##VIDEO ID:CTT-PRjNT9Q## e e yeah meeting call to order this is the burough of Oakland Municipal meeting held September 10th 20124 meeting at 7 o'cl call order would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertise and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for pledging leaders Council P would you lead us to the pledge of ALG thank you I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all please stay standing for a moment of silence also like to remember all those victims of 911 the anniversary 23rd anniversary is tomorrow bece thank you with the clerk please call the rooll councilwoman goo here councilman mccan here councilman Pig matelli here council president Sani here councilman cinski here councilman talamini here all right moving on to the mayor's report I got a couple items here uh first of all the Patriot Way Bridge update for this month I'm happy to announce that span one and span three are currently have been removed they're down uh they're currently going to start working on span 2 which is the section that's over the river uh all the Bridge Fabrication is now complete in Ohio and the new bridge is ready to be shipped here to Oakland so once the other Bridge comes down they're going to start rebuilding the other Bridge right away uh tennis courts uh I'm sure everybody's noticed the tennis courts uh we are now they just finished milling and Paving so the paving is complete it's going to take about 30 days for the uh Paving to set once that's done then they're going to put the coating on it and paint up the the courts they should be ready sometime mid October uh Franklin a Paving just so everybody knows uh they finished the curb Cuts right in the concrete work so we expect the paving to begin whenever the County's ready do this but it will be completed by the end of the month so Franklin a will be done also Yao Avenue I know that's another Troublesome Road here in town right now our Engineers are currently working on the engineering for that uh just to set expectations we are not going to get to this till the spring but with the engineers doing all the work so we will be ready to execute that come to Spring Paving program for the burrow and really that's all I have for now and also I just want to remind everybody school is back in session so please watch out for the school buses and the children that are walking as on going back and forth to school that's really all I have have do I have a motion open to public so moved have a second second all in favor I name name and address please Mike guino 34 Hopper Street and also the recreation commissioner Recreation chairman there's been some discussion lately about a situation revolving uh the football program and playing on the Jewish holidays now when the season first began oob August 15th to be precise um when the season starts I kind of send some messages reminders to people I ask to kind of be mindful that the Jewish holiday and kind of just work around it to their credit right away they said to me that schedule's been put out league is very difficult for changing things the uh the home team was going to be fair was going to be fair on and that to change things might be a little bit little bit difficult dicey don't think they be able to do it I said please see what you can do because Oakland has always I will stand besides this front of this that Oakland has always supported our residents i period so they said they're going to work on it I says well you don't really it's it's going to get kind of messy as we get closer school's back people are back people taking notice what's going on and uh some stuff started started online I got some emails I don't really want to talk about the people who said these things what the different conversations were some of the things that came on all directions but we put personalities aside what went on here what we're going to talk about is um what's right and Oakland As a community so with all this stuff going on I said you know what let me call the Franken L the fairon uh Rec director just just get idea what his ideas are see what's going on just see what what his thoughts are so I called Franken Lake's Rec director up this is this morning I called him left the message had a meeting he called left a message for me I called him back soon as I got on the phone with him he goes Mike Mike Mike before you say anything I apologize to you I just found out my football coaches so wasn't our football coach their football coaches didn't let them didn't let his resurrect record now I apologize I my for my football coaches I not look that far far into the calendar there is no way we're going to play on on yam Kipper there's just no way we're going to do that I'm going to move these games I'm I'm ask he started asking me about dates and whatnot I said I said let the coaches figure it out so we left it at that now back to I let I let our football program know look faon agrees they're don't want to play they're going to move it so instead of playing Saturday night they're going to play Sunday they're goingon to play 14 hours later it's not going to be like to play some other time you're going to play Sunday all day Sunday the Jets are playing Monday night the Giants are playing Sunday night so it's not affect any Miss what C your Giants there still seem to be a lot of unsettlers do this other towns do that I don't care what other towns do Oakland inspires to be better Oakland aspires to be different we take the lead and as a community we should really do what you're right I don't care if there are five Jewish kids I don't care if there 10 Jewish kids I don't care if there are 10 Catholic kids I don't care if there's one Muslim I don't care if there was a Muslim holiday dis involved with but rondom doesn't affect this then we don't then doesn't affect it so therefore we don't we don't don't do it this was a nice compromise Fair worked well with us Fair actually said there's no way we would been played anyhow we found said we' have found this out we would have called you up and said look we're moving the games so the games are being moved and Oakland I'm proud to say Oakland Recreation and Oakland As a community does what's right and then what's right is to honor and uh support our our friends our neighbors into whatever their holiday is whatever it is religion is takes takes present over children playing football take children playing baseball president overall that schools are off so um I just want want to thank uh football folks who worked with me here thank the Frank Lakes uh give say Frank L Fair Rec director and um I think we have nice compromise here I think things will go well M guad thank you so much for clearing that up good thank you very much appreciate it thank you thank you thank you evening mayor and Castle Frank Raco uh 51 lak Shore Drive um in the