on everybody please stand for the flag salute Allegiance naice Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday February 6 2024 the time is now 7 p.m. pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice that this meeting was published in December 7th 2023 is isues of the Nutley Sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly present commissioner Evans here commissioner Petco here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here all present mayor thank you madam clerk we're going to uh skip around the agenda tonight we have some special guests here so we're going to put them at the beginning of our meeting uh and at the very beginning we're going to we have the pleasure of having our new assembly team here tonight so we have assemblyman Michael benia and assemblywoman car Morales assembly men assembly woman well welcome to null and we look forward to working with you thank you so much good evening everyone it is my pleasure thank you mayor thank you Commissioners for having us here this evening it was very important for us to be present and to show our face to let you all know that we stand behind Nutley down in the state house um I am an educator um I used to be a preschool teacher kindergarten teacher vice principal principal currently director of curriculum instruction at the SS County schools of Technology we accept students from all over essis County including Nutley and I can say that we are one of the best schools in the state in the county so again um I sit on the educ ation committee down in the state house as well as the Commerce Economic Development and agriculture committee down in the state house so anything that you all need please reach out to my office we are in Franklin uh 152 Franklin Street in Belleville I live in Belleville New Jersey which is right next door and it is my pleasure just to be here this evening introduce myself thank you thank you good evening and uh thanks mayor thanks Commissioners for having me here tonight um it's a pleasure uh you know I am a I'm a balloon field guy but I won't let the Rivalry with Bloomfield and Nutley get in the way now that I'm serving Nutley as well um my wife is from Nutley so I get uh that and my in-law is still live here but uh I'm very excited uh to be here to be serving Nutley in the 34th District right now I'm actually uh working out of the uh bille office with Carmen um before my official office gets uh open um but if anybody needs to reach me um my email address is ASM Venia nj.org um but I'm very excited to be uh here I'm serving on the budget and Judiciary Committee down in Trenton so but we're here for nutly whatever you guys need and uh I look forward to the next two years and hopefully a lot longer than that so thank you and have a good night thank you well thank you for being here this evening uh it's a pleasure meeting you not that we haven't met before and not that I don't know you for many many years um but we welcome you here to Nutley we look forward to working with you uh I'm sure we'll have a lot of issues uh that we'll be addressing that you can help us with and uh I'm sure we're going to have a great old time thank you so much we spoke before the meeting I'll just Echo uh commissioner Tucci and just add my own uh one congratulations to both of you uh it seems like you're sitting on committees that are very important and also very important for Nutley specifically given all the challenges that we face so uh I will just Advance commissioner Tucci's comment to say we will definitely be in touch okay glad you're here thank you I just like to also congratulate both of you I know both of you and I'm sure you'll do a great job for everyone you represent and especially or nutly resident so welcome aboard thank you again I'd like to Echo everyone's sentiments already expressed and I like to to thank you guys for taking the step and coming here and introducing yourselves and I'm looking forward to the working relationship that we're going to have in the future going forward thank you Assembly women assembly men thank you very much for coming tonight we uh don't want to hold you up we know you have other places you have to be but we do appreciate you being here tonight so thank you very much and so uh to further skip around I'm going to turn it over to commissioner who has some other special guests yes thank you mayor thank you so much this evening uh on behalf of the Nutley Board of Commissioners I have the pleasure of uh offering a resolution hi Mo uh recognizing all of our honores uh for the 2024 uh Nutley St Patrick's Day Parade uh but before I get into that I'd like to tell everyone who doesn't already know I see our president's on the le- hand side smiling back to here behind Frank uh the nutly Irish American Association is one of the Premier organizations not only in the township of Nutley but in the state of New Jersey all right so before I go any further what I'd like to do is recognize all of the officers because the countless hours that you folks put in and the dedication and commitment that you have to this Township and to others outside this Township that need help it is so unbelievable that people need to know who the people people are that are steering this ship first I'd like to introduce our president Deedra Hollywood D's on the left our vice president Shane mcclafferty is Shane here sure he's here in spirit legal council one of the classiest guys in the entire Township and not with Frank C Mater uh the treasurer Brenda Sherman Brenda's no met No Ex stranger to any of us here corresponding secretary Colleen neelson recording secretary Ellen Bennett she's actually here our chaplain Father Tom and all of that's Round of Applause I'm sure he'll hear about this and all of the trustees um some of the great things that this organization does in addition to the one of the best parades in the in the entire country all right are they provide scholarships all right to school seniors nutly High School seniors and last year alone donated $111,000 uh to worthy recipients they were they're absolutely involved right from the beginning in our Rally For Hope which was