okay then I'm going to call to order the uh April 25th 2024 uh Norton select board meeting um all five members are present um mega Arts is present online the rest of us are here in person and um we will start with the Pledge of Allegiance here over here Alliance to the flag of the United States America the repblic for which it stands one nation indivisible and justice for all thanks for coming everyone so we're going to start off with um we have one appointment um of Sharon rice to the cultural Council um how many spots do we have left available on the cultural Council after this I think a lot and it's the only committee where you can only stay so long and you have to get off okay all right um does anybody have any questions or comments or objections to Sharon's appointment nope okay then I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to appoint Sharon R to the cultural Council second okay we have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor I oh I got to do a roll call thanks mag mag are you there hello Meg I don't see it all our nine participants is there a r number that you don't recognize [Music] maybe this is going to to yeah I'll tell gu you don't have the ability to change this person I don't did or did just called probably the same thing I'm I think just traveling so she probably called I in wasn't as a panelist we can't get her online we can call her she uh sh [Music] okay so she's not only going do loal yeah that's right um all right so me we're still working on getting Meg on but we can we can I'm here I'm here all right okay um so um we are we have a motion on a second to appoint Sharon rice to the cultural Council and because you're online we have to do a roll call thoughe um so uh Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also a yes all right next up our um approval of minutes does anybody have any questions or comments or changes edits or anything like that to the uh the minutes that we were presented no okay then I will take a motion to approve the minutes a motion to approve the minutes um from March 28th 2024 and April 11th 2024 uh and the April 11th 2024 joint meeting second okay we have a motion on a second any further discussion all right roll call vote Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I to Mas I should have said that the minutes were really well done for the joint meeting that was very well done very detailed very good um all right and we will uh move on on to licenses and permits so we have one uh license renewal for the New England Rodeo so I will turn it over to the clerk so it's a common Vic uh license for New England Rodeo 185 North Washington Street com live entertainment 42523 okay anybody have any questions all right then I will um entertain a motion to approve the CV and live entertainment renewal licenses for New England Rod so move okay s all right we have a motion and a second any further discussion all right Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also a yes okay [Music] all right moving right along we have some um one-day licenses to approve um uh and some uh I think there's a permanent application in here so anyway um we have a vote to approve the one-day beer and wine license to elas Ellas or lias the Silva for a private event at 185 North Washington Street does anybody have any questions or concerns so this is Rodeo right um yes yes [Music] okay um and then this is the event the um the Festa Rodeo this looks like fun is everybody gone May 26 picking me up all right so so uh all right I will take a motion to approve the one day license so mooved second okay um Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I2 m a yes um next up we have a vote to approve special events parking permit uh for uh ruso Brothers LLC um at 253 nfield cab anybody have any questions com concerns I assume this is probably something that's done every year it is yeah for concerts and stuff at the Assembly Center all right if there's no questions or comments um I'll entertain a motion I'll make motion to approve the special events parking permit for uh reito Brothers LLC 60 parking spaces at 253 Mansfield ad from June 1st 2024 September 30 2024 [Music] second okay um we have a motion in the second any further discussion right Denise yes Alex yes Steve yes Meg yes and I2 n a yes uh next up we have a vote to approve amended license uh for John and darthy Freeman uh DVA Freeman's garage removing darthy a Freeman as a co owner on the class 2 license does anybody have any questions or concerns do we have any additional information on this that we need to discuss seems pretty straightforward to me yeah okay um all right I'll make a motion to approve the amended license of John M Freeman and Dorothy a Freeman DB Freeman's garage removing Dorothy a Freeman as a co-owner on the class 2 and class three licenses second okay we have a motion in a second forther discussion do yes Alec yes Steve yes he yes and I to M yes all right next up one day beer and wine license for Mark hesselbarth for private event at Lon College anybody have any questions or comments [Music] concerns all right who wants to make a motion I'll make a motion to approve the one day be and one license for M Castle so far for private event at Chase dining hall in college 26 East Main Street nor Mass from 900 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on um May 13 [Music] 2024 um we have a motion on a second any further discussion Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Ed yes and I to m a yes all right right that's it for licenses and permits this evening it's I just have a question about the V you just took on my license yeah sure um we're taking my wife off and putting my son Paul on you didn't articulate that but is that all has that been done I mean is that out of the vote it was not we didn't know that just taking your wife off Was the vote um yeah the request was to replace it I thought I did see that in in the email we we we included the letter request on that and the revised visit certificate from the town clerk say you need documentation for that theer as the town clerk has it okay so I'm got a copy of the certificate if you need it okay all right so why don't we why don't we revote on that and we'll um we'll change the um we Sorry Sorry I was just going to say we change the motion to add um Pete is it is Paul to add Paul to the license pending the uh uh or subject to the clerk's office having the paperwork subject to what I didn't the cler's office the clerk's office having the paperwork yeah all right well I've got a copy here I think I included a copy but okay whatever sure that would be 75 thank you who wants to tackle out do we do amended motion just doing your motion a separate motion I we do a new motion to the whole thing removing and add okay all right who wants it so okay so I will make a motion to let's see where it um okay to remove Dorothy Freeman as co-owner in the class two and class three licenses for Freeman G and add uh Paul Freeman is there initial Paul Freeman as as co- on the class two and class three licenses okay subject to the clerk's office subject to the clerk's office having corre Pap all right so we have a motion and a second from Alec we'll take another vote Denise yes Alex yes I forgot your name I don't know may yes and I to yes all right thank you thank you thank you appreciate all right so next up we have announcements okay it is let's see the first one and most important one is is to recognize uh Megan this is her [Music] last last select board meeting unless she gets written in just want to thank M for all her uh efforts on the board um she did a phenomenal job and um they're greatly going to miss her agree thank you very much my only regret I didn't have one time yeah are you going to miss are you going to miss us I am yeah that that smile is way too big for that to be true hold on you're under Ro I'll see around town yeah and and I just wanted to point out that this is a uh this this uh select for job for lacking better term is requires a lot of time and um and it's especially difficult for for folks who you know um who work full-time and have families and have all the other millions of things that that are going on and I think I think we talked about this one night that we're we're board that have all of us have that um so um so it's it's um uh and I know Meg has had um a lot of stuff going on with her career and has made every effort to um continue on the select board throughout um lots of travel out of state um uh and I know that that's uh that's been difficult so we appreciate you know the service and the the the spirit of volunteerism that you've shown by being a part of the uh the select board so very much appreciated well thank you I will I will cheer you guys on and Meg on around the town yes thank you Megan I wish I had more time to you year wasn't enough wow all right so next up thank you again M so next up is um uh a notice of public hearing for the um uh operating budget so Al go ahead I'm sorry I stepped on your yeah no no worries um there was a public hearing Monday uh this upcoming Monday April 29th at 7:15 via remote participation on the proposed fy2 operating budget this is by the fin um and let's see where can they get this Zoom link do I have to read the zoom link or they can get that on right on WE Post this it's post post so it's posted on the town website uh for those that want to participate public welcome to participate that's uh public hearing on the proposed FY 25 operating budget by as submitted by the town manager this Monday April 29th 2024 at 7:5 p.m. they have remote participation oh that's the last