##VIDEO ID:pKHdhcQpubM## um this is a regular open public meeting of the Oakland Board of Education adequate notice of this meeting has been provided uh on a roll call please all right we've got a few board members pres uh absent Mr STS oh sorry I see you Mrs Ronda here Mr Tavy here Mrs marmian here Mr Schaefer here Mrs butko here we have Quorum please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance all right there's no executive session at this time um on section three um we're going to start by mentioning that our school Community lost um two giants this summer um in Chuck Layman and Diane Sant uh Chuck Layman was a lifetime resident of Oakland councilman School Board member for many years um and was dedicated uh to the people and community of Oakland uh Diane is the Oakland School secretary uh for a number of years um and her unwavering loyalty and warm presence as the school's Administrative Assistant made made her the face of Ops so before we begin we're going to take a moment um just to think about them for a moment of silence all right thank you everyone for taking the time um I'm going to move on to section 3.02 and this is a presentation of our mentoring plan all right we're gonna skip that part tonight uh revisit we'll pick that up in September um moving on to section four which is the committee of Theo is there a motion to move into Committee of theole so moved moved and seconded all in favor all right we are now on Committee of the whole um before I open this up um to board member comments I just have a couple of announcements um many of you may have seen the construction in front of our school uh so um there will be more information forthcoming but they're adding new crosswalk so the crosswalk is going to be adjusted in the morning um which we hope will ease with uh traffic and especially drop off so um stay tuned for more information on that and um while I'm talking of safe routs the school just wanted to share an update um bill has brought up a number of times that the uh sign for the crosswalk on Newton where students would um from Oak Glam cross over to the middle and high school um there was a large tree branch that was blocking the sign and that has finally been trimmed so thank you Bill for staying on top of that for so long um is there anything else for committee of the whole at this time all right hearing none uh motion to come out of Committee of the whole so move to Second all right thank you all we now out of Committee of the whole um section five is important dates um biggest date here September 5th is the first day of school for all students prek through grade five here at Oakland um as well as in Collingswood um there is a new family orientation on September 5th here in the school library at 8:45 a.m. uh the first two days of school are early dismissals um and the next board meeting is on September 17th section six um has the approval of minutes from our June board meeting is there a motion to approve those minutes some second moved and seconded all in favor hi all right uh there's no unfinished business at this time section s is the first public comment section so this is for agenda items only um so if you could stand state your name and address and please keep your comments to five minutes or less thank you all right hearing that at this time Section 8 um pass it over to Dr McDow for the superintendent report okay so good evening everyone um 8.01 is the enrollment report uh June of 2023 enrollment was 276 as of June 2024 it is 267 uh the report is attached uh 0.2 2 and 0.3 are the safety drill report and the suspension report for uh June of uh this past year uh and 8.04 uh there is none to report thank you thank you uh section nine uh the business uh administrator report be in okay as promised we were able to get July done I know we discussed in finance buildings and grounds uh busy summer um but both June and July um monthly transfer reports are presented tonight in 9.01 and 9.02 are your June and July uh board secretary treasur and cash reports um 9.03 is the listing for the purchase orders that were issued for Oakland in the month of July um and 9.04 is listing of the warrants um and like in June I got approved to pay bills throughout the summer so you've got three different bills list you got June you got July and then you got um uh August as of last week um so three different bills lists for your approval um and like I said before um there are two months worth of financial statements so we have rolled you into the current year um the audit has been complete so this um will bring you up to date with your financial statements um and with that being said I'm going to roll into item 10 because Mr McMillan's not here so items 10.01 through 10.0 six are those items that I just mentioned the financial statements the warrants and the um the purchase orders 10.07 is our annual approval of the Ida Grant um so for 2425 we saw a slight increase about $102,000 10.08 is um approval of our ESA Grant and um as per federal law we have to list out the employees that are being paid with federal funds and their P the percentage of their salary that goes um to the Federal Grant and that's listed 10.09 10.10 and 10 11 are all um I consider them mandatory business office type items the first one is um I updated the Collingswood Oakland purchasing manual 10.10 is our standard operating procedures manual and 10.11 is our 2425 budget calendar for the preparation of the 2526 uh school year budget 10.2 is an application for dual use of educational space so what that means is we go to the County office if we have basically it's one big classroom space if it's divided by a divider and there's two sets of instruction going on at the same time it requires annual County Office approval and in Oakland we have two such rooms um 10.13 is um use of facilities for Oakland's Cougars football 10.14 is use facilities for Oakland little league and 10.15 is omac over 30 basketball we did receive some late entries um so they will be on for um next month and I includes the soccer club if anybody at home is looking like for soccer um we got