##VIDEO ID:75Q8kPFUuRE## going to call the meeting to order um president uh Denise Luciano Kevin Schneider myself Alec BR and let's start with a pledge pled Alle to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for which stands one nation under God indivisible with jce for all okay so first off we've had a rough couple weeks with uh some people prominent people in the community that have left us uh one of them being Scott Sweeny member of the police department um and any of you that have known him knew what a great guy he was and um we lost a huge asset for the Comm um I'd like to invite Chief Clark to come up and say a few words good evening um yes so you know Scott uh retired in in March after 28 years of service and he was certainly a dedicated uh individual when it comes to community policing he was involved in the D program I think one of the big things about Scott is he he he didn't come from Norton but he made Norton his his own Community everybody knew him in town um you know when you talk about community policing he was the guy that knew what was going on he made like his almost his life mission to make sure that the kids uh made good decisions so he could stop stop and see him talk to him um very engaged in the community um really loved loved the town of Norton and embraced it um he was also one of those guys that uh that love joking around it's when we went through the Wake probably the only funny thing is a couple of pictures you know and you know he probably did it to try to get under my skin a little bit but he has a picture of himself like pretending to sleep in the cruiser or pretend to sleep on the front desk it's just the way he is so uh he certainly uh will be missed everybody like wel them down the police department thank you thank you Chief we also um last someone that was close to me uh so fig me if um um Chris O'Brien he was the vity baseball coach um for a while and um anybody that's involved in the community Sports know you create your own family within that Sport and it was he was only 52 years old unexpected obviously um the guy had had a huge heart he was one of the most dedicated guys I've ever seen over the past 19 years that I've been involved with baseball um he's leaves his his wife Sharon his daughter Sarah and two boys that are active in the military now one in the Army and one in the Navy um and just another huge loss the baseball Community is um really heard from it so just want to have a moment of silence for Scott and Chris please thank you everyone so next we have appointment of Wendy cockman and tax collector treasury would you like to come up and say a few words not put you on the spot good evening thank you for having me come here and the opportunity to be your new Treasurer collector um a little bit about my past if you haven't seen um I've served in the town of Berkeley since 2001 as the tax collector but prior to that I was the assistant town accountant um in 2014 I ran for selectman and I was a selectman for 10 years in the town of Berkeley and in 2015 I ran for Treasure so I was Treasure collector and selection for a few years n years all three I live at home I have a husband that I've been married to for 44 years and I have three beautiful daughters other Ares um and I'm looking forward to the challenges I had big shoes s of here losing an amazing treasure collector and I knew that before but I know it more now working side by side and I can't thank her enough for all the generosity she's given me and showing me the ropes I knew stuff and I have the same reports but larger numbers um than I had a little town of Barkley but I'm looking forward to the challenge and hopefully I don't disappoint you I don't think so I think you'll be fine you have big shoes to fill but sounds like you're experience you well one of the good the best things is that our software and Berkeley was the same software that you use so it's just bigger numbers thank you welcome thank you thank you you're welcome thank you so we looking put um I do we need to do a motion to Appo um usually just uh yeah you read the letter and uh appointment all right um Mr chair yes sir before we do that just want to thank Paula also for all of her service her years of service here as well and uh we're going to miss her thank you yes thank you Paula you still have your cell [Music] phone CL you want to read sure let's see what do you want me to read from Mike um notice of appointment of the tax collector make a motion that we appoint Wendy Clarkin as the tax collector um I don't even understand specifically set appointment was made on September 4th 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the Norton Charter and will be effective September 19th 20124 unless the select board votes to accept or reject the appointment prior to that date I specifically request the board's acceptance of this appointment with an effective date of September 13 2024 at 1201 just change that to Monday's datee what's Monday's [Music] datee 16 thank you rision to September 16 2024 at 121 a. second oh Denise yes Kevin yes thank you welcome thank you you so much thank you thank you Paula Tri through okay next one we have an appointment of a new town [Music] cler hi my name is jha I spent most of my professional life on Black Island out in Rhode Island and most recently served in East Providence I relocated to R the Massachusetts recently and I'm looking forward to serving here in Norton and uh I stopped by earlier today to fill out my paperwork and I'm just as anxious I think as everybody after being there for 3 hours for the new move and the new building and I can only imagine how ready everybody is for that so I look forward to assisting and serving in the town of gon okay wonderful anybody have questions just you a town clerk in Black Island in Provence I worked in the clerk's office as the assistant in Black Island and the city clerk in East Providence yes I don't have a letter for this yes you do um let's see if I notified select board in accordance with the provisions of article 4 section 2v of the nor Charter that acting in my full capacity as appointing authority I have appointed following individual as full-time town clerk Jill sea the appointment was made on September 11 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the Norton Town Charter and will be effective September 26 2024 unless the select board votes to accept rejected the appointment prior to said date second so is that a motion uh motion to uh yeah motion to appoint to appoint yep I'll second okay a vote anise yes Roger yes Kevin yes and I am my guest also all right welcome congrats welcome congratulations good luck good luck there's not a lot of stuff coming up got nothing stay she' be super quiet yeah okay next we have another appointment of Nicholas Dyer is a permanent full-time lieutenant in the Norton fire department good evening how you doing so we're just here to request appointment of Five Fighter di to theant uh this is to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Five Fighter Crowley served our department for 28 years and just recently retired um figh di been a member of our department for 10 years years he's also our assistant mechanic and one of our firearm technicians he's married with four children um he has many family members that work in emergency services uh his father is here with us tonight he's a retired Fire Chief from granery he has two brothers in the fire service and a sister is a nurse um