##VIDEO ID:GGgRP5e8s74## good point he hasn't said that but good point he's got such a great attitude all right everybody we're going to go ahead and call to order the regular meeting of the Oakdale city council December 10th 2024 Sarah will you please take the role council member Enga britson here council member Moore here council member Morcom here council member willing here mayor here please join me for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all we have a lot on our agenda tonight so let's get after it first up is approval of the agenda council members we have a slightly amended version front of us can I get a motion to approve as amended soov there's a motion as there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and the agenda is adopted uh next up is our favorite thing every year Our Truth and Taxation hearing this is uh a state requirement that all cities have to do but a very good requirement one of the one of the few good requirements they give us but um it's an opportunity for our finance director Calas to walk us through the uh budget Kyle welcome thank you mayor thank you Council uh so yes per uh Minnesota state statutes cities with the population over hang on Jim do I have to officially open or is that after the presentation you can do the presentation for us to sorry Kyle go ahead thank you we only do this once a year I don't remember what we do so take it away thank you yes so cities over population over 500 are required uh hold a public meeting to discuss the budget and Levy the goal of uh this truth taxation meeting is to enhance transparency and public engagement uh with regards to property taxes uh the truth and Taxation meeting follows the approval of proposed Levy uh this was approved at the September 10th city council meeting and uh with that it was approved for a 6.11% increase the levy for 2024 to 2025 and this was used to generate the proposed tax statements that were mailed out last month to taxpayers um the proposed Levy once set can only be decreased prior to final approval uh tonight uh the proposed the levy tonight has since been decreased to 5.9% increase from 2024 uh for this presentation and council's consideration and then uh I encourage the public to go online for more detail including this PowerPoint the digital budget book uh or contact the finance department directly finalized in uh November of 2024 by the city council uh and to be incorporated immediately and going forward uh the city of Oakdale strategic plan starts with the mission to provide high quality reliable services and Foster a safe clean and welcoming Community the city has identified the following three strategic directions engaging people to co-create our story positioning Oakdale for continued success in a rapidly changing world and empowering our organization to meet evolving Community expectations please see Oakdell minnesota.gov uh the website for full details including the uh strategic plan document here are some common property tax terms that will come up throughout the uh presentation first one market value this is an assessed value determined by Washington County uh their assessor's office uh market value is determined as the uh usual selling price at the time of assessment uh jumping down to pay values this signifies the property values used on the proposed in the final statements uh final tax statements the pay 2025 values are based on the 2024 assessors report from Washington County and then to the last one here the median value residential property uh this uh term will come up throughout the presentation it's a commonly used uh sample property for property taxes uh and their effects due to the nature of property value uh the data is having uh outliers both small and large uh the median value is considered a stronger representative of the data than uh the mean or average here is a general property tax timeline uh starting with a I'll just jump to September here when the proposed Levy was uh a sell for Oakdale is approved on September 10th and then uh November proposed tax statements were mailed out and then December final ly set which is the purpose of this meeting uh why do property taxes change there are many reasons outside of the local tax jurisdictions Authority that influence uh property taxes including fluctuation fluctuations in Market values uh changes in non-levy Revenue sources levies at other jurisdictions and uh changes in state or federal mandates for the proposed Levy and assessment uh some highlights total Citywide assessed property values up 1 and a half% from 2024 with the apartment classification uh increasing about 22% while residential decreased about 1% uh the estimated median residential property is uh 337,000 which is down 1.6% uh this property this median property has increased 75% since 2014 uh estimated city tax rate of 41.21.1 per increase from 2024 this includes the the general fund portion Capital Improvement and Debt Service highlights for the uh the budget connected to that Levy uh there's an investment in operated policing including funding for one new licensed Sergeant uh there are two replacement Squad vehicles for the Patrol Division One unmarked uh traffic enforcement vehicle and one replacement vehicle for the community service officers there's a commitment to the full career modeled fire department including one new Fire Marshall along with the replacement of Fire Engine 2 uh there's investment in City facilities trails and Parks uh including internal funding of vehicles and equipment eliminating equipment certificate debt uh there's an annual replacement of one existing playground structure uh there's increased support for the growing city including uh one full-time equivalent increase for the finance alert human resource generalist and then this budget in related Levy uh reduced the debt Levy for the fifth consecutive year into the lowest level since 2017 uh valuation changes and tax impacts Washington County provides our uh assessing services for the city uh Minnesota statutes uh established the requirements for the assessment uh the assessed Market values established through the 2024 assessors report are based on uh real real estate market trends from October 1st 22 through September 3023 this uh 24 assess value that is then used to uh for the taxes payable for 2025 uh here's a table that summarizes uh oakdale's values by property type and this information is from that Washington County uh Assessor's report total value uh so if you look on the far right the last two columns we have the total value and the total value change you see about 4.2 billion in total value with a 1 and a half% change the previous year uh and then columns three and four from the right we see uh uh the reasons for the change we got total new construction increased uh the value about 115 million while the uh existing property decreas about 53 million here's a comparison comparison of uh Oakdale to Washington County and the composition of that market value by property type Washington County has a higher concentration of residential and agricultural value while oakd has apartment in commercial industrial and here's another comparison with uh oakill uh their 2025 pay values versus 2024 uh just some minor changes from the the previous year with the composition uh the slight increase in apartment with the decrease in residential uh here's a chart on the change in uh just the residential assessed values for pay 2025 this info is from the Assessor's report showing uh the percent change in residential Parcels by 5% increments uh note that there are approximately 9,700 residential Parcels in olddale for that report uh similar graph to the previous slide This One Compares Oakdale with Washington County oakdale's in green Washington County in Gray uh pretty similar uh just some slight uh changes between the two uh here's another line graph on the this uh is on the median residential Market values uh historical Trends uh showing from 2008 it was a median residential property is valued about 222,000 and uh 2025 on the far right is at 337,000 and then uh here's another comparison uh with uh other larger cities within Washington County along with the county median itself uh so boxton orange is Oakdale so from 24 to 25 as mentioned uh the median value decreased about 1.6% or $5,500 uh the county meeting is just to the right of it uh decreased 1.9% or 7700 and here we have a heat map on the percentage change and that Medium value property uh for the 10 larger cities in Washington County Oakdale bold in the middle uh just to highlight a few of the more recent years 19.2% increase in value in 21 to 22 9% 22 to 23 and then uh decrease of 1.6 this year and uh here's another heat map this one uh this time it shows the residential parcel count and uh kind of relative to that previous graph uh you know in the middle as