##VIDEO ID:fHB3PkUH-3E## e e a Wi-Fi down there we go meeting call to order this is the buau of Oakland council meeting held December 10th 2024 7 pm here at the council chambers uh would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law du the announced advertis are posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for a pledge of allegiance Follow by a Moment of Silence Council Pi tell would you please meet us in the Pledge yes thank you I to of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you would the clerk please Calla call the roll please councilwoman goo here councilman McAn here Council pelli Council Pig Telly Pat my microphone went off we can hear you Pat here councilman Sally Annie here Council miss linski here Council mamini here all right thank you moving right along to the mayor's report uh just a couple announcements uh Saturday December 14th will be toys for tot's train dve train collection at 12 NOA Bush Plaza councilman San is going to give you more information on that Saturday December 14th winter wonderland tree lighting Advance Park starts at 600 PM councilman talamini is going to give information on that Sunday December 15th access for all 2: to 4 p.m. at the Oakland Senior Center uh s's going to be there 2:15 councilwoman grafo is going to give you more information about that and Tuesday and Wednesday December 17th and 18th is the holiday light showcase and judging uh last dat register December 11th and councilman saliani is going to give you more information on that I want to also want to congratulate the sixth grade lucky Braves base basketball team Lady Lady Braves basketball team they won the Lincoln Park P turkey shootout tournament so congratulations to the ladies on the lady Braves and also we have a special announcement here the gifted and talented program sixth grade winners of the Fall 2024 thinking cap quiz Bowl placed first place in the country so this is pretty extraordinary for for our schools here and we are going to honor all these individuals at the January 21st meeting and you'll get to hear their entire story of how they won and how they got there and I just want to remind everybody that the fire department was going to bring Santa claws around on the 21st Saturday and for more information you can find it on the town website fire department website and social media uh the only two announcements I have is one number one the Patriots way bridge I'm happy to announce that after last meetings change order the crews are back and working on the water line they're making substantial progress uh what I'm hearing after talking to them today we expect them to have the water M hopefully completed end of the week if there's no problems and they'll be cutting over the new main at that point once that's completed they will be decommissioning the temporary water main which is the blue pipe that's going across and take down the temporary Bridge uh also for the people in The Reserve uh another thing is uh just I know there's a lot of construction going on in your neighborhoods with the FiOS conduit going in uh they expect to be done with that work at the end of the week and that will be followed by Verizon coming in and actually pulling the fiber to throughout the entire neighborhood and then the order book will be open uh just an update on the flood buyout houses uh unfortunately we've done everything we can at the council level here and the town level the only holdup is basically the state of New Jersey Department of D to issue uh the permits to decommission the houses so we will keep working and calling them and moving this along uh that's the end of my report do I have a motion open to public move second all in favor I anybody from the public wish to address the council good evening mayor and councel Ryan schwar figer 130 high off the boulevard here in my capacity as chairman of the Communications Commission I guess I'll first start with Pat we are aware that your microphone is having a little bit of an issue so just use somebody else's microphone for now if there an issue um but a few just a general updates so we're going to be soon launching Oakland TV on different streaming devices and apps that's one of the requests that we've heard from cuz a lot of people have cut the cord they're not on anymore uh when we purchased our new program in box that was one of the things that we signed up for so you can look for Oakland TV very shortly it's going to be on Roku Amazon Fire Android uh apple and I feel like I'm missing one more but pretty much almost all the major streaming services you'll be able to search Oakland TV and you could watch Oakland TV 247 from those platforms so we're very much looking forward to that um we also recorded the TV committee recorded the Dutch Christmas and the Christmas tree lighting this past Sunday it is almost done being edited we actually just saw a draft of it so it should be airing and uploaded to our YouTube channel in the coming days so everyone can look forward to that and I do of course want to thank all the volunteers for their planning for the execution and for the editing that was all involved in getting that done uh and we're also excited as part of that we filmed while at the vanin Allen house the fireplace with a fire burning of course um and we're going to hopefully be launching our first ever Oakland U log so Pix 11 eat their heart out um uh television committee we're hosting also the first video editing class which is done by our bolletin board committee chairman and our TV committee Vice chairman Mark El Bala the first editing class is going to be right here uh Council chamber the Fredy Burks television control room January 6th at 6: p.m. the first day