##VIDEO ID:tFzfAoQ_0mk## e e e e e acella acella Aqua aqua's got that we were doing the Christmas tree in the I got old punk TST and then the rabbi's good he goes got to go yeah your all right is everybody ready before I push the button yes all right all right guys we're on the air meeting call to order this is the December 23rd Oakland burrow council meeting uh would the clerk please read the statement compl clients this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertis and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time would you please call the roll list the Pledge of Allegiance Mr pelli would you lead us to the Pledge yes thank you mayor i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands God indivisible andice all please remain standing for a moment of silence thank you uh with the clerk please call call the rooll councilwoman goo here councilman McAn councilman Pig melli yes councilman Sally Annie here councilman cinski here councilman T here I make a motion to excuse councilman mccan second all favor all right moving on to the mayor's report I'm going to keep this brief it's the last meeting of the year uh Toys for Tots I see we've got our public events chairman here as well I'm happy to report that Oakland has donated 4 4,475 toys for the Toys for ttch drive that's truly an extraordinary number uh and really shows the you know how generous the residents of Oakland are when it comes to uh events like this so I want to just thank everybody and all those people that donated also we had our Christmas Tre Manor relighting uh last weekend uh that was a very successful event everybody went back to Valley school afterwards for pictures with Santa and also I want to thank the fire department they did their you know Oakland is very fortunate that Santa comes to Oakland and has an opportunity to go visit with all the children around town and I want to thank the fire department for bringing Santa around all the children everybody had a really good time uh patri way Bridge update uh I'm very happy to announce as you know we had a change order about uh four weeks ago uh the new water line has now been install it's turned up that includes a brand new gas line and also brand new FiOS conduit all that's been installed um the workers were back there for the last week uh if you look at the project right now you'll notice that the temporary water line that blue pipe has been removed all the decking for the temporary utility Bridge has been removed and the crews are going to return on January 6th so what we're going to be looking at going forward is they are going the cranes are going to be moving back into the uh span three which is the Reserve side as they're removing the temporary steel for the temporary utility Bridge right away they're going to be putting in the stringers across the bridge they're going to do span three come back to the other side do span one and then span two once that's completed they're going to start putting in the uh end walls and the decking is going to be putting up going down on a bridge uh they have every intention of working through the winter where they're permitting so it's they're continuing to move along and that's really it for my I just want to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and that's it for my report all right do I have a motion open to the public second second all in favor anybody wish to address the councel conspiracy this time it's the town uh Municipal Court they're withholding uh settlements from uh different lawsuits and they're withholding uh it's court ordered in person them be delivered in person them and they're not doing that thank you Mr cron so I was wondering how I go about it do I have to sue them or town councils put pressure on them or I I don't know how but why don't we meet again perhaps after the holidays cuz it's it's $28 million so it's a substantial amount of money okay thank you Mr Carlson anybody else wish to address Council evening choer Russo 392 rampo Valley Road um as was mentioned and highlighted I wanted to thank everyone um Mark Fox and uh and Lindsay Smith are the ones behind for Tots you know marks a big impetus on that and they go around they collected all those toys um Oakland public events we just support him with some dollars and Manpower and stuff hot dogs are good by the way um we had the Christmas tree in monora lighting which was a lot of fun uh we had father Bob from our lady Perpetual Help and uh uh reving R uh Rabbi Rabbi Kaplan the uh the rabbi with but he's out of this world he comes in from Frank L lake so always love having him uh special thanks to Susan harima and the Acappella group from Indian Hills I messed up that name so bad what I call aquaviva aqu aqu it was just you know all that pressure and then Jerry has always let led us song to bring in Santa uh with Amy iser and uh you know always our Santa was great great uh always count on the fire department you know and uh we had the EMT uh Oakland ambulance and it's always good to have people there you know um I know somebody was talking about dressing up that area and maybe it's something for consideration you know um as you know the county offers each town in the in the county a tree address at Vance on Park maybe we could do the same idea all right I'm also on uh on shade tree and they're always complaining about not not enough trees maybe we could do the same type of idea just run it along the sidewalk there and I don't know we'll have everybody you know get some representatives from the different schools