##VIDEO ID:MFir1fmDJcU## of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first on our agenda tonight is the approval of the of the agenda agenda council members we have a slightly amended version in front of us can I get a motion to approve as amended I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as amended there's a motion as there second second motion of second all those in favor say I I opposed and the agenda is adopted next up we have approval of the minutes two sets in front of us tonight first up Workshop meeting minutes from September 24th 2024 council members any changes or Corrections nope I'll look for motion so moved there's a motion is there second second motion and second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and the workshop meeting minutes are approved as presented next up we have regular meeting minutes from September 24th 2024 any changes or Corrections no I'll look for motion so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion a second any final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and the regular meeting minutes from September 24th are approved as presented sorry I just noticed we have September 10th up there U just want to make sure it was the workshop minutes from the 24th uh next up we have a public hearing on our docket for tonight regarding Tanner Lake Redevelopment staff presentation first Luke welcome thank you mayor and Council situated here and bring up the presentation here on the screen in just a moment so yes we have a public hearing this evening for the Tanner Lake planned unit development and a Redevelopment proposal so there are essentially two different requests in front of you tonight yet they are related so the first request is a rezoning of approximately eight acres to create the Tanner Lake planned unit development or PUD and the second request is for a uh development proposal and these requests were heard by the Planning Commission on July 11th and since then the developer has made updates to their plans many of which address concerns that were raised at the Planning Commission meeting because I because I covered much of the the background details for the proposal at the planning commission meeting and there are details in the staff report on file uh in the packet I will focus mostly on the updates to the plans since the uh July Planning Commission meeting so the location of the proposed PUD it's the area shown on the screen with the the purple outline and then the the turquoise outlines are the the parcels within the Pud the purpose of the Pud is to rezone this area and en and excuse me enable flexibility from conventional zoning standards so for example parking requirements setbacks and this is due to the irregular shape of the property so in exchange for flexibility given there would be public benefit derived from requiring higher design standards for any buildings on the site and then also U requiring pedestrian and site amenities Additionally the Tanner Lake PUD will help guide and ensure cohesive Redevelopment of the site so the current zoning of the area it's a mixture it's medium density residential high density residential and Community commercial uh I would like to note one thing here that uh lak Fe Terrace property that is included in the Pud and by doing so and by including in the Pud it will help bring the site into compliance with zoning regulations for example um parking and setbacks but beyond that nothing changes for the lake V terce property to continue functioning as as a Condo building so within the the Pud area is certain property there is uh shown on the screen there outlined in turquise and that is the proposed Redevelopment site so currently this site is vacant property it contained uh it once contained commercial uses and just some uh high level request details here Tanner Lake LLC that's the developer they're here with us this evening they are proposing a mixed use development including a 126 unit apartment building they're on the north side of the site roughly where my cursor is uh so that's located west of Lake View Terrace there will also be a commercial amenity Building located south of lake vce and then 12 rental town home units on the southern portion of this uh development site so I would like to mention that all units are proposed as being market rate or in other words they are not incom restricted housing types um I will uh highlight this Orange area that is the flag pole portion that's currently owned by Lake VI terce and I'll I'll speak more to that in just a moment so here's a look at the proposed plat of Tanner Lake second I condition so it's essentially a resubdivision of existing lots and uh this the subdivision will help facilitate the development proposal and a note on the orientation the north arrow is pointing to the left of the screen uh the plat proposes two buildable areas as you can see there number one and then number two uh so the lot one would contain the apartment building and assuming that the developer is able to uh work with lake vce and acquire that flag pole portion then they would also site the commercial amenity building here uh again south of the lake V terce site and then Town Homes would be cited on this proposed lot too there would be an outlot that's created here for the portion of the site that is uh Tanner Lake and that would be conveyed back to the city for ownership um oh sorry just to go back one thing so if uh if the developer does not acquire the flag pole portion then the apartment building would be situated fully with within proposed lot one and then lot two will have to be reconfigured and updated to also capture the commercial amenity building as well as the town homes okay so sorry about that I'm jumping around here so uh here is a look at the site plan option one the original site plan if you will again a note on the orientation North arrow is pointing to the left of the screen so because of the situation with the flag pole portion uh that's an outstanding situation the developer has prepared two site plan options so recall that the city has processed multiple site plan options for other developments here in Oakdale in the past in the recent past and so this site plan option one assumes that the developer is able to acquire the flag pole portion from Lake F terce access for the uh proposed apartment building here would be uh through uh the um existing intersection off 120 Innovation Boulevard and they would the apartment building would also have a midblock access off Highway 120 uh so Lake vurus will would continue to have access to Highway 120 Via easement so essentially the uh the existing access that Lake V terce has would be shifted South and then again there would be an easement to ensure that they would have access to their site in perpetuity so the apartment building uh as I mentioned it will have that mid block access and that is subject to Minnesota DOT approval and then there is another access to or on the east side of the building here if you U go through the drive and then loop around there there's underground parking I would like to highlight just us the major buildings here on this s plan so of course you have the apartment building the commercial amenity building and then the 12 uh town home units to the south of the site so amenities the commercial building will be geared towards um water activities but they could also host other uses such as yoga classes birthday parties the developer might have a little bit more to add to that but uh there is also a boardwalk that will parallel Tanner Lake as well as a plaza area near the commercial amenity building uh the DNR reviewed this request in in their official review they uh did not have any objections to the proposal regarding impacts to the Shoreland uh parking for the site there will be underground parking as I mentioned for the apartment building and surface parking as well so in total there will be 170 spaces so that all that includes three additional spaces that were added since the July Planning Commission meeting parking was one of those uh concerns that were brought up and uh so the way that the parking ratio shakes out is that it's one space per bedroom unit um so this one:1 ratio that's consistent with other apartments similar apartments in Oakdale that have been recently approved and also as you can see or maybe it's probably very difficult to see actually there's 10 spaces that will be dedicated for non-resident parking to uh folks who want to use the commercial amenity building so here's a look at site plan option two so in the event the developer cannot acquire the flag pole portion uh for this development from Lake F Terrace this alternative site plan would enable the developer to build fully on their own property so the apartment building in this scenario