stand salute One Nation God indivisible withy andice for Madam clerk thank you mayor board Commissioners public meeting Tuesday March 19 2024 the time is 7:05 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Evans here commissioner Petco here commissioner to here mayor scarelli here all present mayor minut minutes Madam Clark thank you we have Board of commissioner meeting minutes for February 20th 2024 moving second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner P commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi that's it for minutes mayor I'm going toh deviate from the agenda and uh we have a lot of guests here tonight and good things to celebrate so I'm going to turn it over to commissioner Tui thank you mayor good evening everyone and welcome from the size of this crowd we can see this is a Night of Champions so let's celebrate each and every one of them let's celebrate our town let's celebrate the parents that facilitate our success and last but not least all of our coaches and all of our volunteers that help us okay so tonight we're going to start with the girls competition cheer team whereas the girls competition cheer team has enjoyed an outstanding competition season becoming six-time division Champions and whereas the members of the girls competition cheer team are Lindsay Baker Bella Callo Ava Santano Sarah debowski Veronica debowski Zoey Davis Gian Delaney Leah derko Sophia Harris Avery Higgin Dylan jasnowitz Brooklyn KN more Morgan mccan Grace Miller mateline Mitchel Gabriella n Kylie arski Emmy R Rao Daniela Roman Charlotte Romanowski pton Sanchez Ava sagaro Allison Spina Madison Teta Mariana trillo Grace Williams and whereas head coach Jamie arisone our own Jamie arisone along with high school cheerleader volunteers Caitlyn Chua and Jenny golua work tirelessly to to train and guide these athletes and whereas the members of the girls competition cheer team are six-time division champions for the 2024 competition season now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate the members and coaches of the girls competition cheer team for their exceptional efforts and accomplishments I very proudly move this resolution second commissioner Kelly before I vote I just want to extend some congratulations to the to the team uh I'm I don't I'm not too familiar with with cheer but uh I saw that documentary and what you guys have to do you guys are don't let anyone ever tell you you're not athletes because it is absolutely impressive what you guys go through and what you have to do uh to the uh to the the girls returning I I challenge everyone who comes here I want to see you guys back here I want to see you guys as seven time division Champions and to the to the the seniors who are moving on apply that same drive and determination to whatever whatever you do in your next phase in your life and uh I wish you all the best of luck I vote I m rans I will uh Echo similar comments to my fellow commissioner and and I would tell you that uh first off six times right it's fantastic I think Kansas City Chiefs only have three Super Bowls right so six times is pretty pretty wonder and we weren't rooting for them we love the merits but we weren't rooting we we weren't well well on that day I did so so what I will tell you is um you know participating something as a group where you have to rely on one another where you have to develop one another support one another in their you know during their highs and their lows right whether they achieve something the first time I have to practice it to get it those skills are life skills and you bring that you I wish and I hope for you that you'll always take them with you throughout your your life because those are exceptional skills to have and I'm so proud of you so congratulations I vote I Mr PCO yes I vote I and like commissioner Tui said it's so great to see a lot of friendly faces here today I'm so privileged to have the deli in town a lot of you guys have passed through my Delhi I've had the opportunity to watch you guys grow up six time Champions it's great to see you guys Blossom a big thank you to your parents for driving you all over the place because I know what that's like fortunately pass through my life you are like daughters to me and I want to congratulate you to the to the full congratulations to all of you I v i commissioner Tui well after those very kind words from Comm commissioner petraco I would think this is good for at least one free lunch at that Deli commissioner toi so girls on on their birthdays there you happy bir there you go we should we vote on that as a board we're gonna vote that'll be our second resolution again I proudly vote I mayor scarelli yeah girls congratulations congratulations to your coaches and your parents as uh commissioner Evans was saying depending on people in highs and lows all as I could picture is the flyer going up in the air and depending on the people to catch them so uh I proudly vote I ladies congratulations Jamie would you like to say a few words all right microphone okay hi good evening I'm Sophia Harris I want to start off by saying how happy I am to be gathered by my entire team today because I love everyone here so much um we all quickly became family just in a few months this year was my first year doing cheer ever in Nutley let alone being on the competition team when I first walked through those doors of the annex all the way back in November I didn't expect anything that happened when I walked out in February and for that I'm so blessed every practice was a party even the ones that ended with Jamie screaming at us I think what makes this team so close is the experiences we all share together good and the bad there were days where everything was perfect and others where everything went wrong the important part was that we all came to the next practice with the goal to do better by the time we got on that mat we shared the same energy and got through it together and allthough not every performance was great we all made really great memories I'll never forget all of our Tik Tok