formerly the Relay for Life and they're they continued to participate under the banner of the greater Nutley Cancer Foundation and we thank you for that another outstanding organization nutly VFW they are totally involved in everything that goes on there and everything supporting veterans Nutley Family Service Bureau the food bank the Nutley Chamber of Commerce St Mary's Church other nutly organizations because they have no Rivals all right they are in sync with each and every organization in this Township and look to help everyone the nutly music boosters the nutly theatrical Society project graduations Irish organizations again throughout the state of New Jersey and they also support the New Jersey Irish Festival so this is not a group that is very parochial and is centered just on Nutley Nutley is absolutely their priority but the things that they do reach far far beyond nutly so having said that and giving you a flavor of what this group and what the people involved in it are all about I offer this resolution on behalf of the entire Board of Commissioners whereas on Saturday March 7 2024 the Nutley Irish American Association held its 40 will will H its 45th annual St Patrick's Day Parade to celebrate the legend and Spirit of St Patrick which is a fun-filled good old-fashioned parade and promotes an atmosphere of benevolence friendship and Community Spirit whereas St Patrick's Day honors the cultural traditions of the Irish but also the historic American commitment to embrace the multifaceted traditions of all immigrant immigrant people who have come to our Shores whereas the nutly Irish American Association celebrated its annual St Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshall dinner on Saturday February 3rd 2024 at The Brownstone in Patterson New Jersey and whereas this year's outstanding Grand Marshal is detective Captain Robert Irwin Rob please stand up our Deputy Grand Marshall who I have coined Irish royalty Moren callaham please stand Moren our parade Queen Tara Katherine Reed than you made it back from California Our member of the Year barbar o howerin and our firefighter of the Year Lieutenant Gabriel Miller now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township of Nutley and the county of esis state of New Jersey join with the the citizens of Nutley to salute and congratulate the honores as they are here this evening I so proudly move this resolution second commissioner Kelly I'm gonna vote I but before I do I do want to say a few words uh I a proud member of the nutly Irish American organization and I'm proud not only because of the hard work that the the officers do as commissioner Tui described but I'm Proud by the the Slate of dignitaries that that they put forth uh Lieutenant Miller uh and Captain Irwin you guys are First Responders and you guys get paid for not for what you do but for what you're willing to do and you're are great examples of and representing the fire department and and police force and uh we can't thank you enough and you are great examples to be leading our parade uh T tar Reed like I I told you on Saturday uh your resume is extremely impressive and you put all five of us on this this day as to shame with your resume uh and you're you're another uh fine example of Irish heritage and then Barbara I think you being selected as member of the year in front of this entire great organization which is so great is just a testament to just how great you are that you are selected from among the many great members to to be the member of the year and so uh you do so much work for the community in terms of uh raising money for cancer and everything uh there there just cannot be enough said about you uh and the work you do both within and without the organization and and and lastly uh well not lastly I have two grand Marshals uh Moren uh your your your resume is equally impressive as everyone uh that I just mentioned and and your work with special needs individuals uh cannot be understated uh that's a a a group that needs adequacy and it needs people like you who who it's a labor of love who who care for them and provide for them uh and lastly uh our Grand Marshall uh I am looking forward to you leading us down the avenue on on March 2nd for the uh St Patrick's Day Parade uh and I tell everyone the the Christmas day of the St Patrick's Day season is the nutly St Patrick's Day Parade but the Christmas Eve is the pub crawl the weekend before so I'm looking forward to having a drink with you and and all the dignitaries on the the pub crawl so I proudly vote I commissioner Evans thank you I also think that commissioner Kelly has a green suit that could be rented for the event did that thing um I definitely vote a vote I uh just add um to the comments and you're going to hear a lot um but um instead of speaking to you individually because you're all accomplished and you all should be very very proud um I think what's important about all of this tonight uh and and it's important because uh the the type of community nly needs to be needs to remain and actually needs to become is renew Ed by your efforts of organizations like your like yours uh so you are part of the fabric of the community and I encourage you strongly to continue to do what you do so well uh because it's an extension actually of what I believe would be the desire of of the entire Board of Commissioners is that that we're United as in effect as one uh to uh continue to re uh protect our town to uh contribute to its success to build on its future and recognize that we Face many challenges and opportunities but organizations like yours give me a lot of faith that we as a community will not just survive but we will rise and so I congratulate all of you uh and I look forward to the parade um I'm not sure I can keep up with you on the on the pub thing but I'll try again I vote I commissioner bco yes I I vote I too I'd like to congratulate everyone all so it's great to um honor people from Public Safety too Rob was an unbelievable police officer um dear friend and you know you could pick a better person to to lead the parade gab Miller you know coming up I don't even know how