is just going to be kind of like an explanation as to what we're going to be teaching you give you a little tour around the control room show you how everything works and then there's going to be subse quent classes learning different information at the library and if you're interested you can reach out to myself reach out to the TV committee and we're more than happy to fill you in on that and lastly of course you know we're getting to the start of the New Year we're always looking for volunteers on all of our committees and I'm sure I'm saying this on behalf of communications but I'm sure that's going to go on behalf of every single board committee Commission in the town they're always looking for new people there's got to be something that's interesting for you or something you at least want to learn so check out the town website reach CH to the mayor and Council we'd love to have you join a board committee commission there's a place for everyone to serve and I highly recommend that you do um and I think that's about it on my end and thank you and I'm sure we'll see you guys around but if not Merry Christmas and happy New Year than anybody else wish to speak motion to close I seeing any motion close second all in favor to close I okay approval of minutes uh November 26 20 24 minutes do have a motion to approve motion second do have a second any discussion not seeing any roll call councilwoman gfo yes councilman mccan yes Council pelli yes councilman San yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes all right next we have the November 26 2024 executive minutes if there's any changes it has to be done in an executive session don't move second roll call actually roll call yes councilwoman goo yes McAn yes belli yes Sani yes linski yes and telam yes all right we're going to do the following resolutions as a consent agenda I'll read them all out and case then we'll decide if anybody wants to pull anything out we have 24337 authorized tax refund 67 Cardinal Drive we have 24338 authorized tax refund for the aar's family 24339 authorized Recreation refunds 24340 authorized tax refund exempt veteran derbish Shire 24341 authorized refund for the senior trip 24342 resolution authorizing change order number two for the sewage treatment plant decommissioning project 24 343 hire seasonal snowplow operators 24344 authorized automatic license plate readers 24345 authorized grant submitt for the state and local cyber cyber security Grant 24346 authorized release of escrow funds for the Valley Medical building on Yao Avenue 24347 authorized but trans between budget authorized transfer between budget appropriation 24348 authoriz Grant submitt to the FEMA assistance for firefighters Grant program for a grant uh looking for $425,000 for radios and authorized 24349 authorized cdb Grant submitt picked up the old one these are actually reversed this is 348 and this is 349 so just make a quick correction all right so 349 is authorized Grant submittal to the female assistance for firefighters grant program and 348 is authorized cdb Grant submittal okay does any body wish to upon anything any out not seeing any4 344 all right besides 344 does anybody else pull anything else out motion to approve a second roll call Council mfo yes Council MCC yes Council pelli yes counc yes Council ssky yes councilman talini yes councilman talini questions about purchasing license plate readers that was sorry here's a Qui question for Mr Coons during the budget presentation we discussed this uh discuss this item is this the first time we purchase it this additional from the original discussions we had being in the year uh this is a result of those discussions uh we have one or two for the mobile ones on the cars uh this is a set of ones in fixed location this is an outcome of that discussion that we had during the budget process thank you I think it's an excellent excellent program uh they're they're put in I know we've said this before but in case people forget uh they're put in uh locations of entrances into the burrow entrance exits to the burrow and uh got forbid uh someone's lost or a stolen car or whatever uh these cameras would capture that further for the police department it's a great idea any other further discussion not seeing anything do I have a motion to approve 24344 motion second roll call Council goo yes councilman McAn councilman McAn I heard you okay no councilman patelli yes councilman Alani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes all right we have the following ordinance for final adoption we have 24 code 952 an ordinance to amend Road opening fees we will have a motion to open to publish so moved second second all in favor all any frombody from the public wish to talk about 24 code 952 to amend Road opening fees not seeing any do I have a motion to close joh move second all favor who wants to make a motion to adopt 24 code 952 second roll call Council woman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman patelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman slinsky yes counc M tell meeting yes okay we're up to final adoption of 24 code 954 or orance to amend fees for Hometown Heroes Banner program don't move do have a motion up to the public don't moov have a second second all in favor I anybody from the public wish to talk about 24 code 954 ordinance to amend fees for Hometown Heroes program not seeing any close second so move all favor I who wishes to introduce 24 code 954 second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes all right now we're up to indust we have uh 1 two 3456 uh ordinance for introduction we've got 24 code 955 in ordinance to amend Recreation fees do I have a motion to introduce 24 code 