##VIDEO ID:VEFwmDaIXxM## thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting for Thursday November 7 2024 the time is now 7:17 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Tui here commissioner scarelli present mayor Evans commissioner Petco and mayor Kelly or absent excuse this evening and just for the record uh I Deputy Mayor and finance Comm and for the mayor this evening which happens you know once every four years let me have moment pleas thank you we have uh Board of commissioner meeting minutes for October 1st 2024 and October 15 2024 move it uh commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans and that's it for minutes thank you we have two this evening uh the first one is Michael chfo has submitted an event application for his annual holiday toy drive event scheduled for December 14 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the event will be held at 38 Gerard Road uh our second one is Our Lady Mount Caramel church has submitted a letter requesting permission to hold Raffles on Sunday July 20 2025 uh at 1 100 p.m at 1:20 Prospect Street I need a motion please move it second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi and that's it for communications since I don't sit here I had to get tutoring on the microphone uh we now have a proclamation for this evening uh which uh I asked uh commissioner Tui and commissioner scarpelli to join me in reading the proclamation um which is as follows this Proclamation declares October 16 2024 the 100th anniversary of the founding of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church we declare this day of remembrance to honor 100 years of service and faith faithful witness to the the Nutley community and Beyond whereas on October 16 2024 Reverend Jamesburg and 30 charter members started Holy Trinity Lutheran Church commission and whereas the first worship services and Sunday School classes were held in the Nutley masonic hall or in the Nutley town hall on October 16th 1924 and whereas the church members purchased the corner lot at Hillside Avenue and veland Avenue on May 4th 1925 for a cost of 3 ,600 and whereas the church building Cornerstone was laid on June 22nd 1941 the origin of the stone is the Great Wall the City of Refuge honu Beach District of Kona Hawaii whereas for many years Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has been actively engaged in the Nutley Community participating in the Nutley clergy Fellowship volunteering and providing donations for Vincent Church care kitchen supporting Nutley Family Service Bureau throughout the year and participating in Nutley Township Public ceremonies now therefore be proclaimed that the mayor that mayor Kelly and the Board of Commissioners in the township of nle County of Essex state of New Jersey declare October 16th 2024 the 100th year anniversary of holy triny Luther Lutheran Church re would you like to say a few words chil um Kathy Palam she is the president of church Council um I also want to say a few words of thanks to merth for her infinite patience with us as we were uh learning how to coordinate this I also want to thank the township for um celebrating this with us as well um a 100 years it's a big deal um and so happy to be um really a Beacon of Hope along with the other churches in our community what I we just had our clergy fellowship meeting just yesterday and what's nice about is it's not just about Holy Trinity even though tonight's our celebration for our hundred it's really everybody all the houses of Faith um and everybody in this town working together to make it really the great place it is um as as I think we like to say it's a destination um and a place to be here and to and to also Place Roots the I mean Holy Trinity is 100 how old is the town it goes even beyond that and to know that this town is vibrant it cares is about its people its citizens and to also make Faith a part of that experience I I love it that's what I love about this town that you all take Faith very seriously and that really that is a testimony um to really making nutly a true destination so thank you so very much for acknowledging this we're excited about it we're very much very excited about it we've been doing different things throughout the year and we just thank you so very much so thank you very much to everyone and may Kelly and also Meredith for your patience so thank you Reverend would you like to do a picture would you like to do a picture yes thank you right in the middle they're going take conations than you [Music] it's all one here you would like to stay for the rest of the meeting you're well more than welcome but if you'd like to get up and enjoy the rest of the night go go right ahead you're welcome good again congratulations reports ort commissioner Tui want report you want me go first okay yes yes thank you mayor I have a shade tree report uh for September and October of 2024 F SC py yes may I have various reports uh 2024 and I have the Cod enforcement reports for the third quarter and for September of 2024 bills uh thank you Deputy Mayor we Bill list for November 7th 2024 public affairs $ 69,8 201747 revenue and finance 8,1 19,54 to20 Public Safety $967 18255 Public Works $12,017 parks and public property 1,1 180,181 46 water utility $141,300 payroll as a Friday October 25th 2024 regular regular payroll total 95758 $380 overtime payroll total $7,295 total payroll 1,487 65 for a grand total of 11,164 5360 move the Bills second commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi and that's it for bills uh public comment on agenda items only seeing no one commissioner announcements commissioner Tucci uh the only