Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting for Tuesday April 2nd 2024 the time is now 7:03 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in December 7 2023 issues of the N Sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly will be here shortly commissioner Evans here commissioner PCO here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here all present minutes Madam Clerk yes we have Board of commissioner meeting minutes for March 5th 2024 move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner vco I commissioner Tui I mayor scell I and that's it for minutes reports commissioner Evans I have a code enforcement report for the month of February commiss Tui I have a shade tree report for the month of March bills Madam clerk thank you uh Bill list for April 2nd 2024 public affairs 7 $ 5,355 37 Revenue in finance 3,381 12668 Public Safety $84,999 Public Works $ 68,69 365 parks and public property $1,433 18083 water utility $12747 payroll for Friday March 15 2024 regular payroll total $93,500 overtime payroll total $ 53,91476 total payroll $984,000 m129 32553 move the Bills second commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I that's it for bills let's move to public comment on agenda items only would anybody like to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing none let's move to board of commissioner announcements Mr EV yes mayor uh just a a reminder coming up uh late night voter registration and late late night uh animal licensing uh will be on April ail 23rd uh the municipal clerk's office will be open until 900 p.m. that night also we have uh uh John if John was here he would say the same thing we have the uh uh rabies clinic uh for um uh vaccination for dogs and cats uh on April 29th the municipal clerk's office will also be present to take care of registrations and that runs from uh 4:30 to 8:30 uh at the firehouse commissioner pako thank you again for allowing the firehouse to be used uh and then T Thursday uh Tuesday April 30th uh we have uh late night uh animal registration at the clerk's office until uh 8:00 pm thank you mayor commission Tui uh not really an announcement just a thank you to everyone that attended our a Extravaganza uh in in the morning uh at 44 Park Avenue and those that attended our flashlight uh Easter egg hunt there were two great events I think everyone had a great time and I just want to thank everyone for coming out thank you and it was a great time very good very good job by the parks department uh and yourself thank you m Paka you were going to skip me no I too just like to thank all the residents for coming out to Public Safety for a special Easter Bunny thing I'm sorry I couldn't make the flashlight hey hunt but it was my daughter-in-law's birthday her as a married woman so I could not miss that but I heard it was great tomorrow you were AB an excuse commissioner well thank you and I would also just like to keep reminding people about locking their doors um all of a sudden it has gotten a little quiet with these break-ins but they seemed like there's a rash of them they happen like three at a time and it's very simple if your doors are locked and your house doors are locked they will move on to the next house so please this we've have signs all over the streets now on our message boards about locking your door so please continue to do so you'll be helping us out also thank you thank you commissioner just real quick I asked my granddaughter who'll be three in May to come with me to go to the flashlight uh Easter egg hunt and she just said no Baba it's dark out you go so we didn't make it we didn't make it okay uh one only announcement I have is that on April 13th we'll have our shredding day uh chance to get rid of some of your uh very sensitive documents we always do that around tax day so April 13th Saturday uh we will have the shredding day so let's move on to ordinance introductions commissioner Tui yes thank you mayor uh this is an or this is an ordinance uh Amendment uh to bring us in line with the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection the majority of the changes uh to our ordinance here in Nutley our tree ordinance here are are are in the definitions all right and in the diameter of private trees where uh permits are required uh prior to this amendment a tree needed to be 18 in or larger in order for a permit to be required to remove it uh the D has since changed that to 6 in at a height of 4 feet so having said that uh this is an ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township of Nutley chapter 665 entitled trees I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertis in nutly Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on May 7th Madam clerk yes May May 7th 202 24 I move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Evans yes mayor I have a ordinance introduction uh to complete the exterior uh infrastructure improvements uh and related services for uh Town Hall uh it's in the amount of $250,000 this is a fully funded uh capital Improvement of ordinance so that we it does not require us to issue any new debt uh in order to do this uh I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertis the nly sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on May 7th 2020 we so move second commission r hi Comm PCO hi commiss Tui hi mayor scarelli I thank you commissioner let's move to public hearings commissioner Paka yes I have ordinance number 3545 this is for the chief of police and ordinance to be fixed to fix the salaries of certain officers and employees of the Township in NY County of essis state of New Jersey effect of January 1st 2021 through December 31st 2025 move to open the public hearing would anybody like to be heard on ordinance number 3545 seeing none move to close second Comm rans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli Hive the war second commission Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi hi mayor scell hi and this ordinance number is 3546 this is for our fire chief and ordinance to pick Sal of a certain officers and employees of the township of nly County OFA state of New Jersey effect of January 1st 2021 through December 31st 