or the different 501 C's and then they could dress it up say Thanksgiving weekend or whenever and then maybe the mayor and councel could pick who who's the best and then those trees could be used by shade tree because you know tree goes down this and that you know Chopper also the person re asked if we could replace the lights on the Christmas tree that we have but I I thought we did five six seven years ago all they're all LED um I mean do they wear out I mean I don't I don't know rich I don't know if we did the lights on the Christmas Tre yeah we did I remember well I remember we did all those new lights along along uh rampo Valley Road and I know we have intentions to improve Bush Plaza put some wreaths and things like that too I mean I think it's something we can definitely talk about in the new year I I don't recall I mean they're LED lights I don't recall when when we got those honestly I mean looking at them they could use as a rabbi I would say a little hoods spot if you know if I had to guess they're probably the same age as the tree so when the tree went down we probably put new you know so that's that's probably an that and and I think that was seven years Dan Danny said seven years so it's probably yeah I was I was going to guess seven years years which is you know whatever well the tree's not as old as Jerry so poor Jerry Jerry's always there God bless her um I just wanted to report on Oakland's 7th annual holiday lighting showcase uh don't know if you were notified read anything but we we changed the rules and what we did was if you were a p winner only went back to 2020 um you couldn't participate and we just figured that if you're going to put up all the lights you're going to do them anyway so it was just you know to get a little bit more competition because we saw the peak during Co everybody had more time we had 31 homes participate there were numerous homes that I went by that I was disappointed that it that they didn't try so the winners in 2020 was 8 Hatfield 2021 54 Saratoga 22 was 49 Manito and 32 was Lehi we did really well with the votes okay we didn't use the judges like we did before plus did a little turnover with the judges so we had the community do it set 250 votes in the best of our knowledge we didn't get hacked all right so as you know we separated by the schools by the grammar schools so in first place in the Dogwood section was 52 Baner and Wendy by the way I finally got around to sending into the pictures oh thank you the second place in Dogwood where I almost got killed take you got me taking pictures a night on Skyline Drive 64 Skyline Drive In the Heights District 70 78 haata Boulevard took first and 35 princet and Terrace took second and then finally in manit section 609 that's someone with the lights and you put put the radio on your car 609 first place in the manit section and second was 0 Chuckanut and with an overwhelming amount of votes the townwide winner was six K Terrace okay I did a little Facebook thing um there was a little miscommunication with the dollars so if anybody's watching I'll probably come by I didn't get it yet so I'll pick it up like Thursday Friday because I got to do the fish store tomorrow so there's no time all right and always uh a shout out to everyone that voted also to the judges and you know John 116 Chickasaw always we have a disclaimer there he's not allowed in this competition all right's I wonder why he's in a league by himself and and I know that through his efforts he helped the uh the father's club raise a lot of money and kudos to John and he truly has the the Christmas spirit um okay one last thing um you know because of my involvement in town I I delete I I deal with the police uh Force here a lot and uh I want to wish the best of Chief sanzari yes um regardless of anybody's opinion my opinion was that's such a better organization a better group of men and women with a more positive spirit and more involved in our community than his predecessor okay um and I wish the chief the best I know he's going to be resigning but uh Chief zzar is going to leave us in better shape than his predecessor did because they have a great group of men and women and I think everything goes like it does from the top and yes I definitely wore the shirt to to match Matt just merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy New Year K Quanza and all that good stuff thank you thanks for everything Cher anybody else Mr Good hello Ben good T conqu Lane I'm here from I'll F of the OCC where I was the junior commissioner last year uh next year hopefully I'll be the alternate commissioner uh and I'm home for the holiday so hello happy holidays I just wanted to report on our schedule for the next few weeks um so we start off the day with our Christmas stream and noral Ling ceremony from at 12: 9 uh 12:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. we have our Oakland Dutch Christmas which was filmed at the Van Allen house this year 12:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 2: p.m. 6:00 p.m. and 10: p.m. we have our Jersey Jazz Christmas party 2:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. we have our Santa run that I shot this Saturday with the fire department 7:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. uh we have the O Christmas concert at 11:00 a.m. uh and our 4:30 MAA movie for the next few weeks is Miracle on 4th Street uh and then all day Christmas Day um starting at 11:00 p.m. sorry 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night all day Christmas Day all the