driveway special permit uh so that's really the only it wouldn't affect this site plan it would just affect the special permit that they'd be using to get access so to go on just had a long speech um by or uh Mr um as far as the Aesthetics of the building how to what degree are we supposed to enforce that if we I mean he was using the word sh and that generally means we don't have a choice is that something that we would technically be forced to review right now and the the applicant providing this renderings what they would build out the building path uh we know it's a long right on East M right on the road uh and the surrounding area is mixed I understand why it wouldn't have an entrance out to the main road because coming down from the highway that's pretty quick inter yeah and then in theory there could be in like a parking area and then a walkway to the front or something like that and they do have the window the renderings do have the the windows and kind of pop out yes I'm comfortable with the ring a g but I also don't want to see a bait switch that all sudden it becomes a money issue when the person that's now getting police wants to you know Drive the cost down and make the renderings different I don't want to see that like the renderings we did we talked about I know that some of uh some of the other board members talked about not letting it be an ISO I think what you Rend tonight was far from it look like a it fits right into with what you got going see they switch and then all of a sudden something gets dumbed down because the lieutenant doesn't want to pay for yeah typically how when we part of that review is to make sure it's consistent what was approved by the board so um it's kind of left up to staff what is a minor modification what's a major modification and what would have to [Music] drastic or change have to commit yeah I don't want to see drastic CH yeah I feel comfortable not Our intention but your protection come be comfortable think pretty comfortable I do think it's a nice building overall it looks good um again I'm just with the knowledge of of this sort of enforcement of an aesthetic is there a stand that we're allowed to hold YouTube and something we're not allowed to hold you like if the if the design that is there right now if we are not technically allowed to hold you guys to that that that is sort of whereby concern I think yes I was gonna say Rob I was gonna say the applicant's probably the wrong person ask that question and all fers to them so I the applicant is committing to build what they told you they're going to build and in that case I think it's fair if there's a you know if you elect to approve this that both the special department and the site plan be conditioned on the construction being in substantial conformance with the plans and the renderings that you received and that way if they're not going to do that then they're going to have to come back and that would just be a condition in the decision so it's clear to everybody thank you Robin of course so additional questions from the board to the applicant or to and staff Rel to process the original decision do we have any more any uh other conditions other than our standard conditions we haven't talk about mention in the initial initial in the decisions that we issued um since it was a denial for the special perit we didn't have conditions um there may have been conditions related to the site plan we yeah but yeah um if we wanted to we could close the public hearing issue a decision and C those at a later date we wanted to do that motion before before you jump to that so if if I might just one one thing I would say is if you know one group that you can go is to um you know continue this so that you can review a a draft decision at your next meeting um whether or not you want to close the public hearing before you complete your deliberations is up to you the only limitation is that if you close the public hearing and then you're deliberating over the decision and conditions you really can't go back and forth with the applicant on any questions yes so it's your call but it can be limiting if you choose to close the public hearing before you've worked out you know conditions yes understood thank you um yes I would just say if we if the decision is to close the public hearing um we can make a decision with or without having the conditions finalized if there are specific conditions other than the one related to the architecture that talked about that are a a deal breaker for anybody's vote then I would recommend that we have a draft decision before we vote on anything hard um I do think for this matter you're going to want to consider having a a draft decision to review and vote on particularly where it's already in litigation thank you and that way you can make sure all your findings are articulated conditions are included are you planning on voting the special permit separate from the site plan last time you these two separate decisions uh I think our our general inertia has been to have as many individual votes as we need for Better or For Worse okay so um do you want to take each special motion we're not there yet yeah um I think we would take them individually um so to count Town counsel is suggesting that we have a draft decision in order to vote um the question then becomes do want to public hearing and close off comments from public and the applicant or do we want to continue think she just said not to if we're going to do we can do