##VIDEO ID:SYhEJiBLv54## missing or misappropriate or whatever terminology you want to use you really think it takes six months to do that no an accountant student out of college could do it in maybe two months what's the issue what's the pro how come no one's saying where's the answer we want to present it to the people in town Dave this for a record we all have met with the state Monitor and as your public safety director too I insisted that it got investigated and if it doesn't get investigated being I'm the police commissioner and public safety director I told her and she said that it will however if it doesn't I will go to the Attorney General's office to make sure it does so we're not sitting on our hands and truthfully this is definitely not a part-time job I spend more time and all these guys do at our departments than I do at my own well I'm kind of retired now but at my own my old business so it's not part-time I get phone calls all night I'm sure will do it's one after the other and we're always on it but just for the record I just want to tell you that I am definitely not sitting on my hands because I do have a kid in the school system too and I'm frustrated as well so nothing's going to fall through the cracks we're going to get answers is there do you did you as the commissioner and the public safety did you give them an ultimatum we want an answer within x amount of months are we going to decide unfortunately because and and Jonathan you could chime in at any time we you're not allowed and the board of education is under you know a lawyer thing and it's like you know we can't get into it but I could promise you because you know me I'm I want answers I'm a taxpayer here and so are all these guys and I want to know where this money went if there was anything funny funny business going on I want people charge you know this is all your money out here that's who we represent for a moment stop talking about funny business please we're not there no I'm not saying it I say if commissioner not we said we first say words like funny business getting the Attorney General involved doing all that which is basically says leading to a criminal investigation it's not there Tom I'm not I'm not I'm not saying that it is there but I'm saying if something it has to be investigated okay and that's my opinion and I pay taxes and I'm on this board a long time too and truthfully I am not saying anything out of line and I'll say what I want up here because I am a taxpayer as well and I'm giving my opinion and I'm I I respectfully disagree with you thank you and I disagree with you and if it's a legal thing con the town attorney will chime in and tell me to be quiet let's get back on track at the end of the day it's going to be investigated can I address your question though yeah I really want to know how long is it going take yes two minutes maybe two minutes or less right so to your point is the school district the business administrator for a school district by law does not have to be an accountant just has to be go through a certification program but that's offered by the state to become licensed as a school business administrator but that's not what I'm talking about I didn't say him I said we pay accountants it's right in the budget exactly right so to your point is how long did it take to determine the fact that there was something going on right not that not that there was somebody stealing or was way that the fact that money was being authorized to be spent and there wasn't a sound basis to do that the 10 there's a 10-year history in the audit report that's provided by the Auditors which to your point is showed a history of the fund balance declining every year right so there was a gap I believe a gap on the part of people who were should have been knowledgeable and more engaged that did not happen right it was once I was able to get involved because I was invited to go because we're not supposed to be there but I was invited to go it did not take long to look at the budget itself and see where there were issues and how that Year's budget was prepared right it's very obvious and as I said $2.3 Million worth of miscellaneous revenues right which without had didn't have a lot of basis for whether or not they were collectible but it had to be written by a check right there they no there there's no it's revenue revenue it's just an item it's a line item in a budget it's a piece of paper but it has to be a record sir you're an accountant everything that they pay has to show but the point is it wasn't money that they paid this is revenue so it was money that they did not collect so the money that was there that said hey we're going to collect this money they never collected right so the money that money that they never collected would be used to offset expenses someplace else but they never collected it items such as which became a problem which was oh my God you know we did not budget for Chromebooks $300,000 for CH Chromebooks that we need to give to students so there was an authorization that that actually allowed that that the board authorized because of a recommendation from the administration because it's a different form of government from ours where they authorize the purchase of Chromebooks the business administrator said you know I'll find an account or gave them some representation that he was going to find that money as you then progress through the year so the year starts in July when you start to hit March April of the year and all of a sudden you got to start writing checks to pay bills and you realize you don't have the money for that you then have a deficit yeah but you can't write money you don't have exactly that's against the law exactly that's why that's why there are issues that they had to go to the state to say we are short in our budget we need a loan of which turned out to be 7 million bucks right so simple there was that type of accounting that was that was initially established in the budget that created a problem that when you under say you don't budget enough for healthcare benefits but then your Healthcare benefits start to bills start to come in you don't have the money to pay for it yeah we if you look at our school budget sir that school budget is not lacking 40 something million dollars is not lacking money well it's actually 82 million well okay okay but no I understand that it's a ridiculous amount of money but when you look at the fact is that that 84% of that budget pays for the payroll of all the teachers the AIDS bus drivers the custodians everybody and the administrators that's a big chunk of where that money goes right so there are there are issues associated with what happened because of the lack of sound advice and people looking at that I agree with you that the outside Auditors were were not close enough to it as they should have been in my opinion right but to commissioner peto's point is we will not allow this to get resolved without an a what they call a forensic review and investigation to make a determination of these I'm sharing with you things that I saw just looking at it well you accountant you and it it did not take a lot of time to figure that out how you got into the problem it's but to you what your question the root of your question is what is the underlying policies that were in place that allowed it to happen that's right who were the people responsible for reviewing to make sure because members of the Board of Education aren't full-time people they're volunt and they're getting information from the administration so all of those questions have to be answered but when uh my actually my latest conversation which was earlier today is that they are working with the state to identify an outside uh firm that will complete that review I another so it it they're moving on it right thank you sir sir I promise you'll get your opportunity to speak uh as you can see the the monitors those Zoom is working and so we're going to at this point flip it over to Mr defo who's our uh expert consultant in Municipal uh waste removal uh who will do a uh presentation on the new uh garbage collection system face that way good evening everybody uh my name is Wayne Deo I am the consultant that Nutley has retained to work work on this project it's been my pleasure to work here for uh approximately a year on this project to date lot of questions that you asked I I half stated I could copy those questions down and in every Community that's converted the cart they're the same exact questions and that makes perfect sense because you're changing and when communities change over a system people don't like that because people don't like chain but communities have changed the carts National let's start with why look at carts that's the first question everybody at why change there are several reasons first this is where the rest of the country is going where many communities in New Jersey are going for the same reasons that in every other industry the hauling industry has the same problem they can't get people when you have to put two or three people on a truck to pick up garbage and you can't get them your garbage doesn't get picked up fun time that's first secondly this is one of the most dangerous Industries to work in in the country this is a very very high injury rate when you're working in this field think about it you're picking up a bag you're picking up cans you're throwing them on average if you're doing your job correctly in a private sector company most private