would be shorter in length but would be taller in height in order to maintain 126 dwelling units uh so that number does not change from site plan option two to or versus option one um what what you'll notice is that there is no direct access for the apartment building off Highway 120 and rather the access will be off four Street and the four Street access would lead to a uh enclosed Drive Lane that would then feed into uh covered parking or underground parking underneath the building so although the drive lane will not be uh it will be covered for snow management there will be no units directly above it just want to point that out and uh the covered drive lane will collect snow and drain it accordingly there is a proposed encroachment onto Highway 120 there it's the switchb switch back pedestrian ramp and the developer will either need to obtain Minnesota do approval for that or they will have to relocate that so it's fully on their property another change to this site plan is that it has more surface parking and um uh however the the parking ratio of that one one parking space per bedroom unit will be maintained I would like to note that there are no changes to the commercial building the town home units the plaza and the boardwalk from the site plan option one so here's a look at the apartment building and elevations for this this is going back to site plan option one so the middle image here is the East Elevation facing Lake V terce and then the bottom image is the west elevation facing Highway 120 so to assist with the review of the the apartment buildings design the city had hkg they are a planning and design consulting firm they evaluated the design for conformance with the proposed ters L PUD as I mentioned there's some certain design standards or higher design standards I should say that are incorporated into that PUD and their analysis is included in the packet and there is a condition of approval in the resolutions that requires the developer to make certain updates to comply with the design criteria so some more elevations on the next few slides so this is now looking at the alternative site plan or site plan option two and it as you can see shows the multi-story apartment building that uh there's an additional residential story again to make up for uh the lack of the the property there they they have to go higher in height uh the top image is the north side of the apartment fronting Fourth Street and the bottom images are the south side of the building so here's another elevation of the proposed apartment for the alternative site plan again it would contain an additional residential story uh so just to be clear this this first floor here what you're looking at there that's a private amenities for the the residents so think you know like a a Community Li library or a gym things of that nature and this image is looking from the east or excuse me looking East from Highway 120 towards the apartment and then just for reference Lake V terce is there in the background so I also want to note that the Tanner Lake PUD has been updated to accommodate the height and setbacks for this structure um moving on to a few more uh elevations here this is the Lakeside amenity building the top right image there is the East facade that would face bers and then the bottom right is the West facade here's a look at the Town Homes the top right image there is the West facade that would face Highway 120 and the bottom right is the East facade facing Tanner Lake uh here we have some Shadow studies for the site plan option one so as you can see it shows various dates and times and the shadow impacts between the two buildings being the apartment building and Lake View Terrace um the developers team could could speak more about the images if you have questions or if uh you just feel like there's a little bit more information uh to get from these shadow studies and Shadow study option two here for the site plan option two has again similar information here just showing the impacts of the Shadows on from one building to another and uh to conclude this presentation as mentioned the Planning Commission reviewed both the Pud and the development proposal back on July 11th and they recommended approval so I I want to acknowledge that there were a number of questions and concerns that were brought up at that Planning Commission meeting and staff and the developer have provided responses to many of those questions and we also have a frequently asked questions or FAQ sheet that's incorporated into the the council packet for reference so staff recommends approval of the Tanner Lake PUD and the development proposal including the plats and the two site plan options subject to the conditions in the resolution so bear with me I'm going to go through these I'll try my best to to summarize them as best I can so I'm reading from the packet this is resolution 2024-the liin plat and final plat and there are nine conditions number one approval of the Tanner Lake PUD number two execution of a development agreement number three approval of the site civil plans number four the proposed Outlaw containing Tanner Lake would be conveyed to the city number five the developer must comply with these cities Shor land overlay zoning district and perform vegetative restoration to the Shoreline number six an easement or agreement must be recorded for public access to the boardwalk and Plaza area and the easement and agreement must also dedicate a minimum of 10 parking spaces near the commercial amenity building for the use number seven the developer satisfy Park dedication requirements number eight the final plat must be revised to comply with the city attorney's plat opinion and the um developer will also have to com follow the city attorney's instructions for recording and title matters and then number nine is permits and approvals must be obtained from The Watershed district and Minnesota DOT so moving on to the site plan resolutions so this is site plan option one resolution number 20248 uh 13 conditions of approval here number one approval of the Tanner Lake PUD two execution of Dev V ment agreement number three approval of the site civil plans number four uh the developer has to update the building's exterior design standards to comply with the Tanner Lake PUD number five uh the site plan has to be revised to show the locations of exterior trash enclosures and their methods of screening number six um uh site plan revisions for to show any rooftop equipment ground level UT uh utilities external loading areas and screening number number seven updates to the landscape plan number eight approval of the site civil construction plans number nine approval must be obtained from the fire department for the uh site's access and proposed hydrant locations and fire department connections number 10 a photometric plan must be provided number 11 Outside Agency approvals must be obtained number 12 revisions to the plaza area to comply with the city's Shoreland regulations and number 13 there is conduct vegetative restoration of the shoreline so uh the next resolution which is for site plan option two they are the same conditions as the resolutions from the the previous site plan resolution I just mentioned um the only difference there is the the difference in the legal description so the site plan option to would exclude the legal description for uh the flag pole portion of Tanner Lake a lot of information for the council but uh staff is happy to answer any questions and as I mentioned the develop and the developers team is here to answer any questions as well thank you thank you Luke uh council members any questions for our city planner that was thorough a lot a lot of conditions yes um developer Mr mlin uh any comments or any comments that you'd like to make at the podium before we open the public hearing okay I'll Circle back with you at the end if there's anything you'd like to address so at this time uh in a little bit I'm going to open up the public hearing before we do that um I just want to cover a few of our ground rules here at oakill City Hall um first and foremost the city council wishes to give everybody an opportunity to be heard on matters um before the city council as such we set aside this time for public comment um and it is very important and we encourage everybody to participate but um some of our identified and adopted rules of conduct include um all persons wishing to address the council uh shall approach the podium and be recognized by the mayor or and when recognized by the mayor clearly State their name address for the record um we don't need to cover that part uh if the speaker has indicated they would like their comment read by the mayor then it'll be at this time I don't believe we've received any written comments in advance looking at