##VIDEO ID:yZJT0qL-IhE## all righty everybody we're going to go ahead and call to order the regular meeting of the Oakdale city council August 14th 2024 Sarah will you take the role please council member her here council member iner britson here council member moram here council member willenbring here mayor zuel here please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all all righty first up on our agenda is the adoption of the agenda or approval of the agenda we have a slightly amended version in front of us council members any changes or Corrections I'll look for motion so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion a second all those in favor say I I oppose and the agenda is adopted next up we have approval of the minutes three sets in front of us tonight wow we've been busy uh first up Workshop meeting minutes July 23rd 2024 council members any changes or Corrections I'll look for motion so move there's a motion as there a second second motion a second any comments all those in favor say I I opposed and the workshop meeting minutes are approved next up we have regular meeting minutes also July 23rd 2024 council members any changes or Corrections I'll look for a motion so moved there's a motion is there a second second motion and a second final comments all those in favor say I I oppose and the regular meeting minutes July 23rd 2024 approved next up uh special Workshop meeting minutes from July 30th 2024 council members any changes or Corrections I'll look for motion I moved there's a motion is there second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and special Workshop minutes are approved as well uh next up on our agenda's public hearings we don't have any in front of us tonight so we will move into open Forum before we open up the floor I have two items of recognition that I would like to tackle uh first up uh let's go with Item B real quick um Dave helper Dave is uh has uh retired from his time on the economic development commission he couldn't be making sure yeah he's not here um he couldn't be here with us tonight but he asked that I read something under open form tonight so from Dave helper outgoing Economic Development commissioner I appreciate the opportunity that the city of Oakdale provides for residents to get involved with the community I have enjoyed my time on the economic development commission and with my fellow Commissioners the biggest benefit for me has been the increased visibility to the staff and seeing how the city of Oakdale is run what I have seen and experience of City staff the city council and the mayor have left me Beyond impressed such a dedicated and talented group that is both both personable and Prof professional it brings me great peace of M knowing that our city is in very good hands thank you for your service Dave helper Dave we thank you for your service to that commission you have been on there and been a very steady and consistent voice for many many years now um as our city has gone through some pretty incredible periods of change and we really appreciate your service and say thank you uh one more item of recognition for Bonnie Wilson who's in the audience with us tonight uh who is retiring from the Environmental Management Commission Bonnie Wilson has served on the Environmental Management commission for six years during her time she provided valuable Insight that helped the city become a state leader in the green step City's program other projects Bonnie contributed to include the adopt a storm storm drain program the city's pedestrian and bicycle plan and an eveve ready Community Study last year Bonnie attended the Brazilian cities and Community Statewide environmental commissions conferenced uh conference to gain greater knowledge and share best practices if asked Bonnie would say the best thing about being the EMC was learning a great deal about our city government and getting to know her fellow Commissioners it is evident that Bonnie is passionate about bettering our community and the environment on behalf of the city council the Environmental Management commission and the city we thank Bonnie for six years of selfless service as the liaison for the EMC for a number of years now I've gotten to work with Bonnie and have seen up close her her passion for this city our environment um her willingness to bring ideas to the table to to make us a better and more resilient city is inspiring and there is a lot of change that has happened in this city that Bonnie has been in the middle of it all so we we say thank you for that uh we have a certificate of appreciation for you oh good I don't have to sign it uh Bonnie do you want to join us up front we can all come down and grab a picture with you I counted three one two three one two three one two three thank you [Music] well thank you for the uh kind words and the recognition um I was really surprised when I joined the commission that it was as interesting as it was um I think I was partly joining because I'm a beekeeper and then I learned so much beyond that so I can't thank everyone enough for educating me in Civic government I loved it and you found your replacement for the commission we appreciate that we got two new Commissioners on there they're ready to roll so thank you Bonnie thank you so much uh we are now under open form this is an opportunity for anybody in the audience if you would like to step up to the podium and share whatever's on your mind uh house rules say three minutes or so um it's