##VIDEO ID:LiDaN6tzmC4## e meeting call to order swearing going to this is is September 24th 2024 council meeting would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertised and AD and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 pm. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for the plag of leaders president Sal I to States of America stands na indivisible andice remain standing for a moment of silence please thank you all right so we're going to change going to do are we ready okay okay roll call Mayor CA present councilwoman goo here councilman mccan here councilman Pig matelli councilman Sani here councilman cinski here councilman talamini here make a motion to excuse uh councilman Spina Del second second all in favor I okay uh we're going to go out of order on our agenda today uh we have several celebrations we have a promotion of Mr Don Harvey which is going to be first we have a junior firefighter getting sworn and after that we have some awards for our baseball and softball teams so at this time I'd like to ask members of the Public Safety Committee Mr mccan and Mr cinsky and bring Mr Don Harvey up for please I'm sorry oh we got to introduce a resolution first hang on one second do we have a motion to introduce resolution 24 268 authorized promotion of Sergeant Har have a second second second roll call Council W goo yes Council Mican yes council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman camini yes okay this time let's bring Mr Don Harvey down and promote our Sergeant is the Bible over there where's the Bible it's usually [Music] I don't see the Bible hold on look over there it is Clos where's the podium oh maybe it's on the podium you in the podium oh the podium over there is it in the podium yeah hold who's hold the Bible guys you ready ready hi hi Donald Harvey do solemnly swear do solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I'm I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will and that I will faith F faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties of the office of Sergeant perform the duties of the office of Sergeants according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me gu so help me go congratulations sergeant [Applause] tell good job thank you conratulations sure back up okay one more [Music] at this time I'd like to ask Elijah Di has to come far with his [Music] [Music] [Music] family ready okay I I legeds do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and I bear truth faced and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments and the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people people and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform the duties perform the duties of the office of Junior firefighter of the office of Junior Firefighters according to the best best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] oh did you give him the pH to sign you're all oh wait hold on hold on one more thing hold on did you sign the second page find Elijah come back and at this time we'll take a f minute recess so that we can reset for the softball teams and those that are wish to stay can stay and those that wish to go can go so five minute [Music] recess Elijah come back that's that's for you that's what you signed fine e e e e e e e that's I askot people going to call the meeting back to order at this point this time we have a special celebration uh we're going to bring the girls forward this is uh and I just want to say quick quick announcement here this is coach Neil hirch uh and Coach I understand you're retiring from coaching at this point and you've served 33 years so on behalf of the community but this time let's uh we're going to come down why don't we grab uh Russell Talam re want you come on down real quick so coach why don't you set the stage and tell us uh the achievements that these okay well you girls you remember me you still remember um these girls did a phenomenal job um we started out the year great and we finished it even better our record during the season was 10 wins two losses and then we just ri right through the playoffs we just beat everyone we beat everyone well by the final we what was this like 154 154 in the final that was the only team that beat us besides Ramsey and we beat Ramsay 3 nothing tough game because we always played them tough but you girls did a great job and you got honored with blacks and you got honored with uh your trophies and the trophies I have the picture here and there's no oh there it is huge trophy I hope it's in your room Carly make sure she gives it to you all right I had one two three I had four great coaches and I couldn't have done this without them the team couldn't have done this without them they did a phenomenal job and actually except for coach who's now helping out at the high school these guys are going to be taking over 14U and 14 new are going to be in great hands because they're wonderful coaches um so I'm going to just hand them out in order here Tim coach [Applause] curtain stand up here yeah you're going to have to take a picture J Jason you're going to have to come up here [Applause] Jason Chris [Music] enri Chris not only did all the the pregame and did all the practices