the city clerk nope we're good um comments by each individual each individual are limited to 3 minutes um generally a time period of no more than 20 minutes is reserved for public comment council members I'm going to suggest that we wave this tonight just looking at how many people came to join us tonight um and we want to try and accommodate as many speakers as we can so um but the three minute time limit will um will be enforced we've set up a a monitor here um when your time has expired please wrap up the sentence that you are on and allow another speaker to take the podium each speaker will be permitted to address the council once um during the public hearing um unless all unless all other persons Desiring to speak have had the opportunity to do so speakers shall address their comments and or statements and questions to the mayor the mayor in turn will refer any questions or research requests to staff speaker should strive to provide only factual information and refrain from repeating comments made by other speakers um I think that's about it oh should a member or members of the audience be identified as disorderly the mayor reserves the right toare declare the meeting temporar recess and call for the removal of said persons from the audience persons not recognized by the mayor shall refrain from commenting interrupting a speaker at the podium conducting conversations with other members of the audience or creating any other type of disruption that may distract a member of the city council City staff or the speaker at the podium that's a lot of words what we really want the takeaway to be is we want we want to hear from our residents but this has to be a place of respect um we are committed to hear every resident out as we have on this development application since the very beginning um I'm just going to leave it at that so um at this time I'm going to go ahead and open the public hearing anybody that would like to step up to the podium please feel free to do so as I mentioned please begin with your name and address for the record and proceed with your comments Mr mayor council thank you for the opportunity I'm Ryan shrer uh my wife and I own a property at 329 Geneva apartment 2000 or 204 not 2 20 go for I have six minutes of comments so I'm going to cut them in half um so this won't be as smooth as I had intended uh but I want to start with this development uh is not properly in front of you this evening uh as a PUD proposal in order to make application for PUD the developer in accordance with your P PUD ordinance must have control over the entire development parcel he did not at time of application he still doesn't you really weren't even permitted to take the application for a PUD I have a number of other um ways that the application does not comply with your PUD ordinance and later if you want to hear them be happy to go over them but assuming that I'm wrong not but assuming that I'm wrong uh the uh that the pre thresholds have not been met you still need to um meet the demands of the PUD ordinance and the Pud ordinance demands that the underlying zoning requirements uh for such as setbacks um must be still must be met this doesn't uh the comp plan requirements must be met this doesn't come even close to it um and further the uh the development isn't on contiguous Parcels so as a not you know because Lake F terce in between um so as a non-contiguous plat it's basically block one lot one block two lot one um so each lot has to stand on its own um I can go through all the the areas of zoning where it doesn't comply W do that but as one example under your zoning ordinance as proposed option one proposal it requires a 7 acre minimum option one is a 1.9 acre parcel for the apartment building uh option two is a 0.9 acre parcel neither one comes anywhere close to which your only Nords requires through all of our conversation with staff when we've pointed out that you know you're not telling the Planning Commission you're not telling the council um what zoning code requires they have said doesn't matter it's a PUD it matters the public needs to know you need to know what zoning requires even if it's a PUD they should start with here's what the chapter 25 requires here's how we're varying here's why we think it makes sense they haven't done any of that ever I do have a few requests if I can go through those requests it's just five it's contingencies Mr Sher your time has expired okay is there anybody else that would like to speak under the public hearing tonight welcome thank you Mr Mayor councel um I'm Michelle staltz I live at 329 Geneva Avenue North Apartment 306 Oakdale 55128 as I said my name is Michelle STS I serve as president of the board and an 18-year resident at Lake View Terrace Lake View Terrace was very surprised when we learned about the proposed development less than 2 weeks before it was on the Planning Commission agenda in July since then we have been trying to catch up on what is being planned and how it will impact the condo owners at Lake View as well as the Neighbors near us at Tanner Lake we did not ask to be nor do we care to be a part of a PUD we have lived next to blighted properties owned by the city for the past 17 years and had hoped for a development that would serve as an amenity to us and to others as it relates to viewing the lake as had been the case with having had two restaurants in the past we had assumed that any new building on the property between us and 120 would be commercial retail as that is how it is zoned we didn't understand that a PUD means anything goes what would make us happy well here are some things that have not made us happy we we are not happy that we were not involved in the planning process more than a year ago in May when proposals were first introduced to the city we are not happy to have a looming structure with insufficient setbacks overshadowing our building many are not happy or don't care about a boat house that serves no purpose but to block some of our views and with only 10 uh parking spots available to the public we are concerned about family housing in the homes that don't seem to be the best use for most people adjacent to us we are not happy with being told that something will happen regardless and our only options are to accept one of few options none of which are desirable we are worried about the density to this area which is Extreme on a small parcel of land we are worried about the safety of all with so many cars pouring out onto the small side of the street and 120 daily we are worried about our home values yet none of these issues have been considered nor seem to matter to the city of Oakdale Lake View Terrace with the short notice after one meeting with the developer put together our counter proposal that he did not respond to for 3 weeks we provided the necessary time for vote oh is there a reason why it's not working again okay okay I need a couple more seconds then uh the developer the day before the vote counter proposed with fewer items than he originally agreed to and minimal compensation for land or use of the parking lot the vote was still one-third agreeing to the development with the caveat of both initial and ongoing funding Services one-third opposed regardless of any compensation fees or services and onethird not voting with some confused all about all that was going on due to such short notice we have been told that this is a good thing for Lake View Terrace but we are hardpressed to see how it benefits us we are taxpaying citizens to the city of Oakdale who want consideration too thank you thank [Applause] you is anybody else that would like to speak under uh the public hearing tonight welcome here thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight um I just I do have a question uh that pull the microphone a little closer is this better no a little bit better yeah okay my name is Florence Bugger I live at 329 Geneva and and um in uh unit 217 Oakdale um thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight um I I want to make a reference to the Pud requirements that are listed uh the Pud includes Lake View Terrace and I'm just one a clarification is the intention that the requirements apply to Lake View Terrace it's a long list of requirements and it it look like the prim primarily aimed at new development and I think we would have tough time complying with all those requirements okay another thing I want to mention is um the density calculations in your Q&A um mentions that Lake View Terrace is 1.3 Acres 75 units at 57.5 units per acre uh the new development is specified to be 3.25 Acres 138 units at 42.5 units per acre but that excludes Lake VI Terrace in that 3.25 Acres so the real number should be 138 plus 75 213 units at 65.5 units per acre the type and size of development is not right for