announcement uh I have is that this evening was also the night that we hold our our annual princess ball at the parks department and we had 200 beautiful little nutly princesses there with some older princesses helping them along and it was a wonderful night and I want to thank uh deputy mayor commissioner for all the support that you've given us over the years and we will continue great Mr scell nothing tonight mayor uh I have nothing either let's move on to ordinance introductions uh I have uh two this evening uh first is 3570 which is to purchase a replacement vehicle uh for revenue and Finance in the code Department I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertised notely s together with the notice required by law and that further consideration set ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on December 3rd 2024 so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh my next uh uh ordinance is 3571 uh this is read on behalf of the Board of Commissioners entirety uh this uh is an ordinance that authorizes the township to execute a financial agreement with the town uh Nutley Town Center redevelopers urban renewal entity and granting a tax exemption I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertising not Sun together with a notice required by law and that further consideration of said ordinance or final passage of by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on December 3rd 2024 so move second commissioner tuchi I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh commissioner rrao is isn't here tonight but he does have a public hearing on a uh ordinance number 3563 which is uh entitled uh vehicles and traffic articles for special zoning areas for handicapped parking would anyone wish to comment on this ordinance seeing no one move to close the public hearing second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi the ordinance second commissioner tuchi I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I uh 3564 is as well is for uh handicap parking uh would anyone else uh like to comment on this ordinance this evening seeing no one move to close the public hearing second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans I move the ordinance second commissioner tuchi hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans I commissioner scarelli yes Deputy Mayor I have ordinance number 3565 is an ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the Cod of Township chapter 484 in titled parking lots Municipal Municipal particularly the following sections article one section 8 titled hour hours of service parking fees and monthly parking this adjust some of our uh fees for parking especially the convenience fees and some of the parking permit fees would anyone like to comment on this ordinance evening seeing no one move to close second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans I move yission you do it move it second commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarpelly hi Deputy Mayor Evans all right this is ordinance 3566 in ordinance to amend an ordinance cified in the code of Township nelli chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly Article 13 parking meter Zone section 46 entitled parking meter zones they have the location set forth in this is changing um some of our 1H hour parking to 2hour parking as uh some of our services are take longer than one hour to complete so uh it'll actually make two hours for all the uh parking of at the uh parking meters on the Avenue and in certain section nice would anyone like to comment on this ordinance seeing no one move to close second commissioner Tucci I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I move the ordinance second commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I commissioner do you want to do this one or sure this is a uh a Bond ordinance uh to improve uh Memorial Park also known as the Mud Hole uh we received a $580,000 grant from FEMA uh which we had to match with $58,000 uh so we will be conducting a raking program there all right thereby removing as much of the organic material uh that that we can and in the hope that it will help alleviate some of the flooding that we presently experience and commissioner this if I remember correctly we need to advance the money to get in order to get reimbursed correct this is a reimbursement Grant commissioner thank you right revenue of Finance guy would know that yeah uh would anyone like to comment on this ordinance this evening seeing seeing no one close commissioner Tui we have to close public yeah go ahead close it I need a second a second I commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi move the ordinance no no we can't move it oh I'm sorry we can't move it we don't have yeah we'll table the vote this evening until the next meeting we we need to do a phone can just go to the next meeting uh we can we can wait what whatever you know whatever's easy your pleasure is whatever is easier okay that work 10 am thank you so just for clarification that's because it's involves funds and we need four votes correct yeah okay so great uh the vote is tabled until tomorrow at 10 at 10 AM uh all right moving on to resolutions uh commissioner scarelli why don't you go and would you mind uh reading mayor Kelly's me get to them yeah go ahead you do the you'll do the first two sure I have mayor Kelly's I don't have mine in my packet I don't see the meeting I have I don't see the yeah okay um this is uh resolution 31224 whereas pursuant to njsa 4067 23.2 and as required by law the township has elected to provide Municipal services to the Cambridge Heights at Nutley umbrella