oh yeah look where I look where I am to call the to order [Music] Miss Hamilton here Mr malano Mr Kella here M Kinski here Mr Delo here Mr Ari here Mr Smith here Dr Mari here M tangora here Mr Kaz here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here Mr Cella would you please sit for um Mr malano pursuance requirements of the open public meetings act not that this meeting was included in the annual no of reg meetings the year 2024 advertis star on December 7 2023 and the December 2023 with a copy posted on the township bu board first town hall copy is far in the office of the Township Clerk and copies are available to all the general public I have a further notice to read Because this is on the special meeting please take notice a quorum of the governing body may be present at the regular scheduled planning board meeting on Wednesday april4 2024 7 p.m. and please take notice of quum of quum of the zoning Board of adjustment may be present at the regular scheduled planning board meeting of Rin April 24 at 7 p.m. please take notice a quorum of the Board of Education may be present at the regular scheduled Mee planning board meeting of Wednesday April 24th 2024 at 7.m and please take notice that in addition to the regularly scheduled meeting of the planning board a joint meeting of the planning board zoning Board of adjustment the Board of Education and the governing body will take place immediately following the regular scheduled meeting of the planning board to review and discuss land use and other issues affecting the township of Bley as related to the zon Bo judgment and planning board and please take notice that formal action may be taken and please take further notice the meeting will be held at 44 Park Avenue Room 3le New Jersey etc etc and um this meeting is also being um broadcast on Zoom thank you uh Mr CER do we have any um bills prior to that have have you had a chance to review the minutes from the last meeting is there a motion to approve there a second all in favor any oppos or extensions thank you Mr cons Communications and or bills we have we have two bills for first one is for Miss s for preparation March am of $150 I find be is there a motion to approve is there a and schedule regarding 129 wford Avenue for May 1st 2024 and we also will discuss at that meeting an amendment to the housing element and their FAIR Plan uh that will be on May 1st if there's no further business at the moment to come before the planning board we can move on to our scheduled meeting um with our combined boards um what I would like to do first is ask everyone to go around the table and just introduce yourself and please say what position you hold on the board side Lori Castro on the zoning board not alternate number one bet Wallace zoning board J zoning board Rob zoning board Patricia D zoning board toi zoning board co-chair MCG zoning board attorney Frank Rano zoning board chair Carol tenor chair of the planning board aric attorney for the planning board Mar Vice chairman of the planning board jar Del planning board IR Mary board member planning board [Music] M member of the planning board Jo farelli member of the planning board and counc commission I'm Al trco the public safet director Jonathan Bruno Tom Evans John Kelly public affairs commissions Mar Tui member of the planning board thank you very much um I think we'll proceed with your report board thank you Mayors Commissioners members of the planning board the board has been very busy in the year 2023 as you can see 55 cases as compared to 63 cases 2022 of those 55 cases 15 were granted as requested but the overwhelming majority of the cases 33 Grant with conditions there were four cases denied and three cases were withdrawn board members work to make sure that every application was fairly and thoroughly red we appreciate and commend the work of the board Commissioners planning board and cod off for the hard work that was done with respect to cations and improvements to the code we know that ordinances were adopted in vehic Smoke Shop and tattoo parlers were added to the list of uses P of the front steps are now allowed in most instances changes to the side guard setback limits for mechanical equ such as air condition units and generators are big Improvement and setback requirements for paos in the rear yard and a reable table protects paos was implemented along we also note that the ordinance regarding Corner was clarified thank you that was very confusing and the relaxation of driveway W for water locks and others encroachment into the front of the d space should help cut down on various applications and find the implementation of the requirement of Cur between a wway adjacent to driveway will prevent vehicles from parking on W all of these changes are big improvements and Echo the request of the zoning board for the last several years over the last two years we have reported certain trends that we believe should be red we understand that the planning board Board of Commissioners and the Cod official are working on a number of those concerns and we are interested to hear what progress you have made with the following number one drainage concern has continue to be an issue with new construction and we are seeing it come up with Varan for driveway widenings and other applications where imper coverage is cited we know that one or two family homes are not subject to site plan review but we also know that some adition can C drainage issues and perhaps some study in the minimum drainage requirements for all new construction and additions should be reviewed such as requiring storm water retention systems if in addition creates a certain percentage of impervious coverage regardless of whether the would be within the allowable Total Lock coverage number two when we get applications for new apartments or mixed used buildings and we do a site riew there are no ordinances that mandate charging stations for electric vehicles also with respect to apartments and mied use buildings the requirements regarding the space for garbage and recycling areas appear to be insufficient for the present and growing needs for recycling and recu generate by the average person number four again with respect