hi sorry I just noticed the time we call this meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the Oakland Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting has been provided a schedule regular meetings um was adopted at our uh reorganization meeting on January 2nd um the schedule of those meetings has been posted um at and they're listed here in the retrospect uh The Courier Post and with the clerk of the borrow of oakin and they're also on our website uh now for a roll call Mrs Fel here Mr STS here Mr randoo here Mr Tav here Mrs Marian here Mr schaer here Mrs bushko here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic it stands one nation indivisible Liberty justice for all there is no executive session at this time so we're going to move on to section three which is the committee of the whole is there a motion to move to the of the whole so moved moved and seconded all in favor all right we are now on the committee of the whole um the first topic we have tonight is uh the board self- evaluation report um that we all completed um in November to December um bethanne has posted um the report here in our administrative content she's going to just review some of the highlights for us all right um so I'm just going to go over the Aver like the areas that you guys ranked yourself and then your average score and then some of the comments CU some of the comments you guys made were really great um so um you could rank yourself anywhere from one meaning this area is not important to me to four meaning it's like vital um so in the area of planning the uh the board as a whole you have you gave yourselves an average of a 3.7 um in the area of policy an average of 3.6 student achievement a 4.0 finance a 3.9 board operations a 3.6 board performance 3.4 uh board and superintendent relationships 3.3 board and staff relationships a 3.3 board and Community 3.4 and now under each area I'm just going to read some of the um great comments that you guys wrote so under the area of planning um it was noted by a few board members that um um as a board we haven't set goals in a long time excuse me um and that our planning um really isn't as robust as it should be and that was seem to be a theme going throughout so um just a note as we go into the new year now that we've just reorganized um a new year FIS fiscally but not school but you know what I mean um and then somebody made a comment that it's really great that as the committee chairs make it make it a point to um give all the other committees an update on what's going on um in policy um it was noted obviously that we review policies at every board meeting and that a couple people would like to have more familiar familiarity with board policy um and then um regarding student achievement um although we do provide the mandatory State Testing reports as required with the state deadlines it was noted that it' be helpful to see other progress reports throughout the school year that maybe teachers collected um on their children and if it would be possible to incorporate um some of the data that we're getting for the middle school and high school because the Oakland students obviously attend attend there as well um regarding Finance just a big concern you know obviously with with budgeting and state finance which really is out of our control but um just the general theme of communicating with each other as a board board and with regards to the budget that we that that committee communicates any questions or concerns about the budget um with the administrative staff um board operations um this is how you operate together there are some comments about um that you guys communicate well with each other but in some areas the way the board and the admin communicate back and forth with each other could you some improvement um it was noted that maybe more members should attend the new New Jersey Schoolboard uh Workshop in October um because some of our members have taken away a lot of really good experience um at the PDS there PD meaning professional development um board performance um you guys all gave each each other PS on the back for showing up to all the committee meetings and board meetings um and that everybody's well prepared with questions board superintendent relationships so was just noted um obviously we have a shared relationship ship so um Oakland really doesn't evaluate the superintendent per se but there might be an area of focus that they could you know maybe talk to um talk to Collingswood or have more have more participation um board staff relationships they commented that how Mrs Balton does a really good job that connecting our board uh with personnel and that the PTO president does an excellent job as well um board and Community you've noted that you guys have made some really great strides and communicating with your overall Community just not parents and that there's more to the Oakland Community than just the parents there's other people out there but there's more work to be done and just you know they would like you guys would like to see more participation from the broader community at your board meetings and then the overall theme the final question the board evaluation did ask was what you guys saw as your three highest uh or three major challenges that you're currently facing and no surprise it's been consistent pretty much it's fun fing um funding funding funding