##VIDEO ID:pfy1bflKOdE## all right good evening everyone welcome to the select Bo meeting of November 21st 2024 um right now we have Roger marcan Alec rich and myself I know Denise and Kevin are going to be here any second now they're probably pulling in as we speak but since it's 610 we're going to start off uh we'll start with the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic stand one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for [Music] all okay we're going to go right into um announcements so Roger take it away thank you Mr chair um first announcement we have is for the uh re cross America and with us today we have Pat Tarantino who would uh you wouldn't mind coming up p and uh telling us about re cross America thank you Mr chairman other members of the board Mr you's not here but J um thank you Rees Across America my name is Pat tantino and this will be the sixth year that Norton has participated I'm the volunteer location coordinator for this event it started probably 30 years ago with a company in Maine that makes Christmas re and then excess one year and they get a hold of their Senator and ask permission to bring them down to Arlington National Cemetery and every year after that they brought their excess down there until one year they completely covered it the photo went viral and now we have over 4,000 locations throughout the United States in France we go to Normandy we go to Belgium and lay ree in honor of our veterans the mission of this organization it's a nonprofit 501 whatever five nonprofit and the mission is to honor those who have served to remember those who have passed and to teach the Young Generation coming up because the belief is that freedom has to be taught and has to be earned and it has to be preserved so this year re Across America date across the country is Saturday December the 14th we read a pre-written script that goes across the country every location reads the same script at the same time so we start at noon sharp over in California they're at 9:00 in the morning so everything is done according to the script we improvise a bit we can add a few things but the whole whole thing is that we want to put a wreath on every Veteran's grave and for the six year in a row I'm glad to to say that we have all of our veterans Graves covered any extra that we have I bring down to borne the next day um if anyone oh it's right there information is there if anybody wants to send money your mother than welcome we collect it all year there is always a buy one get one free sale that they provide and it's after the wreath day so somewhere between December 20th and January 10th if you want to send a check to me or to you can use the QR code that's on here it goes directly to our location then we get an extra wreath for everyone you buy the wreath cost $17 a piece what else we need volunteers every year on that Saturday at noon we have people who present the wreaths for every Branch including Mia p and because Norton is a heart town we also provide one for that after the ceremony we separate into three groups and we go down to the Timothy plane the Norton Center and the Norton common cemetery and everyone there is invited to laes when we do that we ask that they take their time say each Veteran's name out loud thank them for their service and tell them they're not forgotten and then after that everybody goes home the pickup day is a month later so January 18th and there'll be things out on social media we'll get this out on social media also we will need volunteers to pick up the wreaths and that's always a fun day I invite people to bring hockey sticks brooms bats anything that they can knock those wreaths loose if they're frozen and you can also with a partner pick up 10 20 wreath and we put them in a pile so the highway department just comes through picks them up they don't have to run across all the graves and do all of that so any questions did I forget anything all right thank you Pat that that's excellent it's it's such a great event and I think this will be my fourth year being there too and um the turnout last year was was phenomenal gets bigger the year it was warmer last year I think I had a sunburn last year and the year before we had a freezer burn so yes um I hope we get it even bigger turnout this year me too and of course you guys you are all invited to come you're all invited to speak I won't Force anyone but we say if anybody here wants to come up and say a few words you're more than welcome too we love to see you all there right excellent anything from the board uh Mr chair Mr mer I would just like to thank P for all of her efforts over the past years for making this event happen in town it um it is a tremendous event and I would encourage everybody in town to come and take part in the uh ceremony on December 14th at noon thank you than thank you for the opportunity thank you Shane you want to take the call you can leave that leave or you can just rip it right off okay uh go ahead Mr Mar we can go through these and then we'll start with the uh the public hearings okay um I have a few more announcements um the Norton holiday toy drive is um going on right now um there are many businesses I think there about 30 businesses in town that are collecting toys for this toy drive um but if you would like to at the yel school on Saturday this Saturday uh November 23rd from 9:00 to 1 you can bring an unwrapped toy and drop it off at the El school or if you want to drop one off at uh