this property it is already a congested area with busy intersections nearby two Lake F ter residents have lost their lives Crossing or are walking on Highway 120 nearby any development of vacant areas should not impact the property owned by Lake V Terrace homeowners the driveway and parking lot are designed to provide Ingress and egress and for our parking our vehicles and guest Vehicles underground parking spaces are deeded with the units and are not accessible to if people that don't own them and they don't come close to serving all of the owners thank you thank you may else like to speak under the public hearing tonight welcome mayor council my name is Julie ulot I live at 410 Gentry Avenue South in Oakdale which is right across from where this planning building is supposed to go right now I am my major concern is traffic on Fourth Street we've got Tartan students we've got people from 3M and we have people coming off of century cutting through the parking lot of old Harmons down forth nobody obeys the speed and traffic as the woman previous to me mentioned the congestion I've got kids that live behind me I've got nephews that live in the condo cross from me there are kids that play in that parking lot at Lake F Terrace nobody takes into consideration what we even though we owned houses in our part of Lake View Terrace nobody took into consideration of letting us know anything about this until all of a sudden the developers decided to talk to Lake f terce i as a citizen of Oakdale have noticed that that lot I appreciate you wanting to get rid of it but please consider what not only Lake View Terrace needs but what the residents need and it's not more traffic congestion on Fourth Street and that's exactly what this development will bring especially in the winter and the way the snow plows come through on Fourth Street it's totally unacceptable so please take into consideration the homeowners that live in this area thank you thank you [Applause] would anybody else like to speak under the public hearing tonight welcome hi uh Mr Mayor councel um thank you for letting me speak for a minute uh Tony Dubay 329 Geneva Avenue North number 418 um I just want to make one quick point and then get to my request uh Luke's presentation was very thorough what he kind of glossed over over oh there I am back maybe lift it up a little bit what he kind of glossed over is that in site plan number one that that garage empties out onto uh Lake View Terrace property I don't know if everyone was clear on that but that um the exit for the garage turning East is our property so that that won't be part of any easement or or purchase agreement or anything like that um so that's my point long as everyone took note of that uh by trade I'm a real estate appraiser I'm not opposed to development um I guess I would humbly request that we don't um that we just give a little more time to talk to the developers um reach an agreement that's acceptable to everyone um that we don't absolutely need to push this through right now um the process feels rushed and and I completely understand the development process but I guess my humble request would be that we just um maybe not go with formal approvals tonight just give a little more time for everything to play out thanks for the time thank [Applause] you who would like to speak next welcome hi hi I'm Jason shy I live at 662 Gentry AV so I kind of live down the street um you know as I drive around Minnesota there's so much development there's commercial property and there's you know these big housing complexes that all look the same but none of it looks like a New York City none of it looks like a highrise so to think that right in Oakdale you know around the corner from the Horseshoe Park is what appears to be like I don't know it looks like Minneapolis it's it's it looks like it'll Crush those people they're going to look out their window on the third floor and see somebody else's window it it just doesn't make sense in this little area um not to mention that you know you got one house one car per bedroom and then when that guy's girlfriends come over where they going to park in front of my house and then if you have 120 apartments or whatever it is 50 and you know everyone has a girlfriend with a car where are they all going to go I mean are we going to be the cops going to go around and tagging people you know the density is like obscene it doesn't make sense for this area and when I drive around Woodberry and I see huge housing tracks being put up because people must be moving to Minnesota they're low to the ground and there's a tree next to them in a yard this is kind of a freakish like dystopian city-like structure that seems to be like almost looks like a punishment for Lake VI Terrace like it blocks them in so they can't see the sun I I don't live there but I'm sure there'll be people parking in front of my house that's it [Applause] who's up next anybody welcome hi I'm F cool and Camp I live at 461 Gentry Avenue North halfway down the block um again I'm kind of repeating what they're saying about about Forth Street that entrance is really bad um I don't know if you've ever tried going down for trying to get on to to 120 you can't go north or south it's very bad unless you plan putting some type of of of signals in or something that that might work I don't know um I do believe people will be parking down our street uh we had a big assessment um I don't know how long ago 10 15 years ago and you probably remember they did the street Gentry Avenue only to shut we paid this big assessment only to lose Fifth Street entrance to to 120 they shut that all together now we're actually going to lose Fourth Street and I'm really concerned on the safety it really is not not safe um and and as far as our police go we hardly have any police coming down our street patrolling at this time how are you going to patrol and keep the the safe the people safe um it just you know it's it's a big building I feel sorry for the people Lake VI terce where I actually lived there what 20 30 years ago um was on their board and uh I'm really concerned even for the people that would be going into those apartment buildings it's very dangerous turn it's very hard to get out on Fourth Street um and I also feel that we're ruining the looks of Oakdale um as the other gentleman mentioned I mean you know Woodberry is so nice I think couldn't we find something else we could use that property for and I'm sure the developers could make something really nice doesn't have to be a big apartment building or put it someplace else you know down the area if they could instead of maybe those tow houses put a big apartment put the par it would be more uh I think people would be be it'd be more inviting to see the lake the big building than just sitting there with a bus Street and and you know another building next to you so I would hope that you would reconsider this and think that there might be some creative opportunities that we could do with this property better than what we're going to use it for now thank [Applause] you would anybody else like to speak under excuse me the public hearing tonight thank you hi welcome here uh so my name is Keegan Anderson I live at 1908 Heath Avenue North I was going to bring up something completely irrelevant but I realized tonight's probably not the night to do so I just want to Echo some concerns because they seem valid um I'll bring up some of those other things maybe on another night I just wanted to speak that though thank you thank you I would add right after this we have open Forum where the topics are wide open so if you'd like if you'd like to step up then you're more than welcome too uh anybody else that would like to speak under the public hearing for the Tanner Lake Redevelopment PUD tonight anybody else another shot yep go for it it's still three minutes but I know I want want thanks for the second opportunity I just wanted to suggest a couple contingencies that Luke didn't include that I think you should consider um throughout the pro I'm still Ryan Shader um throughout the process we've been told that U approvals will be contingent upon an access agreement would' like if you terrorist I did not hear that in the contingencies maybe it was there I didn't hear it um second there will be damage regardless of anything else or regardless of um whether somebody uses our parking lot or not they'll be damaged with the parking lot uh if for no other reason than the retaining wall construction will create it that repair of that damage has to be it should be a contingency um the develop you know we've always been concerned about um parking not meeting requirements um comes close but it doesn't get there we believe they there'll be um problems that will result down the road when those happen