long you've been there gab five years but to make the rank of Lieutenant already you know a St employee to everybody else you know like John said your resume speak for yourself so I like to congratulate you I like to say that it's my favorite day of the year to parade I've learned to do one thing always is to make sure I get a ride down here and a ride back because after doing these crawls and drinking all day it's really a celebration that's second to none and nutly so I congratulate to nutly Irish on out a great parade somehow no matter what through all the years if we have snowstorms three days before the mayor gets those roads cleaned up and for some some odd reason like they say the Sun Shines on the Irish that day so congratulations to all of you was that I I thank you commissioner Tui I'm not gonna say anymore I think I've said enough between uh my comments at the at the dinner which was outstanding once again and my comments this evening just a great organization I'm very proud to be a member I'm very proud that you accepted me as one of your own and I hope to do this with you for many many more years congratulations I mayor scarelli congratulations to all the honores the trustees and the all the officers you guys put on a great event the other night we look forward to having a great parade and uh I'm going to follow commissioner Peto around the after the parade so you all have a great time and thank you and congratul for everything you do would all the honores like to please come up for a picture care here a conratulations [Applause] congratulations everybody you we'll give you a couple minutes unless you want to stick around and be bored for another hour oh play tomorrow that was thank you a couple minutes and we're GNA move the minutes minutes minutes so she comes back about clerk you want to move on to minutes uh yes uh thank you mayor we have uh Board of commissioner meeting minutes for January 2nd 2024 need a motion move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi Communications Madam clerk uh thank you Council can I read all of them together yes okay uh we have uh three applications for a social Affair permit uh the first one is the nutly Els Lodge for St Patrick's St parade celebration for Saturday March 2nd from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. at 2:42 Chestnut Street now the Irish American Alliance uh St Patrick's Day Parade celebration Saturday March 2nd 2024 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. location is 44 Park Avenue uh and the third one uh application for social Affair is the Van Riper house it is their third annual lawn party fundraiser on Saturday April 20th 2024 from 12:00 P.M to 5: P p.m. with a rain date of Saturday April 27th um and their location is 491 River Road uh the rest of the communications are for for uh the first one is lunawood fire Tavern uh submitted an application for an excession of premises for their St Patrick's Day event scheduled for Saturday March 2nd 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. at 2:23 Franklin Avenue uh the not the Irish American Alliance has submitted an event application to hold her 45th St Patrick's Day Parade along Franklin Avenue between Harrison Street and Chestnut Street on Saturday March 2nd 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to to 3 p.m. uh the Van Riper house has submitted an event application to hold a lawn party fundraiser on Saturday April 20th 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Fort 991 River Road with the rain date of Saturday April 27th the nutly Chamber of Commerce has submitted an event application for their 24th annual nutly 5K run and walk scheduled for Saturday May sorry Sunday May 5th uh from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. starting in finishing at the Nutley High School Park oval commissioner Tui has submitted an event application for a street concert to take place on Franklin Avenue between Chestnut Street and William Street on Thursday June 27th from 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. nle Belleville Columbus State and Italian Heritage Month parade committee has submitted a letter requesting permission to hold a raffle on Sunday March 3rd 2024 at 44 Park Avenue between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 6: p.m. and and holy family church has submitted an event application to hold a Palm Sunday religious procession from uh 174 Franklin Avenue to 28 Brookline Avenue on Sunday March 24th 2024 from 11:20 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. move all of them second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi uh reports commissioner Evans thank you mayor I have a code enforcement report for the fourth quarter 2023 and the annual report for revenue and finance commissioner Tui yes thank you mayor iatry report for the month of January 2024 move on to bills Madam cler thank you Mayor Bill list for February 6 2024 public affairs 81,0 revenue and finance 7,9 $ 64728 Public Safety $23,170 Public Works zero parks and public property $738,000 12 water utility $336,600 31 payroll as of January 19 2024 regular payroll total 1,127 46279 overtime payroll total $ 66,1 c046 total payroll 1,935 n325 for a grant total of 9,978 6511 move the Bills second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi that's it for bills mayor move to public comment on agenda items all Madam Clark thank you all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concern should approach the microphone and provide their name for the record unless further time is granted by the board each person shall limit their address to three minutes all remarks of the board in individual members must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board anybody wish to address the board of commissioner on a genda items only hi Lisa Johnson 30 Sherwood Lane um I'm I wanted to bring up the Green Acres application I looked on the website and there wasn't a environmental impact assessment do you know if that will be posted tomorrow um and the applications putting in being put in tomorrow um I know that area is flagged as a heat island and I'm wondering