##VIDEO ID:k3C1HFWqg5I## good evening this meeing I'll be called to order this is a regular meeting of the Oakland Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting has been provided uh on a roll call please Mrs Ezekiel here here Mrs Fel here welcome back Mr stz Mrs Rando here Mr McMillan here uh Mr TB emailed he will be late Mrs marmian here Mr Schaefer here Mrs butchko here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag the United States of America to the repblic for stands one nation indivisible all right there is no executive session at this time so we're going to move into the presentations uh we're going to start with Miss Balden with the ssds report and the Hib self assessment report hello um the ssds report is actually the second report so this goes from January of last year through June of last school year we had a total of six investigations completed three were alleged and did not meet the definition of bullying three were confirmed and they did meet the definition of bullying we had zero incidents leading to removal zero restraints our trainings were the um a toz equity trainings that we did the second half of the year so all staff did God bless you all staff members did modules 1 through four and then our Equity committee did modules four uh five and six and then seven and eight another month the programs that um align to this initiative were random acts of kindness read Across America week seal week neurod diversity celebration week we did um six months of our character strong purposeful people program implementation and we also implemented our schoolwide character program Hawks that's it for ssds any questions this is called the um HIV self assessment report so this report grades us on how well we are meeting all the requirements included in the anti-bullying bill of Acts anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act um in this report there are 26 total areas to score on a scale from 0o to three um zero meaning we do not meet and three is actually exceeding requirements uh so in eight of the areas we are meeting the requirements for a total of 16 points and in 18 of the areas we are exceeding the requirements for a total of 54 points so we end up with a 70 out of 78 points which is like a 90% And I've said this before it's kind of hard to get to that 100% because we'd have to be like super students and exceeding in every area um I'll give you some examples of where we are exceeding the requirements our safety team uh meets more than twice per year and we do identify patterns in the reports that we receive for harassment intimidation and bullying viven is our anti-bullying specialist so we meet more than twice a year more than likely four times a day um so you know that's an easy one to exceed investigations are always completed within the 10 days parents are always notified on time we provide our staff training that's required every year um and we Implement oural program throughout the entire year which is um character strong purposeful people that's aligned to oural curriculum and the standards so areas of where we're just meeting and we're not quite exceeding yet would be um we do have an established seal curriculum but we did not include like outside groups in adopting that such as law enforcement so you kind of have to do that in order to score those points uh we have Hib programs as required but we don't make them a part of our staff evaluations at this point we we evaluate more of the instructional end of our staff uh we identify patterns but we haven't provided parent programs yet that's something we could add in to score a couple points um policy is discussed yearly but we haven't really discussed policy again at the parent level or anything outside of our school district um and then our safety team provides I mean they don't provide training they receive the training but if you were to provide certain training by li like a licensed health professional you would get extra points we get training but it isn't by licensed health professional um and then this year we are going to try to score another point in the area of of um assessing School climate so we're going to do a student survey we didn't do that last year so we didn't get the points but that's where we're going to try to get the 70 to maybe a 71 for next year by doing a student survey so we discussed that already at our first uh School climate team meeting which was just last week and um we have some ideas for that so again 90% not too sha any questions on that report okay great thank you thank you so much all right moving on to 3.03 um this is the district test report and I'm just going to step aside so we can focus on the screen all right good evening uh tonight I'm going to present the Oakland District test report for um the 2023 2024 school year last year um the Oakland School District gave several state test assessments from the access to dlm and the njsla uh tonight I'm going to go over the purpose of those tests talk about performance levels and there some student results um there's a I need to do a brief explanation of an njd NJ dooe regulation um and I also go into some results um for student um student groups the IDE reporting this is the that regulation I just speaking about basically what it says is that um student data cannot be presented unless there are 10 or more students in a group so some of the um as we see through this presentation there are some groups that were below 10 so I couldn't share that information or I won't be able to share that information so what is the access test the access test is for our multilingual Learners forly known as elll students um basically it's a test that uh is given for ML students from K to 12 and the purpose is really just to test their English language progress and it's in four areas which is speaking listening reading and