there has to be a mechanism in your approval that um does not um negatively impact your ability to handle that problem so you know proof of parking or whatever it needs you need to be able to pull the trigger without a problem so that's the third suggestion and then finally um your PUD ordinance does require that uh the utilities are undergrounded there's existing overhead what what our expectations is is that um when they underground those utilities they're undergrounded for Lake ferus at well as well at no cost Lake ferus we think that should be a contingency thank you for the additional time mayor thank [Applause] you is there anybody else welcome I'm Amy chne I live at 662 Gentry AV North I'm just concerned about the ecosystem of the lake both during the building and afterwards there's going to be a lot of stress on it there's already a lot of traffic there it's there's almost not enough room for the traffic that's currently there right now there's backups every day because there's construction but just the lake being safe being clean and not looking like a city street is really my main concern so I hope you'll take that into consideration thank you [Applause] anybody else going once going twice I am going to go ahead and close the public hearing and bring it back up for Council consideration um I'm going to look to our city planner to see if there were any questions that were raised that you would like to address or clarify maybe community development director GSA you're welcome to come up too it's a party come on there's one question about the the pey requirements Mr Mayor and councel about the the pey requirements for single ownership so I um I don't know if this was clear in the in the the report but this the Pud is also C City initiated and as a city has its own zoning Authority we're able to do that and we also have a legal opinion you know I could defer to Rachel if she has any additional information to provide but I just want to get that that clarified okay Rachel did you want to tack on anything to that about the Pud process the city initiating it not not necessarily a developer uh well I I did speak with um Mr Thompson your City attorney before the meeting briefly about this and he said that he did do look into the code and make sure that this was that the process that's required by the code has been followed I can't speak too intelligently on Section inv verse um but I did confirm that with him before I came okay thank you um Luke there were a few questions about the conditions on the approval um of course all I wrote down was conditions um the conditions addressed uh oh I believe one was um conditional approval of the site plan contingent on I think it was access off of 120 is that correct um is there's something in there that says that excess agreement Mr Mayor the excess agreement with dot that has to be ironed out that is a condition already think you wanted the access agreement with Blake View Terrace right yeah okay so yeah Mr Mayor to clarify so site plan option one is under it works on the assumption that the developer is able to work through an agreement with lake rars and acquire that flag pole portion and then site plan option two is the contingency if if the developers unable to acquire that flag pole portion then they will take that site plan and move forward with their develop got it okay um okay uh council members were there any questions you had that you wanted to follow up with City staff on before we we move forward anything things you want to call up no I know into the last comment right the health of the lake is important and I believe Amy shared that thank you for sharing that and uh I know during this process over the past few months the DNR has been involved in Shoreline setbacks and the fact that there's uh no boat launches is a part of this it's just a boardwalk adjacent so that was that was helpful to clarify and something that's important to me too so thank you yeah maybe maybe to piggy back off that a little bit um as far as environmental concerns in the lake if the DNR I mean the DNR is so and you know I've been on the council six years not the first time we've dealt with the DNR they are so thorough if there were any concerns at all with that we would have to address them before even getting to this point so I I I'm very comfortable with the fact that that's been what explored and dealt with um council members we have six actions in front of us typically each one would include a carve out for comments on that individual action item if you're okay with it I think maybe we'll just open it up to comments from Council now on a broader scope and then as we go through we'll just go action item and then call for the vote if that's okay so if anybody wants to offer General comments on these items overall please feel free I have nothing no anything just the fact that if if this does go through and is approved obviously the conversation continues between all parties involved right because there's a lot that has to be ironed out a lot of conditions for these these buildings so just something to to keep in mind thank you um my comments first and foremost I want to I want to thank all of the residents who have reached out about this um these projects of this nature are incredibly complex um adding to the complexity is is are these Parcels itself um you know I've been here eight years now um the city has owned these Parcels or most of these Parcels for 16 17 years now um um in my tenure you know I can recall conversations with developers looking at Medical Office Space uh a five-story hotel um possible retail you know we've had so many different options come forward and they've all Fallen apart um for a variety of reasons you know in my time alone I think we've been through three economic recessions which is incredibly difficult the fact of the matter is this these Parcels are incred L challenging because of the shape because of the location because of space constraints um there there have been many times when we wish something else would go here frankly you know we wanted office space we wanted retail we wanted any number of things and the financial feasibility for those types of projects just the math never worked out um so when this project came forward uh Not only was it feasible it was tangible you know it can be done um we understand that there are it is a very big change in this area especially for an area that has been vacant for 16 years that is it's been a parking lot for 16 years um when we have when we hear concerns about the environment yes we really hope that the environmental impact on the lake will actually improve because we won't have two plus acres of just water runoff um off of these busted up Asphalt parking lots that have been sitting there for years we hope that improves um I hope you know regardless of how the vote comes out tonight I hope our residents feel like our staff has been accessible um and facilitating concerns and answering questions as we go that is always what we want um I hope uh you know Michelle I see you there we had a great conversation at National Night Out I was I was very pleased to come down you and your neighbors were incredibly welcoming to me um you know I hope the feeling was Mutual that you were glad that I was there just you know trying to answer as many questions questions because that's how this building works you know this process the end result may not always be what we want but we want the process to be a positive experience for our residents and so um regardless of what happens whether this project materializes or not we all have very different feelings on that um I hope our residents come away from this understanding that this process um we have built it in this city for residents to be heard for ideas to be vetted and more importantly for questions to be answered um with that we're going to go ahead and move into um the recommendations presented on the agenda uh let's just take them right down the list can I get a motion on the first one I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt ordinance number 932 resoning of certain property on the west side of Tanner Lake from R3 low density housing R5 high density housing and C2 Community commercial to Tanner Lake plan unit development there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and ordinance 932 is adopted uh how about ordinance 931 I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt ordinance number 931 amending the code of ordinances for the city of Oakdale chapter 25 article 16 to add section 2510 adopting the Tanner Lake plan unit development District Tanner Lake PUD there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and ordinance 931 is adopted I'll make a motion to approve the official summary of ordinance number 931 and authorize