you don't have anything really open to signups in your section you need to ask me get well there goes Thanksgiving at ardino house remember you got to keep it under so many work there's a lot of presupposed welcome to the uh November 21st 2022 23 actually meeting of the Oakland mayor and council meeting um at this time this I read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings FL duly announced advertised and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time at this time I ask you to look at your phone last time I missed it I turned mine off please put it on mute and uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance remain standing for moment of silence IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all be seated mayor schagger here councilman Kamala here McAn Pig matelli here Sani here linski here talamini here motion to excuse councilman mccan second all in favor right opposed but um at this time by mayor's report I have some exciting news news bids were received and open for Patriots way bridge and we have our engineer here who will back me up later on to talk about it but um the exciting news about the Patriots way bridge is that the bids all most of I think all of them came in low within the original estimated costs meaning that the grants I obtained from Dot and the Community Affairs grants we received the bridge will be fully funded by grant money and not a taxpayer expense so that's very exciting and um hopefully at the next council meeting the contract will be awarded well they have to do investigation on the low bids as far as the water goes the pfoa P past treatments as I repeatedly told you all that the schedule for treatment um should be completed by February again our engineer is here and he'll and he'll uh confirm um we shall be in full treatment by February of 2024 and well five the units uh can be seen the uh the treatment units have arrived and and being installed you can you can view them you can go look at them though the Drone from with the engineer drone showed us pictures of it well five units can be seen in the recck field if you're interested the well 9 UM is off bariton road that was already previously delivered and um today well 10 units you can look at them at spu street so comes February 201 2020 I can't say the years 2024 it should all be back in good water December 13th at 700 p.m. at the senior center is the sewer utility meeting for the sewer utility customers letters were sent out today to all sewer utility customers so please mark your calendar it's going to be in the senior center on December 13th at 700 p.m. as far as the class be recycling facility uh you could still sign the petition there's time you could still send in your letters I have the petition sitting in my office um I have um some signs if you're interested there's still some signs left uh please don't dump in Oakland um you're welcome to come to my War office and pick up a sign um and please sign the petition and if you have not written a letter yet opposing the facility we hope you will do so and on December 3rd I'm sure of public events and I'm sure councilman telia will'll talk about it is the annual Christmas holiday tree and minor lighting at Veterans Park it's Sunday December 3rd at 5:00 p.m. something very special this year is at that time we're honoring our junior football team who won the Super Bowl and together with the cheer leaders they will be um honored um we usually do it at a council meeting but there was so many that we thought it would not be able to accommodate everybody here so come to the tree and monora Lighting on December 3rd Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m. for the lighting the honoring of the students the the young the young boys and girls and then at 5:15 I that's cutting it close but sometime after 5:15 will be the tree the uh the parade of lights that we started um I had asked a volunteer last year to come up with this and that was Danny deia so thank you Danny because I hear this year it's going to be a little bit bigger it will be a parade of vehicles lit up and that should that should really be nice and that's all on December 3rd um speaking of the holiday season wi Wonderland and sa vanon Park um the decorating and that's that's um done usually um sponsored by the public events committee and we get a tree and then there's a contest which which municipality has the nicest tree and then there's um uh a special day for that and my final announcement of the day is um just so everybody knows I have hired an attorney to do a recount I have um I will be paying for it personally under of my own funds there will not be any cost to any tax taxpayer and the reason why I'm doing the recount is because I have learned by so many people that their their concern that their vote by mail was not counted um the transparency just wasn't there there was a failure of one of the the printing in one of the districts at the senior center for almost two hours the machines were on printing paper they were add of paper and so for those reasons I have been an election law attorney who um we will be filing it tomorrow so um you don't have to keep running into my office every day and say did my vote count my vote counts we're going to find out and that's the reason why I'm doing the recount I am not doing it um for all I know I could lose by even more votes or I could gain votes or they could find everything was fine but I want to assure every resident in our municipality that if you're going to go vote your vote counts and it's important to know this because next year is a very important election and that's for the president of the United States so I am doing this not for personal gain as people know I I I am wrapped up in my own home life right now with with problems but um I just want everybody to know that when you go to vote I mean we are so lucky to live in this country where you have the right to vote and if you and if you decide to stay home you you decide to stay home we can't force you to vote but if you want to vote you have the right to vote and know that your vote counts and that's why I'm doing the recount so you will hear more about it and with that I will entertain a motion over to the public some moved second all in favor motion close some moved second all in favor I we have minutes to approve actually I'm GL we're move right along because they they're predict possible snow tonight so we'll just keep this