##VIDEO ID:FFUB69UFF_o## y all right I guess we'll call the Mee to order um in the absence of new bishop myself pres so start with [Music] leaders leaders to the flag United States of America to The Republic which stands one nation indivisible and justice for all [Music] we got that who's there I don't think they meant to speak oh I make a motion to approve the minutes of August 13th 2024 minutes of the water F commission meeting second motion all in favor I I as well thank you br all right so looks like MLB Land Development will not be joining us evening over them and jump right into it there your way I'll touch on a few few things for the small amount of time that I've been here can fill in the gaps so he spend more time than I have I jump over to uh water main failures not sure if anybody uh here got the notices we tried to Target just specific areas that were affected by it but I know at the last meeting we had mentioned that the crews were out a couple weeks prior doing some repairs um the day after our meeting um we had a uh a failure of all places on East Hodes Street um you know we literally just got done putting some paint down over there and you know another section let go so replacing it can't go any quicker that was on 8:14 um that one took a little while it was a good length of a pipe that had let go and we were there pretty late into the night to get that repaired um then uh two days later on Clap Street we had another uh significant failure over there um that one actually shook the town up pretty good we cleaning up for for quite a while after that um chasing some uh some random air pockets that's made its way to a higher section I was going to ask where Clap Street you know where Norton Funeral Home is off of Taunton Avenue is 123 this is 140 here we got Barrel Street here which everybody pretty much familiar with Clap Street is this little Loop that goes here the memorial funeral home is on that that loot there so unfortunately that is another section of some pretty old pipe it's it's got multiple different sizes and materials there um the section that actually let go was a small section of of AC pipe that had failed um we did some flushing in the air or afterwards and uh like I said it took a while to clean up but uh eventually but uh with multiple pets out there we were able to get it clear um just before a couple fire pumps came scheduled and and shook up other areas of town again so it's it's never ending battle unfortunately once you have something like that takes a long time for the system to relax um so jump right into fire pump testing we actually have we can confirm we have five fire pump tests scheduled in the next two to three weeks already and uh we're working on two or three more so everybody tries to get their suppression testing done in the fall these are required test by law yeah um you know they're well aware that they they don't like asking us to do it we don't like performing them during our Peak demand which is the the summer months so when we start getting into September October they really try and push to get it done before the weather gets too cold to create issues on the other side so we work with them um we do have tchs out with every approved flushing sequence that we do um they not only they have to monitor the water flows that go through and record them but obviously to uh to make sure the water quality when the testing is done is is appropriate they will flush that area if necessary um the problem with these tests just like unfortunately with a water pipe failure is it can create disturbances in other areas of town so if any any Resident notices something that's out of the ordinary definitely call the office let us know where it is even if you leave a message we can we can investigate and address that area if it's something that was Disturbed you know two three streets over four five streets over you know we not aware of it if we're right at that initial location where it's clean so you know the residents letting us know is is our best cost for that um jump right into seasonal flushing uh we started the fall flushing program uh at night September 2nd the crews were out the first two nights we actually had multiple staff members out working in different groups um to perform the start of the the flushing program using our booster pumps so we were using the pumps at Cottage Street to push water across town through the bigger main the 16 in and through the 12 um moving heavy volumes of water in basically the reverse flow from what's normal flow for that area um scouring the pipes as best as possible um they were able to make it from Cottage Street to the water treatment facility um in that in those two nights so now the main trunk line being cleaned from the the primary sauce to the storage you know gives us huge benefits for what we can do working off of there uh trunk lines the side roads so crews are going to remain uh flushing at night just because it works best for everybody involved for the most part knock on wood there's lower impacts to the residents and to the customers because you're out during later later hours of the night when most people are sleeping makes sense um most businesses are closed um plus the traffic is less than half I me I don't Steve knows the problem with the traffic in town you know try dealing with that and putting you know thousands of gallon of water in the road it's a nice sunny day people don't expect that you know so we have be very cautious about where we we put the water um and where the water can actually go so that brings us to uh one of the questions that we actually had um besides just why do we flush at night is uh how come the hiding in front of my house has never been flushed well more than likely is because there's no drainage in the area you know we don't do every hydrant in town we typically alternate what hydrants we do each time we flush to make sure that they're all maintained and operational but