##VIDEO ID:-NyaC8xQSSw## e e e e good evening sorry this meeting I'll be called to order sorry uh this is a regular public meeting of the Oakland Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting has been provided uh on a roll call please here I might I'll just hold it um Mrs Ezekiel Mrs Fel Mr STS uh Jen is late Mr McMillan here Mrs Maran Mr schaer Mrs bushko please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States America the all right there's no executive session at this time um so for section three we have the district test report although we did talk in committee about in the perfect okay so um want give me a motion yeah so we're going to go on the committee of the whole and then do the presentation there is there a mtion go into Committee of the whole we moved in second it all in favor I all right we are now in Committee of the hole and um Mr yamamota can you come and share the report with us and I'm G to move out of the way thank you have to watch what I say right good evening everyone uh tonight I'm going to present con coling Woods District test report for the 2023 2024 school year now this presentation will focus on the secondary students only so very similar to um Oakland kwood also gave a number of State assment ments uh from the access test the DM the NJ GPA and the njsla um during this presentation I'll go over the purpose of those tests I also talk about their performance levels and share some district and student uh group results there's also a um njo regulation that I need to talk about that deals with student privacy now throughout this presentation you'll see a number of bar graphs all the bar graphs will um be involved with student groups and this color key um will be consistent throughout all the graphs so for instance when we talk about gender uh females will be in green males will be in yellow um if we go to ethnicity and race then students of um who are Hispanic would be in purple uh students who are black would be green and students who are white would be that yellow and so on the anti reporting this this is that NJ do oops this is that NJ doe regulation um regarding um when data can be shown to the public so um there have to be in a student group at least 10 or more students for data to be shared again it's for uh the students privacy so was the test given last year was the access test all right it was the same test given here as well it is for our multilingual Learners um test is given from grades K through 12 and what it does it measures the English language progress uh in speaking listening reading and writing the access test has six performance levels from one through um six which is reaching or one is entering this table shows the uh secondary results um for the access to test in collinswood um for the secondary level there were 41 um multilingual students 13 of them were new uh to kwood last year and the remaining 28 were with us for two or more years and in that 28 11 showed progress 11 showed progress with um six of them showing six of them showing more than one year of growth d assessment is an alternate assessment for special education students with the most significant intellectual disabilities um this test is really replacement for the NJ GPA and NJ SLA assessments uh it is given through grades 3 through 8 and 11 and for science 58 and 11 the DM has four performance levels um and we like to see students at the at targ or advaned if possible very similar to what we showed last year our last month in Oakland just same in kwood we don't really have enough students to actually share with the public all right so the NJ GPA is giving to Juniors right this is the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment um this test is part of the uh graduation requirements that all students need to it's the first pathway all students actually need to take this test to be eligible for the other two Pathways the second pathway deals with um so if they don't pass the first pathway which is the NJ GPA they may be able to pass or make meet the graduation requirement through like an SAT score or a p PSAT score um one of those tests uh and then the third pathway would be that um as a senior they would go through a um sorry it's went out my head um thank you they'll do a appeals class and do a portfolio um and then this information is shared with the state so the njtpa basically just has two performance levels it really shows that the students are graduation Ready or Not Yet graduation ready um students need to score 725 or higher to be considered or to meet that graduation requirement this table shows how um con would compare to New Jersey um so for both language arts and math we we are um above the state average um so that is really the bright news um but I will say that we do have some work to do in math I mean so we have 58. 