moving that would be nice are you doing the engineers report oh I forgot and I kept talking about the engine thank you Pat thank you councilman pelli you're welcome you're on good evening um as mayor as you uh U reported earlier we received bids today on the Patriots way Bridge super structure replacement uh the bids rang uh from a low of u under 5 million to a high in excess of 94 million uh our estimate was uh about 8 million so they there were U there were a number of bids received that gave us a nice scattering of bids in the uh mid to Mid fives to uh mid sixes so the bids came in very very well uh as you probably know there's the burrow has received $8.85 million in Grants to offset the cost of this project so as you recorded earlier uh assuming there aren't any uh major changes it looks like you'll be uh I'm sorry to say sending money back but I'm pleased to say uh it'll be 100% a fully funded project from the very ious uh Grant entities that funded this project excuse me uh I thought in the beginning we thought that there is pre-work that needed to be done that wouldn't be funded through a grant can't we use the money for that we might we might we we we will look at the opportunity of doing some additional work of course you're going to have uh some uh potential change orders that you have to account for but obviously uh this is a very very it's an excellent situation uh that that the burrow finds itself in so you get to we get to choose between three biders is that it no no no no you we have to we have to choose the lowest responsible bidder uh we are currently police promotion yeah we're currently evaluating the bids and we'll be reporting back to the uh uh burough attorney I would say within the next 48 hours course on on U what our recommendation is and have and we'll forward of course the bids to his attention and he can check all those documents as well uh so we would concur that uh the goal here is to uh get this teed up to be able to award the project at the next meeting of the mayor and Council so we're we're uh right on schedule we're we're doing well and so how does that I mean let's just say we awarded it next next council meeting um would they would they be starting you know like like what would the time that's an excellent question I did I did do a uh a project summary um actually part of part of the deliverables that were necessary to procure the grant monies uh resulted in a request of a what is called a spending plan and the spending plan uh looks tracks a number of different things number one it tracks obviously how much money the burrow need to spend by month uh on all costs the second thing that happens is the duration of the job and the third thing that happens is what happens during the during the tenure of the project and this project as you can imagine is is going to involve a flurry of sub mitt in the first part of the job to order the superstructure so there'll be 30 to 60 days of exchanges of of uh shop drawings in order to buy the bridge and uh so uh the you'll see some some um initial work done but the real work uh has to happen uh in in the form of we have to get the shop drawings done to buy the bridge and the bridge is going to be a good six Monon process of getting the bridge fabricated uh and shipped to the site the other thing that happens here is that there are actually the utilities are complicated there there there's water there's gas there's there's uh fiber uh electric all running under that bridge so the there are different stages of construction where we actually have to build temporary support systems to support the utilities while you build the bridge so build how if the if the utilities weren't in the way this would be a very easy project so the temporary support of the utilities becomes uh I believe it's either four or six separate phases so you will see a lot of activity but the activity is really going to be related to The Temper support in the phasing of how uh the utilities are supported throughout each phase as you build the superstructure so um it's kind of a runon answer to it's the the bridge itself is a drop in place three span 265 ft long structure however everything that's under it and alongside of it makes it very complicated to remove the old bridge put the and and which is supporting these same utilities and build the new bridge around so for that reason uh we would we would love to see it go quicker uh that's why we really want to make sure uh that we want to make sure we have a competent contractor uh who can take it's a complex job uh we've got some very good biders in the mix and you know it's uh is the fact that it's winter slowing it down at all no just because your no because you're ordering it 6 months out what would happen here is you you order it in December and then the bridge shows up probably in May or June but you'll still be prepping everything they being doing demo and you're doing the temporary supports of the utilities so uh it's it's you know that's that's what you'll see we can give you a full project schedule uh one of the first things we're going to ask the contractor for is a project schedle so of course we'll share that as soon as we receive it we have our version of what it is but there's something called means and methods in in public Contracting law where we we show the contractor what we believe is a realistic way of building it and uh we encourage the contractor uh contractor who did 4 and 17 that was a 32 month process it took 13 months he got a $2 million uh incentive to finish early and you know that's a perfect example of the project is laid out a certain way and could we use that extra money for for the same thing for bonus that would be subject to the funding entity and actually it's the same funding entity that gave out the $2 million 4 17 but uh the question I have for you uh I don't even know how to how to um say this in the specs for the construction and the material that we're going to be using what are we doing to prevent happening to this superstructure that happened to the one we have now it's a different material it's a different it's not the the material that was used on the other uh on the current Bridge is a it's it's called a weathering steel it's a cend steel it's a steel that isn't painted this Ste that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard that it it as it roughs it gets stronger yeah right well there are certain bridges that it's uh you drive down