well uh this shows that the value increases seen on that previous slide uh were primarily due to housing stock appreciating uh we see uh housing stocks beginning to add up in the later years here from 21 through 24 and uh note that this will uh differ from uh actual amounts with that Washington County Assessor data is a little bit behind a year so but this is what is used for property taxes uh now here we have a comparison with the larger uh Washington County cities once again and the proposed taxes on that median valued residential property uh oakal is in green third one from the bottom uh with that decrease in value of 1.6% and the 5.9% levy increase uh city taxes estimated to be 1,326 uh Oakdale city taxes compare well to the other cities in Washington County and uh not we'll dive into this uh a little further on a later slide and uh also to note the other cities noted this is the proposed amounts that were issued uh back in September uh which may decrease prior to final approval now we'll go through the proposed budget and uh further on that property tax levy uh we break the levy down into three primary components uh the general portion this approximately 15 million of the levy uh with an increase of 5 a half% from the prior year this portion of the levy supports the general fund which is the city's operating fund uh this includes the city's Administration uh police and fire Public Works excluding utilities and then uh the recreation uh the second piece the capital Improvement plan uh this is approximately uh just under 2 million with a 16.6% increase from the prior year uh this Levy supports our Capital Improvement plan allows the city to issue less debt uh including the elimination of uh equipment certificates uh this saves the most City money on interest and dead issurance costs and this portion of the levy flows directly into the 2025 through 2029 Capital Improvement plan and the final component uh to touch on here the debt Levy approximately just over 2 million and it's with a slight decrease from the prior year uh this Levy is for payments on the city's General obligation bonds uh this has decreased each of the last 5 years due to uh long-term planning uh and then looking at in total uh just over1 19 million for the levy with that 5.9% increase and uh next few slides we'll go into each of those uh components separately all right here we have the budgeted general fund revenues uh the far right we had the 2025 budget for the revenues uh about 5.2% increase uh the top number this is where that adorm taxes this is where the uh property tax levy flows into at $15 million Levy uh and then just to highlight some of the changes throughout here there's a decrease in uh permits this is due to anticipated development Trends in 2025 uh there's a decrease in intergovernmental due to one-time Public Safety Aid in Prior years and then there's an increase in other financing sources due to the use of fund balance and a big portion of this is related to that prior Public Safety Aid received and now used to fund officers here is the 2025 budgeted general fund expenditures uh far right column is the 25 budget uh it's balance budget 5.2% increase in expenses or expenditures uh the primary increase is due to Personnel CL costs including uh the prior mentioned that new police Sergeant uh the fire marshal and then that HR generalist Finance CER positions here we have the the capital Improvement plan portion so the city annually prepares a 5-year Capital Improvement plan and a 10-year vehicle and Equipment replacement plan uh collectively the CIP there there are many types of funding sources used throughout the CIP including uh debt issuance Park dedication Municipal state aid the Minnesota Pollution Control settlement funding and then uh property tax levy so going down to the the table at the bottom here uh this is the how we split out the capital Improvement plan portion uh the largest portion the vehicle and Equipment as mentioned previously uh this increase is due to replacing equipment certificate debt and foregoing the interest in debt issuance costs on this uh on these purchases uh the three other portions are the street Improvement uh the park Improvement and the municipal building then to go over some of the uh highlights for 2025 in that Capital Improvement plan there are over 47 million in capital expenditures planned uh significant projects include the public works and police buildings the annual Street reconstruction Fire Engine 2 replacement and the drinking water settlement uh well Replacements and decommissions uh on to that final component the debt portion uh the debt Levy uh just over 2 million to its lowest level since 2017 as shown in this uh this trend bar bar graph uh Council continues to take action to reduce the debt Levy through long-term planning uh including the elimination of the equipment certificates uh along with looking for other sources of revenue such as the local sales tax for the public works and police building projects to keep this as low as possible now here's another here's a sample city tax calculation uh based on the levy along with the updated me uh so this uh calculation is based B on that median value residential property uh comparing 2024 final to 2025 estimated so with the 5.9% uh Levy increase uh his estimated taxes are $1,326 which is an increase of $41 or about 3.2% and this equates to about $3.50 per month additional uh taking that estimated annual tax of uh 1,326 over 12 months is about1 $110 a month uh so that $110 a month is allocated across the general fund Capital Improvements and debt services and to highlight a few the uh so of that $110 about $29 for police $17 for Public Works $16 for Fire EMS and $1 each for Debt Service and capital now we'll go through a sample taxation statement that uh would have been received in the mail last month uh this is a from Washington County uh delivered after November 10th and before November 24th uh the notices include paral specific proposed taxes uh and then by the jurisdiction and on the right of this slide you can see the example diving into a little more in the top right of that tax statement we see a Topline item the estimated market value uh this market value that's that uh Washington County Assessor uh determined value and uh starting with that we take any uh it's reduced for any exclusion or deferrals including the homestead exclusion the second line item then after exclusion or deferrals we have the taxable market value uh the class uh line item the very last one here on that uh example uh the class rate is determined by state statutes and that is applied class in this example is residential Homestead uh so with that it brings us to the tax capacity and then to kind to dive uh so that Homestead exclusion number just to kind of focus on that one a little bit uh this exclusion directly reduces the taxable market value uh for property classified as Homestead and uh couple things to point out on this one uh as you see in the table here I have uh we have 2025 and 2024 uh calculated uh so first to focus on 2025 the new Max exclusion is 38,000 uh and that is on a $95,000 estimated market value parcel so with that uh for that example with a estimated market value of 95,000 less the exclusion of 38,000 we come to a taxable value of 57,000 uh and then so the update from 24 to 25 uh as you can see the exclusion was increased from 30,000 Max to a 38,000 Max and then along with that 2024 phase out at about 413,000 whereas 2025 phases out at about 517,000 and uh yeah as mentioned this exclusion directly lowers uh taxable value for uh eligible properties all right back to the statement so looking at the body of the tax statement uh the notice includes the proposed taxes by jurisdiction uh these levies uh set can be reduced but not increased prior to final approval it includes the contact info on the truth and Taxation meeting location date and time then on the back of the notices uh there's supplemental information uh supplemental information for the county all cities and all school districts within the county it includes a certified Levy for the current year taxes so the 2024 colum we have the proposed Levy for the following year 2025 along with the percentage in increase decrease then as noted uh so Oakdale approved on September 10th the 6.1% which is included about two-thirds of the way down you can see Oakdale it's at the 6.1 has since been decreased to 5.9% for this presentation uh with those proposed taxes for the county school district and other districts here we have a split of where uh each dollar tax paid goes uh 40% to the school district and this is on the median value residential uh property once again so 40% to the school district 35% to the city uh 20% to the county and the remaining to other various jurisdictions I'll touch on a few property tax relief