typically not in a a conversational format you know back and forth but um if there are any comments made that we would like our staff to follow up on they will do so after the meeting so if you'd like to step on up please feel free okay seeing none we'll keep things going move into consensus motions uh a through G in front of us tonight council members are there any that you would like to pull for individual consideration excuse me Mr Mayor I think you had a citizen it says that they would like to address us so okay thank you I just want to make sure they had the opportunity which they did so yeah okay thank you uh a through G council members are there any you'd like to pull for individual consideration I'm going to pull C which one c letter C so can I get a motion to approve a b and d through G as presented so move there's a motions there second second motion and a second any conversation all those in favor say I I opposed and those consensus motions are approved item C is um filling a long vacant position here at City Hall um I gave Chris a heads up so if this guy's watching he wasn't freaking out or anything but I gave him um no this is just to offer a very W uh very big W welcome to Jake Foster he is coming on as our assistant City administrator um we haven't had one of those since 2017 I'm looking at Lori yeah we were I just started on the council um you know the truth is at that time when we had one it was fine you know and then this the position became vacant and we weren't quite sure what we were doing as a city we're just starting to grow and we've had so much growth over the last few years you know in City Hall as well as around our community this was a a big identified need for our community to have some additional administrative help here Jake is coming to us from Watertown I believe um before that there was another city in Lake Elmo Chan Hassen Chan Hassen and Lake Elmo before that so he is returning to the east Metro we are very excited to have him he will officially be starting in a couple weeks but he'll be lurking around learning all about Oakdale over the next few weeks so we are very excited Happ have him welcome Jake uh I will make a motion to approve consensus motion C is presented I second uh any comments all those in favor say I I oppose and C is approved uh advisory boards and commissions our opportunity to check in with them first up Economic Development commission council member hers there liaison they met on August 7th no yeah at that commission we talked about the park plan uh and uh just the need for getting more of the surveys completed and then got an update on the Brio visits and then that that was pretty much it so good meeting fantastic thank you Noah planning met on August 1st council member iner btson uh I'm going to defer to you mayor you filled in for me I did God what did they talk about Andy you were there too let me see they talked about uh the rezoning the Pud amendments in Oakdale Marketplace the area over by Target andell Fitness um there was a lively conversation about uh Tanner right yeah Tanner was the uh what MWF oh yeah the property down near Fourth Street the tornado parcel down at helmo station for the brt that was the other big topic um we had a lot of residents come and share their comments which is very important and and very helpful for Council as we move forward on those issues so I want to say thank you to those residents um I don't think either of them have been scheduled for Council action yet they're still working through the system so um as soon as we know when those are coming up for Council conversation um we will get that posted if the public wants to join us again so um it was a very Lively meeting uh no meeting for parks and wreck or the tree board so we will move into Award of bids uh one item tonight oh this is a big one yeah awarding the uh Public Works facility bids um who do we have presenting Don welcome thank you mayor uh glad to be here tonight once again I'm Don Tyson the owner's representative for this exciting project and it is an exciting night awarding the bids for the new Public Works facility that I know you've been working on for a long time and it has really been a privilege to work on this project with with you and the city we it's great team and it start certainly with all of you there up there tonight the council and the mayor that have made this possible but also City staff Chris Kevin the fire chief filling in the public works staff the attorney staff and also the team that we have here today we've got representatives from kuss Anderson uh Ken and Eric Ken is going to help with the presentation tonight a little bit and then Matt and Bailey the project Architects from HCM Architects uh Braun Intertech helping us with environmental stuff and then certainly 3M staff have been very helpful making this happen and U the Minnesota Pollution Control agency staff as I've been working on this project uh I asked I asked the experts that have been working on this have you ever worked on a project this complex and the answer 100% of the time is no but this is a great model of what can happen when people work together and come together in the private and the public sector from different agencies and I think the finished project is going to certainly bear witness to that so tonight the agenda will walk through you see here uh just an update on the project site we talk about the bid process the bid results uh update or talk about the guaranteed