breaks snack runs and stunt fails all the injuries and mistakes along the way only made us better and stronger and this is coming from someone who took way too many punches in the face um but I wouldn't change a thing I also want to take a second to recognize our amazing coach Jamie Jamie I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for us this season you gave us hope when we needed it kept us pushing and when we were at the bottom you never gave up on us I admire your strength and perseverance I think we can all agree that this season would not have been so memorable and successful without you altogether this team has taught me what real friendships and Community looks like I come out of this season with an additional and certainly Irreplaceable family thank you um good evening I'm Payton Sanchez I'm an eighth grader on the Nutley competition team before I start talking about the incredible team that Jamie has worked us to become I just want to say that none of this could have been possible without her passion and dedication for what she does she has a special way of motivating us all even when we're feeling tired or frustrated the environment she has been able to create for us that makes us enjoy coming to practice is unmatchable and we're all so thankful for her now moving on to the team it feels like just yesterday we were walking into our first practice all of us tired or from waking up so early not though that we have to stay here for many hours to get this routine done but after only a few minutes and a water break or two all of our moods had shifted and we were ready and we were enjoying every minute of it laughing whenever we could and talking a bit too much for Jamie to handle this season this season has been filled with many ups and downs many ice packs used many tears shed but many friendships made being a part of this team has not only given me friends to see and tell all my drama to every Tuesday and Thursday night but it's given me and all the other girls a team this a team that that turned into a family that we could trust with all of our stories all of our embarrassing outfits on the theme nights and people that support us and help us overcome all the difficulties within our routine but also and anything else even off the mat when leaving this team I will not only be leaving with an amazing experience and so many memories like all the time Jamie made us do full outs until we gave out all the crazy outfits we wore at all the different theme practices and all the pep talks Leah gave us before performing but most importantly I'll be leaving with 25 new bonds that I would have never been able to perform if I hadn't been given this opportunity to be a part of this team hi good evening my name is Danelle Roman and tonight I want to talk about my experience and the impact that the nle competition cheer team had on me to start with I want to talk about the unity and support with this sh team I remember the first day I walked into the annex for Triads they were all ages and all different personalities some of us were quiet and others couldn't stop moving and talking so much that you think they just had loads of sugar well we were practicing dancing after comms for trying to find games to play after comms we all got along so well and formed new friendships and supported each other um other supported each other all the time the first couple practices and even last few practices some Sons didn't always work out but we always had our teammates to encourage us or we had our coach this leads me to talk about our coach Jamie Jamie isn't just a coach but she's also a leader and a role model she has this amazing ability to push us beyond our limits while still making us feel valued and appreciated she sees the potential in us and every one of us and and helps us to find it Jam's commitment dedication and passion for cheerleading truly inspired me every time we got announced to see what place we won the first person I would look at was Jamie to see how proud she was that encouraged me to always try my hardest and I'm sure my teammates can say the same this taught me that it's not just about the trophies and who got first and who got second it's about the growth and life lessons we gained along the way being a part of this team has taught me the importance of teamwork discipline and person perseverance this competition cheer team is not just a group of talented girls but it's also a support system a group of inspiration and a second family I can't wait to see how all of us make out and I wish the best of luck to the upcoming girls hi my name is Leah Jero and today I'll be talking about um our competition team I feel so lucky and proud to have been given the opportunity to be a part of the nutly junior Raiders competition team if you know anything about me you know that I literally countd down the days until the start of the cheer season cheer is my happy place and it feels it's where I feel most like myself I always look forward to cheering at the football games but there's something about comp season and the days we get to spend in the annex those days are my absolute favorite don't get me wrong they are not always easy but they are the best it is hard to describe but being a part of this team is very special it doesn't matter if if you are in fifth or eighth grade once we walk through the doors of the annex we are just a family I have formed many close friendships this year and I wish your season never had to end cheer has taught me a lot it has taught me responsibility teamwork leadership and commitment mostly it has taught me that if I want something I need to work hard to get it there have been time this year where our stunt groups could not hit the stunt where we had to do counts over a 100 times or a pyramid would just continue to fail coach Jamie would push us and make us work hard and fight through whatever the struggle may have been we are so lucky to have Coach Jamie because she is an amazing coach I hope she knows how much we all love her and how much we appreciate what she does for