publication of the title of the ordinance and the official summary there's a motions there a second second motion and a second all those in favor say I I opposed and tile and summary is adopted I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 20248 4 approving the preliminary plat and final plat for Tanner second addition with conditions included in the attached resolution there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and resolution 2024 d84 is adopted I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024 d85 approving site plan option one for the Tanner Lake Redevelopment site with conditions included in the attached resolution there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and resolution 20 24-85 is adopted I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 202 24-8 6 approving site plan option two for the Tanner Lake Redevelopment site with conditions included in the attached resolution there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I opposed and resolution mind whether it's on the agenda or not same rules as before we'll just get rid of the clock though now we're okay thank you Sarah yeah all right so I think the cord screwed up breaking our microphone yeah right welcome back um hi Keegan um I just I know there was an initiative over the summer for a community garden uh I just new to this whole thing so wasn't aware of it but I think that that should be looked into again for something maybe next summer so and then the second thing is I know you guys already have kind of like a free library thing around Oakdale um I'm an electrician and also kind of do woodworking on the side and I think it'd be fun project to just build some of those and wondering you know kind of curiosity about just putting some more of those around as well so maybe thinking about that too so thank you uh do we did we get Keegan's address for the record all did we get the his address for the first time we're good you got it okay um we don't typically comment but a few things just because you know why not um so we are finishing up our Park systems study um it's been a six-month process looking at all of our Parks um Community Gardens are the proposed concept for preservation Park so sweet that hasn't been adopted yet but I think that was really the only suggestion for that Park so that'd be an awesome addition um for the little libraries I know some people build them and like donate them to like the 622 Foundation like their auction um and people can get them and then install them in their yards that's kind of a cool thing um I know we have one here at City Hall also one I think at the Nature Preserve but I know at least a handful of residents that have them in their yards throughout the city so um that's something we encourage residents to do because it's pretty cool so good to know and mayor if I could just comment I was acquainted with the guy that started the Library that's cool his name was Todd B unfortunately passed away a few years ago I went to the I used to go to the gym with his daughter Alison so ironically I saw her at the Summerfest parade this summer so this world is too small yeah but shout out to Todd is there anybody else that would like to speak on our open form tonight welcome so I am an Oakdale resident I moved here a couple years ago about the same time that um I started volunteering ing for a group called be smart and I've been told I need to get city council permission for our group to either do a um presentation here or allowed to table at different events in the city so I wanted to tell you a little bit about be smart um it's called be smart for kids and we're a nonpartisan um we promote securing guns in homes and vehicles and keeping them away from children and teens we are all non we are all volunteers and nonprofit like I said and um so I've been working um for about two years with this organization or I should say volunteering um one of the things that we do when we table is we present information to parents to the community to schools um churches and what we'd like to do is ask for approval or provide like a 20 minute presentation get on your schedule and um how we do this is we we come we possibly have a presentation PowerPoint and it would be great if we could get the approval we have handouts I think I left handouts with all of you folks and I'm just hoping to to kind of Squeak My Way in I'm not the primary uh speaker for our group so just coming along and trying to wedge my way in as an Oakdale resident great thank you thank you uh I'm going to break the rules again um just because we have you so first and foremost we all received your email I want to apologize I was tasked with responding to you and I got sidetracked so I really do apologize for that okay no worries um I am familiar with your group um we had a presentation from B smart at the Regional Council of Mayors a few months ago when we had a joint meeting with the Metro superintendents okay um so we had talked through then how cities might be able to partner um I took your flyer and I gave it to our police chief um to look and see how from the public safety element we may be able to partner so I believe City staff will be in touch uh in the near future on next steps after our staff have a chance to look into to be smart hey that's great this was easier than I thought thank you Carol thank you is there anybody else that would like to speak under open form tonight all right seeing none we're going to keep things going moving to consensus motions we have three in front of us a through C uh council members are there any uh motions you'd like to pull for individual consideration would I would I be allowed to just ask a question about one no yeah with pull it pull just pull it and then we can tackle let let's pull a okay can I get a motion to approve consensus motion B and C is presented so move there's a motion is there a second second motion second all those in favor say I I oppose B and C are approved uh Jake te up or brief description of item a and then go with your question yeah so uh I'm not getting any younger so if my memory is bad here but uh was this uh the the cut the the the dealer license that we briefly pulled due to compliance issues yes is that a yes yes okay um and have we had any complaints recently so part Mr Mayor city council up any vuler thank you part of the licensing process um counc Inon is that we go through and um we do a light background check to make sure there's no violations or anything and then every other year we we background check the owners but if this was a year either one or the other was done so when the license request came in it had already been reviewed by the police department okay and it would have been noted in here there was anything okay so simple answer is no the the issues were um code enforcement issues you know maintaining fire lanes that type of stuff zoning related issues so y okay uh can I get a motion to approve consensus motion a is presented so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion second all those in favor say I I opposed and consensus a is approved next up is our opportunity checking with advisory boards and commissions the only one that met was planning last week council member iner btson you are their leaon uh yeah they uh uh discussed uh I believe a cup on a an additional Garage in somebody's yard which I think we will be voting on tonight and also uh was the was it the site plan for uh part of the de development at Lake or the concept plan uhave the one at and uh so yep good conversation there as well perfect uh nothing under awarded bid so we'll go into staff report Community Development we got a few items tonight Luke cliffnotes version yes mayor much shorter presentation this time around so we have a conditional use permit request for an oversized garage so it's 1,200 square ft at the property address 6063 Stillwater Boulevard North the property is zoned R1 where garages are allowed to be 1,000 square feet and they can be larger through the cop approval process and staff finds that the oversized garage meets the criteria for the cup conditional use permit and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request staff recommends approval of the request subject to three conditions number one is that the applicant shall obtain a building permit for the use number two the structure shall meet setback and height requirements and then number three the the garage shall not exceed 1,200 square fet in size happy to answer any questions thank you council members any questions for Luke all right I look for a motion uh I'll make a motion to wave reading an adopt resolution 2024-the garage at 6063 Stillwater Boulevard North with conditions included in the attached resolution there's a motion is there a second second