whatever we want but if we close the public hearing counil we go by that let's not have her here have her give her opinion andless I'm sure that I'm sure that people don't listen to council's advice all the time every day so no but that's a fair point not I'm not advocating a position I'm just reminding the board that if you close the public hearing yes then you can you can't negotiate with the applicant through deliberations how you want to handle it's up to you and you guys have a problem with the conditions that said the first time no pretty much standard six building of all through I think the one that Laur keeps going with is the deer resistant oh yeah I'm sure that was in there yeah just making sure that small the ones if it's not then that's a planting Landscaping update they ask the deer resist uh AR deer like to eat ARB yes as as as at least one M Buck has told the board in pass deer resistant only matters as much as the deer are hungry yeah to drive them away no no that would not be in keeping with the T architecture standards unfortunately we like our deer so okay I don't see that condition but I don't see that in your prior application obviously we always recommend that you make the findings that you need to make under the barel as well when you vote thank you you would be kindly consider you don't want to go therey Ive forward without whatever I to so we had we had a motion CL love car have a motion continue I didn't take a vote on motion to close do you withdraw that motion I withdraw second so motion from Steve and second from to continue is that to our next meeting on do you feel that with to meeting and everything else going on Paul do you feel that next meeting should make sense for us to have aaable yes uh so our next meeting would be the 29th is that your motion okay and any discuss on the motion continue to okay question if we're going to do a draft decision and have it ready for the next thing what will the decision be that we're drafting the decision would generally be because the conditions would only be part of an approval it would be a decision based on if we approve these are the conditions that would be part of that but this is a decision to yes the findings of the findings and the reasoning and all the conditions yes okay okay so we have a motion in a second to continue can you um I'll go through everybody for a vote individually sorry can I just clarify you're Contin sorry you're continuing to October 29th is that at 7:15 as well yes thank and will that also be a hybrid in person or remote meeting yes okay and the plan is to review a draft decision and potentially vote at that next meeting yes okay thank you thank you okay and I'll go through members for a vote here Steve yes R yes ER yes Jim yes Alan yes and I will vote Yes uh so we are continued to our next session U thank you very much everybody thank you Rob thank okay um next item on our agenda here zero Hills free um Paul I don't know if you want to just give a quick introduction on some of the efforts that have been going on or if You' like the applicant to speak to those I can just speak very briefly we'll turn it over to L but um as you know in your last meeting um the big issue remaining was um Hill Street itself but it's a narrow I say to Paul once once again your family has hurt me and it won't happen again just letting you know that was s like some person Debbie you're not on the right car you don't want to say whatever you're saying so in response to your concerns about about traffic on Mill Street we have a meeting with the applicant and that included a representative from from growing Public Schools Police Department the highway department and myself to look over potential strategies to try to address you know the current conditions there and work to see what could be done to help improve the the traffic flow slowing it down recognizing that it's winding so with that I'll turn it to Luke yeah good evening for the record Luke Toler uh I think Paul did a good job of summarizing where we were and where we are effectively I think we can all agree that for the most part traffic along Hill Street the speed primarily seems to be the major outstanding issue I don't want to put words in people's mouths but that's generally seems to be the major concern still outstanding so at the end of the last meeting we put our heads together as a project being what might you what might we be able to do to again continue to help mitigate some of the perceived impacts of traffic and some of the perceived impacts of Hill Street so we got together as PA mentioned on site we've since uh reconvened and our traffic folks have pulled together a signage plan I'll call it an offsite signage plan because it's signage that's designed to be placed along Hill Street not on the property itself and I'm going to let Emily from Bowman talk specifically about uh what that sign is but again this was something that we thought would help address the outstanding concerns and with that I would Emily talk in more detail about the science I'm sharing that that plan on Zoom thank hi Emily with bman um so as was mentioned and as is in front of you so this is a plan showing the offsite signage improvements um right now on Hill Street there's very limited signage um there's no regulatory speed limits there are advisory speed limits only um there's no warning signment for uh the horizontal curves along the roadway um so on the plan in front VI um north to south is left to right um so