us she pushes us to be great every practice week after week she also doesn't accept excuses she knows what we are capable of and makes us work hard until we get it it is so rewarding to see what we have accomplished by the time the first competition comes around all the sore muscles bumps bruises sweat and tears are worth the feeling we get on comp day there's nothing as rewarding as getting the chance to hit the mat hear the crowd cheering stepping up and absolutely killing our routine those moments with my team are awesome from this season I'm taking away the amazing experiences I got to share with my coach and teammates the friendships and memories that we have created this season are so special to me thank you is that it all right very nicely done ladies would you please come up for for a photo congratulations yeah it up sorry sorry right I h give it the FR J we recycle in the parks department all right next up another another one of our Champions a young lady that we're very proud of uh someone we're going to be talking about for years and years to come um as well as our competition cheer team and the other two that we'll follow uh but this is a great night for Nutley whereas Isabella Baba is a senior at Nutley high school and whereas Isabella had an incredible three-year run at Nutley High School where she showed sportsmanship Talent determination and a great worth work ethic and whereas Isabella has had a remarkable career posting a three-year win total of 59 wins which is the most wins for a female wrestler career in Nutley high school and whereas Isabella finished third in the north one and completed her senior year finishing eighth in the njsiaa girl state tournament in 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle and the county of Essington state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate Isabella badia for her exceptional efforts and accomplish M and be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be made part of the permanent record of the township of Nutley I very proudly Mo second commissioner Kelly uh before I vote I I just want to congratulate Isabella on an incredible career uh and setting a School record that that's super impressive uh I played rugby in college you're probably asking yourself uh what does rugby have to do with wrestling and and this story goes to all the wrestlers we're going to honor later tonight uh but my rugby coach liked to recruit wrestlers to play on the rugby team because in his words wrestlers are the the the most fit they have the best stamina they have the most strength and they they can easily adapt to play such a physically demanding sport as rugby and they they're even better than rugby players in terms of the fitness so uh you got guys are at the peak of your your your your physical fitness and your prowess and I know you're a senior and you're moving on to much better things but if you apply the same determination and talent that you had that you appli to your wrestling career you're we're going to see some great things from you so I I probably vote i m travin yeah I would simply add that uh two things um I was so good at wrestling my coach advised me to go out for the crew team so so there's message in there somewhere right uh but I I would say that recognizing your achievement Isabella keep that fire in your belly right keep it throughout life uh whether whether it's in your work career your family career Community career whatever that is just keep that fire because it's it's young people like you that will make a real difference and I uh I want to be around to see that difference being made so congratulations i v i commissioner PCO 59 wins is unbelievable I would tell you the little L story but these guys up here are tired of my little L stories when he wrestled but I think his record was one and 59 losses but at any rate it's really a tribute it's hard work I see all the coaches the familiar faces here your parents congratulations that's really really unbelievable and you know your limit is the sky keep working hard God bless you night B ey commissioner Tucci I vote I mayor scarelli Isabella it was a pleasure being in Atlantic City on Thursday and seeing that you were going to medal uh that was great and um congratulations I'll have more to say with each uh each wrestler but it was a very proud moment to be down there and see our wrestlers do so well all three of them medling there so uh congratulations Isabella Isabella would you like to say a few words no okay you're in Jam's Club M saying you need to come up and say something come on hi my name is Isabella Badillo um I was not prepared for a speech but I would like to thank all of you and my coaches for making me feel part of a family even though it started off with two now we have 9 and hopefully to grow more I would like to thank my mom for driving me literally at 5:00 in the morning every day for practices or 8:00 at night to tournaments and driving me back and forth and I would like to thank Karina's parents for supporting me and coming to all of our tournaments and giving me rides home when I didn't have one and I would like to thank coach dip for treating me like a daughter and loving me and making me love this sport as much as possible so thank you all hey our next champion this evening whereas Karina Rivera as a junior Nutley high school and whereas Karina is having an incredible run at Nutley High School where she shows sportsmanship Talent determination and a great work ethic and whereas Karina is having a remarkable career posting a two-year win total of 52 wins and whereas Karina finished third in North one and completed her junior year finishing seventh in the njsiaa girl state tournament in 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle the county of us state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate Karina Rivera for her exceptional efforts and accomplishments be it further resolve that a copy of this resolution be made part of the permanent record of the township of Nutley you are an unbelievable athlete I very proudly move