7.7 so let's say um just about six out of 10 students are passing but we still have 40% more to really get over that hump this is a three-year comparison for the NJ GPA um I will say for both math and language arts we are trending in the right direction right now some of you may have noticed that from 2122 to 2223 there was a significant jump and I'd like to say we found the magic key to um you know to do well on a test um but the the rationale for that is in 2122 the cut off scho was 750 and then for 2223 it's it was 725 so they dropped it down so from this um slide and next four slides we talk about student um student groups uh this first one deals with gender um this one you they're pretty close but you will start seeing a pattern in terms of some academic disparities um but in terms of gender for njpa they are pretty similar these graphs show uh student groups for ethnicity and race um we have the language arts on the left and the math on the right uh like the key shows the purple shows students um proficiency rate for those who are Hispanic and purple uh the green shows uh students who are um black and then the white would be in yellow and you can really start seeing it in the mass where um there is a gap between how well white students performed as well as students of color this graph shows the NJ GPA for students who are economically disadvantage uh those students are shown in the yellow and this last one for the njtpa shows students who have IPS again um students with IPS are in yellow now in the math one you may say well wait a second only one a student out of um 25 met the graduation requirement on the njtpa I will say it is yes but there are alternative Pathways that uh students can meet that requirement um and last year uh 23 out 25 students with I APS did graduate the njsla um is the uh assessment that Oakland also gives um it is a test that goes from grades three through nine uh for math and language arts and 58 11 for um science it's a little different when math gets to the upper grades because um some eighth graders and then high school students they take the algebra one geometry or algebra two which are called like end of year tests so it's a little different than like a grade level test the NJ SLA science has four um performance levels and we want to see students in level three and level four uh to reach level three students need to score um at least 200 or higher this table again shows the um comparison of how uh Collingswood did last year to New Jersey um as well as threeyear comparison so in 11th grade again we are training in the right direction um somewhat in eighth grade and even though we passed State assess passed the state average um I really am a little bit upset with the state with this because what they're basically saying is in eighth grade um two out of 10 students or not even two out of 10 students are passing their eighth grade test out of all the students in New Jersey in 11th grade we're talking about three out of 10 so there is something that the state really needs to start working on um in terms that assessment in terms of what standards they're using uh so next slides will show the njsla science performance uh student groups this is again for gender now you'll see some numbers on the table that are in uh parentheses that is the total number number of students in that group here is the njsla sence for um ethnicity and race now in this table you do see some x's all right again that's to protect student privacy because of either the end size or again just um because we want to make sure that a student identity remains Anonymous 10 yeah this table shows our economic disadvantage students again those are shown in yellow and this last slide here shows uh students who have IEPs again those students uh proficiency is shown in yellow all right moving on to the nsla performance levels for language arts and math in this case we have five levels uh we want to see students in either level four or five so meeting or exceeding expectations and to be able to do that we're looking for students to score 750 or higher this table shows the ELA um compar a three-year comparison as well as how we compare it to um the New Jersey and as you look in grades six through eight we did surpass New Jersey um and six and seven we cols would surpass New Jersey by a a really healthy margin so um I'm really happy to see that um and n9th grade we're close so we do have some work there and actually if you look at cohorts in other words students of the same year um students in the same group so like in 2023 for for sixth grade moving on to 2024 for seventh grade all right so last year 7th grade you see an increase in that cohort right and very similar in terms of um last year's eighth grade right where we even go back to 2022 right so if we look on the diagonal 2022 sixth graders there were 53% um in 2023 there were 64.2% and in 24 they um Rose to 67% .5% passing rate wait I'm sorry yep I mean for 22 to 23 that really is the same group 23 24 there is a little bit growth on damer yeah sorry did for this one did the scores drop like it did in the other one or was it the same remember you said it dropped from like 750 to 725 oh no this stayed the same this was still 7 oops sorry again next several slides will show student group for ELA uh this one shows gender this graphing table shows student groups for ethnicity and race again the parentheses in the table represents like the total number here is um students who are economically disadvantaged what is the income threshold that considers you econom is there are on um like um thank you and this one shows students with IEPs this next table is the njsla scores for math um math is an area that we do need to focus on um I know we kind of said that last year in Oakland we have to do the same thing in kwood as well um I will say that sixth grade and seventh grade did well in terms of the state um but we do have a big drop in e8th grade we also broke apart the algeb middle school and Al in high school so let me explain that a little bit in sixth grade and seventh grade um they take grade level tests so if we H we have a accelerated and an academic level for both sixth and seventh grade but those students still take the same