to apartments and excuse buildings we know that more and more people are shopping online and deliveries are increasing we would recommend that some requirement for delivery parking loading and unloading be required we would also add that mandatory designated visitor parking spaces should be considered number five the code definitions of warehouses and truck terminals are still an issue we recommend that a review of those definitions along with the new area of concern commercial vehicles we had an application that dealt with commercial V last year but it was withdraw before any decision could be made and while we did not have any applications on the subject fast food last year we would recommend that definition also be reviewed number six again we would request a review of the ordinance that has to do with curve Cuts widths be done the Section that limits curve cut widths to no greater than 20 ft in any zone is part of section 70094 that is titled additional regulations on offer parking for one or two family dwellings perhaps the title should be modified but so that it is clear 20ft curve cuts are the limit no matter what the Zone additionally last year we made the following observations and suggestions and we are again requesting the planning board and Commissioners review the following number one Township lighting we recommend that the planning board Commissioners introduce and expand the lighting di lighting guidelines with special attention to commercial properties and signs that include Light number two data centers we requested a definition of data centers collocation facilities Cloud nodes internet exchanges disaster recovery and business propability sites be developed additionally we we recommend that the planning board examin and specifically clarify if data centers and Etc are allowed to prohibit in B1 B4 m m and M1 and M2 zones and if they are allowed if they were allowed provide specifications limits limits concerning lighting and noise hbac pollution limits water volume intake for cooling parkings traffic entry access requirements increased setbacks and Landscape buffers to areas of joining rather than theed areas and other specifics this year we have the following observations and recommendations when someone doesn't commence construction associated with a variance within a one-year period the ordinance states that the variance expires we have typic typically extended the time for a variance if the person represents present a reasonable request we suggest that procedure for extension of time be added to the code to keep things consistent number two we understand that many of our requests last year were acted upon such as the distance for AC condensers and side guards and prohibitions of shs and tattoo poers along with some Changers to driveway WIS however when these ordinances were amended we were not provided with a copy of the amended ordinance and the online ordines are difficult to follow if something is aved we are requesting that the municipal clerk s a copy of any adopted code Provisions that are in chapter 700 the zon code section to us or at least to our attorney and The Bu sh we're also requesting that the planning board or the township engineer provide guidance as to when various storm systems designed for 100 storms or 25e storms should be applicable we are not sure if this should be exed across whole development or even how it can be implemented but we have noticed that there are various approaches to drainage and we would like a system put in place so that we don't miss something I now welcome any questions that you have about the manag that we considered by the board is set for report you is you keep to one question um thank you very much I think that's a very good list um if you could prioritize um I would suggest that we use our Workshop meetings to address some of these things if you could send us kind of a prioritized list maybe you could work with Dave on that sure um other questions there are not best meeting yet thank you welcome why don't we move on to the Board of Education thank you I will turn over to the Commissioners there you have any comments that you wish to make just want to congratulate on a very well presentation uh certainly something for us to consider both the planning board and the commission I think that uh we made a little bit of progress but obviously is more for us thank you I think we are making progress I think we're working well together uh yes yeah I just want to comment that you know we procedurally we meet once a year and you know we discuss certain important issues that you that you went through following this meeting we have Workshop meetings uh at a much lower level with Dave and you know we get into the nitty-gritty of some of the recommen some of the recommendations as Frank as you mentioned you know we made some significant changes to some issues that were really affecting many of our uh citizens such as you know the issue about air conditioning units and hbac units on the side of the house that was causing a lot of people problems with some of their expansions in their homes so we did that you know prior we made some changes to density and so these these meetings Al although kind of formal in this setting really result in some changes proactive and positive changes that are made I just want to make sure everybody was aware of that thanks I agree um I think that it's it's very valuable and um we value your input and look at to work of our workshops Pro um are there any other comments from any of the board members to see things said something about and I make a note I was making a note I just wrote lightting lighting is um something signed signed that was your concern Patricia why don't you comment on that that was one of your with a lot of uh homeowners and Commercial businesses switching over to LED lights um there seems to be an inconsistency in town in terms of the types of fixtures that they use and also the intensity and uh amount of foot candles that are spread upon the property and so uh a lot of towns uh in the in in our immediate area have instituted uh lighting requirements not only specifically to existing incandescence when when a property owner or a business