maximum price review uh what's the project budget look like and then the project schedule and then certainly the recommended conso actions to make this all happen so the project site you've seen this slide before but it's changed you see we've got currently owned by 3M crossed out the city of Oakdale as of last Friday now owns this 9.2 Acre Site up on Granada Avenue all the environmental clearances have also been obtained and those are those two documents you either the environmental Covenant has been filed with Washington County and the Minnesota po control agency's no association determination letter has been submitted to the city and that's a fancy way of saying that if there's any problems in the future in that site 3M is still responsible for it so the bid process and results that we uh go through those quickly uh let's move into those shouldn't say quickly so the process-wise so the project started out by soliciting bids certainly in your legal newspaper but also in all the building exchanges that contractors Monitor and we had an excellent turnout for bids we had 142 bids that we opened on June 20th and all those bids were reviewed then by cross Anderson for compliance with the specs and plans to make sure everything was covered on that so with those great results uh not only on low bids but we also used best value process on three divisions of work the earthwork mechanical and electrical and the reason for those three divisions is those are the most complex components of this project and we wanted to look at more just than low bid so best value scoring was used based on price 51 points out of 100 were based on price so price wasn't a small part of it either it was the majority of the points assigned but also similar project experience have you built a Public Works building have you built something of this size or for the earthw if you worked on a site this complex checked references that they submitted on past projects and then we also did interviews uh we offered interviews to the three low biders based on price and did those interviews and based on those score those scores uh that's how we selected those best value firms in those three areas that Ken will talk about in a little bit all right so moving to the bid results um the good highle picture is that the base bid and the alternates that the council s found as critical in our past workshops fit into the budget and we'll go through those numbers but that was great the alternates that we're recommending are the 22-ft addition to the fleet storage area the 10ft addition would not be needed with that 22t accepted uh build a fuel Island which is not only critical for public works but also your police and fire anybody in the city that gets any City employee that gets fuel uh the mezzanine and the second salt shed uh those prices came in high and we're not recommending those the pre-cast Blake AER black aggregate it gives the exterior building a little bit of a a better A lot better look and so that aggreg is being added the exterior pre-cast paint is actually a deduct because of the black aggregate being added so they don't wash exact uh perfectly but that's a deduct and then that EPDM uh 06 that's basically a alternate to get a thicker roof and at the time we thought a thicker roof would get you a longer warranty but as it turns out that uh both those thicknesses have the same 30-year warranty so we didn't feel uh just for a little bit extra thickness roof and no extra warranty it was worth it so those additions those alternates of the uh bu make the building bigger build the fuel Island Building look a little bit better uh those fit into the budget and this is the high level this is the big picture budget uh figure uh Revenue you see of 31 milon 392 323 and the project expense 31 31 mil 35142 so there's a project balance of positive about $40,000 where that'll go to is just the contingencies if we need it as the as the project moves along so as we go through the bid results um it's not it's it's not like a past project you may have done where you've got one general contractor and you word one bid we actually have 31 contracts that we are going to be talking about about tonight and to try to make it as little as confusing as possible we've got these things in different categories and let me explain these categories that we're going to we'll go through the first is category one is the low bids recommended for award and it's included in the guaranteed maximum price or the GMP is was short so the city tonight you will award that contract and then you assign that contract to cross Anderson so they hold the contract the second type category are the best value bids recommended for award and also are included in the in the GMP so you award it and then Carl stranders will hold the contract and then this 2B is best value bid for award and not in the GMP so why is one in and one's not in K Anderson can't hold non-union contracts so there's I believe five contracts that the city will continue to hold that won't be in the GMP that will see that price but they're in the budget and CR Anderson will still manage those contracts just like they were in the GMP but technically the contract is going to be held by the city category three then uh similar it's a low bid for a recommend for award and it's not in the GMP so once again you'll award the project and still hold the contract then we have uh category 4A where there is a low bid there's two low bids actually we're going to recommend