even if it does go that way and um the ballots are stand as they do I I assure all residents that I will continue to fight for or I should say continue to fight for the opposition to oppose the um Class B recycle facility um after walking around and meeting the people who live right near the facility it would be a disaster not only for the residents who live nearby but for the entire town between the pollution the environment the traffic the noise it will be a total disaster so I will just keep fighting uh regardless of what happens at this time uh uh coun um John I didn't see you before our Engineers report yes thank you mayor i' like to start start our engers report uh talking about alaman Brook um unfortunately as of today uh we were Boswell was unable to submit the documents to the DP I had given the uh public uh the council uh the governing body and especially Charlie dep the assurance that it would be bone by today uh so I apologize to all um we are working diligently on getting it done I expect it to be submitted to the D next month by the end of December uh if any members of the council wish to query me on this uh uh unfortunate estimate that I give we do it now or under old business uh but if the council does not want to query me I'll move on to some other items well I I would like to um querry so we're revising the date um another 30 days and 30 days and first of all appreciate Theology and acknowledge of the impact on the resident so what commitment level can you give us that will be done in out the door by December 30th I mean from this has been dragging along so we've moved 30 days you're asking for another 30 days and we have holidays we have basically four week left of work in the year is there what type of guaranteed commitment can you can you give that this will be ready by the end of the year um M uh council president saliani uh I've talked again with Kevin Boswell uh my Environmental Group uh we discussed the incident and and the bad original um estimates and that um the guarantee is from the highest levels of basal engineering thank you do we expect and what about the bids for Bush Plaza bids for Bush Plaza uh just before this meeting I sent the uh advertisement uh to Rich to be uh in the newspaper will be accepting bids on November 30th and there are some um driveways after some Paving is that under control yes I was uh working on that actively today uh we'll be setting a date for 101 Walnut uh to correct the driveway there um we have uh two driveways with regard to the sidewalk project on rampo Valley Road I'm getting updating pricing from the contractor that originally performed the work that contract is still open I discussed it with the contractor today and he uh will be updating his uh price it's the original uh scheme that we had talked about way back in June July uh and then we had a lot of complications uh by various factions um that complicated the matter so we're back to the original scheme that was proposed back in July and we're pushing to get that done obviously before the weather gets too cold is this a change order for the 202 project this would be a change order yes and why wasn't that part of the original scope um it wasn't the original scope because um the conditions at the site uh were not conveyed correctly um on the plans and also uh we had to make Provisions for um um for existing conditions there and the steepness of the um of the grade at the uh driveway this is at the northern part part by where Carl kmac's office is at that location there okay so when you say the conditions were conceived properly was it was an oversight on Boswell is that what happened uh I would say yes it was an oversight on us okay anything else okay move on some good news um hawaa Boulevard was uh successfully paved today from uh U Franklin Avenue all the way up to uh Cal you um bids are due on no mber 21st for the replacement of the Patriots way Bridge we've had 7 to eight uh big bridge contractors pick those up um so we're expecting a very competitive bid on uh November 21st uh posos and the uh uh Wells the Calgon units are scheduled uh to be delivered the short week of Thanksgiving that Monday before Thanksgiving and Tuesday before Thanksgiving um I saw the confirmation that they'll be delivered to the site contractor will also uh getting deliveries for piping uh the sites are ready for the uh piping and for the um calone units uh so we are still on schedule for that completion um in February of 2024 is there a preparatory work that we have to do on site that is being done right now um just about completed the concrete slabs have been poured and uh they'll be cured adequately to accept the units when they arrive uh that week in um a couple weeks from now week and a half or so M good thank you I have nothing else mayor at this time what about the weight limit on the bridge uh weight limit on the bridge unfortunately I got uh news from the state and they want the three tons to remain that was in the email that was sent out that was an email that was sent out um we are now working uh I have have to work with them to try and find a way uh to get deicing and um snow clearing vehicles on the bridge because those Vehicles weigh more than the 3 ton limit so I'll be working with the state on finding ways there only there are particular areas of the bridge uh that have this 3 ton limit and if we could um cord in the right areas when we do snow clearing uh we could uh I think we could allow ow a heavier truck only for public use to be able to Salt the bridge keep it over during the winter months thank you okay thank you mayor um motion to to the public so move second all in favor any we wish to speak motion close so moved