test when they get to e8th grade students who are in the honors class they actually jump and take the end of course ALB one test so you could see that those students really did exceptionally well with an almost an 82% um you know proficient rate the flip side is that the students who are not in honors um take the eighth grade test and that is the area that we definitely need to um work on so are are you saying they take for lack of a better term they they take the honor kids they take the smarter kids away from the eighth grade bracket and put them in the algebra one bracket and then let the other kids do the grade by them yes in essence so they do take they take different tests so they show different performance rates if I'm asking the same question as Jimmy let me know but so Algebra 1 Middle School 66 those 66 are outside of the total of the sixth seventh and eighth grade so they are 66 separate kids that if that wasn't the case they would be in the previous three rows in eighth grade in eighth grade thank you got it all right now it makes sense 66 plus 88 is closer than the other two numbers thank you and that would make the entire eighth grade um but again because they take different tests it's more apparent um can I ask one more question so if I were to look at uh let's say 7th grade 20 20 2022 at 32 and then following a non-honors student track it would go 32 11.7 and then 15 so it in math it's very difficult to start looking at cohorts because in seventh grade when you said 2022 at 32% that is that's that's everybody yesk I'm sorry can I ask one more question too sure um so the the algebra one high school is that like the academic level in like a fresh year um that is made up of academic but the high school does have an Alan honors class like a ninth grade honors class gotcha um that which is different than the eighth grade algeb one which is different than the eighth grade ALB one yes okay so they would in theory would be taking the same so that yeah I just noticed that's a bigger number the high school middle school take the same algebra one test yeah um if we had combined those two I think our uh percentage would have been 35.7% um but again this is we we need to do better in alible one yeah and generally what grades are geometry is that like 10th grade so the geometry here would be ninth graders or so they're really students who are on a fast track in terms of math so they they're yeah okay yes and there are probably some C graders mixed in there too um again next s slides will be the student groups for njsla math here's the one on gender this one is for ethnicity and race oh and let me also um State probably should State this a little sooner but there is a note in the bottom so in term for the Privacy piece like we even in this one I had to um remove some information because of of student privacy but there are other groups that aren't shown in here like um in Asian or Pacific I mean so all those groups are just too small to represent that's why you only see um uh students who are either Hispanic black or white uh here's one again for economic disadvantage and this one is for students with IEPs So what at the point now um you know several years after covid we we were working on recovery trying to catch kids up um I'm happy to say that we're really uh working on rigorous curriculum um rigorous academic achievement so that's what we're looking for we are um building more professional learning communities plc's um we are supporting you know student Co School culture and mental health um we're working towards making more inclusive classrooms um so and just in general these are things that are like kind of the big picture ideas specifically in terms of strategies um we did adjust uh Staffing to make sure that we met our student needs um we changed dat our schedule so that there was more time for uh teachers to meet and work together um all the buildings obviously including the middle school and high school have key performance indicators I think we talked about that here in Oakland it's the same idea we want to know um we want to set a a a a boundary or guideline Baseline sorry Baseline and show improvement from um from there um they those tie into our continuous Improvement guides which we meet week meet monthly to uh talk about um Improv mement um something really exciting or at least I think kind exciting is that we have a new screener at the secondary level called nwaa map and that will help us um really Target look at the data and Target our um uh our information so that we can really focus on students and what they need something also a little different is that we are creating an integrated math uh course so this course will be an algebra and geometry combination um this will take a two-year span um ultimately what this means is that students will take the alge one test as a sophomore so they have two years to be able to take that test or learn the skill and take that test um and on the language arts side we do have a language arts supplemental grade nine that are uh really targeted support for students um who who need that extra help and we are in the middle school we are engaged in a um um partnership with New Jersey's Coalition of inclusive education right where uh Middle School teachers are getting uh professional development since the um both uh District test reports go on the website there are links for people to um if they want to check out more information about the different tests and I think that's it does anybody else have any other questions