this resolution second commissioner Kelly so uh I'm not the uh the greatest at math but I see 52 wins it sounds like you're knocking on the the school record uh and so I want to extend a challenge to you on I want to see you break the record and I want to see you back here next year uh and I want to congratulate you and and your family for for this amazing achievement congratulations I Mr Evans I'll to Echo my earlier comment about um seeing young people with a fire in their belly to achieve is a wonderful thing I look forward to you is hearing more about your successes congratulations and and stay healthy and and and make everybody proud Comm PCO I thank you I vote I also and I just like to congratulate you and your family and Echo the same comments I made before you guys really make your your town proud and you make us shine in other areas so congratulations to you your family and everybody that's involved vote I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli yeah Karina congratulations congratulations to your your family um I just tell one little story uh the girls came up to me on that Thursday and thanked me for coming to support them when they won the second match uh with the third match but their second match that after they had lost and um they called up into the stands and gave me the thumbs up I gotta tell you I got choked up it was amazing that they appreciated so much uh the support of the township and I represented all the Commissioners there that day so congratulations to you Karina and uh it was a great day I vote I I think great hi my name is Karina Rivera I also did not have a speech plann but you know this is coming for the heart um honestly I'd like to thank everyone everyone in this room really um for supporting me and everything like our town may be small but the support that I feel all the time just so big and wrestling has just taught me so many things like from discipline to being more social because I know I've you know grown as a person like in so many ways and even like getting stronger mentally physically emotionally just everything and my coaches I am so thankful for you guys you've changed me so much and um I'm just so so excited for next year you know I still have one year left and I'll I'll make sure to make it my best so thank you guys so much for everything before I read this uh this last resolution uh there's a couple of things I need to say about this individual who is not only a phenomenal wrestler but was is also a uh a world record holder powerlifter okay uh quite the athlete who is also a great human who daily gives tribute to not only his God but his community and his family he is a credit to everyone that he meets to make us so very proud all right to have you here in town with us so having said that whereas Brandon toranzo is a senior at Nutley high school and whereas Brandon tanzo participated in the Nutley Junior wrestling program where he demonstrated sportsmanship talent and determination during his Elementary School wrestling seasons and whereas Brandon had an incredible two-year run at Nutley High School where he continued to show sportsmanship Talent determination and a great work ethic and whereas Brandon has had a remarkable career posting a two-year record of 86 wins and four losses and whereas Brandon is a two-time Essex County Champion a and two-time outstanding wrestler two-time district 10 Champion finished first in Region 3 and completed his senior year finishing third in the njsiaa state tournament in 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of Essex and state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate Brandon tanzo for his exceptional efforts and accomplishments and be at further resolve that a copy of this resolution be made part of the permanent record of the township of melting I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly again I'd like to congratulate Brandon and his family on this amazing accomp accomplishment uh third in the state that that's uh incredibly impressive uh I I see you're a senior and uh just keep keep keep up the the the grit the determination uh everything that led you to be a champion wrestler it's going to it's going to car forward to the rest of your life and uh I'm excited to see what great things you'll accomplish and our own town attorney was a was a wrestler and so so it it definitely carries for you and you're definitely going to find success in your life I I wish you the best Champion wrestler yeah I just wish you the best and congratulate you I proudly vote I commissioner Evans yes um Brandon to you as well um it's I'm gonna add this Brandon for you as well as for Karina and Isabella you you and as well as the the the cheerleading group group as well you all have identified yourselves and differentiated yourselves from others and I think with that it goes along with great achievement is great responsibility to basically help and share and help others grow and help others find their way so I encourage all of you to uh continue on your own career path I hope to hear great things but remember those around you and make sure you help you help them come along to to achieve their maximum ability as well if we'll all be find ourselves in a better place I I vote I commissioner PCO Brandon I have to tell you you were the talk of the deli the last few months everybody in the deli was who's this kid who's this kid and I have to tell you all my friends and actually um Nicki Raco George Raco who wrestled way back when when I was in L high school I went to school with somebody named Ernie Monaco who was I think second in the world if I'm not m in in the world and everybody was comparing you to him and for somebody to be compared to Ernie monac who was really a killer on that mat you really I have to tell you it's saying something for you so I want to congratulate you you deserve all the Press you got everything you made it keep that fire burning because you have a lot to go forward in your life and we could definitely use somebody like you on our Police Department so if cops is