second all in favor I approve the minutes October 25th 2023 can everybody read the minutes motion second any any corrections or additions if not roll call councilman Kamal yes McAn yes Pig nelli yes Sani abstain slinsky yes talamini yes there are minutes from the October 25th 2023 executive session if there's going to be any uh discussion it must be done during executive session there a motion to approve some move second will there be any discussion mayor I just note as they were amended in executive session correct thank you roll call councilman Kamala yes MC yes patelli yes Sani slinsky yes Talam yes special announcements request for a banner placement at Bush Plaza for Oakland father's club for pictures with Santa from November 9th that's tomorrow to December 4th 2020 3 is there a motion to approve so moved second all in favor I any opposed you oppos mayor I need to abstain as I'm a member of the fub oh I was wondering if you were opposing no no I put it in I just can't okay they' take his card away if he did all right the next one is to authorize the raffle license RL raer license 1469 for the PTA Midland Park Elementary School for raffle on November 18th 2023 at Holiday Bowl 29 Spruce Street in Oakland for the benefit of the Midland Park P PTA so Mo second any discussion all in favor I any opposed resolution 23 317 award bid to Conquest for water main improvements to Lakeside Boulevard Conquest has submitted the lowest responsive bid $589,000 and the um administrator engineer and attorney have reviewed the bids and our CFO has certified that funds are available 233 23318 what contract to Boswell engineering seminal construction management and this is for the um inspection services for the improvements to seol Avenue phase three from Ohio Al the boulevard total cost not to exceed 29,000 and our CFO has certified funds are available 23319 authorized Grant agreement from Jerome Avenue sewer Improvement and it is a grant agreement with the county of Bergen of using 163,00 $50 in 2023 24 Community Development block grant funds for 16375 contract term October 1st 2023 to September 30th 2024 for Jerome Avenue sewer Improvement project and um the B administrator will be the signatory on the APPA said Grant agreement 23320 authorized Grant agreement for the Senior Center improvements using $166,000 of Community Development block grant funds term of October 1st 2023 June 30th 2024 for senior center improvements and the B administrator shall be the signatory 23 321 is to appoint an electrical subc code official and um there exists a vacancy in the position and the V administrator had and the construction official have recommended Jason Franz Franz be highed to fill the position he's met all the qualifications annual salary $18,000 now it says effective Wednesday is it Wednesday November 8th or Thursday November 9th it should be it should be tomorrow tomorrow that's Thursday November 9th 233 23 award auction bids and this is uh pursuant to miss 322 oh oh oh you know why because she moved it did it get Stu to 322 sorry resolution authorizing settlement of tax appeals entitled pnt company lpv burrow of Oakland located at 306 rampo Valley Road presently pending in the tax Court a total estimated fund for the proposed settlement is $ 5,776 51 calculated using the 2022 general tax rate and then 23 323 is to award the auction bids it may sell any personal property and you can get a whole list of vehicle equipment and the biders and the winning bid price if anybody's interested 23324 authorized the trans ER between budget Appropriations it's that's time of year and from garbage and trash recycling coordinator 49,000 Administration overtime 5 500 gasoline 20,000 for 69,500 and 23325 is authorized refund of recreation fees Craig Shepard of and 35 lak Shore Drive for basketball $90 and 23320 6 uh uh to the RFQ is for a tax appeal attorney and affordable housing attorney which was omitted when we originally did the resolution for rfqs any anybody wishes to pull any out 2318 please 18 is a white contract to Boswell engineering seminal construction management any others motion to approve second any discussion roll call councilman K yes councilman mccan yes pelli yes Sani yes cinski yes camini yes okay 23 318 of what contract to Boswell engine area for construction inspection services for the improvements to seol Avenue phase three from C to high at the Boulevard I just want to obain it's it's happening in front of my house is there a motion to approve so move second roll call councila yes M who's house skip his house is that a yes yes signatelli yes s Annie yes slinsky yes talamini abstain final adoption of ordinance 23 water Capital 931 this is the capital ordinance of the borrow of Oakland in the county of Bergen New Jersey authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the water utility of the burrow appropriating their for the sum of 800,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the water utility Capital Improvement fund of the borrow is there a motion to open to the public it's un moved second all in favor does anyone wish to get a clarification on what this means does anyone wish to speak motion to close second all in favor is there a motion to adopt so moveed second roll call Council M yes councilman MCC yes pelli yes Sani yes cinski yes tell yes we have two um introductions 23932 introducing this ordinance this is an ordinance amending chapter 9 section 1.2 of the Oakland code related to venomous snakes um is there a motion to introduce rol who was the second that in here sorry who seconded I did councilman Kamala yes yes pelli yes Sani yes linski yes s yes so this is about the venomous Stines and the next one is 23 Capital 