writing the dlm assessment is for those students who are significantly intellectual has sorry have significant intellectual disabilities um B it's a test that goes from English language arts Math and Science it's basically a replacement test for the um njpa which is when your students take it in high school that's what that test is and then the njsla the way that this test is done is that this uh the classroom teacher actually gives a one gives a test one-on-one with each of his students um they do it in small bite-sized pieces and they're called testlets both of these tests um due to the small number of students that we have here uh unfortunately I cannot share that information all right so now on to the njsla uh the njsla is a test for math language arts and science in language arts and math it's students are tested from grades three through nine um for science we do grades five eight and 11 uh and then for math when they get to the upper grades in high school they kind of change name they call like end of course test but it's basically um students who in a high school will take an algebra one geometry or an Algebra 2 test for the science njsla they have four performance levels uh we want our students to be in level three and level four which is proficient Advanced proficient uh to do that we would be um a student would need a score of 200 all right so this is the results from um last year's science test uh what is highlighted shows you uh the state average from last year and the um average that we score or sorry the uh percent proficiency of our students um Oakland was a little below State average but I do want to point out that if you look at from 2022 to 2023 and then last year I mean we see a nice growth with our kids so that's I think almost more important than um that we didn't make State average for last year in terms of in terms of some student groups uh this is the how the females the males performed there really wasn't much difference between the two at the table on the right that number is for the number of students who were proficient or Advanced proficient so for the student group of ethnicity and race uh here's an example where I I couldn't show results for the Hispanic and black population because um we don't have more than 10 students here but it does show the um proficiency of the white population for students who are economically disadvantaged and who are not econ economic disadvantage um here's the chart and uh table for that information and finally um for special education students um again students with IEPs I wasn't able to show the information because you have less than 10 um but student without IEPs the passing proficiency percentage is shown moving on to the language arts and math njsla uh here we see five performance levels uh we want our students to be in level four and level five uh to do that we need to um they need to have a score of 750 or more uh basically what it says if a student is in level four or five then they're prepared for their next year's uh math or language arts class so this is the language arts um last year scores and again again highlighted so you can focus on the state average and our passing proficiency and Oakland did a really nice job with the language arts as you can see for grades three four and five each of those grade levels the proficiency of Oakland students surpasses that of the um New of New Jersey moving on to uh some of the language arts um student groups uh here is gender the green shows the female um proficiency percentage and um the orange brown is for male again the table on the right shows the number of students who are who have attained proficiency this uh chart and table shows again the ethnicity race again um I can only show you the uh percentage of white students in grades three four and five this is for um students who are economically disadvantage I do want to point out that for grade three that is not like that is not a zero students passing that is just we didn't have more than 10 and again uh here are students with IEPs I can only show the percentage of students who who passed who do not have an IP all right so this is the njsla math score comparison um as you look at New Jersey compared to how Oakland did uh here Oakland did struggle um quite a bit um we were below State average and um here is an area that we know that we need to focus on for this upcoming year again here is the uh student group of gender for math here is the showing the proficiency um for ethnicity and race again you can only do the uh white students this table in chart shows students who are um or in this case who are are not economically disadvantaged and the chart here shows students who do not have an IP they're uh percent of meeting or exceeding um expect or being proficient as this presentation will go on your website uh there are links on here if anybody if anybody who looks at it wants to find more information about any of those three tests and uh thank you for attention does anybody have any questions yeah um yeah I do um on the ELA I'm looking for it hold on on grade level four um there's a very wide swing between male and female uh where everything else showed consistency is there any reason for that so um go down the page yeah yeah there this one yep so grade four to 75% male and grade grade four 44% female where the other third and fifth grade are like kind of the opposite um I would have to look more closely into um and I can look more closely into uh that group of students okay I don't have okay it's right it is a percentage so you 10 um females 12 males there's only two difference and it's a 30% difference it's probably Mass like that like how many are in the whole class probably right that's what I'm that's what I'm trying that's what I'm trying to say the thing we have to also remember is that um due to the size of the