sector companies can pick up 600 homes a day picture picking up 600 garbage cans a day in the winter so what's happening the mayor mentioned this earlier and forgive my back to all the election officials I can't figure out how to do all of it at the same time you end up with workman's compensation claims the average workman's compensation claim right now in the industry is $250 to $500,000 someone said well why is that cost passed through to us for the same reason every cost has passed through you go to a supermarket prices go up because you're paying labor you pay for that if in the industry a price goes up they pass it through in their contracts they're not going to eat the cost that doesn't make sense you'd be out of business they Insurance where the most companies have but they have several levels of insurance there's private insurance and guess what happens when you put in a claim on your insurance your premium goes up and the premiums in this industry have been rising faster than the rate of inflation for more than a decade the simple fact is there is no free lunch you want a service it gets paid for what's happened we know in New Jersey prices have been rising the mayor was actually being very generous I've seen pricing Rising I study this all the time the highest increase in the state which was a city in fairness much larger than Nutley went from $2 million a year to 99.9 million because they could not get labor they're looking at carts because it's a way of reducing labor cost in any community that has converted to carts that I've either worked with read about dealt with visited in any way for the first six months and I've worn the staff here that as well for the s first six months you will have a lot of calls a lot of complaint a lot of questions a lot of I don't like it and in every Community where I have seen conversions the carts take place after that period of time and in one Community now where it's year six if you told them you were taking their carts away we'd have the same meeting why you taking my cart away because now they like the carts because the carts are uniform and appearance they're clean the city of New York you say can it be done here in Nutley the city of New York has just converted to carts mandatory conversion you must use a cart they are rolling out 3.7 million of them now you are not more densely populated than the city of New York's five buroughs the city of San Francisco uses carts you aren't Hillier and have more Terraces than the city of San Francisco Baltimore has converted to carts city of Newark is converting to carts you're not more densely populated in the city of Newark Philadelphia is converting the carts many communities in New Jersey especially south of us have converted we've been a little slower up north at doing that can we pull up that PowerPoint for is that possible just because there's some pictures in there that might be helpful okay okay so we'll go to the next that next slide if we can it's a very short uh present just to show you some pictures maybe we can't where where's the where's the uh convert oh I don't know who did that I didn't touch it I didn't touch it so one of the reasons that people are converting to cars now this is just an image taken from a community the fact is that what you have here is a uniform in this case you have a different color but you have a uniform structure it's on the street and it's very easy to see oh I went the wrong way oh I got it there was a question of and the blue circle is because this is one of my students at Rutter's son and I didn't want his face in the picture I made him a deal if I use the picture we can't do that he's 6 years old that's a 96 gallon cart full of garbage uphill he that's his chore his father said his biggest thing that he has to do for him occasionally you can see his height he might have to tip it for him but he still makes him take it up the hill and he does his recycling card as well it's just an illustration I recognize there are people who have less ability and there are people who have physical limitations but this is just to show you because there's this fear of this thing called the cart let's bear in mind two things right now you put garbage at the curve you're moving bags which you shouldn't be in this town by ordinance but that's not my problem that's an ordinance issue the other element of this is you don't have to fill the C you folks get two times per week collection that's a luxury many communities have done away with two time per week collection the most recent one I've worked with not only did they do away with it or they did keep two times a week but they restricted the residence to a 64 gallon cart and that's it and that's all the residents allowed to use you have 190 gallons of capacity a week under this system that's six plus 32 gallon garbage bags and these carts will hold more than three 32 gallon bags when you jam them into it if you need that that would be around the holidays as some of you have mentioned that's a that's an amazing amount of capacity in a week now there will be those who say well I have 190 gallons a week well that's fine you have that capacity if you need more most communities will say if you want more then you have to pay for it it be the same as my saying you want to leave your lights on all the time should I pay for you leaving your lights on all the time no you have the right to I'm saying you can't but someone else shouldn't be subsidizing that you have a phone bill you want service you pay for it garbage is a utility it's a service and I will tell you in this town and I've studied a lot of contracts around the state of New Jersey for over 30 years and I can tell you you get an extraordinary level of service for this type of collection they just did you have a fact sheet I know the town has put some stuff up on the internet and I know some people aren't using the internet of course I'm very upset The Star Ledger will stop even being a paper next year as you may have already heard uh you will have to go online for it I like this something I'm not going to read Prince Valiant you know I can't get that but in this case you have capacity you are not being at all cut back in any way you have 190 gall any of you are producing more than 190 gallons of garbage a week I have to see what you're doing that's just a lot of garbage and I will tell you those two carts combined meaning One cart collected two times you'll probably be able to get closer to 200 to 215 gallons of material in there now the carts have a weight limit can only put up to 325 lbs and I don't think you're doing that on average I think that's probably unlikely even if you have a couple of babies at home and are doing every diaper you're probably not coming up with 300 lb of garbage this is a sample of the carts you're going to be getting this is the largest cart and the decision was consciously made to not restrict the residents by giving them something smaller as in other communities the carts are counterbalanced and are designed to be ticked will everybody need to do that no but now all right granted I'm a little taller than the average person uh that's a little bit easier but you can see it's not a big thing to tip this even if this was loaded it's not that bad what's the advantage of this design I don't make the cart by the way just everyone understands I don't make carts I don't sell carts I have no interest in the cart company this is one brand they're heavy like this to for a reason they won't blow around in the wind now let me say to you if another hurricane Sandy comes through nutly I don't care what you put at the Cur that's a whole different Beast we're not talking about a hurricane but the average wind last night the winds were 30 m hour in this town as they were by most of North Jersey this cart won't move I'm on a hill I have a concern as I said uh the LA first time we did this conversion for a town was in Pennsylvania in the Poconos I can guarantee you their driveways and streets are much steeper than what you have in Nutley and they do not have a problem once they're flat like this they're not rolling they don't move that way it's not easy can it move no such thing as absolute anything in this world there are two things I know that are absolute my taxes are going to go up someday and I'm going to die those are the only two things I know for sure that I can predict with any accuracy but there are several things this will do for you the reason New York has just converted and by the way New York City's announcement their carts are specially designed for various reasons not only they mandated to be used the residents have to pay for them directly they don't get them as part of a general service your question earlier about cost and how do you pay for the carts yes these cost carts were built into the bid speec so they are part of the cost but they're a one-time cost that way these carts come with a 10 year warranty I've had carts where we are for 20 years plus and they still work fine if they break the company will replace them I've seen this happen in Middletown they had carts breaking fairly regularly partly because the holler was being a little rougher than they should be company kept replacing the carts that's the warranty so when you worry about cost I mean that's the thing I get scared about when I hear people say oh it cost a million dollars or one .3 you have to break that down that's over 10 years and I leave it to accountants to explain the amortization