rml Crystal Lake uh Lakefront homeowner um so I wanted to just come here check in again with the town um revisit some of the things that we've been talking to the town about and trying to work with uh rnl on um in uh in recent months uh so first um as always I'd like to thank the town for its continued attention and and support and and working with uh the lakefront Community to try to help us navigate this sticky situation that we are still in and particularly um in agreeing to help us out with you know trying to get a loan from the state through the dam Loan program um I do want to ask if if there's an opportunity uh whether the town has has passed a resolution or anything to kind of like make that official but I certainly appreciate the town's continued help with that um having said that I do want to also remind the the the buau that you know the loan application even with the town's backing is not a guarantee right it's not a guarantee that we're going to get the loan if we do get the loan it's likely to be several years out um there was recently a memo that was issued by the state um that said you know they are finally this year going to start funding some of the loans that were applied for several years back right and and any loan applications that go in this year are certainly not going to get funded um this year right we're looking at several years and even with those several years it's it's still a maybe so we are still very very concerned about how we are going to deal with the major Financial issues facing rml particularly in light of the fact that rml um as many of you have probably heard the news they've moved forward with a shareholder vote they voted to begin to allow uh homeowners to to De Annex which is something that our Lakefront group supports we would like to people to be able to D anex from from rml if they wish um but in all of our meetings with rml thus far um there has been a a promise that um that would happen only under the conditions that there was a financial stability fund put in place to preserve rml and the way that was going to be funded was through two things that have not really come to pass right one of the main one being they were going to sell Mirror Lake which is something that we don't really want to see them do um and the the other would be um potentially a a loan from the state so both of those things are maybe or ifs or even possibly not um and now rml is moving very quickly to DNX folks um we've kind of lost contact with them I reached out to them recently to have another meeting and did not get a response um so I'm a little bit concerned about um an impending situation that could be very um very very problematic for the lakefront Community um lastly I just I do want to remind the town I I I say this every time I come here but I do want to remind the town of its direct involvement with the rml and the lakefront homes um I know that the town's position is that legally um the town can't you know directly legally help the lake um because it's a private Community um however the town I would like to remind the town that it is directly involved with Crystal Lake uh and near Lake on a daily basis and it does bear responsibility for some of the financial hardships that we are facing there is constant runoff into this Lake there is continued uh development which is going to continue to increase that runoff into the Lakes um we recently we have a new home being built on Lake Shore on the corner of Lake Shore in Mohawk um Adam recently took some pretty upsetting videos during one of the recent uh rainstorms where there was just an absolute Deluge of water pouring down down the front prop front of that property and right into the storm drain goes right into Crystal Lake and you know I hate to kind of keep bringing this up but you know the town charges permits for these these buildings to be done this construction work to be done uh and these people come in and the water the runoff just goes right into our property which we have to then deal with the the results of um and it's hard for me to it's hard for me to handle the town saying well we don't really have respons ibility for a private Lake um when I feel very strongly that the town does share some responsibility um in helping us with so much runoff comes into the lake and that's really why we're facing a lot of trouble rml should be able to De Annex we should be able to maintain the lake with a smaller group with a smaller rml with less shareholders that pay dues but not if this continues to happen and we just need help we need help from the town um it's it's we're not going to survive without it so thank you I know it's not a back and forth but we did pass a resolution on 81424 uh supporting the the damn Loan program that's great that was done thank you very much mayor thank you very much Council you think counil May Char hi 144 high off the boulevard um okay we've been a resident in town since 1977 47 years my husband and I have been active participants in our community for many years years being involved in school scouting coaching Rec programs Etc additionally we've been the immediate neighbors of firehouse number two for the past 47 years during that time we've always had an open and honest communication between the two what follows is an account of an episode Between the Oakland fire department Oakland Police Department and myself on the evening of August 23rd I answered my daughter in the presence of Officer Steven Albert I immediately became alarmed because of thinking okay none of my family is home who's this about only to find out he was there for another reason he informed me that the Oakland fire department had filed a complaint with the police department this thereby requiring his presence at my door he was dispatched to act upon the complaint officer Albert conducted himself with the utmost professionalism I must indicate as he relayed the contents of the police complaint I was told that we were not to use the fire department parking spaces as our parking lot further it was stated that they regularly Park a light blue truck up there I was then instructed to remove the vehicle within the hour I informed the officer that I did not have keys and I would have to wait until my husband returned please be advised we do not regularly Park our vehicles at the fire department admittedly yes the pickup truck in question was parked next to my mailbox facing my driveway with the tailgate portion one quarter into the first of 10 available unused parking spaces had I been given the opportunity I could have explained that there was significant damage done to my driveway and that it was already under contract for repair in the past 47 years there have been a multitude of incidents and behaviors that did warrant police involvement however we chose not to take official action instead