meeting on the budget before the town meeting right um unless we have things last maybe on the 1% budget okay I say are you going to present all three at this one no you just do them 1% okay so we have to have a separate one for the other ones yeah hearing um I don't know if we'd have to have a public hearing again that's a good question have to check with laen that but I don't think I thought Lauren said at the Joint meeting that we don't quote me on this but that we would not have to because the town meeting serves as the public hearing yeah I thought I thought so too if if we done election first then we would have have a a meeting for you right I that's she said but maybe we should just verify that I we got a lot Sun so yeah right cool so next announcement is the Norton cleanup day 2024 that's Saturday May 4th and check in is 9: to 10: a.m. at ever l park clean up is 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and there's a post event cookout starting at 12:30 at ban Brewing 33 West M it's free to anyone one who helps clean up in May the 4th be with us yes Jen for me today that 102 people have already signed up awesome that's excellent that's great WEA great job on that yeah wonderful very good uh next announcement is there is a over 21 pickup kickball league uh sponsored by Norton Park and wreck Friday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. starting May 17th through July 26th there is no game on July 4th it's at ever lard Park and $20 for 10 weeks 25 for non-residents uh any any more information you get on Norton park and rec I'm sure to sign up right um then we have some last minute entries the Norton veterans Council so uh Memorial Day parade is on Monday May 27th 2024 at 10:00 a.m. uh in the event of increment weather the ceremony will be held in Henry uh yel gym the new Parade route um a minor change is it's starting at the high school as opposed to the yellow parking lot and we are uh starting out the at the emergency entrance in in between Advanced Dental in the house and carrying on the road and back to [Music] the Pine the common Pine no Pine the common Trent Memorial yellow it's long it's a little bit long so all the same number of STS there will be there will be okay there will be an appropriate Cadence um as there were significant breaks cuz some people thought with the Sprint um so that yeah that's that's Monday May 27th uh at 10:00 [Music] a.m. and another another last minute announcement the town Norton Water and Sewer Department is having a public meeting uh public Outreach uh program for the Elm Street sewer extension and watermain improvements project this is meeting number two it will be May 8 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at here women's Meadows community room 120 West Main Street um that's the Elm Street sore extension of watermain improvement public El Beach May 8th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. that's it Mr chair all right awesome thank you very much Alec sure all right um okay moving on to new business we are we're going to skip ahead to item number three because we have some guests here for that so um uh so item number three is review discuss and revoke uh annual town meeting articles including but not limited to the acceptance of Leonard Street North as a public way and taking of all easements necessary therefore so we have um Jeff O'Neal uh from uh from cond from conine uh on on uh online so Jeff I'll turn it over to you to give us the uh the background and uh information on this please thank you Mr chair so um you can see the screen attached it should be uploading right now yep we got it y okay good so we're uh before uh you folks tonight seeking what's termed as in order of lay out for the street acceptance from the select board for completion of the Lenard Street North uh roadway as we turn them up in phase two of the park um this is one of the steps that we have to go through in order to allow this to be on a potential Town me War uh recently we're in front of the planning board where they issued their non-binding recommendation to endorse the roadway and also at its October 24th meeting they approved the completion of the the definitive subdivision plan and voted to move towards acceptance of the street and release of the bond so that was back in October so the roadway takes pretty much the same uh precedent and concept as Norton Commerce Center where the individual lot owners own up to the roadway and then the roadway is ultimately owned by the town um so today we've improved uh all the culs in Lenin Street uh installed the traffic signal Force main PP station uh connected to water loop and invested in total between phase one and phase two about $10 million related to the infrastructure here all in an effort to bring and attract companies to the town of Norton and create um real estate taxes jobs and everything else so today a little bit of example of what we've done so we've much uh brought in about 1 $3 million in building permits $400,000 in water and sewer connection fees related to Blue Star Park and have increased the real estate values from raw land when this project was in Inception up to about $75 million today and only growing so in addition to that we updated the fire communication system to the town we've uh created excise taxes EV charging stations but most importantly we've created jobs and brought brought some great companies to the town of nor so what's in front of you right now is the as build plan and this is the myar uh showing the roadway so it's approximately about 25 200 ft in total length uh with all its utilities and infrastructures in place and I believe this myar is in front of you folks as well in addition we will be uh changing the monument designs that are in place today so we'll be adding the uh word North to them only to make sure that there is a separation between names of Leonard Street Main and proper versus Leonard Street North so you can see that's happening right here um so that's the process we're going through there's uh if I can show you about two seconds there's a quick little video If folks haven't been up there so if you could just see the attach can you see that starting to play right now mhm y yes and this is the roadway that's been constructed going up uh lonard Street North you can see the uh infrastructure all the lighting um including uh the detention basins drainage and all underground easts that are in place so as you come up you first hit the Yale building which is located on the left so this is in Place Yale is occupied and uh has a good amount of all of it employees there in process and then you can look down as the road continues where the truck goes you can see building 12 which is uh in its completion mode and is in the process of bringing in a new tenant to the town of North so that's why we're here tonight um to seek your uh approval for what's termed again as an order of layout for the street acceptance of Lenin Street [Music] North 14 okay Artic 14 okay does anybody have any um any questions I I guess the mic Mr chair was this uh build the do spec yes and water and soore have been out there inspecting everything and Highway inspecting everything if it's built to State spec I just good we're done again that's for sure okay all right jise have a question um I was just going to ask where exactly does the town responsibility and I knew you said it in a words but could you show the picture like where the town responsibility ends and those businesses um have responsibility for clearing the roadways or whatever it is that might be [Music] needed so if we look at this one they the outside format you can see so pretty much this is Lenard Street this is the already public Street that's down here this is the corner and as you take a left you proceed up to Leonard that's going all the way up to here so pretty much snow plowing uh any sort of sweeping everything that's done in the roadway that's all going along here in this route um all the way through back to the cuac that's here in this location uh any sort of mowing or uh catch basing cleaning and things like that would also be included um what's not as part of the this is the sewer so the sewer Is Still Remains private just like it is down at Leonard uh at Commerce Way in the northern Commerce Center so that won't be deed over until further um connections happen in the town in the future thank you great thank you wel um any other questions I just want to say you know as a point of note thank you very much for everything you've done over there Jeff everything looks um it looks great the professional construction Crews that you had out there um it makes a big difference cuz there was some people that weren't so happy that that farm was being transformed and um I I think personally I feel you guys did an unbelievable job with it thank you thank you Al we appreciate that and what's most important is that you know what we step up and do is we perform and our reputation is the utmost important that we protect and maintain so thank you we appreciate that voter confidence y you're welcome it shows it definitely shows for my part it's been professional the whole time I I was on the planning board when this first started so um yeah I think it's been very well done thank you all right all right so um and this was um agreed to by the planning board correct unanimously I saw that in there um and you said it is article TW uh 14 okay um all right anybody want to make a motion to recommend the article 14 I'll make a motion to recommend article 14 as written second okay um we will do a roll call vote Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes may yes and I to am a yes thank you very much Jeff thank thank you we appreciate it look forward to continue working together thank you thank you Jeff bye all right so do you want to continue with town meeting articles sure and we can just go go through those okay all right so the fincom um last night and I don't know if you do you have in your packets the water and store budgets um what's that no I can share it on the screen no I didn't see we have kind of the line the line item [Music] yeah it's too [Music] small if it's too small then just read it out okay so um last night the um water s water and sore superintendent and assistant water and sour superintendent uh attended the finance committee meeting and uh presented the water and sore Enterprise budget and the first uh one up on the screen is the water Enterprise budget and uh Personnel Services 1 million $277,900 75,4 uh charges and expenditures 1,318 th000 and debt and interest uh $1,742 23 um their salaries um had an increase uh total of about $116,000 a little less than that um and the interfund transfers uh as you probably know are based on um so like health insurance they pay for anyone that's in the water department on health insurance they pay fully for that and then they pay a percentage uh based on what the water budget is as a percentage of the overall Town budget of the treasurer collector the town accountant myself my assistant um and that's how we come up with the uh $575,500 223 for a total of$ 4,912 156 how many play to we have um [Music] [Music] down so um there's their list of employees one two 2 three 4 12 uh there's 13 positions there's 12 uh full right now there's one that's faken and is this for water and ser or just that's just water just water okay so they don't exchange employees or anything like that um some of them do so the um for example the um the water uh the superintendent and um the assistant superintendent there is split split okay [Music] gotcha all right does anybody have any other questions all right um then we'll take a motion to approve the um water enter plan uh sorry we're not approving the water Enterprise budget uh to recommend the article four for um for so move Sor um Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also yes and next is the SW so in the s budget um the Personnel Services $460,500 increase over last year um into fund transfers $ 53,54 it's about a $116,000 decrease from last year um charges and expenditures 1,472 $51 and the bulk of that is the treatment plant cost which is the payment to mfn which is1 M 38,1 and then Debt Service $397,500 for a total budget of $2,428 597 I miss m what did you say was the B of the other charges and expenditures to the mfn nville fo Barrow nor so District thank you sir treatment cost all right any other questions okay so motion to um is it to recommend Article 5 is written second okay Denise yes Al yes Steve yes Meg yes okay and I to m a yes all right um on the operating budget you have um where the finance committee is to date theyve approved um all operating budgets except the school 1% budget with which is being presented Monday night um okay and then um that's article six article seven Capital Improvements appropriation the finance committee recommends no action if we're going to add money to C okay do we vote to take no action okay anybody want to make a motion to vote to recommend no action on article s seven so yeah second all right um Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes okay and I two am a yes all right all right next is capital which is article eight and plan and you don't have a capital plan do you I was going say there article 8 usually have a list of what the capital is for yeah yep so thought you have the capital plan uh let me see if I can find the car so just a just a timing question while you're doing that yeah so our next scheduled meeting for the select board would be May 9th I believe I see Jen over there ning um May 9th so do do we think at this point we're going to need to have another meeting in there somewhere um I'm just thinking like for example for this if we wanted to put this off to discuss it at the quote unquote next meeting would that be on the 9th or should we talk about having an interim meeting in somewhere um or you know are we cutting it too close to to town meeting so I'm just going to throw that out too late yeah yeah cuz time being is 13th y so it be the following Monday after our Thursday after our Thursday meeting we should probably have next week to say that you said that a lot of enthusiasm you're probably right would the nth be too late I feel like it's cutting it a little close right if there's any sort of outstanding items from a meeting next week we could you know we could could be a lot more relaxed if you do if you do do yeah um I don't like the way this is heavy um yeah I think I think that makes I think that makes sense to have to have that would be the second um so um with agreement from the board um just check it out I can do it don't worry Meg you're still off the hook um to do actually let's do a meeting on no never mind tomorrow tomorrow they have to be tomorrow um so all right why don't we with the agreement of the board to go ahead and plan for a meeting on um May May 2nd okay all right um and then anything we don't touch on tonight like I'd rather have a chance to review the capital items rather than you know have to kind of just throw it together now um so we have some time so we'll do that on the second all right okay all right sounds good all right article nine um so article 9 is um water and sore again um so this is was approved by the finance committee what the water and sore department is looking to do is um they have funds remaining uh from a previous article that um will borrowed but still are available uh they weren't the project came in under what they thought it would and this was uh these were funds that were appropriated on uh October 19th 20 2023 and June 20 June 27th 2020 uh this was for Wells 5 and six and so what they're looking to do now is to repurpose this money um for work they're doing a water main project on uh southwester Street East Hodes Street the water main replacement and also uh to be used for any engineering investigation desig and construction for treatment facility upgrades and past treatment um and other contaminant remediation up and two you know treatment for past is part of one of the things they were talking about last night so they're looking to uh repurpose that money and use it for those purposes well P pass isn't going away so yeah they mentioned last night they had one well um I think it was well number three on new new street that um was one point part above the Curr levels the old levels now they're going to almost zero so it's going to be F okay what is that dollar amount m y so um 65,00 $762 uh4 from uh the October 19th 2023 appropriation and um 178,000 uh to pay cost on the water main uh replace the total is 6,476 24 And1 178 984 is going to be used on the southwester street uh water project and um $426,500 [Music] at all I know it was almost un you know not more than 6 months ago that that the requirements were considered unable that's that came up at the finance committee last night you know are you ever going to be able to get to zero and uh you know they as Frank said well with a lot of money and uh a lot of work that would be something we be looking to do my only question will be is this is it is it going to cost is it is the number 5 million 10 million 20 million is this 65,000 just just just study you're you're looking at you know five at least five million I think one of the area towns just did some P upgrades I think it was around that amount so until they get in there and and remember a lot of these communities that were doing these upgrades were doing it based on the previous guidelines so they may have to go back in and upgrade their systems again is the push back on the state is that giv any legs no well now it's Federal the federal government's lowering the standards down and the ironic thing I I don't know if we' talked about it here before Frank always brings out is that the companies that make pasts they're still allowed to use pasts they also make all the equipment that's need need to take it out of the drinking water so they're getting it on both things so why isn't the East Hodges water M part of their normal operating budget as part of their normal maintenance plan um so they're they're replacing that water M anytime they do a water M replacement they go up and borrow and the payments come out of the water R earings okay so the r payers basically pay the thatb right that all right anybody have any other questions all right I will entertain a motion to recommend article 9 motion recommend is read second okay we have a motion on a second Denise yes Al yes Steve yes May yes okay and I am also a yes all right article 10 um share my screen on that um looks like the fincom hasn't voted on 10 yet no uh but I'll I'll just go over uh just so as you notice there is a meeting here um there was a meeting last night at the library and um there was a a good showing of PE people from the neighborhood there so uh you you know from the presentation that was given by Weston and Samson before um so really I'll show one of the slides that's the most recent um talking about the project so as you know the project is to to um put a new water main down Elm Street from my East Main to Reservoir and that cost of that is 2 million to 2.4 million and that's paid completely by the rate payers um all the rate payers in town it's from