firefighter die is an excellent firefighter uh he does a lot to help our department and I have no doubt continue to excel as a fire Wonder any questions thank you this keep going okay I make a motion that we appoint Nicholas Dyer a fulltime Lieutenant on the Norton fire department this appointment was made September 5th 2024 will be effective on September 20th 2024 unless the select board votes to accept or reject the appointment to the said date September 13th specifically request the board's acceptance specifically September 13th of 20th 13th yes 13th sorry to the 13th right second can be amended motion okay take a vote and E yes R yes Kevin yes can I yesr congratulations thanks Chief congratulations congratulations congratulations good luck okay who's next Who's Next all right next we have an appointment of Jonathan D Goodman as fulltime Civil Service Deputy Chief of [Music] Police evening again so I as you know uh Tod Jackson is retiring November 17th after 30 years of service with the town ofon and uh that creates some vacancy in the deputy chief position and then kind of domino effect from there so um tonight I I come before you to ask uh you to appoint uh Jonathan Goodwin to the position of deputy chief Kevin Scher to the position of police lieutenant and Sean mahy to the position of police Sergeant uh Lieutenant good Lieutenant Goodwin is a 28e member of the police department he's been Lieutenant for two years Sergeant before that for 14 years he served on various shifts he's a he's a member of the Traffic Safety Committee uh he's completed the FBI via Trilogy program has a master's degree in criminal justice and has also been uh assisting with the uh Elder Affairs and and uh Elder services for the police department uh Sergeant Kevin Scher a is a 17-year member of the police department he's a field training officer also assisted with our department of accreditation uh he has a master's degree and is also also enrolled in another master's program um at the University of Virginia and he's a recent graduate of the prestigious FBI National Academy and Sean Mahoney uh he's an 8-year member of the police department and he worked two years before that with tus University he uh is a member of our problem orientated policing team he's also a a field training officer he also has a master's degree and he's actually about to graduate from law school so um okay a good day of resume was time and I ask you to we'll take one take these one at a time and uh get it taken care of yeah anybody have any questions no no no thank you gent Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we appoint Jonathan D Goodwin as a full-time Civil Service Deputy Chief of Police that appointment was made in September 4th 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the Norton Charter on WE of effective September 19th 2024 or unless the board votes to accept or reject the appointment prior to that date however I specifically request the board's acceptance of this appointment with an effective date of November 17th 2024 a second take a vote canise oh sorry yes yes Roger yes Kevin yes and I am a yes congratulations congratulations Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we appoint Kevin K Scher Jr full-time Civil Service police Lieutenant at appointment was made on September 4th 20124 in accordance with provisions of the noron charter and will be effective September 19th 2024 unless the board votes to accept or reject the appointment prior to that date however I specifically request the board's acceptance of this appointment with an effective date of November 17th 2024 a second motion then a second anise yes Roger yes K yes and I IM Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we appoint Sean P Mahoney fulltime Civil Service police sergeant said appointment was made in September 4th 2024 in accordance with provisions of the nordon charter on be effective September 19th 2024 unless the board select board votes to accept or reject the appointment prior to that date however I specifically request the board's acceptance of this appointment with an effective date of November 17th 2024 a second Motion in a second Denise yes Roger yes Kevin yes I yes congratulations congratulations conat congratulations very quickly so we we this is going to be our second unforeseen retirement with a little over two months so we're looking one of [Music] come one's okay thank you Chief Mr chair yes sir i' like to make a motion [Music] I'd like to make a motion to approve the minutes um for the August 15th 2024 public and executive sessions and the August 29th 2024 public and executive sessions motion second Denise yes Kevin yes now yes what are we do says the [Music] LIC Mr chair you said we're not we have to open public time F right um Mr chair um I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on the application of tjp dining LLC doing business as the spot uh manager Thomas GN Francesco for a new section 12 common big license to expose keep for sale and sell all kinds of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises at 130 Mansfield Avenue in nor Massachusetts yes so that was just a motion to open the [Music] for the down is that is that a public hearing or is that just a no that's just okay yeah uh I think I second you did okay okay motion second yes Roger yes yes okay introduce yourself my name is uh TJ Thomas Jan franccesco uh from RE Massachusetts uh very nice to meet you all so you partners with with Patrick Trum okay yes sir good yeah yeah we're um looking forward to uh to coming in Norton um you know looking to open a familyfriendly uh pup style restaurant um I own Parker P and R Massachusetts U we're HED with Community Sports sponsoring you sport studs um kind of what we're going to try to do annoy as well good awesome how's it coming it's good it's good slow like anything else you know one contract is late the other contract is you know fall behind but um it's it's getting there yeah yeah do you uh do you have a hopeful opening um I'd love to say maybe sometime in October if if that's feasible um but you know honestly whenever it happens and how are have you started hiring um a little bit a little bit not not too much only because we don't want to hire people and have them wait that long um we have we have some people on the burner um but um kind of holding off to hire a lot of like the parttime Heth till till we have a firm opening date what's projected if you already said it excuse me yeah we're we're hoping for October possibly but again it that's that looks like it might get pushed back a little bit almost into November so I'm sure you want to get as much of football season as possible yeah yeah exactly exactly I um I don't know if anyone's been by but we put up uh 40 TVs would be a great great place to watch the games that's awesome yeah great all right okay good everything signed off um no I I would uh make the approval subject to all final signups because they're still working on the on the bilding so Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we approve the license application of tjp dining LLC doing business as the spot for a pman vular license subject to um all permits and necessary signatures um Mr chair yes sir just do we need to close the public hearing before we take the motion right okay um got you okay and just I want to ask if there's anybody anybody in the audience would like to speak about it no any questions okay all right um Mr chair I'll make a motion to