##VIDEO ID:vwAG4rHzifg## good evening everyone and welcome I'd like to call to order the November 18th 2024 meeting of the Oakdale Environmental Management commission very glad to see each one of you and to those watching thanks for joining we'll begin this evening with our roll call of commissioner members commission staff leaz on Hannah Dunn will now take roll Hannah chair gerding present Vice chair ditt present commissioner Brendan commissioner fener maker present commissioner lash present commissioner Yang present great thank you also to uh joining us tonight in addition to oakdale's um Community Development staff is our city council liaison Oakdale mayor Kevin Zell um next item is to move to our Pledge of Allegiance so if we all please rise together to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all great moving towards uh approval of tonight's agenda everyone received a copy prior to the meeting so assuming no amendments or further discussion on agenda items I'd like to ask for approval of the agenda for tonight's November 18th meeting of the EMC can I get a second second all in favor of approving tonight's November 18th EMC meeting agenda say I I hi opposed great thank you next up is our approval of minutes from our October 21st commission meeting last month as these minutes were also sent prior to the meeting and assuming no amendments changes or discussion I will ask for approval of the minutes and a motion to approve them for the October 21 EMC meeting so moved can I get a second second thank you all in favor of approving the October 2124 2024 excuse me EMC meeting minutes say I I opposed great thank you excuse we will'll now move to the public and open Forum time of our agenda and invite any Community member members present to join this space at the podium and the microphone okay seeing none we will now close the open forum and move to our EMC review section of the agenda and specifically old business from last month beginning with a review of our 20124 Washington County Recycling Grant and I think historically this grant has intersected pretty well with our annual work plan and it's grown in Impact over time uh we were all kind of sent a a status report in the memo prior to the meeting so I'll invite Hannah to walk us through this yes thank you the memo in the packet provides the EMC with an update regarding the 2024 recycling Washington County Recycling Grant and invites conversation about potential projects for 2025 overall 2024 was a successful year with lots of communication going out via social media and the Oakdale update regarding waste reuse and recycling other Grant activities included hosting pumpkin recycling drop off at City Hall providing trial kits and compost pales for the food scraps pickup program to Residents purchasing six dual stream waist bins for willber Commons park to increase recycling access in our Park system and hosting a fall city-wide collection event looking forward the city will apply for 2025 grant funding to support recycling reuse and waste reduction projects the city usually receives around $50,000 in funds with 25% going to Capital expenses in years past the city typically includes a couple of projects that are geared towards education about Recycling and composting therefore in the memo two potential lowcost projects listed for 2025 are again promote residential and Commercial recycling through simple highlevel education and promote composting as a means of waste reduction the other potential 2025 project listed in the membo is to continue increasing recycling access in our Park system current ly only two parks have um recycling so um uh you know City's committed to installing dual stream waist bins in all parks and this uh Grant is a fantastic fit to um support this effort since um dual stream waste bins are not cheap so this grant can help um fund that effort at this time I'd like to offer the opportunity for Commissioners to discuss the 2024 outcomes as well as potential projects for 2025 um it's important to keep in mind that we can apply for up to four projects great thank you Hannah opening this up to commissioner input and discussion and that's an open call for 2024 outcomes or 2025 ideas can I ask you a question about the collection event um I know we hadn't had one at least not in the last year when we we did one this year what's the thought of having one every year versus waiting because if you put it in the plan and you get the money does that cover having it the cost of having it so is that Nob brainer yep so um the project team that worked on the fall cleanup event still has yet to go to the city council to report out the outcomes um and I think then we'll get further Direction about whether we'll continue doing that um that would be an easy one I think if they would if they it's there's positive feedback Yeah question on the 2024 have we had feedback on the Dual streams that we've already installed yet anecdotal or I have not heard any anecdotal um when we had the grand opening event they were being used um so I had you know firsthand knowledge that uh they were being utilized um other than that I haven't had a chance to talk with the public works Parks operation staff to see how that's working out um so getting their feedback about that will be really helpful for Rolling Out Future Parks excuse me may I ask a silly question yeah okay as the new person um could you just explain to me what a dual stream waist bin is yes um probably can't see it very well in the back so it's got um a um opening for just regular trash and then one for recycling so right now most of our parks are just um one opening all the recycling ends up in the trash um so this um through clean River recycling that's the company the vendor we bought those from um there's great signage um and the you know the track trash side is black and the recycling side's blue so it's quite obvious which one's trash which one's recycling um and there's um pictures of examples of what can go in each side so and how much do each of those trash cans cost us