the turnpike you see them all over uh and the difference is it's a dry environment and when it's current constantly wet what happens is it it's it's a breakdown so we took that into consideration and the specs are going to it's a different Bridge it's a completely different Bridge all right and I might add the Glen gray Bridge was the same Bridge initially the one that collapsed and that's a different Bridge all right thank you quick question one just the back of the envelope and I probably don't have an exact answer but when do you think it's going to start impacting physically closing that bridge to begin construction six months a year two years that's say that um again it's a contractor's yard okay for the for the entire 20 I think the U the construction period is is 270 uh I'm sorry I can't I'm it's about 20mon construction period I don't want to quote my head technically it's a contractor's yard for that period but in the beginning that we don't believe it's necessary to close the bridge while they're doing submitt and they're buying the bridge okay so there's no there's there is a there's a cost to the contractor to uh to bring in a temporary trailer and bring in the overhead of operating a yard so it's in the contractor's interest frankly to do as much as he can before he starts buying the insurance for everything that's on the site so that'll all be part of the process that's again that's going to come out in the construction schedule contractor gives us and we can to the mayor and counsel and what the weight limit on the bridge currently three tons still three yes we are working with the dot to see if that will change uh John kimick is uh coordinating that with u the structural engineer retained by uh the do okay so we did those priority repairs those are done we're waiting for another reating of the bridge thank you thank you um next item is u the pfas um I believe it was about ma March I I reported that we hope to have these units uh operational by the end of February we signed the ACO uh that we put in at the end of March because you don't want to go over on an ACO that's not advised uh you you did everything right uh you you basic you separately contracted to purchase the units it resulted in them going ahead and getting here on time then you went and bid the install again both both bids came in either under or at budget now the mayor was correct you've got all three units uh dropped into place at the three locations uh then you'll see the piping go in then you'll see the uh the heat tape the insulation you know what all of the mechanics that that go into it but you're right on schedule to finish by the end of February uh assuming nothing happens uh that's major I think we're going to have an operational system uh during February uh the thing that is on back order and it's on back order in every job uh is the generator uh the generator will not stop you from meeting the re requirements of your ACO so once you're operational you you've tested you've met the the water standards uh you're back in compliance as far as as the the uh D is concerned um in terms of meeting the current standards and I might add that since you're under an ACO right now and you're within the the requirements of that AO you're in compliance right now as you op um Kevin could you just tell the audience not everybody knows what an ACO is Administrative consent order thank you what what happened is is that the d uh you know you know the story about how they created these these more stringent standards and then they went ahead and they um when they they had this running annual average and you went over these new standards on the the the over four quarters they went ahead and they started to contact they first they sent out a notice that said you have to have a a public notice to all your customers and you have to get uh every you have to enact a uh corrective action response back to this situation so the buau did all of that and then they they realized that not everybody was doing what you did so they went ahead and as a blanket operation they they s sent out administrative consent orders to every single water owner uh in this situation so it was one of those things where I contacted the administrator I said have you gotten the ACO yet and he said no you will he did and you executed it there was no fine involved uh and you just basically had to commit to do what was necessary design the system permit the system bid the system fund the system and get it done so you've done all of that uh you've executed all of the requirements to date that are stipulated in the ACO and you're on track to uh meet the standards to protect Public Health thank you good just just question on that um with the are we going to be required to send out another letter about the water quality again between now and February uh we are uh another one um under a quarterly test you you probably will so if we do that is there any value to having a letter that goes along with it talking about where we are and that's going to be completed in February as follow us you can you can I I actually just went through this on another town that brought their system online uh and this they had the same question they said you know we've we've done all of this stuff and we should be uh first of all letting people know where we are and then when they when you're back online and everything's operating and you're getting these no detects you should be uh notifying everyone that you're you're you know in a in a non-mandatory type of notification that this is all good news you can certainly do that and I'll and I'll work with you to we will work with you uh to get the wording down on you know a certain mandatory language and obviously since this is this project is going exactly the way it's supposed to go then um uh I'm sure you could put that further notification to your customers uh in with that mail thank you anything else um we uh I was asked to just report on the allerman Brook on the timing of the submitt to DP uh that timing will be by the end of uh December the full U the uh p uh application and U and that's it unless there are any questions on any other project that we're working on well thank you my minutes November 8th um there a motion to approve so moved second any discussion roll call councilman Cala yes Council patelli yes Sally Annie yes slinsky yes yes tellini yes we have minutes from the executive session of November 8th if there's