barion Brewery from 2:30 to 9:30 this Saturday um this is an event sponsored by the C2 Foundation Norton police department Norton fire department and the Norton High School math Honor Society um they also have um if you want to go to Amazon they have a a website where you can go and uh if you want to purchase uh toys for a specific family who has requests you can also they have a website you can go to there we also have ANS Little Treasures Incorporated is having a fundraising event December 7th Saturday from 1: to 6: P p.m. at the trinitarian Congregational Church in Norton um helping one child at a time few food music Raffles and a silent auction um you can contact them directly um at 774 228 8167 um one other announcement is the MBTA communities multi family initiative Community event will be held in this room December 4th this year from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. um this is an open house event so feel free to stop by anytime during those two hours and you can have your say as to where you think that the NBTA housing should be placed in town that's all I have all right thank you Mr Marson uh next up we have a public hearing beginning at 6:10 p.m. it is on the application of pH Norton Incorporated doing business as downtown public house manager is Glenn Stowers for a change of ownership uh interest of the section 12 a premises common BC license all alcohol beverage license at 292 West Main Street Norton Mass I hope I didn't say that too fast so do we have do we have CL here yeah oh come good evening thank you for having me so just just tell us a little bit about about what you're looking for here uh so when we started the uh company shortly ago I had a partner his name is John uh John has re-evaluated his life and kind of heroically decided that this was not a great idea for him right now I'm very proud of him I think it's a tough thing to do when you make a commitment to a friend we you have another business together but uh he really feels that right now he needs to take the time spend it with his family he's still going to be involved uh financially it was just a bit too much for him uh so we agreed that this was the best track okay anyone have any questions on the board here Mr chair Mr Mercy um will this change any of the other um operating hours or anything else that you were doing in the business is just a ownership it's just going to be it's changing from he and I to me very good well thank you for stepping in okay anyone else okay if not will need to close that public hearing and then take a vote Mr chair Mr Maron I make a motion to be close the public hearing for the application of uh pH Norton Incorporated doing businesses doing businesses downtown Public House second okay motion a second all in favor I opposed okay okay and thank you and then we'll vote on uh I'll take a motion thank you very much thank you Mr chair Mr meron I make a motion that we approve the application of pH Norton Incorporated doing business as downtown public house manager Glenn J Stowers for a change of ownership interest of the section 12 on premises common Vic all alcohol business license at 292 West Main Street Norton second okay motion the second all in favor I opposed okay excellent congratulations thank you very much good luck thank you okay next up we have a public hearing on the application for transfer of the section 12 on premises common Vic license to expose keep for sale and to sell all kinds of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises at 175 Mansfield AV sweet for Norton from Norton Jade DBA Norton Jade manager Jim blue to Sky South Sea north Incorporated DBA time travel cuisine manager I'm kind of I apologize uh Tiani Zoo okay uh for the same address Mr chair Mr Maron I make a motion that we open that public hearing second okay all in favor I I good evening everyone my name is Chris Coleman I'm here on behalf of the applicants I have with me uh Jo zo who is going to be the proposed manager I understand the matter was had come before you on a CV Mo application so I won't bother to cover a lot of that area um the place has 3,485 Square ft it's got 120 seats there's no change in the layout as you probably aware uh no real change in the hours except on the there's a request for a change on the hours on the license on Sunday from 12: to 1: uh to start at 11:00 on Sunday 11 o'clock that would be the only requested change there uh Mr Zoo has a good restaurant experience as well as liquor experience uh from 2017 to 2019 he was a bartender at the Peacock Restaurant in Springfield uh from 2020 to 2021 he was a manager of a pop buffet in Rosenberg Texas and most recently he's been employed from 2021 till present as the manager of gold chopsticks that is in West Springfield but he's been in the restaurant business and the alcohol service business for a while he is a US citizen he is tips trained and he plans on spending 40 hours at least there a week probably quite a bit more but uh I be happy answer any questions that you might have okay I'll open it up to the board Mr chair Mr meron how many staff do you have working there currently jail how many right now we're having um five so two of them working back the kitchen and I've got a two more waer waitress and the last one is me okay anything else not uh yet Mr chair Mr uh Jen everything signed off by all department heads and all the necessary sign offs all the back check sign offs have done okay does that application say 11 or one yes yeah for Sunday