for rejection and rebidding uh for various reasons we'll go through that in detail and budgets are in the uh uh GMP for that and then also a low bid recommended for rejection rebidding and the budget's not in the GM the money is not in the GMP but it's in the budget so you can see how this gets confusing pretty pretty quickly and then there is one category where we didn't receive any bids and we'll rebid that work and there's an allowance in the project budget for that we know what the number is going to come in at and or should come in at so we're comfortable with that allowance in the budget okay with that Ken from Cross Anderson who's been our project manager will walk you through each of the contract bids and like once again there's a lot of numbers but certainly we're glad to take questions especially as as you see these scopes of work what does this scope of work actually mean thank you Don uh good evening mayor members of council I'm Ken Francis with K Anderson uh and I'm your construction manager along with Eric kwam here in the audience as well so as Don mentioned um typically You' just get one bid that you'd be receiving and recommending for award uh what we do is we take the project and break it down into the logical categories that each trade would typically bid on anyway we bid those categories out and then award those Prime for example like the electrical package we'd break that out electricians would bid on that package and then that El elci would become a prime contractor um so as Don mentioned we were very fortunate we had a great bidder turnout lots of quality biders uh which led to the great result that we have today um so we do have a formal letter in the packet of our recommendation for the lowest responsible biders but also wanted to walk through those here with you today and again if you have questions as we go through it uh please stop me at any time uh so the first bid division uh that we call a work scope is the 1j final cleaning uh there the contractor is Midwest specialty maintenance Inc uh they're bid with those four alternates included is $45,988 which was combined concrete and masonry work scope uh that contractor was restoration and Construction Services LLC uh their bed with the alternates was 3,26 676 uh next was was 3B structural pre-cast and Wells concrete company was the contractor uh their bid with alternates was 2,1 185,186 356 uh next was 5B the structural steel erection package by Rodin iron Inc for 339,000 25 um moving on again if you have questions feel free to stop me but I'll move as quickly as I can uh next was 6A carpentry uh contractor was tekon construction company uh their bid with the alternates was 383,000 7f was metal panels that contractor was specialty architectural Systems LLC their bid was 386,000 next was 7h Roofing uh that contractor was berwald roofing company for 941,618 700 next was 8A doors frames and Hardware material uh the contractor was laforce LLC uh their bid with alternates was 154,155 uh the next uh work scope was 8D specialty doors so that's the overhead doors and coiling doors uh you'll see that there is no contractor recommended because we're recommending that we reject all bids and then rebid that uh due to some discrepancies in the bidding documents led to a big variation in bids so we are again withholding that amount in our budget and then we'll rebid that scope at a future date uh the next is 8f entrance is storefront and curtain wall uh the contractor is WL Hall company uh their bid and alternates was 363,462 uh next was 9B tile the contractor was commercial flooring Services Inc or LLC uh their base bid with alternates was 7,148 um and you'll see that's a category three we uh we're awarding it to the contractor but then uh they're non-union so the city would hold that and we'd manage them next was 9C ceilings and acoustical treatment uh sonis interior Inc is a contractor uh that bid in alternates was 32,990 next is 9d flooring sonis interior Inc again was the contractor uh their contract would be 105,000 346 next is 9k painting and wall covering uh the contract would be M nicolis LLC their number would be 30 3,776 next would be 9e the folding partition uh WL Hall company would be the contractor and their contract to be 42315 moving on 11b would be the fuel Island work scope uh the contractor would be pump and meter Services Inc uh their bid and alternates would be 5 151,953 uh the next bid division was 11j so that's the cranes and hoists um you'll see that is a category five again we're holding our budget within our GMP for that amount uh but we did not receive any bids on bid day for the crane and hoist so we will rebid that again at on a future date uh 13f uh so the fabric supported air structure is a fancy way to say in the Sal salt shed um again we did get a bid for that however um again there was some discrepancies with the site being a tight site and Logistics um we're recommending that we reject and rebid that work scope as well um as a team we discussed it uh I think once we get the site graded and we can right size right where that salt shed wants to be and the size and location then we'll rebid it out um again making sure that we maximize your your salt storage abilities um next work scope was 14a Vehicles lifts the contractor was Midwest lift Works LLC uh that amount was $243,900 next was 14b elevator uh that contractor is TK elevator corporation uh that that amount would be a 115,200 and moving on 20a is combined mechanical