United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting for Tuesday April 16 2024 the time is now 7:09 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly present commissioner Evans commissioner Petco here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here all present mayor minutes Madam clerk we have Board of commissioner meeting minutes for March 19 2024 move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor SC I Communications mam CLK thank you mayor we have two social Affair uh permanent applications this evening the first one is the committee to reelect Joseph P scarelli campaign fundraiser for for Tuesday April 30th 2024 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at 242 Chestnut Street I need a motion move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I abstain second one is the historic restoration Trust of Nutley uh commemorating their 50th anniversary on Saturday June 15 2024 from 400 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 3 Kingson Street at with a rain date of Saturday June 2 2 2024 any a motion second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner tuchi hi mayor scor Pell hi and that's it for communications let's go to reports commissioner Paka I have my Public Safety report mayor thank you thank you commissioner bills Madam clerk thank you Mayor Bill list for April 16 2024 public affairs 77,78 61 revenue and finance 3,9 $9 4,556 122 Public Safety $4 45,47 of. 195 Public Works $ 53,91647 public property 64685 192 water utility $7,881 15 payroll for Tuesday April 16 2024 regular payroll total 1, 15,7 $164 overtime payroll total $ 57,8 2526 total payroll 1,735 4130 payroll for April 12th 2024 regular payroll total $99,100 overtime payroll total $ 51,70412 one, 345 71 for a grant total of 6,277 18940 move the Bills second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner pet I commissioner Tui hi mayor scar Pell hi that's it for bills public comment on agenda on items only would anybody like here like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening good evening mayor and Council my name is TJ leg I'm a resident at 64 Alexander Avenue wanted to come this evening and thank and address um a recent concern um unfortunately about a month ago my house was burglarized at 4:30 in the morning three juveniles or two maybe a third juvenile broke in our back door popped open the lock entered my home while we slept with our daughters in the house stole the keys to a car and ultimately made off with that car immediately that morning the nly police department responded and responded in kind I work with multiple police departments and I could tell you that the police department did an extraordinary job they were Hands-On immediately that morning with detectives sergeants and lieutenants at the scene and from ranked down immediately my neighbor director PCO was there for us as a neighbor and as your commissioner and I could see that the leadership of the department was just it was extraordinary they contacted me every day deputy chief the chief's office and ultimately they caught the they caught the two juveniles who did this um they were Hands-On for those first couple days as it was an ongoing investigation because it took the better part of a couple of weeks to solve the crime my Saving Grace is that my 4 and a half-year-old had no idea what the heck was happening while five of your officers fingerprinted five parts of my living room kitchen and foyer we never think it's going to happen to us we had ADT installed about a month earlier because our neighbors unfortunately another nutly Resident close friends were also in this similar situation we never set the alarms until the night after the burglary um I say that to all of you to encourage your residents to do the same um but again to more importantly highlight the importance of a healthy properly funded Police Department one that is able to police because your Police Department really did that and it should be noted I think it's a reflection of Mayor and councel and as a resident as somebody who has to continue to sleep in that home at night I'm just really grateful to see that you guys answered the call when the time had to be there and ultimately solve the crime caught the kids and I say kids because they're two 17y olds um the third is at large but unfortunately they had a very very long wrap sheets um and I won't waste your time talking about bigger issues um but I I think all politics is local and I think seeing police departments that properly solve crimes and fight crimes is what we need and I just thank you um and I thank your Police Department U most importantly I just wanted to express that and um thank you for your time this evening thank you TJ Comm commissioner like to I have to tell you TJ not too many people come here after their house was burglarized and say thank you so I want to extend you and your family a big thank you again I'm I'll tell you the same thing I told you when it happened I'm sorry that it did happen but it is an epidemic and I know that you and I talked about the bail reform about these kids are out of jail before the cops are done with their reports but I have to tell you it's it's it's it's not just me it's we do have a fantastic police department and for them to do the fingerprinting not let it go and follow up and follow up and