I just want to make sure that we if we we go through it um while she's looking that up any anybody else have questions no okay um any anyone in the audience okay um so I guess we can close the public hearing and um if we have to amend that hours on Sunday we can do that with a motion so I'll take a motion to close the public hearing Mr chair Mr Mar I make a motion that we close the public hearing for the application for a transfer of section 12 on premises common VC license for I'm not going to read the whole thing though second okay all in favor I I oppos I forcefully okay you really thank you thank you guys very using the M good evening thank you okay okay so I'll take a motion on this but but keep in mind we have to to alter it to include the hours of Sunday beginning at 11: so Mr chair do you need two motions for this or is it can we make any one uh we do one motion but with the um the amendment that it's the Sunday hours beginning at 11 instead of 12 if if that's what you'd like to do you don't have to it's so the paperwork's wrong paperwork says 12 okay so Mr chair Mr rich i' like to make a motion to uh approve the transfer of the section 12 on premises common VI license to expose keep for sale and to sell all kinds of alcoholic beverages to be drunk on the premises at 175 Mansfield AB sweet P Norton M 02766 from Norton Jade LLC DBA Norton Jade manager Jin L to Sky South C North Inc DVA time travel cine manager Tiani Zoo same address with the update of Sunday hours reflecting 11:00 a.m. open as opposed to 12: p.m. perfect second okay all in favor I oppos right thank you very much and congratulations congratulations Lu all right so we we have to get right we have a few minutes until we can start the next hearing um so I guess we can discuss and vote on the spring annual town meeting what was that date uh May 19th May 19th May 19th does anybody have any issues with that I think okay so it'll be um Monday May 19th 2025 at the Norton High School uh warrant articles will be accepted at the select Board office until 400 p.m. on February 11th 2025 so unless there's any changes we can we can take a motion for that as well I just had a quick question yeah absolutely is Mike here he it's not oh okay never mind then no you question I'm answer I have some notes oh I was going to ask if we checked the school to see if there's any conflicts with the school on that date will send in the request to use that room for that date that time that the school's okay is it a [Music] Monday it's a Monday yeah Monday yeah Mr CH Mr Mercy is uh 3 months usually the amount of time between the time that the articles are closed and the time me uh typically yeah that just seems like a long time it does yeah that that's that's typically the case Kevin you actually might know this too um no you don't it seems a little long seems a little long between um Jen what what do you got what are your thoughts on that I can get more information for you and circle back if You' like we don't we don't have to do anything with the the warrant dates tonight right we're just approving the the date of the meeting I'm going to ask I will follow up with Michelle um during this meeting and just get that information VI but typically she's following a the timeline um outline of beliefs in the charter so there's usually a rhyme in or reason to why she present the dates that she has on there and she prepared that document okay so all right thank you yep okay so we can hold off on this until if we get an answer by the end of the meeting if not we can do it on the 5th okay uh let's see oh we still have a minute um okay so we can vote to declare the following Highway Department items of surplus um chair I'm sorry Mr SN um I'd like to make a motion oh excellent to vote to declare the following Highway Department items as Surplus two push behind sidewalk sweepers miscellaneous sweeper Parts 26 two-way radios and small gas power roller and an Old Dominion saw uh it's a much appr much appreciated motion second all in favor I opposed okay uh is there any other motions you feel like yeah I'd like to make another motion where we're at um I'd like to make another motion uh to vote to declare the following Police Department items as Surplus 37 Safari Land magazine pouches and 36 Safari Land holsters second all in favor I I opposed excellent I'll look 6:30 okay next up we have the 2025 tax classification hearing um Denise Ellis is here correct yeah hey good evening everybody good evening nice to see everyone present here okay it's different welcome um so first of all did everybody have a chance to look at the packet okay so um this is something that we have to do yearly it's the classification hearing um this is all um about the tax rate so I'm just going to go through the packet if you guys have questions just let me know um the first one is just so the this classification takes um about it's a Year's process from the beginning um so we start in January and we're just going to be finishing up now and the tax bills will go out in December so for this hearing um we have five different types of properties we have your residential your open space commercial industrial and personal property and I'll go through all that okay tonight what's required um we have now we have a split tax rate and we are at 1.05 so tonight um you're going to decide if you want to stay at the 1.05 or if you want to increase the split um and I'll go through all the numbers for that and then I'm going to end up voting