##VIDEO ID:dUtex7XZnrY## e e of the United States of America Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice Sunshine notice Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday September 17 2024 the time is now 7:01 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nle sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a cop is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Evans here commissioner Tucci here commissioner scarelli here commissioner PCO is absent excused this evening mayor Kelly present all present mayor except for commissioner Petco he is absent excused um Madam clerk do we have minutes this evening I remember seeing minutes sent out uh uh yes we removed the minutes because I didn't have the opportunity to forward them to the Board of Commissioners so I took them off the next meeting Communications thank you the mayor's office has submitted an event application to hold a Rusk march on November 9th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. and on November 11th 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the March will begin at the uh WW2 Monument continuing through the Memorial Park uh to the water floor returning through the same route I need a motion move it I need a second this is the um for the uh ruck march I'll second the ruck march okay commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarpelli hi mayor Kelly hi the mayor's office has submitted an amend application to hold a movie night under the stars on October 10 202 4 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at ganal park by the unity sculpture area motion please I need a second are we moving on to reports uh let's go into executive session okay uh hold on one okay or discuss no uh we're gonna discuss uh potential litigation need a motion move it I need a second second whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of nutl the county of ESC state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley moving to close executive session to discuss potential litigation be it further resulted at the time when such discussion may be disclosed the public shall be when and such disclosure such disclosure may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending and or anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi time is 7:04 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready what reports I'm ready you guys ready it is 8:35 and we're back sorry for the delay everyone uh moving on to reports commissioner Tui yes I have a Shater report for the months of July and August uh 2024 and I see commissioner Petco has a report for the month of August for a public safety report bills Madam CL thank you mayor excuse me uh Bill list September 17 2024 public affairs $997 Revenue in finance $3,500,000 Public Safety $ 38,5 2527 Public Works $353,900 and public property $10,800 one water utility $3 98,5 1804 payroll as of Friday September 133 2024 regular payroll total uh $923,000 overtime payroll total 50,9 6112 total payroll $974,000 for a grand total of 5,475 8 4824 move the Bills second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi and that's it for bills mayor uh we have public comment on agenda items only if you wish to be heard please approach the microphone and state your name being none uh moving on to the board of commissioner announcements commissioner Evans thank you uh yes we uh just have an announcement on the uh results of the tax sale that we we hold every year by Statute uh there were five U properties in the tax sale related to property taxes uh 13 related to water and three related to uh taxes and water the property tax value in the sale was $34,320 the water value of 5,600 8666 uh the cost of the sale was $1,871 56 uh the biders and the process bid premiums uh to of of 358,000 $500 so just read that into the record the results of our annual sale thank you mayor commissioner tuchi yes just a reminder uh we will once again be hold our Nutley Fall Festival on September 29th from 11: to 4:00 p.m. uh at the mud hole which is Memorial Park number one thank you scarpelly and U the farmers market will be joining the Fall Festival as we do every year so uh we look forward to that relocating to the park for our one Sunday every year it's a great event and on uh this Saturday uh we'll be having our first ever Esports competition at the high school uh from 10: to 3:00 p.m. in the the high school's library uh moving on to we have no ordinance is on introduction ordinance on uh public hearings we have uh an ordinance read by me on behalf of the entire Board of Commissioners introduced on August 20th published on August 29th and the public hearing set for tonight uh so without further Ado I move to open the the public hearing if you wish to be heard on ordinance number 3561 an ordinance to fix salaries of certain officers and employees of the township of nley County of EX state of New Jersey effective January 1st 2024 uh please approach the microphone and state your name seeing none move to close second commissioner Tris hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scor pelli hi mayor Kelly I uh resolutions commissioner oh sorry move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi now resolutions commissioner AV thank you um be resolved by the board of commissioner of the township of Nelly the treasurer is authorized to refund overpayment of tax charges for the loton blocks listed in said resolution so second commissioner EV commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi whereas New Jersey statute 54 colum 4 as330 provides that War veterans who were honorably discharged from active service in the line of at time of war in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States who have been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration to be to 100% totally and permanently disabled in connection with their wartime service are entitled to full tax exemption of their dwelling in the lot on which it is situated and whereas the following taxpayer has filed an application for allowance uh with proper supporting documentation thus making the taxpayer eligible now therefore being resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY County ofic that Carlos Christian Espinosa and Jessica Reyes uh be granted full exemption for the payment of property taxes from August 21 2024 and all subsequent years thereafter on property and identifi as blocked 9701 lot five qualifiers C 0109 which is also known as 101 River Road Unit