##VIDEO ID:awonTIWXuPI## this is a regular meeting of the Oakland Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting has been provided a schedule of regular meetings of the Board of Ed was adopted at its reor meeting last January the schedule and notice of said the schedule and notice of said meetings has been posted and are maintained in the interior window of the exterior door to the school administrative offices mailed to the retrospect and Courier Post and file with the clerk of the burre of Oakland all the foregoing has been done with within the time required by law and will take a roll call uh Mr DeMarco here Mrs Fel here Mrs love here Mrs marmian here here I'm sorry everybody's new just push it can't have two lights on at the same time or it shuts us all off um Mr McMillan here Mrs Rond here Mr schaer here Mr STS here Mr tapy here I live on call for a pledge of allegiance the flag set back to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible liy and justice for all okay uh section two I'll read the results of the election into the official record um Aiden DeMarco 1,338 votes Kimberly Love 1,114 votes and teres marmian 1,193 votes and with that I will ask all three to come to the front for your viewing loving public um so I can swear you doesn't just so the people don't can hear you I state your name doly swear swear that I will support I will support constition of the United States of the United States and theti of the St States stes swear that I possess the qualifications that I possess the qualifications by law prescrib by law for the office of member for the office of member of Board of Education Board of Education that I not disqualified that I not disqualified as a voter as a voter nor disqualified due to a conviction disqualified due to the conviction of a crime or offense of a crime or offense and I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially and justly impartially and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of that office of that office to the of my ability this is longer than the one that the president has to oh I grabbed the wrong ones I'm sorry gra the wrong stack what happen yeah okay everybody has in front of them the uh the school ethics um the rules for the school ethics commission and um a receipt I'll ask Dr McDow to read um the the school ethics Act and the code of ethics um into the record okay in accordance with new New Jersey uh 18 A1 12-24 .1 every board member will abide by the following code of ethics the board member will uphold and enforce all laws rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and court orders pertaining to schools desired changes shall be brought only about through legal and ethical procedures make decisions in terms of the educational welfare of children and seek to develop and maintain public schools that meet the individual needs of all children regardless of ability race Creed sex or social standing confine his or her board action to policymaking planning and appraisal and help to frame policies and plans only after the board has consulted with those who be who will be affected by them carry out here's a her responsibility not to administer the schools but together with fellow board members ensure they are well-run recognize that Authority rests with the Board of Education and make no personal promises nor take any private action that may compromise the board refuse to surrender his or her independent judgment to special interest to partisan political groups or to use schools for personal gain or the gain of friends hold confidence to all matters pertaining to the schools which if disclosed would needlessly injure individuals or the schools in all other matters he she will provide accurate information and in concert with fellow board members interpret to the staff the aspirations of the community for its School Vote to appoint the best qualified person after consideration of the recommendation of the chief administrative officer support and protect School Personnel in proper performance of their duties and refer all complaints to the chief administrative officer and act on the complaints at public meetings only after failure of an administrative solution thank you Dr Mel everybody has a receipt in front of them so you guys could sign in and then send it my way I would appreciate it all right section four election of President um I'm requesting nominations from board members for the Office of the President of Oakland Board of Education I'd like to nominate Rich tab second Mr tab do you accept nomination yes I'd like to nominate uh thees Marmon second sorry my handwriting I'm don't I'm not as fast as teres do you accept nomination yes okay so this is what happens um we do a ballot so I'm going to pass everyone a slip of paper um according to your bylaws I can pass your slip of paper I need you to write your name on it and then I need you to write the person that you are selecting for the board board president role I'll collect them then I'll read them all into the record okay I'll do that now yellow just the name of the person your name and the name of the person you are thank you ma'am yes thank you for all right Mr STS for theres Maran Jimmy McMillan for Rich Tabby teres marmian for rich tabi Rich tab for Todd shaer um teres marmian Jen Ronda oh wait oh Rond wrote that oh Jen Rond for theres Mary I'm sorry it was like gotcha all right Kimberly Love Rich tab Colleen Fel Rich tab Aiden DeMarco teres marmian and Rich tab for Rich tab you said you didn't do two did you rich who is it Ved for Rich oh got you yeah gotcha I read it backwards got it I'm like what listen this is why I don't like paper ballots all right thank you everybody all right Rich tab five teres 4 congratulations Mr tab I will gladly turn over the gabble to you next you the agenda you over a lot all right moving moving on to item five uh requesting nominations for vice president I nominate Todd Schaefer I like to nominate T Maran do both candidates accept okay here we go again paper make sure right voted for and the person boy was I prepared thank you I should have recognize your handwriting outy this is literally SCH you never had a p I always had 40 B Sur was always I had the you all the all right here we go Jen you wrote so tiny Jen Rondo for Todd Todd schaer for Todd schaer teres marmian for theres marmian all right thees uh Mr STS voted for theres Maran Jimmy votes for theres marm and literally says that Jimmy yeah he wrotes all in words yep Colleen for to it's tight Aiden for theres himim for theres and Rich for theres so six to three congratulations theres you are now Vice President of the Oakland Board of Education and those of you who don't come to our meetings this is like the most action we've had in like a like a while this having a ballot has only happened one other time in like what my 17 18 years so this is this was something story books okay all right moving on to our first public comment section of the night uh all attendees are reminded to please stand state your name and address and keep comments