programs the state of Minnesota offers uh two primary relief programs the regular property tax refund and the special property tax refund these are filed along with personal taxes uh there's number a number of Eligibility factors uh for each please consult the State website uh listed at the bottom here uh for more information and the other one to highlight uh the senior citizen property tax deferral program it's another state of Minnesota program uh once again uh multiple eligibility requirements and uh the link to the State website for more information is included at the bottom here then action items for tonight uh so conduct the trth and Taxation meeting um uh allow for public input and comments and then consider resolutions adopting the 2025 tax levies related budgets along with the CIP and authorizing the 25 projects then the last the last bull Point here the city's uh digital budget book uh this budget is completely online and includes in in-depth details for each department uh within the within each of the funds including in addition to uh Debt Service information the capital Improvement plan uh please visit if any questions uh you may contact the finance department and uh with that this is I just wanted to show what the what the front page of the or just run through quick the front page of the uh online digital budget book as you can see the drop down at the top and we uh a lot of time and effort has gone into this and we'd love to uh walk anybody through this with that I'll turn it over to the name mayor thank you Kyle um in one minute I'm going to go ahead and open the truth and Taxation um public hearing which offers anybody an opportunity to uh step up to the podium and speak on this uh a few things first um Kyle our finance director just covered a lot of information and it's the unintended consequence of this meeting every single year um one thing we want to stress with everybody in the audience and everybody at home is if you ever have any questions about anything that was in those slides um where to find open gov our financial transparency tool please reach out to staff reach out to council members reach out to me anybody we are happy to help direct that um going to be honest if it's questions we're probably going to give him to Kyle but um there there's a lot of information out there Oakdale has stressed for a number of years we have absolutely nothing to hide tools like open MCG have made our books even more transparent providing a real-time look at our at our book um and we want people to take advantage of it and look at it so um please feel free at any point uh reach out to any of us or to staff we we would really love to hear from you but at this time I'm going to go ahead and open the public hearing um as I mentioned before this is an opportunity for anybody in the audience to step up to the podium please state your name and address of the record um if you could begin your comment by maybe honing in on which piece of um the presentation you'd like to speak to whether it's the property taxes the budget um City debt if you have questions about your assessed value I saw our County Commissioner walk in you can talk to him uh there he is hey Stan um the county assets his property value so that's their responsibility um so feel free to to grab him and offer those comments but um any of those areas budget taxes Etc please feel free step up to the podium come on don't be shy going once going twice all right I'm going to go go ahead and close the truth and Taxation public hearing uh we don't have an action specific to that it's just we roll right into the next two items Kyle do you have any presentations or anything additional to say about the property tax levy and budget uh nothing for further mayor uh City administrator vulkar is there anything you would like to say about your amazing staff that have guided us through this process for it feels like many many months well you just said it no um the council you know went through a lot of um iterations of this budget this year staff went through a lot everybody worked very hard we always do but it's a we feel like we provided as good of a product as we can given the limitations and I think it was a team effort there's no one person Kyle led the effort thank goodness for Kyle um but you all and the rest of the staff are very involved so thank you for everybody's hard work on this thanks you Chris uh council members let's roll right into that first action I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 property tax levy and 2025 general fund special Revenue fund Debt Service fund and Enterprise fund budgets there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments I will make one comment um Chris said it so well you know this is a very lengthy process um that every city but Oakdale especially goes through and you know it's something that Oakdale through our culture has said we want to take little bites at throughout the year as things shift throughout the year we want to be nimble to make those changes as we go um but the big takeaway I want I hope residents see in all of this is some very big trends that we're we're pushing forward as a city um investing in our staff the job market is incredibly tight in every sector in every geography everywhere um so we're making those investments in our people because they truly provide out standing service to our community that is a top priority for us for a number of years now transitioning away from debt has been a very big priority we should all be incredibly proud that for the fifth straight year our the the interest payment on our credit cards is going down um yes that has required that we collect more property taxes to pay for things like vehicles and Equipment um but making those Investments and not having to pay interest especially at the rates we've been seeing the last few years over the course of 10 years is to the financial benefit of our community um also investing in our residents those those I mentioned those services that are incredibly important but all the way down to making sure we have outstanding roads for our residents to get to work and take their kids to sporting activities and get groceries um making sure we have that those city services in place um to make Oakdale a tremendous place to work live and play is the Cornerstone of everything we do here so um we cover cover a lot of numbers we covered very quickly we say numbers like $23 million that can sound incredibly scary but for this city council for many many years now and many many years going forward we're Guided by these North Stars in our work to say this is where we want to go forward because we think it makes the most sense for our community so um we appreciate everybody that has reached out to all of us over the course of a year provided ideas provided feedback on things that we've been talking about for a very long time and we're excited to roll right into 2025 so we've had a motion we've had a second we've had my R rambling um all those in favor say I I opposed and the 2025 property tax levy and budget is adopted we have one more action the 2025 through 2029 Capital Improvement plan and verf I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 approving the 2025 to 2029 Capital Improvement plan and authorizing fiscal year 2025 projects there's a motion as there second second motion and a second any comments all those in favor say I I opposed and that is uh resolution 2024 1115 is adopted one more action I'll make a motion to approve the 2025 to 2034 vehicle and Equipment Replacements there's a motion is there second second motion second all th any comments all those in favor say I I opposed and the 2025 through 2034 ver is approved uh where' Kyle go Kyle thank you um you have been a very steady hand in very frantic conversations over the last eight months we appreciate everything you and the finance team have done to pull these documents together to keep the lights on here um thank you uh next up on the agenda is administering the oath of office uh to three police officers and a firefighter paramedic this is always a very special opportunity or a very special occurrence in our city um all four of these individuals have successfully completed Chris I'm going look at you they've completed their one-year probationary period so now we get to administer the oath of office and make them full-fledged um officers and firefighter paramedics in the city we're going to shoe in our entire police force and um where did our Chiefs go uh there're somewhere uh Chief Newton first could I have uh Andrew Ashley Jeff Jeffrey Robinson Daniel Rogers and Michael Wallace come sit in the front row please are we all moving now or uh I think you're fine to sit here yeah well I you the office and then we'll take photos okay are we do photos one at a time police officer uh we'll