2025 move to open public hearing would anybody like to be heard on ordinance number 3546 seeing n move the ordinance I close the ordinance second Comm I Chief Kone thank you for being here recognizing the importance of this evening I vote i vco i commi i mayor scarelli I congratulations Chief congratulations chief deser move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner chuchi hi mayor scarelli hi um let's so see if commissioner Kelly comes late will move his uh resolutions to the end and if not we'll somebody El maybe I'll read them I I don't have anything on the agenda so we'll go to commissioner Evans thank you mayor getting there be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of NY in the county of Essex state of New Jersey that your Treasurer be here is hereby authorized to refund overpayments of property taxes for $ 6,524 68 for Block 6800 lot one so move second Comm rans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I uh my next Pres resolution authorizes the treasurer to uh refund escro monies for land use applications in the amount of 16, 98336 for the addresses listed in the resolution so move second commissioner Evans all commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scor hi whereas the township of mey has a need to retain the Professional Services of uh Ricky planning uh to provide professional planning and affordable housing ing consulting services including the not limited to the preparation of an updated housing element and fair share plan and spending plan and whereas this contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service in accordance with njsa 19 call 448 d204 or or five of local public contracts law because a contract is for a professional service where the Board of Commissioners has determined that Ricky located at 177 Mammoth Avenue Atlantic Highland New Jersey is qualified and best suited to provide the services to the township of Nutley and whereas Ricky has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that it has not uh made any reportable disqualifying contribution to a political or candidate Committee in the township of nle the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas funds are available in account t26 99 992 and will be certified by the chief fin Chief Financial Officer set certification being attached to this resolution and will be reimbursed by the escrow accounts set up uh by the re redeveloper of the subject property uh Ricky has submitted a proposal for services in in the amount not to exceed $5,000 the anticipated term is 12 months beginning April 2nd through April 1st 2025 now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioners of the township of NY County of ESS state of New Jersey that one the mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with gy as a professional service in the amount not to exceed $5,000 and that to the copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the clerk of the township of nle and a notice in accordance with local public contracts laws of the state of New Jersey shall be published in the nutly Su so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi whereas the chief Municipal Financial Officer abruptly departed his position at the township of M necessitating the urgent need to hire temporary accounting services to ensure that accounting the accounting function for the township continues to operate well whereas the financial risks arising from the above departure constituting an emergency pursuant to njsa 4A col 116 and as such the director of the Department of Revenue and finance will seek to engage temporary Professional Resources that will bridge the gap created by the department departure of the cmfo enabling the completion of various tasks necessary for filing of financial statements and paying our bills and whereas the estimated cost of providing these additional Services estimated not to exceed $25,000 for 2024 rest funds are available in account 401 226200 and have been certified by the interim CF cmfo subject to the adoption of the 24 budget now they for to be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township NY County of ESS state New Jersey that the qualified purchasing agent pursuant to njac C5 col 34 Ates uh at SEC excuse me and njsa 48 11.6 is authorized to pay these temporary resources as necessary so move second commissioner a hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi thank you commissioner commissioner yes s the township and know determined that the property described on schedule a and b attached her to Incorporated hereon has been abandoned by its owners and and titled as junk cleared through the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles whereas the towing contract between the Township in Nutley and N Nicol lety Towing and Township of Nutley twin Towing authorizes the release of abandoned vehicles left on their premises by the owners lean holders via junk title certificate cleaned cleared through the New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicle and whereas the owners lean holders have been notified of such and whereas the junk title certificates are being conducted pursuant to the New Jersey divisional motor vehicle njsa 3910 A-1 through 3910 a-7 laws and that therefore be resolved by The Bard commissioner Township of n county V state of New Jersey that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized to release the abandoned personal property Vehicles as indicated in schedule a a certified copy of the resolution be forward to the Township Clerk followed by Chief of Police Chief Financial officers these is for a 2016 Honda 2006 Nissan 2005 Chevy and a 2007 Dodge 1998 Honda and 2004 Honda and move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi the township whereas the township andell has determined that the property described in schedule a attached here to corporated Heron has been abandoned by its owners and title is clear through the Division of Motor Vehicle where a towing contract between Township of nicoletti and twin Towing authorizes abandoned vehicles so this is basically the same resolution with um different Vehicles so save a little time I'll just read the vehicles it's a 