that was pretty much everybody's number one and number two being um meeting the social and emotional needs of our kids as well as impact of the impact of covid still on some of the children um in the district um and then the last question was in maintaining appropriate role as a policymaking through policymaking board through effective oversight what specific areas of board governance require additional Focus um overall that came in as community relations engagement um and goal setting and effective communication so the theme was pretty um consistent throughout the entire evaluation and those are all areas I think that we've all talked about in committee that we could use work on or we always brainstorm on how to get more people to come to the board meetings and how better to communicate amongst ourselves so it's pretty consistent um but again the entire document is in the administrative section um and it is available um in addition I just piggybacking on this at the last feel like I'm echoing at the last um committee meetings it was asked to provide an update on the tech information is this time last year that we had a um a presentation on our tech department so um under my section of the finance buildings and grounds um in the administrative section I did update you but I can just read it out loud for the folks at home so so far this year um in Oakland we've replaced both of the nurses um devices we replaced the main office sex secretary's desktop with a laptop um we swapped that all four copiers um we're looking to get rid of your old lunch register um very hard to come by by the way um we're working to re um order 23 interactive boards to replace your outdated projectors um that are in the schools um and we're working on getting uh quotes to replace um the staff devices um for next year we got all we got that extra state this year so I want to see if I can replace the um St staff devices um and then both school districts um moved over to a new phone system um under the same server so allows much easier uh for us to talk between the two districts as of today there are only 16 Open tickets um last year there were 245 created and 215 were solved um yeah and that was it um and then I put the data for the last three years the number of tickets that were created in the number that were solved um that is the update on the tech department and kind of where we are um as your questioned perfect thank you so much um are there any comments or questions from board members on either the board self- evaluation or the tech update yeah I just have a question for the board how how do we want to move forward I thought there were some really great comments and uh great progress especially in gold setting um would love to hear you know the administrative side of it too you anybody is it a retreat function is it a you know what what do we think that's a great question I don't know if I have an answer yet yeah know because I feel like I mean I've been here since it's been 10 years um and then uh Collings would longer but I feel like that's something all board struggling it's how to you you you work via committee so all the voices can be heard um and everybody has has a view and you know sometimes we disagree but you know that's kind of where we get a bulk of our our vetting done and then you communicating back out to the rest of the board that is hard and I know both boards have struggled with this and I know you guys are doing a good job of reporting out um yeah I don't if I may I mean we we're very agenda driven so we have time obviously everybody's volunteering their time and administration as well and you know we have point point point get through these points doesn't leave any time for brainstorming I would love to see even if it's an hour two hours where we can you know it's kind of a free discussion of some of these things maybe structured by some kind of you know these were the the top two or top three things that we thought we needed to work on um let's sit together and talk about them and come up with some solutions and timelines expectations you know things like that because otherwise this is this is very nice that we did it and it kind of goes just file it and not do anything so like a little like a mini retreat like a that's that's what I was I was going to recommend like instead of occupying like a full or a half day maybe you do like two three or four smaller sessions 90 to 120 Minutes based on a specific set of topics and that way it's not so painful at one time and then we can actually get to this is the issue we're trying to solve for this is what we want to do these are the measures that we're going to determine whether or not it's successful and here's our next step and then that's what we that's the structure and we walk away with something very tangible that you see yeah I mean even if we structured it by the Committees like Finance brainstorming community relations and policy brainstorming curriculum brainstorming something like that maybe we can give each other homework because I'm pretty sure I'm 90% sure school boards I think a lot of those presentations are posted on their website right I feel like we can do homework like if we want to talk communication we can probably search their agenda by that topic and maybe get some information you know what I mean but I mean just to piggy back um when we say when we get together to