following up and my message to these bad guys are not Le just not going to tolerate that and we will keep continue to put the pressure on them and I'm urging Trenton every day I have a resolution on about the three-wheelers these motorized bikes kid a kid just got killed in Clifton because these rules and laws are just too loose in this state and it's the same offenders that were catching all the time and most of them are from out of town so again please tell Rene I said hello and and I'm sorry that happened and thank you so much for speaking well of our department director if I may nobody wants to be victimized and I think that you know as somebody who's been a lawyer for almost two decades I've unfortunately seen other things and when the police department responds the way they did it helps lessen the blow of that victimization and I think that's part of the reason why I found the right thing to do to be to comeon to express that because it's to encourage that that helps victims feel less victimized because you know it's if they get away with it if they continue to feel that you know the police department did nothing that's a further victimization so I think it's to that point that um you know made me find it you know a place to want to come and say something to you so thank you for the opportunity a thank you mayor thank you thank you anybody else like to address the Board of Commissioners let's move to board of commissioner announcements M yes mayor um just a couple things uh we have a late night voter registration occurring on April 23rd uh it's a Tuesday uh the municipal clerk's office will be open until 900 pm uh for voter registrations uh we have the late night dog and cat license registration that also occur on Tuesday April 23rd as well as on uh April 30th uh the the clerk's office will be open uh until 8 PM uh and then um coming up soon we'll have another um TMV mobile unit coming uh which is expected to be here on uh April 30th from uh 9:00 am to 3 pm thank you mayor thank you mayor you good M TCO yes I I would just um like to shout out to the Italian Federation of of New Jersey they gave me award for a business man of Award of the year I was really looking for the Young Man Award but I think that has come and past unfortunately but I have to tell you there was so many great people there um the ttan police Society Billy chabel was there CLA misss hospital was there and it's not about me but it's about all those people who really deserve that award they did unbelievable work during covid you know and my store actually provided some food for Italian police society and they delivered it to all the hospitals and nurses and um it was just a great experience and I just wanted to say thank you to them so thank you thank you commissioner commission Kelly uh congratulations Al I was well welld deserved a I mean sorry congratulations commissioner that was a welld deserved but uh I I have I have two events I want to highlight coming up this Sunday at our our Farmers Market we're doing our our spring pause in the Park event U there's going to be vendors there for for your pets so and we encourage everyone to bring their pets their dogs their cats out and uh it'll be a good time for everyone to interact and and hang out with their with their friends while they they shop some of our local vendors and also on the kind of a similar note on April 29th where having our free rabies clinic from 4:30 to 8:30 that if your your cat or dog needs a rabies vaccine we will vaccinate them for free and that we're doing that in conjunction with the uh finance department uh so you can get your your your pets vaccinated and you can register them immediately right then and there uh that's from 4:30 to 8:30 uh the April 29th uh thank you mayor thank you commissioner um we have compost day on Saturday from 9: to 1 one or those gardeners out there that would like some uh some uh Black Gold to mix in with your garden to get those fruits and vegetables U moving and as the commissioner Kelly said we have the farmers market uh from 10 to2 in parking lot 7 on Sunday and next week we have electronics recycling on April 27 from 9 to 1 your resolution thank you mayor congratulations commissioner Petco on your award congratulations well deserved thank you so much this evening we're going to do something that's a little bit out of the ordinary because typically what we do is we honor folks from Nutley on organizations that are from Nutley uh but we have some outstanding friends with us this evening um we have Jerry Cole who's a friend and just a great Patriot n county for as long as I can remember all right and he brought along and he's introduced us this evening to some honoraries of the friendly Suns of the shalele and for those of you who are not familiar with the friendly Suns uh it's a group that's very similar to our nutly Irish American Alliance and we are very proud this evening we have our president here Dedra Hollywood we have Barbara moraski and we have uh Mary fenu with us from the nutly Irish to support the friendly Suns uh we're just very happy and very pleased to have you with us this evening and we're very honored to honor you so having said that I'd like to read this resolution and offer it on your behalf where as on Saturday April 27 2024 the friendly sons of the chelleli club Essex division will be holding