##VIDEO ID:Uggmu6ErHKU## e e e are mes meeting call to order this is the August 14th 2024 burough B council meeting would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced and advertised and posted the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for pledge of allegiance Council P tell would you lead us to the Pledge of Allegiance yes thank you I to the of the United States of America and to the Republic stand one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence thank you all right I'm going to start with the mayor's report um oh sorry roll call pres Council Fredo councilman here councilman pelli here council president Sani here councilman cinski here councilman C here do have a motion to excuse councilwoman CFO motion to excuse councilwoman Alfredo second all in favor I I okay uh mayor's report uh obviously we haven't met in about a month here a lot of exciting things are happening in Oakland uh first thing I want to start with is Paving um the big news is Franklin a is going to be paved uh we had a pre-con meeting with the county and the contractor just this week uh you're going to see the concrete work uh for the sidewalk cutouts that's going to be beginning right after Labor Day shortly after that they're going to commence Paving so Franklin a should be paved by the end of September more Paving uh Truman Boulevard and lenpy Lane that whole area where they did all the public service gas work uh that is going to commence as early as next week we already put up the sign boards down by the Len lane bridge notifying the residents that the Milling will begin uh next week and that'll be followed by Paving as soon as we get the exact dates we will put that on the sign we'll also send that on social media and and to Residents in the area Alam and Brook as you know we've been uh talking about the Alam and Brook for several years now I'm happy to report that work has started to repair the hurricane damage in the Alam br Brook they started Monday uh they currently have machines in the brook and they expect to be working there for the next 2 to 3 weeks Bush Plaza uh the fence was installed last week or two weeks ago uh what we have in the Horizon is the vendor has insured me that the light should be going installed next week uh the flag pole will they're looking at the first week of September and the clock is going to arrive sometime toward mid to the end of September so that we can have a dedication ceremony sometime in October patri way bridge I'm happy to report that the utilities have all been secured uh the temporary water main is currently in service uh they've already deconstructed the old water M that's all been deconstructed and they're starting deconstruction on the bridge um I also took a day trip just to verify where we are where the factory is you know in the process of the fabrication and I'm happy to report that most of the parts have been galvanized uh they're currently doing fitment St enging where they're putting all the big sections down to make sure everything lines and everything fits and uh hopefully uh the next but when they start to deconstruction we'll hopefully see some of the trucks rolling with the new bridge coming in the next could be month or two so things are moving right along uh newsletter we'll have pictures of the fabrication process and we also took some video and we're going to ask the OCC to also put together a short fem minute video that shows the process out at the plant um and also for the recommission I'm happy to report that the the tennis courts have been currently been milled uh right now we're just waiting for the paving to be to commence and uh things are moving right along a couple social issues here we have the Oakland Arts Pavilion Great Oak Park we have another outdoor free concert B is call called till we can't it's going to be Saturday August 31st that's Saturday August 31st from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. and it's a classic rock venue that everybody loves and also I want to just highlight the Oakland outdoor markets been going on for about 3 weeks uh and it's down there be right next to the library in the Valley School it's on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. and they have art makers Bakers Foods crafts Decor jewelry and memorabilia so just you know if it's a nice day come out and support them at Saturdays 10: a.m. to 3 p.m. um that's all I have have a motion open to public so move second all in favor I anybody wish to address the council yeah I guess I do my name is Nikolai Carlson I live six Jona uh I've been before you four times before regards to a conspiracy with the government the local police and a mental health uh I don't get anywhere with the town court I filed this yesterday plaintiff is being brutally transmitted to assault and battery the radio harassment is called schizophrenia by the doctors involved most of the reasoning behind it is my father's this old proprietor of the American Express company and I'm the air and there's quite a few other Property Holdings involved and uh it's difficult to explain but I've gotten no response from people it's why it's called a conspiracy