and depreciation costs later on but that's a 10-year amortization then you divide it by the number of homes in town it's a nominal cost per year and you're getting something for the money not physically you can't take it with you when you leave but you're getting something that will be able to stay with your home a question was asked about what do we do with the old ones we the same problem in every town that converts to part the carts I bought a Rubbermaid whatever rough neck I think is the one that was mentioned you can keep it that's up to you you can town will work to try to establish a recycling program for those carts interestingly a lot of those things you bring to the DPW I assume that's where it'll go right commissioner those garbage cans or carts that you may choose to get rid of these carts actually contain a lot of recycled material from old ones this is actually made equivalent to like a milk jug think of milk drugs that's what's in here that same plastic so it contains recycled material as well what's the real Advantage here this picture is the best illustration I can give you when you look at this picture this is what you're going to get you're not going to have a truck what they call one arm band in a more rural setting you would have a truck with an arm on the side that would reach out with a robotic arm and do the Tipping you can't do that in nutly it's not feasible in this T so we do what we call semi-automated the cart's taken to the back of the truck and then there's a thing called a Tipper but what this does is helps to avoid worker injuries whether you think someone else should pay for that if someone gets hurt or not it's not fair to the workers to expose them to that high risk to be hurt and if you want to tell someone who I've seen in this industry I've seen people die not personally but I know people dying of people losing legs of people getting harmed and being permanently disabled because their back hurts nobody has a right to do that this helps to reduce that considerably and to take it further to the early comment the mayor made about companies doing this in the 50% increase versus the 30% in New Jersey not counting the extreme example I just cited 130% last year very common 150% very common cost increases all Co anyone here have costs going down at home because if you are please let me know how you're doing that and I'd like to be able to do that too all of our costs go up that's the nature of just what happens this helps to what we call contain that cost it doesn't make it go down it helps to control the increase there's a big difference it's like saying when you converted to the curly q lights or to the LED lights where you lower your water heater you do put on a sweater and lower the thermostat you're not necessarily seeing your bill go down down but it's what would it do if you didn't do those things this is an easy way to make that happen as to questions about uniqueness of a circumstance I live on a Terrace or I live here and I can't get it here or I'm physically unable to do it that's something the town is going to have to work with all towns have to adjust after starting this program there's no such thing as a on size pardon the pun fits all when you go to a card program there will have to be consideration there's a staff here to take information they will look at that they will figure out how to make it work for each resident in every single Community where this is done that has to be dealt with would I tell every Community that's converted is the same thing I will tell you give it a chance try it for a few months if it doesn't work the Town can work there are alternative things a town can do with carts normally what happens after that 6 months is there are no more phone calls people get used to the change you had kids you know they don't like change we don't like change nobody likes it we like what's comfortable this is going to be cleaner and neater and it will reduce rodents it will reduce animal problems and I'm not saying raccoons because there's nothing in the world I know of that can stop a raccoon they're way too smart for us but it will U it rats in particular especially in the business areas where these will also be that makes a huge difference that's the reason by the way most cities are now moving to carts to control the rodents you have to control it West Orange is doing this on a pilot basis now in their business Community because they have forget the number 150 rat complaints in a month something like that I mean no no one here likes to see a rat I assume right they're not really real high on your list of animals you want to see rolling around this will help reduce that you won't get rodents or animals penetrating bags which is why most towns require you to put garbage in a can anyway was is to prevent animals the last point of this is going back to the vegetative I don't quite know exactly what everyone's doing but the same thing would apply if you're using something other than the bags for leaves I don't even know I don't know that your ordinance even allows that and do a lot of people have a lot of leaves yeah that's this time of year you know that's what we call fault but bags are required most composted facilities facilities where your leaves are currently going require the leaves to be in bags many require them to be in bags today they don't want them loose the bags can compost that's why they want them that way the cart the vegetative cart is not so much for the leaves unless you happen to have maybe you have a small property you don't have a lot of leaves it would work for that but if you have a lot your program allows you to put them in bags if you need a 100 bags you put it in 100 bags again that is a service that is a luxury in communities I I don't want to say it that way where I live they don't pick them up they're my leaves deal with it so I run over him with a lumo and they got little tiny pieces of leaves which are better for my grass anyway now you may have too many my brother used to live in Nutley he know said I had too many leaves I can't do that he composted what he could and he put the rest out in Pags that's what it'll consider continue to do so effectively what the carts do yes sir yes sir I'm going to do when they EMP where they going to put they have to put it back at the curb and they I assume they're taking it from the curb that that's not that's got nothing to do with carts though that fair enough that's a contract that's a contract issue and that's something they have to enforce I won't argue with that the town no not me I don't work for the garbage company okay the Town would have to enforce that as part of their contract the contract says public affairs and health so we have the town attorney here we we've executed a contract with the garbage company and for any violations we will be sending them violations and then we can ultimately we can end up docking their their pay every month so we need to know that anytime that occurs let us know and then we can reach out to the garbage contractor and make sure that they address that every contract has a POS and I know your attorney did this every contract has a provision just like when you hire someone to do work at your house says you have to do a b c d if they don't do that but if you don't tell them that they don't do you don't tell this the town that they don't do that they can't be fixed so it's a good it's a fair question it happens everywhere I you're asking a question is not about I can't answer how things work in your town that's a whole set that's an operational question I can't answer that I don't have an answer for you I'm not here to operate it so well whenever whenever we have an issue if someone brings it to our attention the department of public affairs staff always reaches out to the garbage company make sure it's addressed but we have to know about the issue first mayor how do you want obviously we just addressed one question but what form I'm to use to address questions that have them come up or do you want me to yeah um are you done with the present yeah I'm I'm done unless someone has so yeah I guess this is a good time for a question and answer I guess just pass the mic and back and forth unless do we have a second mic I will try oh good we got a second Mike oh thank you um put put number for okay so every cart that's a good question uh the the one of the advantage of carts is carts allow the town to figure out if you've been picked up properly so every cart will have a unique identifier built into it an identification system that the truck can read and it will say and this goes to help you as well a cart at I know 15 Center Street just for argument sake uh was picked up at 9:00 a.m. I'm just picking numbers out of the air here go with me and what that does it helps the town to track did the hauler actually do their job now that puts a little bit on you too though because if it says in your ordinance you have to put your card out by 7 a.m. and I'm again I'm just picking numbers what is your time 6:00 p.m. the night before and by 5:00 a.m. so let's presume you decide for whatever reason to sleep in you've had a big party the night before you're going to sleep till 9:00 on garbage day you put the card out at 9:30 and you call now now nobody in any Town whatever do this that someone might call and say I put it out at 5:00 a.m. when they did put it out at 9:00 a.m. I know that would never happen right in this case the cart's going to