its 54th annual dinner and dance at the Handover Manor and whereas the friendly sons of the shalele club is an Irish American cultural and social organization who work to preserve our our Irish traditions and Heritage and to share them with our communities and whereas this year's honores are Rick Dyer of West Colwell Steve schaer of Denville and Barbara Y of Monclair and whereas Rick Dyer has been a member of the friendly sons of shele for over 10 years and served on several committees and is the financial secretary for the past seven years he enjoys volunteering his time at the club and is always the first one to raise his hand for whatever is needed Rick is being honored as the 2024 Man of the Year whereas Steve schaer is an active member of the friendly sons of the schele club along with other organizations that are dear to his heart and is committed to giving back to society particularly to the elderly and our veterans through volunteering as Steve is being honored as the 2024 chellel Man of the Year and whereas Barbara use feels at home at the shalele club where she volunteers countless hours while serving on several committees such as save our shures children's back to school backpack Drive luck of the pup pet adoption and St baldrick's Childhood Cancer and Barbara is being honored as the 2024 friend of the friendly sons and whereas those who enhance the well-being and vitality of their community and have shown a long and sustained commitment to honoring and preserving their culture have earned the recognition of this board as well as the citizens of our community and throughout the state of New Jersey now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of essic and state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to salute and congratulate Rick Dyer Steve schaer and Barbara yuse as well as recognizing The Good Deeds of the friends of the shalele club as they are honored here tonight I'm very proud to move this resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi gentlemen ladies please come up for a photo right the right C one two three hey make guys that was for me okay going backwards going back like us like for my father I am oh I don't know if I want to use this [Laughter] pen I'm using blue that hurts really hurts this is BOS this is BOS wherever she is Evans thank you mayor uh I have a resolution tonight uh appointing Stephanie Santana the position of acting Chief Financial Officer whereas njsa 48 colon 9-1 14010 requires every municipality in the state of New Jersey to have a Chief Financial Officer to be appointed by the municipality's governing body rest pursuant to njsa 48 999-1413 when a vacancy occurs in the office of Chief Financial Officer following the appointment of a certified uh Municipal uh finance officer to that office a person who is does not hold a position of Municipal finance officer certificate can be appointed a one-year term with reappointment uh of no more than two years to serve as the acting Chief Financial Officer whereas the director of Revenue Finance has determined that Stephanie Santana has the qualifications and experience to hold a position and perform the duties of acting Chief Financial Officer and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of n is desirous of supporting this appointment and sintana has agreed to serve in said position commencing on April 8th uh 2024 and whereas pursuant to the provisions of njsa 48 9-1 40.3 Miss Santana's term of office shall be a one-year uh term as acting Chief Financial Officer and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY County of Essex state of New Jersey to hereby appoint Stephanie Santana to the position of acting Chief Financial Officer of the township of Nell for the initial one-year term commencing on April 8th 2024 and be further resoled that Miss Santana's initial acting term pursuant to the provisions of njsa 40a col 94010 will commence on April 8th 2024 and end on April 8th uh April 7 2025 so move second commissioner Kelly welome aboard I commissioner Evans I Stephanie you're already doing a great job so we'll just continue to make sure you do it every day thank you for being here commissioner PCO I vote I I'd like to wish you all the luck in the world my son's a financial guy so I know that he understands this so I hope you do you can't put a price on safety Stephanie so think about that when you're doing the budget welcome aboard I vote I commissioner Tui welcome Stephanie I vote I mayor scarelli welcome Stephanie good luck especially in public safety [Laughter] Steph you want to say a few words you're good all right hello esaret how you doing back there no all right okay um Mr Bruno yes mayor we do have a need to go into close session uh discuss contract negotiations I need a mo cler can I have second thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex in state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into to close executive session to discuss litigation and contract negotiations be further resolve that the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending and or anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner pet I commissioner tuchi mayor scarelli hi the time is now 7:31 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay you are you you good okay mam Clerk uh yes back on the record thank you the time is 9:35 