if because the proposals including Synthetic Turf if you're going to increase the amount of tree canopy in the area to offset the heat island effect that's a possibility and if not maybe that's something to consider for the application because it is a DP map that they do heat island assessment right and and as I'm sure Frank just told you um everything will be available as of tomorrow tomorrow available and as far as the tree canopy is concerned that's a an ongoing work in progress for us we increase that budget just about every year plant more and more and especially in instances where we're looking to reduce maintenance costs by by moving to the turf we we take that into account and we compensate with planting yeah just keep in mind that the the turf gets really hot and I'm thinking about the student athletes that if you increase the canopy it will help with the mitigation for the heat y well we we have two Fields already and we look forward to this third one but thank you for your comments much appreciated anybody else wish to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing then let's move on to board of commissioner announcements nothing for me no thank you mayor yes uh some of you may or may not be aware of this uh but I just want to remind everyone once again on uh Friday February 1st uh we had our blast offer our rally for hope all right and for those of you who don't know what the rally for Hope is the rally for Hope is replace M for what we previously called uh the Relay for Life uh we've changed our not only the name of of the activity and the event all right but we've also changed the structure all right and by doing that I mean what we did was we created with the good help of our Township attorney and his private Law Office who did some pro bono work for us we created the greater nutly Cancer Foundation which is a state registered 501c3 all right and uh we will have much more Direction and much more oversight as to uh where the money goes and how the money goes now some of you may be saying well well why the change all right and very simple like everything else in life conditions change and running this type of event for the last 17 years we have become pretty good at it and but when I say we I mean the committee that actually does the work and the support provided by the parks department large organizations like the American Cancer Society also change time and sometimes that change enhances the outcomes for certain organizations and not so much for others all right we were at a point where our missions and our intentions were similar but the way we accomplished our goals and directed our resources resources were beginning to differ hence we decided to establish the 501c3 we created a board of directors we established a mission statement and we are legally registered with the state of New Jersey and again why well because for the past 17 years we've collectively raised over $1.5 million lot of money for a small town like Nutley previous organization we were affiliated with earmarked 73 cents of every dollar to clients and 27% for administration under the new organization 100% of the money will go to clients and patients who were in need and research and there will be Z zero administrative fee we'll be able to direct through an application process exactly where the money will go and our priorities will be nutly family and friends uh the dollar distributions and the application process uh is a work in progress and will be announced at a later date and a percentage of the dollars raised as I've mentioned before because it's very important will be dedicated to resour research because research saved the lives of at the very least a few of our board members and countless others the mission statement of the greater Nutley Cancer Foundation is as such it's a nonprofit organization that fundraises through local community events supporting cancer survivors in nutly and surrounding areas by providing financial assistance to cancer survivors and annual donations to cancer research now we will always know where our money goes and we will control our own destiny thank you mayor thank you commissioner thank you mayor yes I just like to say that if anybody is still interested in um signing up for our neighborhood watch we kicked off a couple weeks ago we had a um a crowd at Public Safety which next time we might have to move the meeting over here I want to thank the mayor and commissioner tuci for um coming by to um we are on the town website if you have any questions you could call the police department or I would ask for the chief's office and please the more eyes that we have on the street and that we partner with our residents it'll be a safe for nutly our guys are working through the nights we're changing shifts around to stop what's going on in town unfortunately it's going on in any town but the neighborhood watch has so far been a really really huge success with a lot of members and we're we're looking to get as many as we can so if you're interested please contact me Sam carella or the police department directly thank you thank you commissioner thank you mayor uh just a couple of events uh going on this month the the first one I I want to talk about about is from February the week of February 11th is uh random act of random acts of kindness week uh so if you're sitting in traffic and you're getting really annoyed maybe let someone in uh don't try and keep them out uh pay things forward uh and and send your good out into the world uh and uh it'll come back tenfold in in dividends uh February is also uh heart health month and we have two events on this month uh instead of the usual one event uh this Saturday uh we're going to be at the Jersey axe house for uh a heart healthy event to get the blood flowing and throw some axes at some some wood uh it's it's by registration only it's it's mostly full by now but there are a few spots left so if you're interested in that heart healthy event uh there have been uh registration emails going out or you can call the Health Department for registration also in furtherance of heart healthy month we're going to have our