do phot actually yeah we'll do photos after I swear we okay I think so okay a microphone for them to hold otherwise it doesn't pick up get a picture okay turn yet okay I don't want to what okay all right could I have Andrew Ashley join me up here please all right so for everybody in the audience how do we usually do do pictures after each IND yes after each individual uh so I'm going to administer the O of office for each officer and the firefighter paramedic after each individual one we'll invite your family to come up uh somebody will pin you I believe right Chief yes where Chief Newton go great where did Chief Newton go somebody will pin you and then invite anybody you would like out to take a group photo and then once we get through everybody we'll invite up your respective departments to take your Department photo like a plan all right I'm GNA take a half step back want make sure we get this go ahead and raise your right hand and repeat after me I Andrew Edward Ashley do solemnly swear I Andrew Edward Ashley do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America the constitution of the state of Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will faithfully justly and impartially that I will faithfully justly and impartially discharge of the duties of police officer discharge of the duties of police officer for the city of Oakdale Minnesota for the city of Oakdale Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you to come on up here and put on his pin and then anybody you'd like to come up for a personal photo we just do one big one then we'll do the entire police department at the end yeah I'm just saying I have like a whole family yeah family of Dave up here [Music] [Applause] Jeffrey come on up welcome all right position between us raise your right hand and repeat after me I Jeffrey Lewis Robinson do solemnly swear I Jeffrey Lewis Robinson do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America the constitution of the state of Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will faithfully justly and impartially that I will faithfully justly and impartially discharge the duties of police officer discharge the duties of police officer for the city of Oakdale Minnesota for the city of Oakdale Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me God congratulations than [Applause] any other family members youd like to Family come on up on thank you [Applause] Daniel Daniel go ahead and raise your right hand and repeat after me I Daniel Eric Rogers do solemnly swear I Daniel Eric Rogers do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America the con constitution of the state of Minnesota the constitution of the state of Minnesota and that I will faithfully justly and impartially I will Faith faithfully justly and impartially discharge the duties of police officer discharge the duties of police officer for the city of Oakdale Minnesota for the city of Oakdale Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God so help me God congratulations congratulations bring it in on let's figure it out okay sorry squeezing [Applause] Michael your oath is longer oh oh boy Michael raise your r hand and repeat after me I might Michael William Wallace firefighter paramedic for the city of Oakdale I Michael William Wallace firefighter paramedic for the city of Oakdale will support the Constitution of the United States of America will support the constitution for the United States of America the constitution of the state of Minnesota constitution for the state of Minnesota and the ordinances of the city of Oakdale and the ordinances of the city of Oakdale I will do my duty to the best of my ability I will do my duty to the best of my ability and serve my commanding officers and subordinates and serve my commanding officers and subordinates with respect and dignity with respect and dignity I understand that there is a responsibility I understand there is a responsibility as a firefighter and paramedic As A Firefighter and paramedic to serve with compassion to serve with compassion dedication dedication honor honor and integrity and integrity I will uphold the highest Professional Standards I will uphold the highest Professional Standards and proud traditions and proud traditions of the Oakdale fire department of the Oakdale fire department congratulations [Applause] thank you yeah okay [Applause] the entire fire department Council will take top on the back that'll work out Kevin go the middle just make sure you can see the camera my angle lenss you can't see Lori she can't see you that's camera l [Music] [Applause] Police Department we don't want them to get away though we want them aren't they going upstairs you go Chas I'm making the Chiefs do [Music] that haven't had enough time tonight good luck second row [Laughter] maybe like you like each other coffee lay down in front yeah all right got count two two thank thank you right chief chief I don't know what she MCE uh Chris right there wear that into it over the past six years probably that's fire stress scratches it's awesome all approval of the minutes don't want to stay we're fun all right up uh I believe there's a reception upstairs um so please feel free to mosy on up there after get through all of our fun business no I'm kidding um but we're going to go ahead and keep things rolling here uh next up is approval of minutes we have two sets in front of us first up Workshop meeting minutes November 26 2024 council members any changes or Corrections I'll look for a motion so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion on second all those in favor say I I opposed and the workshop meeting minutes are adopted next up regular meeting meeting minutes from November 26 2024 uh council members any changes or Corrections I look for motion so moved there's motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and those meeting minutes are approved as well uh next up we have another public Hearing in front of us do we have a staff presentation on no I can do it okay uh City administrator vkr want don't you to tee this up for us before we get into the public hearing okay thank you mayor and councel every year we look at the fee schedule and we try to rightsize it to the actual costs um that we're not charging so we're not charging overcharging or undercharging things change staff change but we try to Che it up every year for the cost this year there's um minimal changes but there's some to make sure that we're um in line with what the true cost is so that is what's before you the annual fee schedule with some changes noted and R and then there's a final approval for the fee schedule a clean copy attach to the agenda and those will um dictate all fees for the city of Oakdale during 2025 perfect um at this time I'm going going to go ahead and open the public hearing similar to before this is an opportunity for anybody in the audience that would like to speak to this agenda item specifically please feel free to uh step up to the podium state your name and address for the record and proceed your with your comments it's a mad rush I love it uh seeing none I'm going to go ahead and close the public hearing bring it back for Council consideration uh let's get an action and we can go from there I'll make a motion of w reading and adopt ordinance number 942 revising the fee schedule for 2025 there's a motion is there a second second motion a second any comments all those in favor say I I opposed and ordinance 942 was adopted I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-the publication of ordinance number 942 by title and summary there's a motion is there a second second motion and a second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and resolution 20248 is adopted next up is our open four from um before we get to that I have one presentation announcing our 2024 volunteer of the year which is always very exciting uh each year the city of Oakdale recognizes the invaluable contributions made by an individual or group with our volunteer of the Year award over the Year this or over the years this award's recipients have left a lasting mark on our community from advocating for clean water to supporting and leading area nonprofits volunteering with our faith community collecting toys and gifts for local families in need and more the qualifications to be named volunteer of the year is short it begins with a love for Oakdale and a willingness to devote time and treasure to support our residents businesses and Community our 2024 volunteer of the year is someone we all know and love and someone we all admire for many years now she has led the Oakdale chamber of commerce's efforts to raise money for the holiday Helping Hands program and scholarship fund organizing an always successful an annual golf tournament as a board member for Carol math Center for Children