basically tattle on you because the truck's going to know I was there at 6 there was no cart so every cart's assigned a unique identifier your name won't be on it there'll be no way of anyone to know it's your cart all it goes is to an address not you but to an address so these will be hot stamp what they call Hot stamp it'll have logos it'll have instructions of what can go in it all built into the plastic I'm sorry no it cannot spy on you wi no it's an RFID connected thing RFID is a very limited range of about 2 feet technical question go ahead following up specifically on the RFID tracking yeah um and it's tagged to an address yes what sort of data will it be tracking in addition to compliance with the uh cing company will you be okay that's all it tracks when it's picked up will when you put it when you put it out as long as it's timely and will it be tracking the amount of weight that put in these are not weigh that the RFID is not capable of doing that this is only designed to make sure for two things it helps us to track the town rather to track the huler to make sure they picked the thing up because how many times you get into the argument I say I picked it up you say I didn't pick it up this puts that to bed so to speak that's all it does it doesn't care what's in it it doesn't care what time you put it out it's only going to say the truck stopped here it I'm picking a number at 7: a.m. and there was a cart there that I could read and it left the other thing it does help to do is should the cart wander it helps to get it back to it its owner so to speak and which can happen question I don't know if this is for you or talking to the microphone or if this is for the Commissioners but because each cart is assigned to a specific address um what happens if the front of the residents has a specific address but the driveway or where you're going to be putting the cart out is on another Street flag pole uh properties uh properties where the driveway is just on another Street I live in a neighborhood where there are four properties that the driveway is on a totally separate Street and looking at the IPL video they said that um neighborhoods will be zon mapped and and how will we guarantee that we'll be able to put the carts where we need to put them rather than in a different Zone that's a really good question and that comes down to the distribution of the carts where I can take out your entire audio visual system uh that comes down to you coordinating with the staff so they know in advance where the cart has to be because the carts when when we say carts are assigned to an address that's true but they actually are what we call designed to be based on map cord you know when you use a map system and there's what they call the gis system it's latitude longitude so it doesn't really matter what the street address is what matters is the latitude and if you say your driveway is over there to give you your example and your house is over there so long as the town knows that they'll tell the Distributors of the cart that's the location again will it work perfectly on day one I'm not going to tell you that it will because I don't know of anything that does but that's the kind of information you need to tell the town so I don't think that's going to be a problem just just some follow up on that uh the as as we mentioned the carts will be serialized uh you can tell by your serial number it's a unique serial number to you to your residents we you can't permanently deface the cart so don't spray paint numbers on it but if you want to put a decal you know 15 Center Street using an example you could put a decal on that uh so that as long as the decal can be removed uh and don't do anything to the cart uh such as drilling holes into it cuz that could void the warranty uh we want to make sure that the cart uh if it gets damaged is damaged and the warranty is able to replace it a good point I'm sorry this gentlemen that was my question can you put your number on it like we do with our garbage cans now so in case they get lost or get misplaced so long as you don't cover the tag that's got the number on it that the machine has to read I and the mayor just said it would be fine so long as you could remove that yeah as long as it's not a permanent alteration to the to the cart yeah well and by the way I do that at home too I have carts and I just we do the same thing we just put the number on the side just in case oh no that's okay so I have a few questions but I just wanted to check I I didn't take a note but the cost of the carts did you say it's 1.2 million mayor Kelly 1.2 1.3 somewhere in in that but then you were talking wait there's another microphone if you need it you were talking about a 10y year amortization so is that 1.2 million per year because I'm shocked that we can do carts for the entire town for just 1.2 million that's like an amazing number can answer that one first okay first question that's the total cost okay so thank you for that um you're not going to like this but in this whole idea was there the thought that if we went to one pickup a week again you're not going to like this but businesses households that wanted a second pickup was that evaluated in terms of overall cost and I'm I'm asking this in terms of proforma because we all know the United States especially the Northeast is running out of space for garbage there's just nowhere nobody wants our garbage we have entire towns built on garbage um and we don't have a compost program we have a vegetative waste or a um yard waste program here but we don't have a household um you know vegetable fruit compost program I'm I'm curious was that considered and I don't know if this is all to you or or to Mar Kell's office um okay so then I do have those questions I have a couple more too thanks so so let's go to the let's see the second question uh was the uh alternative to go to one time per week considered by the township and it was but the numbers did not come back in such a way to make it cost effective to do that it would have end up costing you more money in some respects because based on weight because of the way the bids came in okay now that I would and by the way I would not have expected that but that's what and you got to go by what the bid says so it was considered uh your next question was oh compost like household compost so household composting in New Jersey is very tricky uh we do have a law in the state of New Jersey that requires that commercial businesses that generate more than one ton per week must go to a Compost Facility or some facility to recycle the food but there are a lot of exceptions and here's the biggest one there has to be a facility and we don't have many residentially around the state most programs that have TR where people have tried to do curbside food waste where they can collect it and compost it have shut down because of two reasons one it's very expensive on a per pound basis and two residents tend to contaminate the food with so much stuff that can't be composted it can't be accepted so until people can do it correctly it doesn't work taking it just to answer your question completely you could today retain a private service on your own there are a couple of them in this area where they will do that for you or you could obviously do your vegetative waste I have my own compost bins right okay so the other thing thank you for that um when you said about yard waste and the brown bags and I mean the town has actually distributed bins for yard waste I have never picked them up I just have my own bins but so what you're saying concerns me you're saying you know these compost facilities will even take vegetative waste if it's not brown bagged so you know I understand it's a different department that's mayor scarpelli's department but you know some of the things you're saying aren't ding with what's been happening here so you're just causing more questions so let me answer your question the reason that most facilities that are taking leaves today prefer that they be bagged or in a it could be in a cart too but as this gentleman said earlier I think how many carts he would need if he was going to put every leaf out in carts thanks most of them want them in a container for one reason when they're loose on the street which some towns still collect they become contaminated with a chemical I won't get into what that is but that chemical contamination makes the compost impossible to do anything with okay when they're in bags or containers they don't pick up as much of the chemical and it meets the state standard so that's why that happens that way okay so my next question is um we're covering garbage we're covering yard waste so what's happening in terms of recycling I don't know if I should address this to Maris scarelli okay and are but are you having to evaluate that because I know the Tipping fees or the we don't really make money like we used to on recycling I mean I remember that from looking at the budget so I'm just curious is that being addressed or will it be addressed as another potential cost savings measure I'm not sure okay okay great yeah just one and let me add to that that Nutley has in my experience and this is a credit to all of you because I talk to the markets that take your material you have some of the cleanest paper in the state your paper often when it goes to the recycling facility gets failed and said right to paper milk which is very unusual to have paper that clean so your residents you you