yeah I'm sorry can you go back to the um the math page I just have a question about um so if a student is in algebra one in e8th grade then they take the geometry test is there another test after that or are they retaking tests so students in high school only need to take one njsla test gotcha it is part of a federal requirement reement that um students take a test in elementary level Middle School and High School gotcha um this is not part of a graduation requirement at all that's the NJ GPA okay got it so they might not need to take one and it's there okay perfect thank you so my question I don't know if this is the right forum for it so feel free to punt it but I'm just we're looking at the when we're talking about the economically disadvantaged ratios and and breakdowns these are of the students that are meeting or exceeding expectations it seems to me that in ninth grade there's the a big kind of jump in the ratio of economically disadvantaged and not economically disadvantaged is can you share what that is for the entire student population for the high school is that an unfair question it may not be well I'm just I just saw a big difference in terms of performance percent no yeah yeah oh they're they're roughly 40% um free and reduced thank you anybody any other questions all right thank you very much all right we are still in um Committee of the whole there were um I believe a couple other agenda items or one other agenda item um one of the things one of the topics that came up as a result of our retreat was that at the m Oakland shares the same attorney as Collingswood and we are wondering if that is in the best interest of Oakland to share an attorney so just want to open that up for discussion if we should pursue having a different attorney um sharing an attorney sharing using the same attorney that coling would uses is new correct within the last few months I'll just hold it um you've always had the same Law Firm but there was two partners in the practice one of them retired so um I did consider your question I did speak to the attorney um and again this is where ethically and being conflicted gets very confusing but for him to issue a legal opinion on whether he's conflicted would be a conflict so if that makes sense because he serves both boards right so you're kind of putting him in in the middle so if we wanted an official written legal opinion we would have to get hire a different attorney to get it like so the board knows but I did go back over the bills the only thing that has really been happening in Oakland where we've needed Council this year has been and um like Special Ed calls and stuff like that and in that he's not conflicted and when there was question at The Retreat or even before the retreat of of doing an RFP for the shared services that you have with Collingswood I mentioned to the board that if you went that way I'm conflicted the attorney's conflicted and Fred's conflicted we would all have to step out so by us doing that we're kind of keeping it Conflict Free if that makes sense um but if came to it where it was an issue between Collingswood and Oakland that would need attorney yeah you would have to get somebody but right now it hasn't hasn't risen to that um I I mean fellow board members tell me what your thoughts are but the statement from an attorney saying it is a conflict to me to voice my opinion on a conflict is isn't that answer enough that we probably should have a separate attorney I disagree but what's up to you it would be easier just to appoint a separate attorney not not firm the firm's fine but just a separate attorney with but if he's now like a solo attorney like if it's his own firm and he's a solo he he's not but I know he just and I go out for RFP for these Services Every Spring um so the next time I would probably do it would be in this would be in the spring he just added um two additional attorneys cuz Kart does just more than School law they do all kinds of law um but he's the educational law partner but he just added uh two additional attorneys so maybe in the spring a different person will be assigned but Robin silly did retire at the end of last school year why can't we do that right now not not going out for an attorney just we've appointed The Firm of of capart and scotcher keep them but tell karton scard we would like to have a separate attorney within the organization hand Oakland only be needed if we like if right now we're only having special that stuff where it's not a conflict because they're not doing anything if I mean I agree if if something comes up that we had to then absolutely you have to look at something else but why pay for something that we don't not using true that's true that's true and also the use of an attorney is something that's an unpredictable thing like you only anticipate hey we might need an attorney in a few months well and also the precedent was we had separate attorneys so I don't know why that needs to change just because someone retired I just believe it's just Staffing at the firm is that simple so so at the very least when we go out for RFP they will have hired additional people so it wouldn't be it wouldn't be an issue at that point right is that right we go out I go out every spring I go out every March for the for the services so does the attorneys does the firm have other attorneys or not because I'm just now I'm unclear he just hired two new attorneys he's the partner so usually when we go up for RFP he's the partner in charge and then he has like two like lower