we're showing a signage that would be installed from South Washington Street to Crane Street um including Post-it speed limits of 30 mes an hour um along with warning signs for all perks to alert drivers uh but there are horizontal curves along the roadway um both uh in efforts to lower operating speeds we also have signage approaching um site warning drivers that trucks will be entering um from the site and then at the site itself for exiting trucks um showing that they uh would need to turn left no right turn again that was discussed um to prevent truck um trucks traveling north on on Hill Street um so overall looking at the traffic uh materials that have been submitted and peer reviewed you know this is signage and improvements that would benefit Hill Street um Beyond what's the project is showing to create as an impact but certainly happy to answer any questions on the signage proposed signage or overall traffic question um I know we' talked about speed talked about kind things one of the other questions PA just maybe to restate kind some of the work that what the town was looking at one of the big questions was just in terms of the width of the roadway um in terms of what the town was looking at for that and and it size and SC them so one of the things that that the group looked at um so the highway superintendent was there and he is looking at the the actual right of way because it's possible that they could trim more he hasn't confirmed that yet and it was repaved a couple years ago so that wasn't on the table but it's possible we could see additional vegetation trim to improve sight lines but he hasn't been able to confirm that J okay so there's the potential for trimming along the roadway to be wider but not pement is that correct just making sure I'm hearing you're correct okay how was it sure that was for you or for ask a question about that why was the actual y me not feasible that's just done right but if if we have a lot of commercial land there is that something that we could talk about that if they want to develop that and B concern about the width of the Hill Street is part of the problem couldn't we work something out with the land owners and looking to is that not something that the town would be able to kind of bargain it is it is by right I get it his own but I think it's a true concern too about the road potentially but I have no idea how much that costs right but I'm saying that that's something if we're looking to get this developed it's a budget issue and and it's it's very possible that Town budget Town budget no I'm not asking for the town to do this I'm saying if the landowners are looking to do this it's like putting setic you know I mean our town sewer hey we want to get this developed we'll pay for the town sewer to like it seems like it could be a fix of like what's wide the road and right now we don't even know what the right way is why okay so that's right all right that was my question when you brought it up about yes I think the ding up and down I kind of do see what the resid are saying um yeah I'm not to check um I didn't go hiking up in those woods anything so I don't know how bad I know there's some BS back there that Dodge um and they could be a thing but when you look at this on a map um how hard was it look at to send the driveway out the back on to way that looks so I looked at that on the map but I don't know it's under those trees tops that I've see you know but it really looked like that was a win win win for you guys it easier for you guys yeah unfortunately it's a l that whole back of the property is wet and you'd be filling more than the typical amount of wet ones you be allowed to fill you'd be talking most likely about probably mea submissions and then potentially Army for of engineer years which would at that point make the project cost prohib so there's really no it really is not just there's no guarantee we get the approvals to do that anyway with all the jurisdictional impacts that would be created I'm not aan of went like I said I didn't go hyd I didn't you know find out how bad it was it was something that was looked that but determined to be so was work that really hard is just off fa enough I had to ask it really a map looks like so much yeah it's just it's lot of gr change and then the jurisdictional imps from the we the traffic engineer comments questions about the sence you add up on the screen here I mean the signs themselves says a concept is great that's cool yeah I mean but it just seems like something our to Highway Department should be manyways like it's it's not nothing I appreciate it but it is only like a couple Brandon signs I think we can have that made if we wanted to put signs on Hill Street there there the road's still pretty small and it's it's more about the amount of traffic that's going to be generated to the number of vehicles not just fitting some Vehicles so I think that was kind of the major concern continuous nature of many trucks okay I you said Highway was tending to get back on a couple items we have a timeline on that or is it openend it's not open-ended um unfortunately the the the Traffic Safety Committee met before this plan was submitted um so they haven't had a chance to meet as a committee to to review it and determine what they think har superintendent didn't have any issues with it but through their process it really the committee needs to review it I would just say adding to the comment earlier regardless of the decision here this