we had the appropriate conversations with the individuals involved we've been subjected to behaviors such as loud unruly meetings inappropriate language picnics parties celebrations unsightly dumpsters garbage rodents unmanicured grounds and reckless driving the list remains extensive under those circumstances we never filed in a police report report even when there was ample reason to do so we've also provided snow removal and Landscaping over the years we have been outstanding neighbors I am displeased and unclear why this simple parking incident required an official Complaint instead of a straightforward phone call home visit or face-to-face conversation to resolve the matter my husband attended the meeting on August 26th for clarification of this matter he was notified by those present that they had no prior knowledge knowled of the complaint who its author was and zero problem with the parking after conducting further investigation I discovered that the official police report in question was in fact not filed by any of company 2's officers but was instead completed by Frank dep Penta his some of his responsibilities are indicated are public relations and Treasurer his performance in this matter has impacted both areas of these respons responsibilities the behavior will have far-reaching effects and has affected poorly on the officers General membership and the department as a whole we have always held our fire department in high regard for its Community involvement and the dangerous work its members perform we have also maintained a positive working relationship with the members of the Fire Company 2 for the past 47 years our association has been built on mutual respect and open communication this incident could been handled by utilizing these successful past practices eliminating the need for this forum this evening we must question the protocols wisdoms and motivation behind filing an official police report for a simple minor violation these actions are objectionable and counterproductive in gaining and maintaining public support and fostering positive public relations further they may promote an atmosphere of negativity which can impact all future fundraising and efforts of donations thank you for your time thank you are you going to be here for the duration of the meeting if I'd like to talk to you afterwards sure thank you hi my name is Nikolai Carlson I live six derum away Oakland New Jersey here uh this is the fifth time I've been before the mayor and the council in regards to a conspiracy with rocketeering by police and Psychiatry by fraud and misrepresentation now I've been complaining to the Municipal Court almost every day both outwardly and on the phone with absolutely no admittance or admonition of any type whatsoever so I was wondering or and I'm asking not just the mayor but the council whether I have any civil rights with this conspiracy going on thank you Mr Carlson I'd like to uh or I would like that I'd like to possibly make a meeting with either the mayor or someone in the council that can discuss it further thank you Mr cron than evening everyone um my name is car Rodriguez M Oak Street sorry what was your first Carla Rodriguez 9 Oak Street thank you so here just to discuss what um Mike had had touched upon regarding our rec program and the holidays I obviously am not Jewish I do respect everyone I completely do but um when it comes to a schedule that has been already made for months and parents have already been advised such as myself that my son is going to be playing on a on a Saturday is a little frustrating cuz I've already made my entire like I have seven kids and I like I have have to know things within a time frame and it's really hard for me when things get switched like this not only that but the high school both the high schools Ramapo and inan hills are also playing during this this celebration they are playing uh I believe Ramapo is playing Saturday night and Indian Hills is playing during the day on on Saturday Friday night Saturday night the holiday and uh Sunday I spoke to John Duncan about it this has to deal with drinking that kind of stuff so I discuss it after okay I believe I believe the holiday is Sundown which rameno plays Friday night and it and it's all the way up till Saturday you aspire to be better I know we do but let's Inspire to be better more time so I I do understand that we were inspiring to be better and that's completely understandable but you are uprooting now the schedule of dozens of people you're not uprooting just one person it's dozens of people you're uprooting their schedules I understand I completely understand and listen moving forward this should be a lesson for the rec program and for all the rec programs that they have to look at the calendar but you can't tell so many parents we're not even talking about the football program the cheer program you're talking about all these people that are now not going to be able they're going to have to switch their whole schedules around because of this and and again I am not against the Jewish holiday I'm all for it but again this decision should have been made with ample time not because somebody is pouting or Screaming or whatever and social media it shouldn't have gotten to social media it should have been something that should have been dealt with during reg meetings there's regular commissioner meetings every month I've attended I don't see any parents there so if someone has an issue they need to be there no one's there so now for for that one person who complain online everybody's schedule to change to me is a little harsh to me is is a it's a bit much I understand but to me is a bit much cuz now you have to uproot so many teams so many schedules so many parents now have to reschedule all their things to try and pick for this and it's just not fair to everyone else thank you Mr hi Katrina Larson 71 spere Street um I too am here to discuss the football issue it might seem so silly it's a kids wreck program um but it was a lot of nonsense via social media and if it was a real issue they should have come to a Rec meeting a council meeting something that we can all discuss it there was no discussion as of schedule changes you know Mike said uh he got wind of it and got emails and he called fairon person there was no discussion amongst the volunteer coaches all of the parents who cannot change their Sunday obligations for something that's been set on the schedule for over 3 months there's a lot more to the football program and this woman even said I'm saying woman because on the mom's page um she doesn't know much about football did you say mom's page I I'm sorry I want make sure I heard you okay yeah I'm the OK mom's social media page okay so silly right like this no I wasn't sure that said but it seems like such a small thing and I said I will be