Association in the same manner as the township provides such services on public roads and streets in the township now therefore via resol by the border of commissioner Township Nutley in the county of Essex as follows one the mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a 2025 Municipal service agreement with the association and form approved by the township attorney to a copy of the resolution as well as the municipal service agreement shall be in place on file with the clerk and a notice of this action shall be printed once in not Le son move the resolution second commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi where's bids for the 2024 Sor line camera Inspection Cleaning and reigning were received and opened on Wednesday September 25th 2024 whereas Montana construction Corp 8 constant Avenue Lo on New Jersey was the lowest responsible bidder where is the base bid in the amount of $24,300 an ordinate alternate bid number one is in the amount of $267 for a total bid price of $831,000 where spunds are Avail from count g41 18543 in the amount of 800,000 and account number go4 16348 in the amount of$ 31,100 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township County V State jersey that a contract be awarded to Montana Construction Company not to exceed $8 31,1 and at the mayor in Township clker hereby authorized to enter into a sign and sign said contract for the township of nly this is for reining of a a sore main which runs uh along the Third River um gets a lot of infiltration and and winds up costing us money with bake Valley sewage Corp so and this is money that for the majority comes from arp arp money money so it's Federal grant money that's used for this I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi hi whereas bids for the 2023 acceptance of recycling vegetative waste to include Leaf grass clippings and wood brush were received and open on September 28 2022 whereas ESR tundi and Suns PO Box 1407 Summit New Jersey was lowest responsible bidder for the removal and recycling of Class B clean wood brush in amount of $18.85 per cubic yard for the removal and recycling of glass seed leaves in the amount of $12.45 per cubic yard and the removal and recycling of Class C grass clippings in amount of $25.85 per cubic yard whereas ES was awarded an initial one-year contract term from February 7 2023 through February 6 2024 with an option for two one-year extensions at the same price subject to availability of funds in the subsequent annual Municipal budget to be awarded solely in the Township's discretion whereas the first one-year contract extension was by resolution number 3224 for the term February 7th 2024 and ending on February 6 2025 whereas the term of the contract shall be extended for one fin contract year beginning February 7 2025 through February 6 2026 subject to the availability of funds in the subsequent annual Municipal budget for the final contract extension whereas the funds are available from account number 501 42229 for the term of February 7 2025 through December 31st 2025 and end in the amount of 75,000 Subs to the adoption of the 2025 Municipal budget whereas the funds will be available from account number 61422 209 for the term January 1st 2026 through February 6 2026 the amount of $5,000 sub to the adoption of the 2026 Municipal budget and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this re resolution now therefore be resolved by the board commissioner Township nly County of ESS state New Jersey that a contract be awarded to es rundi and Sons not to exceed $75,000 at the mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into and sign said contract for the township Del move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi and these are mayor Kelly's resolutions uh 30924 whereas raffle license applications have received from the following organizations St Mary's Roman Catholic Church license number 5524 off premises 5050 cash raffle license number 5624 on premises merchandise raffle both to be held Saturday December 7th 2024 Our Lady of Mount carel Church license number 5724 off premises 5050 cash raffle be held Sunday July 20th 2025 St Mary's Roman Catholic Church license number 5824 Bingo license number 5924 on on premises P tab Raffles to be held Tuesdays from January 7 2025 to December 16 2025 whereas the applications have been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk and the police department now therefore be resolved by the border commissioner Township inle County of es state New Jersey that the afor mentioned licenses are hereby approved and that the municipal clerk is authorized to issue said license that move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evanson hi the 2025 border commission public meeting schedule be resolved in accordance with open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 that the public meetings of the Board of Commissioners of the Town CH pelli County of essic state of New Jersey are held are held the 1st and third Tuesday of every month please take notice the public meetings for the year 2025 will be held on the following dates uh in the third floor commission chambers of Township do not leave Municipal Building located at one Kennedy Drive at which time formal action may be taken please take notice that the governing body of Township of Nutley County of es state New Jersey may require an executive session at any given meeting listed below in accordance with njsa 104-112 the governing body will adopt a resolution at an open meeting indicating the reason for going into executive session no action will be taken in executive session please take further notice that