##VIDEO ID:dMTPW_2AIbw## e e meeting call to order this is the October 8th 2024 burough of Oakland council meeting would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertised and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless a majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Council M calamini please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and Justice please remain standing for a moment of silence would the clerk please call the role councilman Gedo here Mr Mayor councilman mccan Pali and slazinski will be absent from tonight's meeting uh council president saliani here councilman talamini here mayor Cala presid I'd like to make a motion to excuse councilman mccan talamini and pelli excuse me ban pelli and cinski second second all favor I I all right so we have a special presentation today and a celebration for the 14U uh baseball team at this time i' like to bring coach Chris Perez forward I'd also like to bring coach Mike selento and councilman talamini up to the front congratulations coach congratulations coach thank you that's yours that's yours so what I like to do is at this time I like coach pre to talk a little bit about the team and the achievement that they you know the achievement they've you know gotten to and hand out the awards on behalf of your team awesome very good thank you so much well thank you everyone for coming uh really excited to be here uh this team I took over the management of this team about three years ago they've had a lot of success over the years just tremendous amount of uh success from these boys and I was telling the mayor that this is the first time that we've been invited to celebrate this success and be honored so thank you very much for everyone for allowing us to come and and do this um you know I think that our team this year showed a lot of cool things you know in the beginning um you know we had a lot of challenges for example where we've got basketball we've got football we've got uh Club baseball all these different things going on at the same time and baseball here for Oakland was still a priority for everybody whether it was the players whether it was the families uh literally everyone made sure that we showed up and we gave our best effort no matter what there were some games where people couldn't make it somebody else stepped up some games somebody got injured someone else stepped up and no matter what the situation was no matter how big the challenge was these boys stepped up and they played hard and they won and they did just an amazing job just so proud of it and I also want to thank the parents you know I think uh our team is also a great example of just Oakland in general so I mean when everyone comes together when we focus on the right things when we put our egos aside when we support everyone and come together just makes such a big difference and without the Parents Without You guys showing up every single time without you guys getting the boys even though you had all these different conflicts uh it just would have never happened would have never come together so thank you very much uh truly the best of Oakland and shows that when we stick together focus on the right things support our kids um that you know we're we're true winners so thank you [Applause] than awesome all right so should I give these out start giving out we get everybody line up right in the front over here so we can take a group picture all right very good all right our center fielder Evan [Applause] selento first base second base [Applause] James second base Outfield Jackson [Applause] choppy catcher first baseman big deal first B catcher JD Ferrari the football JD Third Base Outfield and our emergency shortstop Chase Hurley Chase pitcher and I'll just leave it at that our pitcher and our outfielder and our Short Stop Antonio congratulations [Applause] pitcher Short Stop Luke patrki Pro third baseman outfielder Ryan [Applause] Press catcher first basem pitcher Third Base whatever it takes Jo tell me good J and our MVP for two seasons in a row pitcher Cole s hey coach I just want to say thank you for the coaches and everything that you did I mean everybody sitting on this day as members of the council we've all been coaches at some point within the rec program and especially for the parents thank you it's really you that support these children as we're coming up through the ranks and you guys really are the soul of of this town that keeps it together so thank you to all the parents and everybody else let me my goodness I love these kids I mean since since 8 you um they're they're amazing every single one of them um you know it's it's it's sad but um what a great group of kids um I had so much fun coaching them and and thank you to to Chris and Mike stepping up when when when we when when we called quit call it quit um it was just a lot of fun uh coaching them they they were a great bunch of kids off the field never mind never mind never mind between the lines they're they're just uh a wonderful group of kids and because they're wonderful parents I love you guys too um this is uh this is this is Oakland right here but this is why I love this place thank you guys all right guys let's get you guys to move right down all the way over here stop perfect squish down squish down squish down should I go to side Point okay good job guys all right we can take a two-minute recess you're certainly welcome to stay if you'd like otherwise we'll take a two minute recess and uh guys on your way thank you [Applause] everybody e all right we're up to uh the mayor's report all right so I got several things to cover cover here uh first of all the tennis courts uh I don't know if many people have seen it the blue