going to be any discussion it must be done in executive session so move second will there be any discussion if not roll call Council M yes pelli yes Sani yes spinski yes talamini yes we have a Raffa license for the hathorne club's football for December number second Rafa license 1470 to be at PTO Bellos is there a motion to approve move second all in favor any opposed we have a social Affairs license [Music] [Applause] application for the BP OE Elks Lodge 2167 this is the social Affair this the social Affair this 267 yes yeah theal Affair and one's the refence okay so we'll do the social Affairs first move second all in favor any opposed and now we have the Raffa license same date same place same time so move second all in favor any opposed resolutions 23 22327 is authorized consent of the treatment works application for the lener be Grill and it has to do with their septic that is 327 23 328 is to authorize refund and Recreation fees 3289 with this one again yes oh that's the one you flipped in right so sorry a lot of changes 328 is a w contract to Boswell engineering for construction inspection services for drainage improvements at Onida and monhagen avenues not to exceed 17,200 our CFO has certified that funds are available now 23329 is authorized refund of recreation fees Michael best uh for basketball fees $90 and Kelly Falcon Falcon for wrestling fees of $158 23330 authorized submittal of the njpa firefighter Grant $ 17,150 and um 23331 is to authorize the transfer between budget Appropriations Finance Administration full-time from 3,000 to defined contribution plan in the amounts of 3,000 and 23332 avoid contracts Boswell engineering for construction management services for water main improvements on Lakeside Boulevard proposal submitted November 20th 2023 not to exceed 61,500 our CFO has certified that funds are available did I get that all now there was so many changes you got them um is there anybody who wishes to pull out any 330 330 327 also and 327 okay for 328 329 331 332 is there a motion so moveed second roll call councilman Cala yes patelli yes Sani yes slinsky yes talamini yes by 327 I I just have a a question about the well you know what happened that that that they need the exemption okay uh two two reasons one their flow is over 2,000 gallons a day any system where it's over 2,000 gallons a day requires a treatment works approval that can't be approved locally uh and also I think that they're proposing an alternative uh treatment system that doesn't um fully meet the septic code as well so and but so the Board of Health uh Board of Health looked at it realized that it needed a TWA uh they no objections to uh you know council's approval of endorsing the application to the DP that was it thank you all 33 uh no I just can't vote on being a member of so a motion to oh so we have to vote on 3277 right motion mov second uh any discussion roll call councilman Kamal yes Elli yes Sani yes linski yes helam yes I 330 is the firefighter grants is there a motion so motion a second any discussion roll call call councilman calain councilman pelli yes councilman Sally Annie yes linski yes T yes okay adoption of 23 code 932 in ordinance amending chapter 9 section 1.2 of the Oakland code related to venomous snakes is there a motions open to the public some move all in favor does anyone wish to speak on this ordinance motion to close I guess not second all in favor I there a motion to approve move second R call Council MC yes Elli yes Sani yes slinsky yes camini yes adoption of 23 Capital 933 it's a capital ordinance of the burrow of Oakland and the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of 1, 325,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the general Capital fund balance is there motion open to the public so move second all in favor anyone wish to speak on this anybody understand it the motion to close to the public so moved second all in favor I a motion to approve so moved second V call Council M yesal yes Sally Annie yesi yes yes work session items Mr thank you mayor uh first item this evening uh is our Uh current agreement uh to be a member of the B Bergen Municipal Employee benefits fund for the provision of uh health insurance benefits for employees uh and eligible retirees expires at the end of this year uh that's on a three-year cycle and every three years when uh this occurs we go out to the market uh and price it out to see if uh bed remains basically who we want to stay with for the provision of those benefits so our health benefits risk manager undertook that analysis went out to the marketplace uh solicited proposals from a number of uh large insurers for fully insured programs uh for one re reason or another they declined to quote uh a couple of them cited just that they could not be competitive with our current pricing uh another one said that they thought our retiree population was too high as an overall percentage uh of the covered pool uh so there was you know basically nothing to to check there other than the fact that the private sector the private insurers didn't feel that they could be competitive we also benchmarked against state health benefits plan uh which covers a lot of towns uh and when we looked at that and we fully looked at uh plan design and also the dividends that we get back as being a member of the fund uh we about 9% less uh in terms of assessment uh than if we were in the state health benefits plan right now the bmed uh offers a lot of price stability from year to year its fund position is is very strong especially compared to the state health benefits fund right now which as you may recall a lot of uh you know there's a lot of news last year when the state benefits had over 20% rate increase uh so our strong recommendation is that we renew with be met for another three years so any any questions on that so um were we ever we we were a part of the State Health Ben ifits I mean a long time ago or we've always been we were self-insured so selfed for for a very long time and then in 2012 we moved over to the PM which is a group Self Insurance model just it's called the health insurance fund kind of a health benefits counterpart health insurance counterpart to the Joint Insurance Fund uh that we use uh for workers comp and property and casual and so so and just every three years we go through this that we just do our due diligence and we exactly exactly all right all right amend salary ordinance okay uh so this year we've