and hit he also the pitching coach and we had a great picture and I don't know how you would how good you would have been without your father but you and finally is my aunt Jude Kary you know over the years I've had some great coaches I really have but I have to say that these guys grow like way up there in terms of coaches and what they did for the team and how much they helped me and the knowledge that they had they were absolutely terrific and this this is mine I actually all right now nine of you are here right but there's a couple that are not here um and we'll start off and there's I see Violet isn't here Savannah's not here okay Julie green is not here okay Kat [Applause] cor seren bani Brook curtain now we have two we have two end rights here besides the coach we got JC and we got the last two Reese canciller what do you want the picture what we'll do is we'll have the council people stand up behind them and we'll keep everybody right in front Violet anybody try to give that to and if you can't find them I will mail them I can ma them [Music] got shot should I get with the coaches what we going to move up top you guys will okay there we go one two [Applause] three the next excuse me mayor Camala sir on behalf of Oakland softball thank the mayor the council Rich Rosa we couldn't do it without you thank you all right we'll take another uh two-minute recess so we can bring the boys in and girls can stay if you want to stay other not why you can leave e e e e e e e at this time I'd like to bring coach Michael Lazar and he's going to give away the awards to the auu baseball team coach Lazar what that congratulations coach thank you so what should tell the story behind the your year this year sure so uh a you had a great year uh this is the first year that these guys are eligible for travel baseball in town and uh a lot of seveny olds on the team seven and eighty olds and just again a great season of hard work these guys came in uh started in the spring learned some new positions uh learned the game of baseball hitting off live pitching for the first time and like I said just worked real hard had a lot of success went 10 in one and and won their Championship so great year all right so I'm going to call you guys up one at a time to come get your certificate so uh Jack [Applause] Bailey don't go anywhere Cooper B mu Ryan [Applause] Becker Alexander CAPA [Applause] Michael Daniels Luke Edwards [Applause] Colin Matthew Kangas Ethan [Applause] Lazar Travis marble will Noella [Applause] Wyatt [Applause] Sal j [Applause] s and PJ strews hey coach on on behalf of the burough we also want to recognize the coaches I mean this program is not successful if it wasn't for the parents bringing our children down there working with them the coaches giving their time throughout the season and what's interesting if you look at this days up here every every person sitting up here has coached Oakland wreck at some point in time and we really understand how important it is for the families and the parents and the coaches to really make this program strive so coach on behalf of the bro I want to thank you so much thank you he is yes uh so yeah so can we just thank our our coaches as well so our assistant coaches were uh Keith szer [Applause] Pat coaches come up here okay kind of crunch together just come more this way a little bit so she can take a photo of everybody that's good right there no that's good don't go too far cuz they're going to stand in front of the council members right there yeah [Music] prob everybody everyone's everybody get pictures okay good right thank you guys mayor just quick just guys a you I remember I coached I coached my my oldest son in hu to the championship it was like yesterday and now and now my my youngest son he this was his last year in in wreck uh in wreck uh you Oakland wreck so just it goes by like that guys so so uh congratulations I'm I'm I'm so excited to see you guys here thank you redo the pictures somebody came in late M do we have a certificate I just you want to redo the picture everybody redo the picture leave one guy out can't leave somebody out like that [Music] want to come back in again guys got squish a little yeah Sports [Music] for the mayor [Applause] okay team all right this time I'd like to call Coach TJ Downey TJ's uh listen we've coached together for how many years TJ basketball I like to say our team won more but that's okay it's your house you could say so TJ why don't you set the stage and tell us about the 11 well I Pete comes up with here first because uh we had kind of a Three-Headed Beast of head coaches this year myself Pete and Steve Catalano who's not here tonight but uh I'm not quite as talkative as uh Neil H who gave the first speech I'll get you guys out of here quick but I know I speak for all the coaches the parents were very very proud of these guys um this Core group as what was it 8U is that when we started as 8U I want to say finished I know you don't want to hear this so cover years 1 and 13 as a group in the travel program and we have now graduated as 11U last year they finished a combine 18 and four they were seven and4 in the spring season losing in the semi-finals in Extra Innings mind you could a team