way through 9:00 a.m. on Thursday the 26th we have our brand new Van Allen House U log that was shot this year um it's an hour long features music from uh a concert that Oakland Zone north Jersey concert band did at pwns a few years ago uh it's 1 hour on Loop all day uh for your viewing pleasure on Christmas day uh and then sprinkle it in a few other times in the schedule that's all thank you anybody else wish to address councel not seeing anybody else I have a motion to close motion to close second all favor all right we have approval of minutes we have December 2nd 2024 emergency council meeting some mov a second second all in favor we have December 2nd 2024 emergency council meeting executive minutes so moved second all favor we have December 10th 2024 minutes have a motion to approve have a second second all in favor I everybody y okay I have December 10th 2024 executive minutes if anybody has any changes can only be done executive session so moved all in favor okay uh special announcements uh lenar is asking for permission to work on Saturdays from January to February 2025 Mr co could you just give us a little explanation on why they want to work on The Saturdays for the next two months cuz you know at one point uh so they're continuing to do site work and they just broke ground on their first building and I think they're anticipating getting uh building permits soon on additional buildings uh and they're just looking to take advantage of the time where they think they may be able to work on weekends without causing any sort of disruption to the public uh you have the request in the packet uh and they specifically mentioned that they don't think that the Saturday construction work will conflict with any outdoor high school activities uh or disturb any residents so they I didn't see any time though what's that I didn't see any time that they want to start on Saturday well no but they understand based on the previous approvals that it's not going to be before 9:00 a.m. okay as long as it's not before 9:00 a.m. did um has anybody reached out to the schools though to to see if they're having issues that you know or I have not I have not heard of anything um I mean may I mean I don't have a problem with giving them the okay but maybe we reach out to to school school and just and just find out if there's an issue and maybe there's something that that that they want to complain about that they just haven't you know okay I can reach out to him uh subject to that if everybody's okay I'll tell them 9 to four I think is the uh work hours we've previously established for Saturdays if everybody's comfortable with that I'm still I'm still not comfortable but I know already I just story M uh Council you want to put your on the record what your concerns were again I just working Saturdays weather stuff going on to schools the same same concerns we had before uh also there's a few times lar wasn't supposed to working Saturdays Eric and you were there with me when they working Saturdays I keep we keep acquiescing to them and they don't listen to the rules so I don't think they should get any benefit from it just my opinion well if if if they instead of doing January and February let's start with January and if they don't here to the rules we don't give him February is everybody in favor of that Council that sounds good isn't going to change okay you can you can vote around that Pat you want to amend that to just for one month at a time yes I'd like to amend the request for uh lenar to uh one month at a time okay as long as they adhere to the rules if they don't then they don't get the second month great all in favor I I oos those opposed opposed okay all right motion carries uh we're moving on to resolutions we have 24 350 authorized Recreation refunds 24 351 award auction bids 24 352 authorize shared services agreement for fiber connection 24353 authorized Grant agreement to improve the D playground we have 24 354 designate Captain Keenan is officer charge of the Oakland Police Department as of January 1st 2025 matter Oh I thought okay 24356 authorized transfer between budget Appropriations and 24357 resolution authorizing lease agreement anybody wish to have any pulled out yes 24 354 54 and 351 351 and 354 okay uh with the exception of uh 354 and 351 do I have a motion to approve some second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman patelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes all right Council 24351 award auction bills just uh I I was wondering where all the China came from that we were selling Senior Center that that was all at the that was all at the senior center including the slushing machine and the uh the Deep prior okay all right that's all I just didn't okay uh 24 are we going to vote on it we'll do it as a can Mr patelli 354 yeah I just I just wanted I'm just curious uh do we test for police chief so that that's the process that we're in now all right so so we're sort of in in that testing process uh and that's why we have to do the OIC first so there is a test the there is a test it'll actually be a waiver of examination uh process that we're going to be following okay for that uh it's just a matter of sort of dotting the eyes and crossing the te's with all the Civil Service paperwork uh and as soon as that's ready to move forward on a promotional appointment we'll bring that up to you I I it's an excellent choice I have nothing wrong with the choice just curious I just I didn't remember whether or not we had to test for that but thank you you have to