CL we are going to get started here uh Thursday June 133 2024 school committee meeting first thing is the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all uh the meeting is being recorded by the Norton Media Center um and we don't have anyone in the audience so I don't think we have to worry about anyone else recording um first agenda item here is to vote to approve the meetings of May 23rd has anyone had has everyone had a chance to review the minutes yes y do I have a motion to approve the minutes of May 23rd so moved second second all in favor I I that passes four to zero Dan wasn't a part of that meeting so we'll leave him up uh next one is the minutes of May 28th I just noticed when I was thumbing through the addresses of those candidates that were for appointment are incorrect well I shouldn't say that I know that's not my address but see I can verify as I was gonna say yeah oh for okay yeah when it says the candidate profile under the address um that sounds like a spot out of my price range in time okay so can we just double check those and we'll we'll make those fixed that's a pretty easy one to do uh other than that Tuesday May 28th minutes everyone get a chance to review those as well yes okay a motion to approve so move second all those in favor I I and that passes 5 to zero uh next is Warren Sher oh was that I just read in what you said huh just reading what you said no I know I had a double so I just was making sure I didn't have the minutes that we had to approve um I have reviewed and approved the following warrants School expense warrants May 23rd 2024 $48,600 3 cents we to enter that into public record thank you here uh next up is Dr AR thank you um tonight I'm going to present some initial data from our new k to5 math curriculum which is stepping stones and part of our just ongoing conversation throughout the year we want to always look at and monitor our new purchases to make sure that um there are having the impact that we want most and that really is on student learning and so what we did um towards the conclusion of this year is we sent out a survey to all of our staff members and additionally we um collected some data which I would just like to share with everybody tonight um if we could go to the next slide or you're have you're have to go okay got it thank you if I can go to the next slide so um we collected response data from 20 Educators across um our schools and that went from grades prek to 5 and special Educators and so really what we wanted to do is get a a wide variety of responses so that we made sure that all teachers across different areas and disciplines were included uh in our in our data and really what we were looking for is um the efficacy of the program as well as next steps so we do know that the program is really strong and the data is going to show that in a minute teachers had a high degree of positive response we know now as we go through after year one we really want to look at more small group instruction differentiated instruction and finding ways to make the curriculum fully accessible to all of our students and when we look at the teacher responses on this uh lyer scale one being least effective or not at all helpful to five being most helpful we're very squarely on the four and five range so I think our teachers really like the platform and um I think the professional development and the meetings that we've had throughout the year you in addition to terara pierce who's our um PD provider have really made a difference and um our folks I think after year One have been very comfortable so we have some really positive data here so I'm just going to come over on this side kind of from a color coding lens so this is from a grade one uh CBM which is a curriculum based measure and what it is it's a periodic checkpoint and really what we were looking for here was um quantity comparison addition subtraction multiplication and skills and so all of our students in all of our grade show increases which I'll share with you in some previous slides um in terms of the number of students meeting proficiency what I think is most notable is if you look at our spring data from last year and then from our spring data this year and from a color perspective we want all of our students to be in the blue and in the green and really the red is the area we want to avoid so a couple of kind of high item actions we see saw a drop of 11% from 21% to 10% in students on Watch and needing intervention and then combining the columns in um the blue and green we have 87% of our kids now at or exceeding Benchmark which I think is a a real boom to us it's a real positive first step and the growth between last year and this year I think represents a real shift and I think it's been really helpful another me measure that we use is something called SGP or student growth percentile and that really represents a students progress measured against similar peers over the course of a year so a typical band of growth is between the 30th and 60th percentile if you have students that are above the 60th or excuse me 65th percentile that's cons considered high growth so if we look at the SGP percentile in second grade and third grade from Fall to Spring if you look at the overall SGP we have 72.5% which is in the high growth and then again 63.7 SGP which is also in the high growth additionally if we're looking at um uh third grade um and again these are broken down by school we didn't label the schools but they are represented here again 82.2% thirdd graders high growth and similarly um 58% 2% students really solid growth again anything above 50th per the 50th percentile is well above average then we look at our third so for our fourth and fifth graders both of those uh sgps exceeded s the 70th percentile so if you look