that ended up winning it and then we went 11 and0 in the summer so I can't say how proud I am of each and every one of you guys for really really working hard and uh and they and they deserved it they really did so uh Pete if you have anything you want to add I don't know just it's it's a lot of fun to watch the kids grow personally but also within the game of baseball and to watch these guys every step of the way get better and better and and more and more mat sure is uh that's the joy the winning is the byproduct of it but uh to watch them perform and and grow that's that's the core of it great job guys great job I'm going to hand you half of these I'm going to take the other half but you know we uh have some coaches on you want me to give them well I guess you know what let's have uh harut and uh Jay if you're here I thought I saw Jay here is Jay here come on up here and stand with us because you guys are just as much part of this is everybody but uh I'm going to call you guys' names up when you come on up come up uh shake hands on your way down and then line it up so first we got Stevie Catalano [Applause] stand right here next to us Luke [Applause] selento Timothy dlan good J good job conratulations Jackson [Applause] dowy Andrew gusi [Applause] you're up Joey [Applause] Larsson Cole popek [Applause] Tyler [Applause] Roar Cole [Applause] rubenacker Braden Vitali [Applause] and Anthony [Applause] cetti all right that ws take picture you want to bring him down this way a little bit uh no they're going to line up behind them right there so just go towards that end [Music] can't Flex much [Applause] longer I didn't mention con thank you to the mayor and councel and everyone who's made this possible because without all you guys like they said before us we couldn't have this moment and the kids I know and the parents are really really appreciated you don't hear it often I know how it goes but we really do appreciate all you guys and girls thank you very [Applause] much e I think we've got everybody here back all right bring the meeting back into order okay at this time we are up to the mayor's report I only have a couple important messages uh first one is Franklin Avenue Paving um it was weather dependent so right now the new dates are going to be September 26th and 27th for Milling that's from 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and September 30th and October 1st will be the paving once again from 6:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. so just be wary of the detours as they're working on that road uh update on a Patriots away Bridge uh we've got probably one of the the second or third largest cranes in the burough of Oakland right now they're getting ready to install span two tomorrow and once span two is done they will be putting in Span three and then I believe span one so the bridge is moving along very quickly at this point so the old bridge is gone and then of the new superstructure is being put into place as early as tomorrow and that really concludes uh my mayor's report for now and at this point uh do have a motion open to public so move second second all in favor anybody wish to address the council yeah I guess I will again my name is Nikolai Carlson I live six drawn away I'm still complaining about a conspiracy and uh involving Oakland municipal government as well I've uh gone through the courts for months now I've gotten no response uh bankrupt uh I don't know how else to explain the conspiracy of civil rights I don't I don't have any rights so I'm appealing to the council for something to do with the judge or the judge's counsel or probate I don't know quite how to explain it I'm not a lawyer but it's all civil rights and denying access to law enforcement thank you Mr crwon so thank you anybody else wish to address the mayor mayor councel good evening everybody Joseph furio 24 haata um I haven't uh been here since we had that uh small meeting uh a couple months ago and um I wanted to express my uh thanks that you were able to um sign that resolution to uh try to secure a loan for R Mountain Lakes it was uh the right thing to do um you know since that date uh uh rml has uh pretty much said that they are solvent uh they're moving ahead with their de annexation uh hopefully after the de annexation is uh completed um you know a lot of those tensions uh that have been built up uh can go away um I I also uh would like to report um uh we've talked about Oakland lakes and uh potentially starting another organization to take ownership of the Lakes um we have a federal tax ID the federal forms are all completed we need to U make a few more State filings before um the organization becomes official I'm hoping uh that uh it's no more than another month before uh we're at that stage and uh we can have uh some uh serious negotiations we are going to need to um fund raise amongst um the homeowners um the reason being there are going to be legal fees uh uh uh to set set up uh this organization we're going to need uh to have representation just as rml probably will be having uh representation so that's going to be a hurdle that uh some of the homeowners have to uh to face um so far all good news uh keeping with the theme of the night um there