at every League meeting with her next year to fight that we don't do this again I agree with it however there are things that have been set by all of these fam there's over a 100 kids in the football program over 100 girls in the cheer program but they can't make it we're going to reschedule this game for Sunday but there was a b game scheduled for Sunday so now the a kids will get to play what happens to these other kids that don't get to play they have we have to figure out another day we take away from a practice we take away for something that for the entire team because of something that came up so it doesn't feel last minute right October 12th is not tomorrow but as far as things that we've already planned for our ourselves on a personal level around our football schedule it's too close people have already invested money people already invested time they've already changed their family D Dynamics to fix to fit the schedule I don't think it should have been changed or discussed outside of a meeting of some sort to figure out how to fix it I aspire to be better as well but I don't think it's fair to do that with without anybody's input I spoke to the Jewish families on our team and one of them is not sending their son and happily not sending them and it's okay they're not mad the other one is sending their son to play on the game and celebrating the next day so it's a personal choice and I don't think that the entire program should be forced to change because one person said something on the 11th hour I think again I'll gladly stand with this person and fight tooth and nail for them for the future but I just feel like things went into panic mode and uprooted a ton of people that shouldn't have been and by the way this doesn't just affect our 200 and something kids it affects Baron's 200 and something kids they're four teams they're four cheer teams and they were planning on senior night that night so what happens to these kids who have played for the last eight years and are no longer getting that senior night they're on the senior day it's not the same that's you know I I just think that it was too much too soon and no discussion we all pay a lot of money to be a part of this program so we should at least be a have a small piece of discussion disc to figure out such a big change so thank you very much I appreciate it thank you Mr Larson hi out of Elin 147 lak Shore Drive um really just here to reiterate what Frank shared I want to thank the mayor and the council for issuing the resolution in support of the Loan program I think to Frank's Point um that gives us some hope but it's a long way off and there is some concern that the actions rml is is taking now might derail some of the things we've talked about and some of the plans we put forth uh we did take the action of officially establishing a nonprofit to help in the process should that be something that uh um offers a a resolution or or solution but um I just really want to compel the burough to continue working in partnership with us um there are concerns with what rml is is doing now in terms of De annexation and what that might mean um again going back to town responsibility if the annexation were to happen you're now looking at more households outside of rml dumping their storm water into allerman into Crystal Lake down damaging our property um the dam Etc this is a pattern that's just been going on for decades and we need to work together to break it and and find a partnership that allows us to maintain these natural assets and make sure everybody's happy thank you thank you Mr hello my name is Marilyn morelo I live at eight River Road here in Oakland for the past 53 years um I have a very bad sense of direction but since I've lived here for 53 years I even know my home now anyway um the reason I'm I'm here is because I have a question regarding the Ramapo um approximately 3 weeks ago at 7 a.m. um I Heard tremendous noises coming from that area over near the train trestle and so finally I just walked over and said what the heck's going on at that point in time these enormous Boulders were being dropped into the water there one after another this went on for several hours so I ended up calling our police station and I spoke with um officer Reed who was just delightful he was so nice he didn't know the answer to my question but he called me back in probably 15 minutes and said the reason they're over there is because they're returning the river to its original state and I thought okay what is the original state I watched them dredge the river back in I think the '90s and I thought now they're putting these huge Boulders into the water does that mean that there are going to be problems with the water because they're refilling the area that had already been cleared so I wondered if you could give me some answers to that M Mela I will reach out to you tomorrow is that okay sure and I'll see if I get some information for you good thank you very much you're welcome uh hello my name is Sheila boand I'm at 16 Walnut Street and like most of the other people who have spoken here welcome to the aquafer of Oakland we are water and somebody better figure it out sooner or later um my neighbor recently regraded and did his property and flooded my yard and and also flooded the yard next door but it went into her pool and then because the pool overflowed it went into her home they recently I got a letter that they're drain putting drainage in on Walnut Street I it's a right of way it has been listed as Walnut Street on the last survey from the town I'm there 44 years I've been shoveling that driveway way for 44 years no one comes in the DPW won't plow it they don't want anything to do with it now all of a sudden they did this whole drainage system because they said well it's Town property wait a minute but the town didn't cause the issue as a taxpayer I really want to know who paid for that because I don't want to be the one paying for that cuz I got flooded and they told me too bad too sad it's not in your house it's your yard you take care of it I also have on the other side a right of way for the drainage off demerist and that floods my yard all the time they tell me oh we can't do anything about that because it's private property wait a minute if one side is considered a RightWay and therefore Town property and could be taken care of why am I sitting out there digging and pulling rocks out and the last storm I had a 6 foot tree come down like a a a log flam with the the roots and wiped out my bridge I have a Japanese bridge so I can get across to the other piece of my property I'm getting very frustrated may I say I'm going to not use bad words I'm going to behave uh that that could be done by the town because it's a town owned RightWay but the town owned RightWay that puts the water into my Brook they can't touch