think about the issue to solve I almost think it's better to ahead of time think of communicate what the issue is so you can come prepared because if we spend so say it's 90 minutes 45 of that'll be like what do we need to fix it'd be better to go in at minute one ready to fix what we've digested might need to be fixed and that kind of maximize the time spent as well no absolutely I think to your point too that's where the committee meetings can be very beneficial um where we can kind of maybe map it out lay the foundation in our respective committee meetings and then you know have that agenda so to speak for the you know board retreat so we know going in hey these are the topics we're talking about we can come in with Solutions suggestions um you know and I don't even mind spearheading with you know personnel and curriculum on that committee because those items are usually pretty quick and you know we we kind of Breeze through that so if we needed to devote a little more time even in that particular committee um I don't mind you know changing the direction if need be at all but I think committee is where we start and build from there and just maybe as we go into I guess February at our next set of committees like if we wanted to do the little mini retreat like something let's say when we're talking policy you want to talk about communication when might you want to do this 90 to 120 minute session that Dr m talked about did you want to do it on a Saturday or like you want to do it after board meeting and stay for another hour hour and a half like I know everybody's tired at the end of the day but when might be the best time for you guys to do that because everybody works and has different schedules and stuff so kind of process that and let me know too I mean we don't have to decide now but I mean I wouldn't mind if we prolonged an evening meeting um to you know I get we can figure this out in Commit This is my night for this that's when I know that I'm not gonna say oh I have a doctor's appointment after board meeting there's not going to be something else after yeah if it meant staying you know after the the public session for you know a little longer that's my my preference that's also rather than a different yeah yeah that as long as Beth an still provides coffee the only thing I would add to that um you know we do have supports through NJ school boards so you know to have somebody come in from the organization to help facilitate help do some planning um I think that would be really we haven't done anything like that since I've been on the board but I think it I've been on the other side of the table and seen it done and and it's been quite helpful um over the years we've had folks from school boards actually kind of help facilitate uh District Improvement plans different things like that um so it's a resource we have that we haven't necessarily tapped that may or may not impact when we do it I don't know if they send folks out on a late week night but uh might be a good resource to help us get started it's a great idea thank you thank you all for that so to be continued I think that that's some good um starting Maybe in February we can start you know I'm sorry no how about in February I add to like all the Committees under admin content just like the not um evaluation starters or like like topic question mark and then if all the Committees can agree on what you want to start with that way at least we we remember to talk about it in February and as committee chair I will scour this and try to pull out because there were some really good suggestions I honestly I did it so long ago I don't even remember what I put in there you know and it's you that the ones that are relevant to my committee I'd be happy to kind of bring to the table and help us um come up with an agenda maybe it's like two to three items that we want to focus on for each one I don't know and the areas of focus that we would pick would be based on our committee's focus is that what we would do during committee meeting or would it be broader I think both yeah I think both I I think for the committee chairs to come up with think but if there's other things that you want to discuss that yeah yeah it might be good if every maybe committee like if we pick a certain top if it's like Community engagement and kind of maybe make that the focus of each committee okay and the committee chairs we can kind of spearhead that because I think that's an excellent starting point because obviously our priorities and concerns as a board should be what the community's priorities and concerns are so maybe you know if we say community engagement then committee chairs we can spearhead that discussion at at February committee that's a great Point um one of the things just generally that I would love just continuing Improvement on is communication um both within each other with Administration with the community at whole um so in light of that just in the interest of transparency I will tell you that there was discussion today about moving today's meeting to remote um so there was some back and forth about that um I was resistant um um it's I I prefer seeing you all in person um I'm not as comfortable um with Google meets for sure um but so we did go back and forth about that um in the end it seemed like it was too late to make a change um but um just want to be clear that that was something