and your fellow residents in this town do a really good job about Recycling and making it clean the way it should be so kudos to nutl right I mean I think it's very clear about recycling we get a notice a bulletin and it's easy to follow so thank you um and my last question is and thank you I understand you're a higher consultant so how long is your contract with Nutley it's it's my contract essentially is up when this thing starts okay thank you very thank you for your service oh let me thank you very much does this eliminate one man on the garbage truck so you'll be down to two is that correct generally that's what happens and saver it does save money and if it in fact if they do want to still have two because sometimes they can on your smaller side streets they can service both sides very quickly generally they might do that for bulk they will do that for bulk you still need two two people on the truck and bulk was something that is different you will see and it's in the fact sheet I believe that the township prepared for you you will now be able to do bulk but you must make a reservation to do so and the reason for that and this has been done I give you one example in one of the communities I worked with they did what nutly did every week truck went around looking for bulk ways that means they're driving all over the town looking for stuff the town went to a reservation system there are 73 that particular town there are 7,300 homes in the town they've been doing this now for about a year and a half on average on a given week they pick up 59 to 60 homes most people do not put bulk out every week some do and in many communities what they found is those folks who are abusing the bulk collection system by using as their personal little side business but in the reality of this is that does two things the reservation system reduces truck miles in your town so it's quieter it's cleaner and it's a heck of a lot more efficient and it also is a cost savings because now the holler is calculating based on what they know they're going to pick up not just guessing and that the mechanics of that system are worked out and being worked out with your town do I get my exercise can you describe more about the content of the actual item like how much recycled plastic is in there and and things like that sure it does depend on the company and it depends on what the you if there are spef specifications that say more on average 15 to 20% 10 let's say 10 to 20% of that cart is postc consumer plastic not 100% clearly for several reasons one the cart has to meet certain strength requirements and when you recycle plastic it tends to get weaker they can only put so much in but it's something at the end of their life these will often go back to the companies they get regr and thrown into the new cars it can be a closed loop system on not saying it's perfect because again no such thing is perfect but it's better than throwing it away all the time no no it's okay my question is at Christmas if it's on oh can um can you get another one at Christmas like how much would it be to buy it not buy get rent whatever I don't know I I don't know I mean I can't I can't tell you what the town's going to do we're still sharpening our pencils we're trying to make it as Limited in cost as possible for the residents if you've ever ridden around this town like the day after Christmas or a big holiday it's four and five cans out front well again let me point out to you four five cans that you can the equivalent of five small garbage cans and plastic bags will get in that car and the worst case scenario is you'd wait two days you get twice a week collection I mean you know it's not it's not like you're holding on to the stuff for a month so it's beneficial to keep your regular garbage cans because if you H if you need that's you know have if you have a big party you know or all those boxes and stuff well the boxes hopefully you're recycling I am recycling everything please I mean I hope so I do I do I do but that comes down answer your question is the same thing I mean this comes down to you know the woman before is asking a question this lady was asking us a question earlier what are we doing about because people live near garbage and there's so much garbage we're making you know and I'm not telling you how to have a party okay I'm just saying that we make a decision to make the garbage yeah yeah you know no yeah I get it I just want to you know be prepared two days I mean you know I grew up in don't hold it against me but I grew up in Belleville and and you know we had at Christmas time we like everybody else gener a lot so we had to wait for the second garbage colle the town looks like oh well we never did we didn't put it outside we held on to it till we could put it out we never did in that we yeah it's it's a matter of personal preference if you want to spend the extra money for a second cart you can go ahead and do that if you want to keep it uh for two days with in your old cans or carts that's fine as well I answer it but they will pick up two can your schedule two pickups a week has not changed no no no if I had two cans yeah so yeah if it's in the cart they'll pick it up yeah but then I that can stays with that house I couldn't like just borrow it for a week no I I don't think that would can you imagine you talk about the logistics of trying to get this thing to work now now you want to have a rental program I mean it's a nice idea but I don't know if I'd go for it other question well I've got um can you excuse me I'm sorry can you just stand over there so you mentioned the cans are amortised over 10 years how long's the contract for the hauler you have a five-year contract so in five years are those cans Universal if it goes up to in five years the carts are yours you've effectively paid for them over the first five years and then you own them and you get the warranty as well carried for the next 5 years the warranty transfers to you right now the warranty would be with the huler because For the First five years they own them technically then it transfers to the township but we're paying for it over 10 years as as we said right effectively you advertise them over 10 you're paying for them over five but you advertise over 10 and I'm not going to get into accounting buy a lot more than I do about so I appreciate that but so we're potentially if we find a different holder buying new cans in five years no okay no these are Universal that's what I me yeah they are Universal the tippers are Universal the carts are all designed with uh to an ANSI standard and it has to be it's a very specific standard even the specification in your bid at a very specific nationally recognized standard I personally don't know of anyone that makes a cart any company that I know of that doesn't make to that standard I'm sorry it's the ASM standard doesn't make to that standard because they'd never sell a cart understood uh so you get the carts you own the carts and you raise a very good point without raising it one of the reasons you convert to parts is because what we now know is companies like Waste Management largest in the country will not bid a contract without carts in New Jersey Republic will not bid contracts without carts they will not do manual collection that's one of the reasons one of the large cities saw its price go up so high because the contractor said my contract's up on date certain you won't go to carts we're walking away we're not bidding again they don't want the injuries so it going forward in five years for you to have the opportunity for more haulers you're going to need carts anyway and in your expert recommendation this day and age is there any municipality where you're not recommending cards I have not worked with a municipality in the last 20 years where I have not recommended carts that does not mean every municipality has listen to me but I have not worked in a situation where I will not recommend a cart there's not one Town one location in this state from the most Urban down where I think CS could not work I've seen them work in urban settings does that answer your question so I can't hear I'm sorry I do I I okay um you own literally own the cart after you pay for it right you don't own it the town no the town owns the carts when you get the carts at the end of five years they become the property of the town they are assigned to that address where you live you don't personally own them the town owns them I don't know we have any other questions anyone have any other questions for Mr defo does anyone have any questions for any of the Board of Commissioners thank you so uh seeing none I guess we'll we'll let Mr defo go uh we will be having another information session after the carts are delivered on December 12th same time 7:00 um if you if you think of more questions between now and then feel free to reach out to me or anyone at the Department of Public and health uh we're happy to answer your questions or you could save it uh till December 12th and Wayne will be happy to answer them then as well uh if you guys are welcome to to stay for the rest of the Board of Commissioners meeting uh if you if you don't want to stay for the board of commission's meeting you're free to go as well you're welcome and we do have the the the card up here if anyone wants to familiarize themselves with it feel free to uh play around with it and for everyone's reference the black is just the example they're to be maroon please please send him