something that you want to be come see me but congratulations God bless you great job I before I vote I just want to make one more comment and this what I'm going to direct that coach di piano you did listen when I was reading this that he started with the Nutley Junior raider wrestling program all right which has just expanded we have 140 Junior Raider wrestlers so your future is very bright and we're expanding the wrestling room down at parks and wck Brandon you're a credit to everyone you come in contact with again we're so proud of you and everything you've accomplished but we we didn't expect any less we know who you are we know what your family's about and we know what your coaches did to help you along again I proudly vote I mayor scarelli yeah Brandon uh congratulations to you and your family uh I want to thank you for coming uh back to your hometown and wrestling representing nle high school and U to come in third after a tough loss through those wrestl backs that's aedit to your determination and um it was a great thing for you to accomplish and uh I don't think people realize how hard that is to do and come back and take third place so congratulations to you congratulations to the coaches producing taking three athletes down Atlantic City and all three uh medling so congratulations to you too I vote I coach dip would you like to come up and say a few words thank uh just first I would like to thank the Board of Commissioners for H honoring us here I've been lucky enough to have been in this chamber room uh many times uh receiving our Awards uh this one was a special one uh for a couple reasons uh commissioner Petco mentioned Ernie Monaco and Brandon's the first uh the highest place winner since since I don't know if it's Ernie or John Monaco but the difference is he left us this kid came back to Nutley will always be remembered as a true Raider so um we're very honored to be here tonight uh our girls wrestling program is is is blowing up it's the fastest growing sport in America it's the fastest growing sport collegiately in America and uh what what Brandon and Karina and Bella have done for this community um will resonate for a while this sport is not easy um but it's the most fulfilling sport in the world we have several girls now wrestling on the junior Raider program as well um and like commissioner Tucci said we have over 140 kids in the wreck and we had over 45 kids on the team uh this year so we appreciate all your hard work I would be remiss if I didn't uh mention that I have the best staff in the state of New Jersey and they're all here today um Sammy Capa Aaron Dunn who's now in our fire department Nikki Raco Neil pisillo and we have a couple uh couple coaches that aren't with us tonight as well so I appreciate it coach Bruno was in the room a couple times with us roll around and and and helping out uh the cause so we appreciate everything all of you do for the township thank you very much would would all three wrestlers and coaches please come forward for a photo before we take the picture thank for all the support and my coaches and my brother he help help me with a lot this season especially coming back from ACL injury and I'm just blessed to be back in this town with all the support thank you all get that's we'll give you guys a couple minutes if you don't want to stay and be bored for the rest of the night give you a couple of minutes to uh head out good night thank you Joe you suggesting what we do is Waring oh yeah a little bit and we're not staying here till 11 o' JK I gotta tell you serious Sam Sam Sam right uh Madam clerk let's go back on the record Communications thank you mayor yes uh the we have two this evening the friends of the nle library have submitted an application for a social Affair permit for their uh author T fun fundraiser scheduled for Wednesday May 22nd 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. uh at 93 Booth Drive and mayor scarelli has uh uh office has submitted an amend application to hold the 103rd Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 27 2024 between 10:00 a.m. and 3 pm. beginning at the nle park oval and Chestnut Street to pakea Center Street and finishing off on Franklin Avenue motion please mve second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui I mayor Spar Pell hi and that's it for communications let move to reports commissioner pako I have my Public Safety report thank you mayor all right Madam Clark bills thank you Mayor Bill is for March 19 2024 public affairs $744 189 revenue and finance 9,524 37391 Public Safety $10,600 198 parks and public property $136,400 water utility $396,500 $8 3167 overtime payroll $ 75,200 23 that was for March 1st 2024 at fire retro payroll total $ 27,38 of76 cents total payroll 1,314 63,65 for a grand total of of 11,397 18492 move the Bills second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I that's it for bills mayor uh public comment on agenda items only would anybody from the public like to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing none let's move on to board of commissioner announcements yes mayor uh two things uh we've been promoting a lot the senior freeze program and Commissioners thank you for your help in spreading the word on that uh my tax collector is busy every day helping people complete uh their applications and so far to date we've had over 300 new applications which is the ptr1 forms being filed so far and they're coming in every day so it's having a huge impact with the income level for 23 being increased to 160 uh $65,000 and uh 22 being increased to 150 more people are qualifying for the program so uh I want one we need to continue to spread the work make sure people get them in but if they can get them in and filed before May 1 then the state will respond by giving them if they qualify giving them their first check uh by July 1 which then could be used for uh tax payments in August so the relief could come uh right away and so I'm very excited about the response and we need to continue uh to push that uh the second piece is just a early