their rained earnings they'll pay for that um so that leaves uh the cost of the sore work which is $5.3 to $6 million and to pay for that uh there's a $3.5 million grant that we're getting um the the betterments that would be assessed to the 64 homeowners along the way would range from uh depending on the cost of the project from $8.6 th000 to $112,000 per home and that is like on West Main Street it would be a betterment it would be uh they could pay it all at once if they wanted or it goes on and their taxes over 20 years uh for payment so um based on an interest rate is which we don't know where interest rates are going but say 5% is what we've generally charged before for betterments um it would be about 600 to $900 per home a year um and that leaves the 1.8 to 2.5 million um and that would be a share that would be attached to the uh development of re Martin um I know Paul has a uh dppy has a call with a proposed developer tomorrow um and of course the discussion came up that well if that isn't developed then the town's on the hook for that which we would would have to pay for that and U there would be a lean on that property that but the the hope is that um by putting sore in there it's going to make the property more attractive someone will come in and finally tear that down and clean it up um so you can look at it two ways uh you can look at it as some people have that um when you're just doing this because you want the re artment site cleaned up and that's why you put the sword down here or you can look at it another way as was with the West Main Street sore you had prop this this property that needed sore so it was a catalyst to help fund that project same thing here by having the reen Barton site and it enbl us to get a 3.5 million Economic Development Grant and so that is the Catalyst to bring sore down this street yes but it also reduces the cost um and makes it a viable project um and uh you know some of the residents that were there were saying well it benefits the whole town to have reing Boton torn down I mean it does but and the Sor is going by their property generally your um property is going to increase in value if you have a sing that you can tie into you may have a septic system now that is operating fine you never know when that thing's going to fail um I know someone on uh what's tablet drive just had a septic system put in it cost him 40,000 to put in that system so um the fincom uh last night they didn't have a full board so they wanted to wait till they have a full board to make a decision on this okay mikee you mentioned something about uh the town being on the hook for if the suit doesn't go in why why did you fill up because um we're going the remaining share of the cost is 1.8 to 2.5 million so the um we're getting the grant for 3.5 the betterments are um going to pay anywhere from I think like $750 $800,000 so there's still 8 1.8 to 2.5 that's going to have to be paid on that loan over the years so until someone comes in uh to develop that site we got to pay that so we would put a lean on the property so when somebody comes in and purchase the property they would pay us for whatever we've paid for the lean Y and we did meet with a developer last week and uh mentioned the cost and for them for the benefit and it's where is the developer still interested the we the the woman uh that we've been dealing with uh from devco Paul's talking to her tomorrow we talked to a different developer the other day cuz we told devco you got to move forward we're not just going to sit here so we're looking at other developers too if you're not going to move for we'll get somebody else to start development deathco was interested back what two years ago and a half years ago they went to town meeting they had it res zoned yeah so the $69 per taxpayer M what was that for um that is the betterment are you talking about eight I don't know that's what I'm asking I'm not sure it's four the 8.6 to the 12,000 which would be about $600 to $900 a year that's for those 64 homes they have to tie in that yeah okay they don't they don't have to tie in right away that's a betterment they pay when they do tie in they have to pay the cost to hire a contractor to tie them in but there are no sore tying fees because they're paying a better man so you know uh got you so so get in the 50 $1,000 bill tie in at the beginning whatever it is they paying it basically Sal but then they have to pay a contractor to actually tie it in which could be another $15 no they're not I think that's what you're referring to to tie in they got to pay a contractor about say whatever would be 15,000 this is just a fee to there's no tying fee whereas in the past you heard people say they had to come up with money all at once to tie in because they had to pay a tie in fee before they could tie in but with the betterment you don't have to pay a tie in fee okay so you pay that big you pay that fee that 12 15 grand or whatever it is but then you still have to pay the contractor to to do the the yeah and and there's a time period right time limit um there there is um you're supposed to you're supposed to tie in after no longer than seven years from the time the project is finished um or if you sell your property you'd have to TI in at that time or if your septic system fails you have to tie in so it's if you set system FS if you sell the property for seven years or more sorry and we ex we extended that um I want to say about a year ago or so from it was five years was two then we changed it to five and we changed it to seven uh on when the plane soil was going down plan right right I do remember the extension yeah okay yeah my my concern would be for that owner that just SP $40,000 on the sub system I me that then get hit with another 12 Grand plus you know potential override plus can't he'll never be able to sell that that property well it doesn't go that far anyway right it would be able to F anyway from that street if you're required to no it wasn't on El street though no that was on tal street right go ahead my concern is I mean I I think it's absolutely any any upgraded infrastructure you know needs to be done um I think the biggest part of it is the timing it's it's rough timing with everything else going on but this does need to be done and we have a $3.5 million Grant on the table [Music] um it's It's just tough timing is there for those homeowners is there possibility of um any other kind of um you know relief that betterment in some way shape of form I mean I know it's paying the debt I you know I get all that but if there's something that we can do maybe maybe extend it like before is that something that could be a possibility um I I think some of the things that came up were just trying to see if if they could be um the question was can water and sore wave the mandate to tie in within seven years and that as one of the Commissioners said that's not our law that's a town by law so I told uh told I would reach out to cop page and say what can we do in a case like that where it's a town bylaw would we have to have a special article to attemp uh these people from having to tie in um but as far as the betterment um I don't know what could be done uh to it's got to be paid I mean if someone didn't pay it would be like not paying their taxes uh if you're meet certain requirements you can defer your taxes and then when the home sells it comes right off but that's something they'd have to look at with the assessors it's all based on age and income guidelines we have another developer at the table so leverage in negotiations for that it's always better to have more options and I remember from the time when we extended the the tie-in time limit you know the S years the concern from from water and sewer was the inability to budget out over a longer period of time because they're not collecting any of the water and sewer for that time so the longer you strip and I'm not saying that's yes yes or no but that was just the concern was that you know as if you go out to 10 years or even longer you kind of you're out of balance with what you're collecting and what you're you the service you're providing so it's it's just one of the bad bad timing with everything else going on it's definitely it needs to be done especially with 3 and2 million on the on the table you know we we got to take it is is there additional leverage with the more developers that come to the table for it um depending on what they're going to do they're going to have tax incentives I'm sure just that property alone is something has to be done with it so any opportunity to do something with it I think we can't let that pass I just put myself in the shoes of one of the one of the people that live there you know they have nothing to do with it and they're going to be forced to pay that yeah yeah and are there any other potential grants that we could get on top of the 3 and a half million um Paul that that was asked and Paul said I'm not sure we top this may something for the homeowners directly there there's got to be something Mr chairman the can speak on this yeah come on up [Music] Z sorry you have to go to the podium this so this came up it's come up a couple times at came up last night as well and we also members of the Fon received a letter from the residents that are there and they're concerned exactly what you guys were talking about is you know they're living there this project is being done to clean up this property attempt to clean up this property and now they''re being forced to you know not only a betterment of $112,000 and they may have just put it in martic system you if you don't