uh more often than not we already know the area we know the problem areas and we know which grains work and which grains don't and for the majority of time we don't have drains that can take the volume of water that we want to put down you know far more than you would see in a regular thunderstorm or something like that um so there's there's even a few streets that we actually Skip and with the unilateral flushing program that we do which is isolating the gate valves we can go for longer periods of time at a higher volume of water and Skip those two or three hydrants or skip that street and pull it to the end where we know the water is able to go without creating any problems yeah so not that uh you know we purposely want to skip certain areas but sometimes we're forc and what are you missing in that you're only missing the from Over the height to the not the lateral yeah and typically what we do is if if at the end of the flushing program sometimes if we have a warm a warm you know spell before winter we'll go out we'll bur up each one of those laterals right relase every one of those hydrants paint them put flags on them you we do the full mainten on it so even though it may not be fully flushed we we make sure that the hydrant are operational and the biggest part before winter is make sure that they drain so we've had a few hydrants that over time you know if if they were flushed and it wasn't noticed and there's some debris that gets stuck in the valve those hydrants will fill up you know you're talking about the space that drains back down so freeze so now that hydrant will freeze in the winter time so we we go out we have a list of those as well before winter and uh you know the more time you spend with the hydrant the longer that list gets you do some repairs and you can narrow down the list and get them off um so there's there's always work to be done with this the system and you always find more when you do the flushing programs so but you know our biggest biggest question that we seem to get asked is how come that hydrant in front of my house isn't flushed and more than likely there's there's a good reason for it if it was out of service it would be bagged or be Tagged so you know make sure people are well well aware of that um I'll jump over to demand letters um I believe it was at the previous meeting that uh we had mentioned that notices were being sent out for any Resident with an outstanding water or sewer bill um basically reminding them of the deadline to make those bills current um as of today we still have 611 accounts that remain delinquent for FY 24 compared to the 1098 that actually received the letters in mid August so not a bad turnaround um residents still have uh until this Friday I believe that we said for this Friday um they can make payments here in person till 3:30 or they can go online and still make their payments till 1159 on Friday 9:13 if it rolls into September 14th they will um endure a $15 demand fee so definitely something you know it's uh sending the Letters Out know it's it's definitely more work for the office to send it up but obviously uh a simple reminder goes a long way for a lot of people and you know I know right colored notices are what everybody who who we've talked to seems to to Really uh thank us for you know not so much that they're making us making them pay the bill but that it prompted their attention so definitely is a good idea to put that out there do you have stuff our office staff does an excellent job getting those out lot of yes they do so we appreciate that want to the P yes uh um I don't I don't think so yeah I mean it's pretty good have a couple questions what do you got um we seem to be in the middle of the dro how's that affecting our UE and has not affected us as of yet I will say that the one ter look I mean it doesn't look good for rainfall over the next couple weeks I don't currently technically in about level it's not classified by uh by uh d as anything concerning yet if it goes and this week stays as warm as it's projected to um depending on when their recommendations come out and stuff um we could see something come up you know minor or moderate um but I don't think there's going to be anything drastic like we had seen years ago if you recall in January you had said so my amazement that it was predicted to be a drought this year whoever we used to make those predictions we're not paying them enough money it's pretty amazing that I mean we just came off the rainiest year ever to come up with the fact that we going have a drought this year still got a ways to go amazing the deficit is surprising to see how quickly it's going from Surplus to uh you know to the other way and imagine we monitor the wealth of they're all fine right yeah yeah yeah we prefer actually if the groundwater LS would continue to decline typically it it'll provide us with more filtration from the upper layers and usually indicates better water quality so it's perfectly fine with us if it goes down a little bit more you know we definitely don't want to go back into full drought status like we dealt with two years ago because that creates a whole another realm of issues but as of right now we're in good shape so um the water main break on Clap Street stre is you said really bad one is that somewhere in our schedule to replace believe it or not it has not been because it has not been a problem for as long as I can remember so we had issues with water flow down there but never pip failure um there was some concern when there was a Wheaten property that was down there oldh house ended up selling it was there was some talk that it may have ended up turning into some more dorms or something like that and we were hoping that then we could look at doing a water man Improvement because it would be required they ended up putting the solar farm in there so there was no need to upgrade any of the water that's down there um the problem with that street is the