um M are you good okay we're ready when you are whenever you are you tell me we do contract negotiation what is no yeah okay contract negotiations okay everybody stand flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liberty and justice for all Madam CLK thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting for Tuesday December 19 2023 the time is 702 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 8th 2022 issues of the nle sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted in the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly present commissioner Evans here commissioner PCO here commissioner tuchi here mayor scarelli here all present mayor minutes mam Clark thank you we have uh board commissioner meeting minutes for November 21st 2023 moving second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi hi mayor scarelli hi we also have executive session minutes for September 19th 2023 October 3rd 2023 October 17th 2023 November 9th 2023 November 21st 2023 and December 5th 2023 move remove all of the executive minutes second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tu I mayor scarelli I that's it for minutes Communications Madam clerk the the nly music boosters Association has submitted a letter A requesting permission to hold raffle on Sunday March 3rd 2024 at 300 Franklin Avenue at 5: PM can I have a motion move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi and that's it for communications mayor reports commissioner PCO yes I have my Public Safety um report thank you mayor commiss Evans code enforcement report for the month of November bills Madam cor thank you Mayor Bill list for December 9th 2023 public affairs 9,921 54 revenue and finance 3,781 19570 Public Safety and $124,400 185 Public Works $184 188 parks and public property $134,800 water utility $1,914 69 payroll as of Wednesday November 22nd 2023 regular payroll total $ 91391 37 overtime payroll total $2,632 180 total payroll 96424 2017 payroll as of Friday December 8th 2023 regular payroll total $1,227 30 overtime payroll total $848 19174 total payroll payroll $1,979 and4 for a grand total of 6,990 4317 Mo the Bills second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PATCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor hi that's it for bills mayor public comment on agenda items only anyone like to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing then let's move to board of commissioner announcements Commissioners I have one mayor thank you yes uh first and foremost I'd like to thank uh everyone who supported the parks and recck play Frozen Jr we had three performances they were all sold out we had 40 of nutley's youngest and most talented actors and actresses uh performing in the play uh it was directed by James Miles III Miss uh yaso from uh from the school district did the music Miss bazo uh helped out and the ginski family so just thank you to everyone and thank you everyone in Nutley for supporting it it was a wonderful performance uh we also had U the follow that ended on last Sunday the following Monday we had decorating Christmas cookies with Grandma and Grandpa we had about 50 youngsters there with their grandmas and grandpas and that was sold out another wonderful time and in closing I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas happy holidays and a happy and healthy New Year thank you mayor thank you commission mayor I had nothing other than to uh wish everyone a very healthy and happy uh uh holiday season Merry Christmas to everyone let's all look forward to a better New Year and I just wanted to extend my thanks to each each of you for serving with you over the course of this year for your uh fellowship and for your support I I greatly appreciate it acknowledge it for all of you thank you may thank you commissioner thank you Mary I just like to keep beating the drum about locking your doors and um your car doors your houses we have scen of um uptick on our east side of town which our Police Department is um patrolling that like crazy and we moved guys around so please help us help you also we will be bringing our neighborhood watch back very shortly that is in the work so we need the residents help you know to you know to Aid our Police Department too so even before our neighborhood watch starts if you see something say something very important this is now happening down the shore areas it's happening all over the state I will keep saying about this bail reform it's ludicrous to me you know before the cop is off duty and it's is a lot of juveniles that we are arresting and we are catching most of them they're out of jail before the cop is off duty making the report so obviously that to me that's a fail experient experiment that needs to be reversed as soon as possible I um also would like to thank everybody from public safety for our little Christmas event we had last th Thursday was very well done um and unfortunately mayor I would ask you for a moment of silence I graduated um in 1983 and unfortunately we had two deaths in the same week um which we did a moment of silence for Jerry leapor and a very good friend of the petraco family in the class of 1983 Darren Richie passed away as well suddenly so if we could just have a moment of silence thank you thank you maror and this I'd like to wish everybody the best of holidays and the best of health Merry Christmas thank you thank you commission commissioner Kelly thank thank you mayor um I I would like to uh thank everyone who participated in the holiday sipping shop uh a large number of local vendors came out a large contingent of our our residents came out to to shop and uh support those local vendors it was a huge success I