Oakland District um every child really is a pretty big swing in terms of percentage so um and when we looked at more uh individual data we saw a lot of students who were in the um like just below the 750 which would be the passing so the approaching uh section so there like I said a lot of the students were like just there probably missed it by maybe like one or two questions that's it winter can you go back to the uh math forward I guess to the math that one this one yeah uh that abysmal is probably not the right word but we're so far below the state average uh in third grade it seems Seems we're missing something what uh and may I know you're just compiling the numbers maybe uh maybe you're not the guy I should be asking but why the big difference why are we so far below the state average and why are we regressing that that uh that grade level is regressing every year I'm G to just chime in real fast because we did have a good discussion in the um curriculum committee this week about this and I do know that Miss Balden and Marth were working on um some tools to help the teachers better identify the students that need help um so they are going to be switching their assessment tool for the middle of the year um I look more at the fourth grade total where it went from 50% to 28% um however we do have to realize the small number of students that those percentages represent that so it could be kind of like we just saw on the previous example a few students um encouraging though is that the fifth grade actually did go improve from last year so does seem to be going on like a w so we we also want to make sure that we're looking at the same group of kids and so if you go to uh third grade in 2022 they were at 38% that same cohort moved to fourth grade in 2023 and moved up to 50% and then that cohort moved uh again in 2024 and so if you're looking at students over time that's a better indicator and so uh in terms of the total number of students because of the small size the difference that two kids makes could be a huge jump or drop and so what we're going to be looking at is the actual breakdown in in terms of the actual number of students and so what we want to make sure is Year over-year we're seeing uh increases in total number of students that are proficient even if the percentages are are are highly variable but I it's not to students because no I'm just I'm just it it is it's about nine like when I look at that and if I assume and this is anecdotal I don't know that it's 40 students but in 2023 in the fourth grade 20 of them were doing it they were proficient and now it's 28% so that's 11 of of them that's a Delta of nine students so I understand our n is smaller we have a smaller sample size but we're not talking about like a few I I I feel like that's a big number I our number one priority as it relates to this upcoming year in terms of the school acceleration plan for Oakland is math um paired with science science has been a challenge for all districts across the state simply because at elementary there are not really good um curricul um tools and there hasn't been an emphasis because everybody's focused on reading first math second science third and so we're prioritizing math and we're going to be embedding and looking at new tools for science yeah that you know we seem to be changing curriculum periodically we come up with one of these things and we say oh we're going to try something different maybe we should keep the same thing for a couple of years maybe we're we're floundering from one one thing to another and none of it's working so I hear what you're saying but one of the challenges is that some of the tools that are being used there's not uh interrelated reliability between what the state is assessing and then the curriculum and the tools that are available and so students in their benchmark assessments um are doing or making progress that doesn't necessarily uh line up with the state assessment and so at the beginning of the school year we're looking to Baseline where are our students so that we can measure specific grow over time and we're looking we're constantly looking for tools that are better aligned with how they will be assessed by the state at the end of the year which is why we are having some of these and so we're we're digging deeper into some of our um screeners at the beginning so teachers understand where to begin with students so that they're not spending time on things that kids already know and looking at how do you target specific skills for specific students so that we're also not wasting time covering material that they've already mastered and so it's it's a it's a fine balance but our core Focus for 2425 is math okay I I hear what you're saying but I'm I'm disappointed you know if we know what the state's assessing what what not subjects but what uh areas of a subject what areas of math the state is assessing why aren't we stressing those areas of math we we're over here doing our own thing and we're saying yeah the kids are learning and maybe they are but the state doesn't know that and all these people that read the newspaper don't know that uh we we've got to do something better consistently better not not changing every year if you want to answer that you need to come to come to a microphone you got people at home that are you're a teacher you can talk loud I can talk loud uh a couple so I appreciate the question and I think it's a fair valid one and want to just say what we are already in the process of doing having analyzed this data over the last several weeks and what action we're already taking to immediately address you know there's growth needing on the literacy side as well but to speak to this you know more pressing area of urgency um so first and foremost as Dr mcdal was saying a few moments ago um principal Bal and I have had extended