our annual heart health walk uh followed by some some yoga stretches led by Jen jimo uh and and uh later on this evening uh the mayor on behalf of the entire Board of Commissioners is sponsoring a resolution for Black History Month a and we'll be having a uh a lunch and learn at the health department uh look out a for more information regarding that and just as a read ahead uh March is women's history month and just as we did last year we're going to have a number of events to celebrate women's history uh so be on the lookout for more information regarding women's History Month next month thank you commissioner uh this Saturday we'll be having our electronic recycling event in parking lots s and nine uh for those who buying your new big screen to watch Taylor Swift on Sunday uh you can take your old TV and turn it in and we'll also be having the winter Farmers Market on uh February 18th at the Vincent Methodist Church so those are two events we have coming up let's move on to ordinance instructions commissioner Kelly thank you mayor uh as I promised uh we uh and when I say we I mean the the entire Board of Commissioners have been working diligently on getting this uh this uh Hometown HERO program uh up and off the ground and so this is an ordinance to add chapter 458 Municipal military Banner program to the Township Code uh and I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertising nly Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of set ordinance for final passes by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on March 5th 2024 so moved me a second second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi John John just just U I forgot to call you but I think it says on polls in throughout the town I think I wanted to add the word appropriate polls because they can't fit on all of them that's all right right clarification all right so I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I let's move on to ordinance uh second reading of public hearings Mish Tui yes thank you mayor um we have filed a uh an application uh to Turf the girl softball field at father glassback Park um to Green Acres and as part of that process uh we need to hold a public hearing uh so basically what this is is this is a public hearing on the submission of a 2024 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Urban Parks grant program application and in the application the township is seeking funding through the state of New Jersey Urban Parks program and the Green Acres programs two different separate programs for improvements at glotzbach Memorial Park located on Park Avenue mle New Jersey township proposes the installation of Synthetic Turf on the tennis court on that's not the tennis courts on the softball field at kback Memorial Park to enhance playability a concept plan showing the proposed changes a preliminary cost estimate and an environmental impact assessment for the project can be found at www nutleynj.org glotzbach Park upgrades additionally for more information regarding Green Acres application you can visit uh D https dd. njgov WP content upload Greenacres PDF 2024 Urban par s- application local dgov PDF it's uh quite a mouthful but if you need it I'm sure we'll have it available on the website uh mayor and Commissioners uh as required we're holding this public hearing today February 6 2024 during our regularly schedule meeting and uh we we uh encourage and appreciate any comments that anyone may have this evening anybody like to be heard on the submission of the 2020 24 New Jersey D Green Acres Urban Parks Grant seeing no one commissioner yes I move we close the public hearing any a second second so you commissioner Kelly second thank you commissioner Kelly hi commissioner EV hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tucci uh I vote I vote I mayor scarelli I mayor if I might can I offer the resolution at this time sure whereas a Township of notle through the department of parks and public property has identifi the need to make improvements to Municipal Plaza nope wrong one hold on let's hold that let's hold that for later I'm all done at this point Thank you do we have to move the ordinance to move the ordinance I move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I thank you commissioner Comm PCO yes I have ordinance number 3542 and ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township and chapter 22A entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 special zones and areas section 29a entitled handicap Park and location set forth therefore um this is for 69 R race tree race stre it's a um handicap parking spot May B like to be heard on ordinance number 3542 see no one move to close second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner tuchi hi mayor scarelli hi move the ordinance second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Evans yes 3543 uh public hearing for a replacement vehicle for the health department Department uh for a vehicle that was a total loss as a result of being hit by a tree during a recent storm anybody like to be heard on ordinance number 3543 seeing no one move to close second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Paco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi move the ordinance second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi scarelli all thank you commissioner I see commissioner Kelly and commissioner Evans do not have any resolutions tonight so move to commissioner PCO okay I can find them all three okay I have um resolution 2024 be resolved by Board of Commissioners Township of nuty County v um state of New Jersey that Samuel malel of the police department in Nutley Police Department be granted a leave of options without pay effect of February 11th 2024 through May 11 2024 I move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi okay my second one be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township of M County of ESS New Jersey that the accordance with the provisions of RS 44-58 the following transfers Appropriations in 2023 budget being here or the same here by authorized and approved from Police salary and wage $5,000 