want to apologize for not being there uh I was away with the National Guard uh but uh I was there in spirit I I produced a video saying how proud I was of everyone and that you know uh local businesses are integral part of this community and when they Thrive we Thrive and when we Thrive they Thrive and so it's important that we uh recognize our local businesses at this time of year and uh I also want to thank everyone who donated uh money gift cards whatever it may be for our holiday Treasure Chest this year was our tallest order yet we had 465 families uh and fortunately the the residents of this community came through uh we were able to to provide for those families in need around the holidays to make sure that everyone has a very Merry Christmas so I want to thank all the residents from the bottom of my heart for making that that happen uh we couldn't have done it without you and that's just a testament to what a great Community this is we have here in Nutley and I want to Echo all the other commissioner sentiments I want to wish everyone a very happy and merry holiday and I want to like commissioner Evans said I thank all of you uh on the board here it's been a very pleasurable year serving with each and every one of you and uh I would also like to do do a moment of silence for uh Kim Garner who uh who passed away this week as well thank you thank you commissioner uh I hope everybody had a happy Hanukkah uh those who celebrate and I wish all of you a Merry Christmas a happy and most importantly a healthy New Year and uh with that I think I have to turn us over to Mr Bruno may we do have a need uh to Jo to Executive session to discuss contct negotiations any motion move it second second thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and where is the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and where is the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolve by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss contract negotiations be a further resolved that at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarpelli hi the time is 7:13 let's do yes please the total amount to the C they in okay streamline yes Madam clerk thank you mayor the not the time is now 8:59 let's move to ordinance introductions this is uh commissioner Evans oh oh it's me it's me and you I see all right this is ordinance number 3536 in ordinance to the Board of Commissioners of the township Nutley in the county of es creating chapter 112 Municipal Water and sore utility of the Township Code I move this ordance be passed to a second reading advertising nle Sun together with the notice required by law that further consideration of said ORD for final passage by the board of commissions be held at its second reading on January 16 2024 move the order second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I ordinance number 3537 ordinance of the Board of Commissioners town velli in the county of es establishing a store Utility Fund I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading advertising not sign together with the notice required by law and the further consideration of set for the final passage of the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on January 16 202 before move to the for second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell I ordinance number 3540 in ordinance to amend an ordinance cified in the code of Township Nutley chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 special zones and areas section 28 entitled bus stops to remove the location set forth therein I Mo this ordinance be passed to a second reading advert nle son together with the notice required by law on the further consideration of s or for final passage of board commissions be held on a second reading on January 16 2024 move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scar Pell all ordinance number 3541 ordinance to amended ordinance codified in theota of Township nelli chapter 349 flood plane management regulations I move that this ordance be passed to a second reading advertised andly s together with the notice required by law the further consideration of set ordance for final passage by the porter Commissioners be held at a second reading on January 16 2024 move the ordinance second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner P commissioner Tui mayor scarelli hi commissioner Evans thank you mayor ordinance number 3538 an ordinance to amend an ordinance codified the code of the township of notle chapter 428 the Township Code entitled licensing and business regulations Section 7 entitled Reg ministration fee to reduce the fee uh from 50 $100 50 respectively to uh $25 and $20 I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertising early Sun together with a notice required by law and further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on uh January 16 2024 so I second second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tu mayor scell hi uh 3539 uh an ordinance to repeal an ordinance in our code 3403 codified the code of the township this relates to uh the uh election uh uh transparency statute that we have for pay to play repealing this ordinance to comply with uh the the revised State Statute PL 2023 uh section C30 uh of the state transparency act I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertising nutly Sun together with an ordinance required by law and that further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on January 16 2024 so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans Evans commissioner Evans television timeout here okay commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi I was detained by the lower house that it commissioner