no one absolutely no one has said anything to me in 40 years so it's been uh pretty traumatic so I'm looking to the Town Council to get involved with the uh town court and possibly derive some sort of solution or at least a start to a solution to this situation where I'm suffering quite a few ailments from uh illegal and illicit surgeries in my bedroom and my sleep I've been product hampered I've been forced on neuroleptics basically I've been brutally handled for 40 years for the campaign I was Amplified 40 years ago to hear my thinking that had to do with music so it's kind of a two-prong conspiracy my father's Holdings and my music Creations which can be found in uh case law where there's some Billy Joel David Bowie case law that where I'm implicated as the composer of their musics and whatnot so thank you Mr Caron so I just like that addressed thank you sir anybody else wish to address the council uh William cyy uh 12 Eagle Crest as a citizen not as a TV person um want know have uh maybe you can give us an update next month on the That Sidewalk Improvement on 202 North going forward I know there a section that you guys uh got to work on ni to get that worked on and then I still read the newspaper so I've been following that uh the sheridans crossroads development up in Mawa and they're going from 500,000 to 3 or 4 million sare foot Warehouse lot of uh Hardscape a lot of runoff the runoff there goes directly into the river and we're directly south of where they are um does it behoove the town to get involved to make sure that they're taking care whatever run off on site with the new um waste not waste water but uh storm water storm water storm water run off and things because there will be it's going be a very very big building and there be a lot of Hardscape so maybe we could hopefully avoid some flooding down river did you take a look at the plan that they had just uh what was in in in the in the uh I'm wonder they must have retention basins rather than dump right into the river I don't know it it was just an overall that it was a an over diagram that that the paper put it wasn't the whole diagram I'm sure they have something but maybe we could if if it makes sense for the town to make an inquiry just to make sure all that square footage doesn't run down into the river and maybe our B engineer can contact your yeah just to kind of make sure on the same page thank you Mr thank you anybody else you have motion to close motion to close all favor all okay that approval of minutes July 17th 2024 does anybody have any changes not seeing any do have motion to approve minutes of July 17th 2024 so moved second second roll call councilman mccan obain councilman Pig matelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman T yes all right we've got executive minutes from July 17th 2024 have a motion to approve second if anybody has any comments that has to be made in executive session anybody have any comments not seeing any roll call Council M McAn abstain Council melli yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes Council T yes all right we have the following uh announ we got authorized raffle license RL 157 for the re foundation for autism for the raffle on January 16 2025 to support the programs and services for individuals with autism at 25 potash Road Oakland New Jersey so moved hang on hang on Pat authorized raffle license RL 1508 for the Knights of Columbus Lodge 5846 for 5050 on December 13 2024 to support a Parable Community Affairs at 7 Courthouse Place Oakland New Jersey authorized Raffa license RL 1509 halfway home animal rescue team for 50/50 on December 14th 2024 to support of surrendered animal related expenses at 191 rampo Valley Road Oakland New Jersey authorized raffle license rl1 1510 for the sports Association of Oakland for a 50/50 on October 26 20124 for the support of the Oakland football and sheer at 20 law Drive Oakland New Jersey a point for the artarts commit okay we're going to for for these right here does anybody wish to any pull any out yes which do you want to pull 158 1508 anybody else all right so do we have a motion to approve RL 1507 1509 and 1510 so move have a second second all in favor I now we're going to authorize raffer license RL 1058 for the kns of Columbus a motion to approve sove do have a second second all favor I abstain one abstention one abstention okay uh moving right along we have two appointments for the Arts committee this is a mayor and coun mayor and counsel I'd like to appoint Carrie ogor LAX and Elizabeth gers to the Arts committee some moved second all in favor I all right we also have a request from lar to authorize Saturday for lar developers Mr cin you want to expand on that a little bit uh yeah you have the email from lar in your packet uh they are looking to continue working Saturdays uh they understand the work hours would be 9 to 4: which is the Restriction we put on them when they first came before you uh and they're looking to continue doing that for the remaining Saturdays in August uh and then uh for Saturday in September as well to uh continue work on installing the infrastructure for their project and it's been