close the public hearing sorry okay motion yes yes yes um Mr chair yes sir um I will um yeah yeah I will make a motion to um approve the application of tjp dining LLC doing business at as uh the spot U manager Thomas Jan Francesco um at 130 Mansfield a norn Massachusetts pending sorry um pending approval from all final sign off all fin second Motion in a second Denise yes yes yes yes good luck thank you very much want something good in that spot spot so next we have an update on the compliance of New England Rodeo LLC in accordance with the correction AIT issued by the inspections department need to wait five minutes Mr chair is it would you like me to do a couple of announcements in that time that'd be great sure so we do have a couple of announcements um we have the uh Norton's annual chartle Halloween parade put on by the town of mton recreation department this year is the 31st Annual Halloween parade being held on Sunday October 27 starting at noon along the traditional route down Route 123 from the adbar line to power Street Norton Middle School um I hope to have everyone join them once again the parade goes rain or shine so cross your fingers for nice weather um rained last year it didn't seem to uh slow down the amount of people that showed up um the parade draws upwards of 3,000 people from Norton and the surrounding area and is a much Beloved Community event um we invite the Parks and Rec Department invite you and your family members to join and make the day a success there is a flyer that goes along with that if anybody would like to see it and it's online and you can um I think they're going to be going live soon um to register whether you want to U have a a float or you want to march in the parade we also have an announcement from the Norton for fire department on Sunday September 29th 2024 from 1: to 4: pm. you can come and see the apparatus and meet the firefighters from the Norton fire department lightting refreshments and snacks will be served other apparatus on display Norton Emergency Management Bristol County Technical rescue Bristol North Regional dive team and safe trailer so there's a flyer for that as well if anybody wants to take C okay still have a few minutes we got to wait any other announcements I don't CL Denise I don't have any announcements I could try to make something up though for guil what are you dressing up as I don't know what I'm going to do this year I don't know wait till 630 for the update on compliance we have to I don't think we have to I think we can move forward jump right on it yeah okay all right so next is the update on the compliance of the wingland rodeo LLC and accordance with the correction issued by the inspections department you need to open the public hand first there's no public heing it's listed here in the public heing where the agenda no I think that's I think that might be an old agenda okay yeah so good evening Mr mck are you good are you good thank you so um quick background I think everybody should be familiar only two weeks ago we were in front of you guys um with some concerns about the rodeo um and uh the bleaches trailers on site um for public attendance in the event staffing so uh not so much of Staffing but the occupant at the at the events um after that meeting on the 30th uh through Town Council I issued the correction order on that Friday was the 30th um and since we have gotten uh back the what I'm going to call the initial review um it took into consideration the bleachers and the trailers um but did not take into consideration the barn where the stage and the mechanical bull are um there's also some questions up in the air about the kitchen and even the announcers Booth that's kind of up on stills um but nonetheless talk to Kelly um yeserday who's their representative over the phone um and basically there's some there's some things that need to be fixed um Kelly and I were in agreement that the trailers um we just going to be off limits um basically there's some rotted areas of the trailers The Architects of the structure Engineers wanted them to be blocked off um Kelly said instead of doing that we're just going to try to eliminate them for the remainder of the season um as far as the bleaches are concerned um in the telescopic the metal bleaches there's just some some shuring up that needs to get done um I don't know when she's planning on doing that we didn't she didn't tell me that but um my Su what I told her was I said we last weekend you operated with no trailers in just wees um this weekend having this analysis it would my opinion and talking to other department heads that are involved in this is we can stay status quo the same way trailers off limits barns off limits U bleachers only for the most part uh she didn't have an objection to that I believe there's three weeks left in their season um their last event I it's either the 28th or the 29th the last Saturday of the month I believe it is so um she did tell me over again this is all over the phone that basically they're not looking to do their big resilient event this year but this will be the last event so there will be um a little bit of an extended event with trophies or Awards headed out at the end and stuff like that I don't know capacity numbers that she's expecting if it's expected to be a larger number or not so basically what what the what their architect or engineer came back with for a review if you take the trailers out of it we just use the bleaches as account get approximately 461 people um that could occupy those bleaches based off of the numbers that I was provided um so as of now I'm comfortable with that on my end um moving forward this weekend and I ask that we just touch base at some point um beginning of the first half of next week to come up with the game plan to kind of get some of this stuff in MO um and go from there with it only being 3 weeks left I think I'm willing to work with her and at least keep it safe this way we can do the sharing on the bleaches and then we'll work towards like we talk about a certified parking plan and a little bit more uh work on the on the trailers and stuff if they want to use them for next year but I think most of us are fairly comfortable with this number um and kind of the I don't want to call them restrictions but we'll call them restrictions for the rest of the season we got Mr chair yes sir so the so than so the goal would be um get through this season um with some restrictions but then have the parking plan the the structural uh review any repairs and everything else ready to go for them prior to stting that season yeah my suggestion be prior to licensing yeah right right licensing is technically is January one yeah so willing to work with them I mean they're going to have to get a Comm license contractor involved for some of this stuff um I mean I like that even better so have it before the license comes up for R know yeah I in my opinion that's how it should be right we shouldn't that's yeah um you know and I don't know at this point where the kitchen what the kitchen's going to look like what that announcers Booth is going to look like as far as what's going to have to get done right that area with mechanical bow in the stage I don't know what's going to have to get done um hopefully will come down the line so their their initial contract and talk with the essay covered basically what she provided me with um so they going to go back and she said she talked to the to the firm yesterday go