conversations about the tool we use to determine where kids are at presently what their present strengths are what their present areas of need need are the tool that we have been using for the last several years it's aligned to our math curriculum has proven to be unhelpful if I'm being polite in public com in public setting here unhelpful and not predictive of their performance on a state standardized test and so we've already put in motion training happened on Monday was that yesterday training happened on Monday of this week to implement a new Universal screener in grades third fourth and fifth here in Oakland it's called nwea map um uh 8 8 million students across the country do I have that number right 8 million students across the country participate in this test it's incredibly reliable data comparative from peer-to-peer um as well as predictive of kids performance on a state test like njsla or as they get older sat or act and things of that nature um so that's already in motion because we we agree that we need to have a a better awareness of what kids can do at the start of the year so that teachers leaders staff can align their supports in addition to that um we are setting in Oakland and all the schools that we serve um key performance indicators at the start of the year so that we can get really zoomed in really close look in the weeds at individual kids and know what their present strengths are and how close or far they are to that proficiency bar so that when we set goals and we work with our leaders and we work with staff to align supports and resources we're thinking about what what kids are closest to that proficiency bar and what do they need in terms of skills and standards and support to get over that bar next year who are the closest and who are kids who are on a multi-year journey to make progress year-over-year and ultimately in perhaps two years or three years we're talking about those kids meeting or exceeding the proficiency bar and so we' put put that measure in place as a um like an area of a focus in my work with principal Balden and all the principles to help to really zoom in and and and really our support uh lastly and perhaps just equally as important of all of that is time in classroom so we've already visited some of the upper elementary math classrooms in our work together and we'll continue to do so right because we can look at all the numbers and look at stuff on paper and think about the strategy But ultimately at the end of the day it's the work that happens in the classroom between the teacher and the kids and so we're going to continually support and monitor and look for ways that we can continue to strengthen that as well so those are three or four key actions that are already in motion that I am very confident will continue to move the Neo forward in this regard okay I hope you're right because we see this every year uh and results are are similar every year with with anomaly here's here and there to 50% an anomaly uh but and we go through the same thing you know we're going to do this we're going to do this we're going to do that but it doesn't work none of it seems to work and I know this isn't your fault because you just started uh but next year I'm going to yell at you again okay we're all in this together and I feel very confident in this approach and I believe next uh August when the data is available we'll have great news to share good job thank you can I ask a question on it so the training that was done yesterday that was to utilize a new assessment as opposed to the unhelpful one so if the training was yesterday for the teaching staff when would that be presented to the children like is it for this year or is it to get a head start so they'll take a sorry just to have half answer your question if I um at some point in the next two to three weeks students will take a beginning of typically if we had implemented this in the normal kind of course of action they would have taken a beginning of the year Baseline assessment in the first two or three weeks of September a mid year and an end of year assessment um our timeline will be a little bit compressed this year because of our later implementation so they will take sometime either at the very end of October or early November um their Baseline assessment and then a midy year and end ofe uh testing window so that is so that's the point I was making about the the compression associated with it but then once the tests are taken are they sent out to aggregate those scores or is that done internally here it's um immediately Avail as soon as the kid hits submit or the teacher says the test is done the data is immediately available um in that moment and so you know within moments or within a day or two the teacher and the leaders will have a chance to look at classwide data performance individual kids within that um and and start to make strategic decisions about how to proceed okay that's because I know the state tests take like six months to receive them back and I'm like it's almost everybody will be in high school by then totally yeah this is all what we're looking at tonight is all reactionary right processes and Analysis what's the most exciting about the new tool we're using is like it's immediate and we can make really strategic decisions going forward yeah thank you good question I have a question about it's come up in the past and maybe it was discussed the curriculum um as well I believe the scores for Collings will will be presented on Monday is that correct or have they already been the 20th oh their board meeting is on 20 is on the 28th not yet so yeah I mean I think we we've asked in the past for um an analysis of how our students are doing there is that something that we can plan for a future meeting yep that question was brought up um a couple of days ago and we already approved