B3 we resolve that the treasur is hereby authorized to refund $791 31 for 24 2024 property taxes so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi whereas the code enforcement department received a filming performance bond deposit the amount of $5,000 from NBC Universal or filming George to the rescue at 382 uh Center Street uh year kind Cuts whereas NBC Universal has completed the filming whereas the zoning official has determined that the fee of $5,000 shall be refunded uh whereas the chief finan off officer has executed a certified funds availability confirming sufficient funds are available in t599 919 now therefore be resolved by the board of of Commissioners the township of notle County of esess state of New Jersey that the treas treasurer is hereby authorized to refund the filming performance bond deposit in the amount of $5,000 to NBC Universal wnbc so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi thank you commissioner Tui yes where as a Township Nutley enter into contract with the shade Tre Department L LC John Linson po 6089 West Orange New Jersey as per resolution number 30623 approved on December 5th 2023 and whereas the director of parks and public property has recommended the following change order from said contract change order number one for Professional Services in the amount of 4,400 and whereas funds are available from account number 4-01 51220 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township nle County VES state of New Jersey that change order number one in the amount of 4,400 B and is hereby approved I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi whereas Department of parks and public property uh determined due to unforeseen circumstances family had to cancel participation in programs offered in whereas Department of parks and public property has determined a need to refund families now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of towns from Nutley County state of New Jersey that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs and the amounts listed below to uh Kelly man Marinaro for the Fall Festival in the amount of 100 uh the folks at 28 Margaret Avenue for Rise and Shine program in the amount of 160 423 Center Street uh the family there for cross country in the amount of $85 and 421 luring Avenue for the Fall Festival in the amount of $100 I move to resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi um the the next series of uh resolutions I'm going to condense otherwise we will be here all night long whereas on Sunday October 13 2024 the Nutley Belleville Columbus Day in Italian Heritage Month parade committee will celebrate its 42nd annual Columbus Day festivities commemorating in columbus' historic Voyage to the new world and whereas the nutly Beville Columbus Day Parade committee has a long history of recognizing community members that have contributed to the rich Heritage of the Italian-American culture and celebrate their immeasurable contributions to our community as well as to our nation and whereas the nutly Belleville Columbus Day and Italian Heritage Month parade committee will celebrate its annual Honore dinner on Wednesday September 25th 2024 at nanas in the Park bille New Jersey and whereas the 2020 24 honores have demonstrated exemplary service to their community and have therefore been designated for these special honors and whereas we are justly proud to honor Mary Elena marzulo as our Grand Marshal Danielle manganello as the nutly Italian Woman of the Year Patricia vaneri as the bille Italian woman of the year Reverend Joseph Ferraro The nutly Italian Man of the Year Dr Frank Arena as The bille Italian Man of the Year Danielle Danielle gerardi as the Renaissance woman Cavalier Lewis necastro as the Renaissance Man of the Year Rocco Deana and Vincent Jen Carelli as the Business Leaders uh award Maggie and Peter uh malar for Community Excellence Dr Anthony postina for the Italian Heritage award and Eugenio cilano for the Lifetime Achievement Award whereas those who enhance the well-being and vitality of their Community have shown a long and sustained commitment to honoring and preserving their culture have earned the recognition of this board as well the citizens of our community now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township with Nutley County of essics join with the citizens of Nutley to salute and congratulate Grand Marshall Mari Elena marzulo Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Eugenio cilano the Italian Heritage award recipient Dr Anthony M pastina the Belleville Italian Woman of the Year Patricia a vaneri the Beville Italian Man of the Year Dr Frank Perina the nutly Italian woman of the year Danielle Ferrara manganello the nutly Italian Man of the Year Reverend Joseph Ferraro the Renaissance Woman of the Year Danielle gerardi the Renaissance Man of the Year Cavalier NE Lewis necastro Business Leaders Deanna Rocco and Vincent Jen Carelli along with Community exence award recipient Maggie and Peter malar as they are honored here tonight I very proudly moved this resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarpella hi mayor Kelly hi uh commissioner scarelli do you have anything nothing on the agenda tonight mayor thank you I see nothing from commissioner Petco uh I have resolution number 24324 uh for various Raffa licenses whereas raffle license applications have been received from the following organizations not the Irish American Li nutly Irish American Alliance license number 5124 for an off premises 5050 cash raffle on Friday December 6 2024 nutly music boosters Association on premises 5050 cash raffle Sunday December 2024 n mus music boosters Association on premises 50/50 cash raffle Friday February 7 2025 where's the applications have been reviewed and approved by municipal clerk and the police department now therefore be resolved by the port of Commissioners Township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey at the aforementioned license are hereby approved and the municipal clerk is authorized to issue said licenses so moved second commissioner Evans commissioner Tui hi Mission scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi uh the next one I have on is an important one it's resolution number 258 and this is to recognize October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month whereas one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime that's one person every two minutes in the United States whereas it is estimated