it after the agenda was live so it'll be on for September um and that being said approval of items 10.01 through 10.15 second moved and seconded um I have a question or a comment I guess on one of them um so mesac did submit a request for gym nights to which is not on the agenda I just forwarded to bethan so that will be on the September agenda not worried about it that's in October thank you that's what I figured you know you're gonna get the gym so it's all good H but I do apologize you can do whatever you want Adam you'll get it I'll put it on next month I apologize no problem and uh should we discuss soccer that it did come in late but they're wanting to start before our next meeting and it will yeah according to their request they want to start start uh September 7th and run through October 28th um I don't have dates though so I really hold on say Mondays Saturday Saturday morning from 9: to 11 September 7th um through October 28th so I you want to amend those dates or give them I don't know what you guys want to do JY came in late so is that so that's Oakland soccer club for wreck correct collinswood Oakland soccer club uses these fields for practice as well as game days on Sundays is that a separate item and has that been approved I don't believe we've received that one yet either we have not received that and if you know people please remind them because they need to get these requests in so we have two options we can amend this our September board meeting is like we said the 17th and they can start the week after the 17th or we let them start and we just remind them to the C for paperwork in on time I'll take your lead um from you guys but we do try to keep you know to the to the schedule for R I'm in favor of letting them start um open to hear I I did review it and it looks like everything's in order it's just they sent it after the agenda was already posted um but we have not received anything yet for travel and they're going to have to correct do we get a certificate of insurance that includes us as a an additional Insurance uh this is okay I'm sorry this is both of them hold on I don't see I don't have the full full packet in front of me I just have a copy of an email so but we do oh no so that is travel in there also sorry that was a separate request I got it and oddly enough they want to start tonight without approval and I I don't have the full packet in front of me I just have a copy of the email so I don't know if the insurance certificate was attached or not I have to look okay did how about the uh the Cougars do we get a revise certificate that includes us I do not know request was made Mr sest has been in it we we're everybody's on vacation we can buildings a ground so I have to Circle back but okay tell you two seconds after I S the and you sent it to Mike Mike sent it to me and said don't forget your insurance I already asked Bonnie to send it Bonnie sent insurance so he's right on it yeah he doesn't mess around well we got a certificate from uh the the Cougars too only it doesn't include us as an additional insured uh so the certificate itself is fine we also get them once in a while that they're expired uh so because usually the certificates are annual and if they're asking in the middle of the season and then the season Runs Out we just have to stay on top of them so I think it's really important Bill thank you for always being on top of the paperwork but I don't want the kids to suffer because of paperwork and these are all organizations that have used the facilities in the past without issue correct so I'm personally I'm in favor of letting them start and hounding them for paperwork immediately I'll talk to co I say too it looks like it's in in here for for the travel it was it it was a separate page I didn't see that page was attached to the I think it's the same it's the same person so it's staple together yes there was all right um on a roll call please thank you Mr STS uh yes uh well for the Cs and for uh soccer subject to receipt of the appropriate certificates what I'll do is I'll put them on next month you know we're just letting them start early okay Mrs Rando yes Mr Tav yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs brko yes thank you all um section 11 this is the curriculum and Personnel committee uh Todd C good evening everyone so uh item 11.01 uh is uh student student placement an 11th grader uh being placed to attend the Camy County transition program for the 2425 school year Oakland would be responsible for tuition and transportation um that was uh at the recommendation of the collinswood high school principal uh item 11.02 we are seeking uh approval to enter in a contract with the New Jersey commission for the blind of Newan pair to provide services for the 2425 school year um for a couple of students that are listed there uh um for those Services item 11.03 um hopefully something we'll never have to look at again but it's to approve our emergency virtual or remote instruction plan for 2425 again we don't want to have to uh ever reference that open it see it but uh we have it just in case uh item 11.04 we're looking to approve our English language Services which is a three-year program uh from 24-27 as presented there for you item 11.05 we're seeking approval for a pay medical leave uh effect of August 13th through September 20th uh or longer if needed uh the employee plans to return um September 23rd uh 2024 pending medical clearance uh item 11.06 we are seeking approval um for a contract for Miss andar uh the new school secretary uh which would be for the 2425 school year and item 11.07 seeking approval uh um for our nurse Mary Hopkins to work the maximum of four days over the summer at her PR DM rate for work that is necessary prior to the start of the school year so we are seeking approval for items 11.01 through 11.07 is there a motion to approve so moveed second moved and second in any questions from board members yes the the tuition for the uh uh the commission for the blind $2400 is that annually yes it's per pupil and annually so we do have one child here in Oakland great okay