back redesign a new contract for the additional work that we're looking for that was in the letter M um and then it back to us with some type of information at that point and we'll deal with it but I think we're comfortable you know if if we keep the restrictions that I spoke about um and and let them get through the next three weeks hopefully safely like it has been you know since they've been operational um one thing I do want to mention and I don't know if there she was talking about maybe coming to the meeting and she can maybe allude to it a little bit more but I did get a call from the own of the property this afternoon and uh it was brought to my attention that they don't there's no long-term lease on that property from them they lease that property they don't own um they're under essentially a month-to-month agreement so so I don't know what the plans are um you know as far as the owner of the property and the rodeo moving forward but um I think you know talking to Kelly and hopefully we can get them to a comfortable spot where they get through September and we can you know regroup and see what happens come the fall with in time thank you okay any other question um did she happen to mention how going to plan to control the crowd size to that 461 head count whatever did not she did not I mean we can um again I she was I think she was planning on coming I don't know if they got tied up or not which is fine I can reach out I have tomorrow to to talk to her yeah um you know that's something we can consider maybe myself and through the the chief of the fire department the police department tomorrow or their representatives come up with a game plan whether it's you know they only get 461 tickets to sell yeah and they need to track that um I don't think that's a bad idea y right we also have remember that 461 um that's total I'm I'm going to base total occupants of that event M um so we're going to I'm looking at that as Riders I'm looking at that as event staff and I'm looking at that as as attendants right um for now for the for the next three weeks that's how that's that's what I would be comfortable with yeah um but yeah we can have that discussion if if you're comfortable with that you know I have no problem talking to to Chief Clark and chief Simmons or like I said their reps and and coming up with the game plans to how we want facilitate that thank you thank you trust your judgment 100% thank you appreciate it thanks have a good night you too thank [Music] you okay out of order a little bit next we're going to have a uh another license and premit uh review discuss and our vote to approve the application of pH Norton Inc DBA downtown public house for the following licenses Common vula live entertainment and Sunday entertainment is anybody here come on down I went a little out of order I apologize good even good evening welcome my name is Glenn STS uh I own the uh down the new downtown the old downtown the the downtown uh we changed it to the public house to give it a little bit of definition and uh we're trying to we're working real hard on the building and uh we're looking forward to getting open Norton our Li license was passed by youth folks back in July uh and the abcc still working through that so uh it's good to hear the spot guys got their their thing going now U it'll be an exciting time everybody gets going time be a lot of fun when's your projected date of opening you know you can't really can't really lock it down until the licenses are in place and and the liquor license is one of the keys you can't print anything you can't advertise anything and I I have a little bit more work to do uh to get through the the the rest of of what needed to be done so that was I was going to rephrase my question how much work is left to be done what's the timeline for the rest of the work to be done and then uh I think TJ uh spot put it well you know contractors come and go uh they don't seem to work in unison you get one at a time it's different though it's a little different so you know we're working at it every day we're trying to do something positive some some movement some move something forward every day so let me rephrase that again when do you want to open I'd like to open before November all right I'd love to hit Halloween get the holiday season in Halloween would be a great yeah you know if believe it or not we can't buy tails What tails really it's somewhere there bring them down somebody brings a chair you might check with the old town hall they get a couple of table going to be Surplus and some stuff okay well um doing a lot of drinking in October so yeah you're going to have the uh par the par the parade going to go right by your front door well if we're not open we'll all be out there that is packed for good that's sure like that else question Mr chair yes sir I'll make a motion um to um approve the application of pH Norton DVA downtown public house for the following licenses common Vic live entertainment and Sunday entertainment second okay um second with uh subject to all sign subject to all sign offs on all permitting yeah I think those are all done now right Mike on this one no no no still construction and I don't I don't mean to interrupt this s the construction yes yeah yeah it's my fault I just can't read the pap fine yeah so I didn't mean to drop no yeah subject to all permits being signed and completed okay I'll amend my motion to look Roger second I'll second okay Motion in a second Denise Roger yes Kevin yes and yes all right good luck thank you very much good luck good luck with the time tabl [Music] we did you did that was the public that was that was the public hearing for liquor license this is part of the common so we only need public hearings for liquor been here for two and a half years so we need to yes sir I uh make a motion that we approve the application of tjp dining LLC doing business as the spot for a common vular license subject to all permits being signed and complete second Motion in a second Denise yes yes okay yes and I am a yes definitely old copy of where is I don't see it on here where were we here Chief okay discussion and a vote to approve the town of Norton Mass hazarded Hazard mitigation plan Chief s again how are you sir um so as you all know we've been working on that plan since last September um we just recently completed it uh with assistance of a 16 M kind of multifaceted Planning Group that we had in addition to our Consulting uh that was funded through a a grant that we were able to secure uh so the goal of the plan is uh to reduce the loss of life and property due to Natural hazards uh the plan's 349 pages long and it just covers a multitude of different hazards everything you could possibly imagin so the additional benefit of having the plan is it qualifies us to receive grants to help implement the mitigation objectives that we can operate through the plan so uh that's huge for us uh FEMA and Mima have both approved the plan and uh the last step is is here tonight disc requ question that SL water dos plan for the town any questions and one quick question uh there's a number of opportunities listed after each section do you take those and create some sort of plan going forward an opportun that they opport that they listed on there yeah the plan is broken down at several areas right each each mitigation action has um a listing of who would be responsible to be the lead person the lead Agency for that and and how to go about it