if you want to do the res residential exemption a commercial exemption or an open space discount okay thr that this is the this fiscal year will be the third year that would this will be the third year um we started an fy22 with the uh split tax rev okay so this year um we'll start off with new growth it was pretty high 23 yeah um this year so New Growth we just got certified the other day for that um it came in pretty high this year um most of that is because of all the industrial um all the warehouses and some of the tiffs so it came in pretty high at 1.6 residential came in at 543 um 383 commercial came in at 109 698 the industrial at 828 260 and personal property 124 504 and then I just added some grass so if you could see um how just historical how the um New Growth has increased over the years so this is from 2016 to 2025 and you can see that um in 2019 it was pretty high that had to do with l n Pharmaceuticals and then it kind of leveled off went down and then this year with all the warehouses and some of the tips um closing and things like that it just bumped way up sure uh Denise which tips exactly um so uh El Island was one of them that that went up pretty high this year because with the tiffs you know you start off at um you know like maybe 90% the first year then goes down to 80 like every couple years it changes this year it it had a big jump I think it went down to 80% where it was like maybe it's at 70% where it was up at 80 so between that and all the work that they did there so the value went up anyway and then with the change in the Tiff it went up a lot higher so that that's one reason why um it's so high this year and then two of them um we're done with two of the tiffs two or three of them they're done for now and which ones are those um Horizon beverage is complete really um that's been a little while I don't know off hand the other two I can't think of them right now but I can get that information for you just to car osity so the you know people know when there's another applicant that comes in down the road working for it y so right now we have now that those ones are done we have five active ones and we still have Yale um appliance that has not started because they we're so we we're called a 653 community that means that we pick up um all new growth by June 30th in um in new construction so they weren't complete as of June 30th so they can't start their Tiff they have to have their Co and they didn't have their Co at that time so their tip will start next year okay any other questions on that okay so when we're doing um State requirement when we come into our values we need to come in between 90 and 110% of the sales the value we typically like to come in somewhere between 90 95 we like to keep it on the lower IDE um this year we came in at 94.1 which is good so did that's where we like to be it's higher obviously the assessments would be a lot higher so we try to get them as low as we can and when we're doing our sales um for the FY 25 values we're looking at all the sales from um 2023 we're always about 2 years behind because it takes a a good full year for all those sales to come in and to evaluate them and that and that's that's all stay required then the next slide just giving you the valuation of the residential the commercial industrial and personal property so we're at slightly over 80% um for residential and then the commercial industrial personal property which is CIP is just um under 20% the the next slide um it's a few things you have your la4 on your la4 is where all the valuation is coming from it starts off at it tells you how many single family we have like a 101 is single families 102 are condos so it gives us our parcel count and it gives us um the values for each one of those categories and it gives us the total value and on the other side I did the Lev limit I added in the prop 2 and A2 the new growth the subtotal then we have debt exclusion this year which would be for Town Hall and for the senior center and I'm not sure what else is out there um so our total so you add all those up our total maximum Levy right now is at um the 51 878 878 683 so we take in in order to get the um tax rate we take the maximum allowable lby and we divide that to the total value of um the assessments so if it was a single rate tax rate it would be around 13117 the next one is just a you know just um the 80 a little over the 80% for the residential and it just um divides up all the the cips and you'll notice open space there's zero yeah and then I just did some graphs just showing you um over the years everybody likes to see the different things um I went from 2019 to current um on what where we stand for residential commercial industrial personal property how it's grown but it's been pretty level the last few years on some those and just another graph excuse me you looking at this graph yep that graph right there what do these values represent so these value these are just um it's not a value it just shows us where we are so we're at around 80% residential so the first one's residential so that's been kind of level it's been up and down just slightly then you're going to go to commercial which is the next one um it's pretty steady went up one year it kind of dropped down again then industrial as you can see this year last year was 8.66 went up to 9.83 so it grew a little bit with the industrial and that's all the warehouses and then personal property that went down [Music] slightly and the next slide