that they can't do anything anything for me because it's on private property somebody make up their minds I I I they wouldn't do anything for my yard I spent almost $5,000 to have a drainage system put in and land and fill it in and all this other nonsense so I'm not underwater there I can't how am I going to sell my house if I can't uh tell people that oh it's not a problem I'll get sued it is a problem it is a problem on both sides and now the uh neighbor on demerist is having a septic pudding and they're above me and that's where the pipe is and they had to make sure they marked the pipe I don't know how what they're doing and regrading their property is going to affect me either I guess I'll find out at the next big rainstorm but my house is 160 years old and I guarantee you that it wasn't flooded for 160 years I wasn't flooded until I won't even go there it's a very long story I was there for almost 10 years never had a never had an issue but everybody is doing things in all different places and I'm the lowest piece of land so guess who gets all the water me and I I it's becoming you know I I I can't keep going out that my my boyfriend is not a whole lot younger and they were're out there moving I had to get four guys from a a contractor to help me put the bridge back where it got wiped out because of this tree now where the heck was that somebody cut it down and left it somewhere near the water up above well you said had Roots had the roots no it wasn't cut down but it was cut it was cut def start oh yes it's yay high okay I call DPW and he gets a little annoyed with me but of course I kind of lifted the fence and shoved it a bit but we couldn't lift it so he came and he pulled it out and he's like well you know well it's private property we're not responsible for what happens here I said well the storm drains I didn't put the storm drains there I didn't put the pipe there and I love it they oh it's natural water well it is it's Springs there are Springs it runs most all the time this much if I to I have videos from years ago I I I just can't even do it anymore it literally is a raging River now where the heck is all this water coming from it's coming from someplace there's storm drains at the top there's storm drains down it's Miss qu some somebody reach out to you tomorrow okay uh I've I've met with I can't tell you how many people okay uh three plus years Mr ymic is telling me well we're going to work something out we're going to figure something out I haven't done anything and I get I have to say I get a little tired of being Cy and complaining I'd like an answer eventually I said if I want to sell my property how do I sell and say oh yeah well yeah that's a mess over there I get taxed on that property what thank you m i i i really would like a solution um if they could put a storm drain there to help her not get flooded how come because it's a town RightWay all of a sudden and they tell me oh it's a town RightWay but it's on private property we can't do anything there need needs to be some kind of a culbert or something put in there and the house will be on the market I'm I'm sure soon cuz they're doing septic work and I have no idea cuz they're quite a ways above me how that might affect me again okay thank you Miss Bo okay Liz Carletta 161 lak Shore Drive um I'm here along with uh Frank and Adam as a a Crystal Lake Lakefront homeowner again thank you to the mayor and Council for passing that resolution in August thank you for your involvement thus far to try to help what's going on with the rml situation I don't have much to add that that these two men have haven't already said I just want to show you that there are more of us who feel very strongly about this we do need help the town you know is using it as you everyone in town and towns Beyond are using both Lakes um for storm water runoff and and you know it's a problem for for us and and other people throughout the borrow as well and uh we're the ones who are going to be left paying for it so so please um do continue to work with us we are concerned about the the quick de annexation that rml is currently planning um and uh I just want to say again there there are three of us here tonight but more of us are speaking on often not everyone can make all the council meetings so I just want you to be aware that there are a lot more of us who are trying to express these thoughts as well thank you so much thank you for your involvement Mr Alin hi Adam El 147 Lakeshore um just to to further on that point and and Liz Shin a light on it a little bit Crystal Lake is is private land and everything's flowing into Crystal Lake and it's private land um but Alman Brook Pond Brook those are public lands those are Town lands um Oakland Franklin Lakes Mawa have used Crystal Lake being there to overdevelop the space because Crystal Lake is there Pond Brook allerman Brook is not a class one designated Waterway like it would be if it went directly in to the Ramapo River because it's not we've been LAX as a burrow in allowing development along the flood plane for allerman and from PM Brook as a town I believe we have the authority and and through new laws to actually tax developers and tax municipalities for sending their storm water our way now I understand that storm water ends up in Crystal Lake but it's done a heck of a lot of damage to allerman it's done a heck of a lot of damage to Pond Brook and if the town continues to ignore developments that are happening through that storm water system it's going to get much much worse um and it'll be Beyond just Crystal Lake and Mirror Lake and and you're going to have a major drainage issue running right through the middle of town um so I really would urge the council and and the mayor to to review the laws that are are now available to you uh as lawmakers as policy makers regarding storm water in New Jersey Jersy um and your ability to collect revenues from commercial businesses from residents from other municipalities for sending that water our way and and ultimately we could resolve this Maybe by getting rid of the dam and letting that River run right through but you know Oakland has leveraged that Lake being there to to build itself over the past many decades as well as other towns so you know let's acknowledge that and let's just take care of it um as a buau and as a county um and as a a flow District member thank you thank you Mr motion to close some move second second all favor I okay uh we're up to approval of M minutes August 14 2024 the motion to approve so move second anybody have any changes I seeing any all in favor I I have to abstain okay do roll call all call councilwoman goo I have to abstain okay from August 14th meeting okay just councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes okay next we have August 14 2024 executive meeting so motion to