motion is a second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and 2024 d81 is adopted uh will Brook comons uh Andy thank you mayor thank you Council uh Andrew gsof community development director the item before you tonight is change orders at project budget amendment for city project 20234 willbrook Commons uh before jumping into the item I just wanted to uh commend and uh thank Council and administrator vulker for setting the vision for a really great Park and really great asset to um the city of Oakdale and to compliment the the Willowbrook the Willowbrook neighborhood um that being said there is some business to take care of tonight which is uh approval of some change orders what I'm going to do is walk through uh each batch of those uh change orders and uh provide brief rationale for why they're included and a value add to the project I also have Jonathan Filmore here from srf who's been our construction uh manager out there on site reviewing a number of these so if there are detailed questions we certainly can can bring him up as well um and then at the end we'll explain the actions that are before console today and why they're here at this point so that being said change order one is a $ 38,42 change order and that actually includes a bucket of different items you could you could break those into soil and prep being the first one and that included some work along the wetlands to um regrade and the soil so that under a separate contract with res the Prairie restoration work could could not only begin but could stick and stay there for a long period of time there's additional soil work done for areas under the trail where there was poor soils if that work didn't get done then those Trails could could heave or SN later into the future on the other side of the bucket would be utility based um changes one was moving a fiber Line This fiber line was supposed to be within the RightWay of 40th it was actually uh placed somewhat South within the pond RightWay um so they had enough slack in there they they were able to move it without having to to replace it um the bigger ticket item um was Rel to uh the plumbing electrical for the um restroom building originally that it's been envisioned as a three season type type building um and it did not have a water heater component um when we went through the Bureau of of Bureau of Labor review which was actually took almost four months to get their review they did require the water heater so there was a change there in the field and that is not just the water heater but then that's the electrical that goes with that that's the valves that's the pipes and things so was the uh driving piece of um change order one uh change order two was adding uh light fixtures to enhance the Gathering Gathering shelter there was light lighting in the original in the original plans but because the sign was uh um delayed from the park naming we didn't we didn't have the part that illuminates the sign so that was that's the add-on for change order 2 change order three is the restroom building uh did not include a metal fascia on the side basically it has a piece of tree treated lumber so when it got put together it just doesn't one it doesn't look like look right and so an aesthetic Improvement to put metal on there but the metal is also going to help with long-term uh maintenance of of that um of that restroom facility um so those are change orders one through three three change order four is work uh done um by by Vite that was really the responsibility of lenar the home builder which is seating and within the boulevards so they didn't complete that work but V's able to do it um within within the time frames allotted and lenars agreed to reimburse for for that change order so Financial considerations change order one through three you add those up that's about $46,000 um that would require approval here tonight um with that the overall budget for the project was 3 million and approximately $3 milon $20,000 so with approval of those change orders this project is still um within that overall budget there's actually approximately about $25,000 that uh or $27,000 that'll be remaining um near the end now we're almost to the end but um pretty confident that that that that number is going to change um so that's one of the actions the other action is for change order four um because this is a a increase in expense but also an increase in Revenue the pth uh being followed here is the budget amendment path essentially amending the budget increasing the overall budget to3 milon 45,000 approximately in order um in order to cover that um I will note too that um you know even with V's uh amendments related to the project that are increasing we do expect an 8 to $10,000 savings that's going to come at the end of the end of the project and that's primarily due to some quantities that going come in underneath and some road work because of the change orders that was avoided that would otherwise needed to be done under underneath uh 40th Street so the third part of the action here tonight is giving authority to for the City ad minister to approve change orders up to $24,999 provided those change orders are within budget and this aligns with City policy and purchasing Authority um so one question you might have is why we're asking for that now when not at the beginning of the project should have asked for it um at the beginning the of the project and clarified what was in what was within our policy because a lot of this work has already has already been um uh completed to date but that being said we want to make sure that right language is in here for the remainder of the projects and we'll learn from that and uh make sure that uh uh future Pro future um Park workor doesn't follow that same path um but that being said we started with a 10% contingency at the completion of the design phase when the project was bid and bids were award that contingency was roughly at about 6% which was a healthy amount going into construction and we've been able to manage that and keep that right around at 3% contingency remaining at the project with the hopes to bring this in under budget so Council can um uh have some money left over to allocate as they as they see fit so with that I'd be happy to uh answer any questions and then as I mentioned Jonathan's here as well Council questions okay I get a motion I'll make a motion to authorize the city administrator to sign and execute change orders 1 through 4 for city project p223 d04 Willowbrook commment Park and approve individual change orders up to $24,999 provided that the change order is within the project budget there's motions there second second motion of second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and that is approved next recommendation make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 04 willbrook Commons park there a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I oppose and 2024 d82 is adopted thank you Andy thank you uh engineering initiate city project 2012-01 I don't want to talk about 2025 yet so can we just like not Brian welcome good evening mayor and counil reest to initiate Street improvements impr 2025 this is a neighborhood that was identified based on age um pavement condition maintenance condition utility condition and uh maintenance costs associated with maintaining this area so we always like to initiate the project this time so we have an opportunity to collect the field data while the weather is still Pleasant before there gets to be too much snow on the ground and then also to conduct the neighborhood meetings and finish the report so that the hearings can be held in January again this is consistent with the CIP that was reviewed by the council earlier this summer so it's our recommendation our request that you consider initiating the project at this time you know we understand that this could change subject to any changes to the CIP that will be adopted by the city council in November with that i' stand for any questions the council may have council members any questions for Brian on the 2025 Street Improvement project all right I'll look for motion make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 20248 3 initiating city project r225 d01 the 2025 Street reconstruction and city project r225 d02 Street overlay program and authorizing the preparation of a feasibil ility report there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and that those two projects are initiated can I get another motion make a motion to authorize the city administrator to enter into a service contract with an engineering consultant for the preparation of feasibility reports to improve the pavement utility and lighting conditions on the aformentioned roadways with the assumption that these projects will be approved in