the bard of Commissioners ATT n May hold an end of the year meeting on Wednesday December 31st 2025 at 9:00 a.m. tle Municipal Building third floor commission Chambers one cedy drive formal action may be taken and the list of the following dates I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi whereas the board of commission have unanimously agreed to continue to allow 14 holiday schedules for 2025 whereas in 2025 the holiday schedule will continue to include one floating holiday where Township employees will have the ability to choose between either juneth on June 20th or election day on November 4th 2025 and whereas to allow sufficient time to accommodate this flexibility all employees shall notify and obtain approval for their departments heads by April 30 2025 as to be elected holiday whereas multiple requests are made for given holiday seniority rules will apply to ensure that the township shall maintain necess necessary service levels for our resident whereas holidays do not accumulate cannot be carried forward to the subsequent year whereas holiday schedules are negotiated in our respective collective bargaining labor contracts shall take presence over holiday schedules containing therein now therefore be resol by the board of commission Township Nutley state of New Jersey that the following holidays should be considered paid holidays as listed below move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi the commissioner just a quick question uh alenny yes uh commissioner Tucci just pointed out that the Star Ledger has released that they're going to stop publishing a paper newspaper uh and it's only going to be an electronic newspaper will that be okay with this state if it's not a paper newspaper well we have Theon so we should remove that because it's as far as I know so I would remove the Star Ledger well do we know if electronic is uh we don't know yet so why we leave it in both we could I mean you'll only use what's you'll only use what's uh authorized approved and will What tap into Nutley yeah we can do that thank you as amended yes uh 2025 newspaper designation be resolved by the board of commission Town noly County B state New Jersey that the following news papers are hereby designated as official newspaper for advertising for the township for the year 2025 the notle son the star lger to Herold news be further resolve that tap into notle B and hereby is designated as the electronic news source for which notices and offices matters may be provided for under open public meetings act uh njsa 1046 to 1021 the stand otherwise noted as a Sunshine Law uh whether these be printed or electronic I move the resolution second commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans all believe that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner uh Mr P would you like to do your absolutely thank you whereas Township Nutley has a need to acquire specialized Professional Services as a fair and open contract pursuant to the provisions of njsa 19 col 44A 20.5 and whereas requests for qualifications for Township Forester were received and open on October 23rd 2024 and whereas the most responsible and responsive request for qualifications was from the Shad Tre Department LLC John Linson P Box 60 89 West Orange New Jersey and whereas a shade Tre Department LLC John Linson New Jersey certified tree expert number 198 uh has provided these services in the past of the township of Nutley and is particularly suited to provide continued service and whereas the term of this contract is for a one-year period commencing on October 23rd 2024 and continued through October 22nd 2025 and whereas the contract is not to exceed $26,500 and funds are available from a account 4-01 52200 in the amount of 605 and 5-01 52200 in the amount of 20495 that have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township of Nutley County of B state of New Jersey that a contract be awarded to the sh Tre Department LLC John Linson as described herein and be a further resolve that a response uh to the request for qualification be placed on file with the resolution and a notice of this action be printed once then nutly sun in accordance with local public contract law I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans be a resolve by Board of Commissioners Township nley County ofic New Jersey that in accordance with the provision of RS4 A4 d58 the following transfer of Appropriations in the 2024 budget b and Samer hereby authorized and approved from health insurance in the amount of $35,000 to shade tree and debris removal other expenses in a like amount I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi whereas Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances family had to cancel participation in programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined the need to refund families now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township nle County of ESS state of New Jersey that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs and the amounts listed below to the folks at 675 sake Avenue and the fund for all program in the amount of $75 for the 2024 year I move resolution second commissioner chuchi hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor RS hi whereas Township nley has a need to acquire specialized Professional Services has a non-fair and open contract pursuant to the provision of njsa 19 col and 44A 20.5 and where as Township not Le through Department of Parks and Recreation has a need to acquire specialized and Professional Services for a gp1 permit for restoration it's actually for raking of the pond and Memorial Park from the njde and whereas