##VIDEO ID:IoLlCQKAIXo## council member her council member moram here council member willenbring here mayor zabble acting mayor inab britson here and let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance iedge ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all all right we will move on to approval of the agenda council members any comments or changes no all right I'll look for a motion make a motion to approve the agenda as presented there's a motion do we have a second second uh all right all those in favor say I I opposed all right motion passes on the approval of the minutes first for the workshop on September 10th 2024 any comments questions or changes all right I'll look for a motion so moves uh there's a motion do we have a second second all right there's a second all in favor say I I opposed and that passes um onto the regular meeting for September 10th 20 24 any comments I'll look for a motion it's all moved second all right we have a motion on a second all those in favor say I I opposed all right motion passes and then we'll move on to public hearings uh first up in public hearings we have uh uh public hearing for a new off sale intoxicating liquor license request um Nick will you be taking that uh Mr acting mayor that's that's me I'll take this oh I'm sorry Jake no worries uh and I apologize we have a new assistant City administrator which uh was was a newly formed uh position here so that would previously would have deferred to the police chief and I apologize Jake so please go ahead no problem at all thank you mayor members of council um so as the mayor said we have a public hearing before you for a new offsale intoxicating liquor license um with the applicants discount Spirits Inc doing business as oak oak liquor at located at 1801 Geneva Avenue North uh the applicants have purchased the former Oak Lake liquor um establishment and are under a new incorporation so as uh city code says in chapter 10 a licensees required uh for for them to operate this business along with the license is required uh this public hearing they have uh submitted all the background materials and um it it uh went well they passed the background and um other than that uh staff would recommend the approval of their liquer license okay thank you Jake uh council members do you have any questions or comments no all right at this time I'll open the public hearing to comments from the audience on this specific item this is an opportunity for anyone who is joining us to step up to the podium please state your name and address for the record we ask you keep your comments to 3 minutes but you're welcome to share anything that is on your mind uh regarding this application so with that do we have anyone here all right I'm going to go ahead and close the public hearing and bring it back for Council consideration um council members any other comments or questions all right I will now look for a motion I will make a motion to approve the issuance of a new offsale intoxicating liquor license to Discount Spirit Inc DBA Oak liquor at 1801 Geneva Avenue North for the current term which expires on March 31st 2025 all right we have a motion do we have a second second all right we have a second all those in favor say I I opposed all right and that motion passes um we will now move on to open Forum um and I will start off with two proclamations um the first one is for dyslexia Awareness Month um and that is whereas dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that affects approximately one in five people regardless of race gender age or socionomic socioeconomic status and whereas neurological in origin dyslexia affects the way the brain processes information and is characterized by ulties in Reading Writing and spelling despite normal intelligence and whereas those with dyslexia benefit greatly from specialized assistance from highly trained teachers multi-sensory learning programs and individualized instruction and whereas raising awareness of Dyslexia and its signs and symptoms can better equip students parents and Educators to address the challenges it presents both in school and at home and whereas early identification ation alternative instruction and extra support from family friends and teachers can contribute to the success dyslexia students enjoy in the classroom in life and later on in employment and whereas all residents are urged to offer support to those affected by dyslexia and recognize the dedicated efforts of those who are working to raise awareness and understanding in order to initiate early assessment and intervention to achieve the best outcome for for the student therefore I Jake Kertson acting mayor of Oakdale Minnesota hereby Proclaim October as dyslexia Awareness Month in the city of Oakdale and we will move on to the second one which is a proclamation for domestic violence Awareness Month whereas the crime of domestic violence violates an individual's privacy dignity security and Humanity due to the Sy systematic use of physical emotional sexual psychological and economic control and or abuse and whereas in this country it has been estimated that an average of 20 people are physically abused by intimate Partners every minute and whereas more than half of abusers responsible for domestic violence related fatal shootings were prohibited by law from owning firearms and whereas domestic violence does not discriminate and Crosses all economic racial gender educational religious and societal barriers barriers and is sustained by indifference and whereas the city of Oakdale is working to improve the overall response to and the reduction of domestic violence in our region with awareness to the cultural differences in our community and whereas domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls for law enforcement and the safety of those involved along with the community and whereas October is nationally recognized as do domestic IC violence awareness month and on Saturday October 19th 2024 we encourage the community to wear purple to create awareness about domestic violence in our community therefore I Jake Inger btson acting mayor of Oakdale Minnesota hereby complain proclaim the month of October as domestic violence Awareness Month in the city of [Music] Oakdale I would say those are both uh both very very very good uh items to raise awareness for so um and with that we will move on