know that there x amount of residents and then within 7 years they got pay an excavator tear up the yacht connector's probably another 20 grand you know construction cost these days and they're upset they say you don't get what Mike said if it's an improvement to improve the whole town why are they being punished all of a sudden hit over the head with $10,000 bill whatever it may be and this otherwi be back and forth but the way I left it at least in my position the fendom was as it stands I can't support it and I W support it unless there's some relief given to the residents it's not their fault I understand the whole situation but we got to find some way to give the residents some relief cuz exactly what Al is Alex said is right now you was talking about you know they're going to feel the impact of the three projects again next year on their taxes possible override on their taxes and now we're going to hit them over the head with another $10,000 bill that they're going to stop paying right away whatever it winds up to be a month so I would support it if they would find some way and I know it's needed to give those residents some relief and they have sent the letter with those concerns to the fin the members of the fin so I just that's where I would stand on it for your consideration thanks appreciate it so I'm going to suggest that we get a copy of that letter we haven't seen it yeah um uh and then um uh let's uh let's also uh give fincom some time to to review it since they're meeting last night and also take a vote uh take a vote on it um and then we'll revisit revisit this and then it'll give us all some time too to to think about it it's not it's not an easy issue obviously so we want to make sure that we're thinking about it you know yeah yeah yeah okay sound good mik sound good everybody yes okay all right thank you um next article is article 11 uh re authorization of revolving funds and um the finance committee recommended this article and just uh some changes from before the Council on Aging revolving fund was 10,000 this is increased to 20,000 and also um the highway department um requested an increase and there um they're revolving fund uh for the uh recycling that they do down there so we have uh the wend Jackson Property which is the home on 123 that we own is uh revolving fund with a Max spending of 60,000 a year the forestry revolving fund that's used by the Conservation Commission to maintain the Town Forest um 30,000 a year maximum home home composting bin distribution program through the Board of Health they can spend 2,000 a year the recycling revolving fund which is good news that it had to be upgraded because people are actually going down and using recycling center uh up to 20,000 and uh hazardous materials Technic revolving fund uh 10,000 the Council on Aging fund 20,000 storm water bylaw revolving fund 100,000 and 79 northwester Street which is can't be the three the maximum 6,000 I talked to Paul about the storm water B revolving fund to see if uh something could stop there there's no money in the fund right now and it was established I think ke brought it up because um when we approve subdivisions now when they built subdivisions they have to put it in deten areas and Convention areas and eventually we're start maintaining those once we accept the roadway and so if there was some way that planning board when they approving these new subdivisions to tell the developer okay but we want you to put $10,000 into our storm water roling fund that we can so we can use it to help maintain these attention areas now that we have to maintain or something just to get some money started to go in there for how was it funded before strictly out of the highway budget so so the highway can allocate money to it right right now it's just whatever they they just the highway has to do the work so it's just whatever so just cost us all right so just to be clear these are spending yep yeah okay all right any questions any further questions on that all right um I didn't know we had a home composting bin distribution program I don't know if I want to do that but just I heard of it I don't know where the information for it is loc is under heal but I for a bit all right so um I'll entertain a motion I'll make a motion to recommend our 11 is second okay um we have a motion on a second Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also a yes I going say we put it to sleep well I like how we have to say Meg like like and just wait for God to to speak to us from the heavens right um where are we next uh 12 12 the fiveyear recertification program this is um the Assessor's uh requests for 13,000 from free cash was approved by the finance committee so every every five years they got to recertify all the properties and so this uh will help uh they have money from previous money available to do this they needed some more and so um when you say recertify they go as on how much the value is yeah okay okay any other questions all right anybody want to make a motion to recommend article 12 as written second okay we have a motion a second Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also a yes all right next article I think has not taken any stance on it yet I don't know whether you want to have someone from Traffic Safety Committee anyone oh there is there he is the what this is is um when you drive through some of the towns you um that have adopted this you may see the signs that say um speed limit 25 M an hour except otherwise poster or something to that effect so it it sets the speed limit on any roads that aren't posted that's 25 M an hour in town so I mean you can have you can post a 40 m hour speing Bard Road or a 35 mph but if there isn't any speed limit would have to be TW it would be 25 and then this goes through the proper channels through do to get the approval and then the board this board can set yeah yeah so if you want I can have a police chief or someone come yeah or who's the chair of the Traffic Safety Committee is that Bob Bob maybe ask Bob if he wants to come in I will um to for for you are you talking about for town meeting or for us yeah have him come in here first ask him to come in here first um because this is something that came up before and it did not pass at town meeting and and yet we continue to have problems with speed limits all over town and we can't do anything about it so to me it's like I don't understand what the issue is no brainer yeah so we still can't put we can't change through 25 on state roadway right exactly and leg Council that I understood it was that 123 that area that we conc about is the state roadway um no um State Highway in Norton is 140 both Taunton nav and Mansville nav and just West Main Street not East Main East Main is actually a Tom Road how about that it's so East Main is from the common right all the way out to whatever East E okay 123 is East Main Street from downtown Norton East West Main Street from the center town to Southwest Street and becomes all col Road and 140 t from we called to line and 140 downtown the Manfield line is Manfield all right so yeah we'll do that okay all right thanks Peter article 14 Street acceptance of oh we already that one okay Article 15 is um withdrawal from civil service for the police department uh we put it on um just we have the ballot question coming up um and uh just if you do if anyone who's listening if anyone needs information on the ballot question we have posted on the town website you can go under noron news and click on it and I just want to remind everyone that um on there you'll see that in the last contract for example that the uh police Department I me the fire department agreed to um it says that the fire department will leave Civil Service effective July 1 2024 um and both the NPA and the npsa negotiated in their contract um to leave civil service and um you know civil service has just become an Antiquated system um you know recently they did a test and then the test got thrown out and they had to do a test again um we call for a list and you're lucky if you get anyone on the list and then when they civil service will give it have a test and you may not get the results for 6 months while you're waiting to get someone on board um whereas if uh we're doing a promotional exam we can call for have a test we'll have a company come in and do a test we'll have the results the next day um and so the fire department um worked with the union and um signed policies and procedures on how they'll do hiring and promotions and the police chief worked with the uh police unions to do the same thing on the police side um anyone that's already in civil service is grandfathered so they they remain in civil service so it's just any new hires um would not be in Civil Service the other thing it it allows you to um streamline hiring you know we talk about diversity if and if you're trying to have a more diverse police force you can structure a test in a hiring so that um you can do that with civil service you can't whoever's on the top of the list and you can structure you know we can do our appointments B B on how someone does on a test plus how they have what experience they have um and we'll have you know you'll have some a company come in and um do interviews with the people the applicants and so it's just uh a lot that's why a lot of times are getting out and I just want to remind everyone that the unions got a benefit to exit civil service that was in the contract right so the contract was negotiated with the understanding that they would be that there would be a withdrawal from Civil Service effective was it July 1st yeah July 