taken a number of personnel actions uh that require us to sort of now clean up the salary ordinance to make sure that it complies uh and reflects the actions that you've taken uh those include adjusting the cfo's compensation uh which we did when we entered into the shared service arrangement with Hillsdale provide them with CFO Services um promotion of the finance account clerk uh providing the green team with a secretary um uh utilizing uh former retirees like we're doing right now with Miss Duncan uh and adding the job title of sle3 when we launched that program in conjunction with the schools so uh all of those things needed to be reflected in the salary ordinance to make sure that the salary ordinance reflects that current practice and legitimizes everything so that's what the amendment uh does I provided a marked up version uh so if you have any questions about that please let me know okay then no questions so the next thing is amend water rates okay so as we do uh every year we try to prioritize looking at uh our water and sewer utility budgets early on in the budget process uh this year uh and last year too a little bit a little bit of uncertainty because of P pass uh and the impact on the budget last year we built in last year meeting sorry this current year uh we built in about $100,000 worth of potential operating costs into that uh and next year unfortunately we have to start paying Debt Service on uh on the debt that we incurred to do the P treatment uh project that's ongoing right now uh so unfortunately that with that added in that's almost 100 thou $110,000 uh so that's going to result in a need for over $200,000 when you take a look at the revenue side uh and that's about a 10% rate increase for next year unfortunately uh that's about $48 or so on the average residential account so about $12 what about on Commercial uh I don't think we worked that up for commercial yet okay okay okay uh so that's what we're looking at um as we again we engage in this process because we need to do the rate ordinance so that it's effective at the beginning of the year uh so we would prepare an ordinance and have that ready for introduction at the next meeting all right I do want to point out uh and just remind everybody and remind the public uh that we are members of the class for these class action lawsuits going on the 3M and Dupont uh where those settlement costs Nationwide are going to be in the billions of dollars we stand to potentially obtain a you know a good amount of money from that we don't know exactly we have been providing information to our attorneys that'll be used in the formula that's in the proposed settlement uh that'll determine that amount um but that's not expected that money is not actually not expected to come online until 2025 so you know we're hopeful that that'll have a beneficial impact on the 2025 budget um but it doesn't look at this point like it's going to provide any help for the 2024 so water is going up next year yes it's $48 for the year on the on the average the average house okay what's the average house and we looked at sewer as well uh for 2024 we do not see any need to uh increase the sewer rates they remain the same what what are you classifying now as the average house in Oakland uh do you have that average when you said $48 on the average house so so all that is is taking the average the total rents of all of the residential users and dividing by the number of users but you saying but the average tax payer or the average water user is going to incre the average but you're not dealing with so you're dealing on take an average of all the water use excess cost divided by users residential I know to we remember I studied math in in college thank you okay regulate private salt storage storm water management permit requirements okay privately owned Sal storage yes so um we've talked about this off and on a little bit uh the you know we have an extensive storm water management program in the burrow uh that is mandated by by the state uh under a permit uh for stor Mor management called the ms4 permit uh that's basically the d uh enforcing federal regulations and on a 5year cycle they update those regulations uh and one of the updates for the current round which started at the beginning of this year uh kind of two ordinances that we're going to need to adopt one which we can do next year this one we actually could as well U but we were you know kind of ready to get it in front of you um is all municipalities in the state of New Jersey on basically behalf of the state in implementing the storm water management regulation uh is going to be required to regulate the storage of uh salt and the icing products on private property right we already have our own regulations that that pertain to our salt Dome uh and the application and use of salt now they're extending that to uh landscap or yards par parking lots where people may store large quantities of salt to use throughout the winter and and water basically the idea is they want to limit the amount of salt run off uh that that that's been a cur okay so this requires a impervious surface and it requires a barrier and a cover uh on all such facilities so you don't get all of this concentrated salt run off you know last year there was quite a pile behind Walgreens right would not be allowed to occur under this so who for how do we how do we govern this is ordinance against it well you need to adopt an ordinance the what I put in the packet was the D's model ordinance all right that has penalty Provisions somebody would you know we'll talk about that between now and the next meeting um you know internally about who's going to handle that enforcement somebody would have to go out on a complaint or if or if they see something um and there would be a a violation system put in place uh if we see somebody that isn't complying with the regulation so we cover it when we're not using it but put on the road it's okay yes okay make sure we all clear on that there are certain things there in the rags uh where we can't even wash our vehicles outside we're only allowed to knock the salt you know it's it's rather extensive in this area that's all I can say so uh so like if I had if I bought six bags of ice uh of you know salt and put them in my backyard am I like like are are we required to monitor that are we you know no as as as long as it's uh stored in a secure container that's in the draft so so who who's the