is uh one negative thing I do have to bring to uh everybody's attention um as a Mirror Lake resident I was uh informed this weekend that there is a serious developer who is uh looking to purchase the lake and uh trying to uh put Parcels um out there there's an emergency rml board meeting um uh this weekend Saturday at 6:30 location unknown at this point um I don't know um uh what's going on I plan to uh appeal to them and uh kind of say we have um rml financially solvent um a lot of the homeowners uh don't want to take the chance that this goes to the developer and something else happens uh to this Lake in the process I'm sure that's not the position rml is going to take they're going to tell you or tell us uh that they only want to put two homes but uh talking to most people around uh my Lake uh they're afraid of any change um so uh that's something that we have to work through in the next um uh coming months uh but hopefully uh uh come January um uh you know there's going to be uh new people in charge uh the only other um um thing I I wanted to bring up uh today because it did come up in some of my discussions with rml um at any point uh during the meeting that we have um did anybody uh from the town say that um a loan program could not be used uh towards the miror lake dams I don't remember hearing that you know what we'll do we'll have to check with Mr chowski our attorney okay and we'll get you an answer is that fair that's that's fair um there's been some discussions on the back end where I've been U you know people are told we don't know if uh uh funds could be used towards miror Lake I don't remember hearing that at the meeting I don't think anybody else here remembers uh uh that but uh it's something I I would like confirmed I I I will be back in two weeks or be in uh contact uh with either you mayor or um the council or Mr Co to uh find out the answer to that question um the the other um uh issue on my mind is um we do know that the loan program is it's a resolution we have to go to the state the state is um it depends on their funding whether or not um we receive uh rml receives this money uh there have been some public uh reports that um you know a lot of this money has already been allocated um any lobbying effort that you can do with our uh your counterparts in Trenton on our uh behalf to try to uh uh ensure that rml gets this money I want to see this successful the last thing I want to see is something um happens to the dam and that funding is insecured and that would just be a nightmare for everybody it's not uh what anybody wants so any um thing that you can do to advance that effort uh is greatly appreciated not only by the residents but I'm sure uh by the current Board of rml thank you that's it thank you very much thank you for the time anybody else wish to address the council not seeing any do I have a motion to close so move have a second second all favor all right moving on to approval of minutes we have September 10th 2024 minutes to have motion to approve so move do have a second second all in favor or do we need to roll call on this roll call Council goo yes Council in thean yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes uh we also have September 10th 2024 executive minutes have L to approve so moved second roll call Council woman goo yes Council M McAn yes council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes all right moving on to special announcements appointments Raffles uh we actually have 30 social Affairs permits that are going out licenses so we're going to start we're going to do these in chunks so we can move this along we have raffle license RL 1514 for the Marine Corps League which also and they're also requesting a social Affairs permit as well do have a motion to approve so moved do have a second second all in favor I authorized Raffa license rl1 1516 for the Paris Athletic League for Indian Hills for a Tricky Tray and also authorize raffle license RL 1517 for the parents Athletic League Indian Hills School for a 5050 and authorize raffle license rl1 1518 for parents athletic for the pack Indian Hills for merchandise motion to approve so moved do have a second second all in favor next we have Raffa license RL 1515 for the PTO of Dogwood Elementary School for a 5050 we have rafha license RL 1519 for the Oakland PBA local 164 for a poker tournament and also social Affairs permit for Oakland PBA 164 for civic association for poker KN do have motion to approve so moved do have a second second all in favor I now we have these are all for the Oakland Alex we have authorized R raffle license RL 1520 for the Oakland Alex Tricky Tray RL 1521 Oakland alks for a 5050 RL 1522 Oakland alks for a poker tournament social Affairs permit for Oakland El Lodge 2167 for the Tricky Tray and approved social Affairs permit Oakland Elks Lodge 2167 for casino night we have a motion to approve soov a second who approve second second second okay all favor I oh we have to take a roll call on this somebody hasain roll call Council woman goo abstained councilman mccan yes council president saliani yes councilman cinski yes and councilman talamini yes all right we have the following resolutions we have 24269 mayor yes sir I'm sorry uh