acrylic surface is currently being applied to the uh tennis courts uh we expect them to be done in about a week with the fences up and the courts the courts will be open back to the general public weather permitting so stay tuned for that uh Franklin Avenue the paving and striping has been completed on Franklin a uh Bush Plaza the pin clock has been installed at Bush Plaza at the corner of 202 on West Oakland A and just so everybody knows that telephone pole that's in the way of the pin clock will be coming out once the decorative lighting goes in we're just waiting for the decorative lighting to go into the park once those go in that telephone pole and that light will come out opening up that entire space uh Patriots way Bridge update uh the shell of the bridge is now complete that includes spans one two and three so even though it may look like that we're making we're actually making very good progress on the bridge and it's starting to look like a bridge at this point uh right moving forward we're going to be working or the contractors be working on moving the water main and the gas line will be in in the next two weeks after that it'll be stringers and decking and there's still a lot of work to be done uh the fire department we had our open house uh yesterday uh celebrating the poster contest for all the elementary schools and you know they had a Smokehouse a fire simulator and of course uh showcasing all of Oakland's emergency services including police EMS and fire department and also the uh there an announcement I want to make also is there is currently an application in front of the planning board for a McDonald's that's going to be hopefully coming into town it'll be located on West Oakland Avenue uh behind the cdmd and the Wallgreens and that space in the back so if anybody's interested in listening to the application it'll be this Monday October 10th at 700 p.m down at the senior center for anybody's just interested and that concludes my report um right now moving on to do we have a motion open to public motion do have a second second all favor I anybody wish to address the council I do thank you Joseph furio 24 High the boulevard um I want to give you a little bit of an update of what's been happening uh with the rml situation since last time unfortunately I do not have uh good news uh uh to relay I was at a meeting um two Saturdays ago uh with the rml board and a potential purchaser of Mirror Lake Unfortunately they were using the TNC word which doesn't mean terms and conditions it's tow houses and condos uh they are talking about uh filling in a portion of the lake and uh the developer is uh talking about tow houses and condos at least his real estate agent who was there with him was talking about town houses and condos uh as you uh uh probably know uh um that is not in a Zone uh that would allow for town houses and condos and uh I'll leave it to your imagination to uh figure out how a developer is going to force town houses and condos in the area um mland Lake residents all um uh who showed up we had probably close to 50% if not uh more than 50% of the homeowners represented at at the meeting they were told what the costs were nobody really bed uh at what the costs were going to be um rml asked us to fill out a form saying that yeah we agreed to the cost uh and we got the uh the form uh a lot of our uh the other residents at miror Lake started expressing concerns that the language that was used on the form um uh it just had language that uh made it seem that there was no other um uh funding available other than uh the residents of miror Lake paying for the lake and it sound like they wanted us to commit uh uh to that um funding where that didn't make sense to us because future boards have other ways of raising funds they could uh you know uh raise uh funds from various sources could be nonprofit sources could be from uh other homeowners in rml who are not on the lake and as such I could not gather the signatures needed to uh stop them from uh moving forward with this developer um my understanding at this point in time the developer is starting the application process with the New Jersey d uh to find out whether or not he can build um these homes uh uh condos tow houses whatever it may be on to mror Lake including filling up um a portion of the lake he mentioned 40 ft um into the lake at that meeting I kind of familiar with the zoning requirements in there um you know how big of a house are you going to fit uh with the zoning requirements in Oakland by filling in 40 ft that Lake right now maybe stretches 25 ft from the sidewalk uh to the edge of the uh the lake uh I don't think it's going to be 40 ft if this guy tries to move forward um what I would like to say and hopefully everybody at home uh who's listening to this please write to the D please engage with the uh uh the D and tell them that you do not want uh um this development uh coming to the lake and we do not want any land going onto the lake and um I I know there's a little turnout here so I'm going to go through the the same thing that I I did the first time I I was here this is a picture of my backyard this over here is a blue heron and I can I will leave you with with this photo this is a picture from my front yard the blue herens don't run away from me when I'm inside my house but they do when I try to approach it at the lake to get a photo there are blue herens on this Lake New Jersey has some of the strongest laws from the D to protect the blue har and again I'm not a zoologist but this is a picture from the Autobon Society of what blue Haron looks like it's the same animal this is this is what we have living and feeding on the fish uh in our Lake they need to be protected you