and it came up with a timeline yes of course we need to share the data publicly first with the Collins with community at the meeting on the 28th but then already was in communication to share out the we'll we'll redo the collinswood uh secondary report at the November Oakland board meeting thank you will it also include colums with Elementary report because I I obviously we want to know how our own kids are doing and the Oakland the Oakland kids are doing and and you know Post Elementary School but just to compare them to their peers one town over I think it would be helpful to see the elementary results as well that makes sense sure anyone else all right thank you I'm GNA give you a moment to switch over we're going to do um mentoring plan presentation next no you you long that was I direct compar hello again we're back for more uh bethanne is going toh click for me because I don't have a fancy clicker like Windsor um uh I am going to speak for a few moments on collinswood and Oakland schools um District mentoring plan for new teachers um the exciting part about what I'm sharing here tonight is that Oakland doesn't have any new teachers this year which is actually terrific news and that's what we like all are aiming for right consistency and staff retention year-over-year and so the Oakland team obviously should be applauded for the work that we're doing in that regard um nevertheless we are still required to have a mentoring plan so I'm going to talk for a few minutes about what that looks like and how we um support all of our new staff in Oakland and collinswood um and so that starts with I'm showing you the first three or four slides here of how we welcome new staff in in um Mid August uh we come together in person for a two-day new staff Academy um where we try our best to frontload all of the important information that's probably swirling in the heads of of folks who are new to our district and are new to the profession and try to give as much logistical support information um and camaraderie at the start of their new uh their new employment with colinwood and Oakland schools um so they uh I'm just showing you a few examples of of how they were greeted you can go to the next slide um bethanne thank you uh we partnered with our uh CA to uh provide breakfast and lunch throughout the throughout the days to build in again not just like tactical logistical information but the opportunity to come together and share a meal and meet their new colleagues um here's an example of what the first morning's agenda looked like I just pause to let you skin um this this was held in the um the LMC at the uh secondary campus and um all of the district um leaders and administrators and supervisors were present also on that morning to to welcome and introduce themselves and connect with our new employees and thank you bethan um and this work is led by a team uh Lauren cats Katie Balaban and Chris Taylor um who do a tremendous job with our mentoring program both the the August session that I'm referencing here as well as the required ongoing year-long training um that new teachers are supported with and here you can see a few pictures of um what that August training looked like um in the uh in the LMC um Al together um that is that's it for that I can also if you want to go if you want to click out byan for a second and go to that other um Google doc to the left there thank you um um this is a 30-page mentoring document that I'm certainly not going to um walk us all the way through entirely but um but then if you scroll down you can see kind of the um and maybe have to zoom in the program overview plan section there you can see the uh the seven or eight different components that are included here um again um I'm happy to share um the full the full document here uh if anyone is interested but it lays out exactly how we are both requir ired by the state to support our um our new teachers in their in their first year and what that exactly looks like in kind of practice and implementation in our in our buildings um through their pairing with a mentor and the way that they are supported on an ongoing basis and so um again it's a hypothetical in Oakland this year and we hope hope it's a hypothetical going forward as well but I'll take any questions that you have yes ma'am yes has a question but I think that's all for I have a question I don't need the presentation though um excuse me so if we did have new staff would they be um would our staff attend a joint session with Collingswood New staff or would they have their own session here we do that August session together jointly um and then the uh the mentoring work the ongoing dayto day week to week would happen here in this building got it perfect thank you thank thank you so much thank you all all right give everyone a chance to get back to their seats we'll move on to section four Committee of the whole I don't know if we have any topics but Retreat on Satur um if someone would like to make a motion to go into Committee of the whole I guess about that second all right we in second it uh all in favor hi okay all right so we're now in Committee of the whole does anyone have anything for committee of the whole at this time I have a question uh or a request I guess uh Philadelphia magazine this month has an article on the best schools in Philadelphia and the suburbs and New Jersey and I haven't read the whole article so I'm not sure everything that's in there but uh and I I don't necessarily agree with their list of who the best schools are they're they're using some system different than what I would use but anyway they did have one article or one item on a uh a chart that made some sense to me and that was the average tenure of the staff uh and can we get that for the high school and the middle school at some point not tomorrow but we do that could I also