update but uh the division motor vehicle uh mobile unit will be here in April and we'll say more about that at a future meeting thank you commissioner yes thank you mayor on March 28th at uh reinheimer Park we will have our flashlight Easter egg hunt will begin assembling at six o'clock and as soon as it gets dark enough we will we will kick it off and on March 30th we will have our Extravaganza at 10: a.m. that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner I just like to say tonight is like really a special night for not Le seeing all these smiling faces and the crowd usually you know it's when people come to the meeting it's because they're unhappy about something but it's really really a tribute to all of us I want to thank you mayor for going down to to Atlantic City I want to thank commissioner Tucci for having all these fantastic kids in here do a great job with this recck department and it's just all all the Commissioners it's a team effort up here and it's really really great to know that nutley's a family town and have these kids Blossom like they are if they're sitting up here all these years it's really a blessing to be here um I believe we have something in public safety is it this Saturday Sam we have our little what time is it from from 10: to 12 we're having the Easter Bonnie who might who might even be here tonight um taking pictures with the firemen on the fire trucks and the um and with the police officers from 10: to 12 this Saturday so of course the mayor Commissioners are all welcome to stop by I hope to see you guys there hopefully we have some nice weather thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Kelly thank you mayor we're continuing our women's History Month celebration uh this Friday we we're getting into the high school uh and we're gonna have all not high school Lum Lum lumni lumna whatever the plural is for for female alumnus alumna uh they're all going to be speaking there about uh their careers their accomplishments and their achievements uh and we're going to be speaking to the entire High School in two two assemblies uh on Tuesday March 26th we have our our sipping shop at Mama Victoria on Franklin Avenue where we're going to be showcasing women-owned businesses in town uh and supporting our women-owned businesses we've had a successful month so far at the uh at the uh senior the uh having a senior moment dementia versus normal aging that that happened tonight it was a great crowd great great uh presentation uh very informative and we've been we've had our kickoff and we've we've been we've been to all the elementary schools now uh spreading in spreading information to to young young young women in particular but to all the all the students about what they can do what they can accomplish and that this guy truly the limit for them uh so that's that's all I have right now thank you commissioner let's move on to resolutions commissioner Kelly thank you mayor I have one on for this evening resolution number 712 4 and this is for national public health week uh as many people aware the department of public affairs the health department resides in the department of public affairs uh whereas the week of April 1st through the 7th 2024 is national public health week and the theme is protecting connecting and thriving we're all public health as per the American Public Health Association and whereas the goal of the National Public Health Week in 2024 is to recognize the contributions of Public Health and improving the health of the people of the United States and achieving Health Equity and whereas public health is the practice of preventing disease and promoting good health within groups of people from small communities to entire countries whereas public health professionals collaborate with Partners outside of the health sector including city planners Transportation officials education officials and private sector businesses recognizing that other sectors can influence Health outcomes and whereas in the communities across the United States individuals are changing the way that they care for their health by avoiding tobacco use eating healthier increasing physical activity and preventing unintentional injuries at home and in the workplace whereas during each day of National Public Health Week focus is placed on a particular Public Health topic these are these areas are critical to our future success in creating the healthiest nation and everyone can do their part to help Monday is Civic engagement Tuesday is healthy neighborhoods Wednesday is climate change Thursday new tools and Innovation Friday is reproductive and Sexual Health Saturday is emergency preparedness and Sunday is the future of Public Health now therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners in Township of nle County of essic state of New Jersey recognize April 1st through the 7th 2024 as National Public Health Week be have further resolved that the nutly health department encourages all residents to utilize the many Innovative important and per health and initiatives offered by the department to enhance and promote a healthy quality of life I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scell I thank you commissioner commissioner yes mayor uh I have a series of simple resolutions the first one is a uh refund of the overpayment of water charges in the amount of $119 for Block 9303 Lot 8 so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petro hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scar Pell hi next is the re refund for the overpayment of tax charges in the amount of $250 for Block 5100 lot two so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scor pelli I the uh my next resolution is the refund of a zoning board application fee in the amount of $75 for Kathy weer so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tucci hi mayor scarelli hi my last one is for uh uh refunds for overpayments is arising out of a tax court judgment and the amount of $883 198 for Block 7400 lot one so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I thank you