95 do second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes we have introduction 24 code 956 an ordinance to amend liquor licensing fees do I have a motion to introduce some moved do I have a second second roll call councilwoman gofredo no councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes councilman Sani no councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay we've got 24 code 957 ordinance to amend sewer fees you have a motion don't moved do have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman McAn yes councilman patelli yes councilman s Annie yes councilman yes councilman T yes I've got 24 code 958 an ordinance to amend the water fees do I have a motion to introduce so move second got that roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan no councilman pelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman meaning yes all right we've got uh let's do work session first before we do 24 Capital 95 to go out of order oh I have a motion to go out of order a motion to go out of order second all in favor all right so we have work session we have purchase of a new fire truck Mr cin uh sure just to sort of set the stage for this uh the fire department has been sort of researching And discussing uh I think for the majority of this year with their internal truck committee uh options to replace a uh fire engine that is a 20 re Pierce Arrow so that's currently 21 years old um they seem to after a lot of internal discussion settled on E1 brand pumper uh that would be purchased through the hgac uh Cooperative National Cooperative purchasing uh Co-op uh and in the course of their research and uh talking with vendors then at the leag municipalities convention uh became apparent that there was slated to be a 10% price increase on this item uh starting in Jan January so uh we thought it made some sense to bring it up for discussion and possible uh Contracting for the new engine now to avoid that uh that inflation that would come next year uh so that's what's before you uh now as you know we have a uh capital reserve for fire apparatus the proposed purchase price is about $777,000 uh and that's not a custom pumper that's sort of an off the the Shelf uh unit with some options uh we have about 725 or so, in the capital reserve it would require supplemental funding of about $50,000 uh so we have prepared an ordinance that would fully fund that uh the existing funds in the uh Capital Improvement fund if you so desire uh to move ahead with this now uh you can introduce that ordinance we could adopt it at the next meeting and subsequently award the contract then as well sure there's going to be some discussion on this so uh May I'll just turn it back over to you for that like to open up for discussion anybody have any comments yes I do Council thing to tell um first I'd like to say um I wish the fire department had um met with our Leons I understand as early as August or maybe even sooner than that um because this is 34 of a million dollar expenditure well you know we want the fire department to have the correct equipment no doubt about that but um I think that the the public expects us to um look at things sometimes you know uh question um expenditures of this amount um I did look at the proposal um I understand that you know if this isn't done with the in the next two weeks that there's could be possibly or that there will be a price increase increase come January 1st but I still think there's certain questions that I would like answered um I don't want to go into a discussion about them this evening I'd like to give the questions to our uh uh administrator and have him get in touch with uh the fire department and there's no need for the fire as far as I'm concerned there's no need for the fire department to come here to answer these questions if they G them to our administrator and our administrator let us know the answers to these questions I'm I would be satisfied but that's up to the rest of the council but there's four or five notes that I made uh like number one what is wrong with the present vehicle are there constant breakdowns are there constant failure of equipment uh you know why other than age or this uh proposed increase in January does this vehicle need to be replaced so I think we need to know what's wrong with it that we need to replace it is there a maintenance log has this piece of equipment been properly maintained uh you know we have we have a u we have the mechanic and also I know the engine or some engines have to be sent out uh uh for maintenance which again I'd like to know did we follow that procedure uh number three did our borrow um mechanic take a look at it and give an analysis of what he thinks I mean I'm not a mechanic uh I mean he is he's been working on it probably or at least can look at the record of Maintenance and say yes it has been properly maintained or no it has not been maintained but I think that's something we need to know uh as I said in the beginning we have Liaisons to departments and expens of this amount should have been brought to the attention of our leaz on way before this you know wait till two weeks before a deadline and then say you got to approve this or else you know there's going to be an increase I think when we have an expenditure of this amount of money they should meet with with the liaison have the liazon bring us up to up the speed on it uh and what does this new vehicle have that the old one doesn't I mean if there's new techn ology okay sure we want our we want our fire department to have uh equipment that's up to date but you know is there you know maybe there isn't maybe there isn't any new uh technology on it um and and what's and what's the mileage