at all of these in totality our students demonstrated really strong growth this year in Stepping Stones so we never rest on our Laurels we always want to continuously strive to do even more and so we asked our folks to look at what high areas do you value for professional development so the first is creating and differentiating centers the second component is to incorporate small group instruction with Stepping Stones the third is to continuously look at the focus and structure of our math block to be effective and our final one is to continue to dive in more deeply because this is a deep program to really access all the features for the benefit of student learning I think I just wanted to end with a little takeaway from our staff to give everybody a taste of what people said and I think folks really enjoyed the lessons and the differentiation options I think people were very satisfied with year one and are looking to add on components next year and I think one of the big things that Stepping Stones does is it really dives into the conceptual element of math so it's understanding the numbers represent something and then constructing meaning from that understanding and I think that that really came through in the feedback from our teachers and then the fourth piece which is something we talk about all the time we have really bright kids we want to make sure that we challenge them and so our Educators were very happy with the level of rigor in the program and I think now that we've had one year to get familiar with everything I think we have a chance to go to an even higher level next year so all in all a very successful year one experience great anybody have any questions how many surveys were sent out were did you only send out 20 or were they so the survey was sent to all of the elementary a elementary school teachers and typically when we send out s so we Pro we sent out to the whole cohort it probably was more than 20 as we found in the other surveys that we do for professional development we have some people that respond and we have some that don't so you know we we try to really actively solicit feedback from people try to create the conditions for we want your feedback we want to extend these conversations because we have to do the work together yeah and so I know teachers are busy and some folks don't take the time but um for all of our curriculum and PD we survey everybody after each offering I think my only other question like this data of grade one I think is huge from visual learner standpoint I think if you will you know of going down from 21% in the red to 10 we basically stayed even in the blue and then we you know made huge strides within the green which is awesome um does is that is does there a reason why we didn't do grade two and grade three on there as well or is it just kind of what we had oh I don't believe that grade two and grade three did cbms we had started okay we started with kind of proof of concept with the younger grades and the hope is is to scale that up and outward great so like next year we might be able to see a little bit bigger of a snapshot as we move to the program and then as we you know one of the things one of the projects I'm going to work on um over the summer is to also look at all of our star data from the course of the year and then when the mcast data drops usually in August to September and try and crosswalk all three and kind of look at like what what does that triangulation tell us about where we're going so I guess my question kind of piggy back in on Nick a little bit is if we look at this grade one now which is great but they're going to be grade two next year so we still haven't seen what the current grade two looks like and they'll be in third grade and we'd have to rerun the first graders again right so that could be somewhat of a challenge to like not necessarily start from scratch but we only have one mode of data exactly and the whole compon our whole purpose is to continuously grow and scale upward and outward so that we can have like this longitudinal picture not only of cohorts and classes but then having a tracking mechanism for kids that are in kindergarten in 2024 first grade 25 2 grade 26 all the way up so we can really have that lens on what our um numbers look like I mean I think when you talk about any data within schools that grade level thing always comes in but I think from from my standpoint especially sitting here this is the type of that like we' love to see you know cuz from an mcast standpoint we see it we get it you know but actually having some like concrete evidence that hey we put this new curricular C thank you um we put that in you know we're we're moving with our Ela stuff you know next year like this is the type of stuff that's huge to see to say Hey listen you know what we are funding in these things it's coming back in a positive light is massive and what you'll see next year from the office of teaching and learning we will give regular updates on professional development we'll give regular updates on progress we'll give regular updates as they become available in Star just so that we can look at the trajectory so I'm excited to dig into that work over the summer because we we are going to start to see um some additional I and what I anticipate to be really positive data coming from um steeping Stones correct it's exciting and again this kind of mirrors all of our other data that we have you know and hopefully makes that jump in the mcast you know that's exactly what I think the committee was kind of looking for in terms of you know seeing these things actually on paper yeah any other questions concerns good to go thank you you so much um fourth agenda item here is update on I know this might be a little tricky uh but update on the fiscal