the anticipated term of this contract is for 12 months from the date of contract award and whereas vidiian environmental Consultants P box 30009 Upper Montclair New Jersey has submitted a proposal indicating they will provide such services for the sum not to exceed 5,300 and whereas vidiian environmental Consultants has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that said Corporation has not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the township Nutley in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit vidian from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas funds are available from account g- 041 19141 in the amount of 5,300 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township nle County ofic state of New Jersey enter into a contract with VY environmental Consultants as described herein and be it further resolved at the business disclosure entity certification and the determination of value be placed on file with this resolution be it further resolve that a notice of this action shall be printed once in the nle sun in accordance with local public contracts law I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi whereas Township notley has a need to acquire support and maintenance of the township of IA IP phone system and whereas njsa 4A colon 11-5 T permits the award of contracts without bidding for the supply of any Services which is a public utility subject to the jurisdiction of the BPU and whereas the proposal from Hunter technology 1709 Route 34 Suite 3 Wall Township New Jersey in the amount of $155 33 per year will provide mandatory 20 47 365 emergency support software maintenance and upgrade and is recommended by the township Information Technology administrator and whereas the anticipated term of this contract is for a 5-year agreement from November 7 2024 through November 6 2029 and whereas funds are available from account 401510 237 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township nle County of essic state of New Jersey that the mayor and Township Clerk B and they are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Hunter Technologies for the Township's IA phone system maintenance I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi where is Township notley has a need to acquire specialized Professional Services is a non-fair and open contract presuming to the provision of njsa 19 colon 44 A- 20.5 and whereas the township would not Le through the department of parks and public property has a need to acquire specialized and Professional Services for architectural services for renovations to the nutly municipal chambers that we're sitting in this evening and the nutly emergency Squad former nutly emergency Squad building and also enlarging the garage door that's utilized by the public safety department at one courland street and whereas the anticipated term of this contract is for 12 months from the date of contract award and whereas Dasa H's Architectural Group 74 East Pake Avenue Nutley New Jersey has submitted a proposal indicating they will provide such services for a sum not to exceed 38,000 that is for all three uh locations and whereas Dasa Hayes Architectural Group has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that said Corporation has not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the township of nley in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit doah Haynes from making any reportable contributions to the term of the contract and whereas funds are available from contract g- 04854 02 in the amount of 38,000 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township Nutley County of ESS state of New Jersey enter into a contract with Dasa H Architectural Group as described herein and be a further resolve that the business disclosure entity certification and the determination of value be placed on file with this resolution and be it further resolve that a notice of this action shall be printed once in the nutly sun in accordance with local public contract actually I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi I keep going to thank you so much mayor whereas Township of Nutley and police department need to acquire proprietary software for the issuance of electronic tickets through mobile computers as a non-fair and open contract and by the way this is commissioner peto's uh resolution and whereas the use of electronic ticketing increases efficiency enables officers to return to service faster eliminates data entry errors and autop populates citations with the appropriate statute number find in court information and whereas njsa 48 colon 11-5 DD permits the award of contract without Public public biding for the provision of proprietary software and whereas gtbm Inc owns the info infocop eting system and has submitted a proposal to provide the system software and whereas gtbm has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certific which certifies that has not made any reportable contributions in the previous year and will be prohibited from making any reportable contributions to the term of the contract and whereas the contract is is in an amount and not expected to exceed $45,000 the funds for which are available in account en titled Municipal Court EET program account number 5- 03 32620 said fund subject to adop the adoption of the 2025 budget and certification by the Chief Financial Officer and whereas the anticipated term of this contract this for 12 months January 1 2025 through December 31st 2025 now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners and the township Nutley County of essic that a contract be awarded to gtbm Inc in a form approved