you have to call for it but it'll be a way process and just officer in charge um do we do we assign someone new every January no no no this is simply because uh Chief szeri is retiring but and we won't have a chief right so you have to designate somebody as officer in charge but wouldn't wouldn't we but let's just say something happened to our chief wouldn't we want to have an officer in charge just under under the rules basically that would default to your captain if it was some sort of uh leave of absence you may want to do that something like that but you don't designate an officer in charge unless there is a vacancy in the position of Chief okay I I just because I know like in schools they have a teacher in charge and if the principal's not there the the teacher just right it's not not quite the same thing okay all right any further disc usually it'll go what usually in the absence of let's say somebody's on vacation or uh you know sick leave of absence it'll go by rank yeah in that case thank for not seeing any further discussion all right 24351 award auction bids and 24354 designate Captain Kean is officer in charge of January motion to approve second Lo call councilwoman Gedo yes councilman Pig matelli yes councilman Sally Annie yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right we have several ordinance for final adoption we have 24 code 953 an ordinance to amend the code for Bush Plaza signs you have a motion to open to public so moved a second second all in favor anybody from the public wish to discuss 24 code 953 ordinance to amend code for Bush Plaza signs not seeing anybody motion to close so moved have a second second all in favor I all right this is going to be the final adoption of 24 code 953 an ordinance to amend the code for Bush Plaza signs so have a motion to introduce I moved second roll call councilwoman go El yes councilman Pig matelli yes councilman s Annie yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay we have final adoption of 24 code 955 an ordinance to amend Recreation fees do have a motion to open to public second all favor I anybody from the public wish to discuss 24 code 955 not seeing anybody motion to close so moved have a second second second all in favor I all right we have 24 code 955 in ordinance to amend Recreation fees we have Mo introduce do have a second second roll call you guys going fast councilman goo yes councilman patelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman telini yes all right next we have 24 code 956 ordinance to amend liquor licensing fees of a motion open to public so moved a second second all in favor anybody wish from the public wish to talk about 24 code 956 956 amending liquor license fees not seeing anybody motion to close motion so the second second all favor I I okay 24 code 950 thanks Kevin gotv yep oh that was for the public okay all right do have a motion to in to for final adoption of 24 code 956 an ordinance to amend liquor licensing fees so moved second roll call Council M fro no councilman patelli yes counc counc Sani no councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right moving on to 24 code 957 ordinance to amend sewer fees you have a motion to open to public motion do have a second second rest a second all in favor uh all in favor anybody from the public wish to discuss ordinance amending sewer fees not seeing anybody motion to close so moved for a second second all favor okay this is her final adoption of 24 code 957 in ordinance to amend sewer fees do I have a motion to introduce some moved do I have a second second roll call councilwoman Gedo yes councilman Pignatelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right moving on at 24 code 958 ordinance to amend the water fees have a motion to open public hearing have a motion to open to the public so moved do have a second second second Mr patelli all favor hi hi anybody wish to discuss the amended water fees not seeing anyone do I have a motion to close they moved second all in favor all right we're up to 24 codee 958 in ordinance to amend water fees who wishes to introduce final adoption move second got that Oney mhm roll call Council woman goo yes councilman patelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talini yes all right of 24 Capital 959 Capital ordinance Capital ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a pump or truck we have a motion to open to the public so moved second second all in favor right anybody from the public wish to discuss Capital ordinance authorized acquisition of pumper truck not seeing anybody from the public to have a motion to close so I move do have a second second we got Mr salani Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin okay all right 24 Capital 959 Capital ordinance authorizing acquisition of pump truck apparatus I have a motion to introduce for final to adopt final adop to adopt so moved second okay we got uh councilwoman goo yes councilman Pignatelli before I vote um I just want everyone to know from the last council meeting I had asked several questions the fire department to get back to me they did answer the questions uh we are U facing a substantial increase if we we don't purchase this truck now if we wait a year or two it's going to go up 25 to 50% I mean it's going to be astronomical so understand that that we should have it however in the future this type of um expenditure must come before the council more than a month before a deadline we got to have it much much sooner I mean I asked several questions and some of the other councilman