the cost um of it and it's all kind of broken down section by section for each thing that was identified throughout the opportunity yeah exactly so the next step would be at some point um hopefully in the Rel the near future is to get back together with the committee and kind of start trying to plan A Way Forward uh to to do that great thanks start looking for those green opportunities and stuff you know did you do those with uh in concept with our planner Paul it most of the actions that we come up with kind of fall under um conservation um public work stuff you know there there's a few that fall under me of course I'm happy to help with it because we're kind of a team 16 people bunch of heads Town employees stakeholders the college um and stuff like that too so we'll work together on it great good Mr chair great yes sir i' make a motion that we approve the town of Norton hazardous mitigation plan second Motion in a second Denise yes Kevin yes and I yes thanc that was a lot of work thank you very much it's good for us okay next up review discuss and a vote or and or vote to approve the amend Amendment to the host Community agreement between the town ortony and lucky green ladies 408 LLC Mr chair yes sir so in your packet you can see we received a letter from uh CCC indicating that there were a number of items in our HCA that were in violation of their current regulations um Town Council went through um the requests and made amendments that were also agreed to by uh lucky Green ly's attorney and in your packet and for Signature and the bin was uh the amended agreement that was agreed to by everybody okay anybody have any questions Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we approve the amendment to The Host Community agreement between the town of L Lu ladies 80 408 LL a second motion a second Lise yes V yes Kevin yes I yes let's see the next item uh five we have cing because we have not received uh per last meeting we were waiting for guidance from KP LW and we have not received that yet so we will go right to number six weevie discussing our vote on fault annual home meeting articles list so you have the uh list of articles in your packet um a lot of them are standard unpaid bills separation expense um then there's a bylaw Amendment for the Personnel bylaws operating budget amendments water operating budget amendments seore operating budget amendments Capital Improvement funding Capital plan amendments um engineering study or design service for drainage improvements um a placeholder uh here is article 10 that's for repurpose of article funds um that various articles that have money remaining in them for um the senior center and Town Hall projects um 12 Hill Street um the assessor is working with a developer of of that um solar farm there for on a pilot agreement um the Norton Middle School will'll be coming forward with the dollar amount for schematic design for the Norton Middle School roof the roof is now 25 years old so it it's old enough to be in the msba accelerated repair program that's for one um re the reimbursement is about I think 56% so a little more than 50% um then um Article 13 is for the demolition removal reconstruction of exterior wall site restoration and together with incidentals we're related there too of a portion of the former Town Hall that has to do we're still waiting on a final number from um the contractor on the demolition of the town hall and this would be if any further funds that needed um 14 is uh I know we went through this uh before the mtown meeting the Elm Street water and sore Improvement project um 15 would be uh a borrowing for a Title 5 Community septic Loan program that'll come from the treasurer um 16 um the highway superintendent is working with a developer on Pine Street who's being very Cooperative with them he wants to make a curve safer on Pine Street with this developer is getting ready to develop so they're working on a a plan for that um lak and pond management we're reviewing that to see if we need any money um in the lake and pond management program for next year next Springs program um 18 is U something that you discussed previously and was submitted as a petition article for an easement to Northtown properties um going across property at 85 West Main Street um the next one is a bylaw Amendment that's for the annual election that you were talking about so you have to come up with something on that um the article 20 and 21 both have to do with um the greatwoods overlay District more or less the MBTA housing District which is um on 140 it is the area out in front of the TPC that's vacant right now next to New England ice cream and um Parcels across the street where all the duplexes are more or less uh 21 is just to amend the map um 22 is um OPB and 23 is stabilization so other post employment benefits is 22 and stabilization is 23 and I ask that you refer um article 20 and article 21 to the planning board for their study Mr chair yes sir I make a motion that we refer article 20 and 21 back to the planning board for further study second Motion in a second to yes yes Kevin yes I a yes anything else that okay next item discussion on discolored water uh complaints water quality issues and past treatment uh the chairman Steve Bishop couldn't be here um so he's going to come next meeting somebody uh is going to come next meeting to speak to that uh so number eight we the update on Newland Street Truck traffic we can't speak to that because uh that is litigation notation well because um we have to meet with Town Council and executive session first to discuss options that you'd have legally and uh so Town Council will be at the next meeting couldn't attend tonight okay thank you item nine discussion on use a former senior C this could this could get juicy what do you think what do I want to do with it um I don't know Mike what's what's what's been discussed so far I don't know people have ideas so so um I've had requests from American Legion and of requests from um I'm trying to think of the name of the store like little Precious Moments or something like that that's on uh 123 is that is that in the uh like where the um the bagels places then in the back of that shopping center it's that place it's next to the car wash across from the cemetery right right used to be a florist in there gotcha yeah I know yep um and I know obviously the other thing have been to sell sell the property uh the only issues with selling it is um behind the senior center is the garage with the schools store all their equipment behind that is a shed where the highway department stores equipment and behind that is the salt shed so we' have to figure out and there's also the town Common Parking like the parking for the walkable downtown area yeah no that's a separate pass oh okay yeah so but everything else is on that same parcel yes everything that you just mentioned is on the same parcel the right so we'd have to figure out a way to uh move well the salt shed if we can that that'd be tough to move we'd have to look at an a garage or storage space for whatever is in there to maintain the school grounds and um Jared would have to look at a building to replace the shed he has there and then we would have to uh somehow get an e across the property back to that salt chain so it will take some work if we're going to sell Mr chair sorry I just have one quick question that's Village commercial why can't we subdivide that yeah keep the easeman on the right hand side of