orces ordinance introductions commissioner Peta yes mayor thank you so much um this ordinance number is 3549 in ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of tly chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 section 29 titled handicap Park to add to the location set for it this is for 150 appman Avenue to remove it I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertisement not s together with the notice required by law and the further consideration of set ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading which I believe is May 21st May 21st I move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner let's move on to resolutions commissioner Kell thank you mayor I have five on for this evening May's a very busy month uh the first one I have on is resolution number 9324 melanoma skin cancer detection and prevention month whereas more people are diagnosed with skin cancer each year in the United States United States than all other cancers combined whereas each day 267 cases of invasive melanoma are diagnosed in the United States which means 11 IND individuals learn they have melan every hour whereas invasive melanoma accounts for 1% of all skin cancer cases it is the least common but deadliest skin cancer whereas there will be 200 to 2,340 cases of melanoma diagnosed in the United States in 2024 and whereas melanoma is a second most common cancer in those 15 to 29 years old the high rate in this young population is thought to be related to UV damage from childhood sunburns and indoor training indoor tanning excuse me whereas having five or more sunburn doubles your risk for melanoma research has shown that daily sunscreen use Cuts incidents of melanoma deadliest form of skin skin cancer in half whereas the American Academy of Dermatology encourages everyone to perform regular skin self exams to check for signs of skin cancer about half half melanomas are self-detected and whereas when detected early the 5year surv survival rate for melanoma is 99% whereas melanoma is the most commonly associated with skin cancer the cells called me melanocytes which produce the dark color pigment called melanin are found in other places in our bodies as well our hair the lining of our internal organs and our eyes when it forms in the eye it's known as ocular melanoma or more specifically Uval melanoma because it forms in the Uval tract of the eye now therefore Board of Commissioners in the township of nly County of Essex do hereby Proclaim may as melanoma skin cancer detection and prevention month and encourage all residents to take necessary precautions and to prevent and or decrease the risk of melanoma and other skin canc Cancers and to seek out free skin cancer screening were available be it further resolve that residents are encouraged to support various National melanoma foundations with focus on awareness detection research and patient Support Services the Mike gelrud Foundation is a local organization that supports those initiatives through their annual fundraiser which takes place on Tuesday June 11th 2024 at n nanina in the park in Belleville New Jersey so moved second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner P mayor scarelli hi the next one I have on for this evening is resolution number 9424 and this is for National Stroke Awareness Month whereas stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted whereas stroke can happen to anyone at any time regardless of race sex or age whereas approximately 795,000 people in the United States experience a stroke each year that is one person every 40 seconds and whereas risk factors include high blood pressure high cholesterol smoking obesity and diabetes as whereas early action seeking emergency treatment and recognizing the symptoms can be the difference between a full recovery and long-term disability whereas the fast method can help spot a stroke and be the difference between life and death F face ask the person to smile is their face drooping a arms ask the person to raise both arms do you notice arm weakness s speech ask the person to repeat a simple phrase is the speech slurred or strange T time if you see any of these signs time to to call 911 right away whereas understanding the risk factors and making healthy lifestyle changes like staying Physically Active eating healthy and managing stress can help reduce your chances of stroke now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the townell county of exic state of New Jersey at the month of may be 2024 be declared National stroke awareness month and encourage citizens of the township of nle to learn the signs of a stroke as the sooner a patient receives medical treatment to lower the risk of death or disability so moved second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi Commission P mayor scarelli hi the next one I have on for this evening is resolution number 9424 for mental health month whereas mental health is an important at every stage of life from childhood to adulthood whereas it includes our emotional psychological and social well-being which affects how we think feel and act whereas in February 2023 20 27.7% of adults in New Jersey reported symptoms of a anxiety or depressive disorder compared to to 32.3% of adults in the United States whereas mental illness is a diagnosable as in acute or chronic conditions like depression