depending on how big you go um through clean River they are between $1,500 and $2,000 a piece W okay thank you do we have any metrics or outcomes from our pumpkin pickup I don't know the Washington County just picked up the dumpster last week and they haven't had um well they haven't EMA emailed me yet with the tonnage so I'll reach out to them okay we've got time before the applications due so over the next couple months when we don't have meetings if things pop up always free to email me okay other comments on the grant Prospect of or what has been done I guess the only thing I would suggest is um not Reinventing the wheel do do you have access to what the other communities are submitting so you can read theirs and say oh that's a great idea we should do that too I mean we have quarterly recycling coordinator meetings for the Washington County community so I know other communities um I don't know if they have a recycling and reuse specific newsletter but I know that um they use some of the money to um have their printed newsletter a lot of communities have used the grant to purchase dual stream recycling bins I know Stillwater did a very big project to increase their access um off the top of my head that's what s fairly similar projects it sounds like there's a few good ideas in everybody's we're not missing anything yeah usually it's a combination of lowcost Education um and then you know two years ago we purchased or last year we purchased um the reusable bags which we still have some of those left over so that um while we don't need to use 2025 funds to purchase more bags that can still be a a project to promote awareness of reusable bags especially the farmers market okay well as Hannah has invited um we can we can process this and send more ideas as we think more critically about what our impact outcomes are going to be for next year but it's been a really successful Grant and fairly I would say stable over time from what we know so yep opportunity to grow access great thank you Hannah and we move to another old business item and a continuation of last month's preliminary 2025 work plan discussion um Hannah did you want to introduce reintroduce memo and tee this up again since discussion about the emc's annual work plan at the October meeting feedback and suggestions were incorporated into the most current draft found in tonight's meeting packet many of the 2024 items were carried over though some have have been removed um the removed items include um sponsoring coordinating and promoting a local ride and drive or all electric showcase this was something in 2024 um but it's been removed because the ecoair will serve as a good opportunity to educate people about electric vehicles um hosting a solar Twin Cities Power Hour has also been removed um looking more into this it appears that grow solar currently doesn't have a solar Group by option for the Twin Cities area so um this item's been changed to research solar Group by programs that are available and then lastly hosting a Citizens Utility Board Bill Clinic has been removed um because again Cub has been identified as potential vendor for the ecoair um so if they're able to attend the ecoair will be a good opportunity um for people to speak with expert advisers about their energy bills um and if they're not if Cub is not able to attend there are virtual call-in Energy bill clinics um so we could just promote those um work plan items that are new to 2025 and not found in the 2024 plan are in Orange in your packet just so they can jump out a little bit more and then just to re reiterate next steps after this meeting we'll have an appreciation dinner with the city council at the February 10th 2025 EMC meeting uh the draft plan will be discussed informally and then feedback from this discussion will be incorporated into the plan and then the city council will approve the final plan at a following regular meeting um I'll Now open up to Commissioners to discuss the changes and provide any final comments or feedback there's still still time to change things thank you for that overview yes Commissioners comments you know this has to do with the 2024 plan but do we have any data on how the um home energy Squad rebates when yes I get quarterly invoices I think there's still lots of rebates and money left so we really got to push promotion on that encourage people to sign up um I think maybe a quarter of potential visits rebates have been used okay I think it was 1500 last month commented wasn't it it had been used it was I think 25 or um or just under a thousand of our dedicated budget to it had been used and the total budget was 5,000 okay 5,000 so I think depending on which visit they got one cost a little bit more um we could get around 100 households to utilize the rebate so we're sitting at about a quarter okay do we know if the people that utilize rebates went forward with the recommendations that I don't know um and I when we had talked with home energy they were able to give us some data though it's very aggregated um so that there's not personal information being shared um I'll have to reach out to them and see if they've got some data that shows you know 10% of the households that utilized the rebate went forward with an energy Improvement project so I'll reach out to them and see what sort of information we can find out so does the grant money for that that program um end on December 31st it when we executed the contract um I believe it was a two-year contract it was either when that date two years from when we signed it at some point last or in 2024 or the 5,000 runs up whatever comes sooner is when so there's another year at least thinking about prioritization for next year um and then I thank you for calling out the things that have been modified or just taken out just because they were either encompassed elsewhere or were enhancing things that would check those boxes um are there any areas that we remov that um were tied to like Grant reporting or timelines or any other things we have to think about I mean I feel that