is changing over to LED but to uh look at the types of fixtures that are suitable for uh that particular property but also how it fits into the neighborhood specifically for our downtown area where um you know and and and some of this also is um connected to um what we had looked at last year with the vape shops there there is some lighting in town that uh doesn't really seem to conform to the ordinances as written but um it's really a gray area especially the ones that seem to be Chaser lights and they're they're very bright um and so it's the type of thing that if we were to look at some of the um the ordinances and guidelines that uh other towns have put into place I think would be really something that would enhance not only downtown but our neighborhoods in addition to that you had a you had gas station we're get a lot of gas stations now that have the live sons and come to us I know we stop them espe Corner using green green lights and we try to get and at one point suggest how about just use a white said okay fine well now light very white so we've got away from that on our own but maybe we should look that like that yes yeah I'd would like to take one moment just to thank everyone for serving and what are pretty much thankless jobs and sometimes depending on the decisions that you render you're either a hero or most hated person in town next to the Commissioners that is but that's okay all right and to follow up on what Jerry said uh you know I know we previously addressed a lot of what we call the lwh hanging fruit all right so people didn't have to go to a process to get to where they need it to be but there's still some outstanding issues I know that we still need to address so I think we need to get back on track and and start whittling down whatever is remaining thank you I I just like to commend you also on the package deliveries trucks for any new construction to put something in there where there is a drop off point because although you do not want to give working people ticket it is becoming Havoc through the town with all of FedEx Amazon so the future and and I didn't even think to do that so I just like to say thank you for even putting that in there because it is a big issue and I've never seen anything like it where they were even delivered 10 11 o'clock at night now so TR so that's a great idea to put that in there thank you any other comments from anyone is there anyone from Dave do you wish to give any comment good start no I'm loud I have a big um the chairman and I we didn't even get together and we have I have about nine items and me and you connected on um a lot of them together so first of all I want to say thank you for the work that we did last year with the Commissioners and the planning board and the comments that we had from the zoning board because because um I already started helping we my code our Code Department already started helping people out this spring with air conditioning condensers with driveways with with the little bit of release helped out a lot of people um and and when I look at a survey and I explained to them at the counter I said you know last year you wouldn't be able to do that this year you know the township made a lot of important changes they're very thankful for that so you guys don't hear that but you know not to send somebody for a variance on something that all work on it's it's it's it's a great thing especially the board's so busy the the Z board schedule so busy this time of year um there was about maybe 14 I tried to count approximately about 14 changes that we all made last year that were great changes um there are a few other changes that we were on my list from last year that I would love to get onto the list my thought was after tonight we would create a large list and I believe we would maybe do some of the simpler ones and then come up with I know whenever whenever we have a workshop we like to have like a little agenda on the items that we would come up with so there's going to be too many we're gonna have to come up with you know a master list in the item and some smaller items but last year when we met we had a draft ordinance on short-term rentals and uh there was some language that needed to get changed and it's um it's in draft form and I could circulate it to the planning board and that's something that's probably pretty simple but we need to just change uh the regulations on short-term rentals airbnbs and short-term rentals we started working on it last year and it was really close but there was a couple small items that um some of the board members wanted to add um there was a small item on mechanical equipment in commercial zones we made changes in residential zones but there was discussions on Commercial properties Franklin Avenue Center Street do we want to see we all see many splits they're they're they're getting installed like like crazy do we want to see them on faces of walls we had discussions on this so that would be something that's easy to to take care of um the pods and the storage containers that was there was another ordinance that we had a draft on and um there was some language that we just felt that needed to get changed um that would be one of the items that I would like to keep on the list um the last item when we had a workshop we started talking about basements and bathrooms and like the orientation of a basement basically in a residential house a one and two family that's a that's a really and if I had my own way I might put that all the way to the top because I'll be honest with you as the code official and my partner Carl that's one of the toughest things we do for nutly is basements what you can do in a basement what can't you do could you put a Stairway you know could you not put an outside stairway could I have a separate dwelling unit we know you can't that is something could have an office everybody wants to work at home that's something that comes across our table all the time and I would love to get some clarity on what the township wants in a basement in a residential one in two family dwelling um board applications apartment buildings commit Mi they all get looked at by the town but a a residential property is very