mayor thank you commission commissioner PCO be by Board of Commissioners Township in not Le County of ESS state of New Jersey that Township Clerk B and she is here by authorized to advertise for seal bids for police and course and guard uniforms be further that the bid spe specifications will be available as of March 28 2024 from the township NY purchaseing department at the below address in additional information may be obtained by contacting their office at 973 284 4960 be further resolved that the sealed bids will be received by municipal clerk for the township and N County B state of New Jersey 1 Kennedy Drive New Jersey by Wednesday April 10th 2024 at 11:00 a.m. prevailing time at which they will be open and read before I move the resolution if there is anyone out there interesting in being a cing guard we are very short-handed with crossing guards we used to have a list from here to Belleville I would say but that is not the case today so I move the resolution if anybody's interested please contact our office second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor Kelly hi whereas the government Council on alcoholism and drug abuse established the municipal Alliance for prevention of alcoholism drug abuse in 1989 to educate and engage residents local government and law enforcement officials schools nonprofit organizations the faith community parents Youth and other allies in efforts to prevent alcoholism and drug abuse and communities throughout New Jersey whereas the township of nly County V the state of New Jersey recognizes that the abuse of alcohol and drug is a serious problem in our society amongst persons of all ages and therefore has been established Municipal Alliance committee whereas the tach and not fer recognizes that it is incumbent upon not only public officials but upon entire communities to take action to prevent such abuse in our community and whereas in the township of Nutley has applied for funding to the governor's Council on alcoholism and drug abuse through to county vestus now therefore be resolved by the township of Nutley County vest state of New Jersey hereby recognizes that the township Nutley does hereby authorize submission of strategic plan for Nutley Municipal Alliance grant for fiscal year 2025 in the amount of dedr 9,321 27 cash match $ 22330 32 in kind 6,900 9.95 the township acknowledges the terms and conditions of administrating Municipal Alliance Grant including the administrative compliance and the audit requirements I resolution second Comm Kelly uh before I vote I I just want to remind everyone that at the uh public affairs and Health Department we have the addiction resource recovery center uh it's a so if you're struggling with addiction or alcoholism or any any similar disease uh reach out there's no Stigma in reaching out now le is a stigma-free town get the help you need and and we're we're always there if you need it I commiss TR before I vote I just point of clarification it says fiscal year 25 is that because we're applying for Grant funds in the state of New Jersey budget which begins July 1st 2024 and ends June 30th 2025 so it's it's the fiscal 25 state budget I have to be honest Tom I don't know the answer to that question I I just I'm I'm confus I don't remember for 25 or 24 so Sam it's the state we're applying to the state of New Jerseys fiscal year 25 budget to get money out of which begins July 1 2024 so you have to you have to apply a year in advance so it's we're a calendar year the state's a fiscal year so okay all right I vote I thank youco any other questions I vote I commissioner Tui I mayor scell I thank you commissioner commissioner future welcome yes thank you mayor where as Town notely entered into a contract with vidiian environmental Consultants PO Box 309 upper moncle New Jersey for njd response for tront garage Communications reporting sampling and Analysis and F glassback field deed notice to resolution number 15623 of July 6 2023 and where as a director of parks and public property has recommended the following change order from SE contract change order number one Treemont garage Communications reporting sampling and Analysis and father glassback field de notice in the amount of $55,000 whereas funds are available from Capital ordinance number 3479 c and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners in Township of nle the county of essic state of New Jersey that change order number one in the amount of $5,000 B and is hereby approved I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scorel whereas Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances families had to cancel participation in programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined a need to amend resolution 4324 now therefore be it resolved to Board of Commissioners of Township nle County of US state of New Jersey that the Treasurer B and she is here and he is hereby authoriz or she no it's a she again right she is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs and the amounts listed below for folks at 510 Harrison Street for Zumba in the amount of $120 for the 20124 year I move resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi that concludes the business portion of our meeting with anybody from the public like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing on Mr Bruno we do have a need to go the close section discuss contract negotiations have a motion move it second thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chure 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public per meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of nutly in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolve that the Board of Commissioners in the township of Nutley move into close executive session to discuss litigation and contract negotiations be it further resolved at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi there'll be no further uh uh business conducted could I have a motion to adjourn move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi the time is 8:02 good night everybody