all the best he's he's good he one of the people that when I saw him pop up iar to family and I thought I was so very e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e about 2 30 seconds self-regulated BPU non BPU all right let's go so uh thank you to the public for bearing with us and uh asking your very uh prudent questions regarding the new garbage collection system as I said we'll have another presentation after the cars to delivered in December if you have questions in the interim we're happy to answer them at the department of public affairs and health just Reach Out any time or you can save them till Mr Deo comes back on December 12th um moving on uh Board of commissioner announcements commissioner Evans nothing this evening mayor nothing commissioner scarelli just wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving to everybody yes have a happy and safe Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing everyone throughout the holiday season uh moving on to ordinance introductions that is me uh I have ordinance number 3572 and ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township notle chapter 614 entitled solid waste recycling particularly Article 2 storage collection and Disposal I move that this ordinance be passed the second reading and advertising nutly Sun together with notice required by law and that further consideration of said orance for final passes by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on December 177 2024 so moved back it commissioner Evans I on introduction only commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi uh commissioner Evans on uh you have a ordinance on behalf of the board yes this this uh is a an amendment to the the tobacco ordinance to make it compliant uh with the state uh when the original ordinance was reviewed by the state there were some conflicting language and fees that's been eliminated uh and and also reduces the the uh Vape fee to what we had discussed from $1,500 down to $750 so an ordinance to amend an ordinance codified the code Township of Nelly chapter 652 entitled tobacco I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertisement nutly some together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on December 17th so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO I vote I but I'd like to make a statement too I had a meeting with the DCA last week of Public Safety um presentation about scams and you know all that stuff that's going on but while I talked to the woman I also mentioned to her that there needs to be a Statewide um um regulation and enforcement on these Vapes because we have stopped the Vapes in Nutley and everywhere I go I won't name t towns because I have many friends there but they just aren't um doing anything about it and I just want to go on the record of saying that you know the state DCA they really have to step up because we're putting businesses out of business in Nutley and it's not like we're curing anything and I agree Vapes are horrible for you and you shouldn't do it however they're going you know to neighboring towns and getting Vape so any help that any of my fellow Commissioners or mayor could give us you know maybe a phone call down to Trenton because you know the it's got to be playing same playing fair for all it's great that you did that did they have a response to that question um they really didn't it was a lovely lady that came to the meeting she didn't really have a lot of information at all I don't think they're aware of it it it's interesting because you know the whole thing about flavored Vapes and how dangerous they are that is a state statute right and and and so we're enforcing that as we should right uh which I agree with you makes it very difficult because while we're stopping in in nutly we're not stopping from people from getting it because they can go across the border so I I'm just interested to see here if they ever actually address that I'm going to I'm actually you know I'm actually going to give them another phone call I call called and I didn't get a returned phone call back yet but it's you know I mean first of all we're poisoning our children and it's worse than cigarettes hardest thing to stop I know firsthand unfortunately but long story short it's got to you know be a team effort and you know it's got to be through the state and the the issue is is that they're leaving it up to the municipalities to enforce to enforce and they're not so you know hopefully moving forward you know yeah yeah whoever could call up it's you know we're not going to stop anybody by you know going to our neighboring towns thank you mayor Kelly I'm happy to call anyone uh especially if it involves protecting our residents and particularly our children from these harmful substances I vote I uh we have ordinances on public hearings and second readings uh commissioner petraco yes okay this ordinance number is 3568 for final passes and ordinance to amend the ordinance codified in the code of of the township and NY chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 handicap Park and to add to the location Seth for this is this one is for 63 Spring Street I move it second are we doing public hearing public hearing public hearing I thought this was for final passage this the second reading or the first open the public hearing excuse me I'm sorry I open the public meeting if anybody wants to comment anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance number 3568 may approach the microphone and state your name for the record please see no one moves close second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I I move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I um this is another one um ordinance number 3569 or amendment orance codified in the code of the township and chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 handicap Park and location Seth Fort this one is for 76 m I move to open the public hearing second public hear do we have to vote on it do we have to vote on it first Lenny I sorry close the public hearing sorry anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance number 3569 uh please approach the microphone state your name for the record see no one move to close second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarpelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I move the second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Paco hi mayor Kelly I thank you commissioner Peta we're moving on to resolutions commissioner Evans thank you whereas New Jersey statute 54 col 4-3 to30 provides War veterans who were hon honorably discharged from actor service in a time of war and any branch of the armed services of the United States who have been or shall be declared by the United States Veteran Administration to be totally and permanently disabled in connection with their wartime service a full tax exemption for their their dwelling and the lot on which it is situated and whereas the F the following taxpayer has file an application and has been uh determined to be eligible now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey that Anthony marrow be granted full exemption from payment of property taxes September 27th 2024 and shall and all subsequent years thereafter in the property identified as block 5503 Lock 28 also known as 75 Ridge Road be further resolved that the treasur is hereby authorized to refund $ 16284 for uh 20 2024 property taxes so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Paco hi mayor Kelly thank you for your service I my next resolution uh authorizes the treasurer to uh refund overpayment of tax charges in the amount of $289.90 for the lot and blocks that are listed in the resolution so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I uh provisions of s 48 col 4- 58 allows transfers of Appropriations in the 2020 for Budget being and they are hereby authorized and approved moving from Unemployment Compensation Insurance o and account 4014 248 $26,000 to d uh New Jersey D Green Acres loan o uh 40181 11200 for $6,000 so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner chuchi hi commissioner Carelli hi commission PCO hi mayor Kelly I whereas Matthew deti reer is submitted and paid for a zoning certificate fee for 104 Prospect Street in Nutley uh the uh cost of the zoning certificate application was collected for $75,000 and was deposited in account c01 9493 the township has received a request in writing uh from Mr deti for a refund of the permit uh given that the deal did not go through as uh the sale did not go through whereas notle code enforcement has reviewed and determined the zoning application fee is of $75 is due to Mr def freti now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY County of es New Jersey uh that the treasur is hereby authorized to refund zoning application fee of $75 to Mr Dei so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly all the town collected uh $75 not 75,000 oh did I say 75,000 we can always hold $75 yeah yeah exactly thank you mayor thank you commissioner chuchi yes thank you be resolved by Board of Commissioners Township Nutley County of state of New Jersey that resolution number 31724 adopted on November 7th 2024 entitled 2024 budget trans for Department of parked and public property is hereby rescinded I move the resolution second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi um this is the real budget transfer which will incorporate the the last one that had some technical errors that