by the township attorney and be it further resolved that the business entity disclosure be placed on file with this resolution I move this resolution second commissioner Tui I commissioner scell hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi this is commissioner Petco's second resolution this evening where president nle Police Department desires to utilize uh police pistol range facilities of the burough of North Arlington having its principal offices at 24 Ridge Road in the hackensac metal lands North Arlington New Jersey in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for one year beginning January 1 2025 through December 31st 2025 and whereas funds are available from account number 5-01 30829 subject to the adoption of the 2025 Municipal budget and have been certified by the chief financial office officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township Nutley County of B state of New Jersey that the mayor and Township Clerk being and hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the burrow of North Arlington for use of its police pistol range for the period of January 1 2025 through December 31st 2025 I move the resolution second commissioner Tui I commissioner scar hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi I will read my my resolutions and I'll and I'll then read the remainder of commissioner tui's me yes the other guy U whereas RS 54 Po in 467 permits the governing body of each municipality to affix the interest rate to be charged for non-payment of taxes or assessment subject to any abatement or discount for the late payment of the taxes provided by by law um the uh whereas uh 5 54 coal and fors 67 has been amended to permit the fixing of a said rate of 8% per atom on the first $1,500 of delinquency and the uh 18% perom on any amount in excess of 15,000 $1,500 now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of essic State New Jersey as follows the tax collector is hereby authorized and directed to charge an 8% per anom on all taxes becoming uh due after uh uh the due date subject to any abatements or discounts for the late payment we will not charge uh what is allowable under the ordinance uh at 18% we will charge the minimum allowable of 8% effect of January 1 2025 quality tax payments made by cash check or money order shall have a $10 uh 10day grace period any payments not made in accordance with section two of this resolution shall be charged interest from the due date as set forth in section one so move second commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I whereas big wave Roofing and solar submitted and paid for a solar Panner P solar panel permit at 12 P Plymouth Road uh the amount of the per of the permit was $317 and was deposited in account c01 90493 uh the uh now are entitled to receive a refund uh of the remainder of that fee of 27 uh excuse me remainder of that fee uh which uh is this comprised as follows whereas U $27 DCA fee which cannot be refunded a 20% plan review fee which cannot be refunded and they will receive a remaining amount of $232 um accordingly be therefore resolved by the Board of Commissioners uh of the town mother the county of Essex that the municipal permit of $232 be refunded to Big Wave Roofing and solar so move second commissioner tuchi I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly the Chief Financial Officer hereby authorized and directed to solicit request for qualifications for banking uh Services be further resolved that the sealed responses for the request for qualification shall be due on Tuesday November mber 26 2024 at 11:00 a.m. prevailing time addressed to the municipal clerk Nutley township hall one Kennedy Drive at which time they will be opened and read so move second commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh the my next res resolution uh is a uh um cleanup resolution related to 23 appropriation uh Reserve be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley uh County of Essex state of New Jersey that in accordance with the provisions of RS 48 colon 4- 59 the following transfers of 2023 appropriation reserves being the same are hereby authorized from all of the accounts listed in the resolution to the capital Improvement fund OE in the amount of $1,890 th000 so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh the next resolutions are for commissioner petraco um Council uh the his next three they're basically all the same under the same statute or differing amounts can I consolidate these yes whereas NJ sa48 Co 487 provides that the director of the division of local governmental Services May approve the insertion of any special item in the budget of any County or municipality when such item shall have been made available by law and the amount thereof was not determined at the time of the adoption of the budget whereas the said director may also approve the insertion of any item of appropriation in equal amount now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly County of essics is hereby request the director of the division of local governmental services to approve the insertion of an item of Revenue into the budget for the year 2024 in the amount of $ 69,4 3792 for the national opioid settlement uh for $32,400 for to the New Jersey for the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety pursuant to the Grant and uh uh $4 47872 uh for the New Jersey Department of Law Public Safety Grant uh for uh as listed for the accounts listed in section two of each of the resolutions so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scell hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi res town of Nelly wishes to