and Families she has worked and supported the mission to supply this community with highquality affordable child care early childhood education and family support when the time came to transition Summerfest to a privately organized event our volunteer of the year was one of six people who raised their hands to not only save this cherished summer celebration but to help write an exciting new chapter for it as well and in the process has devoted hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of ours to making Summerfest a big success on behalf of the residents and businesses of Oakdale the Oakdale city council is beyond honored to announce our 2024 volunteer of the Year Angie [Applause] prop come on down [Applause] Andrew aren't you glad you're back from that's right come on coun I don't know [Music] toep there microphone is [Music] yoursie I did not expect this so thank you very much um I've obviously lived in Oakdale for a very long time and I've cared about this community for a very long time I've been on the chamber for 30 years and um I I started when I was 12 promise um I I wouldn't do it if I didn't care about this community and I really really do so thank you very much I appreciate it oh [Applause] Angie you must have an incredibly large fan club because we had a lot of nominations with your name on it so to everybody that nominated for this year's award thank you to all the nominees and all the volunteers in our community they do a a ton of tremendous work um that often goes unseen unrecognized um it they don't do it to get it splashed in the headlines um but when we do have the opportunity to shine some light on it it's incredibly special so congratulations Angie uh next up consensus motions um we got oh open Forum we still have open Forum if there is anybody in the audience that would like to step up to the microphone and talk about anything that's on your mind please feel free name and address for the record um the floor is open seeing none we're going to keep things moving go into consensus motions council members we have a through m in front of us are there any that council members would like to pull for individual consideration yes I'd like to pull consensus motion D I wonder why here every year that's okay um count any others for individual consideration all right can I get a motion to approve a through c and e through M as presented I'll make a motion to approve consensus motions a through c and e through M as presented there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and those consensus motions are adopted uh item D council member moram would you like to speak to that one yes I would like to abstain from voting on this because once again my son is one of the applicants to be an ice rink contendant for the city of Oakdale always weird when a parent is hiring a child so we appreciate you pulling this one out all right can I get a motion to approve consensus motion D is present I make a motion to approve consensus D consensus motion D is presented there's a motion is there second second motion and second all those in favor say I I opposed extensions exension all right four to0 to one all right uh advisory boards and commissions here's our opportunity to check in with them planning was the only one that met council member iner britson you are their liaison yep just uh they had a a a small bus small inhouse business and uh that a cup for a for an accessory building sounds about right yeah sounds about right nothing nothing too spectacular but very important work that they're doing all the same all right thanks Jake uh Award of bid we'll keep this rolling into Award of bid we have two recommendations in front of us tonight dealing with water tower 3 Brian you have our very very very short staff presentation yes absolutely to council authorization we did collect bids for the recoding of Water Tower 3 which is on Hallmark Avenue we did get seven contractors that provided bids uh with the low bidder being classic manufacturing uh the low base bid is 1,766 750 they also provided a bid alternate of 36,000 for an enhanced logo on the water tower um that the recommendation is to award the base bit and a change order will be pursued for uh the logo once a decision is made so with that stand for any questions the council may have council members any questions for Brian all right I'll look for a motion make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 reconditioning to Classic protective codings Inc in the amount of $1,766 $750 71 m766 750 there we go there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final conversation all those in favor say I I opposed and resolution 2024 d110 is adopted uh one more action on this one I'll make a motion to authorize the city administrator to approve individual change orders up to 24,900 $99 provided that the change order is within the project budget there's a motion is there a second second motion and a second any conversation all those in favor say I I opposed all right and that authorization is granted next we'll roll into staff reports Community Development one item tonight community development director gsav welcome that's good evening mayor and Council yeah just the one item tonight the norhart apart apartment site plan Amendment for a loaning and on loading zone this would be replacing two on street parking spaces on Second Street North with a dedicated loading and on loading zone um right now our city code does require that uh loading be conducted be conducted offsite however given that there's no feasible loading and unloading location for this use um with its um um narrow setbacks uh staff is recommending um approval of this DV of this uh site plan plan of the site plan deviation um this is also an opportunity to clean up a couple other changes in the in the site plan one of those being a Transformer that was placed within the RightWay as the only feasible location on the east side of henso Avenue North adjacent to a future city park um screening has been identified as a reasonable solution to mitigate the aesthetic impact and the developers agreed to a establish an escrow uh in the amount of $10,000 for screening of that Transformer so if I just go I'll go to the site plan uh Amendment resolution just jump right down there are again the three conditions the loading and unloading zones should be used exclusively to serve commercial uses within the mixed use building developer shall install signage and identifies the loading and unloading Zone and the developer shall establish the escro on the amount of $10,000 for screening of the Transformer happy to answer any questions council members any questions for Andy all all right I'll look for motion make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 Street reconstruction Brian welcome back thank you um this is the report for the improvements associated with the neighborhood that is generally described south of 6th Street West of Hadley Avenue North of Hudson Boulevard and east of Greenway Avenue it involves about two and a half miles of Street reconstruction and about one mile of water main replacement uh the report did provide an alternative estimate to replace additional water M um it is um our conclusion that that can't be funded at this point so the recommendation is to replace a water main consistent to what's reflected in the capital Improvement program the other portion of the Improvement in the report was Hadley Avenue and the estimate for Hadley Avenue uh came in higher than what was budgeted for in the capital Improvement program so the recommendation is to remove the improvements associated with Hadley Avenue and uh we'll U reflect that in the revised CIP as a future project um the recommendation then is for the council to accept the fees of build report uh minus the additional water main and also the Handley Avenue improvements um to authorize a preparation of plans as reflected in the feasibility report minus the additional water main and Handley Avenue improvements and then to declare the cost to be assessed and ordering the improvements uh preparation of plans and specifications as so noted with that I'd stand for any questions the council may have uh council members we chatted about this at Workshop right before our meeting but are there any additional questions for Brian all right let's get to a motion I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 accepting the feasibility report for city project r225 01 the 2025 Street reconstruction excluding the Hadley Avenue improvements and the recommendation to replace additional water M beyond what is reflected in the 2025 to 2029 Capital Improvement plan authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications excluding the Hadley Avenue improvements and the additional water main replacement beyond what is reflected in the 2025 to 2029 Capital