there's so General in scope and nature that it leaves enough malleability for the city and Commissioners to plug and play as long as it still fits the yes Y is that a fair okay the only um timelines or Grant reporting requirements are the Washington recycling Grant in terms of applying and when we get funds and then green steps um green step City reporting that's always due in April um so in April 2025 I'll have to report on 2024 okay but at this point that's pretty we're a step five city so we just report on metrics from year to year and if you improve on X number number of metrics than you are awarded step five again great thank you what's the uh for the additional items for consideration um are those that section wouldn't be part of the plan right it would either either we decide to put them in or not put them in at all correct correct yep so I we um put these in so and these will be good conversation top topics with the city council at the appreciation dinner about um how these fit into either the 2025 plan or future plans um you know they're really important big things that will just need to kind of have a a bit more of a game plan so that's why they didn't get included in 2025 because they're larger a larger lift that we need to make sure we have buying and support for so in the proposed other section for the 20124 I mean 2025 draft work plan I think it's page six of our packet there are the preparation for the comp plan update one is is intriguing because I think in the past this Commission has talked a lot about alignment um both with this commission work and then City goals but then how that Cascades in any direction up down sideways with broader met Council and then broader Washington County and state and Regional and goals so I'm you know in terms of an overlay or a different way to think about our plan and how it intersects I would still be a proponent of figuring out how we visualize visualize that at some point Point um because I know I'm I'm monitoring um Washington County's strategic plan and they just did a 2024 2029 I think push for strategic Plan and there's there's a goal in there to develop a um a natural resource protection and stewardship frame system framework so again as we think about our work but in the broader context of other things um I just just a reflection of I like seeing how we acknowledge how local governments outside of city but still within County we should be all being in alignment together so just a comment on that piece another question are there will there be time to incorporate any early or preliminary um survey feedback I know we just got a survey from Oakdale as residents a randomized survey and or any park system feedback specifically as it relates to our initiatives as we think about 202's work yeah we can certainly the EMC will be kept in the loop on the park system plan the community survey is outside of my scope so I'm not quite sure the timeline on that or when feedback comes out or how that gets reported um but the park system plan I can I had removed it cuz um you know early 2025 is when that I'll be wrapping up and but you'll be kept in the loop as to when um draft plan so I can add that back in as an early 2025 thing to think about Park system plan natural resource Parks maybe even if it's a 2026 and Beyond time frame something to consider okay thank you another thing that came to mind uh is in terms of just general city purchasing does the city have a policy that is lensed with environmental impact in terms of making purchasing decisions for for the city as as we as we think about how to think about purchasing things with an environmental impact we have have a purchasing policy but I feel like there's not to my knowledge anything about we don't have a green purchasing policy that when we make a purchase we should think of these things um I don't know historically if we've ever explored that or if we have any research um I know other cities have them um it's certainly something I can look more into on what other cities are doing um whether Oakdale has looked into that um um certainly something to consider I would be curious yeah thank you so so remind remind me of the um the timeline of how this gets finalized again so we will have a dinner with the council um on February 10th 2025 that'll be our first meeting of the year so we don't have a meeting in December we don't have a meeting in January I um it'll just be an informal discussion over dinner um and then any feedback or items that would get added or removed um based on that conversation that I'll take care of that and then it will go to Council for final approval and then we've got our 2025 work plan so by end of February city council will have approved the work plan so to reiterate we still have a little time a little time okay if we come up with new ideas do we just submit them to you or do I submit them to the whole group and do you can submit them to me okay and then any changes that can incorporate I will then email out to the full group okay thank you other comments I just one more actually I I I actually think that this is a good list and and uh it's it's a great it's a great template and I don't imagine will change very much but as as I think about the different areas of the environment that this focuses on it it hits a lot of things but um and I'm not sure how much we want to put in here I know we have other commissions like planning and and parks and so forth but there's there's not not very much on um you know Green Space or tree cover kinds of things and I was wondering if if um gu entertain the discussion with anyone if we want to contemplate some sort of a um an item on our work plan that deals with that aspect well there's a tree board and I'm not sure where they they start and other people end and how they fit you know Hannah yeah and and like I said Planning Commission I'm sure they have rules about what could be parking lot versus well hopefully yes on all that stuff but um I I I also know that uh just in general you know the the the amount of um green versus