install and maintain surveillance uh cameras and equipment on traffic signals within the RightWay belonging to the county of essic res the county requires to nutly submit a certified copy of a resolution approved by the Board of Commissioners indicated that Nutley will hold the county of essics uh harmless for any claims or actions of law directly resulting from the installation and maintenances of said cameras and Equipment now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley a memorandum of understanding with the county of Essex uh said memorandum shall be in the form attached here to or substantially similar there there to and shall have a harmless and indemnification provision providing for the indemn indemnification of the county of Essex for any claims directly arising from nutly uses of the traffic signals in their Rider waves U related to either the in installation or maintenance of set equipment being further resolved that a copy of this resolution and the executed memorandum of understanding with hold harmless and indication indentification provision shall be filed with the nutley's municipal clerk office by the chief of police so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans I uh the last resolution uh it relates to the purchase of a new Hazmat vehicle um that Hazmat vehicle uh will be paid for out of a trust account uh which is the Hazmat trust fund which as we provide services under hazm mat uh we get re fees that are reimbursed and so we're able to utilize the money in the trust uh to purchase equipment so we have a need to replace uh the uh equipment uh and we are doing that under the U National Cooperative purchasing agreement uh that was uh uh that's available to us uh through the purchasing department and has been renewed by us uh and our I think our October 6th uh meeting uh the amount of the vehicle cost is $312,500 the funds will come out of account uh T1 15999 2012 in the amount of $312,500 and that's been certified by the Chief Financial Officer uh the certifications attached to the resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the tum of Melly County of Essex in New Jersey that the purchase C aging B is hereby authorized to purchase uh walkaround 12 foot 6 inch rescue Ford commercial chassis plc1 14r uh VIN number 1 FD 0w 5 ht5 NE 42160 and related accessories from New Jersey uh motor uh New Jersey emergency vehicles at 22 excuse me 20201 Atlantic Avenue site 2 uh Manis Squan New Jersey uh who's approved uh sourcewell vendor so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarel hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh that's all we have on the agenda for this evening uh would anyone uh wish to approach the mic this evening for public comment Frank hey Frank Frank can you fix that for us please we need that I appreciate no no worries thanks so much if you can just state your name for the record sure uh good evening my name is Matt Whitman I live up on Highfield Lane uh moved to the town about a year and a half ago with my wife from a small town in Massachusetts uh called Easton where I served on the economic development committee for several years and I'm here tonight as a volunteer with a group called voter Choice New Jersey we've been advancing the cause of rank Choice voting in several municipalities around the state with the ultimate goal of getting the state legislature to adopt a bill that would allow um rank Choice voting across the state now the municipalities are The Usual Suspects you know Montclair Red Bank South Orange Maplewood um but all of them have adopted resolutions in the last couple weeks to uh choose um rank Choice voting for mun ipal and School Board elections um you know it's my personal opinion that I think it allows for more diverse slate of candidates uh it allows for third parties and improves people's trust in elections um I don't have any action items tonight I just wanted to come and introduce myself as a resident of the town and uh I'm hopeful I can you know work with all of you going forward and continuing to push uh this cause hopefully educate some people and you know maybe bring it up for a vote in the new year um but I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself thank you for your comments do have something that you could provide to the municipal clerk that the board could look at um I can I don't have a Wy I wasn't able to arrange the drop off but yes I can certainly you can email it to her yeah absolutely I mean I live five minutes up the road soome anytime yeah anytime okay um excellent well thank you so much thank you apprciate thank you thanks for coming would anyone else like to speak this evening seeing no one move to close the going to um I'm sorry close the public comment portion of the of the evening second commissioner uh Tui I commissioner scarelli I Deputy Mayor Evans I uh we have a need for an executive this evening um we do mayor discuss contract need a motion move it second thank you where whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and have therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss contract negotiations and litigation be F the resolve that at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending and or anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution will take effect immediately commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi Deputy Mayor Evans all uh we will we won't close the meeting we will continue it to tomorrow morning at 10: a.m. for the purpose of uh voting uh on bond ordinance number 3567 is that's correct yes Deputy Mayor we're all good yes and The Time Is Now 810 okay 810 good night everyone