second that's it thank you that's it all right uh commissioner Kelly thank you mayor uh I know a lot lot of people are really excited about this ordinance however at this time uh I'm going to table this uh for another meeting uh I just want to assure everyone that the the Board of Commissioners is extremely about excited about this ordinance just as much as uh many veterans are uh we want to make sure that we get this this ordinance right uh and do a do justice to our veterans who serve this community so we're going to table this uh look for more information at the next meeting thank you thank you commissioner commissioner Paka an ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township and valy chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 special zones and areas section 29a entitled handicap Park and to add to the location set forth thereon this is for one 110 Elm please anybody wish to be heard on ordinance number 3534 sign move to close second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Paco I commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi move the ordinance please second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner EV uh yes ordinance number 3535 this is an ordinance accepting uh Grant monies uh for 1, 12875 uh dollars uh for uh Green Acres or mon Senor ens monor ens yes I don't know why anybody like to be heard on ordinance number 3535 seeing no one close over hearing second and just as an FYI the project is in fact completed all right and it has the first Shadow Raider emblem emblazoned right into the turf in the state of New Jersey that's nice hi commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi Commission PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi move the ordinance no I'm sorry I'm move the ordinance I was second I was Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you commissioner commissioner Kelly thank you mayor I have one resolution on for this evening it's resolution number 337-238-0778 notle County of esex New Jersey that in accordance with the provisions of revised statutes 40 a 4- 58 the following transfers Appropriations in the 2023 budget b and the same hereby authorized and approved that we're transferring $88,500 from the listed accounts uh to the the uh the listed account here on uh so moves second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scor pelly I thank you commissioner commissioner Evans yes the uh uh this my ordinance number 38-23 is a a refund for a affordable housing development fee payment uh related to 229 Franklin Avenue uh uh where it's been determined that the fee should be refunded in amount of $187.50 funds are available County 2699 92 now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY County of Essex state of New Jersey that the treasur is authorized to issue a refund the Donna Pono in the amount of $187.50 so move second commissioner Kelly just to clarify a minor misspeaking it was 299 not 229 uh but I thank you for clarification uh commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi whereas the township of Nelly has a need to acquire the services of a professional real estate appraiser to assist with real estate appraisals tax appeals and Court appearances and to complete the necessary procedures to ensure the capture of added assessments arising from ongoing Improvement activities in the township as a non-fair and open contract uh pursuant to the provision visions of njsa 19 col 44A 20.5 and whereas the tech assessor has determined I'm certified in writing that the value of the advocate good services for the vendor for the year will exceed $30,000 and whereas henrik's appraisal company 7 Hutton Avenue West Orange uh has submitted a fee schedule for providing such services at a total fee of $40,000 this is this same amount for 2023 and 2022 there's been no change in the amount um whereas the anticipated contract is for 12 months beginning January 1 2024 through December 31st 2024 whereas funds are uh will be available from 401204 205 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget whereas Hendrick's appraisal has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that they have not made any reportable disqualifying contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the Township in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract now therefore whereas the business s disclosure certification and the termination of value uh be placed on file with this resolution uh now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of nutly authorizes the mayor to enter into a contract with hendrik appraisal systems for the information as stated in the resolution so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor SC hi uh my next resolution is uh for Legal Services regarding Municipal tax appeals pursuing to uh 1944a 20.5 as a non-fair and open contract uh the value of the contract is greater than 17,500 whereas the law firm of ulo Martino and uh RIT located at 247 I think that's right right close uh 247 Franklin Avenue uh has submitted a fee schedule providing for such services for a total which not will not exceed $42,000 doar the anticipated term of the contract is January 1 24 through December 31st 24 they have completed the business entity disclosure certific if ations and have certified that they have not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the township building the previous one year uh and the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas funds are available from account 401204 20000 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 24 Municipal budget now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of no County of exec New Jersey