to the uh open Forum portion where residents are allowed to come up and speak about whatever's on their mind uh please keep your comments to three minutes and when you come up please state your name and address Mr Mayor I'm Ryan Shader uh thank you for the opportunity to comment uh we're a property owner at 329 Geneva uh we're here with a few additional uh Lake F terce condominium owners we won't take too much of your time we do have two speakers this evening uh we wanted to provide some context to your meeting of September 10th where you talked about you lift that microphone up just a little bit there sorry thank you I'm used to a different side of this table Jim can maybe talk to that later um the process to this point in time has been a bit of a disappointment to us while Lake futurus will be significantly impacted Ed by the Tanner Lake development the first we heard about this project was when a developer representative came to our board meeting on June 26 ahead of the July 11th uh Planning Commission when in fact he had been given preferred developer status over a year earlier it's unfortunate that we hadn't had the opportunity to meet with him earlier at the board meeting the developer characterized the ask of our owners as only needing to use three of our parking Spa parking spaces in fact the development is currently planned needs a whole lot more than that from Lake V terce the development is proposed by the city as yet another PUD as the project as currently designed cannot come anywhere close to meeting the requirements of the zoning ordinance if every multif family development uh requires a PUD to get accomplished there's either something wrong with the projects coming your way or something wrong with the codes however the codes do exist the community needs to be able to rely upon the Integrity of the code requirement and it is irresponsible the Planning Commission to have made a positive recommendation to the city council when at that July Planning Commission they did not know the code required parking numbers and ratios the code required height limitation of the project the code required density limitation whether mot would allow access to under 120 they did not even know the unit mixed number of bedrooms which informs code excuse me Code Compliance they didn't know how the prop proposed project deficiencies compared to other recently approved similar projects and I just need to mention that that sort of lack of detail is not standard protocol for cities for whom I have worked it is unfortunate when the Planning Commission does not demand no relevant code requirements especially when two of the five Commissioners members present with two absent requested a tabling to gain that information instead a member imployed that the commission owed the developer vote without delay even though there were so many unanswered metrics the existing citizens seemed to have a lower priority for that U Planning Commission broader neighborhood notification beyond the 500 foot state law minimum was requested that same commissioner confidently but wrongly stated that they were not allowed by law to exceed the 500t minimum that same commissioner snickered at a statement by a member of the public and threw out Ina accurate misleading density data in an effort to influence fellow Commissioners it is also unfortunate that a member of this city council made a statement at a public event ahead of any Council public hearing on this project which seemed to imply that this project was a done deal and that the project would be going forward regardless of public input now I don't know exactly what was said but that's what uh the people walked away from the comment with it is unfortunate that 3 weeks after our last proposal to the developer and a day prior to our Lake View Terrace project vote on a proposed agreement we received three Alternatives from the developer the first rescinded prior agree or prior commitments the second offered a token payment for land he has asked to be deeded to him and the third suggested that if one of the first two options were not accepted that he would construct the six-story building instead of the four-story building which we're all we were already troubled by so we have a situation here where we could have been Partners but we're in an adversarial position we do not want to be adversaries with the city or the developer but we do need to be heard we need to be treated respectfully and considered the project as proposed is two dense at 66 units per acre on the parel closest to Lake View Terrace it is underp parked it is set too close to the property line and it is too tall for its location according to your codes we have asked the developer for design changes to the project and to date nothing has been offered he might still be forthcoming with something that meets our needs but so far that hasn't happened we believe our requests have not been considered because the developer believes that the city is so hungry for development that she'll totally ignore comp plan guidelines zoning requirements and anything else necessary to cause the development to occur we know development will occur next to us and many support your effort to improve your property from its current condition we know that you want this project to make a positive contribution to the community and one for which you can take pride in the current design however does not represent a sufficient Improvement for the community we are here to request from you your staff and the developer the opportunity for our suggestions to be heard and actively considered before any development approvals are scheduled we also submit that the Planning Commission aired when they made a recommendation to move the project forward without sufficient understanding of the project and Council should return the project back to the commission regardless if there are design changes or not but at this time without an appropriate with an appropriate level of data in detail we want to work with the city not against it we're not here to kill the project we're here to improve the project we'd like the opportunity to do so thank you for your consideration thank you thank you mayor and council members for allowing me to speak my name is Michelle stals 329 Geneva Avenue North unit 306 Oakdale Minnesota 55128 um as a resident of Lake View Terrace for the past 