looks like a good plan for Hill Street say more in terms of the right away question well that in reviewing the plan itself so it's both both yes location of signs is inappropriate okay so additional questions for the applicant at this time like um is if nobody has any questions right now I can go to members of the public like the comment if we want to propose continuing till we have more of an answer from Town staff or Highway and Traffic Safety Committee can do that as well um yes so rambling it there objections to public at this point I'm happy 51 street so Highway Department thank them because they cut in not the normal four feet they did already cut in six feet which is now allowed vehicles to have a place to go when you can't get by an SUV with a bus I also spoke to Christine Hatfield from the school transportation department who reached out to me on October 1st when she took the drive Downhill Street with her transportation coordinator and couldn't believe the of the vehicles that are coming out of the tart industrial park going north with a bus she was planning to meet with the town manager whether that happened or not I also would encourage her to reach out to the planning board speed is a concern absolutely but it's a concern on every street in no so Washington Hine Street cran street because I travel them our concern is the safety residents people the bike trail is booming right now there are so many people going down Hill Street to get to that bike trail it's a concern and widening it the way they did cutting down the vegetation opens the road up a little bit so it's eye opening it's like here comes a track trailer truck let me get over into the vegetation that's been mowed down they've already cleared it I saw they they've already cleared it right sorry but it didn't stuck in a winding roow it's not going to make it any safer we just have a place to go and they're out there cutting down trees and they cut were cutting trees down at the End by the wastewater treatment plant and knocked out our power I haven't had power since six o'clock this morning I mean six o'clock tonight they were out cutting trees um so I I get what they're doing and I know you've talked about pushing traffic south when you get down in front of that ww a treatment plant and you're trying to get around and you're coming up north car to car it doesn't there's not enough room it really isn't and I'm sorry that that's how the size of the road is but and again that was considered to be commercial industrial and also retail I guess right back in 1959 the Taun Industrial Park wasn't there the traffic that road was dir I grew up on that street when they zoned it for that they haven't have you Revisited it because of the industrial pushing the traffic people Comm Ming to work are flying down the streets because they're running late people are flying out to get home speed is definitely a concern but it's the concern of the WID and vehicle spitting and I don't know if you were able to speak to the school transportation department or not because she did call me right away she said I'm on your street she said I can't believe it I'm following one of my buses so it's not again it's not the residence of Hill it's all those kids that are on that bus from all the surrounding town and all those homes that are being built on high are going to add more kids on the bus so that's all I have to say hope everyone takes that consideration Rob appreciate you taking a ride down Hill Street for the first time checking it out so you yes it does try coming out of my dve langage they can't edit this video yeah it is a scary at any time of the day even on the weekends the thing is thing it do see it should be I I got be honest some the problem saw that road I felt like had nothing to do with it the wants to take this one sa that it is right and it was just PA probably not even six months ago and they put the white lines in and if you're going north out of Hill Street that side is wider than the side going south they didn't bouns it and it still isn't no one stays within that market any traffic from an industrial commercial retail perspective it's not just not sa yeah I feel like if they're doing building things upine to that's going to increase going out there I like said nothing to do with you guys no we want to think about right and Pine Street is now going to connect through Brick Street onto South Washington so there's just a lot of residential traffic that's going to increase so that's all I got thank you thank you I do see one uh hand raised in the zoom meeting um NAA that's you if you can just state your name and address for the record please yes my name is aquanetta I go bya Woods I live at 55 Hill Street my driveway is going to be right across from their exit driveway I um have been doing foster care for the state of Massachusetts for 37 years I have little ones that get on that bus at 7:00 in the morning believe me the bus is not it's not safe for the kids getting off the bus in the afternoon getting on in the morning they're facing my driveway the the opening is face in my driveway but when they come home it's the opposite side there's a curve right there on the road where they going to be exi in those trucks the W the street is not wide enough for those those trucks to come out of where they're going to come out of someone's going to end up getting hurt the street is so narrow right here near my house and as you go down by the Water waste treatment plant it is very