working out fine uh I have I have not received any complaints uh I know the borrow engineer said he has not received any complaints about the Saturday work thank you any other further discussion do have a motion to approve uh Saturday wor lar some moved second second all favor I okay uh we're going to hold the proclamation for Ben good uh for the next meeting once Miss grafo gets here all right moving on to the resolutions we have the following resolutions 24237 authorized payout for DOA 24238 authorized payout for delator 24239 resolution authorizing approval of the lowp credit 24240 authorized water refund 24241 authorized Recreation refund 24242 chapter 159 of the national opioid settlement 2 4 243 resolution for Crystal Lake Dam 24244 authorized refund of taxes wfs trust Tower doing bus DBW 24 245 authorized purchase of two replacement police vehicles 24246 authorized lean 88 Lake View Terrace 24247 authorized contract Oakwood null sanitary system improvements and 24248 author temporary higher finance office for the utility clerk does anybody wish any to be pulled out please pull out 248 48 24 239 239 anybody else with the exception of uh 24 239 and 244 248 to have a to have a motion to approve so move second roll call Council M yes councilman yes council president yes councilman linski yes councilman yes okay moving back to 24239 resolution authorizing approval of losap credit do have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilman McAn yes councilman palii abstained council president Alani yes Council Miss cinski yes counc tell me yes all right moving on to 24248 authorized temporary higher finance office utility CER clerk motion to approve second roll call councilman mccan yes Council pelli yes council president Sani obained councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes okay we have no ordinance on the agenda for tonight we have three work session items Mr Coons Would You Walk us through the Harvard way water and storm improvements and West Oak have water main improvements uh sure so we had a meeting recently uh as as we do uh to talk about Capital uh work upcoming Capital work and priorities for uh water utility and also related to uh drainage and storm sewer improvements uh and we prioritized where we needed to go with that next uh so both of these relate to uh water main improvements on Harvard and on West Oakland Avenue Harvard is uh 710 ft of transite main that we're looking to replace and um on West Oakland it would be about 1300 linear feet from pool hollow to pton lakes that line in particular I know has had a couple of breaks uh over the years that have impacted neighbors over there so we're looking to replace those uh really is part of our ongoing commitment to re you know maintain our water system and meet the requirements of the water quality accountability Act uh along with the uh um water main work on Harvard we're also looking to install some additional drainage because there is a uh issue with water in the roadway and icing in the winter time that DPW has to constantly address it can become a safety issue uh so we're looking to remediate that problem at the same time as we're in the roadway so uh at the next meeting we'd be looking for your authorization to um get going on the engineering for those projects do anybody have any questions from Mr Co not seeing any uh Mr you want to walk us now through the bush Plaza placard uh sure soest we did both of them I handled both Wendy sorry wait a minute I'm the one that doesn't have his heing hear I say the other one okay sorry about that uh so the Committee created what I think is a a very nice tribute uh you know we're we originally I think we're talking about calling uh the area there at the intersection of West Oakland and yo uh a station par because there was a train station there um but if you go back a little bit further uh the reason there was a train station there was because of this gentleman Mr David Bush who's really regarded as one of the founding fathers the founding father of Oakland due to his Civic involvement uh that ultimately led to the burrow becoming an independent municipality uh so we changed the name to Bush a park in his honor uh this would be a plaque uh that talks about the man and his achievements and his life uh and helps the the community understand the little bit the history of the town uh so we came up with a uh you know came up with text and sort of a representation of what the plaque would look like uh just before we move ahead with uh ordering it uh we just wanted to get any feedback that you may have on it uh make sure you were comfortable with and how would it be posted on a rock or a poll or I know I don't think that have we decided that yet at this point I think same I was thinking more of a stand type thing like a pedestal looking thing where you put it so people can read it yeah that'd be nice yeah something nice okay do you want me to read it out loud yeah I think you should read it okay so it says this park is dedicated to the memory and contributions of David C Bush senior the father of Oakland Mr Bush was born in 1827 in Mawa New Jersey at 21 years old he married