there's the request from lenar okay all right we also have requests from lar to continue to work on Saturdays for the month of October do we have any discussion on this we move it mayor I would say you know as the weather weather gets cooler uh windows are open all night long um this is going to wake up residents on days that they're not working so I I would say no I'm in agreement with Council Fredo I don't think they she work on Saturday is as you know mayor I do some volunteer work at high school on the weekends and the noise is uh is loud any other further discussion not seeing any do I have a motion to approve not seeing it not seeing any I believe the the resolution the uh it's dies dies on the table okay Mr Cruz would you report back to them and let them know we'll let them know tomorrow okay all right moving on to resolutions we have resolution 24269 uh for the opo a settlement 24270 authorized purchase of rockol 24271 amend contract with bosil engineering for Pump Station 24272 authorized contract bosil engineering for Jerome Avenue Phase 1 24273 authorized contract with basil engineer Jerome Avenue Phase 2 24 2744 authorized contract with basil engineer for Lake View Terrace drainage improvements 24 275 authorized salary increase PW superintendent 24276 authorized hire of utility Clerk 24277 reappointing of acting municipal clerk 24278 authorized Grant agreement Community block grant for Jerome Avenue sewer Improvement 24279 authorized refund of per performance bond for dflp vanven Incorporated 24280 authorized refund Recreation fees 2481 authorized refund Senior Center Casino trip 24282 authorized refund of taxes 24270 authorized refund of taxes 24284 authorized refund of taxes 24285 authorized refund of water payment 24286 authorize refund of water payment and 24287 authorize refund of water payment do have a motion to approve so move do have a second second roll call does anybody actually does anybody wish to have any pulled out not saying any councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes council president s Annie yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right we're moving on to the ordinance so we are this is ordinance 24 code 949 this is the streetcape design standards as you know this governing body's been working very uh we've been working all year to codify the streetscape in the downtown area and I'm sure you're starting to see some improvements with what's going on with papers and the park and everything else like that and it's really a way to really capture this and put it in order to make it a law so that there's no ambiguity when a developer comes in or somebody wants to improve their property they go right to the design guidelines and they just move it along which will give us that uniform look and feel of the downtown area Mr Coons is anything you wish to add uh no just that it's gone through I a number of reviews and revisions and different iterations uh most recently uh the planner and I met with uh Mr when over comments that he had regarding some things like the uh paper design and lighting standards uh and and some other things uh so I think this is ready for introduction uh there is I want to point out that there is a list of approved Street trees in there uh We've not received final word from the shade tree commission uh that's something that may get uh vetted out and changed as it goes to the planning board for review as well um so you may see an amendment uh for that coming back for adoption but otherwise we think that this encapsulate um encapsulates pretty nicely what the governing body is looking to achieve anybody else have any further comments do I have a motion to introduce code 24 code 949 streetscape design standards so mooved go the second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes council president yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes all right the public hearing and adoption will be October 8th actually I have a question um we going to have a planning board meeting before then no October 10th I think there planning board meeting yeah I thought I thought the adoption of this would be at the second one of them yeah so we we have to change the date on that okay oober 23rd is 23rd October 20 24th 24th 22nd what hold on let's make sure 14 hold on hold on people it's October 22nd 2 yes second and fourth right all right so the P just to be clear the public hearing for adoption will be October at the October 22nd council meeting okay work session storm water Control Ordinance Mr Coons or M Kem who wants to take that uh I I think I can start so uh in 2021 the governing body enacted comprehensive amendments to the St water Control Ordinance in accordance with the 's model ordinance in place at that time uh last year they issued a new Statewide General permit uh which is a whole set of requirements that we're dealing with for storm water control you've been seeing some of that we authorized a grant to the highlands Council and the like uh one of those requirements is to adopt further amendments that were uh made to the model ordinance last year by the d uh this really is not discretionary it's something that's required under the permit and you need to sort of adopt the changes