national grid for access on back um we would have to get a from National Grade so so we qu yeah does the driveway that's next to the Trent Memorial that goes to the parking lot and that parking lot connects right over to that those Parcels don't touch each other back there no you have the Trent Memorial CVS on one side National Grid on the other side so the the road that goes the path that goes next to Trent Memorial into the back is that's the it's going acral grid National Grid I think it's just like way people have been driving and I don't way always so is it right how big an issue is it to get an easement from national grip to use that um I'll ask them and if we if we get that then we could subdivide that property and even if we just sell the front portion of it that's right on one uh 123 there so put de back on the tax roll and we still have access to get to the back where the salt shed and the storage is I don't and I don't know how much of a consideration it is but just aesthetically I would rather I mean just I'm not taking a position on this right now but I would just think we would rather use that property for something within the new you know Village commercial and try to do something there that enhances is the town so to your point we can sell it with uh restrictions on it it's in the village commercial Zone anyway right so whoever whoever purchased it would need to that's do only if they change the building that to make it Village commercial compliant or if they keep the building the same do they can keep it the same um they could keep the building the same if they wanted I would imagine who ADV it's going to tear right CU it's 10 and some years old it is right and it's very disjointed inside to try to us for anything it'd be nice to really enhance that commercial area could we demolish it first and then sell it it may be worth more without the lots of options to I think correct me wrong that um only since it's a piece of town owned property it just goes out the bid we can't decide that we want a price for it it just goes out the bid in the highest bid or gets it well we would have it appraised and have a right a first refusal a bottom line minimum and then go out to bid and you can do um you can do a couple options you can do strictly you concerned about price or you can do an RFQ where you have something that you would like to see there and people submit those in in a separate envelope they'd submit their price proposal and so you would rank you know what you would like to see in different so when we put when we put ice cream shop in the front Kevin's ice cream shop so i r what's that it's got to have an assessment value um even if it's not own I let me see I mean I don't think we need to make any decisions tonight but I think it's a good discussion because I just say I I personally I would just like to get that out of the town's hands especially right on the road that since all it is is just an old building there get it back on the tax roll and have somebody use it for a useful purpose in downtown I got a funny feeling the gentleman that just did the library and he's doing old mville cooperative bank and there a guy that likes those puzles so was that's the same yeah okay I didn't know that in the meantime um I know that um Michelle Peterson and the C2 Foundation do their um annual toy drive and they uh set up their toy store for one year that was in the uh in that building and that was kind of nightmarish for them but for the last couple of years they've been using a building over at Larry Valentine's uh property to set up their toy store where you need need families come in and they get to go and use that um I think that might be a good use for that if that building is going to be empty to let them use that for that yeah we're not going to have anything ready by uh Christmas to sell it so so I don't know what we have to do to make that happen or how we make that happen I'll get I'll reach out to her okay cool okay just thing that's an opportunity there absolutely too so on that I'll talk with uh Paul and Nick on the zoning and see how we could subdivide the property up and I'll talk to National Grid if we need these men across okay very good I can't see them saying no well they have e all over them right that's how they they live for most of their places out the wood did I mention that an ice cream shop yeah okay I'll keep try I'll keep try next discussion in or vote regarding budget efficiency strategy planning committee um I'd like to table that to next meeting being Steve's not here he's a big component of that uh as well um it's fine so 11 of business time is not reasonably anticipated 48 hours in advance anybody nothing Town manager report or old Business Review discussing a vote and building to fees which table in that as well okay uh so under the time manager report um the first thing I know there's um been uh some talk around town about the hybrid and electric vehicles that we have we have two two hybrid cars and one electric car and so we got those in the six charging stations for 15,000 total um and those cars are used by the assessors when they go out assessing people's property uh when the board of health assistant goes out she uses one of those cars police and fire when they they go to training they'll use those cars um and you know because I know that people look at them like why do we have three well they cost us $615 each a year for insurance if we didn't have those and we had to pay people whatever the federal rate is now it's like 60 something cents a mile we'd use up to 1800 pretty quick and also as part of our plan to become a green community Community we had to have a commitment yes to purchase electric or hybrid vehicles so that has helped us with that plan so I mean that it's not like there's a lot of cost to having those Vehicles other than the auto insurance there's not much just what is the background behind the concern with that just I know actually the only thing I ever responded to I think on Facebook was someone saying why does the town have three vehicles and uh I did respond back and say we got them for 15,000 plus the charging stations in a grant and it's a big savings rather than have vehicles that are using gas yeah i' never heard about and and even just from a from a risk management standpoint like you want to minimize people driving vehicles around as much as possible so insurance guy the insurance guys done Dy it's how old are cars now um I'm not sure and guess how long how long are we expected them to hold on and we didn't have them before what did we do before we had them um before we had gas vehicles MH so and I just I'm looking at you what is the cost going to be if we go to replace it right I think we were using um Surplus Cruisers right Surplus cruises are Highway gave up a truck yeah the explorers and things of that nature yeah I'll check on the age of them right and we just it seems like we just we added three more vehicles to the fleet of vehicles that the town owns and when it comes time that their useful value was gone do we go revert back to what we were doing before or are we going to spend money buying brand new electric vehicles well as part of the green communities we'll have to have fuel efficient vehicles so hybrids or electric or but T any other departments required um like police and we have two hybrids do you yeah how do you like them they're good they really them yeah they're and they're very good better than