anxiety schizophrenia Andor mood personality disorders and whereas suicide was the 12th leading cause of death among Americans and the 15th among new jerseyans in 2020 whereas connecting with people and being Physically Active practicing mindfulness and being kind to yourself could help you feel more positive and get the most out of life whereas the organization Mental Health America has chosen where to start start as their 2024 theme reminding individuals that the world is constantly changing For Better or For Worse and it can be overwhelming to deal with the world around you whereas while Society is getting more comfortable discussing mental health it can still be hard to know where to start but with each business school government agency health care provider organization and citizen involved in supporting prevention efforts they're promoting mental Wellness at the same time now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners in the township nly County of Asic state of New Jersey due hereby Proclaim may as mental health month and call upon the citizens government agencies public and private institution businesses and schools in the township ofle to recommit to our community to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health the steps our citizens can take to protect their mental health and the need for appropriate accessible services for all people with mental health illnesses at all stages so moved second commissioner Kelly uh we as a Board of Commissioners uh four years ago now made nutly a stigma-free town that is a stigma associated with seeking help for mental health there is no uh stigma associated with getting help if you need help ask for it don't be afraid to ask it's not a sign of weakness it's a sign of strength and we we as a board fully support you seeking mental health treatment uh to help help you with any issue may be affecting May that may be affecting you I vote I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli all the next one I have on for this evening is resolution number 9624 and this is a resolution uh designating the month of May as Asian and Asian-American Pacific Islander H Heritage Month whereas approximately 16.6 million Asian-American and Pacific Islanders reside in the United States making up approximately 5.4% of the United States population and that by 2050 Asian-American and Pacific Islanders will make up 9.7% of the total United States population over 40 million people Asian-American and Pacific Islanders represent over 30 countries and ethnic groups and speak over a 100 different languages whereas the month of May has been selected to Comm commemorate the arrival of the first known Japanese immigrant to the United States on May 7th 1843 as well as to honor the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad on May 10th 1869 which upwards of 20,000 Chinese workers helped to construct the month pays tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Hors have enriched the United States history and are instrumental in its future success whereas the origin of Asian-American and Pacific Islander AAP Heritage Month can be tracked back to the 95th con Congress in 1977 to 1978 when five joint resolutions were introduced proposing that a week in may be designated to commemorate the accomplishments of Asian-American and Pacific Islanders whereas on March 28th 1979 President Carter issued a proxim a proclamation 4650 the first presidential Proclamation for Asian and Pacific American heritage week in this Proclamation President Carter spoke of the significant role asian-pacific Americans have and have have played in the creation of a dynamic plur pluralistic American society with their contributions to the Sciences Arts industry government and commerce whereas on May 7th 1990 President George H W bush issued pre presidential Proclamation 6130 designating May 1990 as the first asian-pacific American Heritage Month whereas aapi Heritage Month formally known as asian-pacific American heritage month until 2009 originated in 1992 when then New York congressman Frank Horton introduced the bill that called for the month of May to receive that designation which came from the idea of former Capitol Hill Stafford Genie Jew in the mid1 1970s more than 15 years earlier whereas the completion of ha where whereas the compilation of hate crime data published by car the center for the study of hate and extremism revealed that anti-asian hate crime increased by 339 last year comp compared to the year before with New York San Francisco Los Angeles and other cities surpassing the record numbers in 2020 now therefore it be resolved at the Board of Commissioners in the township n County state of New Jersey recognized may as Asian and American Pacific Islander Heritage Month advancing leaders through Innovation encourage all residents to come together as a community in solidarity Against Racism and to celebrate the richness of Asian-American Pacific Islander community so moved second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi uh the last one I have on for this evening is resolution 972 4 I'm recognizing the month of May as national nurses month and I want to before I read it I want to uh give a a shout out to the nurses who who work in the the public health Nur nurses who work in the public affairs and Health Department they're tiess