wholesale so we provided the model ordinance the changes there uh are in red uh any text proposed for deltion is in red striketh through uh we would just need to prepare an ordinance that encapsulates all of that to amend chapter 20-1 uh of the burrow code and John I don't know if there's anything you want to add uh John had provided a synopsis of what the storm that section of the code uh effectuates and what the major changes were uh in 2021 uh just really quickly mayor um what the new code does is uh obviously makes things more stringent uh now when developers come in uh we look at um one4 acre of impervious Services which have increased backwards all the way to 2004 or any disturbance of one acre all the way back to 2004 uh the previous RS did not um have this cumulative effect also so uh the code now requires developers to consider green infrastructure first that is um seepage pits grass swes and uh things that get the aquifers uh recharged first uh for the runoff from their development also um storm water control measures and their maintenance uh must be reflected in the deed that has always been there uh but now um the DP requires municipalities uh to police that and uh be more diligent in making sure private entities within the burrow are maintaining their storm water uh infrastructure uh two more uh storm water control design has become more standardized there's less ambiguity uh I always used to say you get four engineers in the room you get four interpretations now maybe you only might get two and um I'm sure lastly you've heard of this projected rainfall now when developers design they have to uh design for What's called the year 21 design storm uh so I'm going to avoid in the future referring to things as the 100-year storm because we have the 100-year storm every few years so this is a much more practical um application of rainfall and the rainfalls amount we are getting so uh all all I would say it's a good thing uh for the burrow and for the entire State thank you Mr Kim any questions I I'll be happy to answer anyone from the council have any questions comments not seeing any okay Mr coons get that written up and put it on the put it on the next next meeting okay uh Mr Coons uh men code for fire prevention fee yeah uh this one was sort of born out of some issues that came with launching the uh weekly craft there uh the Arts committee is trying to attract food vendors to the event uh and our fee structure for fire prevention didn't really fit that model of having a weekly event it calls for weekly inspections uh which was becoming uh too onerous it was really sort of uh causing potential food vendors to shy away because of that Weekly cost there's an inspection permit fee of $90 uh which by the way 54 of that goes to the state we get we keep the rest uh so after some discussion uh what we think we can do is basically have the inspection that's required uh and a fee and have it run for 10 consecutive weeks so if the food vendor wants to come there in come for 10 consecutive weeks uh it's good for that period of time and then they would be subject to reinspection if they want to renew for another 10- we period of the craft fair so we would just like to amend the code to reflect that uh we'll come up with appr ver verbiage whether we call it craft therapy or seasonal we'll come up with something uh there that would be appropriate uh that would meet you know meet everybody's needs not sure the practicality Mr K but is that 10 consecutive weeks or 10 consecutive weeks per event for example if we had two different events if they one at the high school they had one at the arts fair that would account for both or would they have theoretically if you had another entity doing something for 10 weeks you could make it apply to that as well okay again I think it's you know we'll we'll work with the burrow attorney on appropriate language there um but you know it's to address the immediate need of the the craft fair actually sounds like we're cutting bureaucracy well it was really just a matter of you know there was never right was for that wasn't intended for that so create something that is intended for that and uh hopefully that'll have the intended effect of having food vendors come in and uh increase the desirability of the event so that's terrific all right Mr co could you have that set up the ordinance for introduction next meeting yep okay appraisals for flood buyout program phase four right so uh as as you may be aware we do have a grant for phase four of the flood buyout program uh that is some properties on Leni Lane in addition to the phase three Len Lane properties as well as some properties on Lakeshore Drive um given the run up in prices uh due to the you know in housing values uh in the recent past uh and some apparent changes with the uh Green Acres appraisal standards where they were kind of shifting from using green acre standards to Blue acre standards uh they came back to us and said hey if you're going to do something that you want to get a certified market value on you have to redo those appraisals if you're going to move forward so we had a conversation with uh Bergen County open space about that and um our our open space Partners the L Conservancy