know to a certain extent I don't trust uh what happens a lot of the time when development happens I see it all the time that things that should be environmentally protected are not and somehow uh development gets jammed down everybody's throats none of the residents around miror Lake want this development to go in we even had somebody who was not a resident of miror Lake who showed up uh they were a resident who lives across the street they didn't want it and I'm sure the residents even though they may want out of rml I'm sure that a lot of the residents who live in that area will have to drive up and down seminal to get their kids uh uh to and from Heights Elementary every day probably do not want to see tow houses and condos with the amount of uh additional cars that it's going to cause on that street so I I wanted wanted to bring that uh to your attention uh uh that's what's going on the uh the the best hope that we have is the D says nothing can be built there the indications from the uh the board of rml if that happens uh um there probably isn't any other use for miror Lake and we go right back into a situation where we were uh a few weeks ago where uh we can uh do some sort of orderly transfer of the lake so uh that's my report on what's going on and uh I will stay to the end and provide you any other information should you need it thank you very much for your time thank you thank you how you doing Dave Richardson 320 rample Valley Road uh I had B this subject up a while back and then the other day I happened to be working my phone and I saw a 12 news about a boy riding an electric bike in Patterson was killed him and his buddy would ride this thing they ran into the side of a truck or a vehicle that was coming out of a driveway or or coming out of a side streak the guy in in the vehicle never saw this guy coming he ran to the side of this guy's car and one kid was killed right now that almost happened to me a couple days ago coming out of my driveway right over here I get down I look I go to go and here comes this guy flying up the up the sidewalk he must have been doing 40 m hour with this thing when is the town going to Outlaw these things on sidewalks I see them in the middle of town flying somebody's going to come walking out of a store and get killed federal law says they can't do more than 20 mph they got right online here to show you how to get 50 m an hour out of these things it's ridiculous why doesn't it why doesn't the police uphel upheld the law cuz they can't do more than 20 M hour with these things and they shouldn't be on a sidewalk cuz sidewalk not side ride sidewalk it's for walking if they want to ride these bikes put them on the road make them licensed just and wear helmets just like just like uh a gasoline power it's a it's got a motor on it it's motorized somebody's going to get hurt or somebody's going to get killed just like in Patterson the other day so I think that's all I got to say and something should be done thank you mron you know it's it's it's getting ridiculous the way to stuff is getting passed passed by and and nobody's getting stopped you know the police have to do something well I'll bring it to the attention of the of the chief I know I know the chief he he just he doesn't you know he says there's nothing wrong with it I you didn't mention it to me but it's bad thank you you know I mean I I almost hit this kid or he almost hit me actually he was flying so all right thank you thank you anybody else good evening John Paladino 89 Long Hill Road I'm just wondering if there would be sides and curves on Long Hill cuz when there's Heavy Rain that rain goes onto that sidewalk side start as to erod the whatever material it's usually ashalt uh walkways and you know my kids walking up and down a lot of you know a lot of kids walk there's um you know not Marthur the other street across from Marthur there's a lot of kids in that block that go up and down my kids go up and down with bikes I tell them to walk down to until they get the rampa before they ride the bikes it's dangerous and I just want to know if that's happening since it's you know happening all over the town curbs and sidewalks I'll let you know it's County Road unfortunately but we can certainly get back to you on that and one other thing how many courts how many pickle ball courts are we nice right so we lost one One tennis court before pickle thanks anybody else not seeing any motion to close second all in favor all right we have approval of minutes September 24th 2024 motion approved so moved second second roll call Council confredo yes council president salani yes councilman talamini yes motion passes okay now we have September 24th 2024 executive minutes to have a motion to approve so moved roll call Council Fredo yes counc president Sal yesc yes motion passes okay special announcements uh we have a proclamation Proclamation is for breast cancer awareness month October 24 2024 whereas too many individuals and families in the burough of Oakland and across our nation have experience the profound loss of a mother a sister a daughter a wife or a loved one to breast cancer and whereas during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month we honor the memories of those we have lost to this devastating disease and extend our support to survivors caregivers families and all women who continue to fight breast cancer and whereas breast cancer remains one of the most prevalent canc cancers in the United States with hundreds of thousands of new diagnoses every year and more than 4 million surv survivors Living in America today and whereas the significant advancements have been made in the prevention detection and treatment of breast cancer yet many