is um your average assessments for the residential and the CIA p and this is where you're going to see um so I started in 2019 again and you can see how it's it was kind of level for the first four years and then it just kind of skyrocketed from there and that's what the market is doing um and again this year because of all the warehouses that we have um you'll see that the commercial industrial had just really skyrocketed okay so now we're at um the residential the the shift so right now we are at 1.05 with the shift as we are right now the residential rate would be $13 per thousand and the commercial CIP is going to be 1382 that's down 2 cents from last year and residential is up 5 cents so it's up to you if you want to keep that or if you wanted to change it if you went to the 1.10 that would bring your um tax rate to the 1284 for residential which is about where we are now and then 1448 for the CIP and then you could you know get the others and we can only go up the highest we can go is 1.5 so I can go ah you I was going to speak to this um that Kevin and I believe were on the board when we first put it over to 1.05 um and I think the thought at the time was just to see how it went um I think it's been going fine the way it is and I personally find keeping it as is uh I don't want to burden businesses anymore uh but uh Mr Str go ahead uh yeah I looked into this a little bit um uh while we were having the override discussion that it seems like a lot of towns in the area and I hate to compare to other towns but um uh but uh many of them if I remember um shift up to 25 30% um so I guess the question for me is is it just sort of a judgment call or is there you know for us to make to say okay we think you know this rate you know uh let's say if we just use used say a shift of 25% you know this rate of 16.46% so that's one piece of the of the puzzle right so you could say okay well are we going to drive businesses away because our tax rate is too high where are they going to go because there's everyone else around us has a higher tax rate right um so or you know or comparable um so that so we have to look at that but also are there other sort of um considerations that we have to make when we're looking at you know uh increasing the shift you know more than just nominal amount of 5% or 10% yeah I mean that's that's a good point Kevin um you we have Town comparisons that we look at and we have outo and Bon or cities they're established uh business in town and um you know I think we have to consider those industrial parks and those cities are are older a larger company and there are cities where um there's a large difference in residential values as well um then we have to probably as a town think about you know what is our commercial base what is the length of businesses that have been in town how long have they been there are they large businesses are they new with the new industrial par the blar um so they're recent they're big and then we have a lot of mum and po businesses so there's a there's a balance that you have to consider and you know do it doing it in in good measure and just keep on evaluating I mean if we look at the um I think we were at 83 and we're now at 80.2 as far as the um you know the balance of residential versus the commercial so the commercial's been going up and that's a good thing um and the business that are coming in are strong businesses I mean um you know the industrial park is a big boost and I think um you know that's helpful we've changed the zoning uh in certain parts of town South Washington Street now is uh industrial zoned um so hope to grow that area so I think you know you know all those things have to be considered you know um as far as the towns and what we want to be um you know we're still I think more of a residential but it's definitely changing so great question is there an opportunity to split the businesses into large and small I'm sorry is there opportunity to split the businesses into large businesses and small businesses no I don't think you can I mean I think I've I don't know of any towns that do that I've never seen it done before I mean there could be um but I I haven't seen it usually I mean because it's all like grouped together the CIP it's always group together so they don't usually break those up and if you look and if you look at the you know this past year there's over a million dollars in CIP growth so that's pretty help it's a 2 to1 margin absolutely it's a n's done very well over the past several years right with the with the the cars that we've been dealt we've played them very well right and I think it's poised for so right now that much more growth so right now the growth is 2 to one you know 66% commercial and then 33% residential and residential is still growing strong I there's a lot of good development going on now any other questions all right so so we need to make a decision on the tax rate here um I've given my recommendation but Mr chair did I ask you know Denise and Richard the chair what is uh your board's recommendation do you have one um we did we discussed it um we think that we're on a good path now to stay at this rate to shift where we're at and um I think it's done well since as I said I think it's a f FY 23 was our first year and um if you look at the the data behind that it's consistent so I think we all we all agree that Mike and Mike who was not here tonight for Tool but we all agreed that a good shift is where we're at so to remain where we're