933 this is an ordinance borrow of Oakland the county of Bergen authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the burrow appropriating therefore the sum of 1, 325,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the general Capital fund balance so moved second this is a motion to introduce right voal councilman Kamala yes councilman McAn yes Council pelli yes councilman Sani yes councilman cin yes Council salamini yes there are no items on work session any new business new business yes yes um I I don't know um election day seem to be a little rough um I would would we want to send a a letter to the county um maybe uh uh stating our concerns over um how the how the There Was You know the long lines the process I'm just thinking forward because the the presidential election we had we had lines out the door at 8:00 um on on this election um I can't imagine the presidential election so maybe maybe we could just send a letter our displeasure and and I I wasn't there a meeting set for the clerks to go the clerks Association is putting together a sub commmittee to make recommendations to the County Board of Elections of what's really happening down in the trenches to get them to be more in line with what's really going on okay make recommendations to them uh there's been a lot of talk within the county clerk's office on this what happened but I do agree with councilman T me I think it's important that this governing body send a letter out to to the freeholders and tell them that you know this was really the Commissioners okay them too uh you know as far as uh you know this was really unwieldly and it did disenfranchise a lot of Voters I think we should also including that letter uh ask them to provide an an action date by when they're going to pay you know make some decision regarding it November 13th of next year this year oh no that they would want to know what their corrective action is going to be oh the cor I thought you were talking about the counting of the ball I like to know from the County Commissioners what is is their intention of correcting this and how they're going to correct it and see if we could get it before I would imagine before the primary well I was told there were people that left the line they waited so long yeah they did and and I think uh uh simman off told us today that they're going to be discussing it down in yep right down in Tron also so it's it's not just us I mean no it wasn't just us believe me would would it would it be uh uh uh resolution uh would you would the lawyer uh write write the letter I'm happy to do so I'll circulate it to the mayor and Council beforehand to review make sure you use a lot of those legal terms that nobody understands that attorneys okay so any other new business I know it's official old business okay reports we'll start with you councilman councilman um uh where we going to start uh just uh I just want to say thank you to uh everyone for uh for for me once again um and I want to say thank you to everyone that participated in in the election process uh it's a it's a big deal to put your name on the ballot and and have the town uh decide whether they want you or or the other person and um it takes a lot of Courage um uh but I I it's just I I really appreciate the the people that that took the time to do this um uh especially uh Andrew ly um uh John biali the mayor uh Eric Pat um it's it's a big deal you know uh it's easy for for for the residents to to to to say things and write things and and and and whatever you know everyone has an opinion um but but we we walk the walk and um I I appreciate everyone that that that took the time even the school board members that before before I forget the school board members they they had a tough they had a tough uh fight um it's this is this is something that I've done all my life and I really appreciate the people that that uh step up and and do it win or lose um uh it's uh it's important and um I just just thank you thank you thank you and um that's it for today thank you councilman uh thank you mayor mayor I just want to acknowledge your words from earlier today uh regards the election uh obviously there's still votes are being counted uh there is nothing definite at this time uh and uh we both ran a very tough race and let's see where the the chips fall and mayor I certainly uh respect the uh the race that you ran and that's all I have in my report thank you thank you councilman I have a couple more things to say than that uh again I like to Echo what councilman talamini is saying especially to the pole workers I mean I think they're there what 14 hours I think they like a 14 15 hour day uh really my hat's off to them I mean it's it's grueling I understand there were some places that had long long lines uh it's a new process there was probably complaints also so uh you know congratulations uh to them on on doing the best job that they could do under the circumstances congratulations to uh my fellow uh councilman and and may swager um 12 years is a long time to be mayor yes it is you're very proud that uh of your time here it takes it does take a lot of work they right especially the mayor's job and I don't Ute too much but you know there's a lot of time where you almost have to go to BR Hall every day so it's it's a grueling job and takes a lot of time uh but you know again like like councilman talamini said my hats off to everybody who puts that effort forward it's it's a good six it's a good six months of worth of work and Tim taes and meetings and so again thank you very much um I do have a report though from uh I'd like to touch on a couple of items uh from the environmental commission we are so fortunate I mean they