genius that came up with this this was the d d our buddies but it is but it is a it is a requirement of our permit and of every municipality's permit is it going to cost us anything do uh directly no probably some indirect cost for any level of investigation and enforcement that would be required we're not going to need to add staff or anything for this but you know we'll have to spend some time in uh investigating any complaints we received so is this considered an unfunded mandate at this point uh it did not come out of legislation it came out of the regulatory end so probably not whenever it's an expansion of an existing law it's not exempt okay has to be a brand new law all right draft 2024 Council meetings next year this is you know the the the salt storage is just I think one notch below you know the snake ordinance that we just did but be that as this one has one okay uh Mary council meeting scheduled so in at the first meeting in January uh at the oath of office meeting you'll actually adopt the resolution setting your schedule uh we asked for discussion of it now because we're going to be sending the uh 2024 calendar to the printers in early December uh we just need some certainty there in terms of what the schedule is going to be so we can have the dates on the calendar uh so we prepared um a draft couple of draft schedules for you um couple people had mentioned uh that you wanted to take a look at Tuesdays so we have a Wednesday schedule we have a Tuesday schedule as well uh and we can you know talk about what you want that to be just so we have some feedback on how to uh prepare the calendar draft I'd like to go at the Tuesday schedule um obviously there's a couple changes that have to be made in uh July and August so if we can change it from a Tuesday to a Wednesday for July and August and July 17th and August believe is 14th and I think it also affords the administrative staff some extra time if we do change it to a Tuesday and preparing the the agenda and everything that goes in it how does it give them more time on a Tuesday Wednesday it's the opposite they giv us more time follow Wednesday rather than Tuesday no following the meeting no no no because then they have three days after the meeting oh I see we just got it it also accommodates uh someone who can come on Wednesdays oh Clos it yeah all right so and then there was also we were talking about the the Jewish holiday are we are we good with the right so so just to recap then generally it'll be and I'll go through the changes then so generally we're talking second and fourth Tuesdays oath of office meeting Saturday the 6th is that correct yep right I thought he say Saturday that's the feedback that that's the feedback that I gotten uh April um to avoid Passover uh we would do second and 5ifth so it would be the 30th just remember on the Jewish holidays it starts the night before Sundown the night before this avoids by the whole week avoid we don't have to avoid it it's just the first two days that the most important St us then one meeting a month in July one and August with those being on Wednesday so it would be uh July 17th and August 14th then we get to December where it would just be uh Monday the 23rd so that we're not meeting on Christmas Eve I think that would be is everybody everybody's good with that m y okay okay okay thank you any new business old business May mayor can we just have our bur attorney give us an update on what's going on legally with uh the recycling Center just an update sure so the as the mayor mentioned the comment period is still open um to the end of the end of December while we de you want to get it in before yes so while we obviously U will not discuss specific legal strategy we determine that it it is in the best action of the burrow to wait and see what happens and possibly Institute a legal action if it is looked favorably upon rather than uh preventative action at this point so that was the determination for reasons that we will not go into public session but we are closely monitoring what happens at the end of the 608 period and then we'll be reevaluating from there thank you any other Business Council committee councilman you're on for Holiday okay it's coming yes uh so we'll do public events first of all uh thank you to the public events as always they they do a great job in everything they do um uh we we always need volunteers so please uh sign up if you can and uh and if you don't you know uh just come and help we'll we'll take we'll take the help um so Sunday December 3rd at 5:00 is the Christmas tree and manura lighting there will be uh I'm told uh Santa will be there um that's always exciting there'll be the um we'll have some singing we'll do some caroling we're we're going to be honoring the the football team and cheerleaders and um I understand councilman pelli will be the Master of Ceremonies yes um and um there will be the light light parade with the cars we're we're pretty excited about that again that's uh Danny Danny deia um all his hard work um and uh and just uh you know uh they're all doing a great job and uh that that should be uh a lot of fun also on December 9th is toys for Tots um that's always a great event too and then uh the schools Tomorrow there's a minimum day um so uh just pay attention make sure you know there'll there be more kids running around than usual um and then schools are closed from the 23rd to the 24th for Thanksgiving on on 1130 on on the 30th of uh November at 6:45 at VMS there's going to be an Internet safety awareness um seminar um that should be really good uh especially if you have younger kids you go there you go U um they can teach teach about uh Internet safety um Finance I don't think we have uh we've met um we're good for now right um we'll we'll schedule we'll schedule something after the new year I guess and then um we'll go from there and then I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and just really take the time to be thankful U and I I I just want to say I'm really thankful for for all the employees in town all the volunteers in town every everyone up here um it's it's uh it's it's it's it's important to get involved in town and and uh it makes all the volunteers especially make make the town a great place and uh so I just want to say I'm I'm I'm truly thankful for all of them and hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving thank you thank you councilman thank you mayor speaking of volunteers