public AFF Public Public Health Advocates and they are tirelessly working for our benefit and keeping us all safe and sound uh so I want to congratulate them on on National Nurses month as I read this resolution whereas registered nurse in the United States can constitute our nation's largest Healthcare profession whereas the American Nurses Association as the voice for registered nurses in this country is working to chart a new course for health a healthy nation that relies on increasing access to primary and preventative health care and better utilization of all our nation's registered nurses nursing resources whereas professional nursing is an indispensable component of the safety and quality of care of hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients and whereas the demand for registered Nursing services will be greater than ever because the Aging of America the American population emerging health challenges and continuing expansion of life sustaining Technologies and the explosive growth of Home Health Care Services whereas more qualified registered nurses are needed in the future to meet the increasingly complex needs of Health Care consumers in this community and whereas the the cost effective safe and highquality health care services provided by registered nurses will be increasingly important component of United States healthc care delivery system in the future now therefore it be resolved at the Board of Commissioners in the township of nly County of esic state of New Jersey along with the American Nur Nurses Association recognized the month of May as national nurses month celebrating the 2024 theme of nurses make the difference honors the incredible nurses who embody the spirit of compassion and Care in every Health Care setting nurses make the difference as trusted Advocates who ensure individuals families and populations receive quality patient care and services now therefore it be further resol that Nation n National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th Florence night and Gail's birthday so moved second commissioner I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco before I vote I would just like to say after my wife spent a lot of time in clar Mass hospital being a nurse is really a calling and what they do is unbelievable I think they that you can never even pay them enough because they are really really special people so I proudly vote I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you commissioner uh Mr Evans mayor I have one one resolution left it's a uh on behalf of the board of commissioner Commissioners it's a resolution authorizing the execution of the affordable housing agreement and an amended affordable housing spending plan uh the the resolution uh uh I'll read into read into the record record as written um highlights of the resolution uh address the Township's affordable housing housing obligation for uh the Gap period between the year 2000 and 2015 uh whereas we are uh working to uh U utilize land on uh the on3 property to construct a 100% affordable housing development comprising uh 65 units which satisfies our uh what is known as Mount Laurel obligation uh we are empt uh from the uh upcoming uh round uh which starts in 2025 which will cover the next 10year period through uh 2035 uh as currently adopted by the state legislature so for the foreseeable future this addresses the Township's obligation uh as set forth in the agreement the township has also agreed to provide additional funding uh out of the municipal housing uh the affordable housing trust fund uh in the amount of $500,000 uh and this would come out of account t26 20711 now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY County of as6 state of New Jersey that the mayor and municipal clerk are hereby authorized to execute the affordable housing agreement with the developer and a forming content acceptable to council for the township amend to the amended affordable housing spending plan which sets Force the dispersement to uh the dispersement be and is hereby approved in a form of content acceptable to the Council of the township and the Township's planner and a copy of this resolution as well as the affordable housing agreement shall be placed on file with the municipal clerk uh and a notice uh if required in accordance with local public Contracting law shall be published then not Le on so move second commissioner Kelly uh commiss Evans you can correct me if I'm wrong but I think two points worth emphasizing is that this satisfies our affordable housing obligation going forward for the foreseeable future and that the the funds that we're obligating is is require that we required to set aside by the state and we have very limited you we have very limited categories of use for these funds and we will not be able to use them in the future uh un unless there's another affordable housing project and so that we're designating these funds for that that purpose and at the same time we also risk losing the funds from our counts if we don't uh use them it's a use them or lose them kind of thing where's the state taking them uh that am I correcting that in part uh the uh funds yes uh are restricted for use for affordable housing purposes one of which is for construction of new affordable housing it's also usable for uh rehab purposes for qualifying residents which is