went out solicited proposals on our behalf uh those were included in your packet so uh the low uh quote was from a company called Web appraisal uh they're offering like a 40% discount if they get all the appraisals to do at one time so this would be to basically update everything from before the pandemic uh and then that I think that would give us a better understanding of where we are in terms of phase four and how we may or may not proceed so overall cost a little over $6,000 for for those appraisals Mr K let's say we yeah we do this and we get this program moving what do you think what is the actual time window uh if we actually went and purchased bought the houses out and knocked them down year two years yeah I I I think first off we're going to be a lot more aggressive in removing the homes uh right after closing um but a lot of times you know that can move quickly a lot of times it depends on the homeowner themselves we experience some delays uh with phase three because it was hard to get some homeowners engaged uh even though that they'd expressed interest in a buyout initially uh but I would think from you know once we have those appraisals you you if we decide to move ahead you're then going to have due diligence you know other due diligence actions we need to take phase one environmental assessments uh formal surveys of the properties uh and then start moving forward you know with the closing but I would think that a you know a year 18 months would be a suitable time frame thank you any El have any questions just um with with the appraisal so we're going to um because you were concerned about the price right so so like are we appraising you know 10 homes and then finding out what the price is and then we're only going to buy three of them yeah you know or or are we plan are we appraising ones that we plan on purchasing these were the nine properties that were funded through phase four okay now it may come back when we do these appraisals well that grant funding is only sufficient for six or seven let's say okay uh we don't know how many of those nine May ultimately uh decide to move ahead with the program so that's one factor uh but Bergen County open space has also indicated a willingness to entertain an application if we said hey we have all nine that are still interested we want to file a supplemental supplemental funding request they're they're open to that as well okay thank you anybody else all right Mr Coons what do we have to do to move this thing forward uh just a resolution for contract award at the next meeting okay very good all right does anybody have any new business Mr mccan um mayor um it's been Mr Co when was the last time we had a um Municipal wide traffic study done we had a traffic study done John when was it wasn't Municipal wide it was a for the downtown Corridor itself that was uh based on 22 data um I'm gonna say it was during the pandemic or shortly thereafter immediately thereafter 2022 uh and it was just U to the downtown and uh particularly the issues with uh traffic on 202 in the downtown so but we don't know when's the last time we had a a broad one for the entire town covering all the entrances and exits to uh not within my care here and uh Mr Kem John but but can is it possible to do a study I'm sorry is it possible to do a study tra townwide um to do uh a volume count in in in in not just in terms of the types of vehicles automobiles trucks Etc uh is there is there is there a study like that that we can do I we could uh take information from um police are a great source of information and we could take it from the dot website um to find out um various volumes throughout the burrow that are occurring um purpose of the study uh well we have we haven't had one done okay and it's kind of like watching a lobster cook when you're here you know things are changing and you don't know it and uh you know we we're going into the next round uh uh with affordable housing uh we have a lot of uh commercial space coming uh people inquiring about there's an application now I I believe for fast another fast food restaurant in in in the municipality um so progress is great but we you know I'd rather have some data now uh as opposed to later when you're playing catchup uh on an application or a request from EST state or anything like that so that whatever defenses are that we may need to bring bear uh uh that we have that data available to us and it's fresh and and it's comprehensive it's not just a coridor it it's you know for example you know how many uh 18 wheel trucks come through Oakland now I'm sure it's a lot it seems to me just a naked eye that we have a many Morin even before the pandemic MH so um okay so I think that's that's the purpose I've talked with uh Mr Co about a scope of work for that and uh either he or I will report back to the counsel okay thank you okay sure anybody else have any new business does anybody have any old business I just have uh I I wasn't quite sure where to put this if it was New or Old um as you know we're constantly trying to improve the downtown area and I think we noticed a little bit of a loophole within our ordinance um right now when you come out when you're coming 202 South and if you look at our