uh that contractor would be craft mechanical LLC their base bid with alternates was 4,215 1100 uh you'll see that's a category 2A so that was one of the categories Don mentioned that we did the best value uh bidding process with 21A uh fire protection contractor is Nova fire protection Inc their contract to be 227,00 next is 26a Electrical uh the contractor Lake Town Electric Corporation their their contract would be 1,640 th000 um again you'll note that as a 2B so that was the best value but it's also a non-union contractor so City would hold the contract uh next was 31a earthw work and utilities uh the contractor would be Rachel Contracting LLC uh their amount would be 3 milon 63 37,600 um again you'll note that as a best value bid next is 32A Asphalt Paving Contractors Northwest asphalt Inc uh their amount will be 369,000 and then finally getting to the last slide U the the last couple CP divisions here so a 32 D1 is sight fence contractor would be American Fence Company of Minnesota Inc and their base bid with alternates would be 365,000 um then the last one here is 32f Landscaping the Autumn Ridge Landscaping Inc and and their amount would be that um any questions so far then it kind of leads us to the last slide just doing a preview of the guaranteed maximum price so all the contractors that we noted that Carl serson would be holding uh would be included in that guaranteed maximum price of the 24, 383,899 so with that um I know there's a little bit more here I'll turn it back over to Don but um again thank you very much you thanks Ken well like I warned you there was a lot of numbers coming your way tonight uh when you pull them all together let me paint the high level picture for you starting with the what's the project size so you can see the different phases from the very first concept that was done all the way tonight to the GMP award and the good news is is we actually are higher than the square footage that we started with uh the concept design and very close to the schematic design which little bit more detail uh and that's of course with the addition of the alternate of the 22t uh vehicle storage there moving on to uh project cost so as Ken just said the guaranteed maximum price award is that 24, 383 980 and those projects that are not in that GMP that 2 ion8 and change there is what those add up to we then have the city contingency of going into this project of the $487,000 and that's before that other $40,000 of balance so round numbers a little bit more than a half a million dollars for project contingencies uh change orders that may will happen and then soft costs of a little bit over 3.6 million and those are items all the engineering are the architecture permits furniture for the building technology for the building uh those things are in that in that soft cost category moving to the revenue detail and and two changes to this slide from the last time we met are in the reimbursements and the Watershed grants the great news is the city got two Watershed Grant two grants from the Ramsey Washington and the uh uh South Washington Watershed district for the brine tank system which helps the crews Public Works Crews use less salt on the roads uh so that's a great a great Grant and so that 140 8,000 uh in Revenue was not on the last one so that was an increase and also the reimbursements that we'll be getting from 3M that number's gone up a little bit and mostly because now we've got bids and have some of the other numbers refined and so it's a wash because as those revenues went up also the cost number went up but if the re if you go back to a past PowerPoint and you see all the revenues gone up a little bit it's from those two categories so once again you saw this slide earlier the project is balanced with those revenues we've got and with your actions tonight to award along with those alternates according to the Cross Anderson letter and jumping to schedule we'll leave the we'll leave the the dollars for a while so tonight you award the project and we'll be working then with City staff to have a groundbreaking probably late September seems like that's teen up to be a good time frame certainly would work with you on that uh we're notifying contract October 7th is the start date and that's when we would start finishing the earth work out there some work might start sooner uh to dry the site out a little bit but we're looking at 12 months of construction and have a ribbon cutting facility opening opening in November of 2025 which would be absolutely fantastic so moving to recommended console actions to make all this happen that we've gone through tonight there's a resolution before you that's going to award the B division contracts through the K Anderson recommendation letter stated August 13th it also reject the bids for specialty doors division 8D and division 13f fabric supported structure it'll approve the amendment that you have with the CR Anderson's agreement Grant it'll approve the cross Anderson guaranteed maximum price Amendment dated August 14 2024 I should probably just read what I typed and then it'll assign contracts to cross Anderson except those bid divisions 09 B 26a 32 D1 and 32f as we've discussed those are non-union contractors and the city will hold those contracts so with that Council certainly glad to take any questions and uh that you have thank you thank you Don um City administrator vkr is there anything you'd like to add to this before we open up for Council questions you know thank