narrow there I try to back out of my driveway and it's ridiculous no sooner I'm almost out of my driveway and I look both ways very carefully because I've been here 3 33 years almost 34 years and someone's up on me before I can even get out of my driveway it's terrible people do not and you're talking about putting sign signs up people don't go buy those signs believe me they go down this street so fast it's ridiculous people rushing to get to work people rushing to go somewhere I don't know where they're going but they're going towards the industrial park and then they're leaving coming through from the industrial pack and everybody's in a hurry to go somewhere I really I really feel it's very unsafe it's if you could come and just stand out here just stand here at the end of my driveway for a little while and watch these CS go by and just imagine a truck coming out exiting from where this building's going to be believe me there's going to be a fatal accident there there will definit the what street is not wide enough for these trucks that they're going to be bringing in I think that's all I have to say I just please please come down and stand at the end of my driveway I've had the police sit in my driveway before just to try to get people to slow down you know because there is a curve there and people don't realize the curve that's in the road and how bad it really is because when they're coming out and they're going to be taking a left there's no way they can see around that that little curve that they're trying to take a left and there's people coming towards them there's no way the truck is going to be able to see it see the car coming unless you cut way back on the other side of where their property is going to be you know cut the curve cut into the street make it wider but cut cut it back everything back um that's the only way I could see them doing that because of that curve if they could cut that curve out of the road they'd probably be golden but with that curve there I I really I really think there's going to be a fatal accident there just putting it out there I hope everybody takes heed to it because I can see it happening I see a lot right here at the end of my driveway every day thank you thank you for your comments Miss Woods yes I do have a question what you was to say I had understood the baries were staggered so no like there wasn't a house directly it was directly it's pretty close yeah it is it's pretty close I think that's generally you try to line them up from a traffic design perspective so that they're not offset enough that they don't interfere with each other and they see each other straight ahead of each other okay I said each other like four times in a row but um we went through a lot of those discussions we're looking at driveways for cou Farms on I just clarify understand it's pretty close now if you look at the map I looked at the map when we were at that meeting and believe me I was concerned and said that the headlights are going to be coming through my windows in the front for the kids bedrooms people exiting uh you know at night or in the morning 5:00 in the morning's ridiculous um with headlight shining in on the house um and that was a big concern because their driveway is right in front of my driveway if you look at the map you can see thank you Miss Woods yeah it's probably not place we have to have each other do that I think that would be a challenge to force from a condition perspective and safety perspective um okay just I don't see any additional hands raised in the zoom meeting ramble a bit and see if anybody else in person would like to speak um other than that I'll ask the applican anything further like to add before we take any other action no I think the only thing we would like to add however is you mentioned it in spite of the last hearing we found out earlier that you don't have a full board uh so we would be looking to continue to the next meeting and I don't know if Paul knows when the traffic commission meets again because I don't think it would make sense unfortunately to meet before they have a chance to review the plan so we most likely be looking to continue to the next available meeting after the traffic the second one stay so look at else so our reading after that would probably 19th of November yeah but can I clarify something on the trucks yeah sure pleas I'm John per I'm the owner of Premier fence uh so the trucks we use are primarily fence installation trucks so you ever had a fence install the same trucks we sent down here we install product here it's not a tractor Trail it it it's an F650 the average size truck we run a third of my employees report to the job sites at 7: Direct they don't come to the shop we have about 15 trucks that will leave the shop installation trucks and they're typically on the drob sites by S so they're gone well before 7 o' when there's a school bus there we do work many remote areas rural areas where we're on sites and we're turning out into traffic with this windy roads limited sight in the Burk shears uper Wester County Fall River area run into the all the time I also wanted to clarify that one of the recommendations we made with the clearing of the vegetation is because if anyone's gone over the sagore bridge the BN Bridge with that high curve the bridge curve you always have a tendency to go to the middle of the road the edge of the Pavements here and you have your vegetation here that's overgrown so we recommended that just subconsciously