year 24 budget um and then the summer transfers um I'll do the summer transfers perfect um so we are looking for school Comm vot for us to do end of year transfers between salaries or expenses um that would be anytime between now and when we meet again in late August um we don't anticipate any at this time um many if any at this time because we've done small ones throughout the year that we've um have shown you so but if we do um we're just looking for a vote and we will um send you the backup so we're just basically giving you the go ahead to for the summer for the year in close yeah perfect just so we don't have to do it every time got it um so we have to obviously make a motion on this yes please do we have a motion so moved second all those in favor I I that passes 5 to Z um and for the FY 24 budget update um there's nothing substantially new since the May financials that I just giving you um due to not being able to put some of the payroll and expense items post those in our system at this time um and then print and review um until we get that capability um I'll give you that update okay and just so everyone knows we had a cyber have a statement oh under other business that works for every we'll pass on that I think for this point go ahead no no I just I I can comment later when Jen speaks that's fine perfect so I think for now then I think our best bet here is to as we get the information kind of just kind of table this because we don't have exactly what we need just yet I don't we don't need to vote for that correct uh next up Dr okay so um we uh are coming back to revisit the school committing dates for the 24 25 year I know the committee had asked if to vote on the 1% budget oh I apologize I skipped right over it um sorry about we all we're all tired of the budget IES have to vote okay so um we do need to have an official vote on the fy2 1% budget um of$ 35 m535 and the reason that we're coming back to vote on this is that um the school committee recommended budget um is not our final budget so therefore um this has to be approved by all of you so that once um July 1 um rolls over we'll be able to start going through our process of encumbering funds great any questions no uh do I have a motion to approve the fiscal year 25 1% budget so moov second all those in favor I I that passes five to zero all right um the school committee had um asked about potentially using the new town hall um meeting space which would um give us a a consistent space to me and would also I believe help new Oran media because they are doing a lot of um the meetings over there which would help with our streaming issues and everything else so um when I reached out to the town hall they are not able to accommodate us on Thursday evenings due to ongoing commitments with the select board however they um are able to um accommodate us on a Wednesday evening um so those dates that you have there as you know we always do um our first few meetings are our tour to our schools so um that would be the majority of our our meetings I would also say that the August 28th meeting would probably not happen in the town hall I I think that's right around the time that they're planning to be open so um I'm not sure that they would be ready and available for us is there a reason why we're doing a meeting so early I was thinking this was I will jump on this I think um I was thinking that if we did one prior to school all starting before every kid gets back in or whatever and I think Justine had something to bring up on other other other business as well um I think that will be a a discussion in a minute um but I think ultimately I I feel like every year I've been on this we like get in and it's Summer's moving and it's like start school's happened and then it's just like crazy that first meeting so I was like if we can just get in have a plan make sure everyone's on the same page it might be a quick one honestly if we don't need to meet and we don't need an agenda for it I have no problem I think it's just smart to put a date out there in the event that we do need to meet so it's really just a placehold correct I also think we might have depending on what happens here on Jun on uh July 13th have another meeting we would have to have another meeting we can get our you know budget squared away that if that does happen um you know obviously from a state funding standpoint I just feel like there's so many factors here that we might have a it might give us a benefit starting a little have any issues yeah and again I think may not be around yeah and and again if we don't if we don't have an agenda for it I have no issue we just cancel the meeting you know so I think to Jeff to Jen's point I don't know if town hall is goingon to be ready by then um and again one of the reasons I kind of made this push to do Wednesdays was you have a brand new town hall in I think it will help nor media the new select I think it's being called the select board room um you know was made for this type of stuff so I'm thinking if when we do presentations it will give us a little bit better of a thing and we're using the town hall you know it kind of gives all resonance exactly hey Wednesday night school committee you know select boards on Thursdays and this is where they're being held you know and obviously our tours of the school and stuff will kind of superseded that I guess for the beginning but I would rather have it I don't want to not do it and then try to get spots in there afterwards because we know how that would go I mean I I don't have an issue as of right now but I mean the only thing I don't want is if we start having joint meetings we're always the ones that have to switch our dates we we're never the ones that are you know asked to like oh we'll come to your meeting and so that's why