multiple types of pipe that are in the ground and the various sizes so uh Clap Street at 140 and Barrels in a section where if you come out to barrels you look straight across is AC pipe as it goes down there's an old hydrant on the right hand side that we had actually replaced um with the lack of records that we have we just going based on on a few rock wall pictures and stuff it transitions down to a 2-in pipe cast iron so we know that there isn't what going through that pipe and then as it rounds the corner Andes back out pass the the funeral home transitions back to cast iron pipe then to AC pipe again and then ties into the new main that was installed at the other side of Clap Street coming into 140 so it's definitely in need of replacement but it hasn't been problematic until just recently so it will be added to the list does CL Street have still no so on the the project and we're working on number thing what's what's next is that something that we decide as far as which street is next yeah what section of pipe are we going to talk to next and if we need to again I don't know what the pecking order whether or not it's changed at all or whether or not we should be Forward Thinking and you know my goal to get rid of every drop of this AC pipe in the town so with the last weight study that we had it was recommended that we could spend up to or approaching $2 million on improvements per year this was prior to co prior to all the rate increases prior to the the uh the supply and demand issues and everything being double what the price was back then so we have a a book that we worked with the engineers and came up with and kind of we called it the the water system master plan we identified multiple streets got the lengths sizes and everything and determined which ones based on basically pre break history problems complaints um should be listed as certain streets to get done first we've slowly clicked off a few of those as we moved into Co and we had some estimates we we quickly put a stop to it because now it was going to be a $ 1.5 million project was coming going to be closer to four yeah you know we decided we're going to wait so um the rate the current rate study is still in progress there's been a lot of delays with that so we don't have any actual numbers to know exactly where we are now all we know is what the cost per foot has gone up to for new materials and construction and everything so pending the outcome for the Elm Street project as the water main is going to be burdened by the rate payers um that's going to exceed the 2 million so any money that we may have saved by not building the previous year more than likely is going to come into that I don't remember the the estimated number was I'm thinking it was 24 or 25 for the water um so add that to our current borrowings you know and that that basically puts us on the hook for for one year's time um we definitely want to look at some of the smaller streets we've talked with with Tara a few about a few different other streets we you looked at and if this is going to be the new normal for the industry as far as what the pricing goes we're going to have to redo that map and come up with new cost analysis so we have something when we go to the capital committee and we say hey look this is the road we want to do it's 4500 linear uh square feet whatever it's going to be this do you support it do you not support it what's the rate going to be on borrowing that adding that to what we currently have now so there's a lot of logistics that go into it um not just picking well we got to do this street because not just that but you also have to factor in tank mixers and tank Replacements into that stuff too it's not just the improvements I understand that but it seems like that we should I mean we should decide what to do and then start the process because as we all know it takes so longan you will be starting something there we going to get to it right but again every time you talk about water main break the SE on each H Street we replacing is that correct correct but the one cl Street went not and and you all to to the fact that clust is just a mongr it is a 2in bam feeding a hydrant M well it's sandwich between two larger feeds so it's not the feeds where the hydrants connect are larger but to have that as maybe it was put in as a loop back in the day and that was a solution you know to getting a farm some water or something like that that there there had to be some thought that went into it to to take the time to excavate and put in something that small doesn't make a lot of sense so more than likely are there other areas in town that are other clap streets other ones that there are people similar problems with Sim issues uh Union Road right right up here okay so that goes it starts off as a 6 inch drops down to either a four or a two we don't have very good records on it again because of the age of it but indicated by the water flow that we get out of the last hydrant we know that there's a significant change somewhere in along that ways so is it this years pass the little things breaking and fix that and something breaks here fix that and typically records of it and all of a sudden you got yeah or if there was an extension somebody built a house and you know back in the good old days when everybody it was a handshake you know they'd come in with the back ho they'd extend a a water man or a water service you know 100 ft so that now that property has water well there were no rules and regulations that back in that time so it was whatever size you had you put in we have plenty of those right unfortunately multile multiple houses off for one feed you know all of that stuff really wasn't a big deal back then until now when it is so there's a lot of things that could be upgraded but again we just going to start we going to prioritize where the money gets spent obviously as as John had mentioned the air rers to help with the tthm issue um we're