someone's going to beer to the center of the room by getting that cut back now the driver of consciously is going to stay within the Mar Lane also our office staff and our shop staff they typically arrive anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 each day it's not a constant flow of traffic coming in a sec at a certain time and like the factory letting out constant flow of traffic coming out at the same time it's staggered it's not going to have much more impact to the road uh traffic study confirmed that the peer reviews traffic study confirmed that when they had us go back and analyze it on a higher speed limit it's not even the town's Town light speed limit that they were asking us to analyze on if the town goes out and does a 30 m hour regulatory speed limit this development should be safe people are going to on a property that's developed they're going to come up they're naturally going to slow down because they may be expecting traffic coming up versus having a wooden lot where they're just going to fly down the road I just want to bring up some of those we will be good neighbors we have been good neighbors where we are now we're looking to relocate we will be fantastic neighbors to the people on the street and to the to thank you thank if you like to help and speak again um Street I can say is they're currently located on 138 right 138 to Hill Street is a big big difference and I get this little comment about not a heavy stream of traffic it all goes back to safety the width of the road and all that and I wish you guys would talk to the school on Transportation I really would Christine Hatfield said she was going to reach out to the town manager I don't know what she did I haven't been able to get in touch with her this week um mentioned that the school department was part of this town site visit Christine was there right and I'm sure she voiced her concerns for what's happening okay because I will reach out to her again and again there's a big difference from being on 140 123 138 to Hill Street know I know that's Zone what it is but it's still a residential area and no matter what signage you put up and even if the speeding is supposed to be 30 I go 30 through here I got somebody on my tail and I don't think putting speed limits sign or anything else is going to change I know the study was done and they said that it was people were going 40 to 43 well they shouldn't be common sense and just because there's Woods or there's a building isn't going to make a difference because there speeding on here with me and college knowing that there's a pedestrian crosswalk guy in front of me is doing 50 I'm doing 30 so I don't think that's even that's all as somebody who's been passed on 123 I've been passed on Hill Street okay I back out of my drive way and someone has gone by me on Hill Street by the old dump with the Sol panel there and almost caus a major accident and I was on phone withd at the time and they chased the person down so that's I was say I tend to take a cynical view traffic matter what we're looking at maybe that's just um question you said you were asked to do a traffic study at a much higher speed than the speed what was the speed you were asked so from a process I think we asked them to put down a couple of speed strips they monitored speed and they came back and they modeled the site distances based on C on the 85th percentile of speed so the average speed of that 85th percentile was in the 40s not 30 so what was the number that was my question oh I'd have to look at the DAT it was around the 40 m hour so that was what we had done the no just 40 exactly 43 43 yes that means 15 out of 100 cars are going above that on an average basis so knowled yeah so the op has asked for continuance and the date that we ended up with is November the 19th after the Traffic Safety Committee came that one of our members also servers on that committee I think we can make sure that make it on that agenda uh any additional questions or comments at this time on their agenda okay SE traffic so I need to the rest any questions or comments or do we have a motion take a motion to continue to what did you say the date was November the 19th November the 19th second we have a motion from Jim and a second from Rob any further discussion okay hearing none all in favor please say I I all opposed exensions thank you very much everybody thank you okay no it is not uh the final item on our agenda 79 West Main Street the applicant for this project is proposing to convert a single family house to a duplex and uh you're gonna be at the zba tomorrow night he y okay um so PA you're P up the plan here perfect so I don't have to say anything other than ramble if you'd like to just give a quick intruction of yourself sir sure all right give for your time board members uh my name is Marcus spie I own 79 West Main Street that is a sprawling single family house on street and I'm seeking a permit to convert that from a single K into a duplex um there's not a lot of changes proposed to the actual site or to the structure itself at all um just a some increase in parking area but it's uh it's not perfect surface that we're add and uh just to accommodate six cars that we need and the actual dimensions of the house and the per of the house n of that changes we're just going to be basically repurposing the large 2,000 sare foot stru from the back that um wasn't a pool house so converting that into a li BL that's the second half of the dlex um