like Thursdays for me was it was nice easier because if we're having a joint meeting we know we just have to go to the select board room if town hall is ever finished and so that's why like I preferred the the Thursday because the last thing any of us want you know is we're having a meeting then oh now we need a joint meeting and then you know it just that's why I preferred the Thursdays because we knew we could fit in a joint meeting because we know our schedule um I I I'm indifferent to the day to be honest with you I mean we when I started we were on Mondays yeah um for a long week yeah and I don't even know why we switch to Thursdays at I mean I because it was the beginning of the week and we all it was it was after Mond night um yeah I mean Wednesdays are fine with me now that I'm no longer in high school and have to deal with sports but I agree like I just having another night of a meeting we might have to alternate I mean yeah do like invite one to us one to them and I think as chair that will be I I will hold that as a thing for sure you know we'll meet on a Thursday the next one we do we're meeting on and and the other part to that conversation is the nights we have a joint meeting and each of us has a agenda items they never get done like case in point the last joint meeting we had to bump half of our I don't know if they did or not but you know so if we have to meet we could do the joint meeting say during our session on Wednesday and then Thursday they could have their meeting if they only want to just come in for that joint meeting and then we could do a small agenda if we had to because I just find like if we're doing a joint meeting and we have a meeting either before or you know something like that it just gets off track and it can just be and then feel Rush that's what happened last time I mean like I said personally I'm indifferent to whatever date is as as we sit it right now I mean I'm not planning out four months from now we see how many joint meetings we do too you know yeah well I mean I think there should be efforts to have them I mean to me we should be having one I would say September in preparation for Springtown meeting I mean sorry fall town meeting and I would like to probably have one in in January to kick off budget season yeah I think we just be strategic and when we when we plan it um and I like I totally get you having the August meeting I just bless you I'm just more like a kid that doesn't want to go back to school like legit have to and just honestly for our staff like it's been a heck of a year and I just I think that giving them July and August off like not they're still working but to not have to come to a meeting I think it's just something we need to be considerate of that they have their summer nights it's it still is summer is that our staff welcome back day to so yes um so it makes a little sense yeah we have staff here I believe on the 28th and 29th okay all right then I don't feel as bad well that that is the long but I mean doing stuff anyway again here well I know but still it's just it's another like it's nice to have two months of no meetings I agree and and I do think this is just a it is a placeholder we we do you know change these things around we add meetings we subtract meetings whatever you know so I think um you know well I mean I think it's one of those things where if potentially we're having a meeting depending on how the voting goes in July we probably could move anything to that true exactly exactly I mean I I I honestly I I can't think of too much that's going to be in the August 28th meeting other than maybe stuff that happens over the summer yeah could or even I mean historically that first meeting of the year is very dry there's not a lot well I mean because we just came back exactly and so we usually you know I'm I'm trying to think I'd have to go back and look at what we typically do at that first meeting off the top of my head I'm thinking maybe hiring updates corre those types of things I also any new staff they typically would go to those yeah they usually go to their school one yeah I feel like that might be a good date to possibly talk about like an update on the imss and the PBIS and like what's the plan if like over the summer all the data was looked at and this is what we're going to do going forward in the fall and like we noticed at the high school this wasn't working so we're going to try X Y and Z going forward or like I don't know if that I assume that's what happens but I don't so I guess that's sort of was my thought too on if we had a meeting before school started then we could all be on the same page because I think the PBIS and the imts and all the acronyms they definitely like throw people in the community off of like what does that even mean like I went to a CPAC meeting the last one that they had and there was a new um family that was there and everybody was like throwing out various acronyms like ice block and LLB and she just was like sitting there like I don't even know what's happening what is that you know so I I feel like maybe maybe every town is like that with acronyms I don't know but I is very big in the the the the acronyms and like all the things so I don't know I just um that sort of kind of when when Nick had um kind of talked about maybe having a meeting before school I was like oh maybe that's a good time to to kind of this is the plan for these particular programs that you know know where we have and this is the data that we have or you know because I I'm kind of curious with ppis like did office referrals go down did I don't know was there any other trends that happened and with imts did we have um you know I mean obviously with the Stepping Stones data like that looks really great but like what how did that system work