going to be looking at you know major changes that are going to be required coming up for for p at all of our wells that's good point place a lot of that actual the environmental stuff is going to happen take Center agage unfortunately and except for when it's a problem pipe AC if it's okay it's okay right but like East hod Street kept getting worse and worse then it gets weaker you know like young a is something we've talked about moving up on purpose yeah so the biggest limit I think is going to be how the posos era is funded if there are grants available if there are low interest loans better than what we can get now that's going to offset you know a lot of the concern that we have as far as for spending or dwindling down our retained earnings too low um you know as far as still being able to do other projects and I would have to assume you know I know there's some litigation out there that we we're a part of I don't anticipate seeing much money coming from that it's just something we had to joins we'd be foolish if we didn't but hopefully the government steps in and helps out communities towns cities that have to deal with this problem that's not even something that we generated they prob will because it's something they generated they want to happen so so I have two other questions um on a story I know Rand where you facted out a stamp pipe to make in inspected the amount of siment that are in the storage bike is that to intend constantly we have a set schedule that we work with and is this set in the it has drastically improved since the treatment facility went online which has saved us thousands of dollars every time we have the tanks cleaned because before the company that we'd use um we use physical divers that go in we don't use rovs and you would pay a base rate just to get them out for the day or or whatever it was and then you'd pay extra per inch and we used to take feet out of the elevated tanks at any given time and how long was it that that would accumulate with within a year a year and a half yeah um you know the ground storage tanks we get a little bit more sediment in because sometimes we use them after unfortunately a pipe FAA to have a place to discharge the water that we're not wasting the water so there's only so much flushing you can do before you're going to run out of water so you have to you know be wise grinded and put it somewhere where it's going to actually act as a settling Basin so if we can put it to a ground storage facility let that settle out for a week or so you know any of the you know debris whatever you want to call it minerals is going to settle to the bottom of that tank it's not going to be disturbed when you use that tank again so you know we've used that to our benefits when possible instead of wasting all the water so but you pay for it I mean next time you have the tank cleaning come in you know you to pay to remove it so so they basically just dive down with like a vacuum big vacuum hose or whatever and Y St at all it yeah they do structural analysis inside and external and they give us they give us printed reports and stuff so I was down at capard Canal today and they were painting the water tank nice next to the canal I don't know how high it is it's probably a couple hundred feet high with a men lift up I'm tell you it was a great job to have not my job great view I'm telling you it's pretty unbelievable should take pict on the Hy we talked about sometime back ago that private hydrants we was in the charge of is that part of the r study it will be added in as additional Revenue yeah and let's take red we have probably 25 are those periodically opened and flushed those are flushed all private hydrants when accessible are actually utilized during our flushing program so if they need maintenance is that done by you guys no if it need maintenance would you notify all right um I we have a a list of a map of of hydrants and a listing I'm to you to see file all right just make sure we're on the same page we I'm just curious all I have at the moment yeah we've uh We've run into that numerous times where we've uh we' flushed a hydren or we went to flush a hydrant we couldn't get a cap off we couldn't get it to open or it was leaking by you know we will bag it we will notify the fire department if it's necessary to take it out of service and then notify uh somebody if we have somebody here that is up to date so we've had uh a few instances where the people that we have on file no longer are the management company so that does happen but with other resources in town going through the fire department or the tax collectors typically we've always been able to find somebody um and notify them more than likely it takes longer for them to do the repair than it would us but you know according to what we've been told in the past we're not allowed to dig or operate oniv property we could hire do that for the most part you know most of the hydrants operate great you know they're not that old um has fire Hydra technology changed over years or was it more or less the same thing that's always been in they're very similar to what they originally were the Improv they're not super complicated right no the improvements that have come out is with the Coatings so a lot of stuff um is uh is either powder coated or epoxy coated now so it lasts a lot longer and a few of the hydrant stuff that we implemented a requirement a few years back are to have stainless steel internal components the stem the nuts and the external bolts because it seemed like most of our failure points because of the groundwater fluctuation here in town were actually from the seat rotting away that's interesting and the seat and the stem being steel and up against brass and then water you had some dissimilar metal corrosion um and uh there were some hydrants that really weren't that old but you couldn't take them apart anymore right because everything froze together down at the base so unfortunately