that was discussed because of the weather today um there's not a state of emergency today am I correct about that like there was last week when we switched to remote for um committee meetings but um just want to be um upfront about that um one of thing that I wanted to mention gosh I had a note somewhere hold on I'm sorry no I wanted to bring up Bill had something that he wanted to discuss during Committee of the whole and I was trying to remember what was so um um so you had a question about something on the finance report about gas so I wanted to make sure that we got to that because I didn't make a note to bring that up to correct there there were two checks on there uh for supply of gas uh and I don't remember who they were but one of them is Supply and the other check was for the transmission do we ever check to see if it's cheaper to buy gas and have it supplied by the same firm as opposed to doing it this way yes every 3 years Aces so Aces is the alliance for competitive Energy Services and it's a program run through New Jersey school boards Association um so it's one of like the largest shared services in the state but they go out to bid for about 550 school districts where they bid your gas and electric um they went out in 2022 and then again um in April of 2023 and it was recommended that um and they do it by area so in our area they recommended that um to get the lower tariffs to for it to be cheaper that we go with um we pay two sep two separate providers and in years past I have had people come into the board office to say oh we can save you money we'll go through your energy bills and be like they're say and then if we can save you money you can switch to our company but they can never beat um the Asus prices but the reason and we've been doing it for a couple years now both Collingswood and Oakland it's actually cheaper to break out so we plate we pay your supplier one and the person who delivers it like two different two different bills as opposed to all of it coming in on PS under one bill um but that's we're in Aces and that's we kind of have to do it that way but we are getting the cheapest price out there and that's to keep us from having to pay high tariffs how do we know we're getting the cheapest price because Asis tells us that correct I mean they they bid our service for us okay if you want me to cancel it and pay higher I'd be I would not recommend that but that's the whole point in joining the shared service they take every school that they take our accounts for the last year for PSC and G and they put everybody's bids on the street and this bid went on the street last year okay okay now I'm I'm all in favor of paying more to somebody else no obviously I'm not I just want to know that ases the idea of group buying is to reduce the price and it may be absolutely correct but I'd like to know that public service can't Supply gas to us cheaper uh than ases can ases is doing it for 500 districts in the state that's correct successfully it's my understanding there's probably some winners and losers in there I don't want to be one of the losers uh and I I'd like to to I'd like to check on Asus you know it's nice that Asus is doing that but can we go to public service and say look this was our gas usage for the last year what would you have charged us to provide that I don't know they've ever done that I don't even know the process for a school district to ask a public utility to bid on my work so I don't I don't know the answer to that question cuz for I think for 30 years we've always had aces in Oakland so I honestly don't know the answer to the question the answer question might be what well I guess you have to go to a public bid I don't know maybe and that's why I don't know the answer because like everybody like you're kind if you live in this area you're kind of stuck with PS and and the only way to make them cheaper is to bid out the source and that's what Aces does so they say okay you're get here's your supplier and then here's your whatever the delivery person which is PS and so we pay cheaper on this one because we're kind of like yeah we're kind of like kind of like in and certain parts of Cherry Hill like it's broken out like psng is electric and then South Jersey gas is gas it's like very territor I don't even I mean I'm just being completely honest I don't even know how we would do that which is why Like We like Let Them bid it for us and get us the lower tariffs where they can which and they'll come in and they'll say we recommend you you pay this person for this and this person for that and get separate bills to make to make them do it cheaper then we have two people making a profit you have the the supplier and you have the transmission company are both making a profit uh I I'm not convinced that's cheaper and and apparently we don't have any way of telling whether it's cheaper or not in theory it is but in practice I don't know whether it is or not can I make a suggestion that the School Board Association has a message board I guess is the best way to describe it I think there's a link on their website for AC has all the information on it people use it and they'll put up questions like that I would suggest maybe posing that and see if other districts have gone down that rabbit hole to see if it saved any money okay I'm sorry I have no expertise in that um does anyone else have anything for