uh lee Heyman uh the chair uh has many many years experience that's me I'm sorry I thought I turned it while she wasn't oh could be emergency yeah you know what I leave it on on because of my husband I do leave it on vibrate but it's not him so yes bad B me so again uh uh my hats off to to Lee Heyman Lee Heyman is engineer environmental engineer many many many many years of experience and he reviewed the environmental impact statement for 342 West Oakland Avenue yeah and and you know he he brought up a couple of things that that I didn't think of and I'd just like to to to uh uh reiterate what he was saying um you know we we we ask people to sign a petition which is important but um as an elected official I know a personal letter I'm sorry goes a long long way when they see a stack with signatures that's all they see is signatures but when you write a personal letter hopefully they do sit down and read them uh but you know I'm going to make a couple of points if you want to include it in your letter I still suggest that you send send the letter um with Lee Heyman and the and the council said on their environmental in Impact statement it was deficient in detail with groundwater and surface water runoff no information regarding the statement which should be included in every environmental impact statement that there would be no significant environmental impacts which is very very important for them to say uh also concerned about runoff to the Ramapo River and runoff to the residents on West Oakland Avenue uh another biggie no soil erosion and uh sediment control to prevent um uh impact on the Ramapo River uh several concerns that they voice on noise dust and smoke water runoff groundwater impact and cont uh contaminated material the environmental impact statement does not contain sufficient information to determine the true impact of the environment reement uh their recommendations uh uh for for them to do would be a noise study air quality assessment and a hydrogeological investigation these are all really important points I mean I was in in environmental uh um enforcement for you know almost 40 years and these are all very good important points uh we do have that on file I would imagine his his letter so if anybody wants to come and read it and and take notes from it it's really really well written and I mean I didn't go into too many details about the noise dust water run he went into details on on each one the paragraph I think we all read them right may you read it yes I received every letter that I received I responded it's received and then I forwarded to and I mean I mean no I mean uh lee heyman's report and also the flood commission's letter yeah so I I suggest you read it it's it's really very interesting and uh again thank you so much to Lee and and the environment mental commission um for their work on on doing this I know right after the September 28th meeting I asked our administrator to contact the environmental commission and ask them for a report uh also uh the Board of Health asked the Board of Health to make to make a report and comment on it uh these are all important and and the issues that he brought up are very important and should be pointed out to the uh Commissioners the Bergen County Commissioners I think if they really read them and pay attention to it they'll see this application is really really deficient so thank you again to Lee and uh thank you mayor that's all I have um on that I also have an A a young man who is working towards his Eagle Scout badge who is doing some investigation with the river and with the lake so that also help and the other Mr too Mr PR uh information yes and in addition to that um there are many I didn't realized this a lot of research on this there are many protected species and they're the ones who going to help us fight it more than the two-legged people that we are because they're protected and and apparently New Jersey um it's in the legislature there is a list of the protected species and we have photographs that's I've been collecting the photographs from some of the residents the other thing I want to mention when you write you a letter I was talking to some oh is that my husband no it's my sugar oh no sugar level sugar level glucose level he's diabetic glucose level you okay yes all right in your letter one of the things that I was told by some people in other in other towns we were talking about this this crazy way of voting someone called me that morning and said do you have to be an engineer to vote and the second thing was one of my friends she voted in another town and when she went and I vote by mail so I don't know she went to um bring it over the the flip of paper with the envelope the polework was looking at her ballot I was going to talk about that that they're looking at the ballots and and and was reading the ballot so please put that in the letter also confidentiality is lacking yeah yes thank you okay sorry mayor mayor before we move on I I forgot something can I just sure okay um I I had received an email from a a resident in um in the reserve asking about the uh the traffic um uh so speeding on Rao River Trace yes the speeding on ripo River Trace and uh so so I I I spoke with a number of people I spoke with uh uh Mr yimi I spoke with the chief I spoke with Rich I spoke with um uh Anthony and Steve Albert a traffic officer uh no I didn't you didn't speak to him okay but um I was asking about U um a speed hump um I don't know if it's if it's something feasible um but but then also the the resident is hesitant about a speed hump um but the only thing that I would like to say is um just just please uh if you don't have to use the the the gates please go over