the 2025 CIP there's a motion is there second second motion and second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and City administrator is authorized go authorize yeah okay I don't know what should I what's the adjective there yeah what's the verb uh next oh we have human resources with us tonight oh it's never good when hr's here um good evening to you too mayor and council members thank you for having me Melanie Lee I'm the HR Director I have before you tonight a request to amend City policy p2o regarding our paid time off policy two amendments that are we are recommending the first one is to remove a paragraph that references a limitation on staff taking time off in the first six months of employment we've discovered that that's been a barrier for recruitment um for um for our new employees the second provision that we'd like the council to consider is um cleaning up some language and making some minor sort of administrative changes to how we administer the a PTO conversion program um which allows staff to cash in PTO at the end of the year if they meet certain criteria So within your packet um those details are outlined but be happy to answer any questions council members any questions for Melanie all right I'll look for motion make a motion to amend City policy PE 020 paid time off and you'll leave specifically related to the annual leave conversion provision and the elimination of the proh prohibition of probationary employees using PTO during their first six months of employment you mailed it what did I probationary that's tricky yeah you're good what did I no you you guys got to explain this to me okay uh there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I uh opposed and the policy is amended it's been a long night we're starting to crack I guess so y did I completely butcher that no you nailed it it's a Tong I think we had money on the opposite but there are a lot of PW yes you lot of syllables in there yeah okay uh City attorney Rachel anything for us tonight oh I I we'll talk later oh great okay thank you anybody have any questions for Rachel all right look the other directions cmin vulkar one item tonight thank you mayor and Council um what's before you is um in regards to adopting a recodification of the city code of ordinances for the city of Oakdale um this may not be the most exciting topic I don't know if anybody here or listening or in the audience would find this exciting but Sarah and I do the city clerk and I do so this is a big deal we we um have undertaken this taken this project on with Civic plus it's a vendor it's our um vendor that we use for our website and so forth um to to convert to online code to an online code with searching capability versus every chapter is a separate PDF now and then any updates and every articles for chapter 25 are separate and this is one continuous document that is searchable as a single source and so um we've been working on this long time mostly Sarah the city clerk has done an amazing job managing this project and working with the vendor to take all hundreds and hundreds of pages reformat them get them in the right order get a good index make it searchable Etc ET Etc there's a new link that is included in the materials and it will is it live it is but it will be okay so it'll be live we did post um the proposal for the proposed this proposed ordinance change on September 27th announcing it so what's before you is a request request to um adopt wave reading and adopt ordinance number 930 for this project and I glad to take any questions council members any questions for Chris all right let's hit it I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt or ordinance number 930 adopting the recodification of the city of Oakdale code of ordinances there's motion and say second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and ordinance 9:30 is adopted you do do we need to have a title and summary with that item or no it's within the ordinance in there yep perfect uh Council presentations Andy anything yeah just we've got four students from ton here that came to watch the meeting just want to welcome them and say thank you for coming and being a part of uh local government it's fascinating isn't it yeah thank you for being here uh Jake anything tonight yeah I got two actually tonight which is rare for me um number one uh today we broke ground on uh he hey I got that tough um we BR do you want to read what they wrote for me I I guess I could and then I'll add mail on comop perfect uh earlier this afternoon a groundbreaking was held for our new Public Works facility located at 3200 Granada Avenue North this is a historic day for our community as we have officially begun the process of constructing our first new city facility in over 20 years the new Public Works facility will include 75,000 Square ft of thoughtfully planned space to help our city provide topnotch services to our community it um you know and I'll tell you too that you know when I I'm done on the council in a couple months and when I think about um the impact that what we do up here has on our residents in the city obviously today is going to be near the top of my list in terms of making a difference um and I do want to thank the residents um for their support especially on the local option sales tax um made the whole thing a lot easier for us to handle figure out and pay for so um absolutely huge day um you know for for all of us and all for City staff too everybody that was involved um let's get that built so second thing um and if you have this one too tough uh Willowbrook Willowbrook playground at Willowbrook Commons is now open um drove by last weekend and texted the city administrator and said the fences are down can my kids go play there and sure enough the answer was yes and we went later in the day Saturday and there were probably 25 30 kids there so the memo was out before I saw it um and I did talk to a couple of uh adult residents um and the feedback was unanimously at least from what I heard that well worth the investment and it is an awesome playground so um it's bought and paid for get out there and use it would be what I would say so well I I mean we're still paying the bills but yeah I mean you they'll get paid yeah it's built anyway it's built yes thank you I got a few uh final Oakdale Farmers Market the season is tomorrow Wednesday October 9th 2: to 6: p.m. in the City Hall Parking Lot stop by stock up on gourd squash squash mums apples and more Jake mentioned this will Brook Comin is officially open um but we're going to throw a party this weekend uh so we we uh want to invite everyone to join us at the Grand Opening of willbrook Commons this Saturday October 12th from 1 to 3 p.m. the park is located at 3800 henna Avenue North in the willbrook neighborhood um it is open to the public uh there will be an official ceremony and a ribbon cutting beginning at 1 p.m. we really want people to come out uh stay to play and uh explore enjoy family activities treat some more it's going to be a great event um this park has so many amenities that you will not find in any other Park in Oakdale so that's pretty cool um we are very proud of um how this park turned out and this park reflects the feedback we got from our residents they really decided what was going here so we really appreciate um everybody who helped steer this project and excited to see it now done nominations for oakdale's volunteer of the year are now open each year the city recognizes an individual or group that it's gone above and beyond in their efforts to excuse me to get involved in our community and help others if you would like to uh recognize that deserving volunteer please complete the online nomination form at Oakdale mn.gov uh by October 31st Halloween finally a reminder the city of Oakdale has two questions on the general election ballot to extend the current half half perent local sales tax for five additional years from 2048 to 2053 this extension is requested to cover the funding gaps caused by inflation for two projects the expansion and remodel of our police department and construction of our new Public Works facility for more information about the local sales tax extension please visit the city website Oakdale mn.gov we're going to move into the claims roster uh claims roster September 25 through October 8 uh 1.98 million in change council members were there any claims that you wanted to pull for additional information we look for motion make a motion to approve claims as presented there's a motion is there a second second motion is second all those in favor say I I opposed and the bills are paid can I get a motion to adjourn so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion and second all those in favor say I I opposed we are adjourned thank you and good night