request for Oakland too yeah thank you okay uh anyone else so just reminding all board members um are uh we are having a retreat on Saturday morning starting at 9:00 a.m. here in the library this week and next Monday Tuesday Wednesday is the School Board conference in Atlantic City you are registered as a board I know it's hard for you guys to get out of work sometimes but you are registered there's some good PD listed um they have an app they had an app last year too but they have a really good app that you can download and you can just select your sessions and stuff like that so um just a little reminder that that's going on also sorry with regards to the retreat because I sadly cannot be there um what kind of materials can we expect before or I'd love to contribute what I may before the meeting so Fred and I connected about agenda today you want to chime in on agenda items or setting the agenda there is um a board dock it just doesn't have any information yeah so Denise uh wants to discuss the relationship um with Collinwood related to the calendar um that would be uh one item uh second item was the uh uh admin uh Services agreement and then the third item is the uh send receive uh relationship with Collingswood uh and then any other uh items that uh she'll be collecting from board members between over the next several days and uh add in there to um the code of conduct too I forgot to put that in there sorry um so that is something we talked about in committee um last month I can't even remember when that was but yes um yeah that is something that we should look at as well um and if board members have feedback on that um I believe there is um a Google doc that we can add information to um I'll double check on that um one other thing because I know it's come up a few times at board meetings um is again the crosswalk um at Newton and the White Horse Pike so there was a article recently in NJ pen about um I guess like a county meeting or something um where the police and local government officials discuss making improvements to that area um um I'm not and they did discuss Crossing from the apartments over to CVS but um I didn't notice anything in the article so I'm not sure if um students Crossing was discussed at all but it does look like they are looking at it at least um and it indicated that it's a slow process but anyway I'd like to keep bringing attention to that um um because I think the idea of the um lighted crosswalks is an excellent one and I would love to see that implemented in coling yeah say on that I I read the article in a retrospect rather than NJ pen uh but it was basically the same thing but I didn't see where it said lighted crosswalks uh that would be a a terrific idea uh and also I'm wondering who is planning all of this uh the the article is strictly Collingswood but apparently it's going from Camden to Haden Heights so that Pike right right so that whole area going to improve who are they talking to in Oakland great question I don't know the answer to that I think I know the answer already but yeah there nobody that you we we'll be told what they're going to do for us now would be the time to get involved uh to see what we can do like moving that crosswalk from Newton Avenue to across from CVS yeah that's a good question um I don't yeah yeah I might have projected in the light of crosswalks um not that I saw that suggested just that I thought saw that they were trying to make safety Improvement that they're focusing on the area and pedestrian safety um there are other areas in different towns where I'd love to see improvements namely in h Township too um by a theater on the White Horse Pike but yeah yeah there's there's a lot of areas that they could focus on and I think I noted in the retrospect article that what was not included was a barrier to stop vehicles from going up on a curb and that was noted I think as something that they would want to bring into it so the way I read it and again did not analyze it carefully but something about that that it didn't include and they were kind of advocating for something that could stop vehicle rather than it going straight onto The Pedestrian sidewalk yeah be nice if they decided that maybe we should talk to people first and then make the plan rather than make the plan and then tell the people all the wonderful things they're going to do for us to make us safer uh but silly me anyone have anything else for committee as a whole oh yes yes this is critical are we going to have coffee on Saturday or do we have to bring our own we're goingon to have coffee good quick question while we were on the topic of crosswalks how has the new crosswalk in front of the school been since everything's running smoothly all right excellent for those watching at home that was um it's good all right is there a motion to come out of Committee of the whole so moved second all in favor hi hi all right we're out of Committee of the whole um section five is important dates um so there is a omac gym night the first one of the year uh for Oakland students um so that's fourth grade and up so middle schoolers can attend that as well um there are some PTA events listed there I'm not going to repeat them because I'm sure they'll be talked about later um and our uh obviously our um board retreat on uh Saturday which I don't think is listed there um and then our next board meeting on November 19th moving on to section six routine board minutes um I'm sorry business uh is there a motion to approve the minutes from the September board meeting so move second moved and seconded all in favor all right um there's no unfinished business at this time section seven is the first public comment section so uh this is for agenda items only please stand state your name and address and keep your comments to five minutes or less all right hearing none we'll move on