difficult for us we do all the in when somebody cells we all know there's these the old kitchens that were down there you know people fix them up you know sometimes we go down a a a basement there's a kitchen there's a bathroom and an office and a separate door what is all that that's a dwelling I mean really oh that's an office take the bed out so I you know but the town needs Clarity what does the town want in a basement somebody comes to me with four walls like this and they want to file a permit for a basement alteration what does the town want what are we allowing certain town you know a lot of towns have restrictions on this and we that's a very important issue on my end and Carl would be happy if if I mention that because it's a struggle with that basement this year I'm getting a lot of asks for families moving together um they want to build space build additions um I don't know if anybody's seen um the governor there's a there's I don't know if it's an official law yet but there's something that's out there what's called accessory dwelling units it's a really popular subject between us code officials um I believe we need to I read it pretty good I believe we I believe the town is supposed to come up with some guidelines on what we want in order to have this accessory dwelling unit but I'm going to tell you I get to ask a lot for this um we all see what the prices of houses are people like to move in together I was with somebody today she's older she has a daughter she lives in we Haw and she wants to move here she's like da I want to build an accessory unit I don't need a 2300 foot house so um I said to her I'm absolutely going to you know bring it up and talk about it but it's a growing need um Architects told me we we we we try to create spaces where where they're not separate spaces that's the only way I could legally do it now uh you know somebody lives on the first floor somebody lives on the second floor there's a kitchen on the first floor a kitchen on the second floor but there's a common stairwell and an opening that it's not a separate outdoor use the same front door that has been historically allowed in our Township but people are looking for a little bit of like my mom and dad are moving here and they uh they they want some some some some separate space you know I'm glad you brought that up because that's something I need to bring up to the planning board for actually the last several months because Monclair has just passed an ordinance yeah permitting accessory dwellings yeah Fairfield too and I think that it's something that we really have to look into because it's something that could completely change the complexion of his town well and I think it's definitely something we have to yeah it's hard it sounds easier than it is because you know one minute you create an apartment for your mom who's going to live there and the next minute you sell your house and before you know it now you have these spaces in here the house is 900,000 how am I going to afford it well have two people live there so it's not it's it's very difficult to to to to have two dwelling units and say you're going to use it for family and then down the line the house sells and then it's used differently so that's that's going to be a challenge well I think in some instances they're discussing not even using for family yeah but actually making aent I'm getting asked all the time just today I got asked by somebody who's a nutate their whole life and they don't want to leave you know um people are like moving away like they're selling their houses because they could buy a house in you know Fairfield and they're going to move in they're going to move in with their daughter you know it's just what they it's a new it's a new thought that people want to do and that goes along with that basement because that's something that you know it it's they kind of go together you mentioned the storm water that's something that we you know I work with our engineering department Sal and I and our depy art engineer um we we work on these applications for um residential storm water when somebody's constructing like a a bar a big heart State backyard a big pool a kazeebo a KOA you know and and they come in to see me and we determin that you know they really need to install some sort of dryw so you know the engineering department helps me and can working with the applicant to kind of show them that they should be they should be doing something with their storm water because our code says that you can't have your storm water go on your neighbor's property somebody comes in and they max out all their coverages they put a big addition and they put a pool in and they max out the coverages well where's your water going to go you know I'm putting my house to 6 feet to the setb it's you know so we do work on those applications a lot but our code needs to reflect what you would do on a one and two family um Bal and I we talk about it a lot with penon our Township engineer we trying to get ideas um Sal's getting other ordinances from other towns we've recently been speaking about this so it's just something that's on our list that it's a very important topic uh I would recommend that when I I've been noticing more and more coverage um variances if you guys notice I'm I'm really sharp with the code Department with checking coverages everybody who wants to do something pavers that's our that is these landscape guys are coming into our town they're not working without a permit they're covering up people's backyards and it's it's happening a real lot and we look at the coverages all the time um I really deny a letter for today for somebody I gave him a permit for his pool he covered his whole backyard in tages this whole backyard he's going to come to the board I recommend if somebody's going to install and max out their coverages they should be they should be forced to put a dry wheel then um and I like the fact that when a couple of the variances that you guys granted you you put the comment into to have the engineer um review and that helps me get the township engineer involved I'm not an engineer I don't have a degree in in in store M and it gets me to get the engineer to look