the mayor is hereby authorized uh to enter into a contract with Steph J Martino uh of the law firm of iulo Martino and uh RIT RIT as Professional Services and be further resolved that a copy this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the p of the township and a notice in accordance with the local public contracts law of New Jersey and the form attached here to shall be published and that LE on so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scar hi uh my next resolution is is for millennium strategies which um is read through the uh revenue and finance department but benefits all the Departments uh in the township uh whereas the township of n through the Department of Revenue and finance has a need to acquire Grant Consulting Services as a non-fair and open contract TR pursuant to the provisions of njsa 19 colum 44A 20.5 whereas Millennium strategies 60 Columbia have Columbia Road Site 230 in Morristown has submitted a proposal indicating that they will provide such services for a some not to exceed $42,000 whereas the term of the uh of the contract is for 12 months from January 1 2024 through December 31st 2024 whereas Millennium strategies test completed and submitted a business business C disclosure certification which certifies that said certific Corporation has not made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate committing the township not in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit Millennium Partners strategies Partners from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas funds are available for the purpose of for this purpose from account 40129 205 subject to the adoption of the 20 uh 24 uh Municipal budget uh a certificate of availability funds has been filed by the Chief Financial Officer of the Township in accordance with local budget while njsa 48 col 4-57 and njac three colon five col 34 d5.2 now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners the county of Essex state of New Jerseys one the contract shall be entered in between the township of n Millennium uh strategies for Grant consulting services for an amount not to exceed $42,000 the copy of this resolution will be published by law within 10 days of its passes and a copy of this resolution as well as a contract shall be placed on file with the municipal clerk so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scar my next resolution is for a authorizing of the treasurer to refund overpayments of tax charges for $4,899 55 for Block 334 law 28 so move second commissioner Kell I commission I commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi U my next resolution whereas RS 48 Co and 5-17 allows the cancellation of property tax credits or inent amounts in the amount of less than $10 the governing body May authorize a tax elect to process further action on their part any cancellation of property tax credits of delinquency of less than $10 now therefore being resolved by the Board of Commissioners T Nory County of New Jersey hereby authorize the tax collector to cancel set amounts as deemed necessary so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner abans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui mayor scell hi uh my next resolution is is regarding tax delinquency and the interest charges res RS 50 col-4 d67 commits the governing body of each municipality fix the rate of interest to be charged for non-payment of taxes or assessment subject to any abatement or discount for late payment of set taxes provided by law whereas uh RS 54 colon 667 has been amended to permit the fixing of a tax rate of 8% perom on the first $1,500 of delinquency and 18% perom on any amount in excess now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners the township of M County of state of New Jersey that one the col tax collector is hereby authorized and directed to charge 8% perom on all taxes becoming delinquent after the due date uh subject to any abatement or discount for late payment of taxes provided by law we do we do not exercise the step so if it's over ,500 we won't charge 18% it's a flat 8% which is the minimum Allowed by Statute effec of January 1:24 quarterly tax payments made by cash check or money order shall have a 10-day grace period any payments not made in accordance with section two of this resolution shall be charged interest from the due date as said for section one so move second commissioner Kelly uh I'm G to vote I but I think it's worth emphasizing that these interest rates are established by Statute and this is isn't something that we're just uh pulling out of thin air uh so I thank you commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor SC I be resolved by the Board of Commissioners uh in accordance with Provisions RS 48 colon 4- 58 the following transfers of the budget uh from construction code official o 13,500 to construction official uh different account 301 21811 for the same amount $13,500 so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scor pelli hi where T Nell has a need to retain the services of an interim Chief Municipal finance officer to provide day-to-day financial consulting services to the township as a non-competitive and non-open contract pursuant to njsa 48 uh colon 11-5 one AI which permits the award of contracts without public bidding whereas Heather mcnamer cmfo possesses the requisite certification experience to provide these uh services to the township and is a member of the of the Phoenix Consulting Group located at 275 rout uh 10 uh East uh Suites 20 and 24 in Sucka New Jersey whereas John Reinhardt of the Phoenix Consulting Group has submitted an acceptable proposal to provide these part-time services to the township at an