patients in their families still face complex medical decisions and financial burdens underscoring the need for continued medical medical research and support services and whereas it's essential to increase access to Affordable and accessible health care services including early screening and diagnostic services like mammograms which are critical in detecting breast cancer early and improving survival rates and whereas the Bureau of Oakland recognizes the vital role of medical professionals researchers and community health organizations in the fight against breast cancer and Express gratitude for their tireless work and dedication and whereas during the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month the Bureau of Oakland joins the nation in raising awareness about breast cancer encouraging women to seek early detection and advocating for further resources and support for all those affected by the disease now therefore I Eric Cala mayor of The Bu of Oakland to hereby Proclaim October 2024 as bre Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the Bureau of Oakland I call upon all citizens and government agencies private businesses healthc care providers and Community organizations to participate in activities and initiatives that will increase awareness Provide support and honor the memories of those we have lost as we continue working together toward the future free from breast cancer in witness there there whereof I hereby set my hand and cause the Seal of the burough of Oakland to be affixed on this 8th day of October 2024 Eric Kamala mayor B VOC all right this time I have an appointment for the Arts committee uh this is a mayor appoint with Council consent I'm here appointing Mary Louise wnc have a motion to approve so moved all in favor all right we have the following resolutions a second I did okay second okay uh we have the following resolutions uh 24288 authorized request for qualifications 24289 authorized appraisals for flood buyout program 24290 authorized contract for affordable housing planning Services 24291 authorized tax refund 24292 authorized tax refund 24293 authorized tax refund exempt veteran 24294 authorized refund for Alex cater delator intro to accounting course and 24 295 authorized Recreation refunds could we just pull 289 289 which one 289 okay pull that 289 except for 289 do we have a motion to approve so moved second roll call okay Council yes council president salani yes councilman cam yes okay 24 289 Mr um just uh could we just go over this a little bit I just want uh I mean how how many how many pieces of property is it what you know um and then just go over why we're doing it again sure uh so so this encompasses nine Parcels nine properties on Len and lore drive those were the subject of our uh fourth round Grant application to uh Bergen County uh and given the pandemic and the run up in home prices and uh Green Acres changing their appraisal standards along the way uh from Green Acres to more aligning with blue Acres apparently there's some differences there uh they wanted to see new appraisals done uh in order to be able to determine what what Green Acres calls the CMV the certified market value uh that establishes the amount that uh that Green Acres will pay uh up to to for for a buyo and just confirmed we were doing four phases of this project these Market values are only four the last phase these are only for phase four uh essentially the first three phases are done in terms of acquisition there may be one more coming uh through phase five or I'm sorry phase three was five properties we closed on four may be closing on the 5ifth uh we've had some issues there with going back and forth with the home owner and and uh how responsive that they they've been um so this is just for phase four these are the ones we have not Acquired and we're doing this Reid because the market changed is there uh if the market changes again do we have to Reit everything again or do they come back uh I think that would depend on how drastically the market may may change over what sort of time scale um but this is something where you know we want to get these get them to the county um and proceed you know move right into the deligence SP as well and these appraisals are they from the are they Green Acres people appraising or it's it's our people it's a it's a private appraisal company uh we solicited uh quot through our uh project partner of Land Conservancy with three different firms uh this company offered uh you know the best price they were offering sort of like a group rate discount uh and they have to meet the state standards in order to be accept Ed by the state so they've done in conformance with those stands just that curiosity is this the same firm from the first three phases no no different from any further discussion all right do I have a motion to approve 24289 approve appraisals for buyout program so move to do I have a second second roll Callo yes council president salani yes counc yes uh we have two ordinance for introduction we have 24 code 950 storm water Control Ordinance Mr Coons would you just kind of uh give us a brief overview of that again uh the storm water sure uh so in 2021 you adopted comprehensive revisions to the storm waterer Control Ordinance in order to comply with the D's model ordinance that they had set forth at that time uh last year they the state set forth the new permit rules for the the uh Statewide storm water management permit that permit requires additional updates to comply with a revised model ordinance uh so this ordinance brings our code into compliance with those further revisions a lot of the revisions are rather minor in nature they're focusing on literally like website links for