to Municipal Court e tiet program from fire fire sry um 18,000 to gasoline 18,000 total of 23,000 I move the resolution second there's not one commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli hi okay and my final one I believe sorry for the mixup um number 19 -24 resolution authorizing the township of nut office of emergency management to accept funds from a subgrant award of the federal fiscal year 2003 Emergency Management agency assistant program funding and for the Chief Financial Officer of the township of notely to amend the budget and certify the available availability of funds I'll move it as we my movement second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor SC pelly hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner fi yes thank you mayor um for my first resolution this evening is number 15-24 state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres enabling resolution whereas New Jersey D Green Acres Program provides grants Andor loans to Municipal and County governments and grants to nonprofit organizations for assistance in the acquisition development stewardship of lands for outdoor recreation and conservation purposes and whereas the township not only desires to further the public interest by obtaining funding in the amount of 1,200 $1,410 in the form of a0 matching Grant and if available a0 loan from the state to fund the following projects glm Memorial Park Improvement project at a cost of 1,210 410 whereas the state shall determine if the application is complete and in conformance with the scope and intent of the Green Acres Program and notify the applicant of the amount of the funding award whereas the applicant is willing to use the state funds in accordance with such rules regulations and applicable statutes and and is willing to enter into an agreement with the state for the above named project now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township of mle County of ESS state of New Jersey that the mayor and Board of Commissioners resolved that Joseph Carelli or the successor to the office of Mayor is hereby authorized to a make an application for such a loan Andor such a grant B provide additional application information and furnish such documents as may be required and C act as the authorized correspondent of the above named applicant two that the app has its matching share of this project if a match is required there is no match so there's no nothing that needs to be available that in the event the state's funds are less than the total projects are specified above the applicant has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project four that the applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal state and local laws rules and regulations in its performance of the project and five that this resolution shall take effect immediately I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi a second resolution this evening is also um related to this project sship nle Green Acres enabling resolution whereas the New Jersey D Green Acres Program is providing grants to the urban Parks initiative and whereas the township of nle desires to further the public interest by obtaining funding in the amount of 1, $210,400 from the state to fund the following project glotzbach Memorial Park Improvement project at the same cost whereas the state shall determine if the application is complete and in conformance with the scope and intented the urban Parks initiative and notify the applicant of the amount of the funding award and whereas the applicant is willing to use the state funds in accordance with applicable policies and laws and is willing to enter into agreement with the state for the above named project now therefore be it resolved the Board of Commissioners townsman notle County of US state of New Jersey that the mayor of the township of notley or the successor to the office of Mayor is hereby authorized to a make application for such a loan Andor Grant B provide additional application information and furnish such documents as may be required C act as the authorized correspondent of the above named applicant two in the event the state funds are less than the total project cost specified above the applicant has the balance of funding necessary to complete the project three the applicant agrees to comply with all applicable federal state local laws rules regulations and its performance in project and four this resolution shall take effect immediately I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tucci hi mayor scarelli hi whereas Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances family had families had to cancel participation programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined a need to refund families now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township Nutley County of ESS state of New Jersey that the treasurer be and hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs in the amount list below for 71 Quarry Street for girls La crossing the amount of $110 for the 2024 year 119 Conover Avenue for a basketball program in the amount of $200 for the 2024 year 128 stra for drive for the girls lacrosse and the amount of $125 for the 2024 year I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township nley County state of New Jersey that in accordance to provision of rs40 a Col 4- 58 the following transfers of Appropriations in the 2023 budget b and same are hereby authorized and approved from health insurance in the amount of $5,000 to shade tree salary and wages in the amount of $5,000 I resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell all whereas Township Nutley pursuant to njsa 52 colon 34- 6.2 c139 May by resolution and without advertising for bids purchase goods or services using the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance that has been developed utilizing competitive bidding process by another Contracting unit within the state of New Jersey when available and whereas a town Nutley Department of parks and public property intends to upgrade the tennis courts at Owens park and whereas the department of parks and public property