where we're at now yeah the 1.5 and 1.05 okay um okay thank you and just to let you know like um just like looking at other towns um and I'm on the board in my town as well um usually we need the shipped standard for a few years and every 5 to six years it's like a good time time you know depending on the town to maybe up it at that point but we've only been in this we say that third year so I think keeping it you know like the board said might be a good thing at this point it's it how I see it's on a upward trajectory and um you know when something's not broken you don't fix it in my opinion um and just as a matter of Point whatever shift either way would not increase any dollar amount of tax revenue it just shifts Revenue in between classes I just want to make that point too everybody that's watching if there is anybody that's correct absolutely people get confused by that they think that more tax revenue is going to come in it doesn't it's just shifting the goes from one hand to the other exactly that's right yeah just puts more burden on the the CIP thank you okay uh do we have any motions Mr chair Mr Rich uh I make it from the verbage me use motion to keep the tax rate as is I believe at 1.05 the CIP sorry I make a motion to maintain the 1.05% shift uh between the tax classes second that should be good yeah okay all in favor I hi opposed obain no okay all right that's five so and we need a couple others here too so y so the other couple things you need to do um so we have open space Norton doesn't have any open space because we have land preservation so you just have to vote on if you're going to accept that but we don't have any so I guess that would be St that we don't need it um and then the other thing is the small commercial exemption that is for um businesses that have I believe under 10 and but that doesn't go the credit does not go to the business it goes to the owner of the real estate so um you'd have to vote if you wanted to put that through and then the last one is um I I just want blank I'm sorry the residential ex yeah the residential exemption and that is for um usually that's for cities and you know Cape it's for um people who are God my mind's totally blank yeah y so yes it's to give the um relief to the taxpayers who um are in their principal residence Mr chair yeah Mr Senator I'm ready are you ready I'm ready let fire let's go let's go um I would like to make a motion to and because I think we should do this in the affirmative yes I'm going to make uh a a motion to um approve the residential exemption for fiscal year 2025 okay second all in favor I I opposed I I right did you understand the I I did yeah okay we are voting an I vote a yes vote would be to to say no to say no all right let's do that again I'd like to have a revote on that make a motion to have a revote I'd like to make a motion that we reconsidered that vote okay all right all right let's try that again yeah so it's it's going to be in the positive yeah that's why but it's an exemption exactly okay okay yes okay and we get that everybody at on can check zoom and we currently do not approve the residential exemption correct okay so wanted so a no vote would remain the same it would not change from last year if you uh yeah okay all right I'm trusting you guys cuz I think I know what you're saying all right here we go I'm going to remake that motion um to approve the residential exemption for fiscal year 2025 second okay all in favor opposed hi hi hi all right sorry oh yeah we got two more of these let's go thank you to the board for explaining that um okay government what are you going to do you know all right um let's uh um uh make another motion please uh Mr chair um to make another motion uh to um approve the small commercial exemption uh for fiscal year 2025 check no we don't so motion a second just to clarify a no vote will keep everything as is and a yes vote will change it to add this exemption okay so all in favor all opposed i i i Obion I okay um did we get to the open space discount yet we're waiting on that one okay um you want to do that all right let's do it okay all right uh I'd like to make a motion to um uh approve approve the uh open space discount for the fiscal year 2025 second okay motion a second and once again for clarification a no vote means it stays the same as last year where there is no open space discount because we don't have any open space and a yes vote will create that discount all in favor opposed I I I exensions all right there we go okay thank you thank you both thank you for all your workk thank you uh and just for safety we should probably close the public hearing Mr chair Mr SN um make a motion to close public hear second all in favor I opposed all all right thank you very much so where were we here um okay we're on number seven here number seven I believe sir oh yeah you know what let's go back to the spring annual time meetings we get some information on that thank you I have it here okay so it's in the bylaw uh 912 I believe town meeting warrants the board of selectman shall close the annual town meeting warrant at least 90 days prior to the annual town meeting so has to be at least 3 months that was a very good question though yeah yeah it it it does but that's we can put a warrant in to change that for this spring meeting let's not do that okay so if if we're okay with that date are we okay voting yeah so then I'll take a motion Mr J Mr mer I make a motion that we have the annual town meeting