how what's the feedback that the teachers like the system is is it easy to refer is it easy to get kids um RTI or whatever services that they need um did it help prevent maybe further regression and then maybe a need for an IEP I don't know like I don't know what kind of data you can get from all of that anyway but like I just think it would be nice to know with with all of the stuff that's going on where where we're at I guess if that makes sense absolutely yeah I mean like I said I'm indifferent to the days and times but I just think if the joint meetings are going to happen it's we need to have a really light agenda like yes open and arm us closed between me and you we can make sure yeah um and then I just I I don't want to be double stacking week's meetings and correct course well and I think we need to be strategic on like you said when we plan these joint meetings we can't just that conversation kind has to start happening next week yeah that's what we used to do out that it was more geared towards what was happening that we needed to talk together so correct yeah all right okay uh do we have a motion we need vote right Y and then we'll share these with Town Hall to reserve perfect so potential space yet to be creative so do we have a motion to approve the 2425 school committee meeting schedule so moved second thank you all those in favor 5 to zero all right uh Jen again okay so um we ran out of time at one of our prior meetings to approve uh review and approve the elementary handbook as well as the high school handbook um and so I'm going to start with Elementary if that's okay Elementary um is almost identical uh to what we've had in the past um we've included Mr Paul Barrett as the new principal of JCS and all of that contact information has been updated on page six the attendance policy um that we have worked on this year that you saw included in the other um handbooks that has been added as well and then finally on the last page which is Page 30 they they added a statement about recording in school or on school grounds well um it isn't necessarily as much of an issue at JCS and lgn the large majority of our fourth and fifth graders do have phones believe it or not um so we wanted to make sure that this was something that the committee had talked about um and felt pretty strongly about so we wanted to make sure that that was also included in this Elementary handbook other than that um the large majority of everything else is the same as previous years other than those items highlighted yes Dan can we get that um like the the pto's and and maybe even at some point the booster clubs can we just kind of get like a large overview of what they're discussing because I know in years past we used to have representatives for each school which we don't do anymore but I'm just kind of curious like if the PTO have a posted meeting and just can send us a copy of their minutes just just for our records um just to make sure that um you know we kind of know what's going on because I feel like there's a there's a little bit of a disconnect between the PTO and the school committee and I'd kind of want to get back to that at some point um PR idea cuz I know when I started we used to we used to have a representative for each one get that so we switched because we were going to so many many meetings and so then we switched it to the pto's or spos coming here and we did that yeah yeah they did did they yeah yep it might have just been one year but we did do it well I think I think it actually was before Co I think might have yeah okay and then every then we just didn't get back to it cuz I know occasionally we'll see like the pto's if they have like a big program like where it's the um you know whatever schools doing the uh playground I was going to say swing but it's a little more the swing you know like we only hear about you know big projects big projects where and again it just just it's an informational thing we don't need him to come to a meeting but just we can kind of know what's going on because I think it's like we get stuff from the student reps about what's going on in the schools but you know there's a little bit more because I mean you know I I kind to me there was always a disconnect cuz I never had kids that went to the LG so I never knew what was going on over there um so I kind of welcomed like we used to get a little report sometimes uh from what happened because and that dialogue you know was was good because we opened up communication like I remember you know I was the yell rep for years and it was like the first time they did the TR treat or something like that you know that was but like I wouldn't have known otherwise cuz I I wasn't a parent of a yell child at that point but and I think the large majority of principes have their parent board rep or someone there when they do their when we do the school visit when we do the meeting at the school and usually I feel like they sometimes speak or will introduce themselves and talk about things that are going on but I think I'm more consistent we can certainly I mean that's easy we can certainly do that yeah I mean just so we know what's going on cuz I mean if we if we can help them if it's a fundraising thing I mean you guys obviously have younger kids than I do I mean my my kids in the high school like haven't seen a fundraiser for the high school that you know just donate this or that or buy a sign or you know so I mean it's very lack is fundraiser where you can just send a check yeah that's my favorite my kids have ever done it's amazing check leave me Al that's what I remember about the middle school it's like if everybody sends in this we cover all my stuff easy enough no I think I think Dan point is like spot on too you know because it does you know I mean yeah