we just resented be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township Nutley County of btics New Jersey that in accordance with the provisions of RS 4A colon 4 there 58 the following transfers of Appropriations in the 2024 budget b and same are hereby authorized and approved for Department of parks and public property from health insurance $115,000 two public buildings and ground salaries and wages 20,000 senior citizen Transportation salaries and wages 35,000 parks and playgrounds other expenses 25,000 debris removal 15,000 shade tree 20,000 for a like total of 115,000 I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner SC hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi where is Townley Department of parks public property has a need to do flood mitigation work on Memorial Park one Pond due to Hurricane idem and whereas at the location here through a significant storm event resulted in materials such as Boulders Solid Waste tree limbs and other debris to settle in the pond with fall and spring storms becoming much more prevalent there is continual flooding of the river banks if the pond in the area is not Rak and clean there is a risk that the next significant storm could even result in more flooding throughout the township and whereas Township would Nutley is a member of the Bergen County cooperative pricing system and whereas the Bergen County Purchasing Cooperative has awarded a contract to Joseph and szary Inc 100 West Franklin Street Hackensack New Jersey for master service contract uh investigations and drainage system Improvement bridge and c and Culver repairs via resolution 638-2327 whereas Joseph mimari um has provided a quote in the amount of $580,000 and whereas funds are available in capital account GDs 041 19141 which will be reimbursed by FEMA at 90% and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached this resolution now therefore beate resolved that the Board of Commissioners of town nly authorizes that a contract be entered into in excuse me in accordance with local public contracts law 40a col 11-10 which Joseph and simari at a cost not to exceed $580,000 I Mo the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Paco hi mayor Kelly hi where as sealed bids receive for recreation uniforms equipment and supplies on November 7 2024 in the township of Nutley and whereas BSN Sports P box 49 jenin Town PA was a low bids for the attached sheet not to exceed 27,800 and whereas funds are available from t-24 9991 through t249 9915 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of n county of tic state of New Jersey that a contract for recreation equipment be awarded to BSN Sports P box 49 jenin toown PA I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Paco hi mayor Kelly hi where seal builds to receive for recreation uniform forms equipment and supplies on November 7 2024 in the township of Nutley and whereas Relentless Athletics 106 Park Avenue Nutley New Jersey was the low bidder per the attached sheet not to exceed $21,000 and whereas funds are available from accounts t-24 99901 through t249 9915 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 2025 budget now therefore we resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township Nutley County of Essex state of Jersey that a contract for recreation uniforms be awarded to Relentless Athletics 106 Park Avenue Nutley New Jersey I move the resolution second commissioner emans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi where is Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances families had to cancel participation in programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined the need to refund the families now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township n county of El state of New Jersey Jersey that the treasurer is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs in the amounts listed below the folks at 149 Beach Street for travel basketball in the amount of $125 and the folks at 652 Franklin Avenue again for travel basketball in the amount of $125 both for the 2024 year I Mo the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scell hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi it's all I have thank you thank you commissioner commissioner scarelli thank you mayor whereas njsa 484871 now therefore be resolved that the board of commissioner Township vley County of esic state of New Jersey hereby I request the director of division of local government services to approve the insertion of an nement of Revenue in the budget for the year 2024 and amount of $677 18182 which item is now available as a revenue from the New Jersey clean community's pursuant and Provisions of Statute section two be a further resolved that a like sum of $677 18182 be and the same is hereby appropriated under the caption of General Appropriations operations excluded from the Caps clean Community Grant other expenses $677 a182 be a further resolve that a copy of this resolution be electronically filed with the director for approval as required by law move the resolution than commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner pet mayor Kelly hi that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner uh commissioner petroy do you have anything believe I do mayor this evening thank you uh I have a couple resolution res olutions uh resolution number 331-2473 D1 Arbor Hills is recognized as a qualified private Community the township is responsible for reimbursing uh such communities for uh Town services such as uh Ser public roads and streets uh the township has elected to reimburse Arbor Hills for the 2025 year now therefore be resolv that the Board of Commissioners Township of nle County vescs as follows the mayor and Township of clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a municipal Services agreement for solid waste collection disposal with 432 owners one of one River Road Nutley known as Arbor Hills in a form of an approved in in a form approved by the township attorney funds the amount of 8,144 are available from account 5-1-1 38-29 a copy of this resolution as well as Municipal Services agreement shall be placed on file with the clerk and notice of this action shall be printed once in the nutly Sun so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Uchi hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi the second one I have is resolution number 33224 and this is on behalf of the entire Board of Commissioners uh whereas the township of Nutley has a need to retain Professional Services of DMR Architects uh the contract is awarded without competitive fitting as a professional service contract in accordance with New Jersey statute is annotated title 19 chapter 44 A- 2.5 of the local public contracts law uh were the board Commissioners have determined DMR is best suited to Pride these Services DMR completed a business entity disclosure certification and compli which certifies that they have not made any reportable disqualifying contribution to any political candidate committing the township of nutly and whereas funds are available from account number 5-01 d226 d205 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution Andor will be reimbursed by escrow amount account setup by the redeveloper of the subject property uh dmar has submitted a proposal for services not of at a cost not to exceed $10,000 where the anticipated term of the contract is for 12 months from January 20 January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 and therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nelly County of as state New Jersey the mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with DMR as a professional service in the amount of not to exceed $10,000 a copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the clerk of the township of nuty and notice in accordance with local public contracts law of the state of New Jersey shall be published in nut son so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I the next one is resolution number 33324 where the township Nutley has a need for services of outside litigation Council to represent the Township in the following matter Malik squib versus the township of Nutley zoning board docking number esxl d286 d23 through a non-fair non-open contract as a professional service pursuant to New Jersey statute annotated title 19 chap 44 a-25 New Jersey statute annotated title 20a 11-1 that sequence as amended uh whereas the law from of gion and Paka One bowling Drive Suite 102 West Orange New Jersey 07052 has able PR previously provide these Services whereas gion and pako has submitted a fee schedule to provide such services at allly rate of $215 for Legal Services by attorneys an hourly rate of $100 for services by a paralal or law clerk uh whereas the contract not exceed 7500 for the period January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 and funds are available from account number 5-01 d226 d205 which will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer uh the law firm of gach on and Pomo has completed a business entity disclosure certification which certifies they have made not made any reportable or disqualifying contribution any political candidate or committee now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners in Township nle County of es state of New Jersey award a contract for special Development Council uh should be outside litigation Council as follows the mayor and the township of clerk are hereby authorized and direct to