attorneys so usually like when I call like I get the I get the partner like we get the main attorney so that is usually who is assigned to your account incidentally and this doesn't have a whole lot to do with it but the partner will charge a higher rate than we the he does but he's kept his rate flat for like four or five years I'm not I kind of I finagle them when I do the RFP so they know that so testing all right um does does the lawyer currently like go over contracts are we using them as a shared service in contracts that that are going out like so if we hired our own separate attorney would that be not for just like a you know what we need an attorne attorney for but for like contract reviewal and stuff like that would would it be would we incur a larger cost at the end of the day having a separate attorney when the other one could be shared does that make sense didn't mean to do that it doesn't want tell no I I have so I'm just going to hold it um it's a good question I don't know because I would have to I honestly don't know the answer um but like I said Oakland um your legal bills are pretty Dom Minimus um in compared to Collings woods and I did go back over the last several months and the only calls that were made to the attorney that required anything to do it was more like due process or special ed IEP type questions where there was uh no conflict but any time like a question gets emailed to Fred or I that I think we're conflicted in I kind that's why I say in my email I think I'm conflicted I'm going to like step out of the room because I don't want to put anybody in Jeopardy and that's kind of what he's he's doing the same thing at this point that that's the issue with shared services it's kind of like we're working for both entities but when both entities want to like go at it I I have to step out of the room yeah are they on a retainer or do we pay I don't believe in retainers so no that is an absolute no you only pay pay for services rendered an if it's an hourly fee I know now it's happening to me if it's an hourly fee I mean you don't know what you don't know and you maybe have to ask the question but the law firm especially if we're getting the junior guys um do they would they would that same price be honored so again I mean to Colleen's point maybe it's net neutral if we use the same firm and the prices are pretty set right like we get RP and just see if he can appoint somebody else right now like his the hourly rate that's charge is 165 um which is not bad at all um so you know when we go off RFP we can we can look at all that okay I still think we're got to change in Nowell just just call uh call them in the morning and say hey look we'd like to appoint one of the separate attorneys one of the the underlings for uh I'm going to have to read the RFP because it depends how they responded like those attorneys might not I I have to read the what their RFP said it might have only listed Joe Bley at the time because Rob missil was retiring I don't know if the other attorneys are in there so I have to read the contract on the RFP just to make sure right but he retired so the last RFP it was Joe's Joe Bentley's name is the respondent attorney at his hourly rate so I just want to make sure for a minute but when we appointed the attorney last spring Rob M was stole there and that's who we appointed and then he retired like no no correct he retired in June I think I I have to go back and look but it's the firm of Kart scatered and the partner in charge of the educational law unit is usually who you get and karton scatered yes I I agree we we appointed them and Rob M of that group now I'm you're confusing me when you're saying that uh uh Joe Bley is this I said I have to look at what he responded not what I published how he responded to the RFP as to the staff that was listed you're asking questions I don't know answers to so I'm telling you I'm going to research it and get back to if that's okay wonderful thank you all right does anyone have anything else for committee as a whole just wanted to share a quick update uh I always like to share my experience at school board's Workshop so always have a really good time uh I have the opportunity to attend again this year and uh every year it's really just excellent professional development so just some quick highlights of of some of the sessions that I attended um two sessions in particular uh focused on uh uh School budgets and the the uh issues that we're facing ourselves uh this year and conw as well with with the 2% caps um one of the things that the presenting districts talked about was really in um uh the budget as a storytelling narrative and to really engage the community in uh some of the ins and outs of the caps how that really impacts and will continue to have a greater impact for us um so I found that to be pretty interesting and pretty relevant uh to the boards here um what else was a good one uh the uh there's a fantastic one on using AI which is up and cominging in education uh presenting districts uh had the lens of using AI to support their multiple tiered system of supports uh which would be a lot of what Windsor was talking about and those different things that we're looking to bolster students um so I've applied some of that at my job as well uh so it's been pretty interesting uh doing that um so those were uh you know two uh two standout uh sessions for me um there's one other good one and I'm totally drawing a blank right now but normally I'll send out to the board my notes from the session