Hardscape is Central to a lot of you know environmental aspects of our community and so forth so I ju Just wanted to mention it as as something that you may want to consider some sort of a action here I'm not quite sure what it might be but because because you know we overlap with some other areas but well I think the first question is I would assume a document exists somebody's in charge of that making those decisions if we could even just know what those things are yep that'd be great yeah I certainly I think there's an opportunity to have EMC think about Green Space open space you know there's parks and recommission and they're thinking about green space but more in terms of parks and and open um field space um the tree board uh a lot of their work plan revolves around the spring planting event the tree giveaway um so there's definitely an opportunity for EMC to sit in green open space almost like zoning in a way yeah for the public spaces to be but not necessarily the parks yeah yes the C the Oakdale has quite a bit of city-owned open space wetland just along the roads this you know the sidewalks and the boulevard you know areas that's all you know potential for trees and other things yeah it's a good idea any other comments hearing none we will take the queue from Hannah and get additional feedback to her as we prepare for our February meeting thank you presenting that um next up I think we move to staff commissioner Council liaison updates and I we're going to begin with our month month review of our editorial calendar believe in coordination and when with support from oakdale's comms Department yes um so first up for my updates is the review of the editorial calendar and once we finish discussion on that I have just a couple of Community Development General updates to provide uh the theme in our editorial calendar for November is reuse and recycling um we posted on social media on um November 15th which is America recycles day about Washington County's disposal directory directory so um this is a great tool for figuring out how to properly dispose of difficult items like holiday lights or Furniture um the theme for December is low waste holidays um so we can promote the food scraps pickup program um but if Commissioners have any other ideas for social media especially do with low waist holidays I would love to hear it just to to keep um keep new information not try to reuse the same things that we did last year so if anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them one one thing that I I maybe it's it's more of an information sharing kind of a thing that we could position in a website or or newsletter or something but um we we my wife I should say has has uh started a few years ago um trying not to use any wrapping paper and you know these reusable containers that have to find a place for in the in the basement but um but they're actually kind of kind of cool um and I I don't know we maybe there's already some kind of thing in our in some of the communication we send out to just households and whatnot but um it actually works pretty well and you know having been the guy to bring the bags of discarded wrapping paper and stuff out to the trash for many years it makes a pretty significant difference so what did you say you used your wife uses well are they the are they the bags no these are um we have bags but she has these boxes so they're like nesting so you have like a box like this will have you know seven different ones in it and they're each a little bit smaller and they're hard and they're just um U you know you you just put a top on it that comes with it and you have eight little boxes to put stuff in by now um there's plenty of little two Tim labels or whatever so those get recycled as well yeah yeah we started doing that too in our family we started using the bags the cloth bags that you get Michaels or whatever we've been using those for the last two Christmases trying to phase out wrapping paper as well I think it's good idea I didn't think about that so yeah yeah makes a big difference and it's true when you have two or three bags of just well especially if you have toys that are in big boxes yeah exactly paper yep hash green gifting yeah the whole thing why not yeah it's a great idea and they're very very very well meet reminder sheet or Tip Sheet that other agencies or cities or organizations might have so to commissioner D's Point why not why reinvent the wheel if we have something we can just share it comes from the city green gifting use that any other ideas if not I can move on to um some other updates um as planning for the Eco Affair starts to ramp up I'm hoping that Commissioners can brainstorm some creative ways to reach residents and groups regarding the ecoair um we don't need to discuss it now but over the next couple of months when we don't have meetings um it'd be great if all of you took some time to think about specific groups or people to reach out to and Target and ways we can do that of course the city will um promote the event on social media and in the Oakdale um update newsletter but um we just want to make sure sure that we're reaching a casting a wide net in terms of um letting people know that this event is going on um so next couple months as um we have a break just shoot me an email whenever about um ideas and then a reminder that um at a summer meeting we determined a schedule for Commissioners to clear the drains that the EMC has adopted in Walton Park uh and City Hall parking lot um so if you've had a chance to get out there during your signed month please feel free to email me with an up update or you can share your experience during the commissioner updates and then lastly the parks system plan is progressing along nicely the project team has been to two Council workshops this fall to discuss the summer engagement and receive initial Council Direction on concept plans for all of our community Parks neighborhood parks and then a few other special use and natural resource Parks um the goal is to have all of the concepts