execute seal and deliver a 2025 contract for Professional Services with gion and pako PC pursuant to a non-fair non-open process in accordance with New Jersey statute annotated title 19 chapter 44A 20.5 for a term beginning January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 and for the state hourly rate rates not to exceed $7,500 a copy of this resolution as well as the contract and business entity disclosure certification business entity disclosure of campaign contribution shall be placed on file with the clerk copy of the resolution shall be published as required by law within 10 days of its passage so moved second commissioner Evans commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Mr Petco mayor Kelly I the next one is resolution number 33424 the township has a need to award contract for wireless Consulting pertaining to impending deployment of in the township of 5G generation of mobile networks as well as upgrade and maintenance to existing uh maintenance existing Communications Network and Facilities uh the township has solicited pursuant to local public contracts law New Jersey statute annotated title 40a 11-1 and sequence and received a quote for the provision of Wireless Consulting Services pertaining to the impending deployment of Township 5G Services uh whereas hoplight Communications 197e 18 suet 3000 East Brunswick New Jersey 0881 six submitted a proposal outlining Wireless Consulting Services pertaining to the aformentioned services uh the board commissioner desires to award this contract whereas the contract will not exceed 7,000 for a period of January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 funds are available from account number 5- 01-11 d29 which will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being subject to adoption of the 2025 Municipal budget whereas the provision of the aforementioned consulting services will be performed by H by hoplight at a rate of 195 per hour which with the total cost during the term of this agreement to remain below the threshold pursuant to New Jersey local payto playay law New Jersey statute annotated title 19 chapter 44 20.4 at sequence whereas the township of Nutley has determined and of the award of the contract for the provision of the affirmation consulting services in the best interest and in the Imp implementation of this contract is necessary for efficient operations now therefore be resolved at the Board of Commissioners T of Nelly County es state New Jersey contract for 5G telecommunication consultant as follows the main mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute seal and deliver a 2025 contract for Professional Services with hoplight Communications LLC 197 Route 18 s 3000 East Brunswick New Jersey 088 uh think there's another six pursuing to a non-fair and non-open process in accordance with new New Jersey statute DTI title 19 chapter 44A 20.5 for a ter beginning January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 for the state hourly rates not to exceed $7,000 a copy of this resolution as well as contract and business entity disclosure certification business entity's disclosure of campaign campaign contributions shall be placed on file with the clerk a copy of this resolution shall be published as required by law within 10 days of its passage so moved I'm I'm going to Second this may I'd like to see the scope of this this sounds like an IP function uh and it's not something that I'm aware of but we can speak speak about that later but I'll second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PATCO I mayor Kelly I uh the next resolution I have is number resolution sorry the next resolution I have on for this evening resolution number 33524 be resolved that pursuant to an agreement between the township n department of public affairs and health and Nutley Family Service Bureau including nle Family Service Bureau food bank and all the general services for residents of Nutley Township authorizes payments of $50,000 effected January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 payment of $25,000 to be made in June 2025 with second payment of $25,000 to be made in December 2025 the servic is being provided in accordance with agreement and not otherwise provided by the Department of Public fairs and health are as follows service nutly residents with Food Services a from ages 0 to 65 and older for nutly residents only edible education events provides group mental health for nutly residents provide residents with addiction related issues and support provide the township with a thrift shop to families in need mental well-being workshops continued Health and Welfare for all nutly residents assist with nutly Farmers Mar nutly Farmers Market EBT program individual Psychotherapy counseling therapists available after any NHS or Township crisis backpack initiative provide tella Health visits due to covid-19 be a further resolve that the funds available from account number 5-1-1 120- 209 for 50,000 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of of the 2025 Municipal budget so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli commissioner P mayor Kelly hi uh this is a resolution for agreement made between Northwest Essex Community Healthcare Network a nonprofit corporation here in after referred to as the agency having its principal place of business at 570 Beville Avenue Beville New Jersey 01 07109 in the township of Nutley here after referred to asut uh it is agreed that the agency will furnish and provide Behavioral Health Care Services to Residents nutly by a professionally qualified personnel and will cooperate with nut other nutly community programs which deal with the provision of said services for services rendered by the agency and described here to four during said contractual period of January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 nly agrees to pay the agency a grant in the amount of $20,000 the agency will provide a therapist once a week to see veterans their family m parents backed military children in need of therapy at the department of public affairs and health located at 149 Chestnut Street Nutley New Jersey payments on account of the obligations set force will be made biannually to the agency in the amount of 10 $10,000 due by June 30th 2025 and a balance of 10,000 due no later than December 31st 2025 whereas funds will be available from account number 5-1-18 d209 in the amount of $20,000 will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be sub subject to the adoption of 2025 Municipal budget now therefore be resolved the Board of Commissioners t n county of ESS state of New Jersey that the mayor and Township Clerk being our here I authorized to execute an agreement with Northwest Essex Community Healthcare nowe a further resolve that the parties here to have caused the these presents to be executed by their respective mayor officer and attested by to by their respective municipal clerk or secretary for their official seal to be fixed there to so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I our next one I have on for this evening is resolution number extend the existing shared services for pH Physicians School Physician Services for the period of January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 which the township will be compensated $15,400 to be paid in 12 equal installments of $1,284 so moved commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scell hi commissioner Baco hi mayor Kelly I the last one I have on for this evening is resolution number desires to enter into an agreement with New Jersey Ark of Essex County uh with offices at naon Avenue in the township of Livingston uh where the unit agrees to provide services for mentally disabled individuals and their families in the township of nly effect of January 1st 2025 through December 31st 2025 in consideration by the in consideration of payment by the the township of nly to the unit of $1,000 payable in a sum as a partial reimbursement of cost and services whereas funds are available in account number 5- 01116 D200 the amount of $1,000 have been certified but a Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution and therefore it be resolved that the mayor and the Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute set agreement on behalf of the township of notle so moveed second Mr Evans hi Mr atoui hi Mr scarelli hi Mr Paco hi mayor Kelly hi uh at this point we open the meeting to the public any any member of the public wishing to be heard on any matter not necessarily those we discussed in the agenda tonight any matter and you wish to be heard please approach the microphone and say your name for the record uh seeing none uh Mr Bruno I think we have a need for executive session we do mayor we uh we need to go into close session to discuss contract negotiations I need a motion please move second we're at Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 from permits the exclusion of the public per meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY move into close executive session to discuss contract negotiations and litigation be it further resolved that at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel Catal matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I and uh we won't be conducting any more business this evening uh our next meeting is Tuesday December 3rd at 7M uh I'll entertain a motion to adjourn the to adjourn second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi the time is now 9:15 hey