you mayor councel first of all you know we started this project actually they started this project before most of us were here they started talking about it it has um you it was interesting to watch the square foot change there where went it was up at 9,000 to begin with but we're talking 1819 and then it came down more realistically and now we're back up so thank you that is due to your commitment and and um your your response to staff saying we really need that mezanine we really need that indoor storage Etc so the quality of the materials on the build building there the pre-cast there will make a difference difference from what you what we had with the lower grade so um these are all very long-term this is a very long-term building 30 40 years I think the 3M um has been a very good partner for us they have um delivered what they said they would deliver they have turned over the land we close on Friday we're really grateful they're going to continue to be responsible for the um any any further if any mitigation but the cleanup is done it's been certified by lots of independent certifiers or um um people Minnesota Pollution Control being the biggest one um staff is very grateful for the the changes that um we've been able to work into this we do have what we're calling the Dream Team here between the architect and the um architect HCM and then cross Anderson I've worked with them and especially cross Anderson before and we couldn't ask for a better team so we're going to have a great project and and it's a lot of money though it's a lot of money for taxpayers a lot of money for the city $31 million so I don't want to understand score that it's really important to note that so thank you is what we have to say to you uh council members any questions you sure I mean there's so many numbers we could poke at well mayor if I could real quick 142 bids seems like a huge response and with the city looking at Future projects for police for City Hall is there something you did to find that many people to bid on these projects well as as Chris said you have a dream team and this is what Carl Sanderson does they they have relationships with all the contractors in the Midwest and they make sure they know that there's this great project is out there so it's my experience my career it's one of the advantages of using a construction manager like K Anderson is they help you get great bids good well it's great to see because you get the expertise and you get the competition which is good for the residents yeah thank you thank you uh council members K get a motion I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024-25 Waring the bids for city project b224 d01 construction of new Public Works facility and authorizing the mayor and City administrator to sign and execute the kuss Anderson Construction Company guaranteed maximum price Amendment dated August 14th 2024 there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments I'll make one um Chris you said it so well this has been a very long road um I remember when I first came on the city council in 2017 taking a tour of the Public Works facility and I was blown away that we had water sitting in the air ducts just because that was a design flaw back when that building was constructed seeing how we had outgrown the space how it no longer suited our needs and thinking of the journey you know we've all taken in the last God knows how many years you know from getting our residents and voters to approve the local opan sales tax to fund this project you know all of the conversations about what this building needs to be um to serve our our community and our residents needs it has been an incredibly long an eye openening Journey um and the end result is the largest capital project this city has ever had um that will serve our residents and our visitors for decades to come so this is incredibly exciting um we have so many tremendous people to thank for getting us to this point um and there will be even more to thank when this project is done and we cut the ribbon on the damn thing um but you know it's a little ink on a piece of paper today but seeing shovels go in the ground and walls go up is an incredibly exciting era for Oakdale um so I offer my thanks to everybody who has been a valued uh part of this thus far um but there's a lot a lot of work to be done yet so um it'll be exciting to see so thank you motion second my rambling thoughts uh all those in favor say I I opposed let's get shovels in the ground let's go uh thank you Don uh staff reports Public Works uh oh crap we got a change order already Authority can't make that up oh who wants to present this one may I'll take this I'll take this one again to start it with but yes so the next item is to give the city administrator change order Authority for this project there's going to be change orders that's just a necessary part of projects with a cons you just saw Ken go through 31 different divisions of work so you also will have many more change orders just number wise because of that so for example if you want to move say we decide we need to move a door that could be a change to the to the door contractor the carpenter contractor the flooring contractor the electrical contractor the painting contractor so one CH one decision could end up with five six seven change orders for those individual uh contracts and that's what cross Anderson will manage so we we don't go crazy trying to keep that straight but the number of change orders