approved move have a second roll call Council goo councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talini yes okay next we have August 27th 2024 executive meeting do have a second second roll call Council Fredo yes councilman mccan yes councilman patelli yes council president selani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes uh we're going to do the following as a consent agenda and you pull it out if it's required number one authorized Raffa license RL 1511 for our lady Perpetual Help For A 5050 on September 22nd 2024 mayor yes I'm going to have to abstain from that so need a roll call on that one okay very good support the church programs Services 25 Purdue Avenue oakal New Jersey roll call do have a motion to approve motion do have a second second roll call councilwoman go frown yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig matelli abstain council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talini yes next we have authorized raffle license RL 1512 for Bright Stars New Life Animal Rescue for a 50/50 on September 21st 2024 to support programs and services for vet bills and operations of the rescue at holiday ball 29 Spruce Street then we have authorized raffle license rl1 1513 for Bright Stars New Life Animal Rescue for a Tricky Tray on September 21st 2024 for the support of programs and services for vet bills and operations of the rescue at holiday ball 29 Spruce Street we have approval of Boy Scout use of the municipal court on October 10th 2024 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. for a lesson on local government and also we are going to appoint access for all a Barett for the access for all committee a motion to approved so move second roll call Council Willen go Freo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes Council talamini yes all right we have the following resolutions we have 24250 chapter 159 Community energy plant Grant 24251 St that one uh 24252 resolution requesting permission for the dedication by Ryder for the Bure of Oakland Great Oak Park dedicated donations is required by njsa 48 col and 529 we have 24253 resolution requesting permission for the dedication by I'm sorry read that twice I'm sorry 24254 resolution to cancel Capital balances 24255 resolution to cancel Grant receivables balances 24256 authorized hire of utility Court Clerk for the finance department 24257 resolution authorizing Recreation refunds 24258 resolution authoriz a re refund to Red drill Road opening 24259 award contract to bosal engineering for the West Oakland Avenue water main improvements 24 260 authorized contract to Bisal engineering for the Harvard way Water and Sewer improvements 24261 authorized grant grant submitt for agef friendly Grant programs for the senior center 24262 authorized grant submitt for the highlands Council storm water management Grant 24263 authorized grant for telephone system cont contract for telephone system 24264 contribution to the Indian Hills 16th anniversary celebration 24265 authorize refund for taxes for triski 24266 authorize refund of taxes for D vario and 24267 resolution amending contract for tnm Association does anybody wish to pull anything out not seeing any do I have a motion to approve so moveed second second roll call Council woman goo yes councilman mccan yes yes councilman Pig matelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right we have no ordinances tonight under work session the first one we have is Mayor and counsel 2025 calendar I'm going to turn that over to the clerk so she is putting the calendar together for next year Okay so we've laid out the calendar for the 2025 uh we have our swearing in scheduled for January 7th and then uh with the reorg at the same time and the only months we are sticking with Tuesdays twice a month except for in September we are doing the 9th and the 30th due to Russia Shana we're rescheduling the September meeting till one week later and then in November we uh would have been scheduled for the 11th we need to pick to either do the 10th or the 12th and the second date would be the 25th so it's just a matter of approving that you're okay with moving the meeting to the 30th in September to cover not having it on rashash Shana and picking whether you want a Monday or a Wednesday around Veterans Day for your meeting discussion I for the Veterans Day I say move to the MonDay move to Monday anybody else any further discussion not seeing any all right Miss Leen I believe uh we have a calendar stff for next year thank you thank you uh streetscape design standards Mr cin sure thank you mayor uh in your pack you have a revised uh won't quite call it a final draft but I think we're getting close to a final draft uh at the last meeting we presented a number of design options for certain uh amenities uh like the tree grates and bike racks and the like uh this one sort of uh takes those designs puts them into the ordinance itself the verbiage here is substantially in final form with the exception of um some review still of the approved Street treat species uh by the shade tree commission we're still looking for that feedback uh and then any feedback that you have regarding any particular provision uh or uh any of the proposed uh amenities again like the tree grates or the bench design or uh Street lighting details or anything like that and uh we you know hope to you take whatever you have tonight uh put that into final form for introduction at the next meeting I know Mr K we've met several times with our planner and she's G some pretty good recommendations on this uh does anybody have any comments at this point so we can get this on the agenda for next meeting no you know I just want to say you know I I think it's good that we're doing this um planner the planner went over it and and had some some good suggestions and stuff and seems like uh the the more input uh the planet has into this the better R will be and U I think we're moving in the right direction anybody else and Mr C could you just explain process so it comes from us and it goes back to the planning board it comes back to us for final adoption correct right so you'll introduce it it'll be referred over to the planning board for uh the review consistency determination they'll uh do that hopefully at their next scheduled meeting after introduction uh you get that review back uh in their letter uh and then move to adopt at the council meeting after that so not seeing so I guess we're pretty comfortable with that s right Mr Coons if we can get that on for uh next meeting okay thank you uh Mr cun iroise Pump Station contract Amendment uh yeah some of this is just housekeeping items um iry Pump Station contract amendment that is a project that is uh wrapped up there were some delays with uh delivery of materials uh generators and electrical equipment and the like uh and