though those were pulled out replaced with newer ones the upper units were kept for for spare parts but that's a lot of money to throw away you know just because they're not cheap no so so our standard requirement is to have in stainless steel internal components and uh and the external bolts um the bolts became an issue actually on some of the main roads because of the high salt content that the state puts down so we've gone out and and look at you know a few of the hydrants and a lot of times you can't even get a wrench on the bolt there just there's just nothing left to it yeah yeah so you know not not something you'd be comfortable flowing 1,500 gallons a minute out of no holding it together anymore so we've we've made our own modifications to them by doing those um the stainless steel Breakaway bolts and stuff yeah awes but now we're it's a it's a standard order item it really helps us out nice move on all wants to go first sah you hear us I think she's playing along she's m hello how's everybody doing tonight good how are you doing great thank you all right I'll do a quick summary here um we have obviously the construction unfortunate that we had a little break over at East Hodges I know the one Department already mentioned that Frank talked about that our contractor put up the erosion control measures and we're going to be starting actual construction next week so that's a all good new um I did also want to state that um I think uh a little bit more comments on the master plan I mean we we do reevaluate that list Contin ously with with Frank and this the south wester Street and East H Street was the big project that we opted to put up over the last year but yeah as as mentioned the storage tank replacement also C Street elevated storage tank replacement is going to be a big uh big cost for the distribution system and we also have the the Iration projects that are that are currently appropriated for money so they're they're there is a lot of money being spent um and then once we kind of get some of the critical infrastructure up we're going to be moving back over to some of the water Ms but keos is kind of the big big uh term right now so this that's another critical path too um so speaking about the Iration system that went over to uh the permitting for Mass dup once that's approved we'll wrap up the design for that and get it out on the street bidding our hope is that that'll be received kind of in the next few weeks and hopefully in the next month or so we'll be finalizing the plans and specs getting them over to ank and John make sure everything looks good and going after a bit so that's all positive news on that end um I know I think I saw Ryan in the corner there so I'm sure he'll talk about on the street so I'll leave him to talk about that um we do have a draft contract that I want to just review with with Frank and John before we send it over to everybody else on the call but we talked about this a couple months back as far as putting together the PS Alternatives analysis and what we decided to do is also include additional work and water quality analysis at the treatment plant under that contract and then we also talked about evaluating Wells one and two as far as the infrastructure potential pering requirements and cost constraints and taking a look at that evaluation as far as whether or not we want to replace well one if we want to try to reactivate well two and where potential is also we looked into developing a well field across those parel so um there is some limited space out there there is some concerns with the Zone one around radius around the well so Central wellfield might be another alternate to alter there so we've included that all into one contract at this point I know Ben Rollins was talking to think a little bit about unidirectional FL taking a look at that I'm pretty sure we want to keep that as a separate contract but as it does you know include some of the thms and water quality that's another option to add into this contract so we've got a draft I'm going to send over this week to Frank and John and we'll probably set up a call to to discuss that and have that ready for the next meeting for Comm just to review so that's where we're at on that level um and then the other uh other topic really um kind of discuss is really you know the well for replacement work we're waiting for our driller to kind of continue working out there and getting that up and running but that's that's obviously in the works as well so um I think you know there's there's a lot of projects out there the good news is that southwester SES is being funded by arpa the um well for replacement is funded through the aen class special grant funding and we actually do did move forward with that uh a little bit further we have a Draft application in and it sounds like EPA says it's looking good so those are all U good things that's happened in the last month or so and I'll open up to questions because I know I just kind of talk pretty fast to those okay that's all good stuff so Tera John Frank what about the copper level copper lead inventory thingy that we're supposed to be doing yeah Tara and um I and I can't remember the other lady's name Tara um yeah so we we've been working on that I've um I had our guys combing through our record is basically trying to you know eliminate anything we have on paper saying it's not lead or lead service line um and thankfully there's a date is it 1986 Tera I believe coming to mind um and if it's built before uh after that you can kind of safely at least estimate it as not being led so you know the anything we don't know we can we can report it as unknown for now but we're chipping away at it so yeah there aine what yeah so the inventory even with the unknowns is due I want to say the middle or end of October October 16 yeah so um but uh I think it's it's either five or 10 years after that they want everything uh inventor confirmed yeah confirmed so um