something that we have to do under a afford affordable housing re rehabilitation program which we have yet to deal with uh yes and these are restricted funds uh that are provided by when we have certain development in town they provide a affordable housing development fee uh which goes into this trust uh the uh other element of it is yes the the historically if you don't use the funds you could lose them uh when the state of New Jersey shifted the obligation for affordable housing settlements to the courts uh they have not acted on uh the uh L it aspect of that plan and there hasn't yet been any disclosures to suggested a return to that activity but having said that this is a a valid use of the funds to be removed from uh the trust fund right yes you said it much better than me I that that was my understanding I I think it's worth emphasizing that th those two points and so I I I vote I yes and and as I had said just to bit for clarification uh this addresses Our obligation uh with row because of a gap what they call a gap uh in addressing affordable between the year 2000 and 2015 uh we are we were exempt from what they call the third round which covered 2015 through 2025 and we remain exempt for the period which will come in which which is called the fourth round which will be from 2025 to 2035 so for the foreseeable future yes for examp commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO hi commissioner tushi play these two Commissioners agree I vote I may scell I thank you commissioner commissioner Paka whereas the township and Department Public safy has an Emer need to make repairs to engine five as it it is out of service and needs to be repaired immediately to provide the continue health safety and Welfare of the residents of Township andly whereas ffi appraisal LLC 34 Wilson Drive Sparta Township has appli to quot in the amount of $1,581 125 to repair to engine five in a timely manner whereas in accordance with the local public contract laws 41-6 title emergency contracts the director Public Safety has notified the purchase signages in writing and emergency and whereas funds are available on the account 4-01 31421 in the amount of $1,581 25 have been certified by the chief financial offici certif certification is attached to this resolution other where be resolved by the board of commissioner Township and not authorizes purchase order to be used to ffi appraisals LLC 35 Wilson dries Florida on an emergency basis in accordance with local public contract laws 48116 at a total cost of $1,581 25 cents I move resolution second commissioner Kelly commission Evans hi commission PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell I so this resolution um it's 10-24 this is a resolution that um just make sure okay yes this is a resolution about the ATVs kids on bikes dirt bikes riding through our Township and all throughout the state with kind of no penalties so we are going to appeal this to the Attorney General's office so resolution requesting that the New Jersey attorney general and New Jersey legislator take immediate action to impose increased penalties for specific violations of title 39 related to two and three-wheel Motor Vehicles whereas one of the most important obligations of local government is to provide the safety for the public from Criminal acts whereas it is the responsibility of local government to use both proactive and reactive law enforcement methodologies to fulfill such obligation whereas law enforcement methodologies are being challenged by unlawful irresponsible and reckless driving of ATVs dirt bikes and other types of two and three-wheel vehicles in a manner of displacing the lives of citizens of nutly New Jersey in danger whereas the Nutley Police Department is doing what it can to address the criminal acts within the framework of the policy set by the New Jersey attorney general office and New Jersey state legislature and whereas it has become clear to our governing body law enforcement officers and public at large that the policies not be the policies now in place are not work and in the best interest of the public safety and therefore enabling offenders to commit such acts without fear of prosecution now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly County V state of New Jersey do hereby call upon the New Jersey attorney Attorney General's office and the New Jersey legislator to immediately take action to assist in our efforts to address this problem by passing legislation and impose policies that increase penalties and fines to include imprisonment of guilty offenders and stiff fines for the adult and juvenile off Enders and the parents Guardians of the juvenile offenders so before I move this this is just my first step as as your public safety director because my next resolution is going to talk about the bail reform however during the winter we had approximately two or 300 of these quads dirt bikes go down Washington Avenue and you know what the cops were able to do nothing because they're not allowed to chase unless the C they meet a criteria that is from here to B so I just um did a podcast on nutly post and we talked about this a little bit and I'm going to I'm going to make a a petion to the parents because unfortunately I even know some of these kids that are driving the bikes these dirt bikes and stuff cuz my one son is still in