uh on this vehicle 40 50s 80 100,000 miles um you know I I think that would be helpful to me um you know uh each each vehicle has their own Tipping Point uh um you know I know I used to have a car that you know after 67,000 Mi you get rid of it it's too much maintenance uh although I had a Chevy straight six engine 140,000 mil on it it lasted forever uh but anyway uh these are the questions that I have I don't know if any other councilman have uh councilwoman have uh questions to add to this but uh maybe an administrator could get the answers to this and you know either put it in your report for next time or or just bring it to the next meeting but I don't think it's necessary to have the Fire Department chief come out and answer them that's that's all I have thank you Council any other further discussion from the council I have a question are there is this the only company um you know that sells fire trucks and excuse my ignorance on this subject but their price is going up 10% but is there another company that prices aren't going up 10% uh from from what I'm told uh again there were several different models that were looked at uh as the process went you know was was taking its course uh the department was looking at vehicles with different options and you know things like how high the hose bed is and how low it is and uh you know pump capacity and things of that nature uh and what I'm led to believe that this is actually the lower cost option compared to others that they had evaluated okay thanks any other further questions from the council discussion that that me needs not seeing any do have a motion to close on the discussion so move have a second all favor all right that brings us back to we're going back into the regular order of business that brings us up to 24 Capital 959 Capital ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a pumper truck apparatus so this mayor if I may this is just introduction this is not approval is just introduction right just introduction that's it the heing right at the next meeting there will be a public hearing you know if anybody has any other questions or right the public hearing will be de will be December 23rd thank you do we have a motion so moved do have a second second roll call Council goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes counc Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes final adoption will be December 23rd that's a Monday meeting um anybody from the public that wishes to talk about this it'll be open to the public as well all right we're moving on to new business does anybody have any new business from the council not seeing any anybody any council members have any old business they wish to bring up not seeing any uh liais on reports uh we'll start with councilman T meting thank you mayor um so uh tonight I'll start with the Arts committee um so uh their next meeting will be on Monday 700 pm at the senior center we're looking for some some volunteers to help with the market we had uh it was a very successful year the market it went very well um and we're just hoping to do it bigger and better next year so uh uh we're looking for some more help the we had a couple volunteers do 99% of the volunteering and uh we just need some extra hands it would be great um and then also um we we decorated a tree and it's a secret what it is so if you want to find out uh what what the tree is decorated and you have to go to the the winter wonderland tree lighting ceremony at vanon Park Saturday December 14th at 6:00 p.m. you can see our our our tree and it's and it's got hand painted ornaments from from residents of the town I think the mayor did one um and uh uh the tree I got to see a sneak peek of the tree uh it really looks good and and it's it's for a contest um so if we win the contest we can win a townwide skate session at at the rink at velon Park um and then also at at uh velon Park between the November 29th and January 26th you could go you could go to the park and you can enjoy ice skating um on at the rink Sanders North Pole Workshop ice bumper cars uh food trucks indoor outdoor beer garden and and and plenty more uh if you go on Bergen County winter wonderland. comom you you uh you you learn more and uh thank you again to everyone on the Arts committee um they they did a lot of work uh for this tree and um uh let's keep our fingers crossed and hope we win um and then for the Rec Rec Bas baseball and softball is uh signups is going on you can go on Oakland rec.org and that's it man thank you councilman councilman P tell yes thank you mayor um I only had one meeting well actually the environmental commission had a meeting uh I was unable to attend I had another event to go to that evening but I did go and uh talk to uh the chairperson uh concerning the purchase of open space uh and I had explained to them that you know um not having any Assurance of a grant that we really couldn't move forward uh right at this that's this point in time because the particular property would would have cost us between six and 700,000 which would have taken a big chunk out of our open space fund so I told them that at this point in time the council can't move forward with that and there are other uh people who uh would like to borrow to purchase their property for for open space uh so there are there there there is a list and uh I I did explain that to the chairman I mean we're weren happy about it I mean he understood why we we couldn't move forward with it but um certainly you know that that's a beautiful thing to have open space and not just development in town uh which Oakland is very lucky we do have several beautiful open space uh uh projects or properties here in town so I did