on to Section 8 and the superintendent report okay uh section 8.01 is the uh enrollment report which is attached September 2023 is 272 September 2024 is 273 uh an 8.02 and 8.03 is the uh suspension report uh for September uh excuse me and the uh safety drill report for September thank you uh moving on to section nine uh the business administrator report all righty uh this evening I have uh item 9.01 is your September monthly budgetary transfers item 9.02 is your board secretary treasurers report um and all of the backup 9.03 is the listing of the purchase orders that have been issued during um the month of October thus far and 9.04 a listing of the warrants to be paid tomorrow morning and that is it all right thank you uh section 10 finance committee report this is Jimmy good evening um today we're looking for approval of 10.01 the approval of uh budget transfers 10.02 and 10.03 for approval of certifications and no expenditures 10.04 for approval of secretary treasurer reports 10.05 and 10.06 for the approval of purchase order and warrants uh all those were described by uh bethanne a few minutes ago um the new business we have is 10.07 it's 2024 2025 annual comprehensive maintenance plan 10.08 which is kind of fun it's the Animal Welfare Association which is a stem outreach program which will allow our fourth and fifth grade students to uh participate in uh Hands-On activities at various stations including vet medicine Behavior Uh nutrition and Engineering so that sounds cool 10.09 use of facilities for the OC Panthers basketball to use the Oakland gym on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays from 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. uh beginning November 1st and ending on February 1st to 2025 that's all great thank you uh is there a motion to approve those items so moved moved in seconded are there any questions from board members on any of those right hearing none on a roll call Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rondo yes Mr McMillan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs bucho yes all right section 11 uh curriculum and Personnel committee this is Tod all right good evening everyone so item 11.01 we're seeking approval uh to place the following students on uh home instruction or out of District uh placement there uh item 11.02 uh we're looking to approve a revised medical and maternity leave um from October 8th through November 19th followed by an unpaid maternity leave from November 20th through March 7th uh the staff members expect to return March 10th uh so that kind of aligns with item 11.03 which has a revised long-term um sub uh contract uh effect of October 8th through March 7th uh item 11.04 we're seeking to approve the following um extracurricular stiens there for uh uh Coral group sponsor band director and yearbook advisor item 11.05 we're seeking approval for the following subs and tutors and 11.06 uh we're looking to approve the uh Oakland travel expense uh for October 2024 couple staff members attended uh Workshop over in haddenfield uh so we're looking for approval on items 11.01 1 through 11.06 thank you uh is there a motion to approve those items so move second moved and seconded uh any questions from board members all right uh hearing none on a roll call please Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr McMillan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr schaer yes Mrs Bush go yes all right section 12 uh School Community regulations and policy committee TR good evening uh item 12.01 is the report from the Callingwood Board of Education Mr tab thank you good evening everybody um just some updates from uh callings with the last meeting September meeting um just like to congratulate uh some of the recipients of the 20232 24 Governor's educator and Ed Professionals of the year um we had uh Jack Moser um who is a math teacher at colins Middle School ktie Balaban um is high school social studies and maryan doerty is an instructional assistant at uh Collings with middle school so congratulations to them had a nice celebration um also last month prevented or presented uh the updated uh code of conduct um and in the email I sent out there's an attachment uh to that presentation um Kong would appli for a cyber security pilot program Grant run by the uh fed um which will uh cover costs uh down the road as we uh update our Network and uh all that stuff that Jimmy does for a living uh uh therapy dogs will be visiting Collingswood Middle School as well to spend time with students um uh senior class trip was approved uh for Orlando Florida uh which will take place uh from June 10th through June 14th um and those are the main updates from Conwood thank you um item 12.02 is the PTA on report M Ronda thank you um so lla and I did exchange notes they reported out on membership totals are 115 members I know the forms went out uh last month for um parents to sign up to be on the PTA faculty was recognized um Mr mccardy for 25 years of service here in Oakland um Miss deya and nurse Jen Yoder were also recognized um Miss Bolton went over a variety of dates and I thought I was going to get to skip those because Denise was going to cover a lot of them she saved them for me um I'll skip the ones that already took place the meeting the last meeting was on October 1st um the 19th of this month there's the Collingswood Fall Festival uh Red Ribbon Week kicks off on 10:21 the PTA at the time had planned on uh the PTA family fund night happening on 10:25 but after um the minutes it was decided I think that's final Friday and that's why it does have to be postponed um more planning to comeon a future date um Oakland glow there's signs around towns in that'll be on 10:26 the um trunk Retreat time is pending at the moment but that will be the day before Halloween and then fall parties will take place on November 