2008 Chevrolet a 2003 Infiniti 2013 Mercedes-Benz 2009 Honda day a 2005 Toyota I'll move it as written second commission hi commissioner Petco I commissioner Tui I mayor scell I whereas distractive driving is a serious life-threaten practice that is preventable and whereas distracted driving can result in injuries and deaths to all roads users motorists pedestrians and bicyclist and whereas distracted driving occurs when drivers divert their attention away from the task driving to focus on another activity instead of instead and whereas in 2022 alone distracted driving related crashes resulted in 3,477 deaths and over 30 391,000 injuries on our nation's roads and whereas in New Jersey distractor driving was listed as a contributing circumstance in over 47% of all motor vehicle crashes in 2022 where the state of New Jersey will participate in N Nationwide distractor driving 2004 24 Crackdown from April 1st through the 30th 2024 in effort to raise awareness and decrease driver distraction through a combination of enforcement and education where the nation slogan for the campaigned you drive you taxt you pay and whereas a reduction in distracted drive in this New Jersey will serve lives on the roadways now there were be resolved by the board of commissioner Township and NY County the state of New Jersey that Township declares its support for dist distractor driving 2024 Crackdown both locally and N nationally from April 1st through the 30th 2024 and pledges to increase awareness of the dangers of distractive driving I move resolution second commission Evans hi commissioner vco before I vote I this is one that we've been doing for a long time and it's so true when you really look at this resolution 47% of accidents in this nation is because of distracting driving which 99% I'm sure is from cell phone use so with Bluetooth and all that stuff I urge everybody I mean the worst thing that you could do is take somebody's life I was actually in an accident on Route 23 probably 12 years ago or maybe longer my kids were in a little week still and and I was stopped at the red light where FR Ruckers was and a girl comes crashing to me and man did she ring my bell and she was a young kid and really nice girl she was driving her grandmother's car and I said all I want to do is ask you what were you looking at she goes actually my phone and of course I didn't press that issue but long story short thank God I was okay and she was okay but could happen in a blank keep your eyes on the road and stay off your phone as you know as most as you can because there's other things that you could use today so I proudly vote I mrui I mayor scell I okay be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township and N County vus state of New Jersey that resolution number 37-24 adopted on February 20th 2024 entitled safe and secure grant for the police department is hereby resend I move it second commission hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi beol by the township and N in the county of es state of New Jersey as follows the township and N is what the right to accept subgrant of from the state of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office of the Attorney General in the amount of $4,150 under the safe and secure Community program Grant number 24- 0716 with the match of a fringe benefit and salary for total projected cost of $329,700 mayor Joseph P scarelli and Chief Thomas shumo are authorized to execute and the Township Clerk to attest to subgrant award in the connection with the Grant and any and all documents in connection with this grant Township Andel is accepting this grant of funds for the purpose described on this application subgrant period August 1st 2023 to July 31st 2024 certified copy of this resolution shall be provided by the office of the township clerk to each of the following mayor scarelli Township attorney chief financial office Police Department state of New Jersey attorney general's office and Office of the Atty General Department of Law and Public Safety I move resolution second commissioner EV I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I where's good sheeper Academy and pant which Remains the Nutley Police Department hereon referred to as the MPD or authorized to purchase and provide security services for the respective jurisdiction and whereas good sheeper Academy and the township are of the opinion that these Services can be more efficiently and economically provided to good sheeper Academy through agreement providing for special law enforcement law enforcement officer three referred to as C Leo three as the school security officer for Good Shepard Academy whereas the board of commissioner Township and not desire to enter into this agreement or the rising to ship to provide security services to good sheeper Academy in form of a p retired police officer provided by the Nutley Police Department now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township and Nutley County the state of New Jersey that this resolution shall authorize the appropriate Township official to enter the enter the attach agreement with good sheeper Academy I move resolution second commissioner I apologize if I could just that the word reti I think should be cross can move it like that thank you I move it second commissioner avans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor SC hi mayor that's all I have for tonight thank you commissioner commissioner Tui yes thank you mayor we're at sealed bids for improvements Municipal Plaza were open in red on Wednesday March 6 2024 in the township of Nutley and whereas zukaro Inc 64 Commerce Street Garfield New Jersey was the lowest responsible bidder at a cost of $596,000 and whereas funds are available from account number g-41 18241 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township of Nutley County of ESS state of New Jersey that a contract for improvements to Municipal Plaza be awarded to zucaro Inc before I move this I just want to mention that I believe this is probably the first time in over a 100 years that the front of town hall will be redone professionally all right and in conjunction with this we while we're moving around some of the