the the over the uh the Patriots White Bridge don't don't they don't need extra traffic in those areas um it's it's it's a little bit of a an inconvenience for them um and and it will be for a long time and the the drive a little slower uh from what I understand we don't have a a speeding issue from uh from from we made that report the police made a report last from this study um but if you could drive a little slower um it would everyone would be happier um and just in general drive slower everywhere and uh yes um just uh if if u i I don't know if if you if Mr you if you looked into any of this speed hump at all did well if if we if we do uh do that my first recommendation would be a uh one that could be removed um snow for snow plowing but but if you recall the board doesn't want it okay so I mean and this was just a discussion coun salani yes I remember they do not want to speed hump because it's noisy yeah yeah right and um so so and again this is there's there's going be inconveniences and and if the speed hump is going to slow people down and it's noisy well then sorry um it slows people down um but but if um so then you have to decide are you worried about the noise or you worried about the speed um and uh but again we all have to be understanding and and I I and I understand that that it's they're not used to having the the traffic go by in front of them and they they they bought the house because it was on a on a slow road with B basically no traffic and now they have it and and it's going to be it just be patient and everything will be better that's that's that's all thank well the second street that we learned because I almost got killed and I talked to our traffic officers por going down the hill of por so when you work on rounda River Trace work on P also so councilman okay uh Mary just to follow up on the issue of ballot security yeah I experienced that myself where the twice during the process you coming out with that paper there it's you're voting on both sides it's accessible but what's striking to me was when I was in the booth the woman was peeking in going well you have to push that button she was clearly trying to it was clearly it was really interesting but I also got complaints from other people that the same thing was happening so um other all in all not just Oakland not just Oakland it was it was some some of the complaints came from where I'm the bough attorney in Emerson and and so forth so it's it's an issue it's a real issue I don't know why people would be peering in on me no secret how I was going to vote so um but but it's it's that paper that said it's visible it's visible to everyone and it's not secure interesting where I vote they actually give you a they call a privacy sleep they're supposed to do that and so you know you take that over you you put it in you take it out you put it back in the sleeve you bring it over to the machine to feed it in and it gives you comfort level nobody's watching you vote who you're vote I don't know why they why they don't have that it's probably one of the worst systems I've ever seen every time you have whether it's a card or it's an entry into the iPad every entry point of data is an entry point for for a mistake um and it doesn't look like uh it's running too smoothly and next year with the presidential pres they have to you're going to have lines until midnight and I I think the the referendum question particularly on your sample ballot was so dang small so darn light I mean it was difficult to even read I went to the Senior Citizen Center and and explained each each referendum to them because it even for me it was difficult to read well thank God the the referendum on open space past that's all I can say anything else yeah uh I want to thank Chopper and his group uh for the Trunk or Treat uh it was it was uh it was a great uh event the cars were spectacular uh the kids had a great time access for all was present in a big way what was there 40 thing 40 things of fruit yeah yeah who knew I mean the fruit would be that popular as a Halloween uh chachki um and it we ran out uh we ran out of stuff and um and so next year we'll we'll know more had great weather yeah we had great weather it was a great event the costumes were great uh the kids were spectacular and the access for all kids we we having a group of regulars I would say is that fair to say you know showing up uh on the access for all just a quick um uh some some budgetary items so in August we had uh $500 TR um for Access for all as part of the uh the Align item um we paid out uh uh $29 as of three weeks ago uh and 34 cents was paid out with a $1 17771 bills still yet to be paid that required uh me getting in touch with the B administrator we requested a $500 budget transfer which was approved tonight and they had also received $23. 36 of donated funds going forward we add that budget transfer because we're planning for our Christmas uh a Christmas event and uh we discussed a bunch of uh um premiums to give out Globes what was the other thing uh Globes I forgot yeah yeah it was Globes so the committee has new members MERS I believe they're friends of yours they're very good they're very right um and uh it's really it's really it's it's really good but choa you did a great job as usual and your group yeah good job guys yeah uh and as was a followup uh I had discussed uh the swatting Arrangements uh was a special training with the FBI I had chance to speak to the chief of police and he was very interested in the program and and he has the information excellent and uh that's it councilman thank you uh from the sewer committee uh we are in the process of setting up a meeting with the sewer customers to be held