so I'll I'll be sure to send that out so everybody uh could take a look at that um if you wish so yeah thanks thanks for the opportunity to uh attend as always thank you anyone have anything else um I just had a small thing if it's not appropriate but we had talked about in um the policy committee uh the question of because it came up with a board member from a neighboring District if we should change our policy about having um members of the public give their address um when they're making public comment like their exact address um especially juveniles which uh actually a parent of a parent of of a child that spoke last in last school year had mentioned this to me and I regret that I didn't bring it up sooner um so yeah I I would propose that we have some kind of if we need to have the address of the speakers in public comment which I'm not sure if we do so um did we find out anything about Beth Am Prepared like a signin sheet so when we have go to public comment tonight um people can so people can write their address name and address down uh and they do not need to say their address on the microphone so that way it's not shared on YouTube so thank you that was a great suggestion youor went no no no no it's perfect no it's good because now it explains why why we have paper listen it's because I remember that piece of paper that you remember to make that comment because there's no way I was going to remember the piece of paper so one one quick point Point CC go back to school boards I remembered what the other topic was sorry uh there was a really great workshop on uh onboarding new board members so being that some seats will be turning over when we have re org uh both here in Oakland and and across town in Collingswood um I found that to be pretty pretty interesting I I think I'm been here a minute so I don't know if it's changed but I know the the onboarding process for for new board members um was really focused on the finance piece right because there's so much um but the the presenters uh really shared a lot of um thoughts on you know opportunities talking about collaboration and teamwork amongst the the district leadership and and the new board members and sharing expectations that type of thing um I did reach out to our school boards rep to see if that was something she could replicate for us as a district once we have new folks coming in um so I haven't her back yet but um you know assume I will so I'll forward that along as well so thanks they don't do that weekend thing anymore right treat you know what I don't I don't think so yeah I know we always have a a brief orientation session for about an hour with the superintendent and I before we sway our new board members in so they know exactly what to expect and then anybody who is assigned to the finance committee who's so lucky to be assigned to the finance committee um gets another orientation with me on how to read the financial statements but yeah I'd be curious to see what else the school district did it' beting suggestion again that to if they can go back I don't know if they can afford to go back but they did that when Chris and I first got on like in Princeton right you stayed for the weekend or something and it was it was great and that's how everything was in a weekend they took care of everything and you got to meet other boards and other people who were new and you were learning and it's better than anything I've seen since one more thing sorry I know it's going on a bit it's a quick question for those members that are vacating what is the process to decide who's going to take their place on the committee and can we be flexible and rearranging our committees okay yeah we normally do the um again at the rear I'll bring like um I can't find my words like slips of paper like you know like for your thank you like your which which committee you prefer to be in like rank them one two3 um and then whoever's board President we typically give it to them because the bylaw say the board president seats people and then they will whoever the board president in will then assign but yeah we ask for nobody wants Finance so but whoever wants what all right uh hearing nothing else is there a motion to come out of Committee of the whole second moved in seconded favor all right we are now out of Committee of the whole moving on to section five um important dates uh Thanksgiving is next week there'll be an early dismissal the day before there are um conferences coming up the week of December 9th through the 12th there's some PTA events listed there uh the next uh board meeting is Tuesday December 17th the reorg meeting is January 7th um and if you could all save the date for Tuesday January 21st that's the first um Regular board meeting of the new year um and uh we're going to make a fuss about Bill at that meeting uh to acknowledge your 50 years of service on the board um and Amy I hope you come back for it I will be back for it um so looking forward to that in the new year so then will we have meetings the 7th to 14th and the 21st cool thanks yes January's busy you got committees and all the and who whoever the liaison to Collingswood is gets like double that so yay for them okay moving on to um section six is there a motion to approve the minutes of the October 15th um board meeting minut and the minutes from the board retreat on October 19th so moved second M and second it all in favor I all right thank you all right moving on to section seven so this is our first public comment section um please stand state your