committee of the home one thing last thing I just want to bring up um uh obviously with the weather this morning we had a two-hour delay um the notice did go out pretty late and I know that um there I'm sorry okay um and I know that there was a follow-up communication um about that but if you want I was just wondering if that doubt could address that at all and what that might look like in the future it is and so we uh again want to just publicly apologize for the late notice to our families that was never our intent there was a breakdown in communication coming out of my office and we are working diligently to correct that um and so in the future um in the near near future uh we will make sure that uh notice falls under two categories either the night uh before or the early morning of uh and so generally uh what families would expect is sometime around 8 8:15 is to receive a notice of either a delay or a closure or something that's impacting the traditional schedule um if that is not possible uh we're committed to a 5:30 or a 545 am. notification for families before they start their day uh and so we are working to also put all of this on um on our district website so that if families uh miss the calls Miss to text Miss to emails there's a single place that they can go to that will also have that information in perpetuity uh so that's what we're working on uh today uh and I will uh prematurely note based on the refreeze based on um our ability to clear sidewalks steps uh and uh compete against Black Ice from a safety perspective um it is highly likely that we will be announcing and sending out notice uh shortly of a two-hour delay for tomorrow in order to keep students and staff safe uh who are are traveling to and from thank you very much I believe clester glester County Schools many of them already called that too so I don't think about a dozen have already have already called it um I do appreciate also putting it on on the website as well um I've heard from my kids at least two kids that missed the announcement today went to school all time but fortunately they got there safely but um I think whatever ways we can get the information out as early as we can get out is uh really important um but particularly for people who might not be um for whatever reason getting the messages that it's available on the website for even people in the community if they're curious um if they don't have kids then they can see it posted somewhere that there is a delay grandparents whatever you know someone else is responsible for taking kids to school so I think that's great so thank you for that Improvement yeah this this can't happen again I mean it's there there's not much reason Fred you might have to get up at four o'clock in the morning uh when when I first got on the board the the superintendent we had did that he got up four o'clock in the morning he called the National Weather Service he called the police department he called the surrounding districts he did all of this and the notice went out quickly at 7:00 for a school that normally opens at 7:50 that's just just not even close we we we get we acknowledge that but we we also acknowledge it's not 40 years ago and so the the level of communication is a bit different and we're coordinating with a much larger number of people so we're not just coordinating at the school level with parents we're also coordinating with local law enforcement we're coordinating um with other school districts that we connect to bus transportation food service and so there's there's a lot of moving parts we are committed to making sure that we don't have that happen again I hope not are there ways we can partner with the municipal whatever that is code red so I got like two phone calls within a minute and a half of each other yesterday that my recycling would be on time I mean if had a technical all right it'll be out and it was still outside around 10 a.m. which is none but I mean exactly so I mean I don't know if that's a thing or I don't know what that expense is to send out a townwide even one phone call like that but maybe to kind of lean on them as partners because I think a lot of us got that phone call so I actually have a question about this because I think we used to have like a phone like an automatic phone call too that went out in addition to text and email but I know that phone syst switch is that still possible to do an automated pH call as well okay all right yeah it's something to do with tested thrill share and Genesis and yeah we're figuring that out perfect thank you all right anyone else anything just in light of this whole discussion too it can get lost to thank you to to Keith hien bom in the buildings and grounds um because they were working hard um in getting all the buildings ready so uh you know in spite of maybe some communication issues uh stole kudos to our our buildings and grounds for for working hard uh at all the buildings absolutely uh I also want to give a shout out to uh Oakland Public Works as well cuz um our roads are really nice uh they do a phenomenal job every time so uh really want to thank them as well okay is there a motion to come out of committee as a whole so moved second moved and seconded all in favor hi hi all right we are now uh out of Committee of the whole moving on to section four of future dates miscellaneous information um Tomorrow there's a PTA family fund