the the gas shs yeah everybody seems to like no issues but you know to that point I don't know if the tell meel forgot that we had a a health person in the Board of Health that got in a serious car crash on Manfield AV in her own personal vehicle one time running arms for the town that was a liability and the fire chief said the lad truck is going to be all electric right it's on the Shelf at walm and I know I was um talking with uh Roger and Alec about health insurance and I was thinking I don't know if I've ever talked much about health insurance um so just to let you know where we have our health insurance from I don't you know since um new members have come on I wasn't sure if I ever talked to you about it so we're part of a Consortium um Southeastern Mass health group and uh there's seven organizations six towns and one um collaborative School District that are um part of our group and smhg for short it's a joint purchase agreement with all those towns um and uh our our insurance last year went up like went up 5.7% and a lot of the communities were going up 11% or more last year so the group's done pretty well um and in 2018 um we used Master General law 32b section 2122 what that was at that time was when that was passed by the state you actually had to um Pro provide the state with information of why you weren't using it um and the select board voted to use this agreement and what that allowed the uh town to do was change our health plan at the time and um we had had to negotiate with the Public Employee committee which is made up of all the unions in town and um as part of that plan we added deductibles $250 for an individual s50 for our family and when we did that that year um we had a we had a savings of a million dollars on our health insurance because of that and we had to use a portion of the savings as the state required to set up a fund um that's used to cover 50% of the 250 750 deductible for employees um the inpatient co-pay of 3700 for a family and the outpatient co-pay of 150 um also as part of that um we have an opt out so if you were on the town's health insurance for previous 24 months and you opt out as an individual you get $1,500 a year if you opt out of the family plan it's 2500 a year and then in 20121 with the U PEC Public Employee Community PEC um we added an option of a high deductible plan and that requires a health savings account to go with it and um the town will match 50% of your contribution to the health savings account up to a maximum of $1,000 for an individual and 2,000 for a family very few people have taken that it really is a good plan especially for younger people that will have time to build up that health savings account because um the health savings account can only be used for health related things or if you use it for something that's not health related you pay income tax on it and a penalty but once you're 65 all you you can use it for anything you do pay income tax on it but no penalty once you're 65 you still pay income tax yeah so if you build it up if you're young and you get in there and hopefully you stay healthy you don't have a lot of deductibles it would be a good way to build but we haven't uh there not that many people on that plan and that you know that plan um for a family is uh $1,898 and the next plan we have the network blue deductible that most people are on is $2,355 so there's a savings to both the individual and the town if people would would take that plan so we'll have to do more work trying to uh sell that yes does does the town pay a percentage of the premium yeah so we have three plans that people can apply for um the network blue deductible is the one with the 250 750 that's what most people have and then the the um High uh plan High deductible plan with the sa Security account the savings account um that is so those two plans it's we pay 75% the employ employes pay 25 then we have a PO we pay 70 they employees pay 30 of the p and those were all renewed in July is that right along with the fiscal year right okay the only ones that are in December are the um senior plans retiring plans okay so budgeting wise Mike um where do the on what budget line does that come out of is that just a line from the town that pays just insurance for the whole town it doesn't come out of each department do have a line on their insurance it's part of the fixed and shared expenses um on the update on the fishing game uh 237 man failed out um so they're working to go out to bid on that project finalizing their design plans and they said this fall that they have planned on going out to bid and I did check with them this week there they control their least area only and I don't have the plan with me to show you but um as far as like Norton kayak they still can use the property they we can have another parking area that their their clients could park on and go out to the lake they won't be able to be in the area that is controlled by fishing gain but they can certainly walk across there with their kayaks they just can't store them on the fishing game property might be a longer walk or whatever but is there space to to store them next to like adjacent to the fishing fishing game yeah I've got to look at their plan again and see where the best place to store them is but we I mean We own land on either side of that fishing game so there's there's land not plan to put parking some parking spots in there too right we we could put parking like out in front of the house that's there yeah we could easily put some more parking out there but the house is owned by nor and not fishing game right yep so the parking lot in front of and behind the house is fishing game so fishing game as you look at the house they're going to put a parking area off to the right okay so we would still control out the front of the house okay so Mr chair yes sir um as far as that fishing game and that whole property at 237 Mansfield La is that something that we can put on the an agenda item to have more of an in-depth discussion about that um I I'd just like to make sure that the uh the agreement that we're in is a good agreement with fish and game and and just make sure that it's the best use that we have for that piece of property yeah like a map too showing boundary lines we own all behind all that land that's behind those reflexes the reservoir the town owns as well all along the water oh you got it up yeah that's right but there's no place along there that you can from what I've eventual that you can even launch a boat did I not just see the a plan for building on those locks um I don't know I think that's down further if that's the NBTA overlay that you were talking about yeah and the there the water's too shallow there right for any launching or anything I remember as I think when it was originally but the intention was to do a boat ramp and a full water access and I think shortly there after it was realized that those um those options weren't available so I I think I I know where LOD is leading to I don't know if it makes sense even for us to even be involved in that property that town without what what what is the game for the town there besides being a landlord for that house and being in an agreement with fish and game that we now have their parking lot there that for what reason so you could put you could move a kayak in public access on J and people do use a p back in certain nor kayak uses it has a business they've been running for years with camps and other