we'll get there anybody figured out how to do that yet well yeah figure it out yeah you got to dig I mean a lot of it basically all new main Replacements and stuff like that will help dwindle that number down but it's really the the you know if you have um you don't have to dig if you have like paper or records that shows that counts prove it somehow yeah but you need to prove it somehow so we do have digging in our future but hopefully not that much okay the digging combined with the main replacements in the Aging areas usually going to correlate with the same areas that would have um the concerned exactly like goose snaks and iron pipe services so it's kind of all going to go hand in hand no I understand that up you know I have to report it somehow oh it's a huge process countries do October 16th right is that correct the initial one yeah yeah so I don't know how many people are working this who actually look at this data but it should be pretty interested to figure out how what they're going to do with it all yes yes I agree so I met with Jake Austin um um I didn't meet with him he was not available I met with a deputy person but I thanked him on our behalf about about our funding program encourage him to get us more money but anyway it was you know we we spoke about B and his article about past treatment that brought me to the meeting in the first place what he's looking for is they the remember you talked about certain treatment processes to treat Pest and I guess I misinterpreted the article but he's basically saying is he doesn't want to really he wants to destroy it to makes he doesn't want it to be necessarily used activated carabin to treat past but they want to basically destroy it yeah so it doesn't just get environment completely and not caught in um the activated Caron which has to be then treated in order to so that's what he was really encouraging us to look at just let you know so he wants to destroy it in situe rather than pull it out and destroy it right and I guess there a way of doing that but I don't really know if this it's really imple implementable at this moment in time okay they're right in the checks I'm all for it well it's just something to you know to think about because it's you know again if we follow his lead and you know we get funding from him that' be great so that was my meeting you go to that meeting expecting that it was going to be with him I was told it wasn't going to be with him excuse but now for deput right uh Tara are you all set yep unless uh there's any more questions almost up thank you you need anything from us I don't think so yet we'll be having pay estimates soon probably next month so all right you're up you updates on the SE project we got going on some of the other ones uh cop Street phase two the wet well improvements the work is complete um the contractor has submitted their second pay estimate um which comes out to about 21, 99375 um it doesn't include release of retainage which I'm assuming will be on the next one there is also a pending change order that they're going put the perath installation they're still working out the numbers so that final pay app will include that pending CH order plus chage so I have this right here the vote for authorization trying to execute so the the work is essentially done correct and everything is I imagine to our satisfaction yes uh so I make a motion to approve payment estimate number two for the CB Street Pump Station improvements project phase two uh for $2,993 75 for [Music] ourco building system Inc I will second that motion all in favor I I am I as well passes thank you that's signature yes correct fin you get nothing it I think Steve touched on the Holly Road know generated last um at the last meeting um that project done final pay approved to so that gets us into the Elm Street sewer project Elm Street sewer extension and water man improvements project um we're currently on the fall town meeting on that article we submitted we submitted two articles um but we only have one that's actually on the loan first time meeting article is for the 4 8.6 for the water and sewer uh and the second article which is not on the warrant is just for the $6 million which includes the water the pum station at the read property and then it and that's as we submitted both of them they said that was something that could be entertained the town before it's necessary so we'll proceed forward with the $8.6 million article if it gets to it the second would be the amendment to make or that's just it's just it's a secondary article back up so um and they said it could be edeting FL um so we believe the town meeting is October 21st I don't know if that's been confirmed just the heads up Steve is obviously you'll be he likes the point smart so with that um we are proceeding forward with the the on the project um advance of the time meeting so we can actually get actual bids in hand with continency ver what our estimat is going to be um the central register advertisement is going to appear tomorrow so we're actually finalizing doing final tweaks on the plans ins specs right now um we can get you guys physical copies by the end of the week they'll be on the they'll be on it's ACC and printing will have it digitally so um Steve had Steve Peterson had emailed about the Sun Chronicle com advertisement um I'm not sure if that was taken care of I actually don't think I saw that I saw about the central register but I don't remember see anything about the Sun Chronicle and comai so I'll have to double check R yeah it's it's no rush but it's probably some get sou um and with it being advertised tomorrow with it appearing in the cental register tomorrow that leads us with a 4-we bid period bid opening is going to be on October 8th 2024 which is a Tuesday and Steve actually planned it out so that it would be the same day as the October commission meeting because that's Tuesday in October so it'll allow conversation that at that me