to five minutes or less there's also a signin sheet if you prefer to write your address as opposed to announce it the purpose of this public comment section is to discuss items listed on the agenda for tonight additional more General comments may be made uh in the meeting during the next round of public comment Public's reminded that uh attempts to resolve all concerns and complaints should go should first go through all the appropriate staff members and administrators all right no comments we'll close the public comment section uh moving on to number seven uh resolutions looking to approve uh the official board meeting dates for the uh uh 2025 year is that so moved second build it and a roll call Mr DeMarco you just say yes or no yes in two months you're going to be proud believe me Mrs Fel yes to be honest I shouldn't have put you first that was kind of mean but listen Mrs love yes Mrs marmian yes Mr McMillan yes Mrs Rando yes yes Mr Schaefer yes Mr STS yes Mr tab yes all right uh moving on to number eight which is uh committee appointments um there was paper that went around so I guess we send those in we'll go through them de side committee should we rank the should we rank them in case we can't get our first choice yeah that's a good idea want to R them all right and 8.02 is uh for uh state and local representation uh we select someone to represent the board of education at the state level which involves quarterly meetings on three Saturdays per year we need a representative and an alternate and as of now I I always go back and I look so everybody knows because we forget who serves right now I have um Todd as the legislative represent representative and Denise was your alternate just so we know who's serving last year I wouldn't mind becoming the alternate this year if anybody wants to take the lead on that one sorry I can take that on I think that's a nice succession as you held that last time so thanks uh will'll need uh for camping County School boards Association so much will represent the board at the local level which are monthly dinner meetings in a representative and an alternate and last year was theres with Jimmy as the alternate not that I'm applying any pressure when I tried to do it before I couldn't make a lot of them so I'll do alternate so I'll just say that they're also virtual as well if that helps right that you can join them virtually if you can't make it in person I think so and then they have usually have some dinner meetings like with like the two two or three counties at one time and have like a dinner right I'll volunteer thank you moving on to item nine uh special board appointments uh this is for a the Collingswood representative on the or the Oakland representative on the Collingswood uh Board of Education right oh no this is that Services Commission sorry uh this is gotcha all right gotcha yeah 9.01 is for the Ed Services Commission uh we need a regular and an alternate um currently I've got Jimmy with you so Jimmy was yeah it was a flip of last one oh wait now ed services is the um they're in clemon they're the ones that provide our busing um for our special ed students so they kind of run like a they're made up of board members from all the school districts that utilize their services and they kind of run just like a school board but I think they only have maybe they don't have as many meetings as we do twice a year yeah I don't yeah I mean for the big group for the big yeah if you're not like a trustee like voting member then you don't have to go every month I think like the budget meeting they need more people and maybe one other one I think yeah yeah and they're over in clemon I'll be the alternate because I still don't know what it is it's not much okay if you take primary I'll take and you did it last year were you like I don't remember any of it yeah I think it was like one I think it was like one Zoom meeting and that was it I'll be second thank you someone will let me know what it is though you'll get emails yes item uh 9.02 under other appointments committees uh we have representative uh to the colle with Board of Education I'll take that okay do a do we vote on that what we do just I Bo board president's election okay uh we'll go with Jimmy for that one and uh appointment of Representative to the Oakland Education Foundation I'll that else and appointment to the representative uh forac I can do that take yeah yeah that's fine yeah I can do that and appointment of Representative to the Oakland PTA that you miss for I don't mind doing it again I was just kind of like going back and forth Just communicating yeah yeah try that again uh item 10 policies and bylaws we have 10.02 the adoption of job descriptions and 10.03 is the approval uh of all bylaws as they're currently stated can we get a motion and a second so moved second any questions Mr DeMarco Mrs Fel somebody's on yes Mrs L yes Mrs marmian yes Mr McMillan yes Mrs Rando yes Mr schaer yes Mr STS yes Mr tab yes item number 11 under miscellaneous we're looking for approval of our public agency compliance officer uh which is Beth an um for the 25 26 school year um and we need a motion and a second second must be an echo J any questions on a roll call Mr DeMarco yes Mrs Fel yes Mrs love yes Mrs marmian yes Mr McAn yes Mrs randoo yes Mr Schaefer yes Mr STS yes Mr tab yes item 12 is our second public comment section for the evening uh please stand and this is for any items that you wish to bring before the board please stand state your name and address or log it on our log on the table there uh please remember to keep your comments to five minutes or less public is reminded that attempts to resolve all concerns and complaints should first go through the appropriate staff members or administrators no public comment so we'll move to item 13 uh which is adjournment do we have a motion and a second so moved second and just um you'll be getting um in the next few days Mr tab will I'm assuming obviously will communicate with Dr mcdal and I you'll get your committee appointments and then the next by tomorrow the day after you'll get an email from Anita Jenka who's um Dr mcdow's Administrative Assistant with the list of all the board meeting dates even though I listed here we'll send you like a Google sheet and it also has a list of all the committee dates so you can like put everything in your calendar for the next year I mean you we usually meet in Committee in this room and it's the week before the board meeting so probably one day next week probably the week of the um your board meetings on the 21st will be the week before the week of the 14th we'll have committies okay just so you know just just one other announcement if before we adjourn just a reminder to our public that at our next meeting January 21st uh we will be acknowledging and celebrating Mr Bill stals for I believe it's 51 years of service to the Oakland Board of Education so if you can come and join us uh January 21st at our next board meeting uh we'd appreciate to have you out as we celebrate bill so thanks sure I can make ity for