##VIDEO ID:f-Yv2L2T97A## stand for the flag stand indivisible Sunshine notice Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday September 3rd 202 4 The Time Is Now 7:05 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Evans here commissioner Tui here commissioner scarelli here commissioner PCO mayor Kelly present all all present this evening uh no minutes no executive session minutes Communications thank you the Nutley Family Service Bureau has submitted an application for a social Affair permit for their Garden Party event to be held at 205 Rucker's place on Saturday September 14 2024 with the rain date of Sunday September 15 2024 from 300 p.m. to 7 pm. I need a motion move it second commissioner Evans all commissioner to I commissioner scarelli I commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I and that's it for communications uh reports commissioner Evans yes I have a code enforcement report for the month of July thank you bills Madam clerk thank you mayor September 3rd 2024 Bill list public affairs 998475 154 revenue and finance 7,789 $166 Public Safety $4,398 Public Works $568 one17 parks and public property $ 9647 2529 water utility $ 52,1 1627 payroll as a Friday August 16 2024 regular payroll total 95400 22483 overtime payroll total $ 62,5 6986 total payroll 1,167 19469 payroll is a Friday August 30th 2024 regular payroll total $954,000 overtime payroll total $5,440 127 total payroll 1 million $5 520010 for a grand total of 11, 27,9 3439 move the Bills second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco mayor Kelly I that's it for bills mayor uh at this time we have public comment on agenda items only if you wish to be heard approach the microphone and state your name for the record please seeing none uh board Commissioners announcements commissioner Evans nothing for me commissioner Tui yes thank you mayor on H September 12th we will once again be holding our Junior Raider pep rally up at Owens Field so everyone is invited it's a great night to see all of our youngsters our our football players our cheerleaders and all of our friends and parents who are there attending and also on September 29th and I'll make this announcement once again we will be uh holding the Fall Festival um at the mud hill that mud hole which will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will end at 4M that's all I have there R pep rally we usually start right around 7even o'clock thank you commissioner Scott pelly uh nothing official mayor just like to welcome everybody back from the summer get ready for the fall I I would just like to take a second when I walked in here I was talking about Mike Iverson and Nutley I that was um here for years and years did a lot for the central league as I was discussing with commissioner um tuin also a friend of M and Joe corell's Mark Raco um passed away suddenly as well if we could have a moment of silence for we had a congressman P good point Joe kind a moment of silence May yes let's have a moment of silence thank you any other announcements or that was it I have a a few uh on Monday uh September 16th that we're having a community blood drive at the VFW on 271 Washington Avenue Tuesday September 17th which is our next next meeting is uh con also Constitution Day uh I think it's an undervalued holiday here in this nation uh July 4th uh 1776 we all know we declare our independence from Great Britain but on September 17th 1787 we uh adopted the United States Constitution we could have easily traded one King George for another King George but the Constitution is what give us our rights it founded our Republic it gives secures our liberties and and uh countless other obligations rights that we have that that our government were protected from and so it's a very important holiday uh that we observe uh we also have a uh Children's Clinic on Thursday September 19th a flu clinic on Thursday September 26th uh from 10:00 a. to 1: pm at the health department and uh we have a fall presentation fall prevention presentation at 7 Williams Street uh and that's all I have uh we don't have any ordinances for introduction uh ordinances on second reading uh commissioner Evans yes this is ordinance 3562 uh this ordinance uh authorizes the execution of a financial agreement uh with the redeveloper for uh the Diamond Springs property uh which is uh a u 55 and older uh Community 85 five units on on the the old Diamond Springs Pool Club property uh would anyone like to make a public comment on this at this time i' would like to open the uh public hearing for a public comment on this ordinance uh ordinance number 3562 uh if you wish to be heard please approach the microphone and uh state your name for the record move to close second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui I abstain commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayy Kelly hi uh moving on to resolutions commissioner Evans yes I have one resolution this evening it's a resolution approving the corrective action plan which is in our annual audit uh report for the calendar year 2023 whereas the New Jersey budget and fiscal Affairs laws require all local governments to prepare and submit a corrective action plan as part of their annual audit process whereas the corrective action plan which the Chief Financial Officer prepared and placed on file with the Township Clerk within 60 days of the date of the governing body received the audit a report itself outlines the actions the township will take to correct the recommendations uh listed in the comments and recommendations section of the 2023 order report whereas the Chief Financial Officer has provided the attached corrective action plan which covers the findings of recommend recommendations outlined in the 2023 report now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nellia that they hereby approve the corrective action plan prepared by the Chief Financial Officer in response to the 2023 order report and that be further resolved that the corrective action plan shall be placed on file with the office of the Township Clerk and shall be referenced in a synopsis of the audit report uh the be further resolved that this resolution shall take effect immediately so Mo second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli I commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I oh have thank you commissioner commissioner chuchi yes whereas Department of parks and public property has a need to acquire specialized Professional Services for risk manager and whereas a municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed advertise for a request for qualifications for consultant and risk manager now therefore be it resolved that sealed bid's request for qualifications will be received on Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 11:00 a.m prevailing time I move resol second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I whereas Department of parks and public property has a need to acquire specialized Professional Services for accident and safety review and Consulting and whereas municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for request for qualifications for accident and safety review and Consulting now therefore be it resolved that sealed request for uh qualifications will be received by Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 11: am prevailing time I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi it's all I have thank you commissioner commissioner scarpelly thank you mayor whereas the township of nutly advertised for proposals for the marketing of recycling materials on June 4th 2020 whereas requests for proposals for the marketing recycling materials were accepted by the town clerk on June 24th 2020 whereas the township nly reviewed and analyzed all submitted proposals and whereas the proposals received from Integrity Integrity recycling Waste Solutions 111 route 31 Clemington New Jersey was most favorable proposal for the township of Nutley and whereas Integrity recycling Waste Management Waste Solutions was recommended for a three-year contract with two one-year options for contract extensions effective October 1st 2020 whereas the township has selected to exercise the options to extend the contract for the final one-year contract extension and the term the contract will be effective on October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 whereas funds are available account number 41423 209 and account number 501 42329 the amount not to exceed $60,000 have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification he had attached this resolution now therefore be resolved by the border Commissioners Township of Nutley County V state New Jersey that a contract extension number two is hereby authorized approved I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of notley County of es state of New Jersey that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized to advertise for seal bids for the sore line camera Inspection Cleaning and riging project in the township of nle to be received by the Board of Commissioners and the commission Chambers Township ball one Kennedy Drive Nutley New Jersey on Wednesday September 25th 2024 at 11: a.m. prevailing time at which time they'll be open and read to move the resolution second commissioner Evans all commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner commissioner PCO I see you don't have anything on I I don't mayor and I just wanted to be in good company so I decided to show up tonight thank you uh that's for you too Tom resolution number 234-241 Bing a license applications have been received from the following organizations Radcliff school PTO on Prim 5050 cash raffle Friday October 18th Lincoln PTL off premises merchandise raffle Tuesday November 19th St Mary's Roman Catholic Church license number 4824 Bingo Friday October 2024 Friday October 18 2024 St Mary's Roman Catholic Church license number 4924 on premise 50-50 cash rifle Friday October 18th 2024 St Mary Roman Catholic Church on premise merchandise raffle Friday October 18th 2024 whereas the applications have been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk and the police department now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle County B state of New Jersey that the affir mentioned licenses are hereby approved and the municipal clerk is authorized to issue said licenses so moved second commissioner Evans hi hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco mayor Kelly hi uh 23524 this is to rec recognize Hispanic Heritage Month whereas from September 15th October 15th each year Americans observed National Hispanic Heritage Month time to celebrate the achievements histories traditions and culture diversity of Hispanic Latino latinx Americans whose Heritage is rooted in 20 Latin American countries and territories whereas the national observation began in 1968 as Hispanic heritage week under President Lyndon Johnson who was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting from September 15th and ending October 15th of each year was thiss year as National theme pioneers of change shaping the future together encaps encapsulates the spirit of innovation resilience and unity that Define the Hispanic experience it recognizes all all the Hispanics Latinos who have been Trailblazers and Game Changers Paving the way for future Generations whereas the Hispanic population has been integral to the prosperity as the United States the contributions to the nation are immeasurable and they embody the best of the American values whereas the month is celebrated in a plethora of ways as several other celebratory holidays fall during this month such as independent days of several Latin American countries whereas educating people on Hispanic culture Heritage helps fortify diversity within communities and far discussions pertaining to different cultures and ideologies and therefore be resolved as Board of Commissioners Township Nutley County of es St New Jersey recognized September 15th 2024 through October 15 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month and encourage all nightly residents to recognize the rich history and culture that comes with Hispanic heritage so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO mayor Kelly hi and uh Mr farra uh we have a need for executive contct negoti thank you need a motion second whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public per meeting in certain circumstances and where is the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be a resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the town ship of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss contract negotiations be forther result that at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending and or anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO mayor Kelly hi the time is 7:21 e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e uh Madame clerk whenever you're ready uh okay we're back on record the time is now 7:56 thank you we're going to table uh resolution number 23824 uh to September 17th and we're going to open the meeting up to the public uh for a public comment on anything on your mind good evening mayor Kelly commissioner scarelli commissioner Petco Comm commissioner Tucci commissioner Evans M TR Montana Miss Pettis not Mr Bruno uh what do you have for us any decision I'm sorry can you just state your name for the record please sorry j rub thank you thank you I always forget that what do you have for us any decisions or thoughts on moving forward uh we don't have that memo that I've uh mentioned uh as you can see our town attorney's on vacation uh and so we're still waiting on the planning board uh or not the planning the the the rent leveling board attorney uh legal memo uh so once we get that in we'll be able to take some sort of action excellent thank you very much good evening anyone else seeing none I'm closing the uh public comment portion and we have a need for another executive session motion please move it second thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the Township from in the county of Essex state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley moveing close uh executive session to discuss contract negotiations be further resolved at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending and or anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco mayor Kelly hi and uh we won't be conducting any more business this evening so uh can I have a motion to adjourn please move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO mayor Kelly hi the time is 7:59