on a roll call Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr tab yes Mrs marmian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs buchko yes all right section 12 this is the community relations and policy committee teres item 12.01 is the report from the Collingswood board Mr tab thank you good evening everybody um just a couple of quick updates from colleagues we haven't had an official board meeting uh you know since our last meeting here but we did have a a special board meeting um in reference to the bond referendum for uh facilities updates um the purpose of that meeting was to uh vote whether or not to put the referendum up to a community vote um and the board voted to approve that was seven for two against um so that vote will take place on September 17th um for that there's an information session tonight I think is it later tonight yeah yeah um and then there's one more on the 27th 27th or 28th yeah every yeah yeah um so two more left this month um so everyone's welcome to come on out and see that um also just another quick update um since uh since that last me I know a couple folks have reached out um just looking for some updates on the marching ban program at the high school um if you didn't hear uh the the staff member who was uh taking on the role of marching band and jazz band director um resigned from that additional duty uh she's still an employee of the district um so we were look you know charged with finding someone to replace her um that uh was posted immediately after she resigned which was on July 15th um and a search ued and hot off the press uh it looks like we found somebody uh that's uh Mr Woodward right I just saw your email so so marching band is ready to roll for our high school students so that's great news um coming for me as a community member and as a music a teacher so um and that's it from Collingswood thank you item 12.02 is the PTA Le on report Mrs Rond I don't think we have anything to update this time but it'll be coming at you soon October 1st is the next meeting with an ice cream social on September 27th glad I can keep you all informed watching they're also working very hard on the calendar because I've been getting you know updates on when things are going to be and so I did request an update prior to this meeting and I'm I'm waiting on that right now that's get an update during this meeting that's what counts in real time thank you I know people watch they do and they watch it back and hi um 12.03 is the omac report Miss bko I have an update um omac has plans for six gym nights uh the facilities requests will be on our September agenda uh there's also facilities requests on tonight's agenda which is already approved for the um basball uh basketball program um and uh Adam will be speak speaking uh to Miss Barnett and Miss Balin soon about red R Ribbon Week and that's it thank you thank you um item 12.04 is the Oakland Education Foundation um o has not met since our last meeting but I know that um a preschool grant that was requested um has been fulfilled over the summer and I know there are a lot of we're looking at venues and dates for in-person fundraisers to do um during the year to raise some funds so excited about that so more at the next meeting schar I I'm not sure if I did at the last meeting would you like would you like to sorry I don't believe I did no she's starting at Temple in actually last week so she's an a just to put it on a microphone Reagan STS was given the o f scholarship and she will be starting at Temple very soon congratulations Reagan item 12.05 are regulations up for um a first reading so there are five here um 1530 is equal employment opportunities 2200 is curriculum content 2260 is equity in school and classroom practi is complaint 2423 bilingual education and 7610 is about vandalism um item 12.06 we had noticed in a revision of a regulation that the regulation didn't make sense and the policy that went along with it didn't it was about honoring student achievement it's not that Ops does not honor student achievement I think they do an incredible job doing so but since we are now a pre-a 5 school we do not have a valid dictorian sorian we don't have honor roles in the same way they're um honored in the hawk Awards um subjects for high achievement in fifth grade at promotion and things like that so we are moving to abolish these um this policy and regulation because it's not relevant um item 12.07 there is the Hib report and there are none so we are seeking approval for items 12.01 through 12.0 six I want to just ask a question or make a comment so for Section 12.05 no objection to any of it but it keeps referring to the affirmative action plan and I was scouring it to read what the plan is and there's a definition but it's circular and it literally says the affirmative action plan refers to the affirmative action plan of the school Sor I on which regulation so I jotted them down on my paper and left it it's I think it's I think it's um the first three really kind of go there um because even the complaint process refers to it so the complaints about an a violation a suspect a violation of the affirmative action plan so I guess what was tricky for me is that I didn't have the plan I assume it's a fine plan but I just didn't have it to refer refer to I mean the content makes sense and I'll proceed with a yes but I just think that having then and I understand that a policy that has like the glosser is there yeah it's kind of circular I I could have deduced that the affirmative action plan referred to the affirmative action plan I just wanted to know a little bit more about the plan so maybe for future discussion if we can like include some context as to what it is that we know all right this there is validity this complaint should go through this process because this was a violation of this plan if that makes sense I know I'm like kind of talking I can't put a mic on but I can reference I can for everyone else it's um it's 2200 um and it's referenced at least on page one under B definitions number two affir ative action plan means the affirmative action plan