finalized by the end of the year and return to an early 2025 Council Workshop to begin discussions about cost estimating prioriti ation and funding um I will continue to keep the EMC in the loop and share when there's a draft plan to be reviewed any questions about those updates or other things going on in the city I don't think so thank you commissioner updates I just have one I was drains I am drains for November and I went um the day the day before election day so Monday and um I mentioned before the meeting started that um I clean the drains but my only question was when the leaves were going to be picked up by the city folks because it's the parking area because any leaves in the entire parking area end up next to one of the drains once it rains or the wind blows so I picked up a lot of stuff but that was my only question is kind of what was the schedule if somebody was going to come and do it anyway or should I go around the whole the whole zone I'll talk to Public Works and see if well I mean that was the only but I I cleaned them and that's what I expected was leaves so that's when they had started falling there was still plenty on the trees and you know it's the season so I'll get more clarity from public works on their schedule so that we have a better idea in the fall when the leaves start to drop how we should maybe plan around that the good news was there wasn't trash though or non you know organic material that was very very nice to see yeah no kidding I brought several buckets anticipating you know paper and plastic and then natural stuff that didn't didn't occur so that was good was good great other commissioner updates hearing none I would we can move to the last update section of our meeting agenda and we'd like to invite emc's city council liaison mayor zabel to present the floor is yours Mr Mayor good evening everybody whoops there we go uh first and foremost welcome Laura oh thank you we are very happy to have you here on the EMC one seat away one seat away from being full strength which is which is our goal we want to get that last chair filled so um you know as we we all know the EMC has a lot of work um coming up and well currently and coming up and so having a a full board um would be a great thing to have so if anybody knows of anybody that would be interested in serving that chair on the end it's open so please feel free to make recommendations uh this past Tuesday the city council met um couple items of note first and foremost um one of the responsibilities that that the city Council has is serving as the canvasing board for um local election results um so in a weird Quirk we didn't have to have a special meeting we could do it at a regular city council meeting so we canvas and certified the 2024 election results a big congratulations to Carrie Moore and Gary Severson for being elected to the two city council seats um also a very big thank you to our residents for approving the local option sales tax extensions overwhelmingly um I think one passed with 68% and the other one 71% so um those two authorizations from our voters will help close the funding Gap um on the two Capital uh building projects that we have uh going on and coming up um so that is definitely a a big side of relief to to get those also we promise no more sales tax questions so we are done for at least the next 25 years it's not going back on the ballot so uh that is a good thing as well um the other thing of note at our city council meeting on Tuesday the city had um signed the development agreement for the Tanner Lake Parcels um you may remember it was the old toes and Blackie s um as well as Harmon autog Glass the city acquired them in 2008 2009 2010 kind of around there and we've been sitting on them we haven't been able to get them developed for 14 years um we have um found a tremendous developer who will be turning it into uh Town Homes and Apartments um we are very excited for that there will also be public amenities a boardwalk along the lake some Shoreline restoration um and a boat house that'll be um a rentable Gathering space for for residents so um that that project is moving forward it's a bit of a unique one that it involves the city Economic Development Authority which is also the city council the city and then a private developer so kind of a three-way agreement but we're keeping our lawyers busy working through all those contracts so um we hope to to keep that moving forward the developer has indicated they wouldn't mind breaking ground on it yet this fall if weather cooperates so we will see but if not then definitely in the spring uh two City Council meetings left this year hard to believe but um just two meetings to go but we will be busy um left on our to-do list for the year adopting the property tax levy and finalizing our 2025 budget if anybody got their mail today your property tax um estimate I guess was in there um that estimate is created using the preliminary Levy the city council had to set back in September we are pleased to report that we have been able to trim that down a little bit further um but overall you know we'll be looking at a 5.9% uh tax levy increase pending adoption by the city council in December um but if you also turn it over and look at it on the backside we are a lot lower than our neighboring cities um we honestly believe that that's for many reasons but um the city's emphasis on paying down our debt our debt our debt service paid will be um dropping again next year which is good um so that just frees up the pressure on the property tax levy by not having to pay interest on the credit card as much so that is something we are incredibly proud of I think it's the fourth straight year that our debt um annually is dropping so lots of good things happen happening there Our Truth and Taxation uh meeting or hearing will be on December 10th so if any residents have any questions about our budget um please feel free to attend then it starts at 700 p.m. I believe yeah it used to be 6 P p.m. and I think we bumped that back so um if I have that