for references um and how you actually do some of the storm order management calculations and incorporate it's some planning work that the state did uh in sort of forecasting Out Future storm intensities uh so that's sort of the bulk of the of the changes that are addressed in these amendments thank you Mr Chris obviously we talked about this at length at the last meeting uh do I have a motion to introduce 24 code 950 storm water Control Ordinance so move have a second second any discussion not seeing any roll call counc goo yes council president taliani yes councilman talamini yes motion passes all right next we have and you give the date final oh yeah I'm sorry uh the final adoption and public hearing will be held October 22nd 7 o'clock here at council chambers meeting next council meeting okay uh now we have 24 code 951 amend code for fire prevention fees for the outdoor Market Mr Coes car give us a quick explanation uh sure this is really uh a way for for us to support the the success of the recently launched craft fair they want to attract food vendors uh the current permit fee structure for any needed fire prevention permits really doesn't account for the way that the craft fair uh is is run where you would want to have vendors come back week after week after week uh vendors require what's called a type one permit that has a $100 charge to it um and they were finding you know nobody really wanted to pay down on a weekly basis uh so what we were able to do uh in terms of both meeting you know fire prevention requirements uh and being responsible to trying to attract vendors uh was offer uh you know the permit for 10 consecutive weeks so basically that includes an inspection after 10 weeks if the vendor wants to continue on with us I would require another inspection payment of another fee but it would be good for 10 consecutive weeks rather than one thank you Mr in other words there a way to just keep promoting our outdoor craft there keep the vendors coming at so we can keep growing that craft yes okay do I have a motion to introduce 24 code 951 amend amend code for fire PR fire prevention fees so moved do have a second second we have any discussion I just want to say uh thank you the Arts committee is working very hard on this uh this CED fair and anything that we could do to make it better uh helps and thank you for such a speedy response sure you're welcome thank any further discussion not seeing any uh roll call Council Gedo yes council president Alani yes Council M meeting yes all right the public hearing and final adoption will be at the October 22nd council meeting in two weeks all right does anybody have oh uh work session items uh we got s 2103 a471 fair share affordable housing obligations Mr Coons want to walk us through that sure uh for State legislation this one's actually pretty straightforward uh as you know we've been talking about the new fourth round of affordable housing obligations uh that came in response to legislation that was passed earlier this year by the state uh and one of the actions you took tonight was to actually issue a contract to our planner to do a lot of work uh to address those fourr obligations including a new fair share plan a vacant land analysis spending plan Etc uh as we get prepared for uh the release of the State numbers later this month one of the issues in that legislation uh and that resulted at least in part with a recent lawsuit filed by a number of towns you probably seen the articles in the paper had to do with the fact that there's about 62 towns that are called Urban Aid municipalities in the state that are exempt from any additional affordable housing obligations so they take the regional need so they come up with saying okay in the North Region there's X number of units of affordable housing uh exempt the afford the Urban Aid communities and partial out that allocation amongst everybody else uh this legislation would address what what we see as in you know some inequity there where all Town should have some sort of share uh of affordable housing uh just because you're an Urban Aid municipality that shouldn't mean that youve don't have a future obligation the way Suburban or rural communities do uh and the law actually goes into some of the reasoning behind that from a planning perspective uh and talks about smart growth and transportational uh options and and the like so what this law would do is basically amend the law that was passed earlier this year uh and make the Urban Aid municipalities subject to uh receiving a uh you know additional allocation as well uh so that would ALS that would provide additional housing options for the public and it would also lessen the burden on every body else so for that reason we wanted to bring that to your attention the legislation was uh introduced by uh our Senator Holly shapy uh you just need to let me know if you want to do a resolution at the next meeting to uh in support of it any discussion for members of the governing body I I think it's it makes it makes pretty good sense um you know uh there's there's affordable housing requirements you know all over the state you know and and it's and and if we're required to do it um the other the other Town should be required to do it and uh uh it's from a planning point you know from planning perspective it makes sense you know you just want to want to plan accordingly so I think it's a good idea I think maybe we should add this resolution any anybody else I'm in agreement with councilman CH everyone should have a first share of this okay okay I'm certainly in agreement with with the governing body as well Mr Coons would you prepare a resolution for next meeting yep we'll have it on for the 22nd okay very good