as the BS come in and as we analyze them so we're still doing public Outreach uh for the project u pa just sty from the working group that had met on August 7th I think Steve had talked about that the last meeting the biggest General consensus out of that meeting was the time requirements I kind of hung up on hanging up on that being you know preventing the approval and stuff so the time requirements tie in the time the requirement to tie in um and so it's that's the biggest thing that's hang up on the approval um we did put suggested language together for a revision but it's you know we're not going to approach that at this time so uh there does need to be a followup meeting I think Paul be's kind of running with that that group he's coordinated everything last time um but that's probably something that needs to happen prior to the the public meeting so we can coordinate with Paul and fig out when that's going to be when is the public meeting so myself that so the public the final public meeting that we're having um is on September 25 so we had sent out flyers similar to what we did for the first two public meetings um we sent out flyers to all the residents just inform me that the final public meeting is going to happen at the second public meeting that we had in May uh that's one we we advised that informed everybody that we Tak our off of the springtime meeting article and that we were planning to submit for the fall time meeting article and one of the requests was that we had another meeting prior to that fall meeting article so um it's scheduled like I said for September 25th uh yeah it's at 6:30 pm at the library so it's that'll be a very big meeting um we need to strategize the approach for it um probably send a lot more emails coordinating everything just to make sure you know we have everybody there that's present I assume it's going to be similar to what we did from the the last it's not a zoom meeting right it will be a zoom meeting yeah we're g to try and have it as a zo okay will the library library no it'll be at the library and end will be bya Zoom so um but yeah it's essentially our you know last effort to try and answer as many questions prior to the town meeting so that you know we're avoiding any discussion to for which is inevitable unfortunately but you know we'll try our best to we're finalizing the presentation right now um you know we try and make it as informational as possible um obviously we need to get good attendance for it so I assume we can yeah hopefully get a lot of people well with the direct mails to the residence you'll get yeah say they'll show up yeah I think so don't we have um be before the town meeting do we need to get the finance committee to approve this so I guess that is on I guess there's a f we should have finance committee meeting before timeing that is correct I mean I don't care about the selectman per se right we really need finp typically articles that are supported by either or both are you know typically go smoother right so I mean the good news was the select several of the select M was of the last meeting meeting coordination meeting but the issue about when to tie in needs to be a warrant article they got make changes since it's a town meeting it's a town regulation so it would have to be right you can't like make some kind of goofy motion from the floor to bring something up like that that isn't going think so I don't think so I we can make a whole another subject of I don't think it works out order yeah unless you make an amendment onto the money article but that's Mi money to policy attorney general go for that yeah the secondary article just strictly related to the actual first article that we're presenting the changing of the actual time something completely different that's a bylaw too right right so can you you can't vote money with a promise that the B is going to change that wouldn't work either right okay well we've given it the best effort possible there's not much more we can do I mean I I've been um agonizing over this but I I agreed to the other day that you give it the old College Tri so of f what else you supposed to do that's all you have Ian I think we done anything right right agree I mean we're doing what we feel is and it's really I mean if people can just project themselves into the future that this project is so important to the town yeah it's I know Paul was going to meet with the developer um I know if he met in August he was going to because I met with him a separate yeah yeah he mik met with the developer and I think her name is and brendley met with her um and they had they're gonna attend the public meeting on the 25th as well so that' be good I mean that everybody wanted find contract they're going to do their project I don't think they're going to get it I don't think they're going to get even a verbal I don't think they got anything close to a guarantee or notice of intent but Paul said they are more than one person interested I don't know if that might be accurate but I mean they're out develop yeah people do this uh environment to clean up stuff brownfields all the time so I mean there is the lower interest rates maybe we would TR interest I would think I will plan on being there for any meetings you have schedule okay yeah final public meetings on the 20 Pi so bring my library cut but yeah there's still plenty of coordination that need to happen regarding all me is prior to the town meeting article so you know using finance committee meeting Bo meeting financing work session potentially to um St it suggested maybe October 14th after the bid opening before the town meeting um so it's yeah to me the most important meeting based on my experience getting approv with fin so that financing work session will definitely it's import it's definitely important to have so we'll coordinate that I me town meeting is important don't get me wrong but if you don't llo the finance committee yeah this is about money