Improvement plan declaring the cost to be assessed ordering prepar of proposed assessment role and establishing a public Improvement and assessment hearing for January 28th 2025 at 7 p.m or as soon afterwards as possible longest motion ever there's a motion is there a second second uh motion a second final conversation all those in favor say I I oppose and resolution 2024 1117 is adopted you want to take that last item yep I make a motion to authorize the mayor and City administrator to enter into a service contract with an engineering consultant for the preparation of plans and specifications there's a motion there second second motion second uh final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and that authorization is given thank you Brian uh Recreation Julie come on down we have a couple donations to accept if you want to go ahead just present both of them at the same time and then we can take the actions together perfect sounds good thank you mayor and Council um so tonight I'm here to bring you donations um for the two events family fund flatables and the Oakdale Nature Preserve 5K so there were five sponsors for the family fund flatables um Oakdell Athletic associ Association $1,000 city council candidates Juan escal and Carrie Moore 500 Marcus Theaters 300 nor Stars Skate School East Metro Stars Youth Hockey Association 300 and park Parkview Chiropractic at $300 uh the second donation is Larry and Vicky Ard from the Eberhard group with Keller Williams and they donated $1,500 which provided the race t-shirts for the Oakdale Nature Preserve 5K and of course a big thanks to all the sponsors without them the events wouldn't be what they are so thank you again thank you Julie um I know I speak for the entire Council and I also thank those sponsors um very generous for them to make donations for these very very popular events they seem to keep growing which is great so um a big thank you to them uh let's take the first resolution I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 4400 for sponsorship of the family fund flatable event there's a motion is there a second second motion on a second all those in favor say I I opposed and that resolution is adopted you want take the other one Jake yep I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 20241 one3 accepting a donation from Larry and Vicky Eberhard from the eard group with Keller Williams in the amount of $1,500 for sponsorship of the Oakdale Nature Preserve 5K there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and that donation is accepted as well thank you Julie uh next up is our opportunity to check in with our City attorney Jim anything for us tonight Mr B I of your agenda that decided to take it easy on you tonight we appreciate that anybody have any questions for Jim all right Chris administrator's report yeah Mr Mayor city council um end of the year we had a big agenda big items on the agenda big support and big decisions so thank you thank you to everybody's work throughout the year thank you Chris uh Council presentations let's mix it up just a little bit tonight let me let's go through announcements events and everything um and then we will do recognition um I see commissioner Kwasi is here and then I'll let him go and then I'll go do a little bit and then Jake can have the final word that work yeah cool um does anybody have any announ general announcements that they'd like to share we here anything I just want to congratulate everybody who had anything to do with the Aldi grand opening it was fantastic there was so much energy and um despite the cold it was just fantastic so congratulations to everybody absolutely how about over here yeah I was just going to say we've got a student here from St Agnes coming to visit our city council and I've been approached by students from North and Tartan and Scouts uh any youth that's interested in local government or needs to come here for a class please come we're excited to have you and and talk about the process great pretty boring if it is this is our most exciting meeting of the year so we can't help you any other time so uh a few announcements from me um council member more touched upon it uh we had a grand opening and ribbon cutting for Aldi last Friday December 6th it was a great event oh my gosh so many people um line wrapped around the building um our community is so excited to have Aldi here um we encourage everybody to go check it out um it is located at 354 Highpoint Drive North which is just North of 34 Street in the retail space um by the Forefront uh technology and office campus a big welcome to Aldi thank you for setting up shop here in Oakdale uh Santa is coming to town on a decorated fir truck tomorrow Wednesday December 11th so bundle up o it's going to be cold tomorrow do s Santa right on top of the fire truck cuz B um but bundle up and stop by for a photo with Santa he'll start at the North fire station 5,000 Hadley Avenue North I think is the address um at 6m and then he's going to head south along Hadley Avenue with three more stops the Discovery Center Everly Park and Stillwater Boulevard before ending at City Hall around 7:30 so um feel free to come on out to any any of those I guess it's five total stops um and hang out with Santa I think he's usually there about like 15 20 minutes at each stop um and it ends here at City Hall around 7:30 so great opportunity to get some pictures the fire truck is always decked out in light it's always a cool time so um please join us stop by the Discovery Center this Saturday December 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 1: P.M to shop from dozens of local vendors at the Oakdale indoor market it is a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping for gifts baked goods and more oh boy we have a lot of events in December this is one this is the big one this is one of the best ones our Winter Wonderland event is coming up on Saturday December 21st from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. at the Discovery Center it is always packed it is so well attended our residents love it we hope to see you there it's definitely one of our most popular events activities include horse drawn hay rides a petting zoo a bonfire with s'mores there's Breakfast provided holiday face painting visit with Santa candy cane hunt and more I think they usually have hot dogs too lots of meals come hang out it's a lot of fun it is completely free to attend um because of a spectacular partnership with local businesses the Oakdale Area Chamber of Commerce um our recreation department does an incredible job setting it up and Staffing it a lot of people involved we couldn't do it without our with our partners from the private sector thank you so much um but Saturday December 21st 9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. finally this is our last city council meeting of the year so on behalf of everyone here at the city we want to W wish all of our residents and businesses um a very safe healthy happy holiday season we will be back in January most of us jeez Jake um but as always City staff is here to help you if you need anything in the meantime reach out to us we want everybody to have a wonderful holiday season check out the holiday lights City Hall is beautiful um it's a a wonderful time of the year that's enough of the announcements recognition of and appreciation do we have to do both can we do recognition or appr apption of outgoing city council member Jake for you would just be recognition would it I think it would just be the of uh Jake this is your final meeting you are leaving us after six well more than six years of service to six years and two months well and Planning Commission before that we can't discount that service as well um County Commissioner Stan Kwasi is here with us Stan take the mic it is all yours St caras Washington County Commissioner District who representing Oakdale and seven other cities it's always an honor to be here uh and thanks for fitting me in for this recognition and appreciation of Jake Inger said um because I was up in uh Birchwood doing the same thing with their outgoing and uh I did get here and seen the whole meeting and I concur you have an amazing staff some are some carryovers from my my years on the council but the new ones are a great job and uh I get to a lot of meetings and it's still an honor to come here so great meeting and that's uh the leadership of Mayor and all the council I really want to recognize Jake tonight uh I served a combination of 16 years on the Oakdale Council and a few years as mayor so I appreciate the job you doing I think the citizens it's great to have your family here I the citizens and you guys won't toot your own home but the citizens don't really realize all the extra work you do the little things that make a big difference and uh I'm going to keep it