1st 2024 this year so for them now to say that we do not want to exit or for anyone to say they don't want to exit civil service or for the union to say that then they are not going to give back back any of the concessions they made that we made on the on the contract so no they're not going to so sounds like they're trying to double dip to me so and a lot of towns um I know the police chief's on uh if he wouldn't mind Brian just some of the towns that have gotten out recently yeah good evening so uh so Mansfield foxb Easton North aloro planville Sharon Norwood Walpole uh they're just a handful of towns that have recently got out of civil service our other bordering towns of reob and seon have never ever been in Civil Service all right thanks thanks Chief CLK appreciate it all right um I'll take a motion if there's no further discussion a motion to to recommend Article 15 as written second okay uh we have a motion on a second Denise yes Alec yes Steve yes Meg yes and I am also yes okay all right article 16 um so this is uh an article to use 3,000 from $3,000 from free cash the finance committee V voted to recommend 9 to1 UM and this is to be used for the collection and Disposal discarded items that are abandoned on roadways around town unfortunately um it's $3,000 not a belor anything but why was there a no vote for that I I don't remember um might have been um there was some discussion why don't I just put this into the police the F the highway department budget uh so maybe that was what that was I'll make a motion unless anybody has anything I'll make a motion to um to recommend article 16 in second we have a motion on a second uh Denise yes Al yes Steve yes Meg yes and I to Mas I do have a question on that because of my background um what what items are they allowed to collect do we even know this at this point but what items are they allowed to lift and pick up because in my mind you know if somebody puts a refrigerator out front and we have a one guy out there trying to load a refrigerator AR truck that's you know he's going to get hurt or somebody's going to get hurt so I just you know I just wonder what procedures are in place if they have anything heavy to pick up they're going to use the back and pick it up and throw it in the truck okay mostly it's be be honestly it's mattresses people mates and TVs they people just D Woods okay it's too bad all right all thanks mik all right um article 17 article 17 is uh to use $112,000 from free cash to have a town uh household has it as weight day I'm going to recommend article 17 uh motion to recommend article 17 is written second any further discussion I do um the do we have currently do this yes we do we do this every right y okay all right wasn't this part of the revolving form that you looked that what that no um that's a tech that's a oh but that's recycling um the recycling Ving fund yeah yeah that's the highway um or has a has materials technicians resolving I think the the recycl revolving fund is is things that are brought to the Hing right so um and the thing there is getting rid of mattresses too is is the expensive thing now but at least people bring them to the right spot um so they take in money uh from people that bring stuff into the recycling center and keep it in this fun F and then that's what they pay out for the disposal that so the the household hazardous waste day see that's asking the citizens to bring what to them and are they paying to drop it off um no they don't pay to drop it off um it's free to the residents and um so um what's CLE har clean harbers will be there and uh before the event happens the um Bo of health will advertise it and they'll have a list out there of things people can bring and can't bring um it's a good way to uh get stuff rather than have people dump it in their backyard or down the drain or down the street and it's that's why it's free to encourage everyone to bring this hazardous stuff in the right way it's oils and paints and any any kind of liquids and it's what kind of pain been for all of oil any kind you can just let dry well solidy throw one of my but a um it's been successful for years I think didn't we on Dumont sto this yeah way back it's it's been very successful yeah okay all right all right sounds good anyone Mo no you did oh you did that's right and we had a second and then I started discussion that's discussion is over um do roll call V Denise yes Al yes St yes may yes and I am a uh yes by the way sounds like there's an opportunity for like a used mattress Museum or something no no you guys we'll save that we'll save that for another town yeah yeah somewhere right there yeah right on the corner okay um what do we have 18 um so uh the um finance committee hasn't taken any position on these two articles yet um they have asked the these are petition articles submitted by a petitioner um and I know the planning board did there so there's two different articles here one is a bylaw Amendment and one is a zoning bylaw Amendment so the planning board reviews the zoning bylaw amendments and I think they gave you um in your packet yeah m one I know I so we have the notice here from this you talk about yes from board uh April 23rd in norly recommended against the proposed amendment to the lighting this is the lighting bylaw yeah um uh petion by uh Paris Constantine I saw another one here so that is um articles 19 what they what um she was looking to do is um in the bylaw right now it says that lighting which is an accessory used to a one or two family residential dwelling is not regulated by the town and so she wanted that language strike struck out from the bylaw and um the question boy felt that they did not it should we should not be regulating uh Lighting on single family homes so they uh did not recommend that was it was it a question of enforcement right so this neighbor is having an issue with a body neighbor and yeah I I can see the I can see the motivation behind it but I can also the and trying to enforce that yeah and I think the petitioners here if yeah yeah hi come on up she could speak on both 18 and 19 yeah please please so when I did meet with the planning board the reason they did strike it out they said it was more the lighting byw is more for commercial so they said there was really nothing on the books for for residential they said it's maybe like a wording issue where instead of striking what I was initially suggested to do they said maybe trying to come up with another way to have um a residential bylaw for single family homes and multif family homes and to me it doesn't make sense that there's nothing on the books for single family homes and it's it's a matter of maybe wording that they stated to to somehow come up with something so that's what I'm here to try to do and I don't and I get what they're saying I don't want to put more work on the planning board if this is more for commercial so I'd like to kind of see how I can revisit this and re and put something on the books all right so the issue that we have then is that we don't have a residential bylaw with respects to Ling correct it should be and so rather than amending this bylaw which is more for commercial correct okay all right cuz he said if they if we struck this out the way they explained it to me the other night at the meeting if they struck this out then then every single family homeowner a multif family home owner would have to go in and apply for a a lighting permit I believe or a lighting a special and I'm sure not get getting terminology correct and it would put a big burden on them and I get that I don't want to you know make any will work for anybody believe me okay so it sounds like you need to create a new bylaw for the residential piece I don't think it could be in this warrant because this was amending an existing bylaw not creating a new one correct correct so future town meeting right what is the what is what was the status of the previous article so the planning board doesn't review that because it's a bylaw Amendment soe okay um so um what that is it's a bylaw and Stella you correct me if it's a bylaw regulating um cameras so that cameras um are not pointing over privacy fences over property lines over property lines or privacy fenes more of a privacy you know homeowner shouldn't have to have cameras over over a fence over the the borderline you know to be you know video for whatever reason anybody wants to video their neighbors it should be some type of privacy camera privacy laws well is voyerism absolutely bism light and the language specifically says that it has to be done with with intent to harass a la friend correct if you had a camera TR camera or something like that and it's you know looking over the back corner of your property that's obviously not intended for that um well why wouldn't it be what's that a trail camera would be intended for well it's intended to it so this says cameras will not be permitted to be installed above privacy fences and over a homeowner's property line from any of the side property to videotape or take pictures with the intent to harass annoy or threaten the person or property within the without the written consent of the home correct yeah so he now TR in the wood looking at animals that's not right right right right it's really supposed to be intended for voyerism or harassment or or something oh like a ring camera I mine I know gets across the street everybody has ring cameras that's I mean that's a given that's not actually physically pointing you know I mean that's right it's different yeah that's that's totally different did um do we have any um do we have Council look at this