um I'm happy to announce that Oakland once again has gotten their silver award for the Green Team um I had the privilege of attending the lunch in down Atlantic City with Andrea Le and Ali fle and the team really uh really worked their butt off and they got the silver reward it's interesting to see Oakland's really in like there's only a small amount of towns that really you know reached the silver award and O should be proud certainly opens up opportunities for other grant opportunities everything for Oakland they also received the second award uh for all the work that um that uh Andrew was doing with the art sble and all the you know concerts in the park so I really the Green Team and between Ally and and Ally and Andrea they did a wonderful time wonderful job and with that I just want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving everybody and uh we'll see you next meeting thank you thank you coun yes thank you mayor um from the uh police department police department has been requested to do some speed studies on streets uh these detailed reports will be used by the traffic Bureau to both proactively locate speeding problems as well as to respond to speeding complaints received from the community typically one study will be performed every month using the uh mobile speed tracker and results will be shared in this monthly report also data from the various stationary speed signs may be shared as well see below for the uh um speed reports below did you did you read below I'm I'm getting there you know I've learned to turn it now you know so I have the full report since the bur has been receiving speeding complaints on real this is the uh report this is the oh no since B has been receiving speeding complaints on R Po River terrorist Trace TR the speed tracker tracker was placed on roadway in September a report was provided last month and showed an average speed of 23 mph and no significant speeding issues the speed tracker was kept on the roadway the same location for October attached our results of study from October 31st during this time frame 5,163 Vehicles were detected the average speed of those Vehicles again was 23 M hour again based on results of the studies is cleared there's not a speeding problem on river ripo River Trace in fact the roadway clock some of the slowest speeds and the and the lowest volumes when compared to other streets that have been surveyed in the past most of the traffic was traveling between 15 miles an hour and 29 miles an hour I see the attached results which I'll he has to look for the attachment uh also there's a there's a a bar graph that shows the which I I can't show you uh police recruits hang Anderson and Kyle tahany began attending the police academy on July 14th both recruits are performing well and thus far have passed all training Milestones to graduation from the academy scheduled for December um maybe even Santa Claus will give their certificate uh officers uh at community events officers attend at The Rotary car show um on 4th and 16th officer Albert provide a tour of open Police Headquarters to students of the CTC Academy on 15th officer spoke to the Oakland CB scouts at den meeting about their job and responsibilities the 17th the sle3 and I attended the oak Board of Education meeting where we were presented were certificates for a successful roll out of the slo3 program and start a school 26 officers attendant the ihhs share the keys event and spoke to students about safe driving and motor vehicle law on the 30th Mischief Night successful in that there was only one Mischief related call for service very good congratulations Oakland Halloween no problems were reported and all trick or treaters had a successful evening officers responded officers supervised the college section and ensured a safe evening for all um as for patrol for the month officers conducted 250 motor vehicle stops and issued 3 49 motor vehicle summonses also officers made three arrests for driving while intoxicated and two narcotic arrests I just want to Echo what um councilman tumini said the backbone of the community is of volunteers um I've been uh I've worked in several municipalities and by far Oakland has so many volunteers that we need we really do need to be thankful uh to uh you know we can't be at every event of our children you know thankfully we have supervision from adults and Recreation Recreation program all the boards and and councils uh the Green Team uh I was uh privileged to be part of the Green Team uh one year and they they really do a lot of work there's a lot of paperwork a lot of Records to be made uh so you know they really pour their hearts and Minds into it and no wonder they're a success uh and they also um somehow relate with the environmental commission to when they're called upon so uh thank you to all Evan God bless everybody here in Oakland and we are so thankful that we live in America uh there's so much trouble overseas that you know we have to be thankful that God bless we don't have that problem here so thank you everyone that's it mayor thank you councilman thank you mayor uh just a very brief uh update tonight uh from the library uh the library is closed for Thanksgiving and Friday but we'll reopen on the weekend the regular scheduled children's programs and story times continue including all of the new Zamboni Time with Miss Tina on December 1st at 11:00 a.m. registration is required on December 4th at 10:00 a.m. uh they will have uh favorite foreign films at 10:00 a.m. no registration required also during December they will have uh Tech Tuesdays appointments for residents who need help with technology issues check with the website and calendar for more details and appointment times uh Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and that's just want to ask something in the library um I officiated two weddings at the library last weekend and when I went into the library these young students young playing chess in the beam room and it really impressed me that these these young people was sitting in the library playing chess did you challenge him to a game no I was getting ready to officiate the wedding I had to get my my stuff ready thank you for your report councilman real quick from the DPW just a reminder we're supposed to have one to two inches of rain uh tonight and tomorrow possibly snow w snow please please don't say that possibly I said possibly DPW is asking residents to remove any leaves from the