monuments and modernizing and improving just the overall look we will be creating a mall in Memorial one beginning right behind the police station going down with a water feature that's going to be donated by the rotary so that water feature may be a waterfall it may be a fountain we're not sure yet but we're in the process of completing that design also I I move the resolution second m r yes just to add uh to commissioner tui's comments um I agree it's it's long overdue uh but also from the standpoint of the financial planning that we do this is fully funded it's not we're not talking about new debt or raising taxes in order to be get to get this done we have been able to provide for this over time and now we're going to execute on it because we got basically valid pricing to do it but a lot of effort went into that so thank you for doing that work uh thank you for actually supporting the planning effort that went into it uh in order to get us to this point I vote I commissioner PCO I commiss Tui yes just one additional uh comment it's a very important one I'd be remiss if I didn't inform everyone we will also be incorporating a vault all right underground which will hold our Christmas tree so that display that portion of the display will be moved from that portion of the oval to right in front of town hall so it should be something really beautiful I very proudly vote I mayor scarelli all right thank you commissioner I'm going to go ahead with commissioner Kelly's resolutions hopefully I'll do a good job in his stad uh whereas more than 100,000 people in the United States are waiting for life-saving organ transplant nearly 4,000 are New Jersey residents and whereas more than 46,000 or organ transplants from 23,000 donors brought New Life to patients and their families in 2023 and whereas every eight minutes another person is added to the National transplant waiting list while 17 people die every day waiting for a transplant be clear whereas one organ eye and tissue donor has the ability to save up to eight lives restore sight to two people and heal the lives of more than 75 people individuals of all ages are considered potential Oregon and Tian donors and whereas April 12th 2024 has been designated as blue and green day at which time residents are encouraged to wear blue and green to celebrate those who have been touched by the gift of life now therefore be resolve that the board of commission Township of Nutley County V state of New Jersey recognize April as National Donate Life month 2024 being further resolv the the health department encourages all citizens to consider becoming an Oregon ention donor by placing the Oregon donor designation on their driver's license or state identification C or registering online at www.don and sharing this decision with their family I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor Carelli hi whereas from April 1st 2024 through April 30th 20 24 the United States celebrates Arab American Heritage Month honoring the rich Heritage History and contributions of more than 3.5 million Arab Americans across the country these individuals have played a significant role in shaping the American story advancing our nation embodying the truth that diversity is our greatest strength whereas Arab Americans have made enduring contributions to varying aspects of American life and whereas arab-americans have served in the Continental Army fought for freedom during World War II and contributed to the growth of cities and communities Across the Nation and whereas arab-american professionals including Engineers scientists and medical experts continue to Pioneer breakthroughs and CH a better future for all and whereas Arab American entrepreneurs and business owners create jobs and outlift communities and whereas Arab American Teachers Community leaders Inspire the Next Generation whereas Arab American Heritage Month serves as a reminder of the resilience service and cultural richness of this community let us honor their legacy and continue to build a stronger Nation together whereas the people of the United State states have reason to honor the great achievements and contributions of Arab Arab Americans and their ancesters now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners Township Benelli County of best exended Jersey as the community joined them in recognizing in celebrating April as Arab American heritage month I move the resolution second commiss rans I commissioner bco I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I that concludes the business portion of our meeting um Madame Clark yes mayor public a comment yeah yes uh all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concerns should approach the microphone and provide their name and address for the record unless further time is granted by the board each person shall limit their address to 3 minutes all remarks to the board and its individual members must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board anybody wish to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing that Mr Bruno we do have a need to contract negotiations and liation mayor if I might uh some of you may have noticed on the way in that our buildings are lit in blue and honor of uh autism uh a month the month of April uh this is to bring awareness and recognition to those who have autism and who are on the Spectrum so here in Nutley we are very proud to recognize all the good work that's been done in the past and hope that everyone continues uh to deal with this autism situation as it exists thank you mayor thank you commissioner you need a motion for executive yes please move it second whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and where is the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss contract negotiations and litigation a further resolved at the time when such discussion may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractor matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi there'll be no further action can have the motion to adjourn move second second commissioner Evans hi P hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi good night everybody good night everyone the time is now 7:34 like