with construction management projects is greater just because of that that the way it works we also need to balance a few things we need to have timely approval of change orders otherwise project gets delayed and then that in that creates Ripple effects down the line and also it can affect the budget because things can get more expensive if suddenly there's delays that contractors see out there but you also need to balance this with thorough review of change orders and the process is in the industry is with construction management is very well defined uh once we know that okay we've got to get a price for change order those prices are reviewed by the project Architects by the construction manager uh by myself and once we all agree it's that's a it's this is a good price this is the right thing to do that's when we would make recommendations to the city and in this case it' be the city administrator to approve that change order so to balance those things have timely review timely decisions and keep the project moving and protect the city budget uh the city administrator does need approval Authority for change orders and the recommendation is that they uh that Chris been given administrator approval to approve any individual change order up to $100,000 provided it is within the project cost and the approved project budget that you had tonight of 31 m392 so any change order greater than 100,000 or causes the project cost to go above the budget you set tonight we would have to come back to the council we would come back to the council for your consideration of that so we we looked at some different agencies what they do and we thought $100,000 was a sweet spot especially based on the size of the contracts for the individual contractors and give Chris enough Authority so the project isn't delayed but also protect the budget and provide transparency and accountability for the for everybody council members any questions for Don any any council members want to volunteer so Chris doesn't have to do this I'm not hearing anybody sorry Chris it's all you can I get a motion I'll make a motion to authorize the city administrator to approve individual change orders up to $100,000 provided the increase in Project cost is within the city council approved project budget of 31 m392 323 related to the construction of the new Public Works facility there's a motion is there a second second motion a second final comments all those in favor say I I oppose Authority is granted uh next is our opportunity to check in with our City attorney Rachel's joining us tonight Rachel anything for us nothing for you tonight good to see you all yeah anybody have any questions for Rachel all right let's turn to our right and check in with our city administrator Chris you got one on the agenda I do this is another a significant um action I think by the council we've been working for years on the local option sales tax we started that in um 2020 with the legislature the final approval for what we have in place now was 2020 uh let's see sorry 2021 legislative session for 2022 general election and um that did pass well there's been a lot of inflation since that time when we first started working with these numbers in 19 in 2020 so um with that we have went back to the legislature in 23 and asked for further authority to extend the time from 25 years to 30 years for a payback um which matches the time of the projects the term of the projects are a 30-year like mortgage like you're building a house as a 30-year mortgage so that matches further um we did ask for a little bit inflationary increase of increases of $3 million on the police facility and $6 million if we do not do this um go if the voter if it does not approve by the voters then it that cost that $9 million that we need extra will be spread um over property taxes to all the residents property tax payers in Oakdale if the voters do approve this um about 50% of that cost will be borne by other people um shopping essentially and buying things in Oakdale so with that we we are looking for approval to put the ballot questions on for the general election in 2024 on the ballot put the questions on the ballot for 2024 for those two items so you've got a prepared and recommended Motion in front of you for a resolution to do so council members any questions for all right I'll look for motion I'll make a motion to wave reading and adopt resolution 2024 66 calling for an election relating to the extension of an existing sales tax and use tax and the issuance of bonds for purposes of the new Public Works facility and expansion and remodel of the police facility and calling a special election thereon there's a motion is there second second motion on second final comments all those in favor say I I opposed and that resolution is adopted uh Council presentations who wants to go first I'll go first council member in btson I just want to wish my number one guys my identical twin boys Logan and Lyndon a very special happy birthday and I want to say I'm sorry to them I couldn't spend the night tonight with them but we did go to Chuck-E-Cheese today racked up some uh pretty impressive ticket numbers in the process um but I just want to give them a shout out um just looking forward to seeing what kind of young men they become so happy birthday to the boys uh anything else to D nope all right Andy I'm already looking this way you got anything no not toight all right how about over here nothing for me Susie Noah you know I just