at it which is better for the town we've been asking a lot for um you know dry Wells water retention pretty much every time someone comes in front of us for driveway covers and all we I like that that's that's the only thing is we did have one case where um they came in front of us I can't remember what it was he said well we figured for a 25e store and I said you know him was a store so we can get you know I guess we go spr footage or lock coverage when they came for you on that was it was it just a regular residential variant or was it like a site plan applicational two residential and the first one said we're going to do a 100e store Bas what was and then the next guy up we'll do 25 years like the other guy did 100 can't you do 100 our engineering department right now is helping us come up with a standard way to to to handle residential construction like um a standard drrive well a standard rainard a few different this way a resident can come in they don't have to hire engineer Township engineer ready poop if you install the it's going to be based upon square footage if you install the 400 square foot so and so you need to do this if you installed a th000 square foot backyard you need to do this it's based upon it's based upon coverages and it's based upon it's just arithmetic still be based on should still be based on 100 years why are we question right that's we need to look at but you have to you say that though 100 year but nle is a built up town so nle is a town where you have you have a and you might not have the room if you start calculating I did it last week with Dy we started figuring out square footage for a certain yard and she's doing the arithmetic and she's talking to S and they're coming up with sizes of holes that have to happen it was it was a massive hole in an existing house and the person was um they're putting a driveway in and they were installing a front walkway and the contractor basani a good contractor he just took it on his own I'm doing this job I want to put a tank in so we do this arithmetic and it was like an 8ot by 4ot by 4T deep hole in the front yard so I think really the township engineer has to come up with a you know a formula that works for our Township bed upon how it's built up right this is not Fairfield this is nutly it's it's built up there's a lot of coverages it's just it's something that has to get looked at maybe even location different locations in town be yeah it's not easy with the town like ours that built up already it's not it's not um and you do know like on a site plan application on any site plan application that comes to either board or Township engineer is required to do a review so on those type of applications they're always going to be involved with recommending draining and storm water and the type of what we really need is the residential one that's inconsistent residential sometimes I get people that tell me I don't want to do it though I'm not doing it I don't care what your engineer says there's nothing in black and white that's why we need in black and white there's nothing in the code you know then I say to them well be prepared because if your water runs on your property you're going to get a violation and it kind of It kind of like morph it into like well you're doing this $100,000 pool what's the big deal you spend another x amount of money but I will tell you they're starting to get expensive now really expensive leave the pool empty let it fill up I say the more pools the better I like that we had discussed this at one of our a couple of our meetings about you know requiring a minimum landscape area for proper line to your haes or to your but that was one of our great changes we made that's in the code today when somebody comes when somebody comes to us today and they want to cover their whole backyard or a big portion of their backyard and they want to go to the property line I tell them no you can't do it you need to have a three-foot setback buffer already we're doing it and creating buffers in between property l so it's that's something that we would our engineer recommended that last year that's why it was on the list last year in a rear yard there's another one we did yeah that was one out a 14 that's a great one um I want I'm already working on it with uh our engineering department but the reev we need to revise the zoning map and that's something that is something that's really important um s came up to me a couple weeks ago he's already talking to penon about um the revisions on the zoning map he asked me for um you know I go through the map and sometimes there's there's inconsistencies in the map our tax assessor has you know changes and I know that's something that he's working on but it is something that I believe has to eventually come to the planning board for them to look at and then eventually to the Commissioners it's something that's really important I worked on application I'll tell you a boo boo that I did I did a zoning a letter and when I do a zoning letter I identify the Zone I look at the map and it was for the property over here this um um what's that property over here this the rug place right here the right the rug place so I write them a letter they want to um they want to go for a use variance they want to make that auto body shop the same auto body shop in the building next door it's a use variance regardless of any Zone but I go look at the map and the map says uh I believe it says M1 I write the letter I put M1 use variants required it's not permitted and then Paul Ricky did some research and he and he came up and he found the M2 ordinance and the M2 ordinance is is written in context it's written in text in the ordinance but it's not on the map so then it was a notice requirement and we had to you know it was innocent on my end but it's just something I would really love to get the zoning Mac fixed for us it would be helpful for everybody that works on on on it okay um I got two more things um our Township attorney johathan my commissioner and South car have been helping me out with a little bit of an issue have some issues with some with a right with some rightaway issues in the township what pertains to sidewalks and