in the senior center uh for a date in December I should have more details at our next meeting on November 21st uh from the Oakland Communications Commission uh the television committee is still accepting donations to enable the committee to purchase new equipment and support the maintenance of existing equipment if interested in contributing to this important initiative please contact the TV chairman Jim Barry at Oakland njtv gmail.com uh the bulletin board committee continues to look for music submissions to serve as the background music of the bulletin board as a slide cycle through if interested in submitting your original music you can contact the committee chairman Mark alala at Oakland andj bulletin board at gmail.com the OCC has no further meetings for the remainder of the year and will have their next meeting on January 22nd 20 24 their budget and new 5-year plan passed unanimously and the 5-year plan will be posted on the burrow website for the public to see uh from the library the opl will be hosting a program about biring and attracting screech owls to your y this Monday November 13th at 7.m presented by Jim Wright they will also have teen Jeopardy on Thursday November 16th at 300 p.m. for middle schoolers as well as their first meeting of the enemy Club pertains on Monday November 20th at 6: p.m. registration is required for all these programs uh all the regular children's programs continue to be held uh however the uh Library will be closed on Thanksgiving and the day after they close on Veterans Day I don't they're not I believe they're open they're open I believe and on biring the program on biring I was told that the area where Class B recycling wants to go people go there for bird watching could you do you think you can make an inquiry with this person in the program I think there's a a bold Eagle that flies over we have a picture of the eagle but I heard they they watch Birds okay that's what I'm told councilman there's no report from DPW um shade tree we're still looking for one more member to to sign up so so please sign up uh Recreation please check the website for current signups that are going on the um and that's really all I had from a report standpoint I do want to thank the candidates of ran congratulations and appreciate everyone putting themselves out there I also uh want to thank the um te team of bur Hall last night they were there till about midnight um dealing with the with the delays in the voting and and working so everyone work really hard as well so uh and mayor you know after as the election goes we'll have more conversations and appreciate yourself Andrea and John the campaign you ran thank you at this time motion's over to the public move second all in favor anyone wish to speak does that mean you want to speak chuso 392 Valley Road uh thanks for the acknowledgement on the um on the truck or treat we got a great team Joe he's big with the cars you know and and the weather was perfect uh Kudos domain she got the shop right to donate a bunch of them and then they turned around they Tred to charge us for 325 who you ordered 325 and they brought us an additional 325 I said well you know we're not in the rest we're not in that business that we're counting the damn things you made a delivery so um May a strong armed and you know they honored their commitment as a gift and that was nice she's so sweet how did they ref I made them an offer they couldn't good um our next upcoming event is going to be Sunday um December 3rd is Christmas tree and monora lighting uh there's a new um prestar lady Perpetual Help um father Bob so he's going to be there and our uh our favorite Rabbi from uh the Chabad in Franklin Lakes habad habas you got it's the Thro he's got a lot of hood spy know that we always make him go second we and we can't make the new person go first um Danny's working on the truck truck light parade it's going to be what at least a half an hour this year oh it's it's growing invitations went out okay different thank you so much it's going to be great emergency services in that so yeah Danny Danny is really running with this um Sand's all set uh Toys for Tots uh with the Marines is going to be on Saturday December 9th um at 12 at Bush Plaza okay we already figured out how we're going to lay everything out you know yeah to the side yeah don't worry we know it's lawsuit City choer somebody I wasn't in the office I was with my husband earlier and somebody dropped off a box for Toys for Tots my office yeah uh through Oakland Chamber of Commerce oh so people could put toys in there yeah okay yeah they dropped the Box by me they're all over yeah different um businesses throughout the town so be good uh Oakland does so well with that that they wind up giving us a double time spot uh versus what they do with other other towns and then we got our own Santa wink wink and uh because the other Santa gets a little bit beat up by the time he gets to Oakland so our Santa can leave can stay even when the train leaves so it's good yeah it's another great thing about Oakland yes got great great town spirit and everything and thank you that's it anybody else motion close mve second well in favor I I oh mayor I uh excuse me I double checked and um I apologize uh it is uh closed um on the 10th uh Friday Friday Saturday it's open Saturday yeah you're right it's closed on Friday the and our bills to be paid all right bills to be paid 3,187 18398 so moved second if you read the bills list you can vote roll call councilman yes M yes pelli yes Sani yes slinsky yes yes motion to close moov second all in favor next meeting is right here no it's on a Tuesday because that's Thanksgiving week so it's Tuesday November 21st 7 p.m.