some of us have you know obviously high school kids some have you know JCS or whatever but it's I'm sorry Sher going to cry again yeah exactly we had the over over one so sh well and I think too with the student W up date sometimes it's like they tell us about things after like oh this happened this week and you're like oh that's great I wish I knew beforehand though like you know so some interesting things yeah and I think you know to Justine's point I think coming from you at some point over the summer is cuz we'll have a new rep presumably um there needs to be like they need to make sure they're communicating with the Reps because they're if they're not at their meeting then it's up to them to tell us the the cool stuff happening or the spirit week or this like like I had to ask my daughter cuz I it was actually kind of funny some kid was walking out with a a wagon from the high school last week but it the we the senior's Junior spirit week I'm like why does this kid have a wagon he's like it was anything but anything but a back and it was cool but I didn't know about you know I'm not in the no and my kid just decided to not share it with me till I had to ask her so well and I also um one of the things that you know we always know that communication is a huge Challenge and that you know unfortunately as part of our budget cuts last year we lost that communication and and media person which was Karina so um I'm super excited because next year central office is going to have a high school intern who is going to be our social media and Communications intern um and I've already met with him um Karen and Pam and I met last week was that last week was it this week I don't even know all run again point to kind of sit down and talk about all the things that we would like to see this position do um and our goal is that we have somebody every every term moving forward and just we create a system and a structure that this is the role and responsibility of this particular student and this is what it's going to look like it happens to be that our student intern is also going to be your new student representative Benson Chang and so um he will have a great outlook for you um and I'm actually going to meet with Benson in Antonio um once school starts before we start back up with the school committee um just to kind of talk about some of the things like I love having the from the five schools but the role of the student representative is also to provide you guys with feedback and so on specific issues it's important to have them here so you can say what do you guys think and so we haven't really done that though these last few years so I'll be meeting with them um and I did excuse them for tonight because it is the last day of school and I thought no one wants to come and hang out with us tonight yeah that update would be everyone got out of school JCS yes they're still there it is crazy cuz like when you actually hear from I remember when we were on the search committee for Brian we have a student on it and it's like when you hear it from a student it like it does give you a different perspective you're like oh wow every time like obviously interviewed multiple people and we were like Calin what do you think like it was great because you kind of got a different view of like you know of of kind of how it looks and what is this person kind of going to do you know within the school so I think that's great I think the more we can put on the students and the student not put on but the more they can give us that feedback in that voice is really important okay so we just need um sorry we got totally Sidetrack there um we need a vote on the elementary hbook mik can we just go the recordings piece yes should we add something in there about a punishment or well I mean we we have you know Progressive discipline protocols within the each of the handbooks anyway so that would be how it would go principles or assistant principles always go to the student handbook and and go through those process with the progressive displine you can't have it's going X Y or Z because if it's the first time or the fourth time it's going to be perfect okay um do we have a motion to approve the elementary handbook for 2425 so move guys telling me that I'm letting other people I'm abstaining because I wasn't here for the discussion and i' be seconded so all those in favor I so 4 Z in Dan OBS since he wasn't at the presentation I feeling all the second right that's right yeah I was sorry I was persona nonr for all right um and then we have Norton High School so there are a few more changes in here um the first is the attendance practices which um is the same language that has been included as the um within the middle school and the elementary handbooks as well that was all done by our chronic absentee committee um that Dr arriman has led over these last several months um then they also took a look at the honor code um which incl has been added to include the use of AI um in their work um and talks about the the students that use AI without express permission for as part of the assignment um that that is discussed um there is language around PBIS um and what that looks like at the high school um and that has because of that was added this year because of um the just the newness of the program at Norton at Norton High School um they've updated the concussion policy which is something that was updated earlier this year to uh more closely align with the actual regulations we had not updated our concussion policy in almost 10 years um so that was something that was really important for us um as well as it talks about the roles and responsibilities of the school and of the family and of the student as well um for those of us who have children that have had concussions that are sports