on May 19th at Norton High School and that we warrant articles be accepted no later than 400 p.m. on February 11th 2025 second okay all in favor I I I opposed extensions excellent okay now we are back to item number seven review and discuss and vote on the grants uh of easement regarding 51 to 55 West Main Street so this year um the notes I have on it is that they're not installing any new poles they're just seeking permission to string the wire that's to my understanding as well to here to the this building back at the water to the Old Highway B okay I think there's a map on there yep yeah oh I I think we have somebody from National Grid on Zoom is it Roman yes good evening everyone uh my name is AR from National b um just just want to give you overall what we are looking for uh we're looking for to provide our to install p fber into our mod station we could U enforce oury and and um for to to provide it you know tary to the to the our control center so we're looking from uh from you know from you guys from town of Northern um U approval to to cross VI I believe is a uh ENT uh uh from property conso on agent and I you I believe you have a Sil over there where we like to cross um uh your your driving uh fber optic table to the station excuse me sir Mr chair I'm having trouble under understanding what he's [Music] saying all right do we have a um we have the microphone right on there too do you want to do you want to try saying that again I'm sorry yeah I'm sure yeah sure sorry uh we are trying to to install fiber optic cable for National gr um to to on going problem to uh to increase vency of ouring infrastructure okay and install the fiber optic cable like to cross to cross a parking town of parking lot property okay did everybody get that thank you I'm sorry no it's not you it's us it's it's our set here okay anyone have questions I think it seems to me very straightforward so Mr chair I agree Mr Senator um I'd like to make a motion to um Grant uh easement regarding 51 to 55 West Main Street second okay all in favor I I oppos excellent thank you very thank you thank you appreciate have a okay uh next up we have a review and discuss a vote to approve appr a deed from Marland Vincent regarding a parcel of land located at zero rear Village Way um that's the assessor map 20 parcel 20 um we have John Thomas here is he on no John's there oh okay hi everybody hey John sorry um did anyone did everyone have a chance to review the the information I sent over to the town manager yes yeah we did okay so um did anyone have any questions pretty straight forward John from what I see yeah I I mean what I look at this property um if everyone saw the map that I put together it would provide us a very you know conglomerate continuous Connection in case of any sort of flood or Hazard um emergency for flood and that's part of our Hazard mitigation uh procedures as we kind of put that plan together in addition open space preservation we try to obtain lands like this um and it's a large chunk of land which I think would help us out immensely for the longterm investment for making sure that we can protect and preserve the flood windows and our wetlands and making sure that everything Flows In accordance and if we have any main maintenance issues we can um get on to the properties without having any sort of issues for private entry things of that nature so I think you know based on my you know evaluation with the um open space committee and also with the Conservation Commission they're on board with this so just looking for the select boards okay for approval for acceptance of this property all right um any questions folks Mr chair and Mr Senator I'd like to make a motion to ex uh vote to excuse me I'd like to make a motion to accept uh and approve uh the deed from Mary Ellen Vincent regarding a parcel of land located at zero rear Village Way assessor map 20 parcel 2-0 second okay all in favor I opposed excellent thank you John John okay next up we had on the agenda here is Premier fence um but we had an issue I guess the planning board denied the site plan on Tuesday so Alec you brought this up do you want to speak to or do you want to hold off um um it now that was the only reason uh I happen to be at the Traffic Safety Committee meeting and um it seemed like they had a clear path moving forward but don't have any of the details um so a waiting the decision okay all right now what everybody here has been waiting for all night is the 2025 license renewals Mr chair Mr ban before we do that um I have one other announcement that u i neglected to bring up from the uh Park and Recreation if you don't mind me ABS the way um so the uh festival of lights will be held uh December 8th on the town common at 5:00 p.m. there'll be live music cookies Coco Ur in tre lighting visit Santa craft performances and more um bring you letters for Santa as well um there is also a group outing being put on by the uh Park and Recreation Department to go to uh Providence Bruins and tickets are still available for November 30th and December 1st if you're interested in that and they're also having a cat drive for kids in families now through December 20th you can uh donate winter coats for children and adults at the Norton Town Hall Lobby thank you okay thank you Mr Mar and I think you're up next with these uh license renewals Kevin used to like to do them I just want to wish Mr marsan all the luck in the world reading all of these addresses just okay just in Advantage God so