yet um review this I I'll get their opinion on it yeah yep that would be good um I would just like to get our Council to look at it and see if we're absolutely running a foul of any other right laws or anything else out there um and the state of Massachusetts doesn't have any camera bylaws I've done my research they don't they did have what they did have something that was in the works but that never really can it never got to the vote from what I understand okay from the State website I spoken to Stella has done good for you yeah good education right yeah it is it definitely was definitely was all right so so just to summarize so Article 19 looks like we have we we're going to put that aside for now until we can get a a new to look at a a bylaw written for residential right which is just not what this and somebody can help me do that somebody will help help me do that yeah house yeah U because it's a zoning bylaw yes it would be planing and it would be the toown planner so um and then um for article 18 what we're going to do is get some advice from Council on this we'll give uh the board some time to to review it we'll also give um there's always this argument about whether or not fin come you know it's not a financial article um but we still fin finance committee has to give its advice on every article so um we could also give them some time to formulate an opinion as well and then we'll go from there and I think the finance committee told you at the meeting that if they don't recommend an article they're not going to move it correct so you would have to get up you can move it y um okay okay all right thank you for your time thank you appreciate it all right is that it for articles tonight that's it regular town meeting the regular town meeting y all right so now we're going to move to special election yeah all right um so um I gave you the um the ballot question from from uh Town Council um and it is interesting you know as she said in her email um there is that little explanation on the question that you can vote Yes or No but whe there's two questions on the ballot one do you want a $4 million ride you know one do want a $6.5 million l so even if the say both pass and even if the $4 million override got more years votes than the $6.5 million override the the state law is that if they both pass the higher one is what not the higher amount or the higher number of V higher amount dollar amount yeah oh I misunderstood her then I thought it was the highest number of votes so um I if I didn't I'll I'll send you that section of uh of uh the law so you can see that um and the other thing that I was interesting I just read it before I came here and if I'm reading this right it actually says you cannot use any of the override if over if you have an override for budgets you cannot use that money first year Eng which you can't use that that money to put something in your stabilization account from that of course if we have an override and we don't use $1.2 million in free cash we can use free cash to our stabilization but you have to appropriate the override money uh to budgeter yeah yeah Mak sense my my question as I as I look at the calendar and uh we talked about like next Monday the finance committee is going to hear a presentation on the school's 1% budget we haven't even started talking about budgets of four with a $4 million AR budgets with a $6.5 million override and next Monday is the 29th um you have to the finance committee and the well the school the school department myself we're going to have to develop two more budgets and have them reviewed by the finance committee and then go to town meeting with three budgets I mean when it was an a budget and a b budget at town meeting that was kind wasn't that bad but you're going to go to town meeting with a budget a b budget and a c budget I just my opinion I think it it leads to a lot of confusion and uh we could go to town meeting on the you could schedule a special election tonight you could schedule a special election for the first Saturday in June um and on May 13th we could approve the 1% budget and then you have the election on June 1st and if the override passes whether it's a 4 million or 6.5 million then would come back to town meeting for presentation of a budget with an override so say special town meeting what's that it would just be town meeting would just be continued you would close out so we can handle all the business we have now we can do a 1% budget and the moderator could continue the town meeting to another date and that way you're not going to trying to explain to people at town meeting three different budgets and we're running out of time to get them all reviewed by May 13 get a warrant with recommendations has to be posted 7 days before that which right so I'm concerned we've got oh sorry we've got people's attentions captured now right they're engaged they're interested they want to understand it I think we owe it to them to do what we proposed to do the last joint meeting right which was to present those three budgets at town meeting and I'm not sure why I don't have the 6.5 million override amount already settled because that was based off of our real dollars of what we needed for for the town budget for both school and and town operation so how do we not have that already set um well we just got to go back and look at all those and then we got to get the finance committee to review and approve those and so we've not been working on the 4 million in the last two weeks since we had that meeting we knew that was the plan for the three budgets well we have but we've been I mean they've been concentrating on reviewing all the 1% right now every every meeting um their meetings have been going until 10:00 at night just doing that so they'll now after uh they'll stop moving on to the others but they've been having long meetings and so so St and they met twice this week know I just you know this this whole thing concerns me I mean my initial two months ago was to get this on the ballot to not have to I mean it's a small cost I I'll give you that but not to have a special election so we could have this voted on Saturday um but I got land bastered for that and then we had to rush it again and now we're not going to rush it so this this flip-flopping is not helping anybody I mean the people that want to vote no the people that want to vote Yes it's not helping anybody so I think we need to like Denise said you know we had a plan I personally think we need to stick to it yeah that's that's my opinion any thoughts I agree with Denise and Steve my opinion get it get it done it's going to be a Longtown meeting um is it going to be two nights is it going to be three nights what what what what do we have for a um I understand your point Mike um I I do understand it um but now I think at at this point like you said run out of time yeah all right we're kind of in and we've explained the process over and over and over to people to make sure everybody knows exactly when to show up to vote where to go how much it's going to be I mean 6 and5 million we should we should know what those all are at this point right that's that's exactly what we based the number on was the actuals and the full mil just down it back a little bit mag do you have any thoughts I don't want to leave you out I know you're there yeah no I agree with what Denise I I agree with what Denise is bringing out if we I I think it's crazy it's it's so um everyone so you know opinionated on this if you don't just sort of stick with the last thing that was said that we were going to do it just reinforces those that are skeptical to begin with that we're you know constantly changing our minds yep and I think the one thing too is although it's difficult to say for sure that there was any kind of consensus between three boards that night I felt like there was some relative consensus amongst the three boards that they understood the plan right I don't think we went out the room and said do you want to do this I think we all understood plan we're going to have to like reset that whole thing you know what I mean so I just yeah it seems like I I think I'm going to agree with everybody as well it's it's a bunch of work yeah for Mike and and Michelle to get it together yeah I didn't want my comments to overshadow how much work that is because I know it's it's a tremendous ridiculous amount of work um but we we told you to do it I'm just Kidd all right so um all right it sounds like that we're we're we're at agreement on that um so for now we won't we won't be setting a special election then right obviously we'll we'll do what what we kind of said before um town meeting Logistics Alec just brought this up as well um the the how many Knights are we looking at you know that kind of stuff I I thought Jack was going to try to join us tonight but it doesn't look like he's on there I don't think he's on there a great Moder he probably just said bailed he might yeah can you set a time limit you can't right probably I know we can't an AR I think you can per person I think per person not overall but like person there he is here's J so town meeting is mon Monday and Wednesday right now okay the DAT reserved okay Jack has his hand raised right jack everybody you're on hey Jack good evening everyone how are good evening Jack we're good how are you oh fantastic nothing I love more than listening to select board while making bread it's just a combination of two Passions you want to bring some bread down to the uh the Housing Authority uh it's not going to be ready until probably this time tomorrow be there sure we might all right