Miss Anna van blam the daughter of a wealthy businessman and and a major landowner in central Oakland and in 1952 Mr Bush moved here as there were several Bush relatives already rooted when Mr van blam passed away Mr Bush inherited several hundred Prime Acres of Farmland by being a significant land owner he had the opportunity to run for elective office in Franklin Franklin Township in Bergen County during that period immediately following the Civil War he was elected as the Bergen County Freeholder and for seven years as the Franklin Township committee man both positions allowed him to join the board of directors of the New Jersey Western railroad participating in the railroad building craze in Bergen County his ultimate goal was to bring the railroad to Oakland thereby placing our town on the map and Bush Plaza was the old railroad station in 19 in 1869 Mr Bush approved the railroad with the right of way directly through his farm after crossing the Ramapo Valley Road in 1871 he donated the land to build a railroad station in addition to in addition to the materials to build it Oakland's Railroad and Railroad Station was in the middle of a small farm Wilderness with nothing to serve the local population Mr Bush saw an opportunity and built the bush Stewart Stewart General Store forming the core of the downtown Oakland and which ultimately became the Wigwam at C and A Century later Mr Bush married J Jer Jamina van hton a widow and and in 18677 after the passing of his first wife Mr Stewart was Mr Bush's grandson and co-owner of the store the future Oakland was considered a Backwater of the county of the township of Franklin Township and Oakland was treated accordingly our roads weren't paved our one room Schoolhouse was dilapidated our town taxes were high in 1894 the state law passed permitting any contiguous group of residents to secede from the township without incurring the prop proportional Financial liabilities a meeting was held at Bush Stewart store and the dedicate decision was made to petition the New Jersey legislature to secede from Franklin Township it was granted and we became an independent burough on April 2nd 1902 also Mr Bush selected the name of our community to be Oakland and helped others and helped establish the Oakland volunteer fire department beautiful okay everybody's good with that y okay we'll bring that forward um that's all we have under uh work session does anybody have any new business not saying anything old business old business how are we with the pla for uh the OC for Fred for Fred Fred bur where I will respond so I will respond for her we are at the point where the group has approve the verbage the layout we're just waiting for a hero salut to send us um a sample of the verage of how it will look without all the other stuff on it and then as soon as that's done we'll be ready to move forward as soon as the OCC votes to approve it which I assume they'll do in their September meeting okay probably that's fine thank you any other old business not seeing any uh leaza reports we'll start this time Council thank you mayor uh from the Green Team uh they are hosting a styrofoam drive on Saturday uh September is it 14 late uh septe September okay yeah pretty sure was September 14th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at One Municipal Plaza bring your clean dry non-food contact styrofoam packaging with no ink markings or tape to the drive uh for recycling they really could use a lot of help with this drive and are asking for volunteers to assist with this great event uh first Sunday hikes uh continue and the next hike takes place on September 1st at 9:00 a.m. the group meets at 67 Skyline Drive the event is free and you can re reserve a spot on eventbrite.com the group continues to seek volunteers to join the team so if you're interested in joining this great group contact the chairwoman Ellison fle at Green Team at oakland.org uh from Public Safety in July um our police officers conducted 429 motor vehicle stops and issued 468 motor vehicle summonses wow good job PD yes um and then from the library I have uh the summer reading program has concluded and once again it was a great success I'll have more details on the program at the next meeting at the end of August the library will have kindergarten kickoff this is a wonderful 3-day event in which children heading into kindergarten participate in a craft and story and story time this allows the children to meet some of their future classmates in a fun environment their Creations will then be brought into their classrooms and hung on the wall so that they are there on the first day of school there are three days uh there are days for each of the elementary schools Mano on August 26th Heights on August 27th and Dogwood on August 28th each school has two sessions one at 11:00 a.m. and one at uh 1: p.m. parents can register their child on their online calendar or by calling the library they still have a few sessions of yoga and watercoloring painting so again uh register online or give them a call that's all I have thank you coun no report coun so DPW little report this week uh just just a reminder both