tops or around storm drains that may be located roadside around their property clog clog storm drains localizing hazardous conditions for Motors and pedestrians so if you please if you can unclog your drains that would be great let's hopefully there not snow on wet they said maybe wet snow that's it um just drive carefully shade tree commission update there was 44 trees planted in town over the last month um these were all these trees were were planted based on fees that were accumulated from 2021 and and some of our um and and some of our other projects um if residents would like to be part of the adopt the tree program they should sign up to see if they qualify they can contact the shet tree committee at Shad tree o- or contact DPW to sign on the list to get tree program flood commission the flood commission submitted um we had we had a meeting and where they're re uh revisiting the ramp River Project so they've been working with a couple of Engineers and getting some ideas they've submitted something for the council to the B administrator we sh to council soon so we want to go back to the look at the Rano River restoration project so there'll be more to that to come also Al the flood commission has put together a letter um to take their stance against the recycling center the classb recycling center um yeah the opposition basically everything we've talked about here between the quality of life issues the traffic issues a negative impact and the envir environmental issues bring to our town the commission is also encouraging everyone to submit their Letters by the as soon as possible in support of stopping your second C and then I'm also going to give a quick update access for all uh as um Council K is not here I just want to remind everyone on Sunday December 17th access for all we invite you to meet uh Santa in the fire truck um the whole there'll be limited lights and Li limited sounds um this this event will be held at the Danny deia building between 2 and 4 rumor has it that Santa himself will be there around 2:30 p.m. there will be light Refreshments served during this event so it's a great event it's a great event hey Steve can you just give a quick recap on a Super Bowl that was an exciting game the peeee Super Bowl football game oh yes um so um that's right so um I thought May addressed in the beginning as well so the the uh Super Bowl for the fifth and sixth grade team the uh Juniors the Juniors they won they beat Ridgewood I believe it was 18 nothing and uh great job great job by coach Don hu and his team to get that through so um as as the mayor said we'll be honoring them at the um at the event on December 3rd and the cheerleaders oh and the cheerleaders forget that cuz I think my daughter coached those steers and the The Good the good thing about that was um from an Oakland perspective there was a bunch of community members there from all ages and I thought that was great to see um there was probably maybe 250 to 350 people just on the Oakland side supporting who weren't family members who who who were above and beyond their kids playing so I think that was it was a great event and congratulations to those kids right thank you and with that Mo of to the public so move second all in favor I wants to close I was looking that way uh Jody gfo 44 Su Avenue uh last night I attended the open meeting at Bergen County Utilities Authority um I spoke up I just said you know if they could pay attention to the petition um it has uh thousands of signatures on it uh that would be great um the next meeting that they're holding is on Tuesday December 19th at 6 pm. I really love to see like if maybe the town of Oakland can post it on the website in addition to signing the petition hey go speak up um when is it again dece Tuesday December 19th at 6: p.m um I think it's really important that we get a large showing and a large public comment over there um because they're the ones who are approving this um and you know maybe we from there then it goes to the Commissioners right and then maybe we can uh get the Green Team and the environmental commission the flood commission all over there um it's really important to have our voices heard I love the petition but let's get our voices heard you got to stop this thank you welcome any others now motion to close I move are you getting up yeah just real quick um Kevin Gallow one pool hollow roadn excuse me okay I just want I just want to Echo the same thank you um yeah I'm no good at public speaking I'd really hate that I even have to be here doing this but again I live right next to the proposed right Cycling Center um very very concerned about it uh I don't think I can say anything you guys don't already know about it but um you know I work from home I've been there 7even years now and I grew up my whole life in Oakland I'm very familiar with that Industrial Park the trails the woods around it um and obviously I think it's just a really horrible idea I think we're all in agreement there um I went down to the bcua meeting yesterday with the brought the sign thank you mayor for printing those out I have one up on the yard um brought that down there I gave a statement I'm just trying to do anything I can to voice How Deeply deeply concerned I am about and you know what's helping us the species that photos of species yeah which yeah uh that makes it just I guess forward anything over we have um I gave the photos we we've been F we have everything we have a a bear with a couple Cubs we got foxes uh you know especially the water species that are there that's what helping like the turtles I'm right on the pond there we have there's snapping turtle there's you know Ducks there's that'll be very helpful many generations of uh painter turtles um yeah I got tons of pictures I'll sent over to try to get some good stuff sent over but yeah I just wanted to come and just you know trying to do anything that I can to uh we're all we're all with you y 100% cool thank you guys appreciate it so before I say motion to close anybody else no motion to close so moved second all in favor all bills to be paid bills to be paid 1, 29,6 1565 so moved second if you read the bills list you can vote roll call councilman Kamala yes Council Pig matali yes councilman Sally Annie yes councilman linski yes Council tal yes motion to adjourn move all in favor I our next meeting will be right here in council chambers December 6 at 7.m Happy Thanksgiving Dave thank you for coming