the scope of work was such that uh there's some additional effort expended on construction Administration and inspection so the burrow Engineers asked for a uh small contract adjustment of $2,600 to accommodate that uh Jerome Avenue phase one in Lake View teris storm SE improvements uh this is for uh caci Services projects were actually completed back in December if you remember we had a very tight time frame to meet cdbg Grant guidelines uh so we rushed the them done before March uh and this is just to sort of dot the eye and cross the Kee on the work that they did on both of those projects uh and then lastly the next Community Development block grant uh will be about $100,000 for the rest of the drainage improvements on Jerome a uh and we would like to start on the design work of that because we will similarly have a relatively tight um contract period uh because of the cdbg grant schedule uh so we'd like to get a jump on that as we're still waiting for the final U contract award letter so that will be in a position to go out to bid uh you know in January or or so of next year so Mr we did a substantial amount of work on Jerome this past year so this should be able to complete that that project then and then we can smash full down phase two would complete the entire thing uh if uh that gets done in time for the road program uh and again I think on this schedule we you know subject to the US not getting a uh Blizzard after blizzard during the winter where a contractor can be out working in colder weather uh we would be able to include that repaving uh as part of uh next year's Road program for sure and I believe we did all the water main Replacements down there already water M's all done uh now we're going uh and doing storm sewer improvements as well and also Public Service did all the gas down there don't know if they did all of it I think they did everything they plan on doing right now okay so I just want to get it done once and for all because once again public service will come in and rip up the roads again so and and as you know you know every year we tell them our future plans what our road prog program is uh and then they come in with their own list right sometimes it looks like they didn't bother to read what we said U Mr K that that leads obviously we've been talking in uh talking about the road paving program uh right now at times public service is only responsible for Paving half the road and right now we're looking at the County Road opening permit and Franklin Lakes and surrounding towns and hopefully for uh next meeting we'll have a discussion about public service Paving curb to curb and really amending that Road opening permit Mr it does you know one of the things though even if you read the county uh Road opening ordinance it still only requires curb to Center Line right under certain conditions uh but that's something I think that's going to probably be a major discussion Point anybody have any further discussion or question thank you Mr Crim all right moving on to new business does anybody on the council have any new business uh I have some new business just um concerning the the outdoor Market um in town um we're just having some issues with the Board of Health fees and the the fire fees um they they seem to think they're a little excessive because it's it's a weekly thing and they and they have to they have to pay it continually um they were hoping if if they could get some kind of um maybe an event if they're going to be there for for the whole season season you know one one fire inspection one board of health inspection um it it just uh it seems a little cost prohibitive and they and they they said other towns do things a little differently than we do so that's something that is kind of twofold right uh so the fire fees we can certainly take a look at that internally see what our fee structure is see what options we have under the fire code in terms of uh maybe doing something else uh the health that's something uh that I think the board of health is going to take a look at I think part of it is just we haven't really had this sort of activity before uh I think that there is flexibility there to uh amend the fee structure to accommodate this sort of event maybe be a little bit more user friendly but that's uh an ordinance that the Board of Health itself will need to act upon okay and so um would would maybe uh someone from the uh I guess it would be the Arts committee because they do the the the thing should they maybe attend a a Board of Health meeting I think that would be a good idea okay all right so I'll get back I think they meet the third Tuesday third Tuesday of the month um in the camp teams right and in the barrel Hall uh at the library library at downstairs 6m Library Downs okay third third I'm pretty sure it's the third Tuesday third Tuesday anybody else have any new business yes Mr s a couple of residents reach out to me on haa I know we're doing some road work of this PNG uh is there any responsibility for the clean up of that road work on a daily basis a couple of residents children were on their bike a few times and at night and hit some hit some loose debris and skin themselves so what is the cleanup what is the cleanup protocol for when we're doing work in the streets they are supposed to you know restore it and clean it every day okay you're not supposed to leave a mess where kids can get injured or anything like that so and you said that up on highwa on highwa yes All right I'll bring that up with the engineer all right thank you anybody else have any new new business not seeing any does anybody have any old business just uh old business U how we doing online a with the houses we knocking them down anytime soon Mr C uh yes uh actually we're working on the plans ins specs for that the asbestos uh evaluations were done Drone footage was taken uh we're just in some conversation with the EP over whether some sort of hydraulic analysis would be required because there's a house there that was not part of the program uh assuming we can successfully get over that hurdle uh the engineer indicat to me we should be out to bid in time to have them remov this year okay thank you anybody else have any old business not seeing any uh committee L on reports uh Mr tal uh Lea let's do uh wreck hold on [Music] so hold L I add it here hold on there it is okay so uh roller hockey wrestling and basketball registrations are now open and underway um and just uh I just want to say uh thank you to wreck for for what you do and trying to uh um keep keep as many people happy as we can I I I understand there's there's uh uh we we have difficult situations sometimes and uh we just have to try to be civil about it and um I think in the end um it all worked out and um uh I think uh going forward will it'll it'll be that much better and uh like um I just