uh new business anybody have any new business not seeing any any old business not seeing any uh committee liais on reports councilman Sani sure I will start um well since Kevin isn't here I will I will take his little position in the library I uh I had an internet problem today and I actually had to work from Library uh I don't think our residents realize how great a place it is to actually do work have meetings I was able to conduct full meetings on a global basis tonight for about eight hours it's a it's a phenomenal resource so this is no loty report I figur I would give them their uh their props because quite honestly I don't think I residents realize that you if you work from home it's a good way to get work done and and hold means especially for committees and organizations in town uh DPW asked me to report a couple quick things tonight one as as the season is starting to turn it's getting dark early please report Street LS that are out um as as kids are still get are still out and about um call 201 337 8104 to report street lights out and they will they will make sure they work with Rock and electric to get that repaired in addition leaves are falling from the trees so for both the flood commission and DPW are asking that people bag their leaves responsible please don't blow leaves into water areas uh streams and also don't blow them on your neighbor's Properties or the street bag them appropriately to make it to make everyone's life easier that's all I have tonight Mar also you might want to also mention the fact that you can also go through the website and fill out a report as well it's also an option to you it's an option to do on the website correct right thank you Council tell me uh yes so uh Recreation we have roller hockey and rec basketball signups are now in process you could go on the website oakland.org and also if you wish to call this uh coach this fall now is the time to get certified so if you again if you go to open.org you can find out how to get certified if you if you are not certified as as a a coach you cannot be on on any field gym or rank so please make sure you get certified so so you can uh coach the kids and and like I always said uh say it's one of the best things I ever did becoming a coach for for wck I'm I'm not an athlete never expected to coach anyone and um I enjoyed it so much I I I think I enjoyed it more than my kids but um uh it's a great thing you meet a lot of people in town it's a so please sign up to coach your kids um that's all I got councilwoman thank you mayor um turn your microphone on the OCCC meeting um OCC did not meet this month yet uh the OCC wants me to remind everybody of the sponsorship program it is open and is asking for a show of support from residents former residents businesses and nonprofits alike who want to support the mission and the work that the television committee bulletin board committee newsletter committee Etc does with the donations received the various committees can purchase new equipment and software expand programming opportunities fund new and innovative ideas and show appreciation to the hardworking volunteers who make it all possible sponsors will be recognized on the Oakland TV channel before and after eligible original programming on eligible original programming posted on YouTube and will be listed on the rotating bulletin board on Oakland TV to learn more you can email OCC oakland.org the deadline is October 20th uh to express interest um and the next OCC meeting will be held October 23rd at 7:30 p.m. here in this room uh accesss were all met this month um they are getting busy for their Trump or treat um activity on Saturday October 26 uh their next meeting will be held Wednesday November 7 6 at 7:30 p.m. at the senior center uh access for all is actively looking for volunteers and just to comment um this past year uh the committee took on a few new volunteers and from various different backgrounds of artists and occupational therapists and they're really coming together and doing new things looking to do new things um it's a great group so if you're interested in volunteering just go to the Oakland's website and grab a volunteer interest form um next the shade tree commission met yesterday um they two are looking for volunteers um they're a great committee they uh go around town they identify trees that are dead that are in danger um they do lots of events during the year uh they're a wonderful group um and just to remind everybody that when you get a permit and you promis to plant a tree um they are looking to enforce that that um so please take it seriously we live in Oakland plant a tree and we are a tree Community we are a tree Community it's in the name uh their next meeting will be held November 4th um in burrow fall different location mayor I forgot to mention that the public events next meeting will be Tuesday October 14th at the senior center um also they are to trunk Retreat on Saturday October thank you C can I make one more two more notes um I uh for for my job I often visit um food pantries I had to visit the Palms Church food pantry this past week and their shelves are kind of bare so if anybody has food that that they want to donate please consider I mean I know everybody wants to donate to the Carolinas and I totally get it but right here in Oakland there's a need so that's it thank you you're welcome all right Council woman bills to be paid total bills to be paid all in favor I I all right the next burough council meeting will be held Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 700 p.m. here at the burough of Oakland Municipal Court council chambers at 10 law Road Oakland New Jersey everybody have a wonderful even meeting adjourn e for