high school I see them at night no helmets no lights no reflectors on these bikes at all they just had accident in Clifton last week where a kid was killed on one of these there was an accident in Belleville I believe where a kid was killed so forget about the stiff fines and the penalties please don't make your son or daughter a statistic here in Nutley I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor's Kell hi a resolution adoped notle police department rules and regulation whereas the rules and regulations of n Department were previously adopted whereas the commissioner of Public Safety has updated the rules and regulations of the police department to be in conformance with current regulations and standards and whereas the township attorney has received the recommendation certain changes which have been incorporated into the rules and regulations of the police department now therefore be resolved by the mayor and Commissioners Township and nully in the county of USA state of New Jersey and nly police rules regulations is hereby adopted be effed me had a sneeze it pass I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Peto yes this before I vote on this one this is for our accreditation and just a reminder to everyone here everybody in the public that Nutley has been an accredited dep we were one of the first in nly it's a painstaking work I want to thank everybody in public has been working on it but if you get into any kind of litigation in court with a police officer the first thing a judge will ask is your department accredited now and if no why not so notley's been on the map for a while and I commend everybody involved I I vote I commission Tui hi mayor scell I thank you mayor that's all I have tonight thank you commission commission Tui yes thank you mayor where is the Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances family had to cancel participation in programs offered in where Department of parks and public properties determin a need to refund families now therefore be it resolved by Board of Commissioners Township notley County of State New Jersey that the treasurer B and is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs and the amounts listed below 121 Harrison Street Apartment 2 for basketball in the amount of $50 45 in twistle Avenue for softball in the amount of $90 and 57 e Center Min stre for travel softball in the amount of $90 I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi whereas in 1949 the legislature set aside the last Friday of April as Arbor Day to promote the pl planting of trees and to encourage the protection of our forest from fires of pest that destroy the beauty and usefulness of the woodlands and whereas half of New Jersey's total land areas is forested or tree covered and whereas trees play an important role in the ecosystem in which we live and trees reduce the erosion of our precious top soil caused by wind and water clean the air we breathe and the water we drink produce oxygen provide habitap for birds and wildlife and reduce Heating and Cooling cost by moderating temperature and whereas trees are a renewable resource giving us paper for fine literature wood for homes fuel for fires and countless other Wood Products whereas trees provide increased property value enhanced economic viability and pleasing aesthetic qualities along streets and properties and municipalities and whereas tree planting in yards and farms and schoolyard and parks and along streets and highways creates an enduring Heritage for Generations that follow and whereas the town Nutley has completed its 35th year as a member of Tree City USA and whereas I commissioner Maro guchi director of parks and public property Township of Nutley do hereby Proclaim May 4th 2024 is Arbor Day in the community of Nutley and urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our Town's urban forestry program further I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladen hearts and promote the well-being of present and future Generations before I move this I just want to add one thing to this that to date we have planted approximately 4,000 trees in the township of m i proudly move the resolution second Kelly commissioner Evin hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scy hi it's all I have mayor thank you commissioner whereas raffle applications have been received from the following organization mly parent advocacy Network Li number 2324 on premises merchandise raffle and license number 2424 on premises 5050 raffle both to be held Friday October 4th 2024 good sheeper Academy home School Association license number 2524 or premises merchandise raffle will be held Thursday June 13 2024 whereas the application has been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk and the police department now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner Townley County V New Jersey that the aformentioned license are hereby approved the municipal clerk is authorized to issue said licenses I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco hi commissioni hi mayor scar I anybody from the public like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing none have a motion to toour Second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner trle hi Commission Tui hi mayor scarelli hi the time is now 10:04 good night everybody good night uh real