previously we we you would read them for the CV license and then we do one vote for all of those we don't have to do a vote for each one I can do the CV licenses okay okay here we go Mr chair Mr Maron I uh make a motion that we approve the uh common vular licenses for the following companies hang Corporation doing businesses is bagels and cream at 57 West Main Street Greatwood Donuts Incorporated doing businesses doing business as Dunkin Donuts at 175 Mansfield Avenue hayatt LLC doing businesses as Dunkin Donuts at 246 East Main Street Route 123 Donuts Incorporated doing business as Duncan Donuts at 420a Old Colony Road Express Pizza llc at 36 the Old Colony Road honeydew operations Incorporated doing business as honeydew Donuts at 61 West Main Street Sandy go LLC doing business as Main Street Pizzeria 630 63 East Main Street subject to paying outstanding taxes p& D Management LLC doing business as McDonald's at 175 Mansfield Avenue Norton House of pizza at 57 West Main Street ultimate Pizza Incorporated doing businesses Pizza Time 250 East Main Street raging masshole Pizza Incorporated doing businesses as Raging masso Pizza 194 South washing South W Street sorry Norton Subs Incorporated doing business as Subway at 130 Manfield Avenue Sheron mang gang LLC doing business as time for taii at 63 East Main Street UniFi Sky South C North Incorporated doing business as time travel cuisine at 175 Avenue Suite 4 front page all of these are uh subject to receipt of 304 CER ific at signed by the fire chief and the building inspector okay no so now we can we can have a motion for those I made that motion second okay sorry okay Motion in a second all in favor I I I opposed okay if you oppose you have to read them all over again we don't want to hear ring masshole anymore I'm look for that enough yeah twice in one sentence okay this is the same thing um Alex I don't mind read second okay rip um Mr chair Mr meren I make a motion that we approve the following class one class two and class three licenses for the following businesses do you need me to do those separately or can I do them together I believe we did them together last time so we can we should be able to do them together did we just say what class they are to read them yeah yeah um Edward fno doing business as Colonial Motors 380 Old Colony Road for a class 2 license Edward bro doing business as Ed's Auto Body and repair 16r samet Street subject to receipt of a $25,000 Bond and paying outstanding taxes for a class two ex exit leasing llc at 253 Mansfield Avenue for a class 2 Fleet first Incorporated 92a East Main Street for Class 2 Fogerty Enterprises at 97 Oak Street for class three John M Freeman and Dorothy a Freeman doing business as Freeman's garage at 29 Ford Road for a class two John M Freeman and Paul Freeman doing business as Freeman's garage at 29 for Road Ford Road for class three midro Collision Center Incorporated at 85 Mansfield Avenue for a class 2 quality Van Sales Incorporated at 349 Old Colony Road for a class [Music] one oh one second there's a correction for the first of class the class two license for John Freeman it should be John Freeman and Paul a Freeman U Paul Freeman John yes for the class it was a type of yeah it should be Mr chair I'd like to make the following change for the class two license for John M Freeman and Paul Freeman for doing business as Freeman's garage at 29 Ford Road for class two s that section subject I'm sorry these just for the restaurant licenses that's just for restaurant oh sorry apologies okay motion of a second all in favor I opposed sorry I you off okay uh all right perfect and then we have just a couple more couple more uh Mr chair Mr meron I make a motion that we approve the lodging house permit for the following businesses 8 Pine Street LLC Peter G Berg owner at 8 Pine Street lodging house and the north Cottage program Incorporated 69 East Main Street for lodging house and CV license second all in favor I Mr chair I make a motion that we approve the following tax and limousine license for the following business vital Voyage llc at 7 North Washington Street for a taxi license two vehicles second all in favor I I opposed okay that wasn't so thank you Roger for that I don't unless anybody has any other business that's not reasonably anticipated um Mr chair Mr Mary make a motion to adjourn not yet not yet so close so close um we have an update on the select board's time report do we need do we have any information on that or no it's coming from you guys oh it's coming from us okay we have to set don't we have to set a date for photographs and yes and we need the dedication as well as the report from the select board for the annual report okay um M jar Mr Maron do we have a deadline for that about a month ago yeah C so let's let's when do we have to have the picture know I don't have the top of my head but you did it earlier last year than I know I think we did in October last year so we should have already done it yeah Mr chair I just want to make sure we're all going to be here for it um nothing's probably going to happen between now and our next meeting so maybe we uh we have this discussion at the next meeting and we yeah go from there that works for me uh okay uh time in report he is not in tonight so um select would report in mail I know Roger had some items but we can bring them up next meeting y okay I approve the warrant as written and now Roger make a motion to adour second second all in favor I yell into that one more