kind of to Jake and and point out some things that made me have some County partnership because you guys do amazing things as City I'm a resident here and if you weren't doing a good job you'd probably hear from me ah so you're all doing a good job job I think City's amazing Direction it's the little things even the uh Holiday Lights uh hey we didn't do that in our day so you keep doing things that are better you know I'm big believer things get better and uh but on some mutual projects that even if you didn't totally believe in you believe in the mission here's an example uh and Jake you can take credit with your Council but it really makes a difference moving the city forward the goal line just with it new four Street Bridge New helmo Bridge over 94 those are major Investments that would not have happen and maybe they don't happen if you're not on Council uh there's some affordable housing initiatives where maybe our CDA had a roll in those make the city more livable so it's not always just bricks and mortars and roads and bridges centur EV Corridor it's a long Mission but at least you there during the start of uh I like to call it ideal Avenue which is county 13 past the third uh 3M project the county moved that up to match up with the 3M property just the 3M property the Aldi development Brian I'm not sure but you know I think the county was an asset to get any entrance there and exit or however that worked and the home furniture on 10th Street uh we couldn't go to bed on everything you you wanted but those are a couple great examples my point is when we partner together the uh you get so much more done and the citizens don't really know if it's a county thing a mutual thing or a city they just want a good city and uh congratulations Jake even though uh I consider Jake not only a council person but a good friend even though uh we don't agree on a lot but we agree we agree to disagree and you're always and Stan can I make quick comment now I think I think there's a very important lesson and you know when you say that like it it's clear we don't we're not really in the same place on the political Spectrum I think you know you and I both know that but the thing is Stan and I are still great friends yeah and I think that there's a very important lesson to be learned there so and we've worked together and we've worked together well and you know but I'll say I got a few more comments on that but I'll say those so as long as you realize that right at most issues so I want uh it's a commissioner's award and if you know some citizens out there point of my way that are doing good deeds we'll do these for individuals but when you're elected you're expected to do great Deeds so this is one you're only retiring uh so this is a commissioner service a award and on behalf of a grateful County the undersigned commissioner hereby extends recognition and appreciation to Jake Ingam bson city of Oakdale council member for six years of outstanding service in a support of the uh Washington County's missions signed by Stan Kwasi on uh November 26 2024 I'd like to present this to you may me get a picture and you to come up yeah sure out I'll take a picture picture oh you are still here counted three one two three one two three one two three thank you all right my turn I'll let Jake come back and I'll head down this way stay stay up here you hang out up there for a second oh my give him the G he's going to do it to standed you want your notes is this legal sure all right I had to write my notes because I knew there would be no way I would get it all out what I wanted to say um if I didn't so to say that J king of britson has brought a unique way to doing this job would be a big understatement when Jake retires at the end of the year he will hold quite a few records in Oakdale city council history no one in oakdale's 50-year history has ever mentioned the St Paul Winter Carnival Medallion hunt more or refer to the Brady Bunch or quote it's some obscure hockey movie that nobody ever saw lot of people have seen slapshot I quoted it tonight did Chief W though not as many as you might think but while these records are admirable and very very likely to stand the test of time I hope all residents will look to Jake's Jake's many other accomplishments and contributions to the city for they have made and will continue to make this city a stellar place to live work and play a full-time career fire department a police department near all-time high Staffing levels if not all-time high a record-breaking property value tax base cutting oakdale's debt consistently maintaining a responsible tax levy none of these achievements came without challenges tough financial decisions navigating a global pandemic civil unrest practically in his own front yard the occasional dust up and tense language with fellow elected officials Yours Truly included but at the end of it all Jake's commitment to doing the Public's work the work voters sent him here to do always shine through I also want to thank Jake's wife Sarah his daughter Payton and his boys Logan and Lyndon joining us tonight to dedicate the time necessary to do this job means he wasn't spending the time that time with you being at your hockey games your soccer games at home doing dishes Sarah does he do the dishes [Laughter] right thank you for sharing Jake with this city to do this very important work one thing I have always admired about Jake is that he sees value in everything nothing is worthless it just hasn't reached its value yet my favorite example is gosh how many times have you tried to buy old decommissioned street signs from Public Works I'd still do it the reflective coding is all cracked and Faded they were headed for the shop to be redone or the scrap Heap but you didn't care you kept asking and the answer was always no but you kept asking yeah because whether it's sentimental or financial value Jake sees it and he wants to preserve it Jake we have a small token of appreciation for your time here it is nowhere near enough for all of the hours you've spent making this city the very best it could be on behalf of oakdale's residents and businesses thank you and I genuinely hope you leave here knowing that you did this job your way the ing briten way and Oakdale is a better place because of it one final thing I also have a gift for you tonight I have had the honor of working with you longer than anybody all the way back to our Planning Commission days you know that might actually be like literally longer than anybody even in like work work I don't know if that's good or sad but you know I've want to well I want you to know how much I have valued your contributions your opinions whether I agreed with them or not but most importantly your friendship also thank you for being a great sport when I would crack a very small joke at your expense I only do that with people I respect all of that said it feels only right that you get to leave here tonight with a little piece of the inab briten w no way [Music] what that is awesome buy a broken one you can have don't I have to pay for [Laughter] that no we're going to go put this for the Helo side will you qualify this please H between the all right count of three one two three one two three one two thank you sure one group and then get your family and who would like to hold the tree come on in let's get everybody and then Council can step out and do family and then we'll do counsel [Music] do a lot of dishes all right count of three one two three one two three one two three thank you uh Ang of family and then one two three one two three one two all right just count the all right one two three one two three one two three thank you all right back thank you council members would anybody like to make individual comments before we give Jake the final word I know I do su he take it away if I don't cry so I'll make it as short as I can but um I really enjoyed my time working with you you're one of the most Unique Individuals I've met in a long time I'll take that as a cop it is it is I love your family they're beautiful and um I know we had our ups and we had our downs but you know what was really cool is we could work through everything that we went through and we still remain friends I'll never for forg get you and I hope that you stay in contact because I do love you very much thank you I love you too for what it's worth I know mine are probably the shortest comments but Jake I think it's um so exciting to be so welcomed into a a group of people and the time that you spent with me to sit down and have coffee and to lead me and guide me and make sure I knew how you felt about some future decisions um I um I just I value that so much Gary you'll get that too iise um I I value that so much um how you're willing to reach out and um I I didn't have much time to build much of a friendship with