wrong I'm sure there'll be a Facebook post to correct that later but it's just a great opportunity our you know our finance director does a lengthy presentation of everything that's in our budget um we open up the floor to any residents or any attendees to ask any questions um and it our staff does a really nice job breaking down where every dollar of our property taxes paid goes so in full transparency we want our residents to know what what their money is going towards so um December 10th great opportunity to come and check out that presentation that's it that's all I got a lot going on but I am happy to answer any questions you may have quick question about the development South Oakdale by Tanners um yes and I can't quite recall for those of us that were on the bus tour I've already forgotten can you share remind us like what kind of environmental things you were consider you're talking about at least with developers well or is it too sooner well so stepping back I mean you know we we know a lot of the environmental issues that that site has had just being a crumbling asphalt parking lot so we're pleased to get that all um I don't want to say fixed up cuz they're not fixing the the parking lot but getting that you know impervious surface removed um limiting storm water runoff into the lake that's obviously a big area of focus um and a lot of that Shoreline restoration is pretty important work so the city adopted a shoreline ordinance I think two years ago um in partnership with the DNR to really set some firm parameters around how adjacent Property Owners interact with the shoreline how the government or how the city government regulates access with that that Shoreline um a lot of that will help with water quality in Tanner Lake awesome thank you any other questions and is there any uh uh where where's the plan listed is it on the city website for the development for the development itself yes so um at a few me I think two meetings ago we the city council approved uh two site plans for different building layouts configuration Heights Etc um the big difference there was um just site access so there was some um negotiations still going on for the developer to get access to certain Parcels of the site um so the city adopted two site plans to give them flexibility depending on what happens and wouldn't have to wait for you know another city council meeting to come back and get that approved um so the site plans are out there the development agreement should also be out there it should be in our last Council packet so um anybody that wants to see the the repayment terms on the land sale the the payment schedule Etc it's all out there for the public to view do you know how many units of um housing they're talking about oh Town Homes I want to say 15 I will get back to you I don't want to just pull a number out of thin air partially because we have a lot of buildings going up and I don't want to pick the wrong one so uh for some reason 128 sticking my head Hannah's not that sounds right it does yeah we will get you that number absolutely yep any other questions uh for that development has there any talks between the city and the developer about any environmental friendly um development also like electric charging vehicle So within the city code um there are parameters around um putting in um EV stations Etc the city I don't believe requires it um but we do have the the zoning param in there if a developer chooses to do so so that was something that the Planning Commission tackled a few years ago just to to create that framework to allow developers to do it um in terms of complying with the building code Etc so um the pieces are in place if the developer chooses to do that but the city as far as I know does not require it any other questions can I just ask you one other question about the development so I'm visualizing it um and you said it's the toes on the lake right right that that side is it like Denny's y um is it am I on the right side you are okay okay yep so uh Lake View Terrace condos the uh red brick building along the water it'll be just to the west of that um in the asphalt parking lot there and then it actually extends down to the South more along the lake so between the condos and I believe it's the livein hotel um Parcels there too so it's it's a very odd shaped parcel and it was actually I think three or four Parcels originally that are being conjoined together for this project is that why I don't know is that why it took so long to maybe have an interest in that lot ofation there's a lot of quirks there so there's a sewer M that runs right through the heart of it that was always going to have to be relocated that was a cost um you know in my time in city government we've had hotels uh medical office space a wide variety of projects come in um and inquire about it start going through the process it's never come to fruition um there was actually one parcel there that was still privately owned that the city did not own so that complicated it further you know whatever developer would come in would have to acquire that parcel as well um yeah so a lot of a lot of quirks and then um being on the lake just the the water table so you know typically a developer would be looking at you know you know substantial underground parking Etc that's a challenge there being next to the lake so um just a lot of quirks that had to be accommodated in order to make it feasible but the developers got there congratulations we are very very happy to move that project forward and get some taxpayer money back from the acquisition cost so uh any other questions wonderful thank you everybody thank you and this brings us to the end of our agenda for the evening our next meeting of the EMC will occur on Monday February 10th 2025 at 7 pm in council chambers if there's no further discussion I'd like to call for a motion to adjourn tonight's November 18th meeting of O Tales EMC so moved a second second all in favor of adjourning tonight's meeting say I hi posed great meeting is adjourned thanks everyone you