safeties and I would just like to kind of open up the fact to do some research and I think our our Township attorney is helping us on the RightWay responsible have issues with sidewalks and some trees and so forth and I just want to make sure that our code and our Township is up to dat with what is supposed to happen in a right away and who's responsible and who enforces and I just want to I need that clarity as the code officer a lot of stuff comes my way and I'm a helping guy I want to help out the tree guy I want to help out the sidewalk guy but we need to just make sure that our attorneys are helping us looking to the RightWay to see what I'm supposed to do upon a closing upon an unsafe issue and it would be really helpful if we could just look into that RightWay is that typical to commercial that what you mean RightWay is the same throughout the whole town doesn't matter the issu is typically commercial like no mostly residential yeah but but to your question drives me crazy sometimes I see somebody on um you know on on on Franklin EV was we sticking out of the sidewalk who who who who does that I don't I I don't send a proper M's violation on that I don't I don't cite them you know but it's just something that we should look at and just see you know what do the town we all live in the town we don't want to see sidewalk you know sometimes there's an owner of a property and there the landlord you know the tenant doesn't do anything right they they oh the owner's going to do that and then it doesn't happen so the last one is that variance thing that you brought up that's something that is something that um um for for the longest time there was this permit extension act and that was a great thing because all these approvals got carried on and carried on but now that there's no permit extension act over the past couple of years our code in chapter 85 has this expiration so the chairman you know you said it correct once you get the the variant if you don't commence the variant it's expired that's a struggle for me a real struggle because I dealt with two people today who went for fence vares who you know daab it was Co you signed up for me you know could I have my variants and I'm like you know it's it's just something that I would like if we could maybe other towns could you know have maybe there's some ideas on how we could extend this or I know we can't say a big variant Sho could but a small variant sh can or something but you know I just think that this chapter 85 I know hasn't been looked at in more than 20 years and I just think that that's something that um we need to look at it's really important what do you do with projects that are started and hav SE to be going anywhere I for example that property on Center Street I don't think anything's been done there which property um there's some new construction that's going on on Cent street they're just really slow I'll be honest with you um we're all over that our engineering Department's all over that fenon has been there we've been there we've done numerous inspections they're I believe I know they're waiting for steal right now they're ready for steal they're waiting for steal I don't know why it's taken a little bit longer the only thing I'll tell you is the the Builder when we were going over the perit process was very open and honest he says Dave I never built a building like this before it's going to take me a little bit longer and and and he hired a good contractor he's got a good guy who's the boots on the ground they're just moving a slow you know what do I do there's nothing that much I could do there's nothing much I can do the only thing I can do is make sure the job is is it's just clean and neat our nice our penon inspector was there one day doing an inspection and he didn't like the way the sidewalk was it was all ripped up and all unsafe he put on his list he made him make ashall and just make a temporary safe sidewalk but you know that's what we can do but we can't start or we're gonna know you know um any questions of J while we happy I just want to say your department always works very well with us and close with us you Carl and your department and what you don't hear is a lot of times when we get people up at these hearings a lot of the people have good things to say about our building our Zone our building department uh most say old but we all talk what they said but uh they do say that you know I've got a lot of help from Dave the people the people in the the department were very very helpful so you're not get yeah I think that the biggest complaint that we're going to get now is time frame you know we hold their hand we help them do the applications I mean I do all you see what I do I do all surveys for if I if I didn't do that it would cost them they'd have to go hire an engineer yeah we have looked at this but it takes a long time you know to get them on like you know one thing I was going to try to maybe sneak and ask we have these two applications on for these big applications maybe the voting board might be nice enough to maybe think about a meeting for the little people in like June or something or the end of May or something we we do look that and we you know summertime tough I know what we have done though we usually try to get the people that have lawyers and things first we been doing like one case is there and we know it's gonna take a long time we try to get them in aead so through a three hour presentations to find yeah you know so I find that most people you know they just they wait to go for their they just they just take a long time to to get in front of them you know to get their PID Bo ready and well let's if we canque some we have a busy two months coming you're not gonna like me I don't know you better you better get pizza don't to be there all night any any other any other questions for Dave thank you Dave very much good prior theair 14 yeah the chairman brought up a lot of good comments like me I just have a few things some of them are really simple okay is there anybody from the public who has any questions with any of these words seeing none if there's nothing else to come before the board I'll entertain a motion to so move all in favor