public events always said just try trying to make the event better than it was last time so if uh if we if we think about it that way with with all our things uh I think we'll we'll do fine and then um and just a quick uh I sat in for uh councilman saliani for for uh public for public events uh uh last night and they and they said thank God we we're so tired of him we wish we wish we still had you well I love you I love you uh but no um I'll let uh uh councilman saliani report but uh they they missed him very much they they were what are you doing here thank you that's all I have Council P tell thank you mayor uh from the senior citizens on uh September 19th at 12:30 p.m. there going to have the October Fest they'll have a live baravarian ban food and non-alcoholic beverages cost is $15 leaves RSVP to the senior office on September 23rd the bus leaves the senior center at 9:15 a.m. for a trip to Wind Creek Casino in Bethlehem Pennsylvania $20 is the cost register in the senior center register at the senior center on December the 5th the bus leaves the senior center at 9:15 a.m. trip to hunterton Hills Playhouse to see a playhouse Christmas lunches included $75 person uh in mind to senior citizens Medicare open enrollment is coming up uh the center is offering Medicare counseling appointments on October 7th and November 18th in the mornings beginning at 9:00 A.M please call the senior center at 20145 7731 to make an appointment also Ariel is um working with uh our borrow administrator uh concerning a grant um to be able to um record and stream programs from uh the senior center um the environmental commission uh they are working on an invasive species uh ordinance uh for plants invas invasive plant species uh they hope to have that to the administrator by the end of October um and that's it mayor thankk you Council Sal thank you Council tell me feels kind word uh from the public events update the next big event would be the trunk Retreat Halloween so there'll be more details coming coming around around that the flood commission also met last night and um just uh they asked me to send a reminder to the residents regarding as leaves are flowing from the trees and clean it please do not blow your leaves off the back where fall into rivers or waterways and streams as it as it clogs Rivers also to remind the people in the reserve and people use landscapers to make sure you know just blowing the leaves down the hill was eventually fall into the river and cause clog stor storm drains and also the uh flood commission is looking for uh anyone isue for one one new member that's all I have mayor thank you councilman okay uh Noki thank you mayor uh from Public Safety uh with Schools starting up again this month the police department would like to remind residents to share the road with bicyclists and pedestrians please make sure to drive at or below the speed limit and watch for school buses dropping off or picking up children and remember when the red lights on school buses are flashing you cannot pass um from the library the opl had a tremendous summer reading program hundreds of residents and literally thousands of books won prizes and enjoyed a great variety of activities and programs it was wonderful to see the community so engaged and they are already looking forward to and planning next year's program as a reminder the opl is open on Sundays from 1: to 5:00 p.m. and will remain open all year um on those days until July 2025 on Monday September 16th at 6: p.m. they will have the cooking club meeting and on Thursday September 19th at 6 45 they will have the opl book club as well as painting for adults uh with Vilma on uh Friday September 20th at um 11:00 a.m. they will have jiggly Wiggly um musical program for children and their caregivers registration is required on Monday September 23rd they will have uh the teen anime club at 6 p.m. and on Tuesday the 24th they will have musical mornings with frand at 11:00 a.m. also a registration is required uh yoga for adults will be starting again in October and they will also be adding yoga for kids on select Tuesdays in October and November details will follow so have thank you Castle woman um so access for all met on September 4th uh their next meeting is scheduled for October 2nd at 7:30 at the senior center there next event is scheduled to be the trunk Retreat to be held on October 26th uh the trunk Retreat is run by the public events committee um and they just uh they'll join them in uh participating um ask as for all would like to welcome Ashley to the committee we uh we are excited to have you and look forward to all the wonderful things we can all do together with you on the committee uh OCC met on 99 I that was yesterday their next meeting is scheduled to be held on October 23rd at 700 p.m. in the council chambers Oakland Communications Commission is seeking everyone's support in the community sponsor your local TV programming today support local access television by becoming a sponsor your contribution will help us purchase new cameras and editing software expand on broadcast capabilities and enhance the the overall quality of our programs all without increasing taxes sponsoring Oakland TV ensures vital communication transparency in government and a platform for Community Voices please go to Oakland nj.org backis television Das sponsorships to sign up today um and two other notes today is uh World Suicide Prevention Day and September is Suicide Prevention month um I just want to remind everybody here you know this is my field uh if you or anyone else is in crisis and just want to talk to someone please call 988 from your phone or text 988 from your cell phone suicide is the most preventable debt we all have a part remember this phone number 988 so that if you or someone you know ever needs you know who to contact it's 988 um one just one other thing we have a bunch of moms here that um would like to speak to somebody and I don't really understand what's going on I I don't um but just maybe if someone can meet with them afterwards that would be that's it that's all I have thank you all right bills to P paid councilman grafo thank you um okay total bills to be paid 1,929 1826 37 so move second roll call Council L Gedo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig matelli yes council president Sani yes councilman sininsky yes councilman talamini yes okay the next Pro Castle meeting will be held on Tuesday September 24th 2024 7 p.m. at the Oakland Municipal Court chamber 10 drive and just a quick announcement uh there's going to be a video airing right after this about 8 minutes long uh it was shot at the during the fabrication process of the Patriots way Bridge so it'll start airing immediately after this council meeting do you have a motion to adjourn all favor meeting a Jour thank you everybody yeah just watch e