any questions I can answer and I know Paul has the the plan up there on the screen but monitors that we have available here a little bit is this the housee decoration I remember I remember yes I remember that one and it the house was owned by B Rich J for a long time and I remember him having Halloween recation there have so um again the application is requesting to convert the SLE into a duplex um and for zba tomorrow for the varians is there any you mentioned not a whole lot of changes is there going to be like added walls and electrical and all these is can be split yeah in terms of inside the structure there's going to be a um a fit up but I'm in compation with the building department about how to perm that there's a um bit of Fe stretch code for the are that's been converted so still working for the nuts and bolts on what that will be like but the main the main part of the house the one you see from the street that remains pretty much as is p on that for the light REM model there are no actual structural changes or P plan changes and there's in that packet that you got there was existing four plan we'll see as well as a proposed for plan you can see that's for the part we're do the most work in that'll be a separate dwelling there's not much that's going to change back there a lot of it's already existing and nothing changes in terms of the actual building footprint so just there will be a fit up but that's Focus be the ter yeah I know it's not usually what we look at but in terms of just process and all of that stuff yeah so you're not going to go through the process and go oh I need to make another change come back yeah yeah it's just the only curve balls been stretch F and figuring out how to take what's the we the mar we not conservation jurisdiction in terms of exterior improvements so parking front no that's sold off separately so that we don't have we don't have access to that so you don't have any of this over here correct just the house right y own commercial [Music] yes but yeah it's still it's not as not follow very much yeah all in terms of specific relief from a procedural standpoint for the board um this is a special right and it's just for fact that it's a duple in Village commercial there's no other leave in terms of other labors or anything else not needed here other than we would if you were to vote tonight we can add a condition to say it's contingent on approval by the CDA what is the proper sorry the property size 14,000 14,42 it's commercial call for 18 yeah yeah it exists already okay okay just curious I'm looking at the house little speculative it looks almost like this is two houses that were once connected and is that your point you're going to kind of turn them into two sets of um so that's actually a very large indoor pool oh y that so it was part it was an outdoor pool and it became an indoor pool and then the previous owner had um partially finish the space without Hermits and things and then um so we're trying to do the the right right here so is this house here just this little house here yeah so it's a big L but that's all one that's all one big seal right now yeah so that big structure up the back of the small garage you see that will be a four bedro to that going right what's that the's going right it's already covered it has a for okay the whole frame Flor and some puttings so you don't have no okay so additional questions for the applicant at this [Music] time I'll turn around and make sure there's any public comment from anybody on Zoom who like to speak absent that I'm just going to ramble 15 seconds in case to find mute button as is my habit and why I can doing it in the rest of my life but that's okay uh with that out of the way any further questions from the board or any motions motion to approve uh we should sorry should have a motion toose the public hearing first motion the public okay we have a motion I second to close the public hearing and to their earlier points that propos public hearing we stop listening to the applicant uh did we check it I did I rambled and nobody spoke up so motion is second to close the public hearing all in favor of closing the public hearing please respond by saying I all opposed extensions okay the public hearing is now closed St did you want to to appr Motion in a second Steve and to approve the special permit for duplex in Village commercial any further discussion we make a contingent on zba yes okay contingent on zba is that motion yes yes we should haveed that okay any further discussion okay so the decision I'll go through the role here Steve yes yes Eric yes Kim yes Alan yes and I will V yes so that is approval and time work on saving for you and good at CBA tomor it always does um so I read that is the end of the items that we have list on our posted agenda PA I'm not missing anything correct correct that um before I accept a motion to adjourn just wanted to note that F sent out documents K law of social media and town boards not necessarily directed at but um Our Town Council has issued them previously for other things so please give them a read uh my position always your own person on social media and that's it so any questions comments anything else no we are yeah it's just I should your I thought you did just making sure for the minutes that's Motion in a second from Eric and Rob respectively any further discussion on a motion to adjourn hearing none all in favor please say I opposed extensions we are adjourned thank you very much everybody