will create six pickle ball courts and two Tennis Courts at Owens park and whereas the township Nutley previously passed resolution number 2 6923 awarding the within agreement and whereas the township notley is amending resolution 26923 to accurately reflect amendments that were subsequently made to the agreement and whereas at sports 115b Cross Keys Road Berlin New Jersey has provided an updated quote in the amount of $245,900 and whereas the cost of design permitting and construction of the improvements for monsor Owens Field tennis courts will be supported by Capital ordinance 3524 C for the entirety of the project cost now deal for be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township mle County buing state of New Jersey that a contract for the upgrade to the tennis courts at owensfield be awarded to AT&T Sports 115b Cross Keys Berlin New Jersey I move the resolution commissioner Kelly looking forward to playing some pickle ball I commissioner Evans question early commissioner Petco my kids are already playing and I'm anxious to maybe have a match against you commissioner KY I vote I too commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi all right my last resolution this evening I created a bit of confusion before I'd be excited to see that match up maybe we should have a little fundraiser for a good organization in thatl May you can join in too pass you all right whereas the township of Nutley through the department of parks of public property has identified the need to to make improvements Municipal Plaza located at one Kennedy Drive Nutley New Jersey that's right in front of this building and whereas the township wishes to solicit bids as a fair and open process pursuant to the provisions of njsa 19 colon 44 a-205 now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township with Nutley County of essic state of New Jersey that sealed bids for the proposed improvements to Municipal Plaza located at one Kennedy Drive shall be due on Wednesday March 6 2024 at 11:00 a.m. addressed to the municipal clerk Township fall one Kennedy Drive Nutley New Jersey at which time they will be publicly open and read I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi it's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner whereas raffle applications have received from the organizations listed below whereas the applications have been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk and the police department now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township pelly County V state of New Jersey that the afor mentioned licenses are hereby approved and municipal clerk is authorized to issue St licenses I move the resolution second commission Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner bco I commissioner Tui hi mayor SC Kelly I be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township vle County of ESS New Jersey that in accordance with provisions of RS 4A 4- 58 the following transfers of appropriation in the 20123 budget be and the same are hereby authorized and approved from purchase of water account number 30573 261 $50,000 a purchase of water 30574 261 uh goto purchase of water 30575 261 uh total of 100,000 I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi where's the township of Nutley has a need to retain Professional Services of DMR Architects to provide architectural planning architectural Consulting Services related to the ongoing development of the Franklin Avenue Redevelopment project and whereas this contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service in according with njsa 1944a 20.5 of the local public contract law because the contract is a professional services and whereas the board of commission has determined the DMR located at 777 terce Avenue Hasbro Heights New Jersey is qualified and best suited to provide the services to the township of Nutley whereas DMR is completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that has not made any reportable disqualifying contribution to a political or candidate Committee in the township of Nelly in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract and whereas funds are available from account number 40122 6205 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this resolution and or will be reimbursed by esro account set up by the redeveloper of the subject property and whereas DMR has submitted a proposal for the services uh to perform the services at a cost not to exceed $10,000 and whereas the anticipated term the contract is for 12 months from January 1st 2024 through December 31st 20124 now they resolved by the board of commissioner Town belli County B state New Jersey that the mayor is hereby authorized to answer contract with dmrs Professional Services in amount not to exceed $10,000 and a copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the clerk for the Township in notice with accordance of local public contract laws of the state of New Jersey shall be published in N sign move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi n scarelli hi where's Town Bol has a need to retain Professional Services DMR Architects to provide architectural planning and Architectural Consulting Services related to the ongoing Redevelopment of Po the Roan 3 campus whereas this contract is awarded without competitive bid as a professional service and according with JSA 1944 20.5 of the local public contract law because the contract is a Professional Services whereas Board of commission has determined a DMR located at 777 terce Avenue Hasbro Heights New Jersey is qualified and best suited to provide the services of the township nutly whereas DMR has completed and submitted a a business entity disclosure certification with certifies has not made any reportable disqualified contributions to a political or candidate Committee in townell in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any report able contributions through the term of contract whereas funds are available from count number 40122 6205 will be certified the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this resolution and or will be reimbursed by escro account set up