said yeah I had the same had the same questions on my mind but uh it's got to come before the council a lot sooner than four weeks however I did get the information I requested and I do vote Yes councilman Sani yes and I Echo Council P's comments councilman cinski yes councilman T yes all right now we have the resolution that goes along with the capital 959 it's a resolution 24355 authorized purchase of the fire truck you'll have a motion motion do have a second second yes councilwoman gfo yes councilman patelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman T yes all right we're up to work session we have no work sessions we're up to new business at this time I'd like to ask councilwoman grafo and the council president you know what the hall Council everybody come up front we have something for the out council member a [Music] a not yet we have to wait for the official transaction so I just I just want to take a minute and you know I want to thank Jody for really stepping up it was a real pleasure serving with you Jody you really brought a a nice nice fit into the council and all your committees and everything else like so I want to just on behalf of myself and the public thank you so much for steing stepping up and and doing this for for the past year read the incription oh thank you councilwoman jod gofredo and grateful appreciation the mayor and Council of the burough of Oakland extend their heartfelt thanks for your dedicated Service as councilwoman during the calendar year 2024 your commitment diligence and unwavering dedication to the betterment of our community have left a lasting impact we are truly grateful for the time effort and passion you have devoted to serving the residents of o with deepest gratitude the mayor and Council of B of Oakland thank you [Applause] you thank you thank you Rich a thank you we're gonna miss you Jody a I'm gonna miss you guys I'm gonna miss your smile I'm gonna miss your jok thank you you the pink for thank you guys [Applause] well all right does anybody else have any new business front of the from the council not seeing any we are up to Old business anybody have any old business yes mayor is there update on what's going on um with the project behind City and D McDonald's yes as a matter of fact I do have an update for you uh I'm happy to announce that uh Oakland is going to be getting a new McDonald's uh myself and councilman talamini were at that meeting it was unanimously approved by the planning board and they expect to break ground in the spring so that's going to fix up that whole Corner down there and and it's really going to look nice coming into town here so thank you for anybody else while we're at it any update on the old burgering property uh once again we brought that up at the planning board and uh we had asked our attorney to reach out to their attorney find out if there's any movement on that so hopefully we'll have an update for you next month thank you yep anybody else have any old business not seeing any uh committee reports councilman T um other than to say uh Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah uh happy holidays uh and a happy New Year um uh just and uh thank thank you to uh councilwoman Gedo for uh thank you to you and your family for for your family sharing you with us um it's a big deal uh being up here um but uh I I wish I wish you would have quit your job and and you could stay uh but we understand that uh you have other other responsibilities but but thank you so much and uh I wish you all the best thank you that's one pick yes I'd like to wish everyone a blessed merry Christmas happy Hanukkah uh Happy New Year we don't see you until the new year uh I was just remarking today uh to uh another Resident of town how we are we are so so blessed here in town our Oakland Senior Citizen Center is a a shining light for Bergen County they offer so many programs our Public Library again offers so many programs uh we we are blessed you know Recreation education I mean we have so many many many many positive things about living here in Oakland there nothing we can do about taxes unfortunately all of New Jersey is is strapped with with with high property taxes but we do try believe me we do try to to to hold the amount down we are we have some fees that we have to do like for sewer water and sewer there are utilities we have to have to be solvent so um again Merry Christmas everyone God bless your families uh hug them love them because uh we're only here for a short period of time but thank you very much and councilwoman gofredo I can't tell you how much we're going to miss you even though you sat all the way down there we're going to going to miss you you brought a a great perspective to the council uh your thoughts and on on certain issues were certainly um appreciate it and uh God love you and your family have a good year that's it counc I want to say thank you to all the citizens of Oakland all the residents first of all wish you a merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy holiday season happy New Year um I do want to thank uh I was lucky enough this year to work with the public events committee the flood commission DP W all those committies what they do for this town I don't think people realize how much effort they put in for example DPW right first inch of snow roads been bran they're already working everything they're always on top of it's a great team Chopper work with you and events yes public events great great job uh we we did some good things this year and thank you thank