you but man I respect you and it's it's really cool to hear person after person say that there were disagreements but through it all you remain friends and I think that's a testament to your character so um I I wish I had you around longer yeah that's it yeah and to you and Gary I'm always just phone call away and I will always tell you what I really think if I know that to be whether you want it or not yes correct so great but thank you Carrie awesome yeah and Jake two years ago before I was even elected you gave me some really good advice right that it it you if you're going to do this you got to do it right you got to show up you got to spend the time so I showed up to every single Workshop meeting every council meeting from August until the election day and it served me so well in the process so yeah we there's been a lot that I've learned and there's been more than a few topics that we've discussed where I would sit and think what would Jake say about this what would Susie say what would what would Kevin say uh because we got to think from different lenses right and it makes us better and the fact that we disagree makes the city better because we fight for the things that we care about so appreciate all the time that you put into it and outside of losing a bunch of money on pull tabs uh mostly good memories well yeah we'll uh yeah we'll uh keep that up the lowdown it's an investment in the kids it was about the kids correct that's right yeah about about helping charity right so Jake the floor is yours all right well it's funny you mentioned attendance um you know that was kind of the first thing you know when I came into this and it it goes back to in high school I played hockey with this kid named Corey picari Corey's sister is the only student in the history of the state of Minnesota with perfect attendance K through 12 so in fact I had to call Corey today and confirm that my memory about that was right and it was and I told him I might give his sister Jill a shout out tonight so um but I've always thought ever since then and that was in 1995 that she graduated I've always thought that attendance if somebody can pull that off you've got no excuse not to show up if you commit to something um and with that just a couple of fun facts um this will be this is the 151st meeting uh since I was elected in November of 2018 I've missed four meetings and out of those 151 um that's 97.4% attendance I think it's I think that's certainly respectful very um uh so you know that that was kind of my big thing coming in showing up doing the work um you know and I talk think a little bit about my legacy um I think the most important thing and it's not just me but as a council the most important thing we've done is hire our city administrator um of anything that I think we've gotten right I think we got that the most right um you know Chris I I still remember sitting right down there at your interview and you telling us I'm going to come in here and I'm going to build a staff that's going to serve us well and to say I mean I can't it would be an understatement to say that you've succeeded at that it's just it you know you're by far the best leader I've ever worked with so thank you um you know uh I also think every time I drive through that Willowbrook neighborhood or buy it you know that process had already started uh when I got on the council but um you know I was involved in enough of it where I always take a lot of pride in that and uh it's it's a pretty cool place so um and also thinking a little bit more beyond that um you know I wish we could have gotten a little further along uh on the police on the police Expansion Project but you know we got it paid for that's the big thing um and then obviously the Public Works facility um that uh you know I think I think our Public Works staff people our residents aren't going to feel that impact the way it actually is going to impact them um you know and I think Stan pretty well laid a lot of it out I was going to name more but I don't need to now I'd just be redundant at that point so um you know and obviously Sarah pton Logan Lyndon you guys are the loves of my life and uh we're going to go home tonight and you guys are going to completely have your dad and husband back did you guys know that what do you mean by dad and husband well I'm your mom's husband so I'm just I'm trying to keep this short pton but but you guys thank you um whether our residents know it or not they owe you guys a debt of gratitude too you guys have sacrificed a lot for me to be up here and thank you for that but you know now I'm going to be at hockey and I'm going to be at everything else so and there's no missing because of city council so thank you guys um uh I would like to thank City staff um you guys have been amazing um both past and present you know I if I name a few I feel like I have to name everybody so I'm not going to throw out any any names but thank you guys all you guys have all been awesome you've been respectful even when you run into people that I know and my name comes up and I will I will throw on Andy's name on that one so uh you know and and it but but I'll joking aside thank you and I don't know how a city in the state of Minnesota could have a better staff than we have right now so um also uh I want to throw out a special shout out to police and fire um particularly during the George Floyd protests and riots how we avoided any major issues I to this day frankly I don't know but um it was due to the leadership and decision- making of of of Kevin Chief Sullivan at the time and you know Chief Newton at the time was on the scene basically you know talking to the protesters making sure I saw it with my own eyes and I just you know to my grave I won't forget that and I won't forget you guys for that um I want to thank the Oakdale chamber um I think they're a very underrated asset in this city um I kind of crapped the bet a little bit not coming to their meeting when I was on the agenda but um that uh I'll save that apology for the next meeting um but but you know I that organization is a key key to the city and uh I hope it continues to grow um uh thank you to my Council colleagues um you know we've buted heads all of us but it's been great to work with you guys and it's been fun it really has been fun even the tough times have been fun so and you know I I just thank you guys and thank you for everything tonight too and Kevin you really came through so thank you um also want to thank Stan um you know your friendships meant a lot to me um aot my my favorite stand moment is I was sitting on the couch in my office and him and I were screaming at each other about the thousand feet of path up off a 50th Street the county path that they want the city to pay for so you're not always right I call a 5050 but but but but but stand that but that but that that was a testament of our relationship and that we can kind of tell each other how it is and try to tell each other who's right you know try to convince each other who's right but it was I I actually enjoyed that so I wanted to bring that up to you but um and I will I will play in the chamber golf tournament with you next year too Stan so um but thank you um and you've done a great job representing Oakdale Woodburry um and you'd you'd always have my vote so um last uh I want to thank our residents um it's been the honor of a lifetime to serve um I always recommend running un opposed when possible but uh uh you know but uh but thank you to the residents for having faith in me the second time around um I earned it there um but it has been the honor of a lifetime um and I really really believe that Oakdale is better now than the day I took the oath so um I'm always going to remember that and take pride in that and I would like to leave uh by giving four words of wisdom to all current and former or all current and future Oakdale city council members don't screw this up you got [Applause] it do you want to pay the bills One Last Time sure yeah all right claims roster in front of us November 27th through December 12th 2.89 million in change Jake make the motion make a motion to approve claims as presented there's a motion is there a second second motion on a second all those in favor say I I opposed bills are paid Jake bring us home nope no come on ask for a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn or I'll look for a motion to adjourn so moved second all those in favor I I opposed no meeting [Applause] adjourned I had to do it you have to you have to let's go have some dessert um we have an Eda meeting so maybe we'd start that at 9: yes okay y 9 quarter two well we want to do oh are we coming back here stuff now while people are here and then we'll come back and crank out the Eda hard to believe it's over and got feel weird let me talk to Chris about that I don't think