that nearly 44,000 people in the United States will die from the disease as and whereas the two most common risk factors of breast cancer are being born female and getting older whereas it is important to know your risk by talking to a doctor about your family history and see how that history impacts your risk of breast cancer and for those at average RIS should get a mamogram every year starting at age 40 whereas the department of public affairs and health will continue to work with nutly thriving thriving survivors a nonprofit corporation to develop programs to increase awareness of the symptoms of breast cancer and to support those women and men who are diagnosed who may be diagnosed with the disease now therefore it be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of essic state of New Jersey to recognize October 202 for as Breast Cancer Awareness Month be a further resolve that we urge all women and their families in the township of nle to seek assistance in obtaining facts and information about breast cancer mamography and available support groups for victims to and to and to participate in programs scheduled this year for residents of the township and breast cancer survivors and be a further resolve that residents are encouraged to participate in the nutly thriving survivors virtual walk Sunday October 6 2024 at 6m at the John H Walker Middle School as well as the 22nd annual thriving survivors brunch on Sunday October 20 October 20th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. at the Glen Ridge Country Club 555 Ridgewood Avenue Glen Ridge New New Jersey so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly I have another important one on for this evening today as many of you may know it is Constitution Day and it's an important holiday because we celebrate our Constitution and it's what makes us the uh free and most oh sorry I thank you commissioner uh it's this is our constitution what makes us the most free nation in the world and it's a which makes us a beacon for freedom for all uh we could have easily change exchange one King George for another King George with the Declaration of Independence on July 4th but it's the Constitution that makes us and enshrines our ouri civil rights uh so without further Ado whereas the United States Constitution was constructed on September 1787 the founders of the Constitution were the delegates appointed by the state legis legislatures to represent each State's welfare and what as prior to the United States con Constitution was a loose document known as the Articles of confed Confederation the Articles of Confederation were dubbed a loose Confederation or firm League of friendship under which the 13 independent states joined together in dealing with foreign affairs later the United States Constitution would replace the Articles of Confederation whereas the United States Constitution has a much stronger document started with setting up government the first of three branches Congress be essentially based on on population Arrangement that would naturally give more representation to larger States whereas the new constitution also provided for a strong independent executive executive branch which included a president and vice president the president had a term of four years to Institute his program so he could be reelected if his performance gned sufficient support whereas the third branch of the new government the Jud judicial branch had little specific Authority the judici Branch included a supreme court and had an appell IT and original jurisdiction the legislative branch controlled all the jurisdictions all the courts and jurisdictions now therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township Melly County of es state of New Jersey recognized September 17th 2024 as the 237th anniversary of our United States Constitution known as Constitution Day so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly hi uh we have a a resolution to do a a small change that was a typographical error on one of our previous resolutions where resolution number 209 adopted by the Board of Commissioners on August 6 2024 authorizing the lease of a of Canon coffee machines for the use of the township included model number c588 I in error and therefore beat resolved the Board of Commissioners T in the county of ESS state New Jersey hereby amend the resolution number 20924 to reflect the correct model number as Canon model number c58719b so moved second commissioner hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi mayor Kelly and we will table the uh remaining business uh for Friday September 20th at 11:00 a.m. uh for a a continued phone meeting of this uh of this this here meeting on September 17th uh did I capture that correctly Madam clerk yes that was perfect thank you uh at this point I'll open up the meeting to the public anyone wishing to be heard may approach the microphone and state your name Janice rubel good evening mayor Kelly commissioner scarelli Tui Evans Miss TR monana Miss Pettis and Mr Bruno I received a yearly rent increase last week and I was dismayed at the rising and exorbitant cost pertaining to senior tenants dramatically exceeds the 2.5 cap that I'm asking for it said it's our golden years and we would like to see something positive and that would be for senior tenants in Nutley to be able to have a limit on their yearly increase 2 and a half% does make an impact and a big difference I have inquired about a future referendum to perhaps Kickstart the process although as previously mentioned a one- sentence Amendment to the ordinance is basically all that it comes down to and that would hinge upon your majority vote the Commissioners and mayor so uh and I apologize for the delay with the summer break and everything and everyone's vacation schedules were were in flux and it wasn't conducive for having a meeting however our town attorney is is back from vacation and we are going to have a meeting scheduled with the the rent board rent leveling board attorney uh between now and the next meeting and so hopefully we'll have more clarity for you on this issue at the next meeting I would appreciate that greatly thank you you're welcome anyone else wishing to be heard seeing none I'll close the public comment portion of the meeting uh as I said earlier we are going to uh reconvene via phone on Friday SE member 20th at 11: a.m. uh do I have a motion for that or do I need a motion for that just going to continue okay and The Time Is Now 8:55