skate night at Hot Wheels uh there's uh Book Fair coming up picture retake day uh PTA blood drive coming up uh at the end of this month as well and the next um PTA meeting is in early February um there will be schools closed in February uh for uh staff um plld as well well as president day and um our next meeting is not on there but I can tell you the next board meeting will be on February 20th okay moving on to um section five routine board board business is there an approval of um approval to uh for the minutes from the regular uh board meeting on December 19th as well as the reorganization meeting on January 2nd is there a motion to approve so moved second we've done seconded uh do all in favor all in favor I uh moving on to section six this is the first public comment section um if you have um an um something to say for the items on the agenda please stand and state your name and address and keep your comments to five minutes or less once again this is for um items on the agenda only all right hearing none moving on to section seven the um superintendent report Dr McDow okay uh good evening again uh section 7.01 is the enrollment report which is attached uh December of 22 um enrollment was 275 December of 2023 it's 269 uh 7.02 and 7.03 are the uh safety drill and suspension report uh and there is no uh uh anti-bullying report uh at this time all right perfect thank you moving on to section eight this is the business administrative report call all right 8.01 are your uh December 2023 monthly transfers 8.02 is all of your financial statements including your secretary and Treasurer report and your cash flow report 8.03 is the listing of the purchase orders issued in the month of January um and an 8.04 is a listing of the warrants to be paid tomorrow pending approval and if okay I'm going to roll right into section nine on behalf of Mr McMillan who's not here all right um items 9.01 through 9.06 are those items that I just mentioned um 9.07 is the shared service agreement with the Collings of board ofed um for our technology services and that's for the next school year 2425 9.08 is the shared child study team Services agreement with Collingswood again for next school year 2425 I owe you guys two more shared service agreements so that both school districts know what they're budgeting um and I am working on those um so with that items 9.01 through 9.08 great is there a motion to approve those items so move moved and seconded on a roll call Mrs Fel yes Mr stop Yes Mrs Rondo yes Mr Tav yes Mrs Maran yes Mr schaer yes Mrs bushko yes all right uh section 10 this is curriculum and Personnel committee or all right so item 10.01 we're seeking approval for a new contract issued to Suzanne woler um horizontal advancement on the scale from uh Masters to Masters plus 30 um so you see her new salary listed there item uh 10.02 we're seeking approval uh for a new club for 2324 Dungeons and Dragons uh after school club haded by uh Suzanne wol Slayer and you see the uh amount there uh item 10.03 we're looking approval uh for approval for the following substitutes there that are listed um we have no travel expenses at this time so we are seeking approval on items 10.01 through 10.03 thank you uh is there a motion to approve those items so move second moved and seconded on a roll call Mrs fael yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rondo yes Mr Tav yes Mrs Baran yes Mr schaer yes Mrs butchko yes all right section 11 this is the school community relations and policy committee uh teres item 11.01 is the report from Collingswood um Mr T thank you um just a few updates since we haven't had our January board meeting yet uh 20242 reorganization meeting took place on January 3rd um the next round of committee meetings will take place tomorrow on the 17th um I'll be representing us on the curriculum committee uh the next Board of Med Board of Ed meeting will take place on Monday January 22nd uh earlier start time though 500m start time which was switched from the 6:30 p.m. start time to accommodate an executive session and um just to piggyback off of our committee the whole conversation um CL board is planning a some type of winter retreat and uh dates and topics are currently being finalized so once I have more on that I'll share with everyone um I did send out via email um the Collingswood Board of V meeting uh and committee dates just so you have them along with the uh committee assignments that's it for Collingswood yes quick question for you Rich was Collingswood looking for a joint Retreat or just their own I believe it's just their own I think it's important based on the the Nuance um Oakland is really going to need some some time for Oakland but if I may I I think what is done when we had joint retreats in the past we've done Oakland and then a little time together and then Collingswood and I'd love I love the idea that we have and maybe once we've gotten through that we could have something that is just join summer something like that I don't know just an idea um item 11.02 is the PTA leaz on report M Rondo hey everybody so I they moved it from Tuesday when we typically do committee to Wednesday and I was not in attendance but I spoke to Lyla and she was able to give me some updates so I think they kicked it off with the treasurer report there was a lot of activity in December and they reviewed all of that with um the D and donated