explain that to them and and that was it um we have one more meeting before Christmas so I'll wait then to wish everyone a Merry Christmas thank you mayor council M Sal thank you mayor for public events we'll start with the events that are going on through the remainder of the Year toys for Tops is coming to Bush Plaza 12:00 p.m. on Saturday the train should be pulling in around noon and be prepared to have Santa come off the train and visit the town of Oakland um if you want to donate any any gifts for the Toys for TOS program you can visit any participating business with this with the with the toys forat flyer you can go to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce page I tells you the par the participating restaurants to where you can drop your gifts next is the holiday lighting showcase so basically we're doing our Oakland residence judging it's on the evenings of December 17th and December 18th so what you what we want to do is you decorate your lights and enter into the contest go to the Oakland web page and you can enter into the contest for Holiday Lights again the judging of events is December 17th in December 18th final sign up is tomorrow oh final sign up is tomorrow oh thank you very much sign up by tomorrow to be included all right so just so you know with their previous townwide winners are not allowed to participate so if you want in the past four years you're not eligible to to participate again the prizes are a grand prize is a $500 gift card the second runner up is a $100 gift card excuse me $50 gift card and the runners up each get $100 gift card so please join in the holiday lights in the holiday lights um showcase also want to thank the public events uh last night for the tree lighting ceremony excuse me on uh Sunday night Sunday night was vet Park great job at public events committee special thanks Chopper M the rest of that group that was there sorry if I missed if I left anybody out the choir oh the choir the the high school choir and um and Jerry singing Here Comes Santa Claus coming to town also want to point out DPW who worked on something to help uh Jimmy uh Jimmy and his team help us out so great job once again the community did a good job so want to thank everyone who participated in that uh for the flood commission mayor I've handed you over two documents that we need to work with the regarding the touch basins that are uh for Alan Brook so I want to make sure we handed that to you thank you that's it thank you councilman councilman can um um Public Safety um my phone has been blowing up but I know the mayor's has is relates to uh the drones or something flying uh New Jersey now gone over to New York I have no idea what it is I have no insight to it there's a statement from the governor's office we reached out to him and uh yes mayor um I don't have my glasses so maybe you want to read this feel free yeah so uh I did reach out to the governor's office and uh this is a correspondent we received from the governor's office that says we are taking this situation seriously and have been in touch with both our federal Partners as well as law enforcement at the state and federal levels so that's what we know of for now uh I will be attending a meeting down in Trenton tomorrow for more information once I get it I'll pass it on thank you mayor for that um also um U on Administration committee we uh met today with our uh blue collar and white collar unions uh negotiations uh are ongoing will'll be scheduled new meetings I believe in early January um it's uh these you know everyone's going to be faced with Rising health healthare cost next year and you know the buau has to work within its means uh and its budget but we we want our people to be uh fairly compensated and uh be proud to work here as well so it's a delegate balance that we're working on I want to commend our uh Baro administrator for a job well done up to this point uh it's not easy uh especially negotiating with people that you work with I don't know how you he's he's been I say up to this point he's been very objective and fair uh from both sides from whether it's it's a colleague he's talking to or representing the Burrow's the taxpayer's interest so thank you for that uh bridge and that's my report thank you councilman uh thank you mayor I have no reports or updates for tonight I'll have something for the next meeting thank you Council woman uh thank you mayor uh OCC gave the report earlier uh access for all has an event on Sunday December 15th from 1:00 p.m. to 400 p.m. at the Oakland senior Cent Cent um they are Santa will be arriving at 2:15 p.m. access for all invites you to meet Santa on a fire Tru with limited sights and sounds this event is geared towards those with sensory Andor auditory needs or those who prefer quieter setting uh it's a great event and hope to see everybody there I just want to say you know I've attended that event a couple years in a row now it really is really is nice working with the those children when they come to that event I see you smiling Council woman they're very H they it's just the kids are so cute and uh they love this event they love the carnival but they love this one yep okay thank you uh we're up to bills to Fe paid councilwoman oh that's me total bills to be paid $324,900 9004 cents so moved do have a second second second any discussions roll call Council mfo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes councilman Sani yes Council Miss linski yes councilman talamini yes do I have a motion to adjourn all in favor I right all right the next council meeting will be held Monday that's Monday December 23rd 2024 at 7.m here in the council chambers meeting is adjourned thank you everybody e for