exactly it would help to have the select Wars too I think obviously we've had a split in the past that hasn't gone our way that for the bylaw for tying into sewer byw tying sewer okay that was it was yeah that approv butel Finance denies to recommend it and the recommended um yeah I don't mean to sound like a Debbie Downer but I don't see us getting select board approv a select board recommendation if you know there's at least one if not two finance committee members on the working group and if they're very gung-ho about the Tiant requirement being changed and they were not the most vocal opposition on the select board so I don't know as I said we can only do it so much yeah it's really the leaders of this community that should be leading nothing much more we can do we can only bring it to to their unfortunately but up up we would we would vot the article and build fin members as far as um they shouldn't really even take that into consideration the tie-in time and all that the requirement to tie-in I don't it's it's almost like the the Manfield ad project where you know they cited the uh conservation issues it's not really I'm not 100% sure what their purview is even considered I don't know well it's unusual in this town that that the finance committee approves every single warrant AIT whereas most towns they only deal a financial warrant article having to do with money and the other ones have been approved by other respective boards that's normally how it's done in other communities that I've been experienced with so you know it's it's kind of like but again that's what the policy is going to tell changes but again when you're when you're in a leadership position you should be leading and looking at the the betterment of of the community like we're looking at and you know you know I tell people and nothing we as water commissions have absolutely no skin the G the thing we just acting on the on the best behalf of the community that's the way it should be for all on all right then so again you know I think you're doing a great job again we just have to convey try to convince people that it's the right thing to do yeah and the fact if we don't proceed with it I'm not so sure how we're going to find anything moving forward any Capital project um you know you you you kind of Turn Down free money you're probably the bottom of the list for our future Grant I mean it's it it's the time meaning article i' it's not approved it's turned down down the secondary article essentially will it'll say all right you know this project is going to go through but there's going to be a pump station put the water in build the forest M you're not going to be able to cut and connect system fails your septic system fails you're going to have to repair it that so so that secondary article we should have make sure that it's written correctly so that we can and have it prepared so we can submit it to the town CL ahead of the vot article writing before you make the motion I know it has to be in writing I don't know that's the exact procedure for before you make the motion you have to have a copy of the motion that you're making you have to have you're making it from the floor a Moder the town meeting before you're making it you do it ahead of time yeah you got have it ahead of time yeah because they have to make sure it's in the proper form and it's been vetted by them already we we just have to have you know a paragraph So that either whoever is making it we have to decide can't make it but we would have that has yet to still be determined I know there was some discussion about it if it looks like it's going to go that way as far as you talking pass no no no if we going make an amendment on the more oh okay okay if we had discussion that's negative then we would have to decide what how to proceed making an amendment to actually just but we would have to make that motion but it would have to be already in writing so submitted to the to so would we be amending the full 8.6 to the 6 million it's not a totally separate article we can do well if it ends up going that route and that's what happens at least we're taking advantage of the $35 million rent and that's not going to affect the adversely going forward on that end you know that's important basically the backup plan yeah that's the not a preferred plan but it gets the reiding property hopefully developed yeah yeah and it keeps us in good with people giving away [Music] money water unfortunately was kicked the kick the bucket down the road um I know Board of Health was was pretty uh adamant that they would like to see the potential for a future connection to the town hall complex and obviously to the library if at some point they know those systems are going to wear out and fail you know they'd only be able to connect if that was a gravity sewer the only other backup option that you'd have which is going to be uh far more cost would be that another Pump Station would need to be built at the Town Hall yeah pick up the library pick up the town hall buildings and that would be a would be tied into the Force main but now you'd have to link and sequence the pumps from both stations so they at the same time they have to be alternating pumps so far more expensive far more involved but if that's what the town is going to choose to do that'll be addressed in the future and all that cost be borne by the town so yeah the smartest thing for everybody would be the the whole je I think but I guess we'll we'll see people have their V I guess hope the final public we'll convey this information that understand it so it thank you um anybody got anything unanticipated I don't think so other than I'm on the road next couple weeks so if you could do the Bills in two weeks J needs it just let me know I'll I don't if it's that week or the week after but all right then nobody has anything I think we're done right see motion toour I second that motion all in favor I as well thank you everybody