business district now we've got boats in the downtown area and we shouldn't have boats in we're not a marina here on Route 202 I don't know if there's some way we can address that Mr Coons whether could we add boats to the study we we should be parking boats in the downtown area yeah we can look at that from a zoning perspective okay in Code Enforcement perspective short okay good thank you all right committee leaz on reports Mr talamini uh sure uh so uh the outdoor Market that's on Saturdays from 10: to 3: it's really a great uh a great uh event there's a lot of a lot of um stuff stuff being sold there it's it's it's a lot of crafts it's it's there's some food and thank you for uh addressing the the problem with the the the permitting um uh that'll that'll make this that much more of a success uh they're working very hard the Arts the Arts committee on this and uh it's really been very successful it's uh so Saturdays 10: to 3: uh and then wreck uh uh so wrestling signups end today but but you could sign up for a for an additional fee if you missed the deadline um and then roller hockey and wreck basketball signups have begun and all sign up information can be found at uh oakland.org thank you real quick on Monday October 7th the flood commission will be meeting there are looking for some new members they meet at 7:30 in the senior citizens Hall um also on Monday October 7th the public events committee will be meeting um the public is open to stop by also want to highlight that the trunker treat is on October 26th so you'll see be seeing more information about that for for the children for the Halloween celebration from public events committee that's that's all I have there um no report but I just want to say um congratulations to uh Oakland's new sergeant Don Harvey on his promotion to Sergeant um he's a legacy officer hard worker in the town and uh I also want to say congratulations to all the teams the soft the girl softball team the two uh baseball teams I was really impressed with the coaches who took that team mayor from what was that 173 113 to uh to turning it around in a few years to a winning record um that's you know that's what it's about improving and improving every day and the results will fallen and I congratulations to particularly to those coaches and those boys uh for that kind of a turnaround that's it thank you couni uh just some brief updates tonight uh from Public Safety um in the month of August officers conducted 256 motor vehicle stops and issued 231 motor vehicle summonses uh and from the library the director of the library would like to acknowledge the hard work of the Oakland DPW uh besides always taking care of the building and grounds Jimmy and his team did an incredible job replacing the damaged pillars at the front of the library in addition they beautified some of the other existing lamps and posts out front uh the library Board of Trustees and the director are really grateful for their hard work and dedication thank you Council thank you mayor um just one report from the OCC uh the OCCC sponsorship program is open um and is asking for a show of support from residents former residents and businesses and nonprofits alike who want to support the mission and the work that the television committee bulletin board committee newsletter committee and welcome website and social media social media committee does um if you're interested uh you can email OCC oakland.org or visit www. Oakland nj.org sponsorship dprogram the deadline is October 20th to express interest um and one more thing to highlight Oakland TV is excited to announce that the rebroadcast of the latest ripo Indian Hills Board of Education meetings have have resumed on Oakland TV uh please tune in to channel 77 um for their scheduling at 4:30 a.m. and at 12:00 p.m. on weekends that's it okay I have may one quick point I have a correction on the public events their next meeting is actually Tuesday October 15th at 7 p.m. thank you okay I just have uh three quick announcements number one October 7th 7 p.m. fire prevention week uh down at the OPA Firehouse they do a wonderful job uh you know with the fire prevention program and the poster contest have an opportunity for the young children to you know get involved play with the fire hoses go through the smok house and all there's a bunch of activities down there also on October 8th from 12: to 2: p.m. there is a flu clinic at the senior center that's October 8th 12: to 2:00 p.m senior center for the flu Clinic signs re and signups are required information is online and also we have the blood drive on October 9th 1 to5 once again blood drive October 9th 1 to 5:00 p.m. at the senior center that's all I have and we are bills to be paid councilwoman thank you mayor total bills to be paid 2,993 44230 so move do have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman McAn yes council president saliani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman yes do I have a motion to adjourn so move all in favor you need a second second all in favor hi all right the next council meeting will be held Tuesday October 8th 2024 at 700 p.m. right here in the burrow Council cha everybody have a wonderful evening good night thank you everybody e e