jack so what do you want to tell us about town meeting Logistics uh well I think the the first key piece of information I heard from you guys was that we're still planning to roll ahead with presenting three budgets which means the 13th is going to be a very very long night uh I think you guys have previously talked about shuffling some of the Articles around so that the budget would be first up so we try to get that handled in one night and then start dealing with the other articles once that passes or gets resolved uh and then roll those into another night that is that still that's I think that's accurate um that's I think that's accurate I have a question for anybody who's I have never been through think a multi-night town meeting so do we so we would continue end of the meeting let's say it's 11:00 and somebody motions somebody would have to motion to continue is that how this like what's the legal procedure for for how this works does anybody know believe you have to motion to continue so anybody can motion to continue at some point and then you have a second and then the town the town would have to vote on continuing it y okay um all right anything else we need to think about audio visual space all that stuff yeah I think right now it's set for the High School auditorium I think if we're doing all three budgets we're going to move to the gymnasium which we've SE before for some the large meetings bill is probably over for space in the auditorium if maybe I was say you have available un you want overlow so you got Jack um have you reached out to the school department on that yet or do you want us to do that I have not I kind of wanted to see where things ended up after tonight yeah so I'm more than happy to reach out to Wade and the team to see if they were able to support that and uh so um would have the meeting in the gym and the Overflow would be the auditorium I think so if I recall correctly that was what was done in y 2017 2019 thank you in terms of attendance I don't know Mike if you will call rough numbers from the last major town meetings I think the biggest one we had was like 1100 people I don't know how many books we can fit in the gym between leers and floor seats that would have been the the Leonard Street one right that was at the that the high school yeah it was at the gym I think um last one I remember was reading Bon and that was shortly after uh it was like summer of 2019 yep summer 2019 all right so I can start that conversation with um the school system I'll copy you Kevin and Mike okay just to keep everybody in the loop yeah um I would I would appreciate if we could have uh a call with cman paage just to kind of talk through Logistics and you know trading the legal Waters nicely so we understand I just I I I can see a lot of motions and amendments and it's going to be a procedural nightmare to to work through so the more we can be ready and anticipate what may happen I think it's going to benefit us all if you can send me an email Jack with some dates and times that you're available and I can reach out to Lauren and Lauren uh will be uh the attorney that will be at the meeting fantastic okay all right those the big ones for me I do have if I can ask you a question for something that came up a little while ago in Q&A the about the Civil Service on article I thought we had voted on that in October of 23 I went back and looked at the warrant when we saw the the question was on is that a different piece or we have to vote on it again that um we voted um on fire the fire department to get out of civil service for the fire department then and this is for police cool that makes sense okay we have a question from the crowd Podium okay no problem I'm used to it we'd like to keep things formal here you can thank Missy for this the logistics are really simple you're not going to get yourself behind the a wall because when our moderator opens the meeting he he will say if the meeting is extended he will then mention the day and the place and so the logistics is on planning which you've already heard but it's an easy one because then people can then line up that second date if it goes that way um thanks Ralph and then another question I had um do we need to do we need to do anything on the post like the public posting about a second night have we done that already like do we have to put any kind of notification out there for the public that that let know yeah and um one other thing Jack um there probably more than likely be a ballot vote we'll have new for that there's going to be more yeah okay s yeah I I agree mik I think that's the way to go just takes any ambiguity out of the situation okay all right another question from the audience I speak for myself not for my not for the fincom but as a member of the fincom you want to do three budgets here in the next couple weeks we haven't even get through the first budget we're grinding for every pending at the moment and you've seen some heated conversations and you know it's perfectly okay I mean but if that's going to if you want us to pass three budgets and again speaking for myself Mike's going to have to present something you know straight line percentage down the board and say we vote on this budget as presented because if we get into what's been going on Department by Department position by position and you know I think the school department the largest position the largest you know budget in the in the town that should be that's something as I said the other night I think that's a meeting in itself and we spend four meetings talking about the do officer you know so this is what we kind of so if we're going to pass three budgets I just think speaking for myself again I mean it's going to have to be as presented and we're not going to be able there's not enough time I mean what do we got two meetings three meetings before time meeting to get into you know fire police Board of Health all of that in detail unless my you disagree with me I I agree with that so I I know you're going to give that some thought or else you're going to get you know the town gets whatever it is 30% the schools get 70% and it's SC be straight line averages so thanks Z all right no problem I'm confident in Mike's ability to get this done all right um so uh um do we have any other comments or questions about um Majestics Jack do we have any other anything else you wanted to add um well let me think I I agree with Zach in terms of there's a lot of ground for fincom to cover between now and then especially with not having seen anything on the 4 million budget now between B has to be posted by May 6th late 7 days before right so they have a week and a day to get through three whole budgets to get their recommendations in and that includes not having the4 and $6.5 million budgets available for the public hearing on Monday I just I'm not loving how that's shaken out that's more as me as a resident uh and a little bit on the moderator trying to protect the interests of the pcom members and their their time and effort okay all right thanks Jack all right right guys all right thank you thanks all right okay um anything else on Logistics good um does anybody have any other business not reasonably anticipated within 48 hours should we be going in the special meeting articles um there's only a couple do you want to go through this special town meeting articles all right we're going to go back to new business four of them home didn't recommend so we can proba we only have two no there's only two left number two and three um I think that's the date today these these voted on we haven't voted any this say we already voted on now oh it's today's day oh got but majority of them are are not no actually so yeah we did we already do the no action ones no I thought we did okay [Music] so CU we did them all at once yeah you did we did we did yeah we we read to say I thought we did yeah yeah I'm just number two and three so uh right now yeah we're voting on this one yeah yeah cuz we Ved on number eight yeah oh yeah and number nine and number nine yeah all right okay never mind okay done you know the date the date drew me off cuz it's today's date in here as we vot I remember it was but but I do remember we did the other because we did them all at once we're like there just no action on all these yes I we figure it would be was that is this like an Excel or something I wonder if Excel just plugged it today updated the date automatically April well that's exciting all right all right well we're going to meet again next week so we'll we'll look this next week all right sound good we'll look for it next week all right um do we need anything on a budget update I feel like we we covered I think everything I have in my uh the budget update Mar um if anyone is available you know next uh week day May the 4 be with you and uh we the ballot question on civil service was just one other I was going to add right the only question on the uh ballot M it is okay okay there's two V this to police and if you vote Yes yes is to leave Civil Service who no it's to stand Civil Service okay all right um select word report in mail I don't think we have anything there I approve the war of written and motion to adjourn all right that was quick motion to adjourn you have a second second all right um before we adjourn just a reminder our next meeting will be on May 2nd 2024 with a meeting to follow on May 9 2024 all right we have a motion in a second to adjourn Denise yes Alec yes Steve Steve yes I am also a yes and we will give the last yes to mag Arts yes thanks hopefully I'll see you guys on Saturday all right we're adjourned okay