related injuries in the past we know how um challenging it is and how difficult it can be to get kids back in school um and caught up so um that is all really laid out um there for us as well um the comprehensive threat assessment guidelines language that is uh the SE stag program that we have um entered into with um Massachusetts children's hospital um and the Massachusetts partnership for youth I have to say I know our SRO spoke to us about this earlier this year um this SE stag process has been um just an incredible asset to our school counselors our school leaders when we're addressing a threat it gives us something to you know or a concern about a child it gives us very specific guidelines and steps to walk through um so this has been um a huge benefit to to those people um finally oh sorry not finally a few other things um we are switching out our student information system that was part of last year's budget um anything that was school brings will now be Power School um our team is spending a huge amount of time right now trying to finalize all of those things and get everything moved over um information about Credit Recovery in summer school the fee adjustments um and then just cleaning things up in terms of page numbers Etc so um I know that I had reached out and I said if you guys had specific questions I would make sure that the high school team was here tonight for a lack of not hearing anything I told them that they also didn't have to come tonight um so if you have any questions I will do my best to address them the SE stack they've been using that this this past year right which going through professional development and then the beginning of the year is when we really started it with our teams and it's been really really valuable anything else so do we have a motion to approve the Norton High School student handbook as presented so move second all those in favor I I abstain again and again we'll obain again not be here every year when we re um coordinate the it always takes a little while for people to like s a to their new SP right sh I feel like it always takes us a little bit of time so we'll get there um in number eight and last one other business anything that for the greater good before we take off for the summer I have something I just want to give um a little update to the school committee and to um the community um so in in an effort to remain transparent we wanted to provide everyone an update on the network outage yesterday families and staff were notified that earlier in the day we detected an issue that was impacting our Network environment upon Discovery we promptly took steps to secure the environment and began an investig an investigation to determine the nature and scope of the issue our investigation is ongoing and we're working with a computer forensics um team of Specialists to import to excuse me restore our impacted systems as quickly as possible um it's important that we will be reaching out to staff um especially our staff that works year round um we may need to make some adjustments over the next week or so um as we get all of our systems back up and running um and that would potentially be some of our you know yearound staff working from home where they do have internet access um so we have been kind of working and trying to figure out exactly what that's going to look like and Mrs wibur and I will likely again have another conversation after this meeting and figure out what that communication is going to be and exactly kind of what what those steps will be as well so um we thank you all for your patience we know this has not been ideal over the last you know two days of school and um I also just want to commend our staff who has done an incredible job of um you know taking lemons and making lemonade and and being able to Pivot and being willing to be flexible um to our students as well especially our high school students so um we will definitely provide updates as we are able so kind of circling back to the comment or question I was going to have earlier not knowing there's a time frame for this to get worked out does that um like handicap Christine's ability to close out the books for the end of the school year like do we anticipate we may have some some overflow into the next fiscal year that we have to have you know so we're very fortunate that a large majority of our systems that we use are um cloud-based so for example our student information system um our payr our HR and payroll systems we do have a lot of things that we utilize on a day-to-day basis um but it should be okay I mean we're still the investigation's still ongoing so it's really difficult to say it'll take this long or any of those things we're we're still kind of learning new things every minute or so just from a I think this is important to get across too from a safety standpoint and a confidentiality with the payroll and the students information we're pretty confident that that's all secured the investigation is ongoing got it okay understood and and we were very very fortunate to be working with um very high quality computer forensic Specialists that this is what they do all day every day um so it's it takes a little bit of heat I think or weight off my own shoulders I know that it's you know it's been a lot for these last couple days but it's these people this is what they do so they can go in and exact and figure out exactly what's going on and then hopefully sooner than later but we don't actually know once we kind of get to the bottom of it or whatever you'll come out with something obviously since we're not meeting absolutely quick statement perfect anything else any other business motion to adjourn so moved geez do everybody had second I'm literally like a kid vacation go that's why I was in no AP classes