name um kindly write your address on the sheet up here um and keep your comments to five minutes or less this is for agenda items only uh there will be another public comments section at the end of the meeting for additional items all right hearing none moving on to section eight this is the superintendent report Dr McDow okay so good evening everyone um section eight starts with the enrollment report October 2023 enrollment was 270 uh October 2024 is 273 and that is attached uh 8.02 and 8.03 are the uh safety drill and suspension reports uh and there is no anti-bullying report um one quick announcement um this evening uh actually right now uh we are currently inducting 41 students into the National Honor Society um because of the sensitive nature of the ceremony uh we will be putting out the list of uh students with that accomplishment uh in the coming weeks um but I'm pretty proud um of the work that our kids are doing uh and just wanted to make sure that that was on the official record thank you great moving on to section nine um the business administrative report all right so item 9.01 is your October monthly budget transfers 9.02 is your board secretary and treasurers reports 9.03 is the listing of the purchase orders for the month of November and in 9 I just lost count 9.04 is the list of the bills to be paid tomorrow morning uh pending appr approval and just a little update um I I know I said before the audit has been complete it's due to Trenton in January 15th so hopefully in the month of December or if not December January um I'll either the auditor himself or I will be presenting um the audit to the board great uh section 10 this finance committee Jimmy feel like the finance committee got a lot of flack over here over this conversation so so wait no don't ruin it the way I told you all right so regular businesses 10.01 the approval of budget budget transfers uh 10.02 and three approval of certifications and no overe expenditures 10.04 is the approval secretary treasury reports um and yeah 10.05 and 10.06 the approval of purchase orders and warrants uh as described earlier um 10.07 is the esa Grant sub uh submission for titles 1 two and four and to approve staff salaries for title one as mentioned in the agenda 10.08 is uh the move on the recommendation to the superintendent to approve the big wow Mr Boom Boom man to present I looked him up he's he really cool um he's gonna present an assembly to the preschool classes on February 5th through uh or the 3rd through the 5th at 27 bucks which is looking at his uh YouTube that's a great deal are we I know um 10.9 uh Little League um uh Denise you ask about the little league using the indoor facilities um I believe the indoor is not available okay I anyone I did email Mike I don't think yeah um but this so this is for the outdoor space okay um 10 10 uh we got good good news healthy kids is coming for Christmas break um on uh December 23rd 27th and the 30th and for spring break which is uh April 21st through the 25th um and then 1011 is healthy kids summer camp that's starting June 23rd and ending August 15th for use of facilities from 7:30 to 5:00 p.m. um so that's uh that's that all right is there a motion to approve 10.01 through 10.11 so moved second then seconded um are there any questions from board members about any of those items all right hearing none honorable call please Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs hael yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr McMillan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs buchko yes all right section 11 this is the curriculum and Personnel committee Tod all good evening everyone for item 11.01 we're seeking to approve a fifth grade fifth grade field trip to Independence Hall and the Constitution Center still waiting to be asked to shaper on one of these trips um item 11.02 we're seeking approval um for our 2025 2026 preschool plan and projected enrollments item 11.03 we're seeking approval for for the following um sub uh substitute listed there and item 11.04 we're seeking to approve a travel expense uh that was attended um it was a leadership conference there so we're seeking approval on items 11.01 through 11.04 all right is there a motion to approve those items moved in second any questions from board members just a a quick question on the preschool uh I'm preschool classrooms do we have five I'm looking at Check Yes which Maxes our our preschool population out at 75 I'm sorry one room and how about going forward I I thought that and yeah you're right we are asking for a fifth class room for Oakland because there's currently a wait list for the Regular Ad preschool here we have room for that okay but we have room for another classroom okay good all right on a roll call please Mrs is Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr McMillan here yes Mr Tav yes Mrs marmian yes Mr schaer yes Mrs bushka yes moving on to section 12 the community relations and policy committee uh thees sorry um item 12.1 is the Kingswood board report Mr tab thank you uh had our Collingswood meeting uh was it last week two weeks ago I don't know Sol that was committee yeah that was three weeks ago all right uh yeah um sent out updates along with the agenda um uh congratulations to danne who will be our uh Ops representative on the board there he was sworn in um we had our school safety presentation there as well um and our district tesing report much of which we saw tonight which is awesome first time for Oakland that was great great very cool