Blue Monkey the candy Gams candy grams and the holiday shop being really really um successful um Lyla didn't have any updates on membership um let's you see Miss Balden had an administrative update to the PTA where she also went through the December events uh there was a lot of work done by the room ambassadors there's it's a party month and it's not always easy to not only do they um help with the party but they find other parents to help with various aspects of making sure that it's fun for the kids and that everybody's being looked after so they do a lot of work with that uh Miss Balden also went over that there were the parent conferences they wrapped up the pajama day funds did go to the police department they had the abandon choir concert which was really cute um there was the announcement of teacher of the year which I won't review now because I think that's going to be a bigger Topic in a future board meeting so not to minimize that for someone special um and then there was a review of upcoming events some of them that were listed in section four so I don't want to be redundant blood drive was mentioned Little League registrations open there's a wood winter Library event um Moving On The Board of Education update which should have been provided by Me was provided offline to lla by me and she went over just some activities from our prior meeting which you were all at um again kind of a recap of some of the past events and then the upcoming events that I again I think were mentioned in section for is the Hot Wheels night there's the book fair that's going to be kicking off um prek and kindergarten family fun night that I think is going to be led by either Mrs shudo or she's overseeing that and the new spirit wear design is ready it will be released soon and there's pretzel sale coming up theres I'll let you speak to the talent show piece of it because you're the head of that committee I believe and a lot going on as we approach fifth grade promotion so the pandagrams that just passed there will be a DIN and donated Mullin on March 4th there will be other F fundraisers associated with that cheesecake wild flowers seed bombs I yep a blue and gold night a skate night swimming bowling just to get the uh fifth graders uh ready for a middle school kind of kick them off with a bang and other than that there's some more dates for the third time in this PR so I think we know what's coming up teres if you want to speak about the talent show since I think that's the dates are newly announced right so I'll just say I mean this is a a wonderful it's the second year that we're back in person after doing a couple of virtual talent shows but um I feel privileged to be part of it along with um a number of other really amazing volunteers it's March 1st so save the date board members would love to see you there because not only are the Oakland students shining um but the faculty and staff actually get in on the ACT uh the theme is friends we be there for you so expect a lot of cute references that our kids won't get but we will so that's March 1st 7 o'clock here uh in the cafeteria stage so that is a Friday yeah Friday March 1 um thank you very much it was a robust report um item 11.03 is the omac report Mrs butchko yes so omac hosted the gym night last Friday uh here in the gym 43 kids attended um chons have been good this year because uh the PTA has been assisting in recruiting uh so thank you to the PTA for that uh working on the spring schedule with a possible celebrity gym night on March 22nd and the next meeting will be in late February that's it for my thank you uh item 11.04 is the Oakland Education Foundation report and that would be me um I have been in touch with Kim love and Sue dbis the President and Vice President of o f uh they're really looking to recruit some new help um and would like to you know recalibrate and talk about some kind of event that could be a fundraiser so more on that hopefully next month item 11.05 uh policies for the first reading we have none this month um 11.06 are policies for second reading that we looked at at our last month's meeting in December um there is no hi there are no Hib reports in 11.07 so we are seeking approval for items 11.01 through 11.06 is there a motion to approve those items so move second all right move second um all no roll call sorry thank you no worries uh Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rondo yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr schaer yes Mrs buchko yes all right moving on to section 12 uh this is the last public comments section please stand state your name and address and keep your comments to five minutes or less any public comments at the time can I ask a question the the broadcasting that we're doing yeah or the podcast or whatever we're doing do we have any way of knowing how many people are tuning into this that's a good question I'm sorry four right now 12 total views hi to all four of you yes thank you for watching it's progress um then once once it is like not live streaming anymore and then just post it then you could see the views on YouTube is that correct or the number of views yeah yeah okay perfect okay any other questions is there a motion to adjourn second mve in second it all in favor hi hi hi all right we are Jed um thank you all please be careful um driving home tonight safe travels and we'll see you tomorrow thank you