public events and the flood commission are off for the summer but we are looking for members in both in both committees um so the public events committee meets on the second Monday of month our next meeting is September 9th at 7 pm in the senior center and the flood commission our next meeting is on September 9th in uh Senior Center at 7:30 pm so please if you're interested to reach out and on behalf of flood commission uh Mr Coons I want to thank you for your help with getting this project along with Alan Brooke um I know some of the members have been waiting for over two years three years to get this project moving so thank you for for your effort help us push that through yes uh the Board of Health uh did uh did not meet in July and August uh the environmental commissioner will be be meeting in uh September again and uh that's it councilman uh yeah just with wreck uh winter signups will be will begin in September please just keep a look at on the on the website it's uh Oakland rec.org and we just want to say thank you to Bagel Supreme for their generous donation to uh Oakland wreck they they ran a fundraiser based on the success of the the US Olympics team so they rais a lot of money and then just uh just once again I want to say uh thank you to uh Oakland wreck um my my my last this was my last season for my my son and uh in in Oakland wreck we are officially done with with Oakland Recreation we we have aged out and um it is honest to God one of the greatest things that ever happened to me and my family Oakland Recreation and uh I I just want to thank the the committee all the volunteers all the kids um thank you to um every every kid that I that I coached um um it just uh it's always it's just wonderful it's a wonderful experience uh one of the best things I've ever done and uh please uh sign up to coach your your kids it's a a great experience uh that's it thank you all right before we OB journ if if it's okay with the council it's okay with the council Mr Benjamin good is here we have a proclamation I'd like to present to him please would you like to come upup you're a college for a couple days I'm they so we we created the the the OCC had asked for Mr Benjamin good to be recognized for all his work cuz Ben Howard would you when you first started with the OCC what grade were you in I was in seventh seventh grade so we've created a proclamation for Ben I'm going to read it out loud says Proclamation honoring the distinguished contributions of Benjamin good to the television committee whereas the television committee with immense gratitude desires to formally recognize the exemplary contributions of Mr Benjamin good whose dedication and skill have significantly elevated the quality and reach of our programming whereas Mr Good has selflessly volunteered cheed with the committee for nearly a decade offering insightful guidance and exceptional technical expertise that far exceeded his years and has constantly demonstrated a commendable eagerness to assist in all facets of our Productions thereby distinguishing our work from other local programming whereas Mr Good has taken on a substantial task of video editing for the majority of our Productions generously imparting his knowledge and teaching these invaluable skills to others while remaining constantly engaged conscientious and active in meting meetings and events whereas Mr Good achieved the distinguished honor of being the first Junior member of the commission and ear the prestigious Jag award in 2023 for his outstanding Santa ride around video which he produced in its entirety showcasing his remarkable talent and dedication that's a Statewide that's a Statewide award whereas Mr Good was also the co-recipient of the this week in Oakland Communicator award during the pandemic a project that was met with widespread of clim by our viewers now therefore be resolved that the television committee extends its deepest appreciation and best wishes to Mr Benjamin good for his extraordinary contributions and express his confidence that he will continue to excel in all his future endeavors wherein he will undoubtedly achieved great success proclaimed on this day 8th day of August 2024 by the television committee and this is signed by myself the mayor Ryan SCH Schwarz fer OCC chairman and James Barry TV chairman good you want to sign that again that's okay and also I also want to present you with a coin so that you look back in in your days of serving us here the burough of Oakland and and thank you for your hard working could you just tell everybody where you going to college I'm going to Stevens in hob stev congratulations started seventh grade here he is good job thank you okay bills to be paid uh m gfo is not here council president would you take that bills to be paid 1.6 million who 50,60 sense second second by Mr pelli roll call councilman McAn yes Council pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman yes do I have a motion to journ some move go a second second okay the next bur council meeting will be held on Tuesday September 10th 2024 7 p.m. at the burough of Oakland Municipal council chambers 10 wall meeting a j thank you everybody e