18 years and as the current board president I can submit that the majority of Lake View Terrace residents care deeply about the community the lake and in the investment they have made in the Oakdale community while the adjacent properties have been blighted for many years and we welcome development it is equally important that whatever occurs will be one that is complimentary to the existing neighborhood not one that is out of scale or creates traffic or parking difficulties for the existing neighborhood we are hopeful that we can continue to be proud of our neighborhood and that the development is one that Oakdale citizens are proud of as well to there may require more investment in time that has than has occurred to date our community received very short notice of this development and it has been a challenge to communicate the details of this development to engage the owners of Lake View Terrace and the surrounding neighborhood the concepts of an agreement we have presented to the developer was crafted after inviting input from our residence and the surrounding neighborhood there is currently a big gap between what we proposed what the developer proposed and what either side would accept this suggests that we need more time and conversation to get on the same page we also need the city to be not just a partner to the developer but a partner to Lake View Terrace as well so that all parties can experience a win not just development interests Lake View terce is hoping we can create a transparent process and not one where we feel blindsided and threatened this is how we are feeling today hopefully that can change thank you all right thank you would anyone else like to come up all right with that we will close the open forum and move on to consensus motions council members any comments or any consensus motions you like pulled for further consideration no no all right with that I'll look for a motion I'll make a motion to approve consensus motions a through L as presented all right we have a motion I'll look for a second second all right with that uh any other comments all right all those in favor say I I opposed all right motion passed and on to the advisory boards and commissions uh EDC did not meet EMC meeting cancelled Planning Commission we did not have a meeting parks and wreck uh Andy do you have an update for us yeah we had a Parks and Rec meeting and it was actually really cool what they did they're trying to find more ways to engage the community so they actually held their meeting outside at Walton Park and we had a young uh student from tarton come and share about what they like in Oakdale parks and things they like to see improved they spoke a lot about volleyball Noah would would have loved to be there for that conversation but uh it was it was really helpful and the commission as a group decided they'd like to do this again next year to try to engage more people it's a good meeting all right thank you Andy uh last but certainly not least the tree board and council member I want to say Olson but willing BR okay um we discussed or they discussed um what trees they were going to choose for Day next year and also the discussion was about moving it to the fire station North which I think is a good idea climate control drive-thru type thing and then they were also talking about a project they're working on where they're out at the de Discovery Center marking the trees putting signs on the different kinds of trees and then creating a map so people can go look at all the different kinds we have out there which I thought was a great idea all right thank you Susie yep all right we Have No Award of bids no staff reports uh City ATT attorney Mr Jim Thompson nothing specific to report tonight but happy to answer questions any questions for Jim all right administrator's report I don't have anything but uh Jake do you have anything for us uh Mr acor Mayor no report all right Council presentations nothing for me not tonight all right I have a few uh first of all uh our Oakdale Farmers Market continues this Wednesday from 2: to 6:00 p.m. in the city hall parking lot it's hard to believe but only three markets are left for the season stop by to pick up some of your fall favorites uh the city is seeking Community feedback about two different Tanner Lake Park Concepts that explore different mixes of site amenities input from residents and park users about both Concepts will help the city refine proposed Park Improvement to prepare one preferred concept to take the Tanner Lake Park concept survey by September 30th visit the city website Oakdale mn.gov the city is offering complimentary curbside collection of Buckthorn this fall pickup is restricted to buckthorne only a collection waiver must be completed the Friday prior to the desired pick update the remaining collection dates for 2024 are Tuesday October 8th and Tuesday October 22nd to learn more about the pickup guidelines and complete the waiver form visit guess what Oakdale mn.gov Vol volunteers are needed for the Scott Carver Buckthorn removal project on Saturday October 12th from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Discovery Center this annual event helps with the removal of Buckthorn an invasive species to our Urban forests from our Oakdale Nature Preserve lunch will be served at 11:00 a.m. and all ages are welcome to volunteer Under 12 with adult supervision for more information and to sign up once again oel mn.gov finally save the date October 12th from 1:00 to 3 p.m. for a celebration to remember for the grand opening of our newest City Park Willowbrook Commons it will be a great event and we hope to see you all there um and I am going to add one uh I just want to uh thank our Public Works employees this past week weekend we had the uh junk drop off event or what do we call it the Citywide cleanup Citywide cleanup um they busted their butts in the rain and uh it didn't go unnoticed so thank you to them and with that uh we have claims uh anyone have any questions or no no I'll look for a motion make a motion to approve claims as presented we have a motion is there a second second all right all those in favor I I opposed all right and that passes and I'll look for a motion to adjourn so moved second all right all those in favor I opposed meeting ised that went pretty well yeah the baby objected yeah didn't want to pay the bills for