programs that they run through there yeah regularly I'd hate to see that um cheed as well oh yes if there's another option maybe may we look and see other options I just want to make sure that what we're doing when we're getting into this with the fishing game coming in building a parking lot that Norton kayak can't use anyway what are we gaining by doing being in this agreement to do that so you want this on the next I'll bring yeah that' be great yeah I think it's a great idea for Roger had to talk about a little bit more in detail yep I'll bring all that um what who who uses the house um it's rented out the top floor is rented out okay the Bottom's B so what does fishing game want the cop if they can't use a go that's my point they're um it's going to be a launch area for canoes kayaks not motor boats more car top car top boats okay um on the bike trail um they're working to finish that up hopefully uh hopefully by the spring it'll be um I don't I'm not confident they'll be done this fall they've got to do uh you know the intersections they were close came to a hall right and they're they're back now and uh the engineer say well it was justified because they can't really seed until this time of year well they could have done concrete like so they got to do the crossings they got to get the traffic signalization in um so hopefully by the the spring when I was cleaning my office I did find the newspaper article um when town meeting approved setting money aside for the bike trail 2015 but think about it the route 123 project was approved before the bike trail and that just so it takes a long time but um I know there's a lot of people using it and they like it so it's amazing how many people are on it yeah they need to get that crosswalk figured out that before somebody get there'll be there'll be signalization but that's a I'm just saying they need to even just do something with the barrels that they have there because people standing in between the barrels just waiting to cross you can't even see them they even stop people just walk I mean they they don't they don't slow their dat down approaching and just expect the vehicles to stop because in a crosswalk right right I don't know whether and there's less room for two cars pass barels this let's hope it gets it gets done sooner rather than later you you guys must have seen close calls down there as well that's not a not a great a few not a great situation right now there the barrels were a temporary solution to that try to DET some people at least to stop and look so what what are we waiting for to with Barrel bar barriers just barriers right what are we waiting for to remove the barrels um they've got to finish um doing the concrete still dirt on either side of itats the roadway yeah and they got to put up the traffic signals before they can uh the way it's designed everywhere um whether's a Crossing um you'll be on the bike trail and you have to go like that to cross the road so people have to SL fly through it makes it so you have to so the little dirt spot in between that thing is where the SE is going to go um that's where the that's just the maneuver around jog the jog J so they hit that instead of a car M right um just the town report reminder by October first so okay get your haircut you guys uh well the picture you got to do the dedication and the photo and the report okay so just so I'm clear being off what's involved in the dedication how do you how do how do you how do we determine who we're going to um I think the last couple years um we've um we've just kind of had some sort of informal someone recommend someone asks yeah does anybody want to recommend someone um and then um you know and then we would just you know discuss it and choose someone but you know usually it's someone you know that's you know we want to recognize something in the community or some maybe somebody who passed or maybe we can put that on the agenda to get so we don't have to hear about it let just do it next meeting or something be done just do it yeah he might want to have some do you have anybody in mind I do but I mean I want to hear what people have to say I don't want I well you usually don't talk about it at a meeting because it's usually right yeah yeah just cuz we don't want to really to feel bad that we didn't choose yeah what about this what about that right right well and then a lot of times for the families of the people it's like a surprise books finally come out so they because everyone gets the book and then Steve will write yeah do we have to take those boxes to the new town hall can we leave in the old town hall put a dster in between the two of them the chair will write like a it's like an annual report that you put in there so it's like part of the section on the select board um and then um so that's part of it the dedication and then we just do a picture and if anybody's looking for a souvenir they can go to town hall well you can't now but maybe million yeah you can get a million of them whatever so on the building projects um this COA they uh occupied it this past Monday and so Beth and Saucy and volunteers are unpacking everything right now and trying to get everything set up so that uh they can uh get everyone out of the old place and over to the new place and start running all the programs in there and at the Town Hall we had 700 crates delivered this week um everyone has started packing up some of the Departments have finished um they're going to move the crates out on the 18th and 19th and then we'll be moving over on the 23rd um MX consultant the it our it uh company is going to move all the uh computers uh over the weekend before the 23rd and get everything set up and then uh I know uh um EDC was looking I get a respond to that they were looking to use it one of the meeting rooms with all the um cameras and everything else for their next meeting which is I'm going to tell them to wait because even uh fincom said oh so that Monday we can uh do our meetings there and have it hybrid and we got to wait make sure everything's working before we commit to um commit to that so hopefully after a week we'll be ready just starting good would be select board meeting there yeah thanks those he said um that's a way that's that's how to work the bugs out yeah yeah you have to do testing and stuff too we don't just put people going in there and nothing works or whatever so yeah so I don't and so like I don't even remember off the top of my head where the various conference rooms yeah there's several rooms in there yeah um just a question on the Move sorry um the uh town clerk and with the state and uh their telephone lines and are those going to the the T1 line yeah T1 L is that in process to be moved is that going to I know she had some communication today she was talking with the IT people I got to meet with her tomorrow and find out if there's been any uh more moving it other than uh we're going to try and do it earlier yeah because otherwise You' be in two buildings yeah yeah well it's good and we mean we have we have the new clerk that's good we got that position filled so well thank that's huge yeah huge that's it that's it all right select board report in mail and I think I'm the warrant approver is that right I think so I've never done this before excited um I approve the warrants as listed in the agenda and I would like to make a motion toour second motion a second Denise uh yes Kevin yes and I am a yes thank you everybody thank you