by the redeveloper for the subject property whereas DMR submitted a proposal for the service in accordance with the proposal will perform the service that it cost not to exceed $73,345 2024 and now therefore resol Sol by the board of commissioner to Le County of es state of New Jersey that the mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with DMR as a Professional Services in amount of not to exceed $73,345 I whereas bids for the 2023 acceptance of recycling vegetative waste include leaf and grass clippings were received and opened on December 28 2022 whereas an initial one- turn contract was awarded from February 7 2023 with an option for two one-year extensions at the same price and they agreed upon pre-stated increase in subject to availability of funds in the subsequent annual budget whereas the term of this first optional contract extension shall be utilized for one contract beginning February 7 2024 through February 6 2025 subject to the availab availability of funds in the subsequent annual budget whereas the funds are available from count number 401 42229 for the term of February 7th 2024 through December 31st 20124 in the amount of $75,000 subject to the adoption of the 2024 budget whereas the funds are available from account number 501 42229 for the term of January 1st 2025 through February 6 2025 now 5,000 subject to the adoption of the 2025 Municipal budget and certified by the chief finance officer said certification be attached to this resolution now there be resolved by the board of commissioner Township nly County of es state of New Jersey that a contract be awarded to es his sons not to exceed $80,000 and that the mayor and Township Clerk or hereby to enter into and sign say contract for the township col move resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I Commission commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I this resolution is on behalf of the board of commission Commissioners whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township anelli honors the heritage of African-Americans and acknowledge their many contributions to our nation our state and our Township whereas the origin of Black History Month began in 1915 half a century after the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States and grew out of negro history week the creation of noted historian Carter G Woodson and other prominent African-Americans and whereas the civil rights movement and a growing awareness of black identity black history month or national African-American history month evolved to an annual celebration of achievements by black Americans in a time to recognize the central role of African-Americans in US history whereas the contributions of of African-Americans from all walks of life and their Endeavors to learn and Thrive throughout history and make Unforgettable marks in our nation as artists scientists Educators influential thinkers members of the faith community athletes and polit and political and governmental leaders reflects the greatness of the United States and whereas remaining hopeful and confident about the path ahead and the time to acknowledge the courageous fight for the rights Liberties and freedoms for all Americans the township anelli observes and honors Black History Month and encourages Educators students and families to learn about the Heritage and achievements of African-Americans through appropriate programs now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township Nell County of asan New Jersey joined with the citizens of not Le to observe and honor Black History Month and recognize the tremendous contributions made by African-Americans to move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner bco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor SC Kelly I that concludes the business portion of our meeting what any Madam Clark thank you mayor all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concerns should approach the microphone and provide their name for the record unless further time is is granted by the board each person shall limit their address to 3 minutes all remarks of the board and its individual members must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board anybody wish to address the Board of Commissioners this evening Maria Baza 209 Highfield Lane I guess this is for commissioner Evans I was um I came to pay my taxes on the 1 and I was given a packet of a pen and a clip and a pad can you tell me how much they cost the town and why we're doing that we always give them out they just decided that but most I can't hear you we've been giving them out and they didn't cost a lot of money because we get the advertising one the promotional ones are 75 cents 60 cents you know those type thing they're not expensive but the uh the the fact that we have them it was just putting making them visible so that people can come in and can take them I'm really having a difficult time hearing you but uh you said they were 60 cents is that what yeah I'm saying they're not expensive they're still what's you know I know this is an election year is that the reason absolutely not they've been we've had them for a long time it just we been putting them out and putting them in different areas and so we put them out we just found another place to put them yeah but it's 60 cents we don't need to spend these are tough times I appreciate your comment okay anybody else wish to address the Board of Commissioners a saveing Mr Bruno do we have a need for an executive session we do mayor uh we need to discuss litigation and contract negotiation Court thank you can I have a motion move it motion thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 23 1 Public Law 1975 perits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss litigation and contract negotiations be a further resolve that at a time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Uchi hi mayor scarelli I there'll be no further uh business taking uh place tonight have a motion to adjourn move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi Tui hi mayor scarelli hi the time is now 8:01 good night everybody good night