hourly rate of $150 for a period of one year uh beginning January December 22nd 2023 through December 31st 2024 whereas funds are certified from 3012 26205 subject to insertion and the completion of the 24 uh budget now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of mly County of es state of New Jersey at the mayor and municipal clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with John Reinhardt Phoenix Consulting Group for Heather mcnamer cmfo to provide these Financial Serv Consulting Services an hourly rate of $150 for the term state herein there be further resolve that a copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the clerk of the township of n notice in accordance with local public contact contract laws of New Jersey and the form attached to here shall be published in 7 C second M Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Uchi hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Peta beol by the Board of Commissioners Township and nly County of V Jersey New Jersey that the in accordance with the provisions of RS 4A 4- 58 the following transfers Appropriations in 2023 budget being and the same are hereby authorized and approve fire salary and wage um 3- 01- 314 D100 200,000 to fire department o ande um 200,000 for a total of 200,000 3 d01 d314 D200 I Mo resolution second Commission Kelly hi commissioner Evans Evans I commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi May it's happening be resolved by the board commission Township and count invest that in accordance with the provisions of RS 48 colum 4- 58 the following transfers and appropriation 2023 budget be and are the same are hereby authoriz and approved from Police salary and wage 140,000 to police overtime 140,000 um Police salary and wage 80,000 to police o and E 80,000 for a total of 220,000 I move resolution second second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scy I okay my next couple are for insertion so Mr Bruno is it okay if I consolidate some of these I'll read them what they are but not the beginning yes all right whereas njsa 4 um 4- 87 provides that the director division of local government services May approve the insertion of any special items in the budget of any County or municipalities when such items shall be have been made available by law and the am thereof was not determined at the time of adoption of the budget whereas it said director may also approve the insertion of any item appropriation for equal amount now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township of notle County of Asis New Jersey hereby request director of division of local services to approve the insertion of an item of Revenue in the budget of the Year 2023 in the sum of $673 which item is now available as revenue for the county of Essex division of mental health and Addiction Services um I'm going to go on to the next one that was 33 823 this is 332 33923 three this one is for $ 6,4 for $645 this is our drive sober or get pulled over my next one is 340- 23 this one is for $9,000 93212 um this one is for the county of s Municipal Alliance Grant believe I have one more this is 341 3 34123 this one is for $31,000 this is New Jersey Department of Community Affairs firefighters assistance grant and that's all that I have so I like to vote at the mo I move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scell hi where is Millennial strategies LLC located at 60 Columbia Road building Beast week 2:30 marown New Jersey has the necessary exper experience and expertise to pursue the disaster releas relief reimbursement for Grants and administrative Professional Service seeking disaster Appropriations whereas the township and nle entered into contract with Millennial strategies LLC act to act as their consultant at an houry rate of $180 per hour not dis 25,000 on January 1st 2023 whereas a change order number one has been authorized for original contract amount to be increased by$ 155 by 15,000 and whereas the funds are available from account number 31 30128 205 and has been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners T Le County as the state of New Jersey that the change order number one has attached is a change from the contract previously made by the tle with the M strategies LLC for disaster relief services and it is hereby authoriz and approve that move resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans commissioner Petco I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi whereas the township and Department Public safy emergent need to purchase four vehicles whereas several police and fire vehicles were destroyed during this I storm on August 31st 2021 and whereas many other Public Safety Vehicles throughout the state of New Jersey and whereas because of the high demand for Public Safety vehicles and supply chain issues it has been very difficult to purchase on timely manner much needed Public Safety vehicles that are required to provide the continue health safety and Welfare of the residents in tach Pali whereas in coordinance with the New Jersey local public contract law 4A 11-6 title emergency contracts the director of Public Safety has notified the purchase is an agent in writing with the emergency and whereas Cox 334 3810 he toown Road East in Pennsylvania currently has inventory of a new 2023 Ford utility police interceptor AWD vehicles and new 2023 Ford Explorer XLT vehicles and can deliver the vehicles within less than a few weeks at a cost of $38,000 per 2023 Ford utility police inter Interceptor AWD vehicle and $ 4,979 for per Ford Explorer XLT and where are the whereas the funds are in the account 3- 01308 211 account 31 32221 and account 301 314 211 and have been certified with