uh want to thank all the residents who came out to do the National Night Out last week uh thank you for coming together as a community and U pulling in your neighbors to come you know hang out eat and and just talk and get to know one another so uh last week I had the pleasure of just jumping around different houses and just getting to meet more of the residents and it was just a great time so thank you guys for doing that um the only plug I will also say is uh just a big shout out to our city staff uh last week we had a chance to recognize our city staff and just want to give them a shout out again for the awesome work that they do for our city so thank you guys thank you Noah uh Noah stole my first one you know thanking our residents who participated in uh night to unite um I to went to a number of parties um it's always so cool seeing our residents come together you know stand on the street mingle with one another you know I went to one they've been doing it almost 15 years now um and you know with new families and new residents coming into the neighborhood they find it as a great opportunity to just build those relationships and get to know to know the new people um I mean we had parties in every corner of our city um it was so nice seeing our residents interact with our police and firefighters um just getting to know City staff and built building those bonds um also just they had a lot of good feedback for the city you know some positive some negative that's that's how this this goes um but generally just a just a lot of general questions of where they can find information and you know when they do have a question who they should reach out to you know that's what that's what government is for to help or elected officials are for to help connect our residents to those resources so a great opportunity it was so nice seeing everybody we had perfect weather not like last year where rain right before and it was hot and steamy it was beautiful out there so thank you to everybody that uh hosted a party on August 6th uh a reminder oh yeah I guess it is Wednesday today uh Farmers Market is on Wednesdays so it was earlier today um but it'll be back uh next Wednesday in the City Hall Parking Lot through mid- October um I saw some corn out there now so we got some of those late hot summer uh vegetables arriving which is awesome um we have outstanding local vendors all kinds of sweet treats produce flowers you can get your knives sharpened I mean you can do everything at our Farmers Market it's awesome so the recreation team does a great job at you know Finding vendors for that every single Wednesday 2:00 to 6 p.m. in the city hall parking lot uh at the next Farmers Market on August 21st um the city will have a little Community Booth uh set up out there and you can provide feedback on our Park system Plan update we've been talking about this for a while now but it's a very very important opportunity for our residents to provide feedback on what uh what our Parks should look like could look like will look like um you know this is the first time in a very very long time that we've taken the cohesive look at all of our city parks and amenities that our residents and visitors want to see in our city um so if you're out of the farmers market please take some time to stop by provide your feedback if you can't make it to the farmers market you can go on to our City website um and right there on the homepage you can find the survey we are accepting comments until August 31st um so please go weigh in in on parks in your neighborhood parks on the other side of town that you might go to um it's a good opportunity to to weigh in uh finally a plug um we are always looking for people who want to come join us here at City Hall if you are interested in getting involved but just want to make a small time commitment um our advisory bodies are a great opportunity for that we have openings on our Economic Development commission and the Environmental Management commission right now um but even for the other commissions like parks and planning and the tree board you can put an application and if a chair opens up we have you in the hopper so um it's just a really good opportunity to to get involved to weigh in stay in touch with what's happening in our city provide valuable feedback the city council we all really appreciate when our commissions give us that feedback um commissions meet eight times per year most meetings are an hour and a half maybe two hours sometimes so it's it's a small commitment but it makes a big impact you can learn more and apply on our City website Oakdale mn.gov so if you are interested or if you want more information reach out to any of us we all serve as Liaisons for all of our city commissions we can tell you what they're working on um and talk about ways that or ideas for new work that they could be involved in so um we're always happy to to chat about their work as well bills we got to pay some bills we have a claims roster in front of us July 24th through August 14 in the amount of 2.1 million in change council members any questions on the claims roster I'll look for motion make a mo make a motion to approve claims as presented there's a motion is there a second second motion and a second final comments all those in favor say I I oppose bills are paid can I get a motion to adjourn so move there's a motion is there second second motion a second all those in favor say I I oppos we are adjourned thank you and good night e