1st uh the only other date that wasn't on our board agenda was the next PTA meeting is 123 um room ambassadors I believe were discussed and picked at the last meeting there's um a lot of work that goes into that so thank you to the room ambassadors and then Aila reviewed uh quite a few volunteer opportunities I'm sure that not to kind of like inundate us all at once as these opportunities arise we'll get communication about them but they include things like um stocks deliveries I know all the kids just they recently came home with the order forms for the pound cakes and the things later in the year like Don is with Dad Muffins with Mom so we'll be hearing throughout the year of all of these opportunities should anybody want to volunteer and I think that's it the yeah the next one's in December thank you I'll just add that there were a ton of new families there um and it was I guess the first meeting of the new board as well so it's great to see the involvement so way to go PTA um item 12.0 for is oh sorry 12.03 is report from bko um so as I mentioned previously gym kns will be starting back up again uh the first one is this Friday um and so those are for students ages fourth grade and up and you do not have to be a Oakland or colinwood student it's just any um any student that lives in Oakland so if they attend um home school or a different school they're invited to come to those as well they're usually held um I believe monthly um during the cooler months um and also uh the um men's uh basketball is going strong so I hear on Tuesday evenings um that's all I have at this time you and the students have to register though before they can show up they do have to register there is a form uh to register for the gym nights yes that's correct thank you um item 12.04 is report on the Oakland Education Foundation um the Oakland Education Foundation has not met since our last meeting um but they are putting together a flyer to go home to families and to communicate out recruiting um some new membership and to try to rally um around some of the needs of the school so more on that at our next meeting um item 12.05 we are seeking approval of a first reading of two policies 8420 is the emergency and crisis situations policy revised and 8467 is a firearms and weapons policy revised item 12.06 for seeking approval for the second reading on the following policies 01 41.1 board member number and term sending District 2200 curriculum content 3160 physical examination I believe that's for uh instructional staff and then 4160 is for staff um 5337 service animals 5350 student suicide prevention item 12.07 is we are requesting um approval of the abolishment of 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisers and assistants uh this was more relevant when we had higher grade levels um item 12.08 there uh are no Hib reports from the previous month so we are seeking approval for items 12.05 through 12.08 all right you want to ask her yeah I'll um honor sorry 8467 was that the one we wanted to table did that not get tabled in accident no I did send instructions so I just that's I believe that's the one that we wanted to table because we wanted to um do the to review first right all right I apologize I did I did send instructions it wasn't done I apologize um yeah that's fine and I didn't catch it thank you I was like wait I think that's the other one so there may have been another one too so that'll be on November I can't remember actually if um or that's the one being abolished the other one yes that was the only other one so um motion to table 8467 for the first reading until November so moved okay thank you second okay moved and second is um do I need a roll call for that or yes please roll call so roll call um this is just for tabling 8467 to November Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs fael yes Mr STS yes Mrs randoo yes Mr mcowan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs bushko yes yes okay so now going back um um now seeking a motion to approve items 12.05 through 12.08 M and second uh any questions for board members on any of those items yeah I have a question just for some clarity on the policy we're uh abolishing the uh 9181 um so if there are parents that were going to help out in some capacity in a volunteer um sense for or any type of regular volunteers that's for like that's for sports that okay well because it said end co-curricular activities so I didn't I mean any volunteer would still have to be board approved correct we're not right most of the parent volunteers I I mean are we were trying to think of a situation where it wasn't through the PTA okay I got it all right yeah I was just looking for clarity there so thank you yeah that's read more like high school yeah gotcha all right um on a roll call for those Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr McMillan yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs bushko yes all right section 13 of miscellaneous 13.01 is the 2024 2025 nursing Services plan and medical emergency Mercy response plan so we're seeking approval for that um and 13.02 uh we're seeking approval for the 2024 2025 District professional development and District mentoring plan so is there a motion to approve 13.01 and 13.02 so moved second moved and second it any questions from board members all right hearing none on a roll call Mrs Ezekiel yes Mrs Fel yes Mr STS yes Mrs Rond yes Mr McMillan yes Mr Tav yes Mrs marmian yes Mr schaer yes Mrs butchko yes all right section 14 uh this is our second public comment section uh this is for any item that you wish to bring before the board um just please stand stand state your name and address and keep your comments to five minutes or less all right hearing that section 15 is there a motion to adjourn second um moved in seconded all in favor all right thank you all sorry missing