this financial officer and C certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township and not authorized the purchase order to be issued on emergency basis in according with the local public contract law 40a 11-6 to C 33 for 3810 hect Road Eastern P Pennsylvania a total of $ 15657 I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans not I believe the they're still part of the state bid that we use however we had to go out because the time frame and from Ida it's been and since Co it's been so hard to purchase any vehicles and we haven't in a while very difficult to buy vehicles and anything else for that matter well these are these are actually vehicles that we're trying to replace from Ida if they if they are available the time frame is longer than the few weeks that they could deliver we have if you wait till tomorrow they'll be gone that's the problem yep thank you commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui mayor Carelli hi that's all I have mayor tonight thank you commissioner commission yes mayor we're seal bid to receive for tree removal service on November 29th 2023 in the town Nutley and whereas trees Plus Inc 40 bunker Road East Han New Jersey was the low bidder with the sizes listed in this resolution whereas the contract is not to exceed $40,000 from account for 01512 20000 pending adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of n county of B state of New Jersey Jersey that a contract for tree removal will be awarded to trees Plus Inc for a term of January 1 124 through December 31st 24 with the Township's option to extend said contract for one additional year as per the bid specifications I move the resolution Mion Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi where is B received for electrical services on November 29 2023 in the township of M and whereas montillo electric LLC C 319 rid Road linnhurst New Jersey was the low bidder for the prices as listed in this resolution where as said contract is not to exceed $90,000 and funds are available from account for there 01508 20000 in the amount of $40,000 in capital ordinance 352 24a and the amount of $50,000 for services contingent upon adoption of the 2024 budget have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer set certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners Town Chi County w state of New Jersey that a contract for electrical services be awarded to montillo Electric LLC for a term of January 1 2024 through December 31st 24 with the Township's option to extend the contract for one additional year I move the resolution commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scar Pelon hi be resolved by the board of commissioner Township nley County btic state of New Jersey that in accordance with provisions of rs40 a458 the following transfers of appro cations in the 2023 budget b and same are hereby authorized and approved for the Department of parks and public property from health insurance in the amount of 66,000 and from the recreation salaries and wages account to Insurance salary and wages in the amount of 38,000 senior citizen transport salaries in the amount of 32,000 buildings and grounds in the amount of 35,000 in cha tree and the amount of 27,000 for a total transfer of 132,000 I moved resolution commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner chuchi hi mayor SC hi whereas njsa 4A colon 487 provides that the director of division of local government services May approve the insertion of any special item in the budget of any County municipality when such item shall have been made available by law and the amount thereof was not determined at the time of the adoption of the budget and whereas said director may also approve the insertion of any item appropriation for equal amount section one now therefore be resolved at Board of Commissioners of Township nle County of ESS state of New Jersey hereby request that the director of the division of local government services to approve the insertion of an item of Revenue in the budget of the Year 2023 in the sum of $72,000 which item is now available as a revenue from New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement Grant pursuance and Provisions of Statute section two be a further resolve that a like sum of $72,000 be and same is hereby appropriated under the caption of General Appropriations operations excluded from caps local Recreation Improvement reinheimer Park and the like amount be a further res resolved that the Township Clerk forward two certified copies of this resolution to the director of local government services just as an FYI this is a grant that we receive to redo the uh the dog park at reinheimer and that's uh pretty much completed we're just waiting for a couple of um a couple of items to install in there to complete the obstacle course I move the resolution commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi scell hi it's all I have M thank you commissioner whereas raffle applications have been received from the following organization snle music booster Association license number 69 23 off premises 5050 cash raffle Feld Sunday March 3rd 2024 Yano school PTO license number 7 7-23 and 71-20 to be held Friday March 15 2024 where the application been reviewed approved by the mpal clerk of the police department now therefore be resolved by the board Commissioners Township Nutley County es State jersey the before mentioned licenses are hereby approved municipal clerk is authorized to issue license move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scar pelly hi we as the township Minelli through the Department of Public Works as a need to acquire the services of an engineering consultant as