you for leading that team and you know only best thing to come um and Rich I appreciate your support on the flood commission with a river restoration project we have going that's going to start next year which will benefit also fixing Al book this year regarding all the um all the property owners that were affected by that g Council woman gfred pleasure working with you I got I got the experience working on several several fun meetings uh County meetings yeah and chasing down other people uh thank you so much for dedicating your time to help us you'll be sorely missed um your energy and passion to help this town uh is is something we can only hope the next council person takes your spot use the same effort so thank you so much for your effort you're thank you it you good okay Council thank you mayor uh let see from Public Safety uh from the uh fire department uh this year they responded to 433 fire calls and had 32 fire drills this doesn't include training at the fire academy that individual firefighters have done uh from the police department for the month of November officers conducted 228 motor vehicle stops and issued 200 45 motor vehicle summonses uh for the library the opl presents jiggly Wiggly dance program with Miss Christina on January 17th at 11:00 a.m. please register online or by calling the library at 201 337 3742 uh Tuesday uh children's yoga continues on January 7th 14th 21st and 28th at 11:00 a.m. this program is uh open to children ages 3 plus and has music breathing techniques stretching and balancing exercises registration is also required on January 4th and 18th at 800 a.m. uh I'm sorry at 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. they will host art class with Maddie and friends this is open to children in grades 2 through five uh here they will learn basic drawing and painting techniques and have lots of fun on Saturdays on uh January uary uh 4th 11th and 18th they will have uh Saturday yoga for kids ages uh 5- 11 bring a mat and some water registration is required also in January they are going to launch fral music uh this is a new music streaming platform for library card holders that give access to unlimited streams from a collection of over 18 million songs Uh custom playlist and three downloads per Patron per month uh allowing patrons to build their own music library from frial music uh all you need is your library card uh this product is available either online or through an app anyone who needs help uh getting set up can contact the library for assistance uh also IID like to just say uh Merry Christmas happy new um happy New Year um happy Hanukkah and all uh uh other holidays um happy uh also I'd like to uh say thank you to Council woman gfo also it was a pleasure working with you great energy it was fun sitting next to you so again thank you for everything that you did thank you that's all I have thank you all right councilwoman this is it I'm it this is it I I have to say I I wrote down some stuff uh you know uh we had some good times and um I'm sorry I'm going to make this short but I'm I'm going to try you know uh it's your last chance make it long so we really got into the grips of things by working on the dump first thing and uh you guys were all fantastic with that I mean going to meetings with you uh with the mayor and Steve was uh quite a learning experience um your work mayor on the bridge and the downtown every time I go into the council building the the town burrow Hall you're there it you're you're present and and the residents see that and and it shows in in the beautification I mean I know it's all all of you guys doing this but you're the leader and it and it's such a great feeling to have that in this town so thank you um you know uh we had some sad times Russ you know your dad dying I'm sorry um but that's one heck of a wake I've been to I don't my my Italian family through weeks holy cow so you know um and I know you loved your dad and I just wanted to mention that I know the holidays are going to be hard and I'll be thinking of you and Pat you know you were you know you had some back issues but um you know I'm glad you're feeling better and I'm glad to see you back and um and Kevin sitting next to you thanks for telling me to stay so moved first time I'll never forget that um and uh you know I just want to thank Wendy and and Rich you guys are really everything to this town um and please extend a few words to Kathy and to Gina and David will than thank you um and one one other note I have to say I I got to know Chopper a lot better um but uh pastor Pastor n at pwns church I I got to know um just a Side Story uh there was a homeless woman in the bagels store and uh I got a hold of Pastor Nate who really connected with this woman who came into Oakland and who needed help and he's a fantastic uh Community member so um but that's that's it and thank you thank you for having the trust in me to be here this year I had a lot of a lot of fun and met a lot of good people so thank you okay well you're not done yet bills to be paid total bills to be paid 9426 18521 so moved second roll call that second councilwoman goo yes councilman pelli yes Council abstained Council M linski yes Council mamini yes that concludes our meeting on behalf of the entire governing body merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy New Year to everybody everybody be safe and uh do I have a motion to so moved yeah you have a second second all favor hi have a good year everybody thank you that's a w Chopper you're doing a great job Chopper e