to see um some important dates coming up um Collingswood uh Middle School uh First Market period report cards are out today so hop on Genesis if you haven't already um uh next board meeting will be the 25th and uh just of note the uh kwood holiday parade will be on the 30th it's always a fun fun day out um superintendent report included uh our first Hispanic Heritage Month celebration which was uh a huge hit um High School also hosted uh the 22nd annual October Fest um that involves multiple districts throughout Camden County um so a real nice feather in the cap of our high school um buildings and grounds uh approve the comprehensive maintenance plan uh four-year uh approve the four-year building capacity compreh hensive Grant um and approval to accept the funds for the uh high impact tutoring program uh curriculum committee uh just updated uh the calendars to account for uh dismissal times and early dismissals no changes were made to the calendar um let's see those are the major updates there was one question on the um Gateway to College prog program so I was able to get some updates there um that was approved during that meeting uh it's approval partnership with Camden County College um for students who are uh either dropped out of high school or who are at risk for dropping out um so our partnership with the uh C County College the Blackwood campus um that allows our students who are at risk or have dropped out to um uh obtain their credits to gain their high school diploma and uh to gain college credits as they're doing it um so they partner with the district for tutors counselors um there's no cost to the students um and any students are able to apply either from Collingswood or Oakland um they just have have to apply for the program um so uh college credit yeah I think I covered all of that there so that is it for uh callings would report yeah quick question for you you mentioned the the high impact tutoring program was that did you say is that Secondary High School uh districtwide you may have mentioned I just I I yeah I didn't have it in my updates just that it was the high impact I I typically only include things that are secondary since that's what pertain so may just be middle and eye it is it is secondary secondary yeah thanks thank you um item 12.02 is the PTA leaz on report m retondo thanks thees um there was no November meeting but there's still some things going on worth mentioning this Thursday there is a prek and K family event um it's free for all Ops prek and kindergarten students this Friday at 6:45 there is a game night um it's another free event for Oakland students and families the PTA winter event has been scheduled that is December 14th just looking at my time here 12:00 to 1:30 here in the cafeteria there's going to be a special guests from the North Pole um and that is another free event for all ops students and families there were there was the spirit wear sale and the stocks pound cake sale and those were really really successful um lla wanted to extend things to and so does the whole pizza ta for everybody who supported that and then um there are if you um saw it in passing there were poppy pin wheels and moms outside at the memorial for Veterans Day and then there is going to be a PTA meeting on December 3rd here in the library at 6:30 thank you thank you item 12.03 Zoom asack report Miss butko great meac hosted a gym night uh last Friday night uh there were 60 kids in attendance with four counselors and five chaperon was a successful event um the next one will be Friday December 13th and that's it for musac thank you item 12.04 is the Oakland Education Foundation report um I'm happy to say I connected with the president um Kim love today and they're trying trying to arrange a meeting um before the Thanksgiving holiday and really the focus is to recruit um some more adults and parents and community members to join the foundation um item 12.05 is a policy up for first reading it is 8467 the firearms and weapons policy item 12.06 is a policy for second reading 8420 emergency and crisis situations revised item 12.07 regulations and this is just one reading um the two are 3160 physical examination and 4160 also physical examination for um different staff groups um there are no reported Hib reports for 12.08 so we are um seeking approval for items 12.05 through 12.08 is there a motion to approve those items so moved second moved and second any questions from board members all right on a one call Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs randoo yes Mr mcdan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr schaer yes Mrs bushko yes uh section 13 miscellaneous um seeking approval for the standing orders governing the treatment in case of emergencies for the 2024 2025 school year and that is posted in the administrative content uh is there a motion to approve that item so moveed second moved and second it any questions from board members all right on aable call Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs fael yes Mr STS yes Mrs randoo yes Mr McMillan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mrs sha Mrs schaer M Mr schaer yes here go yes thank you all right section 14 this is the second public uh comment section uh this is for any item you wish to bring before the board uh please and state your name and write your address on the paper up front all right hearing none is there a motion to adjourn second done second it all in favor all right we are enjo excuse me have a great night everyone thank you thank you