a non-fair and open contract pursu the provisions of njsa 1944a 2025 whereas penon Associates 1805 Ren uite 2102 North New Jersey has submitted a proposal dated November 30 2023 indicating that they will provide Engineering Services according to the fee schedule schedule attached whereas the contract is not to exceed 165,000 for General Engineering Services whereas funds are buil from account number 401 44200 have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 2024 budget and certification be attached to resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners town nle enter into a contract with penon Associates as described herein be further resolved the business disclosure entity certification and determination of value be placed on file with this resolution be have further resolved that the notice of this action should be printed once in the not in accordance with the local public contract law and move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I I'm going to read this uh resolution 33123 by title resolution by the town of velli to remove a bus stop by Washington Avenue Rucker place to move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Paco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I be resolved by the board of commission Township no the County vtic New Jersey that in accordance with provisions of RSA 44-58 the following transfers of appropriation in 2023 budget b and the same are hereby authorized and approved from Township attorney uh other expenses 15,000 to Township attorney salary and wage 15,000 and move the resolution second commission Kelly hi commissioner irin hi commission P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi he resolve that board of commission T Benelli County of es New Jersey that accordance with provisions of RSA 48 40-58 F transfers of appropriation and 2023 budget being in the saber hereby authorized and approved from water operating Administration other expenses 15,000 water operating expension other expenses 110,000 for a total of 125,000 to water operating operations salary wage 125,000 I move the resolution second Kelly commans P commissioner Tui mayor scell I be resolve the board of commissioner toell County inves Jersey in accordance with provisions of RSA 44-58 the following trans Appropriations in the 2023 budget be in the same right here by authorized approved from recycling program salary and wages $220,000 to parking lot meter maintenance salary wage $10,000 parking lot meter maintenance other expenses $10,000 total $220,000 M resolation second M Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tucci hi mayor scarelli hi I'm GNA can I combine these as commissioner Petco combine these all right thank you whereas njsa 48 provides the director of division of local government services May approve the insertion of any special item in the budget of any County municipality when such item shall have been made available by law and the amount thereof was not determined at the time and Adoption of the budget whereas the director may also insert any item of Appropriations for equal amounts they therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner tly County of St Jersy hereby request the director of dig division of local government service to approve the assertion of item revenue of the budget of the Year 2023 in amount of $59,750 187 which item is now available as a revenue from the clean communities uh State fiscal year 2023 Grant pursuant to the provisions of the statute um be a further resolve the Board of Commissioners Town County VES hereby request the director of division local government services to proove the insertion of a itm of item of Revenue in the budget of the Year 2023 in the amount of 25,000 which is now is now available as revenue from njp vs storm water assistance grant uh be a further resolve by like sum of $ 59675 80 and $225,000 uh B and the same as hereby appropriate under the caption of General Appropriations be further resolved that the township clert forward two certified copies of this resolution to the director of local government services I move resolutions 34 34423 and 34323 second both of them second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi this is uh read on behalf of the Board of Commissioners whereas the notely Board of Commissioners and notle Chiefs of police have approved the following plary retail dist distribution licenses to open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve December 24 2023 and New Year's Eve December 31st 2023 mad ya Inc trading as hel and Herer Franklin wi shop trading as nutly W shop Shri shath LLC trading as nutly news and Liquors whereas the above plary retail distribution licenses are only permitted to open during these hours on the above dates and times now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner Township in nly County VES state New Jersey has granted permission to the above listed plenary retail distribution licenses to open during in dates and times as above move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui mayor scarelli all right that concludes the business portion of the meeting anybody like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing no one to close it says the next meeting is this Friday December 29th I think we are canceling that mam clerk yes uh there is no we have no business for December 29th our next meeting is junee sorry June would be nice January 2nd thank you have a little vacation thank you for the clarification commissioner a motion to adjer Second commissioner Kelly hi Comm Evans commiss PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi time is now 9:39 good night everybody merry Christmas happy holidays