for the school and classroom practices just to give context of where we are I have not done a deep dive into our policies and regulations to see if that you you're saying you did and you were not able to find it so yeah I I saw the same definition and i' I thought to myself well that's not really helpful I think as a reader I I knew that much I didn't see anything that says what the actual plan itself is I get the policy I think the corresponding policies revolved around it makes sense I have Sor go ahead yeah so the affirmative action um uh education Equity policies is policy 1140 so it's listed on our website under 1140 I agree that it would make sense to do under Bard dos too but is on our website as policy that was updated revised in April okay of this year so it is on there and I'll also add good question a quick search 2260 is the affirmative action program for school and classroom practices so other ones more related to the employee complaint process and one was for students got it that's what I think the difference was thank you all right uh on a roll call please I'm sorry no motion uh motion to approve um the regulations in 12.05 and the 12.06 so move second moved and seconded um any other questions from board members on this on a roll call please Mr STS yes Mrs Rando yes Mr tab yes Mrs Marian yes Mr Schaefer yes Mrs busho yes uh section 13 this is our second public comment uh section so this is for any items that you wish to bring before the board so please stand state your name and address and keep your comments to 5 minutes or less thank you he requireed no inter um good evening my name is Joseph Dell I live at 23 Newton AV um could you use the mic know that way the people watching can hear your audience at home can hear you I'm onion you are at least your back is I I I uh I've been thinking about how to phrase this but um or sending agreement with colworth as is what 100 years old something like that I don't know I had a great uncle graduated 26 and he remembered people from that point so let's say something so uh Cong seems to be losing their way at the high school that's being polite um as the board cons considered forming an exploratory committee for a different sending arrangement with another District not formally do they at any time consider we'll consider that um I think yeah I mean of course things are discussed yeah our um we renegotiated our contract with the Middle School in 2020 so it's started in 2023 I believe right our Middle School 201819 was the first year and we just re-up right so we're yeah um yeah uh that's that's all I just because it is it's it's a it's a little disconcerting when I talk to people neighbor across the street is not sending their child to the high school or makes me wonder why is it appropriate for me to ask if there's something that we can discuss more formally not in this meeting but in a different type of session or setting um yes um so uh in your email uh I would like to have a retreat for the board at some point this fall um and that would be the appropriate time we could discuss that's it thank you anyone else Mr Sher I'll use the mic properly I know my name is Adam Sher live at 18 West Beachwood Avenue um my I don't think the high school has lost its way I do think the school the community is very disconcerted with the high school and that makes me sad I'm still actually an employee I do the voice for the basketball so I know how good it can be because when you're in that in that gym and the kids are excited and playing it it still has the same feeling and I just wish we could re recoup that my daughters had a wonderful time for their three and four years cuz my daughter was one of the last ones that graduate from n9th grade here um over there and and it was wonderful I'm actually worried about what happens uh to us if the bond referendum fails and things are bad at Collingswood because we are linked to Collingswood For Better or For Worse right at least for the next three or four years because the contract is that far right so you've upped for I'm guessing five years starting in 2023 so we're two years into a five-year contract so three more years and My worry is because so much seems to be wrapped up in that referendum how are we protecting ourselves and our kids if the referendum fails and things are dire that's what I'm worried about and again I'm this isn't a question this is just a statement because um I believe that a strong school is the Bedrock of a community which is why even though my kids are done I'm still here um and so that's what I would like to Express to Y all uh to be thinking about for the next year because and I'm not going to lie I think it's going to fail because I think so many people are angry and unfortunately when the social media anger starts it's hard to stop it right we we've seen it it's not just collinswood it's America your son tells me that social media is the worst thing that's ever happened to the United States of America and I sometimes I think he's right even though I'm on social media all the time so you're not allowed to use it okay um so just I just want to implore like the kids are what matters right I mean all this stuff that you see in the retrospect I mean it matters but the kids are what matters sort of like what you said like let's not let the paperwork get in the way of kids and their success so I'm just saying let's not let a fight politically over a referendum affect our kids so I don't know how we do that because we only have one voice right I mean Rich could be against everything and it would have been 7 to3 instead of seven or six to3 instead of 7 to2 it's not like we can overthrow the Collingswood Board of Education I wish they would listen to us more I do think we have so much invested that we should have a bigger voice on the Collingswood board that's obviously nothing that we can do right that would be a big referendum I'm not sure how that happens I'm actually not in favor of a Combined District so I'm not advocating for that either I I like the fact that we have our own District to worry about our own kids but I think we need to think about what happens if that referendum fails because I'm I'm sad think I mean I think it's going to and I could be wrong I'm wrong a lot just ask my wife who might be watching um hi uh but yeah so that's what I just wanted to talk about let's not let the kids suffer from people adults arguing Adam excuse me Adam incidentally the Collins board is 11 members nine collinswood one Oakland one Woodland and are you are not allowed you're not allowed to vote on some too anyway right I've watched those mov you're like I'm not allow or you're like I'm not allowed to vote on this so I'm going to pass yeah if it only affects the Elementary District we we don't vote on that so the referendum only affects the district I think not it also includes some some sports activities right right right okay so it is covering everything okay okay cuz I did hear you did vote on that oh yeah yeah okay all right but let's think about the kids and I would say the same thing if I ever had the guts to go and talk to to Collings with I was just going to say go on social media and say it's pretty kids I always do I always do but I'm not going on in the wood because that's toxic I hear you I hear you thank you anyone else good evening um my name is Emily clinky I live at 67 Hillcrest Avenue um I wrote and sent a letter to Mrs Coleman and Dr McDow I'm not going to read the letter because it's pretty lengthy but I just want wanted to pull out a couple pieces of information um my son is a recent graduate of Ops and he's going to the middle school this September um so a couple of my friends in town who also have children in the district and going to the middle school and the high school kind of sat down and and talked about our concerns regarding crossing the White Horse Pike um just some facts that we have in here some statistics is that Nationwide pedestrian in injury is the second leading cause of injury related to death for children uh related excuse me to injury and death for children ages 5 to 14 New Jersey has the highest pedestrian death rate in the country according to a recent 5-year study um some things that we thought the board could consider would be where the crosswalk sign is between the CVS and Collings Avenue it's called a rectangular let me say rectangular rapid flashing Beacon it's just like a fancy word for adding lights to that yellow diamond shape on both sides so when they press it then it lights up and it alerts you know the drivers um something along those lines with the statistics according to a 2022 research study that was done by Rowan University Ruckers University and the New Jersey Department of Transportation the use of those rrfbs is their nickname um improved driver yielding rates by 92% which is pretty impressive for a very small investment I want to say the I don't have it written down in the letter but I believe the cost was less than $55,000 to do something like that um it could potentially even be less if you're just adding lights to the existing signs um we also are interested in the potential of employing a crossing guard to guide the children across the pike during the morning and afternoon peak hours um this comes from the New Jersey crossing guard manual it says crossing guards are an essential part of safety they help children make safe Street Crossings demonstrate safe Crossing Pro procedures and contribute to more children walking and biking to school because the presence of crossing guards reassures parents and children of the safety of the school route in addition it encourag enes children to be more active and really reduces congestion and traffic pollution and all of the things that are ubiquitous on the White Horse bike so um again my name is Emily clinky I signed this my friend who couldn't be here also signed it I won't speak for her but it is written here and I can leave this with you or you have a digital copy thank you for what it's worth I have also brought up lights on that crosswalk sign um it is uh something that we need to it's a that area is Collingswood so it's something that we need to discuss with the Collingswood Police um actually I think you need to discuss it with the state highway department that's yeah it's a state road or a County Road it's a state road it's a state road so state New Jersey and probably if we discuss it with the state by the time your son graduates we may have something yeah so the next kids will will be thankful for that that that is a really good idea had Township has a number of them haddenfield I think has some too and they they do attract your attention yeah I like them because you can press the the button for the lights to appear um they have them across the building where my cross the Stree from where my mom lives in h Township and I you know it draws more attention to the sign for sure that there's someone Crossing there so would we advise the next step or is it a PE is it uh any so we're going to we're going to we're going to go directly to the police department um first um in terms of the appropriate channels and then push pretty pretty hard to get them to elevate this to that next level with a direct recommendation um and then we will we will report back and so I'll do that tomorrow perfect thank you question while we're on the topic and I think we've probably discussed before but I can't remember and this would be a Collingswood thing uh at the intersection of Collings and White Horse Pike is there a crossing guard